Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1893)
"T Oregon City Enterprise. FKIDAY SEITKMBKR 29, 183. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. rrices the lowest The Red Front. School deportment canls one cent each at the Entirpriri office. 1 tRKJIITFIL ACCIDENT. Workmen Killed While Repairing the Uamma Hrlrfge. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Howard cn Monday Septemlier 25, son. Feter Susbaur has been appointed poet master at Canby in place of Geortre Knight who has held the office for many years. Mrs. N. Watts Hladen will have her Fall opening, Friday and Saturday September JSUh and 30th at her millinery parlors. tf Douglas Thorne returned Sunday from Alarshtield where he has been making an extended visit to his sister, Mrs. A 8. Graham. A social dance will be given at Pope's hall, Saturday evening, September 30. Firet-clsss music. Admission, gents 50 cents ; ladits free. Thursday evening, at the residence of W. I. Risdon in this city, Judge Fouts married Miss Mary Parks and Mr. Sey moor Lankins, both of Uiis place. Rev. Giluian Parker will finish his dis course on "Practical Christianity as Ap plied to Even-day Life," at the Baptist church on Sunday evening next. Hall's Hair Renewer is pronounced the best preparation made for thickening the growth of the hair, and restoring that which is gray to its original color. Owing to illness, my undertaking bus iness will be under charge of 8. F. Scrip ture until further notice. Full line of caskets and colli ns in slock. C. P. Wineset A Chautauquan circle was organized at the home of H. E. Stevens on Tuesday evening with Mrs. C. H. Dye as presi dent and Miss Mary Conyers secretary. The circle will meet once a week. Wheat, oats, hay, potatoes, butter and eggs wanted at the 1'ark Place store at the highest market price. We give in return the best goods for the least money. Our prices cannot be duplicated in the county. The regular quarterly meeting for the M. E. church south for the Oregon City work will be held at the Kavanaugh chapel at Currinsville on the coming Saturday and Sunday, September 30th and October 1. Rev. Gilman Parker left Tuesday for Albany where he goes by invitation to attend reception in honor of Rev. Geo. W. Hill, late pastor of the Baptist church in that city, who leaves shortly as a mis sionary to China. J. A. Barnard, who arrived from Kan Baa a short time ago, has purchased two lots in Ely addition to Oregon City and is at work putting no a residence on them. The building is to be 20x24 feet, one story and a half high. Miss J. Utter and Miss M. E. Liebker, professional nurses of Portland move to their abode at Gladstone where they can hereafter be found. Patrons out of town will reach them hy telephone at Mr. Huntley's drugstore, or address, Oregon City poet office, box 325. A universal beautifier, Harmless, effective, and agreeable, Ayer's Hair Vigor has taken hih rank among toilet articles. This preparation causes tbin, weak hair to become abundant, strong and healthy, and restores gray hair to its original color. The Bank of Oregon City has had placed a substantial cement walk in front of its place of business and the property adjoining, owned by G. A. Harding and others joined on with that placed by the bank making the half block complete. The Willamette Silver band is gettine np a first-class string band from among the members of the band with the help of Mr. John Everest on the violin and will give a series of dances during the winter. They expect to give the first ball about the 13th of October with first class music. H. H. Johnson, who has been out looking over the Anperson road south of town, Bays that it is rapidly nearing completion and that if all goes well it will be completed by Saturday evening when those who have occasion to use it can have the pleasure of driving over a fine plank road. The New York Novelty & Japanese company which nhowed here lant Satur day night was attached by W. C. Faulk aerof the Electric hotel on Monday for s board bill of between $8 and (9, and their paraphernalia was attached by Con etable Fields for the bill. The case was begun before Judge Fouts and is set for the .3d of October. Since the first of the year there has been no less than four deaths at or in the immediate vicinity of the Clackamas bridge on the electric line between here and Portland . The accident on Wednes day which resulted in the killing of Carl Perham was so sudden and unexpected that it shocked his fellow workmen for the moment and they were powerless to render aid. Indeed it is almost certain that death ensued the moment his hands came in contact with the wire which imparted the