Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1893)
PERSONAL NOTES. JI.UIiiKuof C'lurkcH, waa In tlm city ou Tuimiluy of till wi'ok, Hliirlry Iliii k of IluliUrd will timcli tho m liixil nt .1 oix'w'k milt, W. II. Urtlow Mini til n Jain will atari for tho wurM'MfairiiNxtTuMniUy, Will. Itlullllt III CHIlliy, waa Orilll) City on Monday ttlnmllng u uUtm uti'rt'l. Ainonil tin ronoriiiii furnicn who in In town on Monday waa H. M(,rjr Mrt. J. H. 1'iiriluiii who Iim burn on tlm elik Iml fr tlm fast mk U nlowly Improving m health, V. J. I'rker returned from IWIand un Monday vniiluK having miii d,JW I couple vf day wltlt a relative. lUlfn JolinMin Iim MiinuhI to hU work villi Hit Wc.lnrn Villon at Tlm Iei Biui'li Improved In health liy hla mat. J. H. Walker who yaw hit ankle a bad attain out limiting C'IiIiikm pnimu( la aide) to m iliont attain. Anionic the pleaaanl cailura at tlie Km tkmi-himk ultl- ou Wndnrsday were Mr. end Mr. W. W. Wwd of MoUIU. iNiri ('olivere who Iiiui Un vinltin relative In tlil city pxhh I to return o III liomt nt ('tntakanle on Huturday, (ieorge HtMd who went east anveral nioiitlia ego rrtiiruml from hi trip Itmt Tliiir.luy having. Imwii aa far rt m Jllmieepolle Mm. Jae. Cochrane and Mi. W. ('. MiKi'in of Portland m iiI Thuraday nt tlx plcaaanl home of Mr. C. I. Ia tuurntle In llile rlty, Miaa May and Amy Kelly returned last Saturday from tlmir online it Seevlew where they enjuytxj tlmir Vacation vnry intnh. I'rof. J II. Atwood formerly of Onrir, IlllnoU Ixil wlioere Intending lo make On-ii'iii their home In dilute are failing F. K. iHitmlihiiin. Mr. ami Mra. II, K. Smith who have been in the Kaat fur amiie time atU'lid ln( the world'a (air, returned on Tuesday hiring hail a very pleasant trip. Itev. V. I Mutiny J the .M. K. church mulhwlll hoU a two duy'a mooting at ihe rhaMl at Teeaad Creek on Saturday and Sunday the 7th and Hth of (h'loher. Wm. Mattoon, the Viola mall mute contrai'tor waa In the city en Tuesday luukihg after eome) liunliie IntereeU. He report the rrop vlehl In hla jxttlon rd. W. T. Whllloi k returne. last week Inrni firem lUain a-romianlei hy hit Umilv. Itutherfonl ha gone to Forest irm? where lie la attending arhoul at IVillr I'liivemity. Miae A'htoii of Kentiii ky apent laat Saturday vlaiilng Captain J. T. Ax'nn A city to whom ahe ii ilintantly re- ilf I. She waa out tiiakltitt a tour of the iiat ainl ran up from l lluml fur the iflrniiHin . The linn Jua. Trarey ami wife ami Mr. B. V. I. inn aul wife werv In the city ou Wrtlnrmhiy on their way to the worlil'a Uir ami thi'ir old homca In the font litre they will vlidt for lime lx ( ure rtturnliiK to ()re(on. W. J. Wilaon who went Kaat aome two j.Twiithi returned Humhiy evemntt un! at onre reaumeil work in the Will- :nuette I'ulp A l'aH'r Co.'a mill A. lie .mjoYed lila trip very much aa he waa 'iiilnif liia old home. Mr. It W. (JoimI of the I'ortland lien- .'nil Klin-trie comiany waa in the city jiVeilnrmlay looklliK over the worka on .'-lit oilier aide. He retried that he jl'iund everythinit iroreHlnK In iit Mtmlartory manner. I Mm, Nathan Tiimlu, who haa been ab f'H vlHitlng her old home In Mli'lilk'in if ieveral inontlm. returned lt 8un- 'aV. ami nfliir munulinir one dnv with ) daughter, Mra. II. K. Croaa, alio left It hor liiuiia In Columbia county. Mm. II. , Iiurkhart who haa boon t'wut nt Coo Hny for the pantaix week ' turned by toamer tho flmtof the week ) ving lm.l moat enjoyable vialt. It ia ao ruiih on the way up the coiud Nt Mra. Iiurkhart and other left the 'earner