Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME 0. C!,T t.'H NTKAMKII, In Krraif Hit, jn, na, Mlxmnor AITONA, wi imin'n ciu. !. rKTi.4nn i. mi. 7 , m, i wi m. U in. e m. 4 iw i mi. kl'NIiAY. lint, m. m. 1 in. 11 '. m. Skip m, I Kp i, KmiiikI If tp M will. TliuamrJ ulijwl W elianf without notice VTKAUKK Tdl.KIXI-HAII.r lit) AT. iTUt. HMOOH IITV, ill 11 MIMI'JN I ill III tui'Ti. ! Ihiom-UIhIiiii Uniting I 10 a. m ; Nw li ! Urgu Ui w a, hi, it t'r Taylor Mlrwl mci, Portland, J 00 p w ; org"M Lily, su p.. IimI nl ncotniniKUlliiiia dit ihmuihi a, hti ( mafia. Vir Ir vi lii rate ly uu po'J. wiiTHKUN rAi'iru: kailwIy! RllMTM OVD, fallfnrnla Kiirt (Ihruugh) Kutcliulg llK'Sl ( lUllulll) XH'TN milHli, Hutching I y Hunt) lilllnitiU Kip rata illiKiiigli) 1 l in. 1 I W pm. HI a, m 1 l ( m Till MAIM Mtlli rl glg Nnrili.t a. m , I a. m , I a. ni., m.,ip u. t M. Utllt C1I nwiu, V lll H'll'tH. Oirgoii Cliy to Kly,Cnn. Mnlliin.n, MoUlli mm el U iu. cud flM l U la. dally, (Ifninti City Hi Kly, M I tih.lKr k .Mrailnvllrwik, t'al"!! Mill. HullO" lnl I "ll"!!, ! l ua I 1 .. .1 Ml,...l..a ....I - I IIIM, 'II IM" WMM "tl.'ll, IP(SI II U, !, 1hur'1f al Haiurday, end f i liilliiolug lint! el I U y, ru n i 'I.-- i- uiriiion FUIDAV, HI ITKMUKU l-J, lH'H c ' " - " " ' MuxKviKM Kuji-rni. I .Ml Monday evening tliorvi arrived In llil city an (M Dun wlioal oiii o looked up ClilW of I'uIho, J. H. l'liriluiii, ami liifurmt-d him tUtlm wait looking (or liU lUimhlrr, JpiiiiIo I'ltrmll vrlio tiutl runaway with t jrntiiiK man tiamad Fred Mmwiiinn, gti.l Ihnt Im tl won I hut tiioriiliiK colli' Injl way (rout Portland wlii'i llm j.iitlii' livivl. Wlillo tlii.y wi'ro talkliiK lh rmri'mit roiiilo inniH'il alntiK Ilia titlier nil) u( llio itwt atiit wrro rpoiil ml by Ilia fullior ol tha girl who diniU-J runlwiu lo arrrtt tlicm. Hr did m) by pWUt IiIk liatuU 0xin Ilia tlniiililttrg ul t)i I'uir ami b'lllng lirr thai Iit lalhrr aitlioil to t lur. Tlila grratly anluiil iliol 1 1 id ilamwl and when Iter lrnml inrtwtur linUirxl iiion ln-r acrumiNtnying liiiu Iiuiiio ulic rrl'tilli'il nit the ulil gi'iil Irinan waa firm and altlioiiiili alio nv liitfil vignriitmly ianrially wln'ii bolng Uki'ii alumni tlm rlin trli' rar alia u Uki'll dark wlilln lirr lnvrr wiia alluaod to Ingutiinli in ml till tlm 10 30 car wlirn a riiiinlaliln from 1'urtUiid caino up and tuok him down wild Iron ortiiinifiillng Ma wrmta. The too loving cotiidn had topi'iil Sunday night al a mm:' lu nmnc l llntiinaon who Iivcn ni'ar J. S. ltiiiliiv'a, tin (liiiing In tho tarn while liiiNTiipiil a Ix-d In llm Iioiim. Thu next itfli'iiiixin tln-y alartrd out toward CUi kitiiiaa and walkl up lh railroad Wk to Una) pUcn. Thi'y wr-ro loth aillmut tnonry and rlnimi"! to W on llii'irwny to Salmi w here hn rlaiimil to havn Irii'iula who would annlnt him to nmrry tint young lady. MnHiuan ought lu hnvit hud iiioncy nongh to tiavo gut mitrricd upon aa Im haa hnm tiring Unin thu (iuvcrnor Nuwtdl. When the cotmiulili'a aMi'unt wttut to to take him from the city Juil lo llio car Moaa man hroku away and gnvn the deputy a livt'ly i Iiiuhi. Til mm rHou tiik Wauo!. Lt Tui'mhiy a(ti'rnooi) aa Allatrt HarrliiKton ol Highland waa In tho city on hla initial Tmnduy trip ho waa driving down Main trert ni'Br KIkIiIIi whi-n the (iliidatone car cniiie up hidiind him and (rightoncd liia I c i n no that thvy alartud to run down the Btiecl. Ho tried to utop them tutwlutn nciirly In front the court huuii) wuH thrown out and either atruck niHin hi head and rm-lvud aovero cnta and hrulwa or hy holding on to the lint-H and Mni drnggod, hla head (truck all men and wai cut. Ho hold to the lliiea till near the corner of Ninth atreot wlipn tho toaru hroke away and turned toward the river w hore they were caught. Mr. llarrinuton waa atmlrited to the of- flrn nl !) If V. Kurrin whuro hla wounds oonalatlnu ol three aovore gnahca wveral Inches long, two of which went to tho bone and two ld bruises were clnmn(d. Tlmao brulncs will catiHe Mr. Harrington considerable pain and il iscoin- furl fi.r m,rn ili.ia Kiif nm not