Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
TEACHERS' COLUMN All romtminicationa, rolls tf honor, an.l monthly ai'ltool rvports, aliottM he out to Mrs. II. S. (iihtton, Oregon City. On'tt'n. Victor Pickey '1koi1 a thrve-tnontlta tonn of school in PUtriot No, 10, April 28. 1). A, Miller of Currimville was in town Satur.lav to hihhuo the newsaary recommendation from Siirintindtnt liibson to obtain a claio certiorate. fit. Miller is teaching the sprint: term of aehcxil in district No. 7, at Currinaville. , Piof. S. V. D.iMim, principal of the Osaeuo school railed on Siiarinttndcnt liihson liutt Saturday. lVjf. Downs, ha done excellent woik at Oawfjro, the past year. Quite a larj class will grad uate from his school in June. Hon. G. J. Currin called on Mr. Gib son last Tuesday. Mr. J no. Collatt ol Sandy was in town Tuesday. He has been a teacher for oyer thirty yeaia. ttlOGKAM FOR TXlCIIKKs' association, The following program was prepared by Prof. T.J. lia.y. Miss Kdua Rosa, acrtM in s.-c 5, t 2 a, r2e and Miss Anna Hicinhotham for lhej4 Ki.lurdwn to Marv Healov teachers' meeting at Eatf.. Creek to be! .,ar, 0f Rec io . 3 .', . held on th last Saturday in May MOMN1NG 8KSSI0X. Sf'S Local Talent "How to Seville Attendance in Coimtrv Schools Miss Finley Recitation.,... Miss Klla Currin lWussion on ''Geography" led hy Mis Annie' Hicinhothani, followed by Mrs. J. U Morton, Misses M. Hampton, Aletha Plielpsifiid Ida Starkweather. "Number Work". . . .Miss Fannie I'orter Itecitation Ilalley F. Gibson Inti-rmNsion. AFTKKSOOX SKSSIOX. Ih-nstion on Supplementary, ''lioadinn" Opened by A. C. Strange followe-1 .y IUvid Warner and M isses Mollie Hankins, Lottie Ely and Jeasie Waldron. ,Vrtn15 Misa Linnie McCown I "ucneral Informal iin Lessons" led by W. H. l'oaell followed bv Miss Emma Stunl.'er and Messra. S. I. Downs and Will Hankins. "Order in School". . . . Mrs. II. S. Gibson '': I.oca! Talent Some of the ri'iacns of Eatrle Creek, bave alieady signified their intention to prepare m good dinner for the mem bers of the association. An effort will he made to secure Wil bern'aball for the ru-casion. The hall isw largj and well lighted, that no mere suitable place could 1 found. It is to be ho! tint every teacher who can attend this meeting will do bo. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of Stafford school for one month beginning April 9, 1894 and end ing May 4. Whole number enrolled 46, average number belonging 41 and aver age daily attendance 39. The names of those being neither absent nor tardy are as follows: Earl Sek, Julius ReicbTe, August and Adolph Delker, Willie Politka, Ion Gage, Harry Ellig sen, Jennie K.