Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
I I Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OP TIME (i i:.'MKiKAJifcliN. In KrrT Amu, HWMiff Al.ToNA A IIAMMNA: utvt immmK i it 7. in. V H III. IJ uu in, V i M in, 4 u l III. ft :m i in, 'Uu r IihIImi. 7 iw, in. '"U in, I J iw III. ' i. in, ' I' in. . III. ttl'NUAY. v. in n '! m. Ii iu, , I .ui p. ui, laii,,,,' TlMini'ii'l uli)ixi lo ttliaitg ,( Ull(, Nl KAHKH MANZANIM.O-1'AII.Y IIUAT. htuxu. iiMuim city, mn hiuihh uahiau,til i . ,r J w. w ; 0iii ui u. m, llllli l-Tl(l"l lfw lorh, rorlUtul ton p mi orpm l lljf, i ju i, in, Mr.l nl miminiillliii fur .aol(oti m.l nit mU, rl l(lht t, ul natH ! KB. Allxiir ir uilnuii l alii. .ml n.i.. (iiiriniiiii kxrlin U'l wjf tuilcm) Mll tM aoraii.'i: Uc' ly uilniii) t"U in. m. IA III. A.uur may uiiu ( liloiiil. kra iilimiii Li" 7 f i' m , j""' ''K kxiw into the loi-k with IniuJ nl J clay to he uwid in tllliliK th coireriliirn Vaiit rliM (I'lnt Kurih.f a m., I p m,lp w,f for the hanln at lha n i,. I i, Hiii lion iuIik aomh, . hi., j jo n J 1 H)er lioime It ..n. y KlnH amiUK in the ImjIIhiii of the Oirf. nl Ii r(n r. 1 y . mil. Mulinnaiiit MolaJI. !'"iv'r ud aina.hed a hole in the liottnln r.n l IV m n. nun ii .' m L.i.i i . n...n, ..,.,. ' ' w H t OH will. t'nl.'il Mllli. MhIINii li. I ..I ( lo. ta lUl. I luili.lar lil Halm.Uy, .ii, r. lultil all lill(iwrllia tliTi U i. m HUtUY, Al'til'ST M, IM'O. A ii imox ytn l'ur,-jit Thur. d.v tiro C, Ilroanell reluri.e, l Wa.hiiiiilon, I. C. lnliiitliiK with him! an iuiMiil4nl d.K iiuiriil for the I'ortlaml ' (iriieial lllis till' (oliipniiy In lm. .hn ( ol a patent to the inland w hlrh w hjUI , dy the .late to J. W , JrH.r ikiiiipthiiig over a year u" ami wr winrii lie liehl a reltlll. nle, l or lllno uA Mr. Ilroanell had heeti Working on the cimi . the oaner.hlp a part of tlu full, hy a party other than (heinmdvea might hinder the work In protfrrMi ami rr,n - trmphili-d hy the elivtnr roiiipany Tim paieiil lain reality a dwi.nui by Hie e rt-lary of II inler'.or and in h.Mxl ,-.,..- I hi-. ,rr iwithh, -....I. ! : I a 1. . . . law -au hint year '--' ". y ii. I'm.. all the Inml. .-..ntig.iotia In and ahov the full, are n.nveyed lo the .V-ny the amount tM-ing aomrlhlhke :'r aerr. The di-l.,.i I. to the . iTerl that Hie luiki iiy II, l.te . p.rt ol one diHMM-d of hy the general g.ivern uient at a prior d.te. Tin. ix OaKooK. The FlurrtHW Wrutlonit, the aernler nimply endorinu it give. Uii. account of an ehs trinil .lorm In wrilein l.ane coiiiilv : On Weiluc day evening nalurr gnve nn an electrinil dmplay Ihnt would have done cie.lil ill mi t.iiai.irii aiuiu Lur hi rit'u , n.i wintillating luilla rolleil along the Kruuml In reckle.a and Iragir-liiiiklng nianner. Hern and there tree were plintereil, hut the one .hivrred into a lliomtand piei-ei near the' rriilrrnD of Mr. Utow n in the centr of Florence, ai the only damage the tightmnff did here, except the provertilnl twoor-three yearn growth which wnt frightened from 'timid men, women and children, who rliixtered together In their homo and llirirkud when an extraordinary deafen lug peal of thunder rent the air. The fullnwing morning wan a. clear and bright a. If It were the oienlng of the clow. o one of it. kind on the precvmling evening, Tiu Oi.hkht Pmthut, U, Hcotl waa In the city on and ntatod that theclticena ( f Milwaukee will lay the corner atone of their new four-roomed ai lioolhouHe next F riday afternoon. The building In to have all modern improve nientn, and will coat I'iOOO. The laying "f the corner atone will he made the wcanion of quite it celebration, a the Aral aclmulin thia county and the rfiret "'hool dlHtrict were ealuhliHlii in Milwaukee. The flrat teacluV there " Mr. Hector Cumphell, and Mr. Alfred Levelling, who waa one of the P'tpila nnd married a daugiiier of hi