Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1893)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE CORRESPOND' EMT8 SWEEP THE YIF.IV. Vllsonvlile Whisper Preparation de- liijf Made bj Smirk Ledge for (hrMmas Tree. Witaonvii.i.1., Nov. 24. For the first time in several years Wilsonvilla will have a Christmas tree. Tliii ilecirion was arrived at by tii members or Sunrite Lodge ot A. O. V. W., last Saturday. The entertain merit Kill be a public atVair and the co-operation of the public is cordially invited. The committee on general tupervtsion with Henry Nile? as its chairman, met yester day evening and bad Its sub-committees appointed and now work will be pushed as vigorously as possible. Saturday evening December 23 is the day designated for the grand affair, and yourself Mr. Editor, to gether with the public in eneral are ex tended invitations to be present The kxlge will stand all necessary expenses to put the tree In first class shape and the members will do all in their power to make the affair a decided success. An unusual amount ol interest is mani fested in our recently organised literary society and in spite of the rough weather last Saturday evening an immense crowd gathered at the school house, and even standing room was at a premium. The society was called to order promptly at 7 P.M. by President Jones. The program consisted ot choice readings recitations etc., but the niost noteworthy was the debate, "Resolved, That the cow is more useful to mankind than the horse." Creditable ora torical talent was displayed on both sides, alter which the judges rendered a decision in favor of the attirmative. The society holds its meetings every Saturday evening at the school bouse. Frank Seely has sold his thirty acre ranch at this pla-e for $3,000. Our school is progressing nicely with a regular attendance of nearly fifty scholars. Chas. Wagner took a trip to the metro polis the past week mixing business w ith pleasure. NEW ERA .NOTES, row woapa from a ducking In crossing lear Creek on his way from Aurora to Needy with the mail. On attempting to get around some Moating corduroy and logs in the road, lie got oil his horse to lay down the fi'in-e thinking lie would go through the field, bis horse started down the creek bot tom which was all under water and llnaly swam the creek, when the mail pouch slid off and started hack to Aurora down the creek, but fortunately some of the neigh bors came to the rescue and fished the mail pouch out and caught the horse, to the great relief of the mail carrier, who was floundering around in search of his horse and pouch up to his chin In the water. He came out looking as if he was much out of humor, but then It might only have been his way of expressing his good humor. John Orterbols has moved Into his new residence and is comfortably settled for the winter. Carl Bunets has commenced the erection of his dwelling on bis place, and will be ready to move In In about ten days if the weather continue to be fine. Wm. Thompson returned from Portland and Oregon City where he spent a few days on business. CAKT8 HAPl'KNlNtJS. IJtOULU MATTER. Telegraph Line Oaiparrd With liood Roads Improvements tinier Way. Storm Notes Interesting Batch of Neighbor hood News. Niw Eba, Pec. 4. The recent heavy rains have caused considerable damage in this locality by washing oat deep furrows in fresh plowed and late sowed fields. Back water from the Willamette has caused the flouring mill of this place to close down for an indefinite length of time. We acknowledge a pleasant evening call from Ceo, ifcArthur, our school teacher. He reports his school in a flourishing con dition, with thirty-eight scholars enrolled. Millard Hyatt, of Oregon City, gave us a call Saturday evening. Thanksgiving was well observed last Thursday in this locality, but the only one heard of so far that dined on turkey was Messrs. Geo. and J. L. Waldron. Henry Waldron says it pays to be a crack shot just before Thangsgiving. Henry Eichter has sold twenty acres of his place to his brother, which included the buildings, so Mr. Kichter is now preparing to build a new bouse and other buildings. Eud Smith returned borne last week from East of the mountains where be has bee I. for the last ten months. He says people are having hard times where he was. Dr. J. Casto has been quite sick for the past few days, but at present is reported getting better. The Stony Point literary society meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock and are having a very interesting time. Married, at the residence of the bride, on Sunday, Dec. 3d, Mrs. Ora Folkner and J. D. Wilkerson, Judge Joseph Biggsofficiat ing. May the best wishes of the entire com munity go with them and their future life be crowned with peace, pleasure and pros