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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1892)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE FNTERriUSK CORKKSl'ONtl- kstsswiei thr nr.i.n. Hoi Alia SuttersOffleers Klertc4-An Accident Oilier Sotcn From this clirhbirh(HJ. M.m.aua. IV. ?. Snow loll totlif Jilh of four itu hi' cm Ui M ; qtiit i crust has hirnioj on too. At the Austin saw null thy were favonxl with tliiw IV t of anow, which plo twing S.tW td-t hiisher than this. we can estimate one inch deep Tor every -title f.t in elevation ai..l must eonclnde ixty feet m elevation, and must comlmle that the old mountains have received an enormous annnlr At this writine lVo enormous suppij. At iiib w riling, iw. uto ui miui? Hi ,vt v-. awie Krii, with a steady rain from the north. Farmers contitiueil sowing tin to the 17th ml now will wait for the "Oregon ' February " for a linih to the unusual Urge acreage. A-idc from a litre gobbling alnmt the ; turkey yardu and the snia'l boy'a double barrel siuip gnu and tin whi-tles, t'hristnias w:ll a.s on rvNord as very ijuict. I IV K:isle and Win. Vaughn, of the Mon-' iviout i Norma! school, have come to s'tid 1 Hie holidays i;!i ti e folks at hon e. They expn-.-s tlieaix lvcs as being well ideasol ! with tlu school, t). A. Ilickn an the niist'ortiine to had sever ignite a s! .ceotl 'the side of his foot this week with an a. The Well family have ivnte.1 the Engle tenant house into which they moved last week, coming from Marquaiu. Geo. Kayler has just moved into his new residence in the McDonald block. Messrs. Koobius, Vaughn i Co. have all the bogs they want this fail, having packed every storing bin full. The A. 0. V. W. lodge of Molalla has de cided to havean entertainment in February. The pmgram has not been completed yet, Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. C. W.", has eiei-te.1 the following officers: Thad Stipp, M, V.: S. J. Vaughn, Foreman; Wm. Uackrell, Overseer; John W. Thomas, Re corder; N. M. Moody, Financier; S. Kams by, Receiver: John Everhart, Guide; M. McDonald, I. W.; F. S. L. Bagbv, O. W.; O. W. Kohbins, P. M. W. enter samuel irons nas commenced a series of six sermons at the Teasel creek c iim h for the third Sunday in each month. The subject, "The Mission of the Apostolic Churches, or the brotherhood of Man," pro mises to be very instructive to saint and tinner here them. Miss Annie flubbs has accepted a clerk sliip for a lirni in the metropolis. Nowotir postmaster advises all batclielors to go and woe unto themselves a w ite. We trust that Vncle Sam's serveut may ever be b'esaed with lliis opinion through life. Gossip counts on his fingers the nu in lier of weddings to occur soon, ami should they fail to come to pass gossip will never fail to tell us why. Mr. Dan Stncklin has charge of the Tea ad Creek school, and some of the scholars are inclined to think that his name means order. Well, that's in order in all schools. TJ:e bacheior boys of the Teasel Creek grange surpassed every thing of the season in the way of getting up a big dinner, (Capi tal letters are scarcely tall enough to ex press the height of the cake) and as it goes the middle man (tlie reporter) did not get a bite. But then, this account goes just as free as air or w jier. Central Point. Cejitba l Foist, Dec. ffi. The entertain n.ent and Christmas tree at the Iceland school house on the evening of the Zlrd, was a grand success. The program consis ted of songs, recitations and instrumental niuiio. Lizzie Thomas and Lottie East man were organists for the evening, and in terested the audience by playing their favorite duet, which was applauded with cheers from nearly every one in the house. After the exercises David Penman Jr. ap peared dressed in his Santa Claus costume, and took from the well loaded tree many yery nice presents. Among the valuable gifts was a handsome photograph album presented to Mrs. Klla Critser. Wm. McDonald and lamily, Mr. Gardner and wife and Mr. and Mr. Mott, ale their Christmas dinner with Mr. ai.d Mrs. David Penman. John Bond of CVtle Rock, is visiting bis many friends in this locality. Adolph Miller has been helping Joe Wil son