Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
Oregon City En TERPRISE. U OKEflON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAVBIM. VOL 28. N027T ESTABLISHED 18C6 t'OIUITH, dlrmill entirl mivii Drat M'ltnlny In aninucr aim mini jniiiiMNy in April, No- I'mlial Court lit hkmIiiii n rat Mimdar In each nuiiwi, (!iiitimlliinriiiKiiirt miKli Aral W.urnly ftnf Drtl Moii'Uy ul each iniililli. "1I.ACKAM Ahatrai'la iiM: AS AllHTHAI'T A TKI'HT CO. Altatrarla nf t'lNckatiiai rmtinty prnn,rty R imo- iHlly. UMit work, ruaantiatilii rhamria. Murk Riiarauli'H. (ilva ii. a Ulal. I) C, K pimalilaoii, J. K. I laik, I'lrni'lnra. imtiiim riTV, .... omtiKm. ii n jiiitNaiiM ti w amxAimi JJNNAIHD A JOHNSON, UVII, KNOINKKHnTnI' HIHVKYOII. Hallway Iim-dIIiiii ami il rucl Ion. lrlilK. la li ii ) .atliiialea for iw aiippljr. tralna nit alriel liir)fr itiolil lit tnwiia. Xpwlal allriilliiii glvnii In i.TAtigllllni' anil blue priming ' ATTOKNKY AT LAW, 0Kim City, OrkikiN Will prarllr In all tli court, nl the .tain. Orlirai.riiriipr Main ami lilglilh atrria. ..lla court hmiHi "y CAHKV JOHNSON, I.AW'Y Kft. 4'oruer Klglil and Main elrcria, Origin City, (imiiiiii. ItKAl. K.HTATK TOnKLL AM) M NKY TO LOAN. l POkTKII. ATTOKNKY AT I.AW aiRtt-ra or rRirRrY r hihii. jrnr neat to Orrgcin Cliy tank on llh alrwl. , T. WII.IJAHH, Bllomy 8BiJ5el7, jiousSuniisiicrs AUK NOW READY FOR THE SPRING TRADE. Compare These Prices With Portland Cliiimbor 8uitn...'. M 00 Purlor suits 20 00 Center tables, large 1 IxmriKi'H, raw Milk .'( ',)() lied lounges, raw Mil k 7 .10 Carpet patent rocker .'J W DiviniH, ouk, rpholstcrd in tapestry 8 00 Extension tellies, (OX ft 4 W) DininX chairs , . , li,') Kitchen table . 1 (X) Kitchen chairs !.') i Hanging; luniiH 2 oOj Carpets, yiT yard 20 Full lino of crockery. TO HE MADE PUBLIC The A. V. A. Lays Principles. Rare I Ik TWO l'KAKH MOKK OP HKIItrXY. Afli rTlml All Meetings Hill Hp Held With Open Door and the 1'tib lie Invited In. Every Thing in Stock to Furnish a House. Ruby foldin-f cribs f.'i 50 RwltcmlH 1 m Spring woven wire 2 00 Mattresses, excelsior 2 2" MuttrenHcr. excelsior wtnil ton 2 7."i MattH'HMT. wcxil 3 00 J,K" WivKt. Slay 0.-1 lie mipreme 1'illowH, turki-y down per puir 2 00 co""uil ,,,e Ameri:n I'roitfcUve Amo I'illowH. ((oow, pure white... 4 fio , c'i'n coinpletwl lu M-n 're tonight Kitchen HllfoH ... . 8 50 i' fourdny' m-ninn. The m't innior- KitclK-ii cuplioardrt gianVfrnnt 8 00 J ta' ll ork 11,8 l"lriin of .l..lara Kitchen rot'kiTB 1 (if) ' ''" ' primrip)-i fur the onlor, which - (K) vii (ran tii ilnririK the two U4Vr con H ,V) f'-fnee. It lx an inirlaiit (I'Miiiiaiit in a fK ! evt ry way. The Htatcinent that fin- prvinn 1'ri'niderit Trayner tial rtfcoin uiltkI 1 21 yeara' rfnidiic lor naturaliza tion waa an error ha (Mieral n character, and in no in dtance in favor of any one pection of the country or any claw of jieonle, The council t aided every motion at tempting to commit the order to any dis tinct line of policy on the money, lator, autrraife, trnpftrance or other purty quea tioriM, and bIho adopted a resolution de daring that no committee or other au thority in the order could hind the mem bero to any x!i(ii-l action beond their negative ohliitation. The council ap proved of the draft of a hill for the mip- : preeoion of immigration, which will tie Rent tocon(reea for lcjiHltion, and alao that mitjfctinst canventR and similar in stitution to public innpection. It waa resolved that Waaliinjfton, Cook Htovc, No. Set of lltellrUlr) for I1kiV(! KAI. r'HTATK ASK IX) AN AlKNT. A iimmI Hue ol tuiliiraa, roalilviinc ami auliiirban f roporljr. frm HroMir1jr III lr-la to anil on naay n-rnu. ('nrrraiimioVtir iiromptly anawrrwl. )ffir, u aid, Kir to Ciini-lil A lluiiilvy't ilr amr t II. nvn. A1TOUNKY ANI COUNSKLOU AT LAW )! oyr Orrioa City Hank. ORIOUK CITV. ORillOR t l. a U. f LATol Kitrt t. ATTOKNKYH A NO COl'NKlxmrt AT UW at aim ri,' oaKUon crry, oaauo. , fnrnlih Aatrpta olTUHi. tn M'Rry, tat elua MorUaKoa, ami Ovurral Law Kuatn'aa. It t KOHIH, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. WlU. I'RiTI' R l Alt t'OI RTa of THB HTTi Krai Katate and Imnrnnr. Offlt't on Main Hlr ct. boL HUtb auJ Hventh. ORRIIOR city. oa. I? H.KANtN, NOTAKY I'L'IU.IC, KKAL KSTATK A INhUUANCK. Oltlre In thr. Hoat oinr llulMliif . Oioa-.m (,'Hy. tnvgoa. QREGON CITY IRON WORKS, New ami Kula rci Shop with nil appliance, for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the bent manner ponnible. I'romptncHH guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - A. - SPECIALTY. I'rieca tbo lowed to Ixj had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. r. KOAKE & CO., Proprietors. Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or Btouiach and bowel regulator, buv BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doHCH lor twenty-bve cents. The seaon for j - cold and coughs is upon us. In order to lw pre: pared for an emergency, get a !ottlc of PK0P0SE TO FUSE. Populist h ask Hie Deinorrals to Stand In. "MIDDLE Of Til K K0.ll) R0 J ST". They Want Help to Keep In the "Hid die of Ihe Koad" W hich They Find Too Wide. Republicans have felt all along that it was the intention of the populirits to fuse if need be, providing I hey could secure assixtance from the democratic party. ). C, should : NutwiUiHtandinx their boasting "middle he the meeting plhce after IHW, anil that : of the road" talk here ia the proof both all meet in a i be held with open doora, Ihe 1 ot the weaknesa ot the populiitt cauae public to he invited to witness and linten 1 and of their desire to enter into a com- to all resolutions. Tb 8ettU Poit Iitclligaacer Bold j Kvattiv 1 iav 7 ft ly rfM-,rt,rl witti , Ilia recommendation ., .. .. .. ..... . i i-f inHiiiHrHiii ni.iiiriniv lii iihl i ri- finally decided that seven year should elape between an alien's declaration of intention mid naturalization. The coun cil passed a reolution aaking this correc tion Iks made bv the preen. The declara tion of principles is as follows: Hrl Loyalty to true Americanim, which knows neither biit iplace, race, i ! .1 .: .. , ,. . , . ,, and the announcement of uiiiii(Mrniiir in uiu Aiiierii'Hii j roiwiive j Asaoculion. Second The A . V. A. ia not a political al party and does not control the political afliliation of its members, but it teach es them to lie intensely active in the dis charge of their political duties in or out ot party lines, because it believes that all problems confronting our ople will be best solved by a conscientious discharge of the duties nf citiaenship by every indi vidual. Third While tolerant of all creeds, it holds that subjection to and suiort of I A HevipiMr Xaa Shot, any eclesiastical power, not created and i . Sam Fbancikco, May 7. Joseph B. controlled by American citizens, and j Elliott, business manager of the Chron which claims equal, if not ifrenU-r, sover-1 irle, was shot at shortly afternoon today, citfnty than the government of l be United ! The shooting was done by Jake Rudolph, States of America, is irreconcilable with a well known politician, and for many citizenship. It is theiefore opposed to ' vears Chris Buckley's riht-hand man. binatioii with the democrat. It is in the form of a, letter written by W. S. U'Ren of .Milwaukee who was chairman of the late populist convention. He iii, I. . lu... ...1,1 . r a i shvs: Hunt to Frederick J. Grant, late minis ter to iiolivia, and George II. Heilbron, . manager of the Guarantee Loan and "In our state populist convention there was a strong sentiment in favor of a one- plank platform on state matters, and! Trut company, who edited the papr "t l"" e miuauve anu rt-ierenuum. during Grant's absence at his mission. Tl,e "me Plank was enthusustically All,,rti.. r..n.-erne,l rfH tn talk . received by the democratic state conven- but Mr. Grant, who has been absent in j the Kast for two weeks, returned tonight the sale will soon apear. i Mr. Hunt bought the roat-Intelliaen- ' l , a;v .... ... I.... ,i.n W3l aifuu, bia cam uu f.f- four years haa given it but general su pervision. He is In very delicate health and has never entirely recovered from the illness which prostrated him in Chi cago a year ago, and which kept him confined to his room for several months. Mr. Heilbron tonight declines either to affirm or deny the rumor. The paper is valued at from (150,000 to JO0,00O. Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The bent in the market. Price 2"i cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. FOR HONEST GROCERIES AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES jiii. c, sanwsskL. a. a ti II10WNKIX A HKKSSKH ATTOK.NKYS AT LAW, ORKUoN CITV, OXIUON, Will pritp In all th emifta nl th alte. Ol Sr., mil J.H.r to Cauflnlil A lluntlcy'a drtif tora. 1 INi. .H7 Morrlaoii HI,, I'orlUuil, Or, ly.ii.ii- are no) llnillnl. Karh aoholsr ran lirln In ilrt-ia ami la tsinht to nil, Maalr ami Kllllah filllilele. fallerna nut loonier wsrranK-il I iillliiR antl Sltlni .pfdally. oritcra for spoonllon IMsliIng will rxoelro )irnniit alleiillim. E HYDE, Cen. Agent. JtV0.1iVi. latindnJaAfill r. A UUU lUvA UJuum r.r. wiiitk. W.A.WHITK WHITE BROTHERS Practical Jrchifrict if Builders. Will prepare plana, luvsllona, workliiR ) t lla.and speelflcRtliiiis lor all klmla ol hiillil tn SpeoUl sttenlloii flvnn to mnilfrn not tKia. Katlmalea liiriilahuil mi applleatlon Call on oraililro.. WIIITK ItHOH., Orexun City, 0n rIIIK COMMKKCIAL HANK, OF OKROON CITV. 'apllal, 11110,000 TltaNSACTS A, OKNRKAI. RANK1NII nt'HINKaa. I.nani msile. Ill Ilia ill.ciiunU'il. Mska col iHRtmna. lluya and aella exctmiiKe mi all points lu the I'll lied Hlsttia, Kuropa and IlouK Kong. Pcpoalti ri)i'l"od mliJiM't to chock Intercut st lima! rate, allowed nil time deposit . Hank open from 9 A. a. to 4 r. M. Huturday evening! (romto7 r. M. 0. C. LATOUKKTTK, Preaidcm. r K DONALDSON. Csahlor GO TO THE GROCERY theboldingof ollicesin national or muni ipal government by any subjectjor sup portar of snch eclwiastical power. Fourth We uphold the constitution of the United States of America, and no portion more than its guarantee of relig ious litwriy to be guaranteed to the indi vidual, but not to mean that under its protection any un-American eclesiastical power can claim absolute control over the education of children growing up under the stars and stripes. Fifth We consider the non-sectarian free public school the bulwark of Ameri can institutions, and the best place for the education of American children. To keep them such, we protest agninst the employment ot subjects of any un-Amer ican ecclesiastical teachers of the public schools. Sixth We condemn the support out of the public treasury, bv direct appropria tion or by contract, of any school, reformatory or other institution not owned and controlled by public' STORE i-'- . . I reveui relieving mat exemption i Rudolph entered the business office of the Chronicle and excitedly asked for M. II de Yonng, the proprietor. He was told that the latter was at the fair. Ru dolph's exci ed manner drew Elliott from his office and he was admonibhed to be quiet, but drawinir revolver, at tempted to shoot Elliott. The latter fell upon Rudolph, and in the straggle the revolver was discharged, the bullet spending itelf on some silver contained in the business manager's pocket, thus saving bis life. Kudolpb was arreatdd, and refuses to talk. V. Harris, .Prop., Successor to Fields it Sons. Next door to Popo & Co.'a Hardware Store. J. JONES & SON, nr.Ai.KK in Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. imii'i:m tiik. i.owi:t. tASIiop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Tope A Co's, Oregon City ANK or OKKUUM CITV. Oldest Basklm Hesse Id tbe Cllr. I'ald up Capital, :0,000, eSKNtPRNT, VICI rKRSIDRNT, CAaHIRR, MAN UK P.. TIIOB, CHARMAM, ORO. A. HARIIIMO. 1.0. CAtiriRI.0. CHAR1.R1 H. CAUP1RLD. A neral banking biialneas trsnisnted. Pepoalta received aubjeot to check, Approved Mill Riid notes dlacoiintod. Count and city warranta bought. Loan, mvle on avallnlile seourlty. EichAiige bought and mid. Colleotloni made promptly. Drain told avallsule In any part ot the world TelegrRphlo axohanges sold on Portland, Ban Franolaco, Chloago and New York. Intereat pal J on time depoalti. gubArautl ot THK LONDON CliHQUK BANK SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. Fine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. , And Lead- Th. Utial "Hold Up." Milton, Calif., May "-The down stage from . Angels