perity. Wm.McCausland and Joe Biggs Jr. are at work helping clear the Morey park near Oswego. Master Charley Mattock has been quite aick for the past lew days and had to stay out of school. At present he is some better. There has been a good deal of improve ments made in this locality during the year which we will furnish a list of for your ew Years Edition. Moi.alla, Dec. 3. A Hood was on last week and many of the streams in this sec tion were higher than ever known. Muddy scarcely expresses the condition of our roads, and now would be a golden opportunity to stick a peg on the turning point on the road question. At present there is a scheme on loot to erect a tolegraph line through our town; supinvse the wire waa now up and a message was sent here that wheat and lumber had advanced ,V per cent, more or less, in Portland, what benefit would it be to receive such a tele gram here when a two-horse wngon makes a four-horse load. Say, ople, tlo we not need something in the transportation line to take us to market? Hearing of good con ditions without being able to lay hold of them ourselves would only make ns most aiiserable. A motor line surely would be the most profitable line, for the people in this locality to "wire'' first Notwithstanding the supposed silver panic, or the mud, our tow n is passing on ward in building improvements. A roller mill will be the next. Two pugilists came to blows al the saloon recently and a brow beating followed, re sulting in much spilling of bloot. The in jured party ot the second part wan hauled of! to the surgeon lor a general stitching of wounds about the cranium. Two pork packing houses are in opera tion here, run by Messrs. Perry it Herman, and Kayler & Harliss. Uncle Henry Samson is reported as hav ing serious trouble with his other limb and may yet have to undergo another amputa tion. Dr. J. W. Thomas returned from the East Dec. 1, well pleased with his trip. He tips the beam at 170, but says amongst all the wonders of the world, "sweet Oregon" is the song for him. Turkey parties-Vacation at the Ncliool-Tlie Shingle Industry. Cams. Dec. . President Cleveland's Thanksgiving day was the one observed by Carusilcs. From all we learn Pemioyer must have had a lonely time eating his roast goose. Frank Jaggar, with titi family, went to Oregon City late Wednesday afternoon In order to spend Thanksgiving with his friends in town. A few quiet dinner parlies and family gatherings made the day pass pleasantly enough. The school children were given a vacation for the remainder ot the week. Oscar May put In an appearance Satur day for a short visit home white his boat laved by because or the high water. He re turned to town to day, Mrs. Dora Williams Is making a short visit among her friends here. A dance and supper was given Saturday evening at the house of Fred Dullard. Ouite a number were present and reported a pleasant time. Mrs. Charles Spangler has been absent for two weeks visiting at her father's home. Henry Horushuh has been hauling cedar posts and shingles from the ranch ol Will Jones and A. O. Hayward. The posts cost him 1 cent each and he gives (1 for a good shingle tree. Cheap enough I W. W. May missed his calculation In falling a tree last week. Instead of falling on his own land as he Intended It should it fell across the road and into a neighbor's fence and Held. It has made Mi'. May extra hard work to clear il away, but ac cidents will happen In the best regulated families. Call. Mink MotteriDgs. Mwx, Dec, 5. Mr. Evans has erected a two story shingle mill on his farm. George McCord will furnish him power to run it. Mr. 8taben has rented his farm to his step son and intends te more to Oregon City. Eev. Grey, of Oregon City has started con Urination school in our vicinity. Mr. Boeberg, of Stafford, has been visiting friends out here. John Moebnke has bought an iron grey mare of Fritz Moehnke, and also traded one of his to William Owens for his iron grey horse, which makes him a dead match team now. Miss Minnie has come borne from Port land to spend the winter. Mr. Wiedner and wife, formerly known as Mrs. Henrici, moved to town last week Uis son-in-law, R. Staub, has rented bis farm. J be .Beaver Creek debating society waa largely attended last Saturday night. The topic for the evening was, "Hesolved, That women has more influence over man than gold," it was decided in favor of the affir-rnitive. Needy Newileti. Keedt, Dec. 4. The Needy school opens today with J. P. Yoder as principal. Jacob Stucke has been very sick for the last two weeks with heart desease, being confined to his bed the greater part of the time, but it is hoped by bis many friends that he will soon be himself again. S. W. Gaines, of Elliott Prairie, was in our town the other day, the guest of J. D. PJtter. The late