Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1893)
regon City Enterprise. VOL 27., OKECiON CITY, OttEGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1893. ESTABLISHED 18CG. 0 (tlt'HTH, Cirrim iH.iirt mnmum. itt.1 Mottitny In Ko MWr and llilnl M ttelar In A fill, prilal eiiurt In newton Hint Motnlay In tu tu lull III, ttimml.liitr dtiurt WWII llr.l alter (ml MutitUy ul eii mutitli, "y f'AMKY JullNltoH, UWVKIt. (mii.r Righi and v.iii ir.ft, (irngon dir. Oleitl ItEAI. KM'fATK T0KKI.I. AMI M.tMSY TO UMN. ATTOKSKY AT I. AW t. .r irtl rvi.Mit. Ui i to (iri t'liy un tta iifwi (I T. WII.UAH. MtAlK M UUX AiiKKT. plrwif el m.m.f lu I'wn vu lb muM lurlil A f'Swl llliful lHi.lttr., retitr(-.lit .ntjiirlMItt 'ottP ftm fri'l-rnr t lift. f. to .Mil "If tMl,.. lkiHili(t'ieyp tm.nii-ity utwrv-l OftV. Unit lu I auH'iit A ll utile) Jrn ttui 1 II tYK. ATTOHNF.Y ASt fiU'NM l.ilt AT LAW uxuo lift, nu" JK C II SMITH. PHYSICIAN AN1 Ht'HtiKoN, Kagle Crmk, - Oregon. ha u t; UTuvmtn. ATTtlHNKYft AM lorsxKuma at law tut rkimr, osuu trr, oruo". rvifhi.l. AMIVU cf TH!, Loan rii l(lt., tt4 Iramael Oetorral I..W ktu.iu j r. i-KtHM. ATMKNKY AT UW. IU. I.t. IS" All. I M t. Of tMI Kt.Il ttml r.iaia b4 Urr, 0r Main tl, Imi ii n4 Hmh. US two 1 UK THE WINTER TERM OF THE Pacific University and Tualatin Academy, WILL DECIN TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1803. For catalogue and full Itifuriuatiun address, Thomas Mi, Pres., Fortt Grove, Or. w H O s A L E E. EWILLIHMS, A N D R T A I L tot a week irpvioii to I he opening of the Moo ion legiaUUorf were dropping in I U.;apiul singly and In gronpes, r railing tot their forty days sojourn or endeavoring to lay tlm ri- for m j uismiJuT- l)(iliitlim or oltlciiil plum fir liimwll or a coimtiuUnt. I!y Hulur ily the liotfl totiMon irw well flllwl, riHlidUf hit thv vfrl olli I mtd , -ii Imliipn iri(!i)iiiialiriK in th iiiStU of Hi tliriiiig. All day Nutnlny !) 'irliiiimry conli-t waa J fwHtiiwr U liotli houiwa being chiefly iri(tit Uwiu ih wlrdion of raii1ing iOiHi-trn. yrt virlling a utiliy altenlive r( ouli l MtKtMi an t'lurk. Kw I ioitaily a anpirant more er.ierpriiiinx or (!! I'm ImUrirti of tii-r il-r j '!kaiiU nouKI afiid from the rlr i for tpifinlKtr wlioin the tH)i-l :o lit- j gmtf with brr amilf uilti giviug her a Iiv 4 illar a day clcrkuhip. Iw k 8unUy niglit it van rllW that C. W. Fullonol Clati i-ounly s in the ld for r II f" I n If J l ovrr r.'iHiirii m run Lint; u rrubii uruus aiiu meuicines. f ' Mnummmi,. . i THE LWJISLATUKE. SPTfnfM'Uih Hmlon (ff thr Ore roii I-glhUture Coitff tied. ITiTOSf ASII KKKDf I'KKnUjE. l,It f Offlivri In Biilh liranrb- ftHU 4 llrwilillsaa (iaUrr Ike fJerfriior'i Xrair. laU for doorken!r In the wnato bnt miwx-f) the nomination by one vote. An Interested oetlor of the otnlng cerernoniut dm K1. Whitl k who roue ap Monday. The eenate treated Clackama cotinty very fairly in the way of aaborJinate olfleere. I'eode of Clackatitaa rounty are almost certain to niet John Kelly, a xfialar member of the Htmn force, who give all a hearty weli:ome. Mim Klla Williams of Mountain View and M. Addia Jenniny came op on Kunday evening. Roth have eerved in previoua yean aa clerka and mvle an excellent re:ord. The Hatarday evening train brought if. H. Strange op on bnnineo which he combined with the pleamure of meeting old aiijnaintaoMMi. rt'MOAT JAsrr 10. After the umihI ronlii.e busincita of the morning hour in both houn-i the usual reiuiliilion were ! i atjinting ioiii milteve from arnaie