at. Newport and completed the ipby mil. Simon Selling of the firm of I. Polling Co,, hturted for tho far eaut lwt Sut- "lny liitemling lo slop in Chk'UKo on a way to call upon tho whoh'muei fro mid to viait tho world, fulr. He 'II then go to New York where ho will 'OHlHICt nniiifiir iliiulura uml it lie IIihIh ri''CK and condition favoruble will buy rKi"ly. T. W. Clurko and family returned "ii tlmir month' aojoiirn at flimdon nllfHt of the week having come by !"ir aa far a Newport only, on ac "t of the rough eea whiuh they ex- fii'nced. A pHHHenger who made tho "tolthe trip by the boat told them tliey wore fortunate In leaving tlie ' 'iier a tbe ocean w a very rough and pKreeablo from New port up. Tlie report of tho owning of the expo- 'n on Wednesday evening are ex- "inely grutifyinir and indicate that the f ""ent year will not be a whit behind PmcecoHHora in the nuulltv of exhibit f'1 In attraction. 80 decided the lm- "'"He crowd which waa presont at the wiing on Wednesday evening. H 1"'ninir waa a mincfum In AvorV WaV. f return of Mlieratl with 111 flnt band f loudly applauded and fleemed to be 6 than pleaatng to all concerned. Kl Kutate Traiufer. I"'r the week ending Sept. 211, IHICJ, )npllei from t, rouily m,()r(U y J. Thome, prai tlcul ahatractor: Hi'iiry 1. Melelmr to Joimlo K Mel lier HO acre In .,v :u, ,'K), ai and ;'-'l..t2 , mo m. Iliirlow and wlfo to Ann M.timtl, ami KllxaU'tli Kava naiiKh lota U,,d 2,hlk 18, ol liar low'flrtad Ui Harlow 457 V O Ilurding to Helen L Mllln w'4,im-c2H, t5 1, rl e.coi.iuln ln liW aiTwi j Willamette Uml Co to Ciiwgo A Harding, truaU,, 6.0 a:re In ec 'l.t2i, r2e 1 U J ralmalver and wife to Henry ICperrMm 171 acre In ae 24, t 8",4 1500 Krnncl M linker to W II Woodruff 2fi acre In aeo 7, t 6 , r 3 e 600 Ji'hn N Iiapp to Celcatina J Happ bl acrei In aecIH, t 4 , 1 2 e. . . 850 Allen II Wheeler and wlfo to W It O'Neill HX) acre In aec 17 and 20, t . r6e 1200 Mary K Ainhler and MilUm V, her Iniahand, to Charloa 11 Iteyiiold and Amelia I Keynnlila 2 acre In the J I' Kagon U L C in aec 8, 200 Thoma It A Hdwood and wife to J V llungi-rford 10 acrea in the lot Whltcomb DI.U No. 38, In aec 3(1, tl I, rl 3000 McKean A Campbell hy C W (ia nong, aheriir, to Auk'uat Fiaher, lot 11, 4, Weit Side ad to Ore lt m City 1 Free. I.amh, by C W (innong, aheriir, to Anoint Flw her Iota 1 and 2. blk 1 In Now lira 4 Thoma SI111U) and wife to T W White and It K While t acre In aec 11, t2i, r 2e GOO Do You Want In Abatractl When in want of an abaolutely cor rect alwtract- one that you can dccml UKn you nhould call on II. J. Thome over lluntlcy'i drug atore near the court houaa. The (Irrgiin 1'reR Anaociation Ia In prutirexa in I'urtUiid and will continue till Saturday evening On Friday the Wanhliittun editora will vinit tho Oregon txlitora and an extra good and interest lug time I eH-ctei. Galling ea lrl Car. Did yon ever notica a nine who ia go ing to gut ou a (treet cur while it U la niotionf lie oomoa down off tbe aide walk aud aUml along the aide of tlie track quietly till the car aimoat ruaohe him. Then ha walk aliuad few feet and prancoa about like a atriug haltered boraa, awkward aa a hlmiiglial rouater that wanta to nht Just aa tlte car reachea him ha take two or throe U'p aidawaya, and at lant, oonfuaixl aa a arhoolboy, graupa the hand rail and cliiitfi on like m man who la drowning. Colo rado Hun. Ktrawbvrrlra. K novr bed, which will bear a fair crl next eaon, uiay bo turted from the flmt runner. Thine may Imj potU'd in small jnita sunk in tho ground and allowmt to root In them or on small piooe of aod say 4 inche iuitr nlr.t dti side down. When well rooted, aeparate them from the parent plant ami transplant 10 a wen prepareu and enriched bed during cloudy or rainy weather or just before a rain. To (iood Trmplara. 