-icliIe, Agnes Sweek, Elanche Philipps. Mary Woelfle, Flora, Dora Clarn and Eva Atliey, Julia, Emma and Anna Biker; Emma Atliey, Kosie CL" ten i mid ,Suie Schatz The names of those visiting the school during the month are Chairman of Board P. A Baker, Mr. E. Stone of Waihington, Jno. Schatz, Miss Lizzie Schatz, Mrs. Bar bara Woelfle, Mr. Henry Schatz and Mr. David Woefle. Visitoig are welcome. V. E. Lowtos, Teacher. Whiskey HillSchool commenced April 2, 1394, and the first month ended Apiil 27. Day, lauglit 2), total enrolled 23, attendance 420 davs. The pupils that were neither tardy nor absent are, Misses M. Meyer, L. U. Daheco, J. Cntat, ei. Millar, and A. and L. Schrot-k : Mes.srs. C.Miller, 0. V. Waihtman, and R, and B. Christner. (J. V. .Stricklin, tea:her School report for district Xo. 44, for month ending May 4, 1894. Number of pupils enrolled, 18; average I daily attendnnce.H; aierage number be longine, 17; nurntier of times tardy, 0. Those on the nil of honor for the month are. Earnest Uickey, Annie Hederman, Kstella, Lticena and Ray Richey, Rosa Vetsch and .Susie Stewart. Marion I,. Fkksi.ey, Teacher. Following is a rejiort of school taught i'i district No. 8", for the month ending May 4, 1894 : Average number enrolled 18; averagt daily attendance, 17,!. .Values of tiiose neither absent nor tardy, Anna Schults, Henry Baker and George Shulta. . KNNiK Rowkx, Tea.:her REAL LSTATK TKAXM'EKS. furnished Krery Week by the ( luckn. mas Abstract anil Trast Company. K and E Henretty to E II Millard a portion of blk 138 of the extenof 0 I & 8 Co's 1st add to Oswego $ 1 H Hargraves to II E Cross tract J Clackamas Fruit Lands 1,000 John I'ooIetoCora C Poole se of ae, see 3." and bwJ of swj of sec 36, tig, r 2 e 80 acres. . . B K Belleter to G Moehnke nc' of dw4 ol sec 31, se of ew of sec 30, t3a, r 3 e 80 acres E E Quick to D J Switzer lot 9 blk 11 Sunset City with other lots PT Daviito V M Law, trustee, 2,000 2,300 1,200 n acres in see 5. t 2 a, r 2 e. . 1..VW M K A nihler to V M Uw truMoc, !W aorva in Caloh Kiehey, l I. C t 1 a, r Se 3,300 I) V Crowley to II VittenlKrit 401 acres in t 1 a, r 1 t, with lota in Atkinson 10,000 James l'itr.pntrick to J V W Mot tsuue in 4 of see 12, t 2 a, r 0 e ltiOaerpa 100 CSA HWella to A O Wella, 40 acres in Kusaell T iVLashtmitt PLC, t2a, r 3e 100 II AC Jones to John K Jones 5 acres in lot l see .'i, i a a, r e l'.'o Conlor & Miller to Ciiua CalitF lota 0 and 7 hlk 1, Cireen l'oiut 1 II H ittemiller to John 11 Bottoin iller 14 acres in Geo Crow 1) L C in t 2 a, r 1 e 1,400 W M Lw trustee, to Tatnm A Bowen l.Va actva in Caleb KicheyPLC tit, r3e ft V M I .aw trustee, toTatiiiu A Bowen 5 aero in sec 5, t 2 a, r 2 e S W M Law trustee, to Wiu Pull 17' acres in Caleb Kichov P L r.tls.rae v M Law trusts, to Win 1U11 !i acres X Richardson to John Stidhaiu lts 5 and ti in Pleasant Hill Park M J Broderick to Ella I'rodenck 11 2," acics in Claim 70, t 2 a, r 1 e I. W Crowlev to Geo It Markle trustee 401 i.i acres in 1 1 a, r I e I M Yoder to I'ena Yodei OS acres in the 1 Puane P LC t 6 a, r 1 e 1,0 JO 3-Vt W P Pickens to Charles Leaf the nw'4 of see 10, t 2 a, r 5 e 1W acres Alfred Kinzie to Fred K Sailor a1, of nw t4 of sec 11, t 5 a, r 1 e K acres 1,000 F E to K L Pnrhum blk 54 O I & S Co's extn of 1st add to Oswego C C Williams to Maria Sobiuidt 2 acres in S X Vance P L C in t 3 s, r 2 e Marcie V. Schmidt to Schmidt, two tracts 7la acre in sec ti. t 3 s, r 2 e