heavy rains have swollen the streams to an unusual height, In fact higher than they have been for years. Many bridges and culverts have washed out and fences flooded off along the bottoms of creeks. Lait Monday our mail carrier bad a nar- Sunnjilde Smiles. Srssvsini, Dec. 4. Married, at Vancou ver, November 22d. George Johnson, of Sun inside ami Miss Delia Karr, of Harmony. Friends wish them a long and happy life. Dave Valasky, of Portland, is building a new house on his farm here. Mrs. Piper is recovering slowly aftr a se rious illness. Mrs. K. M. Hunter is making quite a pro longed visit here among relatives. Grandma Sumner has been very sick but is now better. The young people are trying to organize a literary society and are making quite a suc cess with Mr. Wolf as president. The roads in this part are very bad with no prospect of being better. J. H. Reed is clearing land with a ma chine which takes the roots all out. Dec. 5. Died, December 2d, ISO, Grand ma Sunnier in ber 83d year. She had been confined to her bed about twe weeks when the summons came. Though sulering a great deal she waa very patient. She was a devoted Christian and her children all fol low in her footsteps. The funeral services were held in the church at one o'clock Sun day the 3d, and she was then taken to Da mascus and laid beside her husband. We all feel that we nave lost a kind neighbor and friend. Almost all you meet here have some sick one in their house, and the doctor is a daily visitor in the neigh bohood. J. R. Welch has been staying a few days with us settling up some affairs with regard to the post office. He now has his release and the office has been transferred to 8. E. Johnson, who will soon erect another build ing on the other side of the road. ' The cowbell march was heard with cornet solo and giant powder bass up at George Jehnson's house not long ago; but some thing makes the boys look sad perhaps they know what. Eagle Creek. Kuil Chick. Henry Wiltwrn has Jiit returned from Portland, where he has bevu getting doctored the past week. Dr. C. II. Smith made a flying trip to Portland last week. His father relumed with him and will make a short visit here. .Miss Dulf of Portland is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. .Mrs. Fannie Foster and children are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Foster. The dance at Wilberu's hall Thursday evening was largely attended, there being quite a number of young people from Cur- rinsville and vicinity. The nipper given by Mrs, Burnett was a flue one and was en joyed by all. The shooting match Saturday was not largely attended on account of the bad wnuther. mo AKOTinta roaarsrggpENT. Eaole CaEEK, IVc. 4. We have had an abundance of rain the last week, and the small streams are as high as they were ever known. Dr. C. B. Smith is on the go most all the time, as he has a large practice in the east ern part of Clackamas county, extending as far south as Molalla and as fur north as Troutdale. Several elderly eop!e attended the dance at Williern ball among whom was Grandpa Smith aged seventy-five. K. T. Linn gave a social dance in his new house on Friday night. . , A few of the young folks gathered at the residence ol Wesley Douglass the other evening where they enjoyed themselves several hours in many Interesting games. Daniel Douglass has taken up the black smith's trade and will work in his brother s shop this w inter. Horn to the wife of J. P. Woodle Novein ber 30, a gul. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, of Mount Ta bor, are visiting at the parents of Mrs. Tom linson' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drake. M iss Nettie Look, of Damascus, was vis iting relatives at this place last week. A. D. Burnett is able to be on the street again. Hugh Miller, of Damascus, a former rei dent of this place, was in Eagle Creek Sat urday last. I. C. U. Tk NEW CASH ri m A TV Tl V 'I K it 1 Willi a Can IS STILL IN TH6 LEKD. by Thoy are soiling more and better goods for tho money than any other house in tho county. Tho reason for this is THEY SELL FOR CASH. And do not have to make you pay what you looso on some one else. They have a comploto lino of Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoos, Hardware and Groceries, and pay tho highest price for produce. Remember tho place. AEiLTOEU CAN BY. IOSEHBBAHS OREGON. ! IlAlWillOKST & COMPANY, " 1M Front St root.' I HARDWARE I P'Uand. lrvg,.n. l)ler -PUmoud, Nurthn.iirru A nl fur ATKI1VS SAWS Unr. TiHllt".ilti IH-Her Unre- Miit.r aioi . I 3ft l"V Crescent Wedges (warranted.) W A S 1W Chain. Arcade Kilt. K.j.t. Crescent Mco Loggers and Wood CIiojijhts SjiecialtieH. Oregon City Agent, ...... WILSON A COOK iBKR-LOCK TYPEWRITERS THE MODERN WRITING MACHINE. Stafford. STAfroBD, Dec. 4. A