1 1,. vnn kiwiw Hint Monro 'a Keveuleil oA.t....lw ! Hwi nnlif iiiitimt medicine in the world thatdiiea not contain a drop of alcohol ; that tho mode of preparing it ia know n only to ita diicover; that it Is an advance In the science 01 meuicine iil., it a nuriilliil in the nineteenth century; that It proprietor oiler to forfeit 9 1,(XK) lor any case 01 uyspepsiB It will not euro? ltrooklynrK. H..N. Y., May 25, 'I'l. Ma, Norman I.iniTY, IV Moinea, Ia. Dkab Sib: Enclosed please find 1,03 for which 1 would like you to send me the worth of it in Krause' Headache Capsule. Some time ago my wife was in Hartford, Conn., ami tepiea into Kawletts driiif store, where they gave her a sample box of them. They were just what alie needed, but wo havo failed to find them here, ao we send to you lor them. Will you kindly send thorn by mail at your earliest possible convenience andohligo, Your truly, T. U. IIl'NTKK. For alo bv Charman A Co., City Drug store. 1. lima nf (nrnitiiro. carpet, win dow shade, wall paper, lounges and mattresses yon can beat I'ortland prices by calling in mo wn-nun v u" block under the Kntkhi-kisk ollico. x SUMMONS. In tbo Circuit Court ot the Slite ol Oronon lor tho County ol Clackamai. Alice Sonera, iilalutlff, Tl. t'alvln Bouera, dof'U To Calvin Souerii, Defendant: In Hie aamo of the Hialeof Orcion: lo. are re. Hired to ar pear to aud aiiwrtliecomiilalnt l i 'la ill r heroin on Monday, the 6tli day f Novemher. A. n. isW: and If yon fa 1 loan ,w.Mh. plalnt.fT will apply "',":' ! relief i.rayel for 11 the complaint, to wit: for I ra" Tdla-oltlnir the bouda of ."""""; now eltln l-etwoen you and tilalnllfT 011 the I "rid I of willful rloaertlon and abandonment S p tain Iff here... for a period of more , than year prior lo the coin "" ,.h'" ".V J? wit. ilnce Soplomher, A. 1. W, ana 1 nai aintuT have tho care, cu.tody and control of her minor "0 hlld, Klhel Souen, and lor inch .i he "and further relief a to the court may JwrniiulUbtaaud in.t. and for her coat, and "ftrrri by ,lr 0Mln. fjiyal H Bteariia, Jodie of the 4tli Judicial l)i trleloflheHUienftirejon. J'8e',t0mVoVNKU.l'KKHSKR, (-29:11-8 Attorney! lor Plaintiff. M...I r imilluitlnn for Saloon Llcenie. 11 UIKV w Notice la hereby (riven, that the under- . . in 1.. ti.A mtv of Ore- M.. V ?' .. " h. rZn .l.f niMtlM in R"' lAfh vZt . .rUnlloMatlon of the li- iron City, Oregon t w r;r ; Novemer lor me ronununi.u.. ii itreets 111 .u ony. - - -, .;: Oregon City, Oregon, Bept. 28, 18UJ. CONSTIPATION II called tho "Father ot DiBcnflr:B.' It la coiiBod by ft Torpid Liver, andiigunurttllj acoomjiunlod with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation iuccwmfully It li mild laxative and a tonio to the dignetivo organs. By taking Biramon Livor Begulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliouunesg and IudigcBtion. "Mr wife Klr dltwd with ComiIm Kon tml cou(hnig, oll,l wlih lllutln( Pilw. AfM (uur monil im o himmom kc(uUlor Im It laiwi Mlttlr nlm1, iiiiiii imiiaik aad tmk." W. U. Latni, IttUwun, Uhu. IflCVEHV PACKOB- lUa oar Z Mmmp In r4 wnppth J. li. CHILIS i CO., rulladtlpUU, l a. Needy - Nursery, J. D. NOE. Prop., N15EDY, - - OH1CGON. A fine lot of all kindo of FRUIT-:-TREES Ready for Fall Trade. A lot of one and two-year-old Italian and Petet Prune TREKS. All healthy. Apple and Pear Trees, A fine line of 1 and 2 yearoMn. Will not be undersold. Prices the lowcHt. