Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY. MAKCH 31. ISM. Gladstone. New conditions have arisen in Oregon City with the advent o( motor lines ami cheap and quick transit. Purchasers will not be contented to select permanent homes in suburbs that heretofore have been considered available People will travel on electric motor lines and it can't be stopped Gladstone is the finest location for a city in Oregon. A beautiful colored lithographic map of this handsome tract can be had by call ing at the office of the company, Main street. II. E. Choss, Agent. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Frobate court will convene next Mon day. On Wednesday the county commis sioners meet for April session. The old sash and door factory is dis mantled. No more will the hum of wood working machinery be heard com ing from its doors. Tuesday was the last day for the old mill and on Wednes day morning the men began taking down their machines and moving them across to the new mill where such of them as are adapted to the work, will bo used tn connection with the new machines to in crease the capacity of the null. The new forty horse boiler has been set in place ; the engino is ready for steam and connections will lie made today so that the wheels can be set in motion if desir ed, but it is not expected that the ma chinery will be ready to run before the first of the week when the wheels of the new mill will probably be set in motion. This mill will be one of the best equip ped sash and door factories on the coast, when everything is completed and will have a capacity surpassing the present mill by several fold. Wantkd, Bacon, Lard, Wheat Oats at the Park Place store . and x The tight rope show on Wednesday was fake Anv hodr could do as much. The latest in visiting cards at the En tfrpkisk Oefick. Prices to suit you. Both the Imperial and Brick mills are closed down for an unlimited time. The two foot smoke stack for the sash mid door mill was taken down yesterday. The Hattie Belle came down the river on Tuesday wi:h a raft of logs for Brough ton's mill. Money to loan on g. od inside Oregon City property at 8 per cent. Wads 11. Si-enckr, Oregon City. The new coffer dam being built above the pulp n.ill is nearly ready to sink to the bottom of tiie river. Elizabeth Wagner and Henry Hazel line were married by Judge Fonts on Tuesday of this week. x ins city now nas ten saloons and a-e plication is to be made at the next meet ing of the council for the 11th. The first of the two big digestors at the 'Willaiiiette paper mill is expected to be readv for a boil next week. Through the courtesy of Homer A. Kruse, a member of the graduating class for 1803 for the conservatory of music of the Willamette University, we have re ceived a neat invitation to attend the fifth annual musical recital to be given March 29 th in the evening. Mr Kruse will appear four times in the program, an evident recognition of his abilty as a musician. Scores are being cured by the famous Rheumatic Seaweed Compound. Ask your neighbors what It is doing for them. This medicine is highly praised not only for its rheumatic cures but for neuralgia, old sprains, etc., and inwardly for colic, cholera and diarrhiea. Sold at $1 per bottle by G E. Hargreaves, South Mad ison street, Oregon City. Senator liordou Hayes and wife ac companied by their daughter Hattie re turned from a trip through Southern Oregon and Northern California on Mon day afternoon. Mrs. Hayes's health is much improved by a course of treatment Koblnann-l'nchraue .Nuptials, j Ist Saturday evening the family and immediate relatives assembled at the pleasant home of II. Cochrane and wife in this city to witness the marriage of their daughter Nettle to J. B. Hohinson of San Francisco. The rooms were artistically decorated for the occassion ; the hall with wild grape and bright colored roses, the dining room with evergreen and yellow join-nils and the parlor with ferns and while carnations and petunias. In the southeast corner of the parlor was the wedding arch from which depended the wedding bell of white carnations and petunias upon a ground work of green ferns and mosses, from which there hung pendant a beautiful calla lily clapper. Beneath this