J A' Me L llnrrey to J A and L E Thayer Iota in Oregon City ti-'iO and land in Oregon City CI.. Portland Trust Co to James Marr land in Oregon City Claim. .. W T Burney to C It Cmih'eld e' of se'4' and lots 3. and 4 of eec 20, t3s, r Se M E Luhker to II B Rineareon lota 1 and 2 blk 10 in Gladstone H B and G O Kinearson to Corne lia L McCown lot W, blk 10 Gladstone 112 400 1175 loO 0 I & H Co to Geo YY Proper lot 11 blk 28, O I S Co's 1st add to Oswego 1 0 I A S Co to Miss M E Keene lots 9 an-J 10 blk 140 1 A S Co's 1st ad to Oswego 1 Having purchased the copyright of Thome's Title Abstract Indexes giTmg us sole right to use Om-oi in Clackaiaas county, ami the utistruet booka compiled and formerly ow ned by Thorne A Stm . we are prepared to fnrnish complete and accurate abstracts of title and to correct or extend old abstracts. We solicit your patronage and guarantee first class work. Olfice over Huntley' Drug store. CLACKtM.8 Abstract A Tki'bt(. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Estkki'Kisk and iet the the benetit of the retluction in price. J notice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the E.ntkki-kihk of fice. Portland prices. Weddinn stationery, tlto latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkkpkihk office. Receipt, note and order Itooks at the Entk.bpbise office. AYfk SAR5APARILU has cured aim VvTlLCUREYOU - A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but whoilerllries to (Ire till name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to us: "When I was one year old, my mammadled of eomumntlon. The doeUir said tliat I, too, would sixtn die, and all otir iielnlilwrs thought that even i I did not die, I would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and It gathered and threw out piecea of hone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running anre. I had to take lota of niedlilne, but nothing lias done me o much good aa Aynr'a Hamuli, rllla. It has made me well and strong.'1 X. 1. il., Norcatur, Kaus. AYER'S Sarsaparllla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayr It Co., Lowell, Mass, Cures others, will cure you " ,. Mil SSiL jigttA I .:'5vv''' ' r''j A-XARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. TliefoMowtnfrnniarkntlnerentln alsilr'i lire will Iniervst tlie riMider: "Kora long time I ha. I lerrlMe pnln at my heart, which Hot terml nlnxKt Incossanily. I tool no im'IIik nml ishiIiI not liHp. I woohl N tiin im-I ).') to sit up In tssl anil helrli mi from mjr stom ach until 1 tliiHiirlil every ml mile wmilil U my Inst. Titer was a tWIlii n( nipnstoti alxitit mr heart, ami I was afritlil to draw a full brnalli. I couldn't p nm with out silling ilowu anil rvuin(; hut, tlmnk !. hy the hi'lp o( New Heart ( tiro all that Is past ami 1 feel llko auothr woinuu fore lining the Now Heart t'utv I hail taken cttnVrvnt siwalliil Mneilles anil been treati'il hv ilm-tors without any U'lietit until I was both illn'ourHiriHl nml ifl-susieil. jly hiiOmml liii;lit me a Isitllu of Hr. Mllrs' Si.w il.