danueroUS. Mr. Harrington thought that If the car had been stopped by the motormtin, wr. (iiliKon, that he would have been ablo to have (piloted the team so aa to have prevontud the aocident, while Mr. Uib aon mivB Unit lie waa trying to run bo as to prevent an accident and that his ex perience aa motorman has led hl to try and uA the cur away, a stopping docs not uHtmlly seem to d any good. AtkllrtiTiurkisi una TlitiH The Ori'iron City poBtodlce has received notices from the department to be posted advertising for bida for carrying the mails for the comimr (our vnnrs In this stuto. com mencing July next. Those who wish to see a list of the routes and the terms upon which bids will be received tiy me department can do so by culling on tlm .,ol... iii.iu tn bo received by the department must be In Washing ton by the first of December. Any one desiring further Information can procure it by addressing the aecond assistant poBtuuUr general at Washington. Vimn It ItarrKit.-C. K, Knolts, who had charge of one tlm I..,.. .1.1...- 'luring the aeaaon Jimt cloaed In the II.. a a ....III i. . . "luiivimi iimtriet was In town on Kutiir ihiy and aaya that there was much ajc prehciialon among grower at the time of tho driving out of (ho t'hlnewi picker lest hev should nut he iililn tn avo their crop but the result wu a stir prla lo them a all yards were nuved in line shape notwlthslaiidlng ths fuel Hint tlm weather was (pille dump inont of thu time. II any that one of the largt-at groweralnthe valley told hi in that he had iiover had hit crop galhered In aa good hai aa ihl year, wheie at the oiieiilng of the seaaon he was greatly con cerned about ecurlng ,In crop, One great advantage aec tired by the employ nimit of white labor Is the homo market made lor all kinds of farm product. Tha while pit kerg will use eggs, bread, chickens, milk add almost anything that the farmers haa to spare w hile the Mon golian will not. Tn Past la Jlona.-On Tuesday a party of tramp created a surprise by driving into town for ilwaa not stippoed that the gentry of thut jierstiaslon usually rode, but as they seemed familiar with this locality a closer lmicctlon was made which revealed Ihuir identity. It waa Hie Handull camping party which had been absent for Ihree weeks hunting and flhlng In the Coast Krange. During this time their heard bad grown and they looked nearly a rough and dirty aa the tramp who visila our door begging for a cold bile. They report a pleasant lima In spile of (he rainy day which they excriencrd. They were out on the lower Nehalem and got there by driving over the Trask river route to Tillamook, thence up the coaat to the mouth of the Nehalem where they left Ihelr teams and ascended the river in a boat. Huh were numerous and the dried meat with which they returned pvaka well (or their hunting qualities. Nkw Fokm or Munkv Ohdkh. The department haa J nut sent out notice lo the several postmanlcr that Irgiuning immediately there will be lined a new furin of money order which will in time displace the form now In use. The form which will be nt out as (ant aa the old forms ant uud up will diuVr from Hie old in that it will give un the order itwlf the name of the payee. This hue not heretofore been done and the re cipient of an order could not tell till he had presented it at the Ktoflico whether or not there had been made any mistake in II issue or w hom it was issued in favor of, conacipienily ihere were iimny deluva which il li le'lu-d will not occur under thu tilmi now adonlcd. Another dllllcultv which will be remedied is that exix-rlencrd by the party having several order lo send at once. Having the name before him he need not muke any miftluke. The new form will not be issued at tho Oregon ('ity ollUe for several month yet a the supply of old orders will lint some time. A Mkrk (iaiiiiks Patch. Several weeks since the Hillsboro Independent laid claim to the lilggcst potato patch in the aisle of Washington county and riled Thus. PatilMtn'a Ill-acre patch as thut field. The Independent mini ou'lil lo come over to ClackamiiH county