and houae to invee- .tig.te the treasury, m-i rt-tary of printing NATIONAL NEWS. Conflicting Itfportft Conrfrnfng inn. 0. lilainr1 Health. BRICK OPfOHCD TO CLETCLA5D. (eigren (ietting Don a te Helld Werl Hlare the Taratlea Rill t Check Innlgratiow and holera. Concideration of the anti-ption bill waa reaumed Uxlay and Vila, democrat, made ml tiee-h in oppoeition to tl6 bill on the ground of onconetitutkiif in that It invaded the aovereignily 4 'aie, and waa flagrant advance to centralization. In the senate, Hill introduced a reso lution calling on ti e at-creUry of Ut for an opinion aa to whether the Chan d'ir iinniigration-anapennion bill waa violation of treaties The bill of Senator Iiolpb, ailowieir Judge I ady to retire after March 4. passed Iheapuate loflay. fenator Itolph THE GROCER. dcrtmenta uni th various att StuU-1 Mi tlmi) u . wMw,t a,.,.,,. j tutiona I5olh rxxliea nanaed rewjlotlona ! .;,. i i ... appropriating auppiiea. providing, for w Mire I, doe. not aeem to U clk.etc The senate then pd atondewtood generally fiat all federal joint reafdulioo our eongreet- j j,,,, . wXiiM to titm ,n nl tonal d. l..gtion to aupport a bill extend- j Mur. -rt t.,lllI8 Ih,aiill Wl!, SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE.jA DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. Ptttent Medicines of alt Makes, Notlona, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Matliina Oili, Beit and Cheapen. Finocflcction of lVrfuinvry ami Toilet Suajs. Ami Iatl- iiig lirandn of Ciar. riti iat itif i ion -ui:i i i.i.y i-ii.i.i:i. fhivelv'a lllik, ...... I? u. kA!i, XOTAHY rritt.U'. UK A I. TATK A IShl'ltANCK. In Itio t""t lle Ihill.tlllf, Uivf.iO t If . OI y II Rt Hull V KIT, IIKOKKU. l.flANH NKUOTIATKII. City mol ('tmnty Warmnta Iniught. IMtl HASt K ANlTr.Al, KHTATK (iltir. In IHtfHofflr tiullliu( Un' t'ltjt Ur ruion r, kvan, RKAL KSTATK Afitl IKHl'R ANCR. I'halp rtt. farm n1 fJubftrUa tirtiiwrtT lor Ml. t:iirrltt. nniulr ami wut klii.l. Untight ml lt 1io...i4 ii.l t.u.Ui... ol ewrjf iW ll.UoO tmuilnl to lur . UiHim ud iKIn la tullilln anrlb ol immuoHo. Millur waa evithmtly the favorite lor chid clerk of the aenate. In the houe it wa Unpoiwmhle to count fnoeea an readily and the contest waxed warm betwetm Kredy and finer with talk of Wright fur a compromise candidate Oregon Cltv, Or. ' 1,18 "JtUn when at a miii.iiii.ini i " urn late lieur the last of the member retired ' j lor frw hour reat prior to the final eontet. and foggy had been !y hour the niemliera of both liotitr began to wnd their way j to Oregon's nea lv domei rapitol, where j they w to aecure favorable aeau or : apply the tlijuhing touch to soma pet plan for the organiration. At 10 o clock (he c mk, Mid at 1 :3t t)e houae Went iMMvia! pinea of IbKtra ami Window made to order. Tumitiil of all kitide , inl pw lriieula'ly peak , nig uie re(uiicaiia of men oouy, aince THE Oregon City Sash and Door CoJ-ir! and at an early hour the, m t arry the .argent btxk or Sash, D.iors, Ulinds, Mouldings, Etc In Oregon City. n It It A V RH, ATTOHNKY AT UW, OaiiuoM Cltv, Oaiw Will fnut!i-i In all th wnrli nt th (.f. Oltlee, s.iiwf N.ln mt Kljlith Mrtou, ippull court hoii.e 4, a umia.ta. em. c, aaiiKKiiu. "I VHOWNKI.I. A pltKHMKK ATTOU5F.YH AT LAW, OaauoN t'ftv, OaauoH. Will irr'tlr In all ilttirniirn el th fte. 01 Don, neit ilmir l f auflol.1 k llimlli-) drug lure. rp lilt CdMMKItCUl. MAffK, Of iUfRUf'N C1TV. Capital, . taii.4iT a 11 UN 11 mi. aiKKiNM cmk. Iaiu rnailn. Illlla ill.ioiinlnt. Make fwl