-uri l'ur. ami am happy to say I never n'trreui il It. as I now huo a snlemllil snwilii' ami alwpwell. I welghml I'JS idiuiiiIh when I B in taking the rvmctlr. ami now I welfli I.H't lis elfiH't ill mv ro.sti hu Ii.hii truly 11,11 J. oils. It fur surpasses any oilier miilli'liie 1 have ever taken or any twin-lit I ever rv-n-ll from physicians."- Mrs. Harry !iarr, 1'ott.vllle. I'a.. (k-toher 12. tsli. Ir. Miles' New Heart I'urs Is xilil mi a sw. ttve (tiarante by all ilniUKti-ts. or by the I'r Mll(s Mmllcal t'a. klkharl. 1ml.. on rs-i'liit nl price. 1 Jx'r Imttle. sin holtli' h epre pn palil. This ifrvat dt'overy liy an rmlio'iit siss'iallst in lii-art Uiwa-i-. routalus Uuiibar opiates uor daugeroua drug. For nale bv Chnrmiin it Co. (JIMLVTLV REDUCED KATES MADE BY THE COMPANY Fott THE CALIFORNIA ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Ofegoi (JitiJ to 'Frisco AND RETURN, $27.50, Including Five (iate Tickets to the Fair EXCURSION Tun's FROM SAN FUANCISCO to other point in California will 1 allowetl purchaser of ppecial Mid winter Fair tickets at the following round-trip rates: TO STATION'S UNDER 150 MILES FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE-THIRD one-way fare. TO STATIONS MILES OR MORE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE FIFTH uno-way fare. For exact rates and full informa tion, inquire of L R. MOORE, Agont at Oregon City, Oregon or address the undersigned. RICU'D GRAY, O.n. Traflic Manager. T. II. GOODMAN, (fen. IW,n ger Agent. San Fkaxi isco Cai.. E. I'. Rogem. A. G. F. V I' Agent, Portland, Or. Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STP TOLEDO Will leave Salmon Ktroet dock Portland, Tuesday, 'J hursday & Saturday at 0 a. ni., for Newhtsrg, Dayton, Lafayette and McMinnville, returning Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Best of accotnmodatioiifl for pas- pengers and fast time made. Foi freight rates apply at dock or on Hteamer. Cooke's Stables, W.H.COOKE, Manager, Buceessor to U, H . T. at I Co. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. Tlie LKADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Kins of any deiicriptioo furnished on short notice. All kinda of Truck and Delivery Busi nesfl promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. an Pac Posloflico-:-Store. MILWAUKKK, Oil. FAMILY GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoos, Our Groceries aic Fresh mid tif tlio U'at ijuiility. In Prices wo meet Port In nd Comrlitioii, T r lssmner. a i v u Let us have a trial order 8 1' MM ON 8. In the Circuit Court n( lln State of Oreaiitt lor lliv roiinl y nl I liti'm. A nil i' Sumiuem, tillnil(T va. Alva Hum ninra. ileii'ihlsnt. To Alva SilimiT. I lit atsiva nsiiii'il ili'lrmUiit. til tlir name nt thr Slate nf Oreamt, rmi are reiuemr,1 in speear ami ansrer tti riiiiilaliit nt pUllitltr heri'ln ntt Miniilajr. Nnveiiilirr Ml). hH anil If tun fall ! aiiiuor. tlio Malntlff will apuly In the t imrtfiir thr relief iran (nr In Ills Piilllillllt. In wll: Inr ilf'Ti'i' llip IhiiiiUuI maiiliiiiiiiy now eiitiltiir liotweni )nii ami plaintiff, ami lur auett oilier ami fur ttitir rrltft as in the eiiiirl may aerin riiltalis anil Jimt. anil fur tliaetuiititv ami riiiittnlof ttiplr ttii minor t'lilltlrru, Mattel Siimtiirra an.t Krsn claSiimiuera, ami lur lu r ci.nli anil illliur uirnia 1 tila auinmitiia ptitiluheil 1v tr.lrr nt Mnii. Tlmniaa A. M. JinUeuf lii .'