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE' DRUGS OO TO A. HARDING. G MONK BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED riae Perfumeries ml Toilet Articles. Alto a lull Hock of IPIHSTTS- OILS, ETC. A GOOD I INVESTMENT la one that brings big return. A GOOD MEDICINE U the one that doe what Is claimed for It. OREGON KIDNEY TEA will cure all Plaeaaea of the Kid ney and t'rlnury Onrina, Consti pation, hiulx-im, Scalding- Pain when I'rinalinir. I'aina in thr Hark and Liinm, Imlalion of Ihr llladdrr. Uncle Duat l)epoalt and Btilit'l Duraae, CURE YOURSELF and Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Lease of Life, by suffering. WOOD TURNING ' A.3ST3D SCROLL SAWING BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Partioa tloHlrinu Wood Turning, Pat terns, Braukota, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling- on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO UKUbK. Or. H. BESTOW, OfOpp. the Connrenational Church NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN TIIK BRIDGE AND i. Dmihlfl unci Sincrle Rica, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A oorrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regardim? any kind ol stock promptly attended to by person or lotttir. Horses Bought and Sold. OKKIION CITY 110BK CO., No 8 Reitilar nieotlnu third Tueailay of each mnnlh at 7:t) P M J. P KaNNIta Proa. 11, S. Stkanmi. See 8. NxriuEK, F'rm. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Nntleela harehv liven that the ttnderalined executrix ot the will of Arthur Warner, tie- oeaaeil, haa flleil her account tor nuai aettie ment In tlie county court lor Clackamaa County Oregon, and that aald court haa appointed Wedncaday, the 6th day of Novemher, WW, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., for hearing objec tion! to aald account at aetllement thereof. Dated, Septemher 14. 1KUH. luiaaitTH WAKNia, Executrix of the will ol Arthur Warner, de ceased. 15:10-13 Ht'MMONH. In Hit Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregoo for the County ol t'lackamaa V. r. Morey, I'lalutlff, Jo.hua Welnh, John Q. WrlHi. MyrMe MrCafferly, Krnk Mo anVrly, Hopbla Mcl-'ariiirly, Willie Kvana, Minnie Kvana. Clara Kvana aud Mary llryant, lelt'iiranta. To .loahua Vt;-fi, John CJ. Welch. Myrtle Mo CalTTl. "rank McCalferty. Hi pbla Mc:aner ty. Willi Kvana, MaiiKle Kvana, Clara Kvana and Mary llryant, and each of you: In tbe name of the Htaie of Oregon: You ara re. inlred Ui appear aud auawerlba complaint of y. Y Morey herein, on or before the Atb day of November A Ii. iwa: and If you fall loan wer the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief prayed for In hla complaint, to wit: for a decree relormlng a certain deed hereto fore made, eiecuted and delivered by Henry C Welch to Job 11 (J. Welch, and decreellif that It waa tbe Intention of aald partlea to convey by aald deed lha following real eatate, aitiiaM la Clackainaa county, Uregon, and deai'rlled aa follower beginning at a Hake on the left bank of the Wlllain:' river, It being the N C. cur aar of the land of the etorenald Henry C. Vt rli-h, aad running S. aa deg. W. 43 chaiua to a lake: thence H. 14 w chain to a atake drove In tbe top of a large cedar atuinp on tbe line of the 1). 1- C of Jeaaa llulllck; thence N. M dec. K. ii.M ehaina to a .take 011 tbaaforeaald line: thence N. 10 VX) chaiua Ui a atake- thence N. Tl deg K. 