Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1893)
r ru.. Oregon uiy iLiucrprisc. fripay, m:ckmiii;ii h, wx" "" CicUnm"8 Co. Diroctory. county orricKna. ssr. ialdauwrliiUiiilaiil, ,r. J. W Mulilrurn iwi r MiiMiiii I', W liainilia H U.,.l,; i. t) ..,., J, I' Mi..l.r II (illm !( I. llrilMIMII I H lrli.t-1 H.. , M'uiikIIiii luir IIHiir TUu to Muhllh Fc. lory In Oregon ;y. A roi..lo of ,,,. alnro IB .;T)eM. i mii nftrrii to iU H.i one which should commend IliMiir to bu i.rmers. mvmwof (Im Im.ii.-II-dal reaulu ai'trulim In f-r, ...... . - wiiw nun tli-ir attention to till imrmiit It I. Krilil. lying lo nolo , y01,t.irUy'g Oxonian tint Mr. Karl Un.l,.u. .1 ., fl.iiil iiiv auur iiiximrtfruiii Antwerp, who Is here to work it), tlii limit -(.lantlng lii'lualry ml to atatllah t IhhiI WuKar factory, la umklnij conahli-ralilo Imadwav In hli "limim. Iln hMlaiihlH Umncun ...v ..... ,..K,7 iimciiiiicry laoin i;iiii-ayo, ml lie niMi.to0orKMiilmicoiiiiiy inai inn larmnra can iiiako nvstiiiwita HI It II tiny wlali. CHAT AHOUT TOWN f iM. rmiMi iew j.ra iu In tlin . IUkIIhK t Mr lliiaard's will antUfy joii. t urimr miii riki Main alrnl. V. T. Harlow, wl(u ami am all tj,.it with Mivitr llm k nl llin Krl. The Ideal In vlaltlng- at (Im I!.. psraiaa Oarn.a. I'rlrri to anil jr.,u. (live nwfill uifU while Voil are at It. Yuuraii Ami lltoiu at lliirinnlnivr A An dreo'ii'. I L .. II' , . M t ran. T' iitx tiii unanii 1 Mtrh Armory hall iN-mUr r.ll. of "' ';" " "'" i" '"'l tto M M-n'i M-...-r..u hall. ,M '"""'71 ' t,,fl ,,mllJ,r' ""X " - - ' ' " aai iiniciiriiiiv J'Miil II UN III" OtrvrM rhx t 't rna of flue .Irraa ! ,,i,y . The om.any which ho laor lo I ! Coal or leaa at the 'KanliliiK i.r.M.. to Inveat f:HK),0(K). the inoiiiil iiiM'twiary to juit the factory In I III llttM lllU..Mll....l...l t "v nun iiiivniiKiuii tne location aiiiUhlu for the factory ami llilnka the lM.t place la atorncar OrKiii Clly on the wat ahln, where elwtrlc iwr ran U nure.l at a low coat ami lraiiHirlntlon uf the Ix-ula l.y waUtr will lie cheap. The land along the Tualatin ami Will amette rivera he flmla la well ailitptcil to iNS't ralaitiK, ami he think llm intureat knl Kront'a HixH'ial hale Ihjii'l mlw (Im chance. Ilall'a YfUKiahle Mclllan Hair He nNratioii. Of couriMi. if auch a factory la lo he eatahllaliMl, the aiwlatance of the aer haa rnatiirml uray hair to ita orlg- . fartnera will have to he given the pro- Ih.l color aiul luevniiliiil halilnewi in luotora of the ai hcme. hy their aireeini( loraiae the rcipiiaitu qnaiitity of hecta for the factory'acoiiamnption, which they UiuiiMiiila ofcaaoa. It will ilo au to you The 1'ark I'lace hainl will give another Otirof their enjoyahle Fiilnrlalniiieiita at Hie l'aik I'lace ech'l hoiue on Monlay etmiliig liH'iuher II. ('nine ami have agixnl time. Mop! You have loiind the place to buy (he new eat, moat novel ami appro- ...i.l. .x.ltl A i9 iimw ... vliolcrot holhlay g'xla. Kveryhixly welcome. t'MMlT(a AxiiNtatX Having ilechleil to tnet the require menla of my ruatouiera during hard timea I have roducl the prh-e of lioraeahcu-ing to fl.TiO a lnre for ready cali and hav ing a piofeaalonal liorarahorr In my em ploy I guaraiiteo allafactlon. It 8. K. Ki aim . The V. C. T. I". will meet on Friday. IWeinUr Hth at 2 I'. M. w.lh Mra Piigga. All lailiea, eclally atiangnra, are i-orllally welcome. A few more Morke and woiated iiiixva are iiinhIixI, lo complete the quilt, on which Ihe latlir have lieen engagl, ao inhiio prepartsl. "When your heart la Ud, and your head la tal. and yon are had clean i. ....... I. la ii.MHleil?" ankeJ aSun- IIV..