.til Jiiillclal limirli'l nl lh stale i( Urv.,n. Iiatril al Oiraiill t'lty. Ori-(ull. this lull ila uf irll, Itm. riaii !u A iHr. i-.tift-l Atl'ya lur t'laintnr. KoTIi K OK ASSIONMKNT. T" tlir eredltnrs nf J. W. Thmnaa: Ynii a III lierehy lake notice that the nld J. YvVl humaa has Oils day as'la-tled for Ihr lieue fli ol his creditor to the timtersiKiied all tiU real ami (Hprnotial iirneerty. Iltoaa havtnx i lalint nallisl aald 1. H. Thmnaa will ilea pre ..'lit the aamr In wrltlna' iruiierly vended under mth to the urideralKiird wlthlu thrv nimilhs Ir.un the date id this notice. Iapl at orent'lty tills .'Ul ,av March, tsm 1-ao -i J. 1 . 1. AMI'lif.l.u Assiane BROWN The photographei1 Is prt'par'l to make photographs of all kinds promptly mid in FIRST CLASS STYLE Rabies' and Children Pic tun a SiH'cialy. Call and examine his work At the Old New York Gallery Second door north of IlardingH Drug Store. Portland-Clatskanic R-O-U-T-E. trC. J STR. SARAH" DIXON, (iKl. M HHaA'KH,' MusUr, Will leave Portland Dailv. execot Riind.if t2-fKnm for fink Point j ' ----- - i - - - i x way lunnuigH coniHt-ting with STR. C. W. SHAVER, For Claskanic Mondays, Wednea tlayg aixl Fridays. Returning, arrive at Portland at Id a. in., Daily except Monday. The company reserves tho right to change time without notice For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot Washington St.,or on board steamer. This is the nearest and most di rect route to the Nehalem valley. Portland Cowlitz Iliver PkOiite, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. kti Tni,M)tf irvr r cru i uii.,o.uiiiinujiMii.i h:uvi;b Kelso Monday, Wednesday and t i,i i i . i t t t. , rriaay, at O A. Al. Leaves Port- I land, fuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct routo to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. IIOLMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. Gary & Society Directory. IKK..ON t'li'V IUMHII OK TltAPK, alexia mi ('unit llnnaeiui Hki'iiiiiI MolnUy In vscti ntnntti, VMlom weli'nino. K. K. IHiNAI.IisiiN, (IKD, 0. MtOW NKI.I, HiMrvlary, I'rimlibMit, UAVKl, I.OIMIK. Ml. M. A t). I'. Meula aeeiiml suit fuiirlli Halunlny evuntnta al K nlti lii'at liall. tanliy. Vlalllua lirutlivra iiiailv welrionv. K K t (1, MalilHM a, Ris'iiriliir. Mailer Wurkinan SI' JOHN'S IIHANI'll. No. til?, v.. K.uf X Mi'eta every Ini'.ilav evvlilna at llielr hall corner Mulu ami Teiilli Slreeta, Ori'ami Illy N t'. Mu Hi.,Sne'y. T. W.Ki'i.i.ivtN, I'rw Mt'l.TNOMAII I.OIMIK. NO, I. A. T A A. M. Iliilila Ita ri'HUlar eniiiiiiiiiileattiiiia mi Oral ami tlilnl Satunlsya nl each imuilh al J .HI r. Hreltireli IiiiiuihI ilaiiilliia am Invited In annul I.. I.. I'HII I Ml. W. M T. K. ItVAN.Mueretary 1 I.Al KAMAS CIIAriKH. t'laeltaiiiai t'halr Nil. 