'U cbalna to the place of beginning, con taining au a'-rea. Ani that thla la the land which aald Henry C Welch Intended to eon vryootheSth day of February, A. U lar by deed eiecnied and delivered by him to John Q Welcb;and that plaiulln la the owner In fee Unplp thereof ; and that each of you I forever barred from aetting up any right, tille, Inutreat In or claim to any of aald above dencribed real eatate; and for auch other aud further relief aa lo till, honorable court may aeem Juat and proper, nud tor hit coata and dhburnementa 1 1ll. iiiuimnue l publiabed by order of Hon. 1-oyal II. Htearua. Judireof the 4tb Judicial Dl Irl. l of Die Hiate of llrrgnn. Made ou the IVtb day of Heptvmlr. A T. lhW. DHOWNK1.I. A liHKHHKK, W:M AUorueye for Plalntlir SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court nf the Htate of Oregon for the County of Clackamaa. Hanlel J, Jonea, Plaintiff, va. William Uray. Mia; 'Iray, who. given name la uuktmwu. aud Mr (tray, whoae given name la unknown. Ueleudama. To W illiatn (iray, Mi.a Uray, whoae given name la unknown, and Mr. Uray, wboae given nam la unkuowu: In Hie name of tbe State of Oregon: Yon are required to appear aud auawer tbe compralut of the piainiifl nerelu oa or before Monday, the (llh day of November. A I l-'. and If you fail u- ai ana wer the plaltiiiff will apply to the court tor the rel let prayrd for In hla complaint filed herein, to wit: decreeing that you or either of vou have no luiere.t In tlie following rial entate alluate In (be county of Clackamaa, alaie of Ore gou, and dccrllied aa follow., to wit: the N. W. of tbe K. Vi of aectlon lfi In T. 4 8. of it. 2 K. of the Willamette meridian: and for a decree thai you aud each of you be required to aet forth the nature ot any claim that you may have againat aald property: and that all adverae claim of the defendauta acd of each of you be by a decree of aald court: au J that by aald decree It lie declared aud adjudged that thedeleudanta above named and each of you Have no eatata or intereat whatever In and lo aald land and prenilaea. and that the title ol plait till herein la good aud valid, and that the defendant, be forever enjoined and debarred from averting any claim whatever in ur to eabl laud aud prt-miwi advene to the rlntuurr nerein. Till luminous la publl.hed by order of Hon. Ival H. Htearua, Judite of the 4th judicial dii trlcl of the atate of Oreiron. Made this mh day ot September. A. D 1HS1 HIlOWNKLI. A lillKSKIt. a-'j2:l0-27 Attorney, for flalullfT. 8CMMON8. In the Circuit Court of the Ktate of Oregon for the County of Clackamaa. Jaanet C. Llthgow, PlatulliT.i va. Klchard I.llbgow, Pefendaut.) To Kichard l.lthgow, thealHive named deft lu the name ut the Htate ol (irrgou: You are reiiiiird lo appear and aniwer the complaint of tbe plalnlllt herein on Monday, the tlth day of Noveml-rr, A. I. I"V.'I; and If you fall ao to au awer Hie plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to wit: for a decree diolviug the bouda ot matrimony cow i-xlrilug between you and the plalntlir: and that ahe have the care, custody and control of the two minor children, to wit: Kichard V. l.ilhgow aud Krancla A. Mlhgow: and forau in-li-rrat In the following real date ailuate In Clackama county, and deacrlhed aa follow., to t It: hrgliiuliiir at a point KX1 chain, went and a. lo chain, north ( f acciiun comer to .e.-llum III, 11. 