and o over a few of tho Ileitis that tlio prosper ous farmer are rais:ng without thinking them anything out of ordinary Itelore bragging on "a mere garden patch." There are many farmei in this county who ulant every season a paten ot poia toe the site of the one mentioned and several olunt a great deal lurger patches Among these may be mentioned the Hon. John Kruse with hi 40-acre patch which Is his usual crop. Chocs Acuobs this Uivgii. Iiolert ltlehleoneof the piosporous wert side farmers was in the city from htallord Hie (lrsl of the week and makes a very favorable report concerning the crops in his section of the country. The late rains he says have damaged the late sown oats to a limited extent but this loss is more than made up by the gain to the notato crop which has been mucli improved by the rains, and a thero is a InrL.n acreage this w ill prove an impor tant Item In balancing the farm ledger for the year. The ground in most places s wet enough to permit ol plowing anu tho farmers are taking advantage of the fine weather to get In fall gralna. Volume Six of The Shin. The sign Is tho name of the neat paper which Is published at the Oregon school lortieai mnii.s .nd with the opening of the pres' ent school year It entered upon Us sixth year, and it notes that the attendance lii,.hls37with several more in pros n.,,.1 In ilia lariri st ever enrolled. Among the names of the pnpila which are pub lished we note that Miss Lnura Ainey n,l Frnnk Johnson are presont from Clackamaa county. The current issue of The Sign gives tho deaf-mute alphabet as one of Its IntorostinK leaiures. Tub Nkw BiDKWAi.KS.-It is a pleasure to walk along the street whore the now -..lUa .rn down and feel tho solid and Binooth plunk beneath one's feet whilo there is no apprehension In the mind lest one strike a high plunk or a nuilto . nnthlmrof the former Hunger irora loose Plunk. Of course the street is yet .. n in many pluces and It Is rough getting around but the new walks are being rapidly luid and as soon as the brick are in place so that there will be no trouble at crossings it will be good enough lor any one. A HuccKssrtiL Oi'Knino. Monday's Orcgonlun contained this favorable notice ol the exposition: "The exposi tion building will be kept open and lighted for the benefit of exhibitor who desire to woik In tho arrangement of their exhibits on Monday and Tuesday evenings. A the pres associations oi Oregon and Washington ant to be the guest of thu city on Thursday, Friday and Saturday it will lie of great benefit to every exhibitor that all exhiblta shall be In complete order at the opening Wednesday evening. riuiuriutendent Allen received a telegram from Liberatl yesterday stating that he would arrive Tuesday evening with a band that would surpass aay that ha ever played at the exposition. TliUhiitcorroboruU' the re ports that have come to Mr. Allen from those who have heard the band, as it is now constituted. It is safe to say, there fore, that the muaio-lovlng people of Portland are not to be disappointed, but are to have a rich treat in the music that la to be furnished at the exposition this season. A Lamm Fai'tuby. The Coquille City Herald says that the contractor for the erection of tho woolen mill at liandon will soon be at work. The building w ill be the lurgest ever erected in the county. It will be three stories In height, be built of the very best and most durable material In order to bear the weight and withstand the vibrations of the machlenery when at work, and be also large and capacious. The lumber is already on the ground. The timber and brush on the eighty acres adjoining it are now being cut down, and it is ex pected that this work will be urgently pushed forward. The eighty acres are to be divided up Into buildiug lots In order to accom modulo the employes of the mill, etc. This is the mill in which several of our capitalists and woolen mill men are interested and shows that our Oregon Illy men are prosperous wherever they may bo. To Lackcii Tits Ohkoon. The Union iron work of Hun Francisco has written lo