hum up some huge logs, but has re turned to his old home at Penman's. Mrs. E. C. Eastman took.a trip to Port land one day last week and purchased an organ for the Iceland Sunday school. Kd. Hughes received a gold watch from bis father ai a Christmas present. Mrs. Enos Calnll and family were the guests at Mrs. Eastman's Christmas day Hiss Lena Engle is home spending Christmas with her parents. The Ieland Sunday school presented their superintendent, Mrs. E. C. Eastman, with a beautiful bible as a Christmas present and a token of love and respect. F. Currinsville. Cujikinsville, Dec. 20. We are called upon to mourn the death of one of our much respected friends and neighbors, Mrs. Lillie Currins. She died Sunday evening, Dec ember lHth, at the home of her parents at Eagle Creek, where she has been for soiue time past. S!ie passed away almost un consciously, so stealthy is that dreaded disease consumption. J. O. Linn and Miss Verb Palmateer were united in the holy bonds ef matrimony Thursday evening, December 22d, at the residence of the bride's parants, Mr. and Mrs D. Palmateer. Oliver Mathews bas concluded that it Is nnf priori for nmn fn he itlnnp. and awird- imrtv has chosen Miss Wolf, of Vancouver. ! to be Lis helpmate, The attendance at the literary last Satur day was rather slim on account of the in clemency of the weather. Needy Botes. NfcKDr, Dec. 27. Snow fell to the depth ol five inchea here last week, and was a su i prise to everybody, as we have not bad any anow for so long that the average Ore gon i an was caught with an empty woodshed, l but luotsly it did not May lonr and at the prcwnt writing there is not a atvk of snow to be seen, the warm ruins ami niml hav ing melted it on short notice, ami to the entire aatisfactnm of all the old wtlers who are not l to having the mud. out ot sigliU The ieo(leof our vicinity had a very en joyable Olirislnttts eve, at the Conitivtratlonal church, wher a law tree waa erected ami loaded down with nresents for old ami younj; A poem was read and a few an iriate rvinitrks were made tv the Kev, I'ar- ker. Kxccllent music was rvndorvd by l'nv feasor T. XI. Voder, and singing by the choir. Miss Alice Ackerson and Miss Ida Voder an home on visit mrr the li,.ti..'ivw (Vnm K . .,., tl...v ., Wi. I ' attend- ,,,,1 i-,. , vii.h, ..j...i.,.i ., n... v. 1XfWMr " imh,r- l'"mi.l the speedy avhool, has gone to Salem to visit I, . I,; ' . ,... i, ,n 1 . , I,.... I,., will return here to continue the school. ! Mrs. J. II Wolfer has In-en wry sick and under the care of the physician, but at the present writing is considerable better, but not ye! able lo leave her hod. Mr. Jake Wolfer is the best pleased of all the boy over his t'liristmas present ; il is a bouncing boy. Now anii TiitiN. can by rirriMis. Happily )larrled-Tlie t'hrislaias Tree-tien Away to Work. I Canhy, 1V'. Marriol. at the briiie's ,,... ri,ri,.,. ... -,, ,, i.,i iv,. i;.., ' i i:..r.inr Me ii i H. Stiuil and Mi A. Terrv. Inuh ol I'anbv. ! T, t.a.-py couple will make fanby llicir luture home. The Xmas tree in the M. E. church Satur day evening, was a grand success. There w as a great thai of snow and rain, but there was a good turn out just the same, and everybody seemed lo enjoy themselves both ol I ami young. Mr. Adam Knight, Wm. Kendell and Pete Sausbaur. went to Junction City Wed nesday morning, where tney are employed by the s. r. K. K. Co, Mr. J. Chute had quite a lively runaway with his team while hitched to a sleigh Fri day night, but no damage done. Miss Dycie Pope, of Oregon City, spent Christmas with friends and in Canby. Twentv-lhreeof thevoung iwple of Can - v . - .. ! by atreiuiiii thegrHnil X mash.. 11 at Huh - : bartl Moml;v e eui ittr j " . ' j Mi liertha Knicht went t- M-tnitt.itu-4 Tue.1av to viit IriemN ;iu.l relatives, : ,r rltt l.mira u h.. i a i-lumb . j er, to th etTivt that th ((! t.