bell and within the arch, the bride and groom stood, having marched into the room to the strains of Mcndlosohn's wedding march, played by Miss Hattie Cochrane. The bride was dressed in neat tan traveling costume, in which, despite the plain color she appeared very beautiful. The impressive Episcopul wedding service was pronounced by Rev. Win. K. Powell of East Portland; following which and congratulations there was served an elegant wedding dinner. Munv costly and lieautifiil presents were bestowed UHn the bride in token of the love and esteem in which she is held by her associates in this community. The happy couple hud arranged to take the Southern Pacific train for San Francisco, and there was only time for hurried good byes after the wedding dinner before they were hurried into the carriage amid a shower of rice and old shoes, the abundance of which presaged good luck and happiness in full measure. At the depot a large crowd of Mrs. Robinson's associatesjiiad gathered to bid her farewell and to wish j the couple a safe and pleasant journey I both to San Francisco, their destination ; and through life, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will make THE LEADING GROCERY HOPS The Most Complete and only first class GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. InitKirters ami (Mors in IK on Family wm Selected Teas.l'uro Coffees & Spicos. Butter&Clieesefrombcstdairics Fruit and VonvtaMes in Season. Business Conduct On Business Print One Price to Positively no necticn with advertising sen Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon Ci PERSONAL NOTES. Geo. A. Harding was down to hear Nye and Burbank on Monday evening and passed a most enjoyable evening. The sheriff expects to be ready to collect taxes by the first of April. He wants you to come early to avoid the lUsll. Rev. G. W. Gibony hv request repeat ed an excellent sermon which he preached a short time ago, the subject being. "Truth." For Sale, At a bargain, two lots and house in central location and good neighborhood. Owner going to leave town. Inquire at this office. 3t Parties who have business in Canby will find it to their interest to stop at the Canby house, wheie "mine genial host' Wm. Philips holds the fort. Fred Zollnt r the Canby photographer is prepared to do any work in his line in artistic manner. Call on him when you want to see how you look. Go to the Park Place ttore for jour boots and shoes. They wear longer and give better satisfaction than to pay a big price for cheap ones that cost you equal' ly as much. The biggest single mail that has ever come to Oregon City post office arrived last Monday night, when besides the pouch, there were fifteen sacks mostly well filled. i. ; I i ..... ... . wiiicn sue look at 1'ie vurm .springs in . tlieir home in San Francisco where the Southern Oregon. J groom is engaged in the employ of the Some miscreant not having the fear of j Southern Pacific engineering depart the Lord before his eyes cut the tine ! m,'nt- He is highly spoken of by those plate glass windows in the Masonic and w,, know 111111 1,1,(1 'he Kntkiii'Iiisk joins Odd Fellow's buildings with a diamond . 'ltl' Illttny "'ends here in wishing the on Monday night. E. E. Williams who i couple much joy. occupies the masonic building will will ingly pay a reward for the apprehension oi the party who did the deed. Nick Story is making bis side hill home fairly shine with improvements. Where but a short time since weie rocks and stumps galore, he now has a neat cottage, terraced garden, and in a few weeks will have flowers and vegetables in abundance. Work tells. The contract for grading the Glad stone Branch of the East Side Electric Railway has been let Jo John Tyacke who will begin grading as soon as the weather will permit. On 1 riday last there was born to the wife of P. F. Morcy of this city a son, weight eight pounds. The father is delighted and mother and child are getting along nicely. Tuesday evening was regular drill night for Achilles Division and Capt. Al Wrerlein of Portland was present by in vitation and gave the boys the benefit of his long experience. Frank Zollener was a caller at this office on Tuesday on his way home from Portland where he had been to