teacher, will deliver an addren on the ocruHjim. Mr. and Mr. lAwelling nro the only pupil of the arhnol reimiining l Milwaukee. Tun ,AW N Hkiiaui) toTkkhimhh. iiiformalion of funncm who deniie trenpaaa iiotlce to put on their property to keep hunter from poaching, It may boaiiiil that no audi notice ,ure now needed, No man ha a Mjjhtto go on wrmther'a property to shoot B)j HhIi with wit having obtained permlwdon from ""iiieone entillnd to give it. Fury liun 'w when lie goea on the property of an 'ber without permiHaion know that he trexpiiHHing and may ho arreHted. TIiIh would Heein to ho a more aemdbhi thun tbnt farmer nhoiilii poNt "oticea forbidding people from going where they know they luivo no right to I'iiotkct YoiniNKi.K. liiHiire yoitrpro r'y hi the (inardian AaHUrancn comp "Vtif London. CiihIi RHHet '3,110(1,000. b K, PuNAMIHON, Agi'llt, Uicgon t'ily, Oregon. "i ". -i , jvg I OHIIK'O'OMIKST. 11.0 hll'C- bom a the ll..h-a of lightning were j ,fil. World which i. the oldest eU-lrical blinding ami the ror of thumler wan atjnr,m pl,lj-i:n contain iminy in-tim-M deafening. The lurid flaiuma J ton-niiiiK item) ruiii-crninic t'itv played at will among hulldnign iu to n . Mll tm grrH, Wllt,.r power of the Wit- "a ni.v IHmimik .-,i,K. .-Thetiowl.rMifi. IMjt ,, on Itiill Him, mint) nimrly l,,,! li troyil .... J ,i,l-y nlutU Tim approucl. m lMin,K krlaclttlr Kriduy wmiIiik. I.i Mr. Junkiim. Nitp.-rln. U,i..I..,,t ,f tl,w I(l.,t. lrl.Ka Co,,,,,,,,,,., !, rHllillUHHUiMlulllT, ''"I'lu'mvuHflxilnKuUiH,.! ufu,r li.w,l W't. At it ir lulir lM, flr (1Klll 1-n.kii out, l.tit .,w.,.n tll(li Jlr,,. quired Kn t utiirtlun to lo) It, ami In a 'fw inliiim.1 ir o,fl , rtrUl.llltl, I'iIkIiI liUVH l,w.n i.Hr.,yi., Jt , tlioutcl.t tl.n I.H.Ijj,, rmillU ,. frm ( i-aii'l'llnt cuuIimhiI U.t Ininiltiii l.v an ouluig imrty. Pciv" A"nin(i IWm.-Now that tho Main Ktrimt Improvement In fairly under ay it would lm uood i.lan tn.nn .tm tlm liinmvriil(.,,t ami U()NlKlit1y awning poata which olmtrurt thu .Irwin in to many ilmo and huvu tl,i.m rmnov,! at tlm I I.... .1 ... , . " "i new anifwaika arc M. Aw tilnif ponU are a rolli! of tin lt ttfimtalioii ami It In time that they t riial with nthar apli anc-a aliii h Uve lout thuir tiM-ditlni-aa it will kihl liimieiiM'ly to thaaiHiriirc of llin atrxi t to have tlitnii rimivd and we have only the one public thorough fni let ua make the mont of It. Locua OnTaucTi. On Monday a l,m '"kmen were eiiKKil In trlnKinK naier ami .ink, iiiia obntrin te naviua on in the thut the Molm could not ko up the river and the Man (an.llo had to tiannli-r Ita fiuight Uir.m;li the wandioiiMi. The diminution wu ri'iiiove.l on Tuemluv no that Ixmla i-otild j l"U" " Nma Tail )m - Kdw a rd lluuln-n of l'' aver t'rii k, trou;ht to town during the part mi-ck .umple of out which I. In all proli.hiliiy a. tall aa any ever k'f"Wn. It waa phinil In Wllmin A CKike' .how in low where it wa. found to ineaniire aevru feel and aix imhea. The Walker hrothera who are ahowinu the limiienae fat rattle hen and who are j01' Iheir w.y to the Worhl'a J'air oireied j " 'ake It w iih them and to .how it on j He way aa an'ieililed to lliia rotinly anil j 11 '' iieeoriliiigly l-en eent on wilh the '"K al-'r.. v.- i'..!... v " i"l V. . ytim Nrra -An exrliHiiire ,,, tJml ,Mwtl monev nrderi. lo ), ir(jvil llV ,1B Kvrnineiit will M, ,M, j,,,,,,,. , , m,w ,, u, ,w .....nplieHlion. Sheet, U. BKm., vliUmx flr IloimU , one cent to Ih'ee dollura, whiih ran he turn up lo .nit the imrclmHer. The miinater will have no writing to do the eauie an a cheek or dnift. One rent will p.y ihecharp'. in any amount, up to three dullur., iiiMcitd of three rente a. now . . m. ... lamelte which in located here. Theae art furninhud hy lieorge H. lWore w ho implies that journal wilh ita northweet new.. Hi. living here give this