(.. dayachixd teacher of her claaa. "I know-Ayer'a Haraaparllla." ke up little girl, whoae mother had rtM-ently Wn rratored to heath hy that medicine. There la no article ol lurnllure mado that i ao jiopular or la eo extn alvely aa an Xmaa nreaeiit aa the liaml ome and luaurloua. fancy rxking chair. We all realiae thla fact and a large nuin- U-t of lie realiae that no ln-tter place ex iaU to buy theae ro kera than the etl liahment ol IUllomy Puacli. We re the head.iuartera for all new and novtl Chrlatmai good ol lhecon. Our Kh-ganl linn of Holiday gilt U now oin lor lniectlon and Inclndea the KreaUt variety of appropriate gifm t price which jdace them within the reach of everybody. Yoii w ill be more than pleamwl If you call on Hurnieialer A An dr..en, leader, ol the Holiday trade with a new and puUr Hnn of walcliea, rlnrka. jewelry, atlverware, novelt.oa, iniialcal Inatrnmenta. etc, will (louhtliwi he willing lo do if aaaured It will I prolllal.le lo theinaelvea. Mr. Korn aya there la no don lit hut they will he attended a prolituhle inaiket for all the they can ruiae. The matter la now being laid Udore '.he chamber of coin-luen-e and prominent buainea men. Mr. line of the (.'harlea II. Thore.of the 1'ortland (ieneral rrlcet low. Klectric Company, I taking an active In- Irrvat In the iuattir, ami ia doing every thing in hi owcr to promote it. Mr. Korn I confident that even if there I no bounty on auptr the Imluatry can lie made a aucccaa in Orrgon, aa theie im a hamlMiiiie profit In It if proticrly con ducted. He atatel Hint in Oermany, where maniifaclurera pay high taxea on Ihe product ol tliia Induatry, aa well aa on the faclorlea, money la made out of it. He av Ihe farmer here can clciir from $25 to :!0 per acre raiainu beet. The nrmluct of from .1HK) to IWOO acre will, he think, lie iiilllcietit for the firat year. I'acla Aliont ( lirlatmaa. There are a good many gifla to buy you don't want to epend more than you can help. Yet while vou want to limit the rxpenae vou don't want to limit the choice of gift. You want the beat and moat for your money. In view of Iheae facta you' will find lhat the moat aatia factory ;dac to trade ia IU'hmkihtkh A Akhkkn. Theladiei of St. 1'aul' tinild will hold their annual fair at armory hall Friday eyenlng lVceniher l'lth where a col lection of rare curio will be on exhibition and uwful and ornamental ariiclca for alo anltahln lor Chriatiiiaa preaenta. Admlaeion 10 cent. Kefteahmenta 15 cent. Inateadol tioiiui home to anpper on the evening of the 7th of IVcember.alep Into Ihe llapiiatchundi and gel a good upHr including nyataia and attlieaame time enjoy aocial bonr with your friend or if they r n"1 I'f'nt make aome new acimuintanc' School deportment rar.1 one centeuch at the F.NTKKi'waK ofllce. (rlinil I'ii Words. At It laat muuting Mvado l'oat No. ? 0. A, It, ulnctcd olllcer for the coming your a followi: W. II. Ilurghardt.coin- niHiider: M. K. Wllloiiuhhy. aetilor vice- commHiider: J. Poriniiu. junior vice- commander:!,, M. Andrew, aurgnon; Wm. Huaaoll, vlinplnln; II. J, Harding, qnartormaalHr; C. II. I'michy, olllcnr of the day j I',T. Well,ofllcer of the guard. J. M. Tavlor. F. T. (Jrider and A. W. France were choaen deh-uatea to the department encampment and II, J. Horn, J. Doremu and 11. J. Harding alternate. On the 12th of thia month Mnajlo I'oat No. 2 of the U. A. K. alled by the ladle of thn relief coi p expect to enU;r tuin at a rvjcIuI gathering the inemlier ofdeo. Wright oet and relief corp of i'ortlund and pepartmunt Commander CooM-r of McMinnvlllu. A committee couaiNting of C. II. Punchy, W. II. Hurg hardt. M . K. Wlllouirhbv. J Doremua, Wm. ItiiNaell and K. T. (inder ha lecn j at work for the paat week making pre- paiation for one of their Wat time on that occasion. An invitation ha been extended to all nioinlmra of the order a well aa old aoldiur lo bo preaent at that time. Ijiat Friduy evening Achille L'xlge K. of P. elected oflicer for tha enuin term aa follow: It. L. Holman, chancel lor commander; It. Oreavea, vico-chan- tellor; W. J. Wilson, prelate; J. T. Lynch, hunter at arms; U.K. Ktoven, K. of It. and H.;C. Holierg, M. of F.j K. T. Fields, M. ofKx.; Kalph Miller, inside guard; It. P. Wilson, outside guard. The installation of officer will not take place till the first meeting in Januury At the last meeting ol Fall City lodge the matter ol providing for paying a tick benefit wa deferred for one