purchase a new lot of ohotographer's material for bis gallery in Canby. W. C. Billings who for a long time has been administering to the tonsorial wants of the masculine portion of this commun ity, has purchased a shop at Gervais, to which place he has moved with his fam ily. Success go with him. Hamilton & Washburn can fit your boy out with a stylish suit for f 1.75, a pair of school shoes for $1.00 and a good felt hat for 50 cents. Call in and we will treat you well and save you money. Wm. A. Ackerman has changed the appearance ot his cigar and con fectionery store by placing fancy count ers on each side, rounded off to meet the eide walls. To reach the card and bil liard room one must now pass between the counters in the center of the store. Numerous reports have been in circu lation to the effect that the Southern Pacific was intending to put on hourly suburban service between Portland and this city, but inquiry fails to record any foundation for this report in official circles. The Circuit Court Suits. The following actions were begun in I circuit court during the week: J. J. I.eavitt vs. J. P. Boen. Transcript from justice court, judgment entered. Julius Elirman et al vs. L. Roquert Transcript from justice court, district ' No. 5. Judgment entered in hen docket. Viola Stubbs vs. John Stubbs o plication for divorce, 8. Huelafr for plaintiff. .ludge McBride who is holding court at Hillsboto was home Tuesday even ing on a brief visit. Hon. E. M. Hurtmun of Marquum spent Wednesday In the city attending to business matters. Dr. Hickman of Clackamas was in the city on Wednesday. He reortM the smalliiox at an end in and around Clack ainas. Hon. L. T. Burin was spending some time in town the first of the week super intending repairs alnjiit his house on lower Main street. Bishop Morris, who recently returned from the Fust where he had ln-en for some time occiiH'd (he St. Paul's pulpit Wednesday evening. II. S, Strange left on Thuisday for a brief trip southward, going first to Corvallis, nnd afterward to r.ouglua county to visit big parents. Two hobos with a buck saw worked Piety hill on Wednesday, at least one of them diil the work while his tl took u needed rest i tie stoiy tolil was that he wished to borrow money to send word to his sick mother who lived be yond the school house that he would be home soon. He asked at Henry Mid drum's for 15 cents, ut F. R. Charman's for 35 cents, at C. O. T. Williams' for 50 cents and at C. Bulicock's for III) cents. His labor so fur as heard from was fruitless. ENSIBLE ATISFACTORY UPERIOR TYLISH o c3 o J 4 C At Popular Pniee; BY road Butteville, Canby was recently laid out by the county court, has been abandoned, as much of the way traversed by it is low bottom ground, and an attempt will be made to have it located on the county line be tween Clackamas and Marion counties. Rev. P. B. Williams will preach at the TJ. B. church Saturday night and Sunday morning. The woman's mis sionary meeting will be conducted by Mrs. Williams beginning at 7 o'clock sharp. Spring and Summer goods constantly arriving at the Park Place store. New, fresh, stylish and attractive, they are just the goods you are looking for for your new spring outfits. A delegation of Red Men came up from Portland Wednesday evening and pow wowed with Waucheno tribe No. 13. They spent a pleasant evening, returning at 10 o'clock. At a meeting of the school board held on Wednesday evening, the plans of S. E. Maxon for a new school building were adopted. The building is to be of wood with a stone foundation and is to which contain six rooms at first. Mr. Maxon is to enter into bonds that the six rooms shall not cost to exceed $11000. Bids will be asked for in about a week. The more Chuiiiberlain's cough rem edy is used the better it is liked. We know of no other remedy that gives sat isfaction. It is good when vou first catch cold. It is good when your cough is seated and your lungs are sore. It is good in any kind of a cold. We have sold twenty five dozen of it and every bottle bus given satisfaction. Stedman & Friedman, druggists. Minn esota Lake, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Hardidin. HILL k GLASS, The Clothiers, Hatters and Furnish C. P. WINKSKT. r. MCHII-Tt'R