shock. The accident, as learned by a reporter who visited the scene immediately alter it occurred and talked with those who witnessed it, happened a little bclore five o'clock in the afternoon. The men had urcii at wor an nay on uie upper ciiorul of the bridge tightening up the rod for the purpose of getting the bridge which bad swayed to one side back in its nor mal position. In their work they had occasion frequently to pass from one side of the bridge to the other upon the lat eral braces and In doing so steadied themselves by the several electric light wires which are strung upon the bridge for the East Portland circuit . No shock had been felt at any time during the day and no thought ot danger occurred to the men when a little More 5 o'clock Carl Perham had occasion to cross the hi idge for an auger that was needed. He had nearly reached the opposite side when his fellow workmen were startled by the sound usual to crossed electric wires and hastily looking up they saw that he had fallen across the wires upon his back and that a bright blaze was leaping from each of his hands which were held fast to the two wires which he hsd hold of when he received the shock. His brother Robert was at work with him on the up per part of the bridge but was powerless to relieve him or free the body from contact with the wires. H. W. Per ham, another brother, and foreman of the work, was on the floor of the bridge, and seeing the position in which his brother was he ran beneath hint to be ready to catch him in case he should fall. After being in contact with the live wires for the space of about half a minute the bands released their grasp and the body fell and was caught by H. W. Perham, who carried it to the bank where attempts were made to resuscitate it but without avail. Coroner Ilolman was notified and immediately went to the scene of the accident where, after making a careful investigation, he de cided that an inquest was unnecessary. The body was brouiht to the undertak ing rooms of R. L. Ilolman in this city where Dr. Carll made a caretul exam ination to see if there remained any sign of life. Deciding that there was none the body was prepared for burial and sent to Portland, where he lived, on a special car on ThursJav morning. Carl Perham was one of four brothers who lived with their mother in East Portland, and he and his brothers bad been at work for some time in and about this city, where he had formed quite a pleasant acquaintance, as he was a very pleasant and genial young man of good habits and character. His death is deeply regretted by all who knew him. Schosl Notice. The public, schools ot this city will open Octotter 2d, and the board has divided the district for the present as follows, towit: Beginning at the bluff on Seventh street and running thence along said street to John Q. Adams street thence northerly along John Q. Adami street to Ninth street, thence easterly along Ninth street to district limits. All children of (list grade (or chart class) and all children of the next or second grade living south of the alwve lines will assemble at the new school house. All of the above-named grades living north of the above named lines, and all of the same grades living under the bluff will assemble at the old school house. Ineqtialitiei in the above division will be corrected by the principal's trans ferring pupils ft om one school to the other as the case may require. All o.1 the Seventh grade will assemble at the new school house without regard to district lines. Other changes will be made whenever necessary aud practlca ble. Grades not mentioned above will as semble at the old schoolhotise. Chart class will be organized during the first week of term. Pupils not en tering during the first week will not t received until the middle of term, when new chart class will probably I or ganized. H. L., Gko. W. Giiionxy, T. S. Lawhkncc, Board of Directors. September 20, 18U3. N. B. The first grade is combined of the primary pupils or teginher. Capt. 8 pong and J. N. Graham have just returned from a very pleasant trip tip the Willamette. They went up as far as Springfield where they took a ekiffand came down the river stopping at the various towns along the bank to see what they looked like and at such places as they thought likely to afford pleasure And amusement. Among the latter they included several hop yard dances. Company F. held its first meeting in the armory since it was overhauled and the addition built on, on Monday evening. It was also the first since the summer vacation. The meeting was for the pur pose of Inspection and Captain Ganong made a most thorough job of it. there oeing a gooa attendance. I