Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. W Clerk olCnurtt, Sheriff, Keeorxlcr, TrvMurer, AMenmr, Bchiwl Supertuteadeut, Burvoyor. Coroner, Commtuloitm, COI NTY roi'KT. MeMrtim l!m. r. Ilorloo s. M. Kainniir J. O Woiherell J.C. Brmltfy II. 8. Mllwin Slilncv Smyth K. L lloiuiitn Klrhsrd Scott Cornoliui Hir ORKUO.N CITY OFFICKRS Brenroer, Chief ol Police - AfMor, Trnrr, City AtlnrneT. - Btiwt ('ommilinf r. Bup't. ol Water Works, City Kntlnrer. - Slilner Sntvtli Counoilmea-C. O. Albrlehl, Jr., 11. L. Welly, l S. Ortvnman, W A. While, i i. Cooke. J. W. O'Connell, J. U. Porter and T. V. Kan '.all. wiinrll meet j lint Wednetdar of etch month In city hall. T. WSulllrsn L. L. Porter J. 8. Hurdom J. K Kh.w.tei r J. IahiIk l(.B.Cnw. C. Ilotwrs W. II. Howell Hushies TnntMiotftl at Special Term, Tuesday, August 22, ISD.'t. In the matter of rebuilding tlio bridge across Johnson creek near Milwaukee, bids were received as follows : C. F. Royal, for Howe truss, fWOO; strain beam, $12iK; bridge covered at 'i per lineal foot. Pacific flridge Co., for com. Volunteer Firemen Tournament, The firemen of tliii city have for soma time been making prestation to go tunl take part In the 8tale Totirnatnont of Volunteer Fronton which ia to ho hold at The Pallei on the 4th and nth of Sept ember, hut their plana were not perfected untill recently. The several companies of the city will join In giving Oregon City a good representation and the com- tf The way te hulld up Oregon City Is to give Orogna City people yonr pntronnre. FRIDAY. AIGCST 2. IStKt. Hop Tickets. Made from best quality of tough check. By purchasing the stock in large quanti ties at wholesale prices and with electric power and fast running presses the EsTKRr-HisE is able to give prices on hop tickets lower than ever before offered. Send for sample and prices. bination Pratt tins with Iron cylinder I nmue luw rrHn',,,, ,ur KvMKiao legation Piers, $1300; same, with piling ,,it,r.i l'' iH l"ve here on Sunday morning, UL00 Contract awarded to the Pacific ! Se,tt,m,,r hv l ' transferred Bridge Co., for the conslruct.on of com- j 10 no,,wr bottt VnUn T'rip bination Pratt truss hrfdge with iron cyl-1 wiU Uke mmt ot ,1,e ml UI imler piers at the price bid, and the I AvUhtM riJe h riv" through aonie oT eoimtvliiduaiitl.orie.lin-nri.,l..i,;,"e picttmsque scenery on the necessary contract w ith said bridge com-1 rni'in Cl",Ht- The fttr ,,,r 1,16 Pnv on their filing the requisite bonds. I Uii' ,rom 0ln Ci,y ,0 11,9 1)"1K' iU R.Scott was apHnted to superintend UH) hi,'b ia v,'rv low ''"'l the construction of said bridge. Ho,el r",M ,1HV0 l,w reduced to Report of J. W. Meldrum, ,wlly I' JX aa to attract aa many a indue, in the matter of crin f.,r 1) ! I'de to the tournament. Those who THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSE! The Most Complete and onlyfirst class GROCERY IViyer and family. County charirce an proved. Ordered, that a warrant tie drawn in favor of R Scott for i!2 to reimburse are looking after the interests of Oregon City say that they expect to have not less than forty who will go from here. Wallace Cole was appointed at a meet- him for n.onev advanced in the purchase i'" of ,,,e ,iro C0I"I'''"' to select a Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. MARR ROBEROfl Iiiinrlr itml ilt'i'lcru in Mice Mill on Selected Toas.l'uro Cotfeos & Spicos, ButtcrS Cheese from e best iKiirics Fruit and Vegetables in Season. Business Conducted On Business Principles, One Price to All, Positively no con. nectlon with any advertising scheme Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Washburn mandolins, guitars and banjos at Burmeister & Andresen's. x Strings and extras for guitars, violins, mandolins and banjos at Burnieister A Andresen's. x Have you se.'n the school shoes sold' at the Park 1'lai-e store for 1. Sizes from 5 to 12. of tickets for 1 Hover and family ami cash for necessary traveling expenses w hile on their way to Indiana. It appearing from a delinquent tax roll for the year ISiU. prepared and certi fied to by the sheriff, that there are cer tain mortgage taxes due and unpaid for that year, it was ordered that a warrant be issued authoring the sheriff to pro ceed at once to the collection of said taxes. The sheriff wa also authorized to make a certified list of the delinquent taxes on land for the vear ISM. and de- You will nee-l a new suit for your bov. Buy it at the Park Place store. We will Bell a good suit for vonr boy for ll.tM). Watches, clocks ami jewelry repaired promptly at Burmeister A Andresn's. Prices reasonable and work Ktiaranteed . They are certainly giving better goods J back by the high wat.