-am (n kintw ii by Mink MiidiniT : " I"-"" rilrty titrated to Ihf j biDaiiieajL, and -lualtfled to Tform the dutiei Misr, Or., IVc, L7. Mr. Ilolman has whlrh he undertake, and prvvtoua to tin an . ,. ,, , . , ... ttiomed or Ikoeimtsl by atld rtty dtiuirll th bwn dii-ablevl by a sore leg, but is r- rty Ppiy.t.r ahall rile a bond huheom.eof cove rit iif. ' (hertty reronler in nurh mm as may tedeal( . , , ; nated by antd city council, not le, however, Id spite Of the very bad weather on j (hn Ave hundred dollar, with two or more X tn as evening, there was a large attendance ret Ira. to b appmveti by aald city roimcH, . at u r u i i a ! condittoneil that he 111 indemnify and aave at the Reform church and a pood tune vaa , harrolewthe city of uretmii itv fn.mall h-or had tr all (ireent. ! damage thai may be ticcaatoued In anywise by l . . ... , . ... ! acctdt nt or he want of care nr skill on hia part Mr. Hsherhiw inipruvetl the looks of his ( (n tl)r ,ir,WiitltD of an. h work. tr that mav be farra greatlr, by putting a new fence along i occasional by raon of any opetmi by him th. fni " ' nrde or caused to made, in any utreet. Une. me ironi. j Rney r avenue, market place, or public viound Patrick Conner was baling hav at Michael , the makunc f any public or private tewer or Pi i . i. i, a.r 1 1 ii i u a jr i u. iiui ftrai. Chss. Moehnke has just got a full stock of K'xxls into bis sUirc, which in well fillet). Market price paid for eggs and butter. Try him. John Moehnke bin had several mis fortunes this winter. He a valuable hore while cnniini? from the hnrkletMrrv . . P"'h some time ago. iu sujipiy uie fa- cancy, be bwu'ht an eastern Oregon horse. which is so ill with the staggers or '-stills as to be of no service at present. He mav have to buy another horse before long as the sick one is in a critical condition. The members of the "Mink Amateur Brass Band," have not attended their meet ings very regularly of late. We think the boys who have done so well in the past, and who have been able under the circum stances, to furnish such good music on so many occasions, ought not to become slack now. Stay with it boys. CtctoM. Salmon and Vicinity. Christmas passed oir very quietly here, the storm preventing much traveling about, Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyre entertained some of their bachelor friend at dinner on that day. J. X. Jennings met with an accident by which he sustained a severe scald. He was heating some water in a tightly closed oil can, when it burst throwing the hot water over his neck and arm. J. T. Mclntyre lost a valuable colt, four years old, by its getting down and tangled in the halter rope '" tlle night. He has another which is sick, and he expects to lose that one also. Frank Eldridne has come up to spend winter on his claim on clear creek. Pkoobess. Notes from Clarket. There was a Climttiias tree at Clarices hall, which was well attended and liberally patronized. Every one present had a gooj time. The program for the evening was well prepared and extremely interesting. There were quite a number of presents dis tributed oft' the tree. Judging by the presents our teacher, Mitts Annie Yonng, received, that she must be very good, as her presents mi inhered somewhere in the teens. A. D. E. Elmer, a student of the state normal school at Monmouth, has returned home to spend tlie vacation with his mother and friends. Harry Jee started last Tuesday for Mon mouth to attend school. Additional correspondence on the fourth A nother old and h igh ly reHpectod pioneer has passed away in tlie person of A. J Cason who died on Wednesday December 28th,, aged 03 yean) and one month. Mr. Cason came to Oregon across the plains in 1843 and took up a small donation claim at the Clackamas bridKe - wnere 1,6 lived untiI a ,ew year ago when he moved into town. Mr. Cason was a good citizen, quiet and un assuming, a kind husband and father and a good neighbor. He Lad been in poor health for over a year and his death seems to have resulted from a general breaking down of the system. The funeral occurred from the house house this morn in at 10:30 Kev. G. W. Parker officiating. OKinNANCR NO, -, AN OniMNANca establishing sewer itlstrtel Niv 1, ami iroviiitn that tmerty owners therein ahall make eonneeilon with the nllle sew. era eouMmeled In aanl district under otlt nsnee U and pteserllmnt the msiiner of mkni such connection wilh all miblieaew. ers, d certain uou eonillsuc therewith. Oregon Ctlv does nnlaln follows: Ssction i. lhal all ttist iorlioH of Oregon Cltv situated Iwiween the tiof the hhitt am) I the' Willamette river, and evteiullmi from l lie ! sonlherlv line ol Idocka I and - to the center ; Itneol hi'orks t ami .'I, and Inelmllug wtthtiilia hall ol, the onih hilt nt 'Jl. . W.1M. iV S, JT, j ami '.N re. an.t the same Is hereto 'li-utntct la cer district, to he knewu as newer district ; No I. Sue i That U rKrty owners lihln said I sewer dwluet are hereby required to e.