portion of the Inner part of J. P. Gage's large barn, 40x04 feet, collapsed on the morning of the 'tth ult. at 1:45, precipitating bay, grain, farm Imple ments, mechanical tools, lumber, shingles, frait, wagons, etc., into the basement be low, killing one cow and pinning two more to the ground from which place they were gotten out without any injury whatever. The loss will probably reach $fi00. F. Folifka is building an addition to his barn. Robert Biehle is on the sick list, also Mrs. Z. Elligson. Frank Francis and his sisters Ida and Laura were guests at the post oflice Sunday last. Robert Clendenning started from Mr. Phillips'i on Sunday with a load of hay drawn by two yoke of cattle. He got along lovely until he reached Mr. Cage's lane when the load capsized, landing the wagon on top in a corner of the fence. He spent some time trying to right it and then gave up in disgust only to try once more on the morrow. Mr. Snow intends to return to Bunch grass soon providing he can dispose of or make arrangements for the keeping of the remainder of bis horses for the season. Wi Uhs. Viola. Viola, Nov. 28. Our population is still incrersing. This time It Is in the Mattoon family a son born on the Pith of Novem ber. Mr. Hiclnbothem will have the carpenter work of the school house completed to morrow, the 2fth. Directors are busy, but do not expect to have the new house ready during this term. 3. Hamilton's old hop yard has been plowed up by O. Mayfield, of Highland, for the purpose ot obtaining roots to plant on his place. Andrew Graham Intends to plant a small hop yard this winter. While Mr. Graves was driving O. 8- Phelps's team some days ago the team ran away, breaking a wheel off the wagon. We did not hear that any other damage was done. W. H. Mattoon drove about four doien geese to Portland last week. J. Hayden has broken about twelve acres of new land this fall. W. Ward has built a fancy porch over his front door. It Improves the appearance of his house. FROM ANOTHER COHKKHPOKDKNT. Viola. Dec. 4. Fall grain is looking well in our vicinity. The school directors of Viola gave a grand ball at the Viola hall last Friday for the benefit of the new school house. John Boott, of Portland, was visiting friends and relatives in Viola Saturday and Bunday. Miss Edna Mattoon is intending to visit relatives in Portland soon. Visible Writing, Permanent Alignment, Automatic Ribbon Re verse, Automatic Line Space, Interchangeable Platen Most Rapidly Adjusted Margin Stop. jlK)l,H;iui)1 )(Ul) u vououvKv'eou Oregon City Users. II. J. Thome, AliHtrai tH. (!. K. Ilayt H, Attorney. Geo. C. Brownrll, Attorney. Cowing & Cowing, Attorney. E. M. Rami, K.ntkiipuihk oHice Dovico for Writing on Ruled Linos, Extromo Manifold lWcr Typo Cloanod in Five Seconds, Most Noiseless, All Wear Absolutely Compensated. SCOTT & BANNAN, General Agents, 20-2 STARK STREET, PORTLAND, OR., 401 BAILEY ItLOCK, SEATTLE, Wash., 213 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. E. E. WILLIAMS, Gkocek, okkoon city. Masonic Building. CARRIAGE PAINTING Hurklen'i Irnlca Salve. The Heat Salve in the world for Cuta, limine, Korea, Llcer, halt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblain. Corns, and all hkin Krup. lion, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required, ills guaranteed to give perfect Hutimaclion, or money romimuu. Price 2T cents per box. For aale by (i A. Harding. Karl'a Clover Root, the new Iilood Purifier, gives freahnea and clearneaa to the Complexion and curea Constipation. 25c., 60c. and l.00. Bold by CO. Huntley. JiiBlice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blank at the Entkki-bikb of fice. Portland price. A SPECIALTY. In order to druw work whilo ontaido work in dull owing to tho weather Extra - Low - Price Will 1k given on all carriage and wagon work. Davis, the Painter. Shop hack of Poi A Co.'h ntoro. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. i..l",t.1 h condition of your? la your hair dry,! . .rn, prime r Uoea It aplit at the ends? Mas It h.fh!V,T"?llce? ,f)C u ,n" combed or; brushed t It full of dandruff ? I).r vnnr nriln Itch ? w it ui y or in a hcutcd condition ? If tlicco ui o mn:o of j...... mmi, po warned ultimo oryou w..i bcvom j-.-. j SkookumRootHair Growerl I" lit JTOU need. HWrSil" WWW III prndllOUnn linnt an .l,l.n ,,. II.. .....II arlftntlflO r or '.'w , rJr,!1" "' l,,"V1l"' lh blr .ml '.lp IinI hi ll dl.w; K, full a If r.i ?'""" '"'" Tnuln. I.r .tlionlattr. ? hra,l. U "'" hair, cure, duiujnur on.1 orowi 'hair Oaii I IT Kb ttin iiM T,i L'i,.l IK cl,,n' aealtliv, and fr from IrrlUtlni .nintlorn. I7 and rtMirnJ Ik. ..?."'" " UXOxil JWJIII whuk " j Elr j 6 f?.r (S. V 0ru", '" t"r fill, i lor 4.0U ol. I ..tu ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., TIMOR MARK itgwprra.