-r, and hereafter for the money at the Park Place store men will be kept bnsv there day and team to go to the tournament and he has choic n the following, making eleven besides himself. They are Wallace Cole, E. Taylor, CJeo. Brown, Frank Brown, E. F. Revkner, lieo. Kemmore, Chaa. Pateraon, II. W, Tremhath, Berttireen tnan, W. S. Khodcs, Chaa .Moore and E. i J. McCauslund. It is also the intention of the mana gers to take along a base ball nine to compete for the prue and arrangements are pendini; for the companies here and in Portland to join in taking along a ter.mne as far as pWible how much of ; bam1, ,ul il "uv ,H tlut ll,B ,lie 0rt'K" said Ux is a valid lew. UI' M wl" ,H ,"M',n- . Milage and per diem allowed II Bair, ! T,m ,;XT';'"",'' '" receiveil word f5.80; li. Scott, $4 S(). from The lalles that evtry preparation I IH being maile there for a hig time and Work at the new ower station on the that no pains will be spared to make the west side of the river is progressing In 1 occasion a must enjoyable one to all a very satisfactory manner at present present, special low rales having been ami it is being pushed in two directions, niade on every hand. A hig parade will via. upon the colli-rdum at the sight o' the station and upim the canal walls. The sight of the station is now receiving a large part of the energy being devoted to the work theie as it has been kent BAR-LOCK TYPEWRITER, THE MODERN WRITING MACHINE. Visible Writing, Permanent Alignment, Automatic Ribbon Re verse, Automatic Lino Space, Interchangeable Platen Most Rapidly Adjusted Margin Stop. Tk ry l u.ciji.Hi.j'j jau I (HJMOOO.V I r $31 mi ,.5. JSO ' Oregon City Users. II. J. Tliorne, Ahstnu ts. Winle II. h-iu't. AlH-trncts. (i. K. Hnyis, Attorney, lien. ('. Uruwiirll, Attorney. Cowing A Cow ing, Attornevs. K. M. lliunl.', K.NTKiirmsii ullicc than can te bought elsewhere in the county. Lieut. F. S. Kelly was selected by Colonel Beebe to act as one of the pall bearers at the funeral of Lieut. Nelson on Wednesday. Lamps, crockery and g'assware of fac tory prices. Xew invoice just received from the east. Will not be undersold. 8ee Bellomy & Busch. x Mr. W. F. Xorcrosa a very pleasant journalist representing several !an Fran ci.'co papers was in the city on Wednes day and called at this office. niiiht. Six large arc lights have been place which w ill be used while the coffer dam is being placed and as goon as that is done six more lights will be supplied and a much lamer force of men put to woik for the season is getting well ad vanced and it is desirable to ttet the walls of the building up and the rxd on before winter. The sound of the wood saw is heard in the land, one of the reminders that Street work is the order of the chy in this city at present and is lieing pros ecuted with vigor all along the line. At the head of Main street the contractor have about fifty men at work under the supervision of Moudv. They are remov ing the oM stones winch have constituted the sole road bed for these manv years u.e memnciioty uays ot the year are j ami are hmrmg ,,, .;, a dirt above at hand and must I prepared for. the 8ra(lt) ,0 , ,ow pUoei, a, the heaJ Call in at the Paik Place store and see of tne 8,ret't or out upon the river front. the new prints just received from the East. They are pretty, cheap and war ranted fast colors . Come and see them. The armory of Co. F in this city has been appropriately draped in mourning in recognition of the death ol Lieut. Xel aon while participating in the battle on Saturday. For some time past it hag been the wish of Woi. Boyer to take his family to Indiana where he has relatives and on Tuesday be was able to get away with all of his belongings. Win. Davis the painter finds plenty to do right along and is not troubled in hunt ing for work. This is because he does good work and executes all orders promptly and accoiding to agreement. The Portland General Electric Com pany has made a cut in wages of 10 er ceat, with all of its employers from the president of the incorporation down to the office boy and poorest paid laborer. The Salem .Statesman notes that Mrs. James Athey of this city, who was very ill from antlmia a short time ago, is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs. II. B. Holland of Hummer street She is rapidly recovering and is getting along very well considering tier advanced age. This takes in most cases about a foot off of the street's