-miee, i a required tv thl orilii.anoe. nil water eloseta. ' urlvli-a. sinks. U-illi tulvs atlt drstlis eolllsltiliia I oroarryimt sewerage with the iuWte sv.tem id !,, ,.,,eie.l III said dMrict , ,,,,, ,m)inee No itu, within m .lays 1mm I ihetlmea..l ewersareei nipteied ami eoepied : h ,,,.. m, , ,, llr8,M1 , r j fusing tomskesuch eer,ee,.uiiectun wlinlii iiirniitr unwrii -inn, ,tii,ii"h i mvii-'I befole the city recoMer. he lined III any sum not less than ten dollars n.r exoeedlnn one j hundred dollar, at the illseretloii of the court. ! and each day ueh refusal and hCKlcct shall continue afti'r Ihe and isi tlaxs shall be deemed ; atlUtincl an,! MM'arale ellrtiMV i Sue .1 v illiui iheMiiie Itnie. lo w it -vwdsvs j after ihe eonib li.u of the s-ld mam m'W eia, i all rotrty ow uert within ssld ew er dUlrliH are refill led lo oIom' sinl in-ojiei U it il w lib earth all m y vault and ee-.sinl wttlr n ifie siue; ! an.l hereafter It "hall he unlawful for anv nron j erl ow ner lo dm or make use of any cen.l uirnrUy vinlr and all ihmsius vlolsitini the nro iton of this seeilou shall, Uon eonvie ; tion thensif. le mntl In snv sum not less ttian : tfii nor more Hem one hundred il Ur at die ittscrellon of lite court; ami each day'i I conuiuiiiiu'e of such lolitlon. after iich C'li i vletlor. thai) he doeui,',! a ilutlticl and cnarate I ollt,u, , Ski' a No conr neetlon ihall he made w Uh anv . pnl-i.c eweror itr-nii wiltlhl the elly of Orecti l try w uhoiil Ihe n rlllen iernilslou of the elly eimuieer. and ex ery ciiiineclloll or onemiiic lilsile , Into anv pul'ltc eer or drain wllhoirt mOi ihthiiskIou, or many manner different from the ' mode herein prescribed for such nr-etuii1 or j connection, ihall sobiect the person or Hraoiis I makuiK the same, and Iheewuer or owner ol the premises dkrvctluii It. lo a penalty herein after preierined ; anil each day thai an? person shall, wlthom such pernin.siHi. ciMittntie to tine the drain ililoauch sewers shall t colisldansd setia rate orteiise. Sue. 5. The city emiinser Is hereby author lietl terrain sueh iennita as he may deem nec essary for allowing erotittn tap the public sewer or drains, and to make connections therewith: proTtded. however, lhal the permit I shall lie trained on the espress condition lhat the owner or lenant lor vh,e hem ill such eon I lieellnn shall he msile. and each aiicceedma ihrrehy (irm.tHl. nM1 h oily of oremm l it y hrmU' Cor nny Itwn or tliuict l)it tiny in nr ny ruU fnm or iK'CHtlttuiM by tich Xrni or caiifttlon. 8kc k Th comifoUoQ (th n otnln tnto nny w or or tlrmn mutt N mtl by iwrtMtn authir.itN. Ami (prti.-Hi ut itottut by the city (NMinrll ami uoii oihin, Sm . 7. o itrnon hH bj auihortitM or II- 1 'l' h the f'tytvonrll to do ih w.trk ..i , m,tin- oimittMUioh with anv of th hubll f malrin NmiirtiHlnlis wlfh miw t( th HnKltn ' r r ilnliu nr their lateral cuiiKs-tiotu ' UhM' he h 'tin.,bsl nHitl r-imirH with a srattn- ' fmiirv rvrtlrit'Ht. iuitti bv al lewt two rtvn- ; nble nuv tiv, i( h W nn or wwrr'r. t uriin rnrriii, tuti -iuiMiMiru Him inn nr rill promptly, at the proper time, anl retore the Mreet nl pavement orer .tich ien Ini to a. aiMd tittle ud muilition a. he fomul It prvrloiiii to o(tuln the Nme, and thiv,' he will etmform in all reaper1!, to he rule, ami res illation, which may from time to lime he e tatiliihe1 hy aM city eounril in reNthm lo put tlDa In Jnnctlous atid lapping of the aewi'ra and draina- Skc. a. It nli all ne nnl-twlnl for any neraon an : aiithoriitnl hv the city council, lo make ronnee. ! tion with acwiTB ali'l ilralna. lo allow hit name tl) ), r the punxueof ohlalnlni; aall per- mita. or of iloitm any work tlutler hia authority i uii'h'r the penally h'reinaItiT rre.rrltiod. it 