wixkskt & scitirriritK, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMEF Largest stock of Collins and Caskets kept South ol Portland. Alao cloth ci and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies It uriut Kobei and Gents' Burial Holies in stock Also Wagon and Cau iao Making, Horso SI lot'in" nnd ml lilacksinithing on short mitico. Fish, Finn .At Humphrey's fish The East Side Kailwav Comnanv dues not propose to stop at the city's niiiner-' "'"rket all kinds of fresh nnd salt water You will be fooled if you don't goto UH cross walks strung along four or five "'', lobsters and oysters. Live I to a block, hut has put up signs at the 1 """sweii cnicKens. t ree delivery to ! all parts of the hear the Georgia minstrels at Shiyely's oira house on Saturday night. The gieut and only Billy Kersands, who is advertised to "make a mule laugh" is with the company. Seats are going like i.oicaices ai tne postoitice and ii you want a good one you will have to buy soon. street corners reading, "cars stop here." The huge stump extractor made by s city . On Tuesday evening there was a pleasant gathering at the Congrega tional church, intended as a reception to their popular pastor, M. Angulo Dougherty, In addition to the sociul feature which was greatly enjoyed by all, there was presented a well selected musical and literary program of much merit. The PortlandGeneral Electric company is building an office, store house and j work room adjoining their engineering office in the big warehouse. It is being j fitted up in good shape. The office will be occupied by C. G. Miller who has I have a few thousand left to loan on charge of the Oregon City business. good, Clackamas county farms or good i ,. ...77 ; , inside Oregon City property. Wade H. ' "' f .'" Spencer, Oregon City, Or. he c.,ly y"rdBy takmg up a Hubscrip- hwii iwi uio jYiiuA uujjiiy , wiiu will HUI- Father Hillebrand with the assistance of his excellent choir and the fine orches is making an extra effort to have some excellent musical services on Easter. me i-oriinnu ueneral r.lectric company is ready for shipment, but will not brought up till the Tualatin dock ready . Lamps, crockery and glassware of fac I tory prices. New invoice just received i fr,.., tl... ,.ul U'lll ..... 1 I I be' movnnv. II ill IKJb IIU UimcmOltl. . See Bellomy A Busch. x Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Entkiii'iiisk of- George Brouirhtnn logging camp on the Molalla. Wednesday ' fi''- IVtlu"iI,rir,,Hl evening. He has 2,000,000 feet of logs in the Molalla, and a large gang of drivers at work with a good stage of water to run them down on. The new rector of St. Paul's parish, Rev. J. A. Eckstorm from Chicago who recently graduated from the theolog ical seminary will be here Sunday to preach his first sermon. Last week A. S. France had sent to turn Irom N;a Side a fine bo of mi.r clams, fat and juicy. He was kind to his neighbors, who enjoyed the bi- vaiyes very much. The west side of Main street appears strange without the mass of overhead electric wires. wlnYli Imi.u 1. ...., . i A ..;. ,.r ... . i. . . . . ..... .1 ' . iwuini F" " uongoia i ier a severe loss hy tne destruction of i to the east si,l nl !,. ,ir....i snues lor your Dany ai tne rarK riace tlieir household effects on account of Baled hay and si raw for sale by the ton or bale, 1J miles from town, at L. H. Andrew's place, Mt. Pleasant, x store for 50 cents, cents to $1 . Usual price from 75 Rev. John Parsons who was formerly pastor of the M. E. church was in the city on Wednesday. Flanagan & Cole will move into the Burmeister building with their saloon on the first of April. C ..I ... money 10 loan on good tarms at s per cent. Call on Wadb H. Spencer, Oregon City. The Courier is planning to blossom out as a daily. This is a move in the right direction. The citizen's meeting called for the third of April has been postponed till the 5th. J. M. Findley accompanied by his daughter Lucy was in the city on Wed nesday. We would be fooled if pleasant weather should come for a change. Taxes can be paid April 1st and no foolishness abont it either. L. Royal of Portland was in the city on Wednesday. small pox. With an 80-foot boulevard leading from the west end of the