Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OP TIME (i. (!. t co.'n htkamkiin. In KrmTTnniiN , IhW, Hlcainsrs Al.loNA A IIAMoNA: iv i'limiuN oitv. i.kavi nuiri nip nwi. III. t m p, in, t Mi ! in. 7 :m a, in. I J in, 4 l III. Hl'NUAY. 9 SO a. m. t ' in. IM a. in. IHI. III, D UO l' m. 4 Kl I 1 1 him rl atil)i't In chaiK wltliiiiu unties JonilKIIM VKVWW. ItAII.WAV. NtiHIII Mill' NO. UH'illf'nl (Wsy statliiual 9 III a. III. l aliiurlilft Kaurvas llliniii(h) A t; a. in. Ikiix iiuig l.o'al (wa stations) I w i. in. snl'TM Niii kii. Itiiu'liurn liol (way stations) 9 M a. in fliumy I oral w)r imliiniij A mi p. m allfnrnla Kipreaa llirmili 7 M . ill t- - t TIIK NAIIJI. klnlla olnae iiini North,! . in,, I i in., ii iu. mVhUi dint lii Hiniili, 0 a. in., 7. JU in. mill iMrrtt , Orrnuii City to Kltf.l'erna, MtillniiaiMt MoUlU o" I' srrlvrs l W iu. dally, i Orejoii (Mir I" Kly. Ulnk.l'Urk klxit'litw Ilrook. Cnloii Mllli, Mullnn ami ( iillnn. Uatrna at 10 e D lue.ilay, 1 liulxlay ami Halunlay, ami r li i n i on lollowliiii ilas al t M p. m FJtlDAV, .MAKCIi III, IKH.I. J LudAiitr or tub Honiiinu Him.. taut nwk llio Kntkhi'Himk iioIimI (Imt tlia l!m ri)(t ImiihIIiik hill wait ir(ilmlily ,1ot aVX"! n" llinrn Itocilllil to lip (lofl'. ln n !t "iik. fiMutiir ltaiiiTu(t wrltm lliut he Ii IikiI the ivconl rarnfully fx HiiUhkI tiy Hi" MM-rtrv ol ut ami jtuU It iihiI alt ri'Kuliir. Tlm t)r"K'"Jin u( MiHiilny nay of tint Mil: finite) Ih iiiiicIi anxinty (fit in r-iirl to jio tUliiN ol the Umicnift liumliiiK lilll. Prom tlm liivrtitiitlinit mail liy Mr. Bancroft it uix-urH tliat tlin lull wit kMi") lliruii;li ImiIIi Ihiiiwh irotivrly Hiil in any (HMi II llier worcmiy aiui'iul- I pent not iroHrly lilml, it In I'luiini'il y SN'ukiir Ki-iuly tluit no niiirli of tliu I ct al wun uiriivii liy tlm Kcivornur lm (oiiii't a luw. Otliwa claim tbat oppo nent ol 1 1 ic law ire trying1 to kill it. flip only iii'Htiuii aiianiitly now to lt ICltloil, In wlii'thcr tJio charter can l " tmi'O'li'il liy a arjirat art, or wlicllicr lie (a t tliul tliu I'rift iBioiia of tlm Itau- jruft Mil were IiicIuIimI in tint i liartcr Wlrr llicin illi'iil or not. Mimiia aill ioon Ik tuken to liam lliiii kjS lit b tllnl. A foclM.SctrK.Kii, Tliut iawlinlrvrr' pw fronoiitifca tlui f rty iflvcn by Mr. imlMr. I'. I'.,'illiiimit ut tlicirplcuKitnt loiiin In IIiIh city on liuit Tluiri'Uy even IPi; In linimr of tlm arrival of ttunlon (Villliuin front tliu L'uHt. ('onvcriialion, I .. .....t .......... .......... i n...-. i.,,. I . ' ,., . i lipM'to (in ckly. A nove feature " ' , , , aa penny game (nlnsltiivil ly .Mr, 1 ' , . , nilliams. It wai intended to tent tint " , , . poweis of oliservBluai of each one prcs- I ' tut. A card to which wua altitrhed a pencil wai hiimled to each one pment lo'ether with a cojiper cent and each ai to vt rile on hi" card all point itolic id relative to one fide of the cent. Two prUei ere ollvrml to the lady and kch tlcmaii oliHerviui; tlm inont point and they were earned by Miaa Mela Drown who received a luNik, and hy I 'r. O V. Yi'HrKiiin who received photocrapb ttolder. At 1'.' o'clock imall lahlea were diNlrihutcd abiitK the room and and dulnty mfrei.hinentH nerved. The even Ins Whh one of Uu pleaHtiulcHt of the CHMon. s " I Inbi-ki-tki tiik MACiiiKKitv. Mr. . C. Cheney, electrician of tint Portland lieneral I'.lei tric ('ompiiny, him rrtumcd from nniiith'a trip Kant. I Iu visited the liir)tu inaiinfactnrleH of electrical biachlnery at Lynn, Main., and Srbenec lady, N. V., where the dviiainow for the Bew power alation ut this city are l lnr, made. He (uiind that the wrk una Jiroceldinn favorably, and the machin ery will probably be hIiImm hi hooii hh the company Ih ready for it. All the electrical itunulaclorieH are crowded to their fnllcHt ctiicity. Mr. Cheney iiIho Vinited Pay ton, Ohio, and found work irot;r6HHiii( favorably on the acore or tnore of turbine wheel for the new ! tower