he occasion was taken to assign to all the members of the company the locker in which each is hereafter to keep his suit and equip ments for it is intended that all suits shall hereafter be kept in the armory. Thursday, the 27th of this month, was the 3th anniversary of the marriage of Major Thos. Charman and wife and thty celebrated the event with a family din ner. In the evening their relatives in the city surprised them by gathering at the residence to congratulate them upon their Ion a and happy married life. The evening was very pleasantly spent and thoroughly enjoyed by all and by none more than by the surprised host and his wile. The Butte Creek Fair is now in session and will continue during the rest of the week. Saturday is usually the treat day of the fair when everybody and his best girl gather in from miles around to see the big pumpkins and to have a good time. This year will prove no exception and if you want to be in the swim all over you will go on both Friday and Saturday and take two girls. The Commercial bank of Portland which has been closed for a couple of months has authority from Comptroller Eckles to open its doors for business and expects to do so on Monday of next week if the extensive changes which are being made in the arrangement of the building can be completed in time. The Gladstone car broke down on Tuesday and had to be taken to the shop to be repaired, so there was no car running to Gladstone Park on Wednes day. ' They Will .Marry. Thursdays' Oregonian says; The crimi na charge hanging over Fred Motman and Jennie Purcell, arrested at Oregon City Monday night, will probably be withdrawn today. The girl's father call ed upon Justice McDevitt yesterdy to ask whether the marriage of the young folks would settle the matter, and learn ind that it would hastened home with uie news, i-ater in the day it was learned that Miss Purcell and Muesman were more than willing to carry out their part of the contract, so that the knot will lie lied today, and Mosnman released from jail. Married. lii'RKB W aru. At the resilience of James Ward in Opegon City, Saturdey, September 23d, 1SU3, Rev. Gilman Par kcr officiating, Mr. Thomas Burke and Mies Emily C. Ward, both ol Oregon City where they are well and favorably known. They will reside in this city on the west side of the river, where the groom is erecting a neat cottage. Hammond Wright. At the Presby terian parsonage, Oregon City, Oregon, eptember 21. 18!i3, by Rev. G. W. Gib- onv, Mr. R. B. Hammond and Miss Etta Wright, both of Oregon City, Or. Social Supper. By the Presbyterians, at Shively's hall on the evening of Friday, September 2!). A short and interesting program will be rendered, beginning at 8 a'clock, alter which refreshments will lie served. A special effort will be made to have every one enjoy the evening. Come and spend the time pleasantly. The only admission will be ut the door. Don't Consign Yoar Hops. Joel T. Goer, who Is closely watching the hop market writes as follows con cerning the practice of consigning hops: "Tho most ridiculous thing that grow ers can do, In my opinion, Is to let deal ers huve their ln to ship, I lie grower to have the going price at soino future day, between now and the Inst of Octo ber. They ought to be able to seo that they are only furnishing the dealer and brewer just that amount of hops with which to beat down the market, and If any considerable number would do that the dealer hsd as well olfer 12 cents as twice that amount. These ho go to the brewer and they have them to use andean stay out of the maiket that much longer, while the oor deluded grower is vainly hoping to see the price get hotter, so he can have a chauce to name a good figure. The "hand to mouth" policy of the buyer Is thus helped on by the grower that is condemning it, and the price is kept down on him with the help of his own hops. Fortunately there are few of them doing It, but there are a few ; but if all were to do that, the brewer would get the hops and the grower would take what they were willing to give him. It is a good dual like going off and tolling the dealer to go to your hop house aud take the hops and give you what he thought you ought to have." Lost. Last Saturday, between the Baty place and Ely's store a pocket day book and ledger with my name in each, and two pass books from E. E. Williams's store Finder please leave at Williums's store and receive reward W. E. Johnson the tall term ot school will own next Monday at which time the new school building will be occupied for the first time. The school board has a notice in the paper relative to the classification which it would be well for all patrons of the school to make a note of. It might also be well for parents who have child ren wuu wish io truer me chart or begin ning class to bear in mind the fact that in the two years past the overcrowded condition of the schools during the year has prevented the formation of a chart class after the opening of the term. It is, therefore, desireable that all who are to enter that and other classes should do so the firet day of the school year. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Sons of Veterans, will give a social at the hall over the livery barn on Seventh street, on September 29th. Theie will be a program. After the program the ladies will serve coffee, cake, sandwiches and pickles for the small sum of -fifteen cents. Every body invited to come, especinly the G. A. R. men. Meade Relief Corps, and the Sons of Veterans. A society of the Kings Daughters was organized at the Episcopal church on tr i i : . i ' i n ouumwaj evening oi una wee. M. J. Brodrick has placed a lartre cut stone on the sidewalk to bring his suop within easy access ot the street. The ladies of St. Paul's Guild are busy preparing for their Fair and Chrysanthe mum show, which is to take place in November. Several prizes will be given at that time ior best flowers. R. D. Wilson and Charlie went up the river the last of the week for a few days outing In which time they expected to catch all tho fish in the Clackamas, or perhaps less. J. B. Noe of Needy was in tho city on Saturday and called at the Entkb phisb office where he placed an order for a fine lot of stationery for his nursery business. Tfce Opening or School, Tho fine new six room school house Uon Seventh street has beeu completed and the bourd of directors have accepted it from the contractors. It Is a neat and imposing two story structure which from its fine location can I) seen for miles around. All wiio have seen It pro nounce it a model of beauty and very convenient in arrangement. It la not exacted that it will Ut necessary to use all the rooms at present but they will Ik ready for use if needed. The directors with Prof. Prinirle aw consulting rela tive to tho arrangement of the grades fo as to permit the pupils as for as invi sible ts attend school in tho buildings nearest their homes. Of course this will be impossible in all of the grades but it will be applied first for the benefit of the little folks and where possible to other pupils. It will of course be im possible at the outset to assign pupils definitely but with the opening it can soou be adjusted so as to work smoothly. The brick for Main street are being de livered at the upperend of the street and are being carefully examined by our peo ple, who are passing sundry and various opinions iion them. Capt. Shaw tested about one third of one and found that it consumed about one fourth of a pint of water. It is of the utmost iuiortaiice that the committee of the council and the contractors ex. rcie the greatest caie in the selection of brick to lie used. Mr John F. Hehm. an exterienced brick layer who has taken the contract for luy- ing them, says that they will stand both near uiiu mruin an rigni anil mat they should be as good in 20 years as when laid. The excavators are at work uiion Main street between Fifth and Sixth streets while the gravolors are only about a block south and the sand haul ers a couple of blocks back of tho gravel men. The curb builders are at ork between Eighth and Ninth streets and the parties placing sidewalks are at work anywhere from Fourth to Eight streets. The trestle builders have the piling set to Moss street and the stringers In place so that not more than a day or two will elapse before the completion of that part of the work. WATOH FOR OUR in Displapndou NEXT WEEK. A Feast for tho Gods. OREGON CITY SHOE STORE. T TIME t 3I0XEY SAVED BY HAYING YOUR rKKSCIUITIOXS FILLED AT THE CAiXBY PHARMACY, CANBY, OREGOIV. Our Motto is "Small Profits on n C'nsli door to HimIvk, I 1 1 - J Ilitsis." Kvnna Muck, nut II. IUVINK, I'r..iri,tor. FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME Steam'p Telephone Mr. V. Harris has purchased of E. T. Fields the business established and run for many years by his father, Thos. Fields, has taken charge of the same and will be glad to form the acquaintance of all of our townspeople. Mr. Harris is a very affable gentleman who comes here from Astoria and prior to that from New York. He is accompunicd by his eistt'r, Miss Mary Harris, who is keep ing bouse for them and who will assist him at the store. They are living in t part of the house occupied by Mrs Wetheroll on Main street near Seventh, L. L. Porter and V. I,. Millor who went up the Clackamas for