iKcllmia. Un. mid 0I iiliaiiiiiwm all imhil III Ihft l:llUa Hl.l,., Kiirin ami lloiif KutI m el-i-il lilijurl li cllei k llllerrat t ll.ual rale. allwcl nil time ilenmll.. Il.nll npnii In. in II A. M. lu 4 r, M. Hatuiilar eviiliii Ik.iii ft l.i 7 IV M, U 0. bATOl'ltRTTK. I'reaiilenl. r K iii.NAI.HHi)N, Canhler jJANK or OltKUCN CITY, Oldest MM House U tbe Cltf. I'alil up Capital, IMI.IKKV, rnMsinKNT, VIC ritKHIMKNT, A Mill Kit. HAN AH If If , THOB, CMAKMAM. tlKH. A. HAKIMNIt. ii caiiuki.u i luai.Kn ii, CAiiriai.ti. A iomitkI liaiiltluit traunanteil. Ilepti.iu roetilveif iil)m't In eheelt. Apprnvpil I'll!, ami mitiw iIIimhiiiiiumI, fkimitj ami oily warrant, ttmiithi. lyoHiiH mvlo on avallahlu aiioiirliy. KieliaiiK' hoimlit ami aolij. Onlliwilmn maiHi promptly. Dralt. mlil ivallanlp In any Prt of tlifi world. Teliiitraplilo aehangea anlif nn Portland, Bau Kranel.en, fllilonii,) and Nfw York. Ilitfire.l pal 1 oil Mlilff ilrpo.ltN. gull Aeania ol 'I'll K UINIUIN UHKOUK BANK. V, t. WI11TK. W.A.WH1TK, WHITE BROTHERS, J'rafiUoal JrehUm'ts if BtdUert. Will prupam plana, ultVRtloh, woiklUK du talla, and ainwlnoatlou for all kind fit lull Ul tima Hponlal attniitlon vlven to modern cot tKiitia. KiUuiattia iiinil.hoil on applloatlon Calloaoraddr WHIT BHOH., ureaan uity, win Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Ittiildi rn, pive im a call, and aee if our work in not of the bent, and our price low an the lowent, I'rii-e Lint nenl on application. Factory, Cor. Main and llth Sts.. Oregon City. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. All kind of Tinning, Plumbing and General Jobbing 10 NK TO ORDKR ON SHORT NOTICE. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS MADE At the most reasonable rates. f SPAU work i done with a view to last and satisfy all concerned. A. W. SCHWAN. aihwp an airrewth Hi., arar IeMit, Oregon i'Hj. M. HOSFORD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Hells all good at a living price. Flour and kerosene not given away in order to catch your trade and then even up on higher prices on other goods. None Hut First Class Goods Curried. Priuoa us low aa can he had in the county. Time given to reioitHible parties. LUMBER. OrdcrH filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bed rock prices, retitil or carload lots. J. JONES & SON, DKAl.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. lMCH'I'M TIIK i.owi;nt. JVShop corner Fourth and Witter streets, buck of Pope it CVs, Oregon City ANDERSON WALKER, paii7terai7d!ou5eDeeorator PAPER-HANGING AND KALSOMINING. I carry tho largot and best assorted stock of wall paper ever brought to Oregon City,,, and will sull at ' Portland prices. Let me give you figures on your work. Shop on Seventh street, near Center. they have undisputed control of each. The conUet In each branch waa mainly for the presiding officer. About II o'clock it beeunie known that the senate republicans had come to amicatile agreement on all the office to be filled by that body, which are aa follows: President, C. W. Fulton ; chief clerk, 0. P. Miller, of Clackamas; assistant, D. W. Coolittge; reading clerk, J. B. Eddy, of I'malilla; calender clerk, A. W. Severin, of Tillamook ; sargent-at-arms J. M. Stott; doorkeeper, 3. M. Mc C'oriniik snd mailing clerk William Mattoon of Viola At 2 o'clock, 0. P, Miller stepped to the presidents station and striking the desk with the gavel, declared the senate in session, and 0. N. Penny of Multno mah was elected temporary cbairmain. The officers