Mlation. Mr. Cheney miyi butter i'H are beniK rapidly brought to mt lection. He miw a Ihiko one uf MO cella In the workH of the I'Mixon Illuminating Company In New York, which ii a y;ranl aucceiH. The lend plateB are made by a How jprnccHH, which rendera them af porous aa a spottKH, and tho nnionnt nf lenerxj tl.ut can be Htorcd away in them ) wonderful. ( ArTKK Many Jayk. Tho l.tiHtof tho jweek the boiler for tlm Oregon City SiihIi unci )oor Co , arrived in I'ortlinul. jTltere it waa cur locked in tliu utidHt of ft lot of earn which could not well bo moved for several duva. dipt. Califf swent down on Hnturdiiy to see about it jBnd iticceeded in get ti nji it moving B'iiin, ho tluit it arrived on Monday and jwua taken to the factory. In Kcttin: it jthere, tlm truck mired down hh it left the rock road. Kortitnately tluit wan clone by the mill and they built a platform and rolled it into place. Tito chief ciiiihu of the delay wan the neglect of the nmnufiu'tiirers to ship it at the time agreed. 1 Fob Bonos, Yita, The election for Mii'tag fOOOO achool bomla to build a now ; hcIiooI bouHe on upper Heventh ftreei pnnHod off very quietly on Mon day with no particular attempt to prevent the Uhuo of bonds. There "re 05 votes cant of which 81) wore for, five BRninst and one rejectod on account of being double. Who In Hiik7 TImi (uIIowIiik atory coini'K fniin I'lMicllctDii, Imt finiii wliat uiri of CliickuiiniN (loi'M tlm hrliln hall? "MIhn Hull (hk, who wim timr'lcil Hutu r ilny nlulit to ThoiiniN (irhy Whltn ami Ii'ciiiiiiimI Dm nuxt tiny, runic Imck to rciiillctuii on Thiirwluy'a truin. Her Ntnry wiim t) nit aniitlitir tir, Jullu l.atl nicr, Itiiliit iiil licr to run uwuy from licr licwly-iiiuilii IiiihIiiiimI. Thiy vtnnt to Momcow, Iilitho, vihiTO Mm, Whltn pawiii'il a tfoM wiitch i;lvi'ii her hy liur itiothcr, and ilivhtod tlm irociiiiln with luir frliinil. Tlm latter iIccIiIpiI to 1(0 to Hiokiinn, I hi L tlm niimwiiy hrlU concl iii Iml to return lionto. l In Htiiti'il that tint hi llu la williiiK now to j'jin tliu liiiNliainl whom aho ih'Kerted, hut tint op portunity la not oircrtol. It Ii tint in tention to nhip licr to tint lioniit of licr Krutnlinotlinr In ('luckrtmaii cuiitity, In the Iiiiki that reformation limy l ef fected, ai alio ia not yitt 17 ynira old. Hint will he accoinpmiltM on tint joiirinty hy her nt-ithir. ('Aiii'KNTKiia' Tooi.a. Komi? t i mo ainco tlm Kntkiii'Iiink noted tint atealiiiK of cariiilitera' tool it prcaiimuhly by M. (irccn, but aa th pvIiIciico wai liiMitlllclciit Ins win allowed to uo to Hnlein to tiiku a turn in Jull for iteulittK an overcoat at Aurora. Mounwhlln hi" pal, (ioorxa WcNtitrwull, wai found and brought down from IxAIiik (iIhhi, IIoiikImi county, hyClilcfof I'oljco Joa epb riirduiii and whim (irccn 'a term ex plrcd In tliu Murion county jiiil hit wan brought back liere to alund trial for itealinK I lie toola. Ilia preliminary hearing occurred on Mondxy and he w bound over in the ittm of f '110 to await the action of the i;rnd Jury. Aa be could not ifi't ball hu wan tuken to add to Sheriff (ianoiiK'a alreitdy lar'n liiil of aelect iHiurdera. Iti'ii.ntNii ami Loan Abhikiatiom, l.aht Saturday there wita a ineetinK of citixem ut the nlllce ol C. II. I'vit to confer with rcprem'iitativea of tliu North writ National HulldiiiK and mn Ahuici atiou of 1'ortliiud, relative to the mlvimi hility of eHtnbllNhinK a brunch here with a I'M'al Imard of directora. TlnTe uceiiied to Ut a rowliiK Beiitiinct favor able to aNKH-iution w ithaKMd htiildini: mid Ion n nKiHH'iution, and tint one repre-M-nted at the ineetinK ban made a mom antinfuctory ahowitiK for a Voiiiik coin pHiiy kiid halt M-niilcH v eil known and reliable men at ita bend. There will be a meeting' Rt an early dale to "till further cotmiiler the plan, w hen a local board w ill probably be oruidicd. Comi'anv K'a Inickction. Tlia at tendance at lniMtctiou on Nloiidny even- I ing was very