surface. As soon as the gravel bed at Moss Hill is open they will begin hauling gravel, and as it will require about 7500 yards this will give a good many day's work to men and teams. The new A. O. U. W. hall at the cor ner of Seventh and High streets is com pleted and furnished ready for occupancy and will be used by Falls City lodge for the first time on Friday evening of this week. The hall Itself is large and well proportioned and the acoustic qualities are most excellent w hile the arrangement is as good as the best. Something like 400 has been Sent in fitting the room up and in providing furniture suited to the needs of one of the strongest orders in the city, and the hull will appear very handsome when the electric lights shine upon the congregated members on Fri day night, it bi-ingthe purpose of Ihe lodge to have all members present at I hat time. be one of the attractions and numerous cash prizes will lie coineted for. On the last pay day instead of paying the cash as usual the Oregon City Manufacturing Company issued pay checks forthe wages due their employes, on one half of the amount being due and payable in 30 days and the balance in 00 days. As this is practically a return to the old style or retaining two months' wages and against w hich the employes formerly strenuously objected it does not nieet with general favor now either with employes or the merchants who in many cases have to CHiry them on this account. It is stated that the card ing room took the horse by the bit and refused to work uion that basis and that their demands were acceded to and they received the pay due them. In resonse to a number of inquires relative to the amounts of the several bids made to the county conn for medical attendance hi on the county poor and which was not given in the county couit proceeding last week they are here given and are as follows: I)r. J. W. Powell, 7!2; Dr. O. W. Yeargain, 700; Dr. D. L. Paine, iK); Dr. E. Schubert, 298; and Dr. W. E. Carll not to exceed $.'50. Dovico for Writing on Rulod Linos, Extromo Manifold Tower Typo Cloanod in Five Seconds, Most Noisoloss, All Woar Absolutely Compensated. SCOTT & BANNAN, General Agents, .HW1STAKK STUEKT, PORTLAND. OK., I"l HAII.KY l'.I.)CK. SKATTI.K, Wah., 213 SANSOMK STUKKT, SAN FKANClSCo, CAL At the lower end of Main street the trestle beyond Fourteenth street on the east side of the street is nearing comple tion and the piles are nearly all set and sawed off for the west side The plank ing is beinz pushed on both sides of the An attachment of over flL'01 has teen street and but for the railroad work placed upon the property of the B. L. & which requires considerable more time A. Reduction works which have been o-! than the road work it would be rom erating in the old cement mill during the pleted in another week. The holes past few months. .As their operations f"r the piles at the trestle below Mohs have been mainly of an experimental street are nearly all dug on the east side nature and they were Tacoma operators I "ie railroad track, but those on the west nothing is known of the business here. Does your wife know that the best graham flour obtainable comes from C. T. Howard's mill at Mulino? The rea son for this is that he makes this branch of big work a specialty and as he uses the ili-fashioned stones for grinding it he can give you better flour than the other mills. If you enjoy gems or graham mush try that made by Howard once and you will use no other. Commercial travelers are proverbially good feeders and if a good square meal is to be obtained in a city they know where to go for it, and all you have to do when alighting from a train is to follow their lead and you will find good beds and ta bles. It is well known all along the road that since W. C. Faulkner assumed con trol of the Livermore hotel restaurant it is the only place in the city to go for first class meals, and that is why all commercial travelers stop there. side will have to be left till the road can be laid on the east side so that the present road may be torn out. Dan Lyons who secured the contract for improving and graveling Fifth stieet from Van Buren to High street began his job the first of the week with enough men and teams to indicate that he in tends to push the work and not be caught by the wet weather with an un finished job on his bands if he can help himself. He began work at the upper end of the street near the point of hill leading down from Falls View and will work this way. The street presents a much more lively appearance than