bridge up to the Tualatin and down to the beautiful spring at its mouth without one hill to interfere, there will be Borne pleasure in keeping a horse and carriage in Oregon City. Could the liens that laid them, see the many colored hen fruit that will suddenly show up on Sunday morning they would doubtless be astonished at the accumula tion of rings, streaks and spots marking their products. The sale of seats for beautiful Carolyn Gage's engagement in "The Celebrated Case" and the "The Honeymoon" at the postoffice is lively and indications point toward a large sale. On Tuesday the Park Place school district voted dy 24 to 7 to issue $3000 bonds to pay off debts incurred in build ing school bouse and for running ex penses during tha coming year. Caolyn Gage who is to appear tt Shively's opera house is spoken of by our contemporaries in the highest terms of praise. This settles it. Noah's ark was built of Oregon timber and sailed away from the Willumette Valley. The olive leaf and landing were found elsewhere. The Oregon City base ball club is meeting with good success in securing players to make up its nine. We will have a good club. In the line of furniture, carpets, win dow shades, wall paper, lounges and mattresses you can beat Portland prices by calling in the Oregon Cilv bunk block under the Entkhchisk office, x Buy your boy or girl a pair of those school house shoes that they are offering at the Park Place Store from 75 cents to $1.35 according to size. Old papers for underlaying carpet at this office. School deportment curds one cent each, good for term, at the Kntkiimiihk office. Lounges, chairs, ot,.., upholHtercvl at Hobnaii & Wulliiig's. All work guar anteed. ii air all your old lounges lor little money and they will bo good as new. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City ut the Entkhi-hisk office. It lu tn mir tut,...,... i,. .i .. nimii-ni, mi 1 1 1 1 u u it m-jit-i- economical buyer. Bki.i.omyA Bi scii. if Looking Forward. Judging the future by the past, no Baking Powder in the near future will in any way approach the superior qualities and purity of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder The Queen of all the Baking Powders in purity, strength wholesomeness and efficacy. The favorite in every kitchen ' Dr. Price's is a Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder' and - r i r 7 uuici mat it must witnout a rival in the future as in the past NperuliKlnii l4iigrru Scarcely a day puws withoi the news of soiiim Urrgn failure flu over the wires the Usual result ol illation in stock oriuimn equally di oils venture. The snine electric ci carries to dear distunl friend the sii nigs of death ol loved ones too the result ut NNM'iiUtion in patenl triiins. Moore's Kcvealcd Urine no speculation but is sold on pt guarantee. o not fail to go to druggist and ack for your money satislied. We know you will g buy another lxiltlu. For sale I druggists Plnt ti Orchard. Walling .Wurrinh, the Oswego seryinen, oiler the llnent selecti fruit trees eversold in Clackamas ty at prices within the reach o Call and examine Humpies of theii "d get prices at I'. T. Barlow's Oregon City. Have Itriuoved. .'Id-jors Wow, in E.ll. Kelly's bnl where the remainder of the slock w dossed out regardless of cost. L. Mtt; When one thinks of theTpriecs have been paying fr thir Ull0, goods, or bedsteads, it otHtrang they aro surprised when they they en get a Hrst-clans spring edg loungo for 2.fio, mr, ,(!)? (or box mattress, miw and without a I ihIi .for $I.(K1; br Imw bedsteads! Call on Holinan A Wulling am y0, understand the reasons thereof. I'llOTIr.'K V. . "ski.k. insure your rty in thetiuardian Assurance co "V of London. Cash H,.tH fu'.'I.OOO F. E. IloNAI.DSON Oregon City, Oregd Now that you are7hhdd"of bui! and want the very best quality ol her delivered on short noii,. it to your interest to reinhmbor that -w Mill company can supplij wtl-the best and deliver It at o c Take your babies t n. v d andgeta good picture whlb3 have the chance. a remain FOH SAI.R. Vnr i.!... . honchesat Bollomv A, 1, "dl at a bargain. t c 0. t. wmlm77.7ir...,...., 1 MUTT iji m w make very favorable rates on good n loans, 25 C""hl bwiTTwn ! " .., k! emle88hoBeattilei.ark rkcetiWr