'J. II A. M. Iteitnlar t iiiivis'atluu iliird Mitmlat ul the miuilli al 7.S r m. J, It. WAI.KKH, II. f. M Hciictrii a, Nee'v. OltKUON l.oluiK. Nn. a. 1 o. I). K. Meeia every I huraday even ..a at 7 ntlii'eliK'l r. M. In the Oil, I Kelluwa' Hall. Main atreet. Memuera nl I lie order ar Hulled In allen4. OKO C. H.V.N.ll Tin. Myan, Heerelary, oatt Huo i.ol.tiK. NO ui. I.o. o. r Meeia at Odd Kellnw hall, Oaweati, every Mnmlay evemnn. Vlalllinr hreilireii mad arvlenina. W. J. THINAKK, N. II. J. t. Kiat.av, See. KAI.I S KNt'AMI'MKNT. Nik 4. I, O O. f Meets rt rt and llitrd ruesilavaul each imuith at odd hall. Mi'intiera ami rlalll'm iairian'Tia, enriiiany inviteitu atieim J A. SI KM Alt I', W. illltt Kt.l, Herllw. fhlet I'alrlareh WAI HKNO I' ll I tilt, NO in Meets Tueday rvehlin at A, O. f. W. Hall Via. lima titi'iiiliers invite 1, J, II. Human, Hai-hriit, fit ta Kai.l.v, C id K t'ANIIV I.OIMIK no, :h, I. o. II. T. Meeia first ami third Saturday evening of earn iii.uiiii at htiiitm a nan. I anl.y Vlslllni menilters always made welrume Ki t. Ksiiiiit. See tiao. . KsiuiiT W, I!, VotitMKN liK TIIK IVIIlain.'lle Kails ( ainp Nn lis. meets M and. 4th Tuesday nUlila In earh lltolilll III k. id t hall. Vislilnit neiif titmrs made welcome. K K. MtatiN. Clerk K M Kimk I' ('. OSWK.liO II HA Nil K NO. 17) I' nf II. Meets the seemid Satutdav nt earh lunlilh al 10 a III O. .tns Mailer. J. K). tiiua See y. IAMASCI'S tlllANOK I'. OK II. NO. , Merls nil the Sr. I Saturday III raell III "II III at lu ii'rliH'k a. m. at the launaaciia aid I hnuso. S Yul'.NU. Master. T. II. KaaTtiaaa, Secretary. K. iV H. UTAH I.OU'lK NO Oft. 1. T. Itlsley C. C.: Thomas, K of H. and S, Meets every Heduesday rveiilna at a nrliH'k III Castle hall, I. O. ti. K. hlilldlli. llrolliera front oilier k nl I'. lo.les Invlled. OSW KOO I.oIUpK No, low, a. Y. A A M. Meels the sreotul and fourth Malurdi ys of each tnoiiih al 7 i. m All Masons in .hhI Maudlin are Invlled in attend. i. II Hln W. M. e. J Hi -ail, Mee'y. OSWKtiO LOIXIK NO. 4sa, o ti. T. Meets every Krlilay nveiilu, In Hi new hall In Old Town J V. Haisas. C. T. Jo us Kacsa, Ser'y. MISTI.KTOK IjiIu.K No :v. It oK II. M'-et" every Turday euli. Maav Hit aruaii, C. nl II KLna Dvaa. Kee St NlilsK. l.olu.K. No" 4.1, aTo" I' W , Meets every aeeotiil and fmirtti Halinday uleaeh niulith al W llsuiivllte, orenu. M. C. Vorau, M. W. J.iaa Tri.aa, Kemnler TIU IKU.N UilKilt Nl. l:U."Ar o'.'i rw. MeU every Thursday tveiilnf atlsld Kellnws hall, lw.o. Vlsliinf lirelhr.n always l ciiiiiv T. Mat MH.I.AS, KaRl Maa. Kerimter M W Xlol.AI.I.A l.olMiF Nn. 40, A ft. I' W, Meets nrstaud Itilril Saturday In earh mmilh at srliiHil hulls Vlsllllig meiuls.ra luade wel come T. S. srirr, M. V J. W. TM..XAS. Keo. KAl.UCITY IMK.Kor A.O f. W. Meets every Haturdiy evatllna id eaeh month In A. O t W. hall 71 h St. All anjiuirmuf hrethrrn conllally luvlle I In attend. T. K. UAt I.T, M. W. Oao I'aurr. Keenrder. fliCNI AIN HtmKCO . Nn. I. Kntnlsr raeettll seen ax Wednesday !n each ainuili al ewalun