place quite an advantage in the amount of newn that ia aupplied from Oregon City Aa it in neway and well written it in heller than a .landing advertiaement for the place CiuM.a or Ui'Hisa.n. Mra. L. K. Sillen and Mr. K. V. Hamilton who havu for luiiiu time tnien conducting a niillinerv hniaueaa on tho eaat aide of Main, between Fourih and Fifth at reel have aolil the an me to Mia Iiiiia John auli who will conduct the buianeaa at theoldalaml. Mi. Sillon hug moved to the corner of Main w here she ii run ning a boarding houee, and Mrs. Ham ilton will give her attention to the selec tion and arrangement of fancy atocka at the Hed Front. F'hank Karate Imckovino. Word came laat week that Frank Kruae had again been stricken wilh paralysis and It was reported that inateai! of improving he wit gradvally U'coming worse. His father, Hon. John Kruse wa in the city the flrat of Ibe week ami reported Frank getting along nicely with all traces of the lust Mhock disappearing. Ho suid tliatit wua lirouglit about by overwork on Frank's part and be did not think wilh proper care il wu likely lo recur. Nkahiukuh Takk Noth'k. The Oregon (!ity TiaiiHiortntion company will sell ticket giaid until Septemher 110th to all point on North lteach via steamer Ocean Wave. Haggagn checked and transfered without extra clnugo. This i a great convenience and w ill savo the annoyance of looking after baggage. Ituy your ticket from the agent at the Oregon City ilork. tf. Ma kiiiko. At the residence of the bride sister, Mrs. J. S. Crumhley at 8 o'clock, Monday evening Mis Eveline M. Kccder wu united in marriages to Mr. Lewi W. Honser both of SauvieH, Or., T. W. Fouls olllciaiing in the presence of a few friends. Malarial and other atmospheric influ ence are best counteracted hy keeping the blood pure and vigorous with Avei 'a Sarsanaiilia. A little caution in this re spect may prevent serious Illness at this season. Ayer'B Sarsaparilla is tho best all-tho-yeur-ioiuul medicine in existence. TIIK HOI' HKAN0.V Outlook forUrorrcm The Crop I'mmi aen Well Mood I'rlcen Kxperteil. Kfxirt from the hop yard of this county are very favorable and liidica lion now point to a clean hop wilh no vermin to trouble grower. It ia still too early to begin picking, but by the llltll of Keiilomher at latent picker will he iu demand and the yard will be we mia of busy activity. J!uem are at present oll'erlng to contract choice hop at 17,'b cent and advance 7 cent" ier M)und. The Hiiiteniimn contains the following circular: "I hope grower will take lln to have their hop thoroughly dried, aa our hop are wanted in land for aumtuer use, and they will spoil when hot weather cornea if not well tried, Also, let the bop. get ripe be fore picking, aa you will gala In weight a well quality to do ao, and a Loudon dealer told me that tbe beat ho were thoae that had jmt la-gun to turn red, though he might try to get t hem chcacr on account of It, they were (he beat quality. I-et the need In the hop turn a dsrk color before you begin to pick. Tbe firm have im.lied Oregon hop the past aeaaon where they were never unod before, and if the grower doea hla duty, our hoi will atund a well aa any rabed in the world. Knglund la going to need all the hop w can spare, A tbe Herman crop it very abort, and the Knglinh crop about :H),(KKI bale abort of last year, tbe Kng linh brewer will have to give very good price for our hop. The financial du- preaaion, and the hand to mouth policy of buying adopted by the brewer, will likely have some etTect In depressing trade. The contract that have lieen made will give the brewer Just that many hop. lo use w bile trying to freeze out the grower, and aa usual, w hen the grower contracts, the dealer makes the money and the grow era get left. ' Itcul K.tate Transfer. For tbe week ending August 11), 1KH3, compiled from the county records by H. J. Thorne, practical abstractor: Peter Wilaon to Frank 1 Wilson 7 acre In the N 1' Mack D L C. mt 2 a, r 3 e tl(XlO August Koch to Kim Koch 2H0 acre in sec. :'tl and 27, t 3 a, r 6 e 8000 Anguata Meli her to Henry L Mel cher KO acres in aeu 20, 30 31 and 32,t2a, r 1 e 3000 Frank Jaggar and wife to Minnie A Jaggar lota 7, 8 and 8 in blk 13, Pleasant Hill ad to On-fon City . ; Margamt Morgan et al to Wm 11 Morgan, 72.1! 