Main street on account of so many teams be ing at work. Under the direction of the county j court the road leading out to Mt. Pleasant is being improved and will be planked so as to make it a good road and easy grade out of town to the south. Assessor John Bradley and his depu ties have practically finished np their work anil are now ready to submit the books of the office to the board of equal ization which is to meet next Monday and continue in session during the week. If there is any doubt in the mind of any one relative to the assessment standing against hun then is the time to fix it or to forever after hold their peace. The Bank of Oregon City has greatly improved the appearence of the interior of the bank by the addition of a new railing over the hank counter and a re arrangement of the windows for the transaction of buisness. Besides being mucli mor convenient for the bank of ficers it affords better protection to the funds should any one be disposed to make a raid on the bank in the day time. Last Saturday Charles riiirfus found a purse containing something over $17.00 at the encampment at Gladstone and he caused a notice to be sent to the Ore gonian and posted at the camp. On Monday a Portland man come np and described the purse suflicient to identify it as his property. He gave Charles a dollar for finding the purse. Mr. J. C. Boswell, one of the best known and most respected citizens of Brown wood, Texas, suffered with diar rho;a for a long time and tried many dif ferent remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was used ; that relieved him at once. For sale by Geo. A. Hard ing. Humphrey ireinbath has gone to Grays Harbor where he is engaged in fishing for a Portland firm. Mrs. Trembath will leave for Westport and Astoria in a few days where she will remain most of the time during his absence. Cmi lit t Warrant utlre. Not ;co is hereby given that if Ihe county warrants, hereinafter named, which were issued more than seven years from the first day of July, 1HIU, are not presented for payment before the September term of the county court, viz September tlth, lH)i;l, they will be cancelled and payment thereof refused. Number of warrant 0W, amount 11.70, issued to Fred Wise, date of issue Janu ary tl, IS-Ml; iitimlsir of warrant llL'l, amount $1.00, issued to J. H. Darling, date of issue April II, I8HII; number of warrant lXill, amount .'!(), issued Isaac Farr, date of issue June 10, iK.Ni Gko. II I Iohtos, County Clerk. Confection and Cigars. Confectionery and Cigar store on Sev enth street, east of Shively Hall between Madison and Monroe. , Dealing in home make of fine domestic Havana Cigars, choice grades of Tobacco. Pear, Orange and Champagne Cider and Soda of differ entkinds. Cigars wholesale and retail. Please give an a cull. Hkiidaway A The People's Venllcl. Besides curing the Mi'it chmi of rhi'll mutism in t'lui k.iiiuoi county, the fol lowing cam's spenk : Mrs. Charles, o Seventh Mrwl says "My lsy's right leg was psulyted Iroinj bis hip down, so tlut he was tillable loi put bin fix 't to the ground lor over twelve! months. After uing three bottle of Mr. Hargreave's laiiiou Smwced Rem edy. He can now run around w lihutit his sticks." Mr. Mii hiiel 0'ilnn of Oregon City, savs "I was laid up with neve re attack of iufluiumatory rlifiiiniitiui in a most acute form. Three applimtitiu of the famous Seaweed entirely cured me." Mrs. Geo. Keddaway sats, "It W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithlng and Repairing. Muring out uf Id Im-hI tlmrr In tU lain In my mploy, liak( HOKSKSHUUV; A Sl'MALTY ALL WO EI mL'NDL'D" TO FROJIPTLT. Simp (iisiite coriifr from rojie'i ImnlwuN! store. ORECON CITY. ORECON. r r. wiiitk. . WHITI WHITE BROTHERS, Practical .Irchitcrti .( UinlJcn. Will .ro.arv i.laua, lai,,lia, .iitii,, ,). lint "It i ! " l"'inc Hell! l..f l ,lt,j, i,l bull ' I Ilia. a aim.t.1 .il-... ... worth its weight in gold (or rheumatism ."; uw. Knimaua luniiabol ia aw.iir.iiuf' Solll by (iKO. K. 1 1 A HI.MR.t VRM. N,tll! ll OO nr 'l.lfMi WIIITK flKHS , Madison Street, oral I'hayer & Aldeli'si ru8 Cltr.on oilice, Oregon I it v. P. O. Box JM.s II T. Hadcn and wife moved to their very neat cottage at Gladstone where they will be at home in future. The shop where Mrs. Kladen has lived so long will still be conducted by Mrs. Sladen but at such hours as she cannot be there the Misses Winona Williams and Edith Wisbart a ill look after her interests. Both are familiar with the work and duties and are well qualified to take charge of the store in Mrs Sladeti's absence. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam, of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in tin! treat ment of diurrhiea ii her children will undoubtedly be of interest to many mothers. She says: "I spent several weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great flood, on account of my husband being employed there. We had several child ren with us, two of whom took the Diar- rhiea very badly. I got some of Chain t i .!l.. fi i:.. -.I I i ,.- noriaiii s VOiic, noiera nun Hliirrmea Remedy from Rev. Mr. Chapman. It cured both of them. I knew ot several other cases where it was equally success fill. I think it cannot ho excelled and cheerfully recommend it." L'5 and fid cent bottles for suleby Gko. A. Hahiiimi. Albertina Huffman and Adelbert As chenbrenener have the permission of the county clerk to unite themselves in the holy bonds of matrimony. The sherifT has posted notices of sale of The Herald plant upon the 2d of Sep tember. The notice read A. W. Hefton vs. Ross. Prof. II. A 8horey will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church again next Sunday morning. (irecn Hoods. Don't be tempted to invest in them. You will get into trouble every time and in the end poverty and disgrace The genuine Uncle Sam's green goods are the only ones of value. They make you rich ; especially when used to pur chase Simmon's Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipa tion or Biliousness, or drive away Malaria. Don't be tempted to take anything else in place of the Regulator. E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, oregon city. Masonic Building. The latest in visiting cards at the En Tkkpkisk Okficb. Prices to suit you. Kbaubb'b Headaciib Cai'sulks-Wah- AHTKU. World s Fair Trarrlcru W ill Hare It. The public il and through service when traveling. It Isold faabioned to change cars, (in the through solid vestibuled trains ot the Chlcauo, Cnion Pacific and Northwestern line from or to Chicago, llmuhaaiid inter liatn points. there is no change. ThU is the finest and fastest road. Frankfurt, N. Y., Hue. -h, Ihui Mil Noiiman I.ii nrv, Ill's Moines Iowa Dkak Nik : I.Ht summer I procured a box ol your "Headache Upaulc" from a friend, I found them splendid, hm have been unable to find them here; tberclore write to you aking you tt' send me a box as soon as possible, as I I .ft . oo nut like to 1st without them I'l....... be prompt and oblige, Box 07. Miss Grace Harris. for ssle bv ('barman A (', Stoie, Oregon City, Oregon. photo's at a Bargsii. On niTotint of removal to .U ami Morrison street on or alsiut July loth, DAVIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Int and Taylor street, will iniiko IiHi!.tK)ciiliim-tforll'a; Paris imiii'ls fi.lM). All work first chins. A trial il asked. 1 1 'it v Drug Threshing Machine Gniiert Will find it to (heir interest to get one of those books which the Evtkhciiisk is now putting up especially fr Ihreshers, In it you can keep Hn ,.xm.t r,.(,r(1 w;)l the least amount of wwk. N other book required. Everything kept in (he smallest possible space. Kend ,KjHn cnrdforasampl,. page or order lt book of 100 pages for $1.75. Now is (he ii, v(J11 want it. Kill Ice, G. W. IWser's new hall Is finished at night as follows except Fm,v iLl I as the G.sid Temples mv Hyt H on and li ter the first Kunday In Se me , : tar until further noticj ; (C2 A"'. rdayiiTZ if. u "J i ' u" ,r"'' night with t"."v , nir imrice mi l n ..i. ...:.i ) r.o i I.".. "'"" "i'l" ,.. ! y "now (JW, wen iignieil. (ilAJ'KM'ropriotor. $500 Reward llimo. piano, siago and . tf FOR . ABSOLUTELY PURE DlUGS Q A. HARDING. N'l.VK lll'T OOMPITINT PHARMACISTS IMPLOU0 Floe Perlometo aonollei Articles. Alxi lull (tuck ul PAINTH- OILS. KTC. 1 rttirt mmm sji I jf for any trace of Antipinme, Morphine, Chlora , or any other mjurlous con,: pound inKBAi!sK,sHKAiM.if...M 25ctn. Eor sale by Charman A ( r,.. Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Take your babies to il,.. m v . EHVi3 PiaON-IVY PlLLa-A.ur? txiixmiiiir fiiiiii,L ''lire cure fin If not iU. Woman's Friend Ho successful and delightful havo biwn the ellocts ol "Moore's Hev.'iiled Item; dy" upon the delicate allnienW o' womankind, that this wonderful rem"; dv has been called " Woman's Frieml. Moore's Revealed Remedy In a few doses shows womankind J" peculiar virtues for their ailment"- W ellects are gentle, soothing and uiiifur"1' ly successful. Hundreds of lailid all over the coast bear witness to ita u" cess. i1r. Ik. file tm-HoM by all druggist.