week, (leak. Will be sold until December 31,1893, at great reduction in price we have a long and excellent stock and will close out regardless of price. Call and ex amine. Just received an Invoice of hosiery manufactured by Smith A Angell to them belong the credit of producing Ihe In st article introduced in the hosiery busmen of the world which will be sold a cheap as In the market of America. Sold by Tiio Chahman A Son. Thd (ilulie lemocrat Free. Any reader of tliia paper can get Tua St. jovih (iwiia-I)KM(XKAT free. Head the offer, on another page, and take a.lvantaire of it atonce. Tu a Wxekly ii.oi!K-IKMocAT ia now ieened in Semi Weekly acction, eight pages on Tues day and Friday, sixteen page every week, making it practically a remi- Weekly paier, vet the price remain ONLY ON DOLLAR A YKAR. In polllica, it ! atrictiv Ketmhlican, but it gives all Titat nkws, and is absolutely indispensa ble to the farmer, merchant, or profes- ional man who lias not the time to read a large daily pajwr, and yet deaires to keen promptly and thoroughly posted Sample Copies will be sent free on ap plication tO Gl-Olia l'KISTINU tO. i 6T Ix)i'is, Mo. 3t A. RARE CHANCE m On or about December 15th we will move our entire stock of General Merchandise to AURORA. We have therefore decided to hold a GRAND REpOVflli SALE I For the next Thirty Days at greatly reduced prices. If you desire a good and substantial bargain come at once and get the pick of our well assorted stock. Every department is complete. WILLAMETTE TRADING COMP'Y, BRRLOW, OREGON. The old WHOLESALE GROWERS AND DEALERS. Cannot be Under-sold. Jtr "::::: Immense StockI iviyJurb n ; write ust Sole Crowers - r - PKCIFIO PRUNE. Earliest, Most Prolific and best drying prune grow n. Send for Catalogue. SkUM&51& IUW, Mount Tabor, Oreeon. Fish. VUh. , Craann Pitr Fiwh Market onnoeite cor ner from Pope 'a hardware store, carriea lull stock 01 ncn, poultry, ami p-nuie m season. Oysters and salt-water lish re ceived fresh from the coast. Orders promptly filled. K. T. Humpbrys. for Rent. Dwelling bouses for rent in all parte of the city. Houses and terms to suit. Charman Bhos. Receipt, note and order books at the Entkrprisb ofllce. Our Candid Adrire. It ij seldom that we appear in the roll of spiritual adviser or family rhysi ciHn. but there are times when we feel satislled in calling the attention of our iimnv subscribers to an article ol true merit. We feel justified in saying that Moore's llevealed Remedy contains more actual merit than any medicine it has ever been our good fortune to test. Ono trial bottle w ill make you as enthusiastic as the w riter. For sale by all druttKints. Relloniy A Iiusch sell lounges in Port land, therefore get their prices betore you buy In Portland E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, OREOOn CITY. Masonic Building. If you want an attractive sign see Davis the painter. Portland prices. Shop back of Pope A Co.'s hardware store. Krausb's Hradachi Capsulks-Wab-antkd. Mills for Oiii;! Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC., WILL BE SOLD HERE ON Easy Weekly and Monthly Payments. You cannot buy these goods cheaper any where for cash. Wm. Gadsby, The House Furnisher, NO. 130, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, Between Washington and Alder Streets. THPROSTON STORED Bargains. Bargains. 111L UUUIJUIUUUI 1 mrm A-R.TTnT.TCa WF, HAVE: TTTI.l Tin Li' rVI 'I'll I IM HI I 111 l'J JA.' A aj - - WXj i-TAJUXl JLJ-w. All Wool Henrietta, 49c yard. TOWGling Visu; urntju uu jfai tT, . , -.r tt j All Wool Plaids, f n5c yard Fine Lace Bed Spreads 95c, wear Merino 38c. Mens wh.telaun Fancy Stripes and Plaid, 25c s yaro. y Ladies All Wool Hose dried Shirts, 65c Baby Shoes, patent Plain Cashmeres 18c. . AQS 15c. Ladies' Kid Gloves 65c. Cor-leather, 50c, worth $1 any time. Boys Red Flannel 35c. Extra W JJJg Men-S Gloves 25c. Men's Full stock Shoes, 50c. Etc. Turkey Bed Tfgc up'. Suspenders 15c. Ladies' Fine Hem- THE B "oFtTnS T 0 E B. stitched Hankerchiefs 5c. Men's