house, east aide Main street, txtween rteveutli ami Klahlh. J. W.HTawasT, He,-. It HratiiittT. P'nn M. I . KJciaK. Knreman. MOI.AIXA tiKANHR. NO. 40. P. nl II. Meets at their hall at Wrladit'a llrld. nn tut seeeud Halnrday of eaeh mouth al lu a. m Pulluw niemlN-ra made welcume. Jas. Nauuis, Master. t. It C.s.rsa Kre, OltANOK. Nn 117, P id II. Meet fourth Saturday nf eaeh month, at llielr ball In New K.ra. David Mr Arthur. Master Mrti Mav Waldn.n, See') MKADK I'OtIT, N'n 2. 41 A. K DP.P4KTMP.NT OK ttHP.oo.N. Meeta first Monday uf vaidi tnnnlh, al K. nf P. Hall. Orrfou City. Vlslllnj com r a. lea mad waluume. DAVID MeAHTIIlflt, Cnnirnan.ler. Ma. Wlu.lAMa, Adjiilaul OKN. ClUMlK POST, Nn, 'll 14. A. K , Da art ineiit nt Oreiroy. Meeia la arhnol house at Needy nil first llr,,'r l""rh. """." ' "'' I '" All frftnirnnns mniiti wviwnnp I r Htl.l.lsna. II. TlloairauK, Adjl. Coiniuaiidnr, SUNS OF VKTKHANS. K. D Baiter (.'amp, No. la, im-ota pvrry flrsl and tnlrrt Thurs.lay evnlrif uf earh month, al K. nt P. hull. W. F. Johnson, Captain: B. H Hrlnmr. Kfpri' ai.tHtll lllv Klirainiiinciil; (, O. WmmI,. l.lriitcnant; Alomo wlrkhain, il Lli-illi'linnl , C. A HiTiiian. 1st Horai'snt. C'l.AI'KAMAH I.OIItlK, Nn. f.7, A O. (.' W M.'ils first and third Monday In rai'h month, at Htralirht'a Hall Vlsltlnn liri'lliorii wi.liomr. u. a. 1-r.Asa s. iioLi otin. Keo. M. W. COI.t'MHIA HOOK AND LAIiliKlf CO, Mi'i'ta first Friday of ai h moiiih al Founinlii toialiie hnitsa. t.'ius. Aritav, Pri-a, C.H I'ii.uiw, Sio'y. Cita llmaa. f'rm CATAKAI.'T IIOSK CO. No. 1. Monta ai'rnnd Tni-ailny of rarh tnoiiih at Cap ara.'l Knaliin housn, w II. Him Ki t. Prr-a O. II. llasTow, SuB'y. J. W O Conkki.i., K'rn ACIIII.I.KS LODtiK, NO. :ta, K OF P. Meeta every Friday til(hlat the K. of P. hall VlhlllhK KnlKhta Invlled H. I.. Hoi. Mas, C, ('.. f 3. Luna. K of It. and 6 IlirrTK CKKKK OIIANUK, No. Hit, V. nl ll. N'l'ti l their hall In Maruiiiim, araoti.t Sat. ur.liiy lu earh niniilh at ll) a. in. VIkHiiik nii'inhera nl ways wulcnme. J. K .IACK. J. lt.WII.TK, Simreiarr .Master. MKADK KKI.IKf COKPH, Nn. K. DKI'AKT "r ura. M. S P ahurv . . . i.....i.i.., fj" T ,'' !;",!l!r""B'- Treasurer: Mrs. J. II. llHnlliin, . - Hvnrotarr Meeta on nrnt nml third Tunailaya nf Hi h lT" 0,0 FCOMPANV. FlltST HKOIMKNT, O. N. 0. Armiiry. Third and Main. Kei(ular drill nlirht, Monday. It.'iiulnr huilneaa meetlniri, first Monday nf each month. orrictaa, J.W. OnnoiiK, ... nnpt f.H Kel y, - - Flrat I.leiit..nnt U li. I'lelieni, - - Becnnd I.leuteuaiit TtTAUTIN OltANOK, NO. Ill, P. nf II Meeta hist Saturday 0 each month at their hall In Wllaonvllle. R, jj, IIkniiv Miaa Ukiia Siiasp, Soo'y. Maator OKKflON CITV IIOSK CO., No $ ItciruUr mentlnir Ihlrd Tuesday nf eanh month at 7:) P M J. 1) Hunnkb Pre,. U.S. Btbno, Sco. 8. Narzuaa, F'rtn. I,. A. 8. OK E. I). IIAKKIl CAMP, 8. OF V Meeta In K. P. Hall on the aeennd and fourth Monday evenlnira of eaeh month. Maa W. K. JOHNSON, Pret't. Miaa Noaai tAi.irr, Bao'y, EAST AND SOUTH T1IK SIlTsTA KOUTfi Of lhi SOUTIIKKN 1'ACIIIC COMl'ANY. Kxirinti Tnilna leave l'ortlitnd Ihilly. Sull.ll n t r. a. ? mr. a. in itia I riiTrlfi. l.v l.v Ar loi lliaml Ar OruKniiClty l v N. Kraiielaeii l.v a .