14 aud I.S of T. i 8 . K. 1 K of the Willam ette meridian; running thence aouth '.ti 10 chaiua; ihviice wet 1.1 75 cbalna; thence north Jii.10 chaiua: the:ice eaM l.H'i cbalna to the place of bcitlnulng. containing 'Kl acrea, more or leaa: and for auch olho- and further relief aa to the court may acem e)ultable and Juat . and tor her co.t. and uiiitiiiri.etncnta lu tin. lutt. Thla auinmoiia la ptibliKhed by order of lion. Loyal H. biearua, Judge of the 4th Judicial Ila trict ot the ttlate cf Oregon, lialed Septemlier 19th. A. n. 1X9S. llHOWSKI.I. A HRFSSER. S-2-MO-27 Atlurucya for FUiutlfT. . SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ol Clackamaa. Jamea II. Boirgea., 1'lalntiff, ) va. 5 Kichard W O'Hrlen. Defendant.) 8i'Xions. To Kichard W. O'Hrlen, defendant: In the name nf the Slate of Uregon : You are hereby required to appear and auawer the com plaint filed againat von in the above named court lu the above entitled an it. ou or before tbe flrat day of the next regular term of Mid court, the same being on Monday, the 6th day ot No vember, IfUH; aud If you tall to to appear or an awer, for want thereof the plalutili will take judgment againat yon tortheaum nf three hun dred dollar. (fM) and Interest thereou at the rale nf ten per cent per annum aitice the Mb day ol Ieceniber, JsW. and for the further atim of fifty dollar. (IVO. attorney', feea lu thia auit, and for roata and diaburaeinenta herein: aud decree that the following described leal eatate be .old to pay .aid aunia: All ol lota S, 4, . 6, 7 anil a lu block numbered ' lu the Oregon Iron., Steel Company'. Plral Additlou to the town of O.wcgo, lu Clackamai county, atate of Uregon. Thla aummnn. 1. publiabed by order ot Hon. (oral H. Stearua. Judge of the Circuit Court of the atate ot Uregon for the 4th judicial dittrlct. lMted September ixtli. A. l. MBit. Judge T. A, Mcliride of the Mb. Judicial dl. trict being abaeut from (iackanua county. MII.I.KK Si MII.I.KK, 9-22:11-8 Attorney, for Plaintiff. 8PMMOKS. Iu the Circuit Court of the Slate ot Oregon for tho County of Clackamas. Alice C. lllrka, Plaintiff,) va. 0. W. Hlcka, Dcfendnnt.) To Q W. lllcka. aald defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required lo he aud appear In the ahove entitled court on or before the (ith day of November, lfttt, and auawer the complaint Hied against you In the above entitled ault.or for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree aialnat you for relief demanded ill the com plaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the pUlnlllf: for the custody ol the minor children of said marriage, aud for coats aud dlshuiaementa. This summons la made by publication in the OrcKonl'tty Knierprlse by order ol Judge Loyal H Slearna. made at chambers, In Multnomah county, Oregon, ou the iOth day of September, im. ri. r., i;tu!., 0-2!: 11-3 Attorney tor Plaintiff. Sl'MMONS In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Henry Franklin Fuaey, Plalutlff, vs. Julia Pa- ey. Defendant To Julia Puacy, the above named defendant: In the name of the Htate of Oregon: You ara required to appearand answer the complaint ol the plaintiff herein on Monday, the Hth day of November, A. 1). lS'.i.t; and If you fall lo an swer the plalmtirT will apply to the court for the relief prayed for lu the complaint, to wit: for a deorco dissolving the bonds ot matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff; aud that he have the care, custody ana control of your minor child, Mabel A. Pnaey; and tor such other and further relief as to the court may aeem equitable and Just: and for his costs ami oisiiuriemems in tins sun. This summons ia published by onier of Hon. I.oval 11. Stearns, Jiui of the 4th Judicial l)islrlot of the Htate of Oreiron. BUOWN ELL fc DKESSKK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dated September 1U, im, 9-2:10-27 THE RED FRONTS COFFEES. Good Green Coffee, 22 cents per pound. Good Roast CofTee, 25 cents per pound. Dry Granulated Sugar, 15 and 16 pounds, $1. TEA.Se Good green tea, SO cents per pound. Choice uncolored 37 J cents per pound. FLOUR. Best Flour $3.40 per barrel. 