7 acre in the Paniel .Moaier D L C, 1 3 a, r 3e O A C U K Co to AltMTt Crossan the nw1 of ni''4 ami nej of nwl4'of INK) 700 sec :'l, t 0 a, r 2 e, R0 acre 240 A H Siepliens to Sarah J Stephen U' acre in sec 3, t 4 s, r 2e 2000 Van it l'eljislimiilt et al lo Geo W McConnell KX) acre in aeca 25, 3," and 3l in t 2 a, r3 e, and in civs l ami 2 in t 3 , r 3 e W K liagley and wife to John K F.van lot 3 and 4, blk 12 in 1000 Marshllehl 2100 W F. Well and wife to M C Welle 35 acre in aec 17, t 4 a, r 2 e 600 Cuited State to Portland General Electric Co., Abernethy Island iu the Willamette river 1 L V Mooie and wife to V W Kimball company lot 7, blk 9, Falla View ad to Oregon City .. 360 On You Want An A bat met! When in want of an absolutely cor rect abstract- one that you can depend Uwii you should call on II. J. Thome over Huntley's drug atore near the court liouae. Last (iameof the Season. There will be a game of base ball on Sunday, August 27,' at the Oregon City grounda, between the Oregon City lea gue team and tbe fire denartment bova for the benefit of tbe Oregon City league player. The fire department boy are practicing regularly every dav and with the aaaintance of Fenimore, Khoiules, Heckner and Davy a good game may tie expected. All the old favorites will be on deck. There will be a prize of $5.00 for the best time made in running around t he bases, ulso a second iirize of 12 . 80 There will be a $5.00 prize given for the longest throw. HOSTKR OK ri.AVF.K3. Lenguo Team . Fire Department. Wilson, Catcher, Davis. Clark, Pitcher, Fenimore. Anderson, 1st base, Nebren. Mrand, 2d base, Keckner. Harris, 3d base, Moore. Itabh, Short atop, Jtrown. Hopkins, Left field, Khoada. Coruin, Center field, (ireenmun. Murphy, Right field, Taylor. Admission 25 cents. Tiiky Havk Work. The San Fan- cisco Call snyg : Thomas Kny of Salem, Or., arrived yesterday and ia at the Rubs. Mr. Kay ha two large woolen mills in Oregon at Salem and Waterloo. Not- withHlanding the talk of dull times in his line he says that his mills are all run ning on double time day and nito'ht with plenty of order at fuirly good prices. My wife having left my bed and board I hereby notify the public that I will not be rusKinsihle for any dobts that she limy contract. G. J, Watts. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull'. Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Prop., Toledo, 0 We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buuinesa transaction and flmicially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Tai'AX, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.. Wamunm, Kinkak & Mak vin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrii Cure ia taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75 cents a bottle. Hold by all Druggist. Testimonials free. A Chance. For sale eighty acre of choice unl n proved land one and one quarter miles east of Cherry ville, post office and sixty rods from the Hallow road, It contains abundant living waters, a dozen acres or more of green fir timber and about tbe same of rich swail land. Also the notch thresh which the railroad must pass In order to trestle over Alder creek. Price (U per acre, terms fair. Also 7U acre, one quarter mile east of Cherryville pot office and on the Bar low road. House 14 feet by 28 with good floor above. .Half a dozen acres partly cleared with some Iruit