Muyor Mnson : "We intend to '.aunch the great battleship Oregon, ol 10,250 tons displacement, on the 2Hth o( Octo ber and desire you to co-operale with the governor and other people of the Htuti of Oregon, so that your state shall be represented at the launch. We there fore ask you lo take such action among the ofliclnls and citizens as shall best produco the result desired." Governor Pennoyer ha selected to christen the vessel Miss Daisy Ainsworth, of Oak land, a native of Oregon and a daughter of t'apluin J. C. Ainsworth. IlKK'K I.ayinu to IIkuin. Thursday ol this week was the day set by the contractors for the date when they would begin to luy the vitrified brick on Main slieet. They begun hauling for the the sund for the ciifhion brick on Tuesday. Tho mnkersof the brick say thut lieginning with the cur loads shipad on Monday they w ill be prepared to ship three car loads a duv as long as they are needed. This will be about as last us the contractors will be able to get the ground ready and get them in place on the street. Nkiikahka's Kx-Uovbhsiir. Ex-(iov-ernor James E. lioyd, of Nebraska, visited Oregon City Sunday and was shown all the things worth seeing by Munuger lioodo and Messrs. Sullivan and liurkholiler, ol the Portland General Electric Company. Mr. Boyd evinced intense interest in all he snw and heard mid was enthusiastic in expressions of wonder at the city's nutural advantages for manufacturing and in predictions of its future greatness. Y. P. S. C. E. Etkbtainmkst. The young people of tho Puptut Y. P. O. E, will give a reception Thursday evening of this week at the churchto Miss Arnold, a gruduute of the Chicago training school. MisB Arnold bus been called to Oregon City on a salary to take charge of city missionnry work ol the socioty. She ia a young lady ol grent energy and real and the society expect great results from her labor in this city. Goon for tub Packs Mills. The Union Tactile haa niado a rate on new-8' pnper in carload lots from this City to Utah common points ol 90 cents per hundred, the new rate to go into effect October 2. This will enablo the mills here to successfully compete with the Eastern manufacturers for the trade of a Bection ol tho country which ought to bo supplied from hero instead ol Irom the fur eust. Wiiat'b Ik a Name? One thut in spires confidence and is known to all residents of Clackamas county as a syn onym of integrity and fuii dealing is that of Bellomy A Busch. This firm from a comparatively smull begining has from year to year increased Its stock, and now can justly claim to have the largest assortment of household goods in the county. Will Recover. Mr. Henry Samson, of Needy, Buys the Oregonian, has been under treatment lor senile gungrenn for six weeks at Good Suniaritan hospital. About a week ago he underwent ampu tation below the knee, and his complete recovery is now very probable. He will go home In about ten days. His son, ex-Sheriff Samson, of Oregon City, haB been in attendance npon him. ToTbadb. Two yoke e( good rork oxen lor oats or hay. Apply to Glad atone saw mill office. 1 Chance. For sulo eighty acres of choice unim proved Ur.d one and one quarter miles eust ol Cherryville, pout office and sixty rods from the P.uilow roud. It contain abundant living witters, a dozen acres or more ol green fir timber and about the same ol rich swail land. Also the notch through which the railroad must pas in order to trestle over Alder creek. Price 10 per aero, terms fair. Also 7! acres one quarter mile eastol Cherryville post office and on the Bar low road. House 14 feet by 28 with good floor above. Hall a dozen acres partly cleared with some Iruit trees and other Improvements. Price $12 per sere, terms reasonable. For particulars address or call on me at Cherryville or see Jesse Hummer at Cherryville, P. O. EbWABD II. IXORAHAM. Cherryville, Or, I Your Laundry Well Donet Nothing exasperates a person so much as to have a fine white garment returned Irom the laundry yellow and mussy, buttons hall off, and In a condition not fit to wear. The Troy Steam Laundry sends out none but first class work a trial order will convince you. Office with F. A. Waddock, post ofllce build ing. Bundle left Tuesday evening will be returned Saturday morning. Taken Up. A brown mare with saddle and bridle on at Stafford, a mark No. 0 on left shoulder and white stripe on forehead, shoes on front lect. Owner 'can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Hobkht Bikhlr. 