13 yards No. 1 DreHS Ginghams, tl. 15 yardB Cabot W, $1. House-lining, 2s yard up. Winter stock Dry Goods, Underwear, Etc., Now ready. Prices as low as Portland. QJJQJjJgJ Best Goods, Lowest Prices, Quick Sales. Produce 1 tilt en HAMILTON - &- ALLEN, Cash Dealers, OREGON CITY. Railroad A LARGE STOCK OF FINE TREES, FREE FROM PESTS, For fall and spring trade, 1893-9 1. Nursery located on Hawthorne Ave., 2 miles from Portland. TAKE THE ELECTRIC CARS, On First and Madison, West Side, for Mt. Tabor, which will take you to Nursery. Come and Examine Stock before placing your orders. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send for Catalogue and Price List. W. S. FAILING Station A., Portland Or. MENTION ENTERPRISE. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, Manufacturer! of and dealer. In all itylea of dOMBiilpil Wir;e and pidET fehCe, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire Tanel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, ICARUS Root Ana rreoahle Laxative and NEKVF. TONIC Bold by limggtstsor sent by mail. 20c,oUcl, and (1.00 per package. Samples free. "ir XI f The Favorite TOOTH PCVJH II ii IlUlwtheTeethandilnlh.2jc, For sale by C. G. Huntley. S. F, SCRIPTURE, Practical Blacgith AND GEN'L WORKMAN. All kinds of Repair Work and Horse Shoeing, Executed on short notice in a work man like manner. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near Albright & Warner's meat market on 5th street. J. F. FORD, Evangelist, Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ot March 23, mi: S. B. Mki. Mro. Co., Dttfur, Oregon. Gentlemen: On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half yenrs old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. 8. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of tlie children like it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarse ness iroin me. do give u to every one, wiin greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are yours, Mb. & Mas. J. F. Ford. If you wish to feel fresh and eheerfnl, aud ready ter the Spring's work, cleanse Tour sys tem with the Headache A Liver Cure by taking two or three doses each week. M cents per bot tle by all druggists. Sold under a positive guar antee by L.M.ANDKEWS. i . 11 "" - r- t -4 A Y t f ii H i50 foe a case it will not cum;, d OREGON. Nursery. Oregon City, Or. Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT George C. Ely's P0ST0FFICE STORE, Elyville, Oregon, Where you can get the highest cash price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. F. F. WHITE. W. A.WHITE. WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects Builders. Will prepare plans, elevations, working de tils, and specifications for all kinds of build ings. Special attention given to modern cot taages. Estimates furnished on application Call on or address WHITE BROS., Oregon City, Ogn JOHN A.BE0K, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Try him I F.atabllNhed 1S65. PIONEER Transfer1 and fjqtfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. . I HM a