trees and other improvements. Price $12 per acre, terms reasonable. F'or particulars address or call on me at Cherrvville or see Jesse Hammer at Cherryville, I'. O. EllWAKD H. I.NOkltllAM. Cherryville, Or, I Your Laundry Well Donel Nothing exasperates a person so much as to have a fine white garment returned from the laundry yellow and mussy, buttons half off. and in a condition not fit to wear. Tbe Troy Steam Laundry senda out none but first claia work a trial order will convince vou. Olllce with F. A. Waddocit. pout olllce build ing, llundles left Tuesday evening will be returned Saturday morning. E. J:. WILLIAMS, Grocer, oregon city. Masonic Building. It is to our interest to please every economical buyer. Hhi.lomvA Bused, tf Receipt, note and order books at the Entkrphikk olllce. Then have a good sponge. We have just received from the east a dozen cases of fine pponges. All sizes, shapes and prices. See them in our win dow. C. G. HUNTLEY, Successor to Caufield - & - Huntley. Near Court House, Orgeon City. 15 TO 20 PER CENT. Is the cut we have made in the prices of school books commencing Aug. 10th. This REDUCTION Apply s to nearly every text book used in Clacka mas Co. and makes the margin of profit so very small that in return we must decline to give credit for SCHOOL BOOKS. This rule will be adhered to, so please send your children prepared. A price list will be published in this column next week. Huntley's Book Store, No. 5 Com. Bank Block. P. S. We are prepred to quote special prices on school supplies and solicit correspondence from school clerks. Do You Bathe? THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR TH0S. CHARMAN & SON, ThePioneerStore They will have something to tell you as soon as their large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter goods arrive, which will be in about two weeks. Oregon State pair, Under the management of the State Board of Agricul ture, on the State Fair Grounds near Salem, com mencing September 11th, 1893, and con tinuing one week. . MORE THAN $15,000 IN CASH Will ho paid as Premiums for Stock, Poultry, Swine, Agri cultural Products, Fruits, Native Woods, Minerals, Works of Art and Fancy Work, and for Trials of Speed. Reduced Rates of Fares and Freights on al! Trans portation Lines. 1 Pavilion open four evenings during the week, with good music in attendance. The New Grand Stand and the New Regulation Track are conceded to be among the most comfortable ond the best on the Pacific Coast. Splendid Contests of Spi ed each day. There is entered for these con tests the best field of horses this year that has been on the grounds for many seasons. Valuable and handsome improvements have been made on the grounds and buildings. PREMIUM LIST Has been revised and improved to the benefit of exhibitors. Entries for Premiums close at 3 p. m. the first day of the Fair, and Ex hibits must be in place by 10 p. m. of said day. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Men's Season Tickets $2.50 Women's Season Tickets 1.00 Men's Day Tickets 50 Women's Day Tickets 25 Race Track tickets, Daily 25 Women to the Race Course Free Children under 12 years Free to all Send to the Secretary at Portland for a Premium List. J. T. GREGG, Sec. J. T. APPERSON, President. Do You Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at Portland Prices to Your Address. HC P. WINESET, UNDERTAKER AND EM BALM ER. Largest stock of Collins and Caskets kept Soiitli of Portland. AW cloth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies and Uents' Burial Kobes in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call. TIME & MONEY SAVED BY HAVING YOUR INSCRIPTIONS FILLED AT THE -:- CANBY c-ajkj3B"5t, Our Motto is "Small Profits on a door to Hodges, . -: PHARMACY, oK,Ea orff. Cash Basis." Evans block, next DR. J. II. IRVINE, Proprietor