kimmI, there Udng but einbl , : ... , . , ... ,. men out uf flftv-two absent. Of these i. . ; , ,, .. , , two were out of town attending school, I . . . .., i three bad lilgbl work In the paper mill , ,, ,, . . , . . ., I unit thr other three had lo he at their places of hiisitie. This is an excep tionally good showing as it In indicate great Intercut and a roliimendahle en- pint de corps. The famous "ra green" Irowsers were turned in to lie boxed and sent in. Three new members were added to the roster as follows: II. S. (iibson, Chiis. Hitler and Cordon Will iam. A Si.siiri.AH Kirk. There occurred a queer freak of the lire fiend near Mt. Scott when the fine residence uf John Mats, at Tobasco, WHSpHrtiallydcMroyod by fire, Saturday evening during the ab sence of the family. It apsiars that a lamp must have exploded but the lire did not get on the outside ot the bonne. Tho rooms were tight and tliero was no draught. All the furniture in the room w as burned or charred and tho file ex tinghlsbed itself. When Mr. Mutt re turned and opened the door ho found tho iiiNide of his bouse a blackened ruin. His damage is several biuxlred dollars. A Hi'sinkss Ciianok. On tho first of tho month T. I'. Itamlall, w ho two years ii go pun-1 1 axed an interest in the O. C.T. Co's steamboat line, will diHixiso of his in teri'MttoJ. Newton (irahain who will lake his place on the bunt leaving Kiindull freo to devote his lime to such duties as may claim biM attention in connection with the new paitiierHhtp jusl formed between hiiiiHcir. II, II. Johnson and I. W. Kin miird, us they ate arranging to open their ollice on the llrt of April. Tiik Tualatin Wiiaiik. Last Monday the contractors who uro to build tho new wharf for tho rortliind General Klectric company at the mouth ol the Tualatin, took a pile driver up through the lucks and on Tuesday they began building tho whiuf, which is to be 40 by 110 along tho river with a -10 foot incline lending up to it. The work will be pushed rapidly forward ns tho dock is needed for land ing material. Tine Acquaintanck SoriAi,. On Tues day evening the Indies of the Congrega tional church tendered an informal re ception to their pastor, Uev M. Angelo Dougherty, which was a very pleasant BticccNH, their being a largo numbirof tho church and congrcgutiun present. In addition to the social feature musical and literary exercises wero presented which added much to the enjoyment of tho occasion. Tiik Mapison Stukkt 1!kiix)k. Work wos begun on Monday by II. E. Cross on the Madison street bridge across the Fifteenth street gulch. This bridge la being built by the city, the water com mittee and private subscription. Water mains have already been strung to it and aa soon as the bridge ia done the water pipes will be laid serosa and the "Kansas City" people can get city water. Aoainmt Tiia Hkwkk. On Hnturdiiy evening there was a mccliiig of the cillaieiia of the propoaed Second Sewer DlMtrlctattlm Seventh ilifnt bull pre ildud over hy Caleb Crow, the object tlm ineellng being to nrrnfiK" lr -cervatlye nyHteimitii! opponition to tlm i-MlabliMbmeiitof tlm Second Hewer Dis trict as outlined by the council. The meeting was iillcndcd by about thirty citlwits nearly all of whom went op- jmihoiI to the iliHtiictand plan of sewer age. Tint position' seemed to hu '.hat the best pliin for running tint sewers had not been decided upon ; tluit with a proper system to woik to they were in favor of laying sewers. A remonstrance which has been circulated will be pre sented to tho council at its next meeting. Hkcowks a Law May 20. The Han- croft bonding bill will become a law on the '.'Otli of May, and until thut time no action can lie taken in regard to deciding whether it Is constitutional and correctly paused or not. As soon as it becomes a law, someone will wish to begin a pro ceeding under It for improving a street or laying a sewer, and then the question aa to whether it is to