3t Stafford, Oregon, PbotkctYoi'hski.f. Insure you rprop- erty in the Guardian Assurance compa ny of London. Cash assets $23,000,000. F. E. Donaldbox, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. Receipt, note and order books at the Kntkrpkihe office. E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, oregon city. Masonic Building. Pall nit hpa the lonnirp at R. L. Ilolman and vnn will see some eood ones which they ate selling almost at manufacturer a prices It is to our interest to please every economical buyer. BkllomvA Buscu. tl A SPIDER AS A FLY Killer is the most effect ual, but, like many other good things, not adaptable to the needs of every day life. We have many things that are easily used, and effectual. Sticky and Foi son Fly Paper, and Bu bach Insect Fowder are sure kill. C. G. HUNTLEY, Successor to Caufield & - Huntley. Near Court House, Orgeon City. Slates Tablets Pencils Pens Inks Blackboard Crayon and Erasers. We saved Clackamas County Schools Money Last year. We will This Year. Let us quote you prices on school supplies at HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE, fimx doe to Coromasalsil Bank. TH0S. CHARMAN & SON, ThePioneerStore -A COMPLETE Fall Ik Winter Jackets Direct from New York consisting of Ladies' Cloaks in all Children's in FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS! Hop Sackings, Whip Cords, Cash meres and Henriettas. We have a new and complete stock of LADIES' MACKINTOSHES, Of the very Latest Styles. Call and see our stock before purchasing as it is the largest and newest styles in the market TH0S. CHARMAN & SON. ESTABLISHED 500,000 1883. Oswego Offer for the coming season one of of trees to be found in the Northwest, consisting of the following: 100,000 apple all the leading varieties. 15U.000 prune With Italian and Petet in the lead. 75,000 Fear Bartlet and many others. 40,000 cherry best sweet and sour kinds. 25,000 peach Early Crawford and many others. 25,000 plum all of the best. 5,000 Japan plum both old and new sorts. 10,000 aprciot best kinds for this climate. Also Binall fruit, grape vines, shade, nut and evergreen trees, roses etc. Send for new descriptive catalogue now ready. Address WALLING & JARISCH, Oswego, Oregon. OF asm Opens September 27 LIBERATTS CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND WILL FURNISH THE "MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE MADAME CIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Csnatructed it a cost of $10,010 tad throwing rainbow will beautify the music hall. LARGE AQUARIUMS Containing lih ot all varietlea found in Oregon r. THE ART Will contain a collection of palntiugs selected from the World'a Talr. Among them Ellsbarg'a celebrated painting Cuater'a Lnat FMaht. To vialt thia great exposition and view Its wonder In bvery department of Art ana science, win ne tne next tnmg to a visit w me worm Fair at Chicage, REDUCED KATES ON AIX TRANSPORTATION LINES. For further Information address K. W. ALLEN, Superintendent and Secretary Do You Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at Portland Prices to Your Address. C.P. WINESET,: UNDERTAKER Largest stock of C jffins and Caskets kept Sonth of Portland. Also cloth covered and Metallic Caskets funriBhed to order. Ladies and Uenta' Burial Bobei in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call LINE OF- Styles and Misses' and all Patterns TREES TENTH YEAR 1893. fureris the largest and most complete stock 1893. closes Oetobet 28. THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. a thousand Jets ot water In all the colors ofths watere. have been constructed at great expense- GALLERY : AND EMBALMER.