1 ahall t (he duty of ra'li alil every peraon an i auihorlzed. or lleenaeil hr ahl Pity council, to rwiHU Ola ii.uieaixi ion. n uiv oiiii. ill cane of partnerahip, together with the place nf bital ueaa. ill a book or reeoril to lie kepi by the rlly engineer and alan to immediately noilly the engineer of any change of either thereafter, hy recording the uame firm and place of biiaiiieaa aa theretofore in aaid record. r)p:r. s. Kach peraoii ao llrenaed who ahall make connection, with the aewera or itralna, slult keep In repair and good order the whole of the work executed by him until the aame la accepted by the city engineer, or auch other peraon aa may he designated for that rniriioae. which acceptance ahall lie given in writing, and ahall not beglven mull the eiplratlnu of one year after the completion of the work. bkc. lu. All application lor permtta muai tie made In writing hy the party employed to do the work, and must he accompanied hy the .lg liatureaof the owner and tenliauta for whoaa benefit the application. I made, or hy hlaor their authorized ageuta or attorneya, and muat Rt.tethe location and number of lot, number of feet fmut. name of district, name of owner, the nnmlier of building to be conneiied, and how occupied, the numler of dralna to lie reoulred. and the water cluaeia, allika, and other fixture cation ahall lie filed in the office of the city en gineer. Him:. 11. At lett twenty-fmir hiim nritice tnuMt be niven t the iiltyeniflneer'inrtlrp beiWe any street or public wtty can be nprm-d for the purpose uf lflyliiK ft private Mtwer nr drain: no work of lay i hit new ers or drains can tie com meured or continued without the permit in on the ground tu the hands of the drain-layer or of one employed by him. 8 re, YL Afte the permit has been lumrd notice In writing must in all case a be left In the olhVe of the eity enutneer by the peraon who la about to make the comiectiou with nny newer or drain, statlmr the time when surh work will be ready for inspection, previous to maklntr such contiertlotj. Hkc. y.i. No drain pipe esn he extended from work" previously done and accepted, or new ' ' ., . conu'f;tlmH at anytime be madewi'li iu:h work unless previous notice of at le int twenty four hours it- Kivcn to the city enifiueer. Hkc, 14. In ease it fh Ul 1 nt eehhMry to con nect a drain or sewer pipe with a public sewer when no junction is left In the same, the new connection with the public sewer can only be made when the officer of the eity is rose 'it to see the whole o! the work done. Hkc. l.V In ense a water or (ts pipe should come In the way of a sewer or drain, the ques tion oi pausing over or unuer tne same mut ne determined by one ol the omcers authorized by theclty. In no cine can the pipe layer be al lowed to decide the uuet,Uon hitnelf. Hkc. lt. Whenever it Is nccennriry to disturb a wooden drain in actual use. it must in no nne be obstructed without the special direction of the city engineer. No pipe drain can be laid above the lnttom of a wooden, drain, whether in an tu nl use or not. unless the pipe is made to rest either on puddled earth, brick or "tone, mid in no ease will it be allowed to let drain pipes rest on wood or other perishable materials, Hkc. 17. All connections made with public sewerw shall be under the superintendence and direction fif the eity engineer, or the author ized agents nf theclty and the expense nr pay for such service: as superinleudunt shall be paid by the applicant. Hkc, jh. In opening any street or nubile way, all materials for paving and ballasting inut be removed with the team posHihie injury or ion of the same, and together with the excavated ma terials from the trenches must be placed where they wilt cause tha least practicable Inconven ience to the public, As little as poaslhlcof the trench must be dug till the Junction piece Into the sewer Is found, unless It Is first determined to make a new opening intothesewer. Whenever the sides of the trenches will not stand, per pendicular sheeting and braces must be used to prevent any unnecessay caving, and lu no case shall the work be done by tunnelling, but shall be excavated In open Penehes. Hkc. All oneulugs and