stand as a law or not wiil be decided. Meantime there is no use in bothering alsjut the matter. Ciiiiistian Knukavou. A large gath ering of Christian Knduavurcrs will meet at the Cougregutional church on next Hunduv i-rcnlng al 0 o'clisk Delegations will be present from Tort land, Milwaukee, I'ark I'laco and Mountain View and a splendid meeting is anticipated, Kev. M. A. Dougherty will preach a sermon to young people after the Kndeavor meeting. Kverylsxly cordially invited to attend at 0 o'clock next Sunday evening. Uoaii Dihthict No. 1 On Vridsv lust A. V. Cooke, supervisor of road (lis trict No 1, was in the city examining more fully into his duties, lie says that tlm Nople in that part of the coun ty generally are In fuwir of the plan re cently adopted hy the court, and that he will as fur as poihle muss the work iiNUl the main traveled roads so as to have something to show at the end of the season. Ituot'oiiToN Dhivino Lous. Last Sun day the water in tho Molulla reached a gissl stage for driving logs, caused by melting snow iu the mountuin, and George Ilroughtoii wilb a gang of drivers went up and turned his logs loose. At last accounts the water was continuing at a g ssl stuk'e and tliu logs were coming down to the Wlllammette in good sliuw. School DIMrlct ilonilx. The provision of tho new law relative to the issuing of bunds by school districts is that all sc.lmol districts may issue bonds to the amttint of five per cent of their assessed valuation and no more. In order to issue bonds not less than ten taxpayers must sign and present a petition to the board (4 directors ask ing them to call a SKciul election to is sue bonds in suhstuntiullv the following form. To the board ot directors of dis trict No. , of Clackamas county, Ore gon : You are hereby requested to call a meeting of the legal taxpayers of school district Xo. of Clackamas county, Ore gon, for the purpose submitting to tho legally qualified votem the question of issuing bonds to the amount of , for tho purposo of This should bo signed by ten taxpay ers. It will then be tho duty of the board at a regularly called school board meeting to call a meeting of the tax payers by giving not less than twanty days notice thereof by posting not less tl inn three notices in public places, one of which notices shall bo posted at the place of election. Said notices shall be in substantially the following form : SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTION NO TICE. Notice is hereby given that at a school meeting of School District, No. , of Clackamas county, Oregon, to be held at in tho , in said dis trict on , ISM, there will be submitted to such of the qtliili lied voters of said School District us in the year last preceding the day of meet ing shall have paid a tux upon property assessed to them iu said district tho question of contracting a bonded debt of . Dollars for tho purpose of- tho voto to lo by ballot upon which shull be tho words "Itond Yes" and tho words "ltond No." Polls to be open at 1 o'clock p. m. and remain open until 4 o'clock p. in. liy order of the Hoard of Directors of School District No. , of Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated this iky of , A, D., 18'.):?. Signed, , District Clerk. The New Model li.ill Typewriter. A perfect machine, writes in 82 char acters, can bo used in ah languages, can manifold, and do all kinds of duplicate work, twenty dillcr-ont styles of Ameri can type, light and handy to carry, writes on ruled or unruled paper, any sir.e or quality. Easy to learn and aa rapid as any, a perfect puragon of usefulness. It is acknowledged to be one of the very best writers in the market. Warranted aa represented. Send for circulars and samples to T. P. Soules, Agont, Mar quam,Or. Dolman A Walling are prepared to fit up your bouse below Portland prices. Treasurer's Nofire. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand siifhcient to pty warrant No. W indorsed December 12, Interest cesses with ilii'e of this notice. V. i. IOi'is, City Treasurer, Oregon City March 10, HM. Trey Laundry. The Troy Kloam laundry, of I'ort lurid, has opened an agency in Oiegon City with K. A. WaddiM-k ut the post ollice confectionery and cigar stand, where bundles will be received and returned. Good left at ollice hy Tuesday noon will Ik returned Saturday morning. Ilncklen'i ArnLtt Halve. The Itest Hulve iu the world for Cuts, limine, Sores, 1' leers, Suit lOicum, Fever Sores, Tetter, ('hupped Hands, ('lull. lain, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. Ills guaranteed to give js-rfect atifaction, or money refunded. Price 2ri cents per box. For sale by U A. Harding. Khiloh's Cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is lor sale by ns. Pocket size contain twenty-live doses, only c. Children love it. C. O. Huntley. Monry on eM T. U III I am-. trriaw ol '. O Pure Drugs, Honest Prices and the utmost care in Compounding Prescriptions At CG.HUNTLEYS Drug Store, Near the Court House. 5,000,000 Figures and Letters In the World almanac for 1SJI3. If you want t he figures fur all im portant events ot '5J2; if you want maps and guides to the city toward which the eyes of the whole world are turned this year; if you are a professional man, busi ness man, politician or sport, you will find facts and figures that you are looking for, in the world almanac for 1 S'.Ki. Price '2'i cents at Huntley's Book Store, OREGON CITY, OREGON. Sent hy mail on receipt of price. LOUIS D. VANOERVEBE, On of tit best knows ttoitneu men la Chlotgoi representative of tho great Braditreet Oo HEADACHE, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Dr. MUrt Xtdlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind. Ocntlempn ; I lake pleasure In tnformtnir yon of ttie vcrv beuetlelai nsaulu which have followed the une of D. Mat BtTORTivc Nvini In tnecaseof myself and wife Jura year 1 van iiMct to a dUtrewiiiig pain at the baa of the brain and upper portion of the spinal cord. 1 m a m mm r to floh and was k really lllnr I J troubled with leeplewnoee. WW I IUUonI Nervine wai highly recommended to me. My can bad been so oUit naie that I had no eonudenoe In the eftVary of any medicine. Yet aa a last resort I consented to Hive It a trial. Much to my surprise, I experienced marked benefit; my sleeplessness disappeared: my headache wai removed; my spirits auu general iTSTHOUSANDS a.lNIO TWIHTT POUND. All THIS OCCURRtD arris) Lcasmro asm wiil ssows Mail raitco. ly wife is taking the Nervine wltb im Deal oi roauHa. U)Vi v. OLD ON s POSITIVE GUAMNTir, TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 23 CTS. For sale by Charman & Co. B XIA. V Al JL-M A. TO B L0AH1U BaaMSMBMBCBBBnBBQBaOU "'" OFFICE Next door to Caufield & Huntley's drug 8tor Clothing, Clothing, The Finest Line and Best. Quality Ever Brought to Oregon City for Men, Youths and Boys. Prices That'll Remember THOMAS OHARMAN & SONS' PIONEER -:- STORE. Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order Filled Whatever it may be. GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City. J. ROAKE, Prop. OREGON CITY Manufacturers ot suit COMBlflATIOli WlI(E AND piET FEWtJE, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow's Snsh & Door factory, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OKKGOX CITY. OR. CANBY NURSERIES, MILLARD J. LEE, A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit anil Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., "WHOLESALE RETAIL. CANBY, - OREGON, CO. T. WILLIAMS will lean you all the money you want on irnjirovc'l farrna at the very lowest rates. Special rates given on largo loans. No BuiMing and Loan Asso ciation hut Htraight goods. After thirty years residence in Oregon City I feel eafu in refering to the puhlic in gen eral. Clothing, Surprise You. the Place. FENCE WORKS, dealers Id all styles ol Proprietor. I I i i i L '7