to Milton was held , - , V, I power as ctlicers or u, morn'nK ",n nmnwayman. tie aemanueu cue vtens ttrgo dox. which was given him. Then he handed the driver a package and letter, to be i . c... . ! . i Bectlirian i wnwi., rauu mc whmiiicu I articles he took from the Sonora stage last week . He then directed the driver to go on. An explosion was shortly afterward heard by the passengers, in- fro.n taxation is eijusl to a grant of public !u,LB,,n ,ne nwymen nau lan.l or a grant of public funds, we de-! bWn t,,e x which he believed mand that no real or ,-3rsonal proirty ! h"d ntneJ lve sum of money, bo exempted from taxation, the title to!II,8Work " 1on c00,1y and deliber which is not vested in the national or ! H di, l,ot molest the four pas slate governments, or in any of their , 8enBer8- subdivisions. j Ths Bpsaisrdi Have a "Oo." Kighth We protest against the enlist- j Madrid, May 7. Advice from the ment in the United States army, navy, I capital of Mindano, in the Malay ar or the militia of any slate, of any iernon I rhipelatto, show that the force of Gen not an sctual citizen of the United States, i era) Blanco, sent to punish the ma Ninth We demand for the protection J randing natives, recently repulsed an of our citinen laborers the prohibition of i attack that was made on the fortified the importation of pauper labor and the position occupied by the Spanish forces restriction of all immigration to persons , at Leceta. Ten of the attacking forces who cannot show their ability and lion-1 were killed and many wounded. The ing Brands of Cigars. lMtl'.NCitll'TiO.A AIII'.ri I.I.Y Shively's Block, - - - Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUrACTVRER Or ALL KINDS Or FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OP FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. si Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY, OR. est intention to become self-supporting American citi.ens. Tenth We demand the change of nat uralization laws bv repeal of the act au thorizing the naturalizat;on of minors without a previous declaration of inten tion, and by providing that no alien shall be naturalized or permitted to vote in any state in the Union who cannot speak the language of the land, and who can not prove soven years, continuous resi dence in this country from the date of hiR declaration of intention. Elevenlh-We protest against the gross negligence and laxity with which the judiciary of our land administer the pres ent naturalization laws and against the practice of naturalizing aliens at the ex pense of committees or candidates as the most prolific source of the present prosti tution of American citizenship to the basest uses. Twelfth We demand that ull hospitals asylumB, reformatories or other institu tions, in which the people are under re straint, be at all times subject to public inspection, whether they are maintained by the republic or by private corpora tions or individuals. Thirteenth We demand that all na tional or Btate legislation affecting finan cial, commercial or industrial interests, Spaniards then attacked the natives of Malaga. None of the natives were killed in this engagement, but a large number were wounded. A Spanish officer was killed. Ex-President Barnson'i Tiewi. Cincinnatti, Mav 3. F.x-President Harrison addressed the chamber of com merce to day. He believd the wealth energy , enterprise and wisdom of the Anerican people will bring redress for the present depression. The pathway of help was that which led to the ballot-box. No man and no association counseling a redress of wrongs by lawlessness will be tolerated by the people; and thinking, patriotic people of all parties will unite to sustain tbe administration, from the con stable to the president, in support of the law. Noted Editor'i Funeral. Washington, May 3. Frank Hatton, late editor of the Post, was buried today with demonstrations ot affection and es teem such as have seldom accompanied a private funeral in Washington. Every leading newspaper man in Washington was present, as well aa many senators and others prominet in official life. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Entkrpwsk office. tion. The adoption of the Initiatve and referendum this year is clearly recog nized by these two great parties as the; one issue of supreme importance in Ore gon. Next to this is the preservation of the Australian ballot law, and on thin measure, also, both parties are agreed. Not a populist or democratic candidate hat refused to pledge himself to the initiative and relerendum. Judge W. P. Lord, republican candidate for governor, writing under date of May 3, declined to express himself in favor of this reform or to make any pledge, saying he expects to lie guided by his party platform. At this date only one republican outeide of Clackamas county has pledged himself in favor oi submitting the question to a constitutional convention. Nearly all have ignored our letters. BEPCBLICAN THS STRONGEST. "There is good reason to believe the re publican party is stronger nearly every where than either the people's or demo cratic party alone. There ia just as good reason to believe ihe people's and demo cratic parties, combined, are stronger everywhere than the republican partv alone This is an extraordinarily good, year for republican success. It is easily possible that a single senator may kill our bill in the senate, or that the vote of one republican representative in the house may defeat the act calling a con stitutional convention. If it should be defeated, the reform would then certainly be delay ad two years, and if Judge Lord is elected, not lesa than four years, at the beat. A republican majority of one in each house would very probably re sult fn the enactment of the infamous Durham ballot bill next winter, thus destroying our Australian ballot." The Durham ballot law was passed by a re publican majority of just one in each house at the last session, and not a dem ocrat or populist voted in its favor. Ia Multnomah county and Portland the populists, democrats and other friends of these two great reforms have nnited on a single ticket, except for state officers. A strong effort was made to include the independent republicans, also,' in this j union, but it failed for the single reasou jthat they rejected the initiative and I referendum. The bitterest opposition to this union was inspired by republicans who said they would vote a populist 'in the middle of the road' ticket, but 'no combine.' We have aiwavs heard the same song from the same class, and, on , election riav, not one of these has 'scratched' the ticket for 25 years. LIT ALL JOIN HANDS. "Now I ask all friends of the initiative and referendum populists, democrats and others if they will not be acting the part ot wise men to also unite in every county in the state on these de mands, and by mutual concessions and resignations from the ticket leave but one legislative ticket in the field op posed to the enemies of this reform? I beg that you will consider it very care fullv, and absolutely without prejudice. It seems to me it would be criminal folly to remain separated, and to muke it pos sible for the enemies of a people's gov ernment to conquer us in detail. Of this belief are many of the wisest men among our friends. I know only of one exception to this opinion. In my judg ment, the only possible justifiable excep tion to this union would be in counties where the republican candidates are pledged in favor of this great reform Because ot this great prejudice in the people's party against any action which The Oregonian might call fusion, I have not asked any man to sign this letter with me, but, if my efforts in the cause of reform, both for the ballot law we have and ths initiative and referendum we hope to get, shall have any influence with you, I most earnestly pray that it may all fall on tbe side of a union among all friends of lawmaking by direct vote of the people. Where such union is formed it will be more effective if it is completed and the resignations filed with the proper officers before May 20. There is no time to lose. The 'middle of the road' is an initiative and referendum legislature. We cannot be sure of getting it anv other way than by union of all its friends on a single legislative. ticket.