obstructions In any street, lane or alley, must be carefully guarded at all times with sufficient barriers, and during the night time shall be Indicated by colored lights, and such other precautions shall lie taken as shall be necessary to gusrd the public against accidents, and at all times the work shall be so done as to cause the leant Inconven ience to property owners and the general pub lic, 8bc. 20. No drain from any house, store or tenement whatever shall be connected with any public newer lu this city otherwise than by A GREAT Carlton & Rosenkrans, c n N B Y Thoy take inventory tlio first of January. Honco thoir prices until that date will supriso you. ALL illlLLINERY GOODS AT COST. A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT ON ALL L Lid I 11 Lei A NICE LINE OF GOOD SENSIBLE Christmas -:- Presents. YOUR HORSES WILL BE STABLED FREE OF CHARGE. il Iiler 'rrVVy, Crescent Wedges (warranted.) It & S l'roof Chains. Arcvde Files, I.oj;gt rs and Wool Choppers SjHcialties. Oregon City Agent, - - - drain or aewer ple, which ahall he lx Inchea In diameter, exepltng ll may 111 .prctal caaea lie otherwise ordered liy the city engineer rim', 'it Alt pipe that must be led open lo drain foundation areaa. varda or gardena. and all plpea thai connect with nrtvlra. must be con nected with aultahle catch basin, the bottom of which must lie at least three and one half Iset below th bollom of the outlet, and Ihe mil let and the form, dimension and material of which are to he prescrlUil by the elly engineer, or his assistant ; and the owuera ol the projicily upon wleh such catch basins are erected, will be required lo keep the same clean and lu good order. All water ples from el.lerua shall tie IMpH'd with such curbed trap pipe aa shall be pre.crllted br the city engineer. Hkc '.'J. The ends of all plpea not to he Im mediately connected Willi waler closet, sinks, down Simula, or catch lia.los. are lis tie securely guarded against the Introduction ol sand or earth I by j brick or cement, or other watertight and Imperishable materlala. Noprlvatecatch basin call tie built In the public rlreeta or hlghwaya. but must be placed Inside the hue of the lot to be drained, except when the ai.lewalka are ex cavated and used aa vaulta. No privy vaulta can tie Connected wllh the public aewer unless A sufficient supply of waler I latrmluced 111 Connection therewith to carrv off all leiioslla. Hsc. 24- The material to be llsad 111 tlie eon at ruction of all private drain or sewers shall he hard hurtled brick, aatt glaned or cement plpea, or cast Iron; ami the city engineer shall decide In sllcasea which of aald material ahall tie used; and no material shall lie uaeil lu private drain or aewer, miles previously approved by theclty engineer, or til assistant. sic a The lualde nf every drain, after It I laid, muat be left vmooth and perfectly clean throughout its entire length. Hc. m. The back filling over drain or aew era, after they are laid, muat be pit. Mint, and, together wllh the replacing of ballast and pav ing, muat lie done within forty eight houraafier the completion of that part of the drain or sewer, lying within the public highway, ami done ao as to r.iske them at least aa good aa they were j i,eurt they were dliturbed, an lo lite aallslac ticti of the rltv engineer; and thedraliior newer layer will n held n'spotiilldr for any aube o'ouit aettiement of ihe if round or tavi.unent all water pipe mtmt be protected from eU le nient or Injury lo the sntirsfiiction of the city enjf inatT and the kupcrlntetident of the waIt worki; and ail gaa iinn alia! I be protected from settling and Injury to the satin faction of the gas company. Hr.c.V. Noexhaunt from steam engines can be eouueeted with any private drain nr newer that Is eouueeted with any public drain or sewer, and no biow ofT from steam can be so rnnufvted without special permlrmiou from the eity engineer Draiiin ni sewers laid within the eity limits, la and from hoimes or atrcelN where no public sewers are yet laid, must be done according to ' he above regulations lu every particular, and I Ilia iiuimr nr siriinl nl that ti n ,t n r I v Iiiimt tifn- the owner or agent of the properly