a days out' ing the llrst of the week, were about tho only ones of several parties who had any success. I hey took 47 out of one nnol n the river. . ' '-."KWH fa , " " Vl V, .. . , ,."t Leaves foot of Alder streot, Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A.M. Leaves Astoria daily, excopt Sunday, 7 P. M. Tug Ilwnco from Ilwaco connects nt Astoria with Telotilioiiofwr night for Portland. A, W, Cheney is preparing to build new cottage on bis property on Jefferson street between Ninth and Tenth. He expects to occupy it himself and will rent the other two which adjoin. Mack Howell has sold the lot on loth Street, Uon which he hul started to build tofieo. C. Iliownell, whose prop erty it adjoined. William Johns is building a new cot tage adjoining the electric line one block beyond the Abernethy. Miss Nixon of Seattle is visiting her sister Mrs. It. L. Ilolman of this citv. E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, oregon city. Masonic Building. Shiloh's Vitalizeris what you need for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Trice 75c. Sold by C. i. Huntley. It Hliould lie In Dtrry llour. J. It. Wilson. .171 Clnv street Kl. ...... hurg I a., savs he would not m without nr. rung s .ew Discovery for ('oii.uun.. lion, Coughs and folds, that it cured ins wile who was threatened with 'iiru monia alter an attac k of "U (.rlmm" when various other remedies and several physicians had ilonn lir m, y. V v ooKHport, I'a., claims lr. King s .New Discovery has done him more goon man anything he ever uted for Lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Fr.-e Tiiul Dottles at (i.-o. A llsrd ding s Drug Ktore. Urge Imtllcs U) cts. ami $1. For Sale. Horse, buggy and harness. Horse Is a tniHty driving snimiil. Will cheap. Address, Ciuuncy D.winky, Oregon City. For Kent. Dwelling houses for rent In .11 of tho city. Houses and terms in i. ClIAIlMA.V Duos, ' ti... r . Tr ;.r: ruiooorn Mon Ht,d Scalp Disease, the worst forms of Scrofula, all blood-limits ami poixons of lVirv in...... and nature, are utterly r.u,i,.,i .. Dr.l'ierce'sfio n Medical Dincovery. tor every disease canned h t.....i.i 1'ver or impure blood, It is the only remedy so certain and eflWllv, .l., i. can bo gnuronteed. If f,.ia , , . or cure, y,jn 111V y -cwirna, Tetter. Halt-rheum !.',..!...... .. IMI". Carbuncles. Kl. Z ' Tumors and Swellings, ud ovur; kindred ailment, are completely cured KlizaMll. Pa.. Alii, 00 lur-.t Nohman Luiiitv, Des Moines. low- We have a good sain uIob and those who hv ,,i...i ,i T ..n u...! "--" "iem use Kosnecthi v Am , 'lAS. Drug " "u' ut' , A fVwdoie of Moore's Itevealed Remedy. Will brace you m, put tho Moons l your cheek and tho sparkle in yool eye. Htri.jlly non-aleohollc, Hi tiMin persons suffering from Hi hsliit Is wonderful Win. Kimhiii, ol I'lirllnml, Ore,, wrllm: . "MIMiri.'a IIhuh.i...! i. , u ..,H. tn. m 1riiMkniu an, ,, , Mpw ,,,, tn. ti wliu .rmjiir.eil will) Hi lliuior bsbll to"14 Inkir It." A II, Cmd, nf Mniilnrer, Cut., : , , , 'It uiiilri'ly ile.iriirml my lr ipl'IB Try llonen, Hl.t hy ilriiKtf tots, or llolniu. liriig Ci.,Mimlllo. IAKKKII. Wedding etttUonery, the latest style, and finest assortment ever brought S OrCgonCltyattl,eKNTK,,,,,,HKnff,K lt CLA'S nlu prvi in . D.. ;:?: ",vr. " 'm- KX KCIJTOIl'H HAI.R Or II K A 1 KSTiTl In the mutter of tlise.Uieof CsnilliU l11 ili'rp(i.,.,. , 1'iir.iuiii u an oritur af the Cnimly C"r'J lm iiiiii county, i, rexni, m'l("'J teilllwr Ihtll. Imi:i Urn nilr.lili.,l. CtlW'lWS lliiMi.tnin of CkmIIiio Norton, i.'eiti"l. ' t iml.llr nurll en llio preiiili. i)l"1' 'Hi, m. til i a'ehiek p. III., the fiilliiwIM ft ""Int.'. to wit: Tin et hull uf Hie l"H',, uJ It-M-rllH-rl unci ,l i.iei: i,.vlnnlM lr" iilnn I'hnln. miilli euil eliain. i"' ""'.i lln It. wmtnf ihetiurlii rt curlier olwli rjliiui,towiihlp three tuiilh, Mime t""Ti Ihenee fnnl lKhly .l chln; tliciine jwuu twenty rli.ln,; i1Uire Mt iwrnuy-eiieC".1" etui (Illy linke: timiini north ""!., Hmim; thru wr,t ie hutnlreil 'h.ln.inil Sliv iil.. ,i, ....... ...ulh tlir" filmliueiid nfuieii link, to the plsneol btf nun, coiitiilnliis i nun reil nd llT " 1 ami nlxty two hiimlrmllhe of " K"l moroorlc. u Cl.rk.m.ioounty, HW2 iwlni on the nou in. riiiiulii. hum M"l Clly KiHprliiKwiiUir. , ,i, lurim-one hull Mh mul the rmln'l!J eyer at S lmr cent Inlnro.l, t t hy a mori.nRa on the iirniinrty sold. . ,, W. II. I'DI'K, Exoeiiturof iheKiWj, , M of tarulhie Worlou. 'I'''"'7 Hepl 22, inns. Kil:10- T COMPANY. FI KHT KKOIMKNT, 0;M Armnry, Third and Main. Regular drill "'j Monday. Itemilar h.,.i... mMlhllli Monday of each month. . (Isnont, ... Mr" i Kollv. . ' Mp.llleiiw'. 1 U flokeos, . . .... Beooud UeuW0