-"..a. 7 Iua.. 7 wir.a. lUNINil t'AIIri OS OUHKN Hot'llt Pullman Duffet Sleopers. h ti Socond-Clns Slooplnn Cars Allaelied lu all tlirutitfh train ItdSKIU'ltO MAIL ( Dally h .in 4, a hi a :isi r. u l.v l.v Ar I'nrllau.l Ar ir Oreannt'lty l.v I Mr. I lloielHim l.v 7 up . I I'nrllau.l V) est Side IMvislon. IIKTWKKN l'OHTI.AN AND fOHVAU.I. Mall Train, lially (Kacepl Nuiutav.1 7 kiu.n. I l.v I'urllan.r .1" Ar S ifcr'a la l,v l Uli rM I J Iftr a I Ar t'urvallla At AHiany ami "nrvalll. eonueel with Irallil uf oreaon and I'aidtle HallMad. K.presa Train pallv iKaeenl Sunday) 4 l r a I T itif. a. I l.v Ar I'orllaud Ar McMliiiivllla l.v I a Via, h iMk.H THROUCH TICKETS TO All, fill MS IN TIIK KASTHIN STATKH. CANADA AND KCHtH'R Can ls uliialiieil al lowest ralea fruitt 1. H Misira. Aent. orvaun City, H koKHI.KK, K C hotir.llH. Manaaer. Aia't II. K. anil fasa. Aanl. ThroiiLih rtfS3vv TO - 'lCTur- Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City hicago, St. Louis, AND ALL Eastern Cities. A 1 DAYS TO ll2 CJIJL'AGO UftiiHd,t'Qm'frrl toChicngo V iuuip ami tho Kast. Hooty ' uickor to Omaha ami Kansas Oitv. PPLLMAN A TOURIST SI.KKP-" ICRS, KKKE RKCMXIN(i Chair Cars, Pining Cars. S. II. H. Clark. ) (Jliver W. Mink, Rftcivers. K. Kllery Aiiderson, ) For ratoH und general informa tion call on or address, W. II. IIURLIU RT, Asst. (lenl. Puss. A(ft., '! Washington St., cor. Third, Portland, Or. -TIIK- Oregon Pacific Railroad CIIAS.CI.ARK, Receiver. Direct Line (jtiit-k dispatch Low freight rate lirtwcen Wil hiinette Valley sints ami Sun Francisco. OCKAN STKAMKR SAILINGS. Steamship "HOMER." Leaves San Francisco March 4, 11 and '24. Leaves Vaiiniiia March !(, l'Jand '2'X This Company reserves tho right to change sailing dato with out notice. For freight and passenger rates apply to any agent. CHAM CLARK, Receiver. Chits. J. Ilendrys. Son A Co., N'os. 2, , Market St.. M. F. l fJUvLt l "f x . il MATS.TRnDEK " COPYRIGHTS. (IAIJ I (tllTAIN A PATFNTt Fnr a RMmNN7.'i ih1Vn"J l'i'n.wrlt7t I'M m ia a, f (t,,Who havs had ntwrlr rtrt t vaara MiairlelMM. In Ml., patent business. ."nii.m"r,2. tl.ins st rlH y ,nll,l,.l A 1 1 ,,, ,,,, E , 'ne..rnin I'm,,,,. " 'Ti o taiK Si?.1,11?111 '"' A lao a eaialiajua ot mwhuw leal anil anlimllllo liiH.ka sunt rren """Joan. I si. mi. uken thrown Muiin A Co. nni.. .-eial notlemnth. K. lnntni" AnVrSraT.Md inn oiist to tlia Inventor. This aiileii.ll.1 n,Ll sailed weekly, I y 1 1 1 DM rt nl ,m l.v tC'lTS larjesl,t.ou of any aeSSilltownrl In ul biauel .Ita i '.ni . S,J C'n "K .".1". lateat dealiina Mill aenure imiitr,i,.i. ..7.."" AllJNtl a CO., Maw Yona, atif flnoi ",, FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH FullStock ofGuns Ammunitiorj Repalrann all itlntla ,f atnall maehlna jinimptly made. Diiplituta knya to any lock manufactured. Mhop on Main Htreet, next to Nuhlltt'i Btablui. mm yrrn' is? ' YAQD1NAR0DTE rOH-W-&LSl as. mm 7 UiillUlOUWy aA'J..'U'