must pro cure a permit from the city engineer to connect the sume with the public sewer or dialn so soon hn the same shall be built pattt Ihe propel ty (nun which said drain Is laid: such Information as the city has with regard to the position of Junc tions will be furnished to the drain layers, but at the risk of the drain layers as to the accuracy oi f Ihe name when any enaugc, of direct Ion is made In the pipe, either in a horizontal or ver tical direction. Curves snust be usiid; no pipe can be clipped tu any cae. Hkc 'aW. Noconnectlfiii with, nr opening Irto, any sewer constructed by order of the city, shall be made excepting as herein provided for, and any person who shall make or permit, or cause to be made a connection with such sewer. In a manner contrary to the provision of this subdi vision, shall be flued in any sum not 1cm than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of thecnurt, and stmll Incur a further penally nf five dollars lor e ich day that such forbidden connection shall con tinue after notice from the city engineer io -e-move the iaine: and any person who sli ill Tall to remove any private drain connecting wllh any public aewer In the cltv of Oregon City, which Is constructed contrary to the provisions of tit's chanter, within ten days after being uo- tirled by the city engineer, that thesamelsuu ' lawnniy mane, snail incur a penauy oi nve dollars for each day thereafter that such for bidden connection snail continue. Hkc. 'Bi. It shall be unlawful for any person In possession of premises Into which a pipe or other connectlcn with the public sewer or dralnshas been laid for the purpose of carrying oil animal refuse from privies or water closets, slops from kitchens, or for other purposes, to allow the 'awe to remain without good and per fect fixtures so attached as to allow a sufficiency of water to be so applied as Pi properly carry off such matters and to seep the same unobstruct ed. Kach day the same are permitted to remain without fixtures for supplying said water, shall be deemed a distinct and separate otreuse. Hkc. HO. No butcher's offal or garbage, dead animals, wood, stone, straw, or oilier article, or obstructions of any kind whatever shall be placed, thrown, or deposited In any catch basin, sewer, ditch, or drain in the city, and any person so offending, or causing sueh obstructions c subatances to be placed so as to be carried Into such sewer or basin, shall be subject to the pen alty hereinafter prescribed for such of re use; ana any person breaking, Injuring, or removing any portion of any catch basiu, manhole cover, oi any portion of any newer, or appurtenances, TUMBLE IN PRICES ! rasa IlAMGIIOKST A: C()MIANV, IM Kront Strtiot. HARDWARE I ''"!' id, Orftftui, r Northwvateru AitettU for ATKI1VS SAXWS -Pl.mou.l. -Unr (lrrliltil TulllmiHiih INmer Uiir. HiWar HipI daw. .rti'jIIi,W" nrolMitrtirtini lu any manner tho lulelor nutlet of ili)f ifvcr or dr-ilti Umi lm iiiliJtM't lu 111 penalty hereinafter prei.'rited Haf. S. Any lefit anthniiied or ltrenfvl tm make rminef linn with aewera or dralnt, w ho hall h sutltir of any violation! of thvprnria lonaofthta chapter, ahatl tx ttnmmllatrly de prlved of hti Ui-eiou. and any ptftann guilty of a violation of any of the proviit.miinf thli rhap trr. tbalt. Uon convleiiou thereof In the Htc eotiti of the elly of tirein city, where Hit has not been "therwUe aeparaMy provldl herein, las It ued in any utiu "I imi lea thn tit d.dl ir, nor rtreediin one huudrnl JolUfa, at the dla cretlou uf t!ie e.mrt. He . ;r.' All nmneya ml listed under and by virtue of Ittii clmi'ier bll le tiaul nver to tho elty trxamirer, to be applied tnwarda the pa nteiit of n liiNiH-einr. mid ufh othereiet,e , a may be Incurred by the proviinni of ihU ; chupier i Puhiuhed by order of the City Cm hf 11 at a meeting Held tneemiMr z, iw.' k I,. I'tiKTKH, Hecorder. 0KDI.NANCK NO An OantNANrR f rantlnir to C '1 Miller and K m. Katid the nsht and privlleite of erectltitf. ; eoiiktructttig . mnlutaluiiiK ami operatlns a tel , rphntie and dlatrlel telerh lyateiu In the eity of Oregon t Ity. Oregon City dnemrdain aa followa Hat . 1. lhat there lie and hereby t rrauted ; to CO, Miller and K M Kandi, thoir un eor I and asRiKiia. the right and privilege nf erecting, cottMructlng, maintaining, operating and uniug In, along and over, any and all the itreem, ah ley, and public places of Ihe city of Oregon t'ltyaiiehMtric ompeaklng lelephoim and ilia trb'l telegrHih menNiMigcr m-rvh e skc. i Htd C. U Miller and K. M Hands. their succenion and assigns, stmll have the right to. and shall erect polea and stretch the wirea uf their laid telephone and telegraph iy tctn ao as not to Interfere with the free and unohtitructed use of the streets fur travel, mid shall erect the poleiof paid telephone and tele graph stem at such points In the streets and (lace the wires of wld telephone and lelegraon svstem at such height as may be deMlgnnted by tlie cumiiiittee on streets and public properly ami the right and privilege hereby granted Is subji'Ct to modirlcailoti, llmltallnu and change by the city council, whenever lu their judg ment the p'tbhc interest nvmire It. Hkc. 8. Whenever It shall become necessary. In the erection or repair of such telephone or telegraph, for the said ft. Miller and K M. Hands, their successors and assigns, (odlg Into or In any manner Interfere wllh any public street orany part thereof, said (J. il. Miller and K. M. Hands, their successors or assigns, shall without delay put the street In as good condi tion a It was before It was so broken up, dug up or disturbed, and shall remove sll surplus earth, rubbUhor other material from the street. Hkc. 4. 'lhat It shall lie unlawful for any person or persons, unless authorised by said company. Pi Interfere, meddle with. Injure, tin pair or remove, nny of the telephone or tele graph poles, wires, boxes or apparatus belong ing or appertaining to said telephone ordlsirlct telegraph system. hkc, ft. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the city recorder, be Hi led not less than twenly nor more than fifty dollars, or be imprisoned In the city Jail not more than twenty days, at the discretion of the recorder. Hkc. A. The parties named In section I of this ordinance shall file their acceptance of fta condition and commence work within twelve months from the dale of the approval hereof ; otherwise this ordinance shall be null and void. Published by order of the City Council at a nice ting held l)ecember X, iM'.'i. I., h. POH'l Kit, heoorder. iSriiit your ptoduco to the i'ttrk Place Store! where you run always jfnt the bent market price and your ooiIh at tbo same Hk'iicm uh though you paid :ttHh. UJiPowder: The only pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the SumdattL WILSON A COOK Merit of rrn)r. lU'ifinniim nn Monday pvinlnt tint wtn'k u( prttyor will I ulwrvinl lu thin city by : Monday, 7:30 I. M., rrwtbyUrim. rliurt h, "Holy (iluwt rowor"; Hv, U, Hyht TurmUv, 7:.1i I. M., rnM.iylirtan rliucli, "Ni'etlrt of lluinulUty ", Ury. (i. Tar ker Wedm-sili'v, 7 o V, M., lUptint ohurch, ' I i.i. i' .tmvn Ili'V. (i. V. tiilioiipy TliuntUy(7::w)l,a M., l-apliat fliundi, "ChrUt'a rruiniiw of Powor I.ov, V. I, Molloy. Fri.lay, 7:30 M.( M. K. cntinrh, "Our KuUht's I.ovo;m Kiv. (i. V. (itlHIIH'V. Saturday, 7:30 IV M., M. K. "HiiiniliiitHH. and Cotih'Hmon U. Parker rlilirt'li, ' Kv. All Christiana a'-e urnl oo unito witli - Mll)i iim tltitt mrvt ninliullv liivitml I J1"1 m .UW i'nI,l,c Brw tortllUliy IUVIltft to Hltnlld. j M " u .,7a .HAHhM KM IIHK 1 Melow Is tfiven tho UreiMU t il V Market lteMirt. corrected lec. from iiiotationa furnished the Kntkkpnihk hy local mer chants: WUA1X. Wheat, valley, per hunhid $ Ik's t hits, jht bushel jottf U ri.ot a, Oregon City Mil!. iNirtlaiul brand .. .1 t -RKH. Hhorts, Hr ton. ;t(m liran 17 on Clover hav, haled V 00 Timothy hay, baled u no ntoprrK. rotah-es, per PN) I ha 70 to 7A Onions, " l no Apples, .'green, per box Apples, dried, per lb o(Hc Chirkem. 2 1(0 to 4 on Turkeys, per lb . Ill (icese, Kr do 10 00 to 11 00 Jiutler, per lb T, KkK. pt'i do Honey, ar ll. , 17 rrtinrt, dried lowl-'X IMuiiin, " IW M K ATS), Heel', live, peril) Href, dressed OA Million, the, erheal 2 M)t2 ftO Pork, live pcrlh Pnrk, dressed, per lb 01 Void, live, peril). . as 10 Veal, dressed, per II). Hums, per lh liucon