previously cboeen by the republicans in caucus were then form ally elected according to the nominations as above, and the customary resolutions were passed concerning rules, opening with prayer, and waiting npon the other house and the governor after which an adjournment was taken till 10 o'clock Tuesday. In the house the republicans held caucus at 1 ;'M at which Representative Ford ol Marion set on toot a l!an for the reduction of wages paid clerks, paw, and others. A motion was passed re ferring the mutter to a committee to formulate a schedule and report to the House. The nominations made were as follows; Speaker, W. P. Ready of Multnomah, chief clerk, D. O. Sherman, Marion ; assistant clerk, W. B, Turner, Yamhill; reading clerk, O. O. llolmsn, Mttltnotmth ; atirgeant-Rt arms, J, A, Itltntdell, Douglas; doorkeeper J. S. Vincent, Vinntilla. After the other rou'ine work the house adjourned for the dnv. Secretary of Stale McRriJe being ill, Judge Bean swore in the newly elected members and tlteolliciuls olbotli houses. Hail mini commission candidates are qnili) as numerous as ludy clerks, each county seemingly sending several. None however stand a better chance than C. U. Barlow of Clackamas county. NOTKS. Hon. L. T. Sarin of Oregon City snd Representative Ellis of the second con gressional district were tendered the courtesies of the senate on Monday. Geo. C. Brownell came upon Monday morning and was busy shaking hands with friends. J.I. Dosier of Marks Prairie came up to see the opening ceremonies. Chits, Burns and ltis eon Webb were at ttte opening ceremonies, tho latter being a candidate tor page. J. L, SwaflTord was a prominent candl ing the time for a final proof to the settlers on Northern Pacific land lorfei tures till January 1 K!4. The senate and houe having con vened in joint session, at two o'clock Governor Pennoyer acx-ompanied by a representative atid senator walked into the hall of representatives and all Hie members there assembled rose to do him honor. Heascemied the speaker's platform and bring welcomed by the president, was swited at his mle. The governor iheo read his message, coin manding tlie ettk-t attention of all prea-j In flew of the nwewity for the ui ent. There waa no response bom the m't precaution awinst the spread ot audience esoept when Its advocated the i the cholera next summer a bill has been abolition of seins, traHi, fMi wheels and j introduct-d in the tour direcUr,g lieti commissioners, then a wave of s the secretary of tiie treaury lu laughter passed over the house The; "take the neeessar regulation ti reading look three quarters ol an hoir, 1 secure the speedy and frequent rexiemp and evoked some applause, though there . 'ion "f !l United States ps:er currency were many members who expreseed , and all national bank notes which have diaeent from the wily governor's radical S become siiled, impure, andean arid views. .otherwise unfit for use tainly retir in July, W.H, and Mr. Cleveland will apji:)t his successor. Semttor Chandler has introduced a j bill to restrict immigration. It drnig- nates fMir new ilaesof excluded tr- aon, provide for information regarding immigrants, the issue of rertift-atet by a Untied States consul, requirement f" more cubic space for immigrants aboard ves-e's, and a new naturalixation clause requiring 150 days notice of the apj !ka tiou . In the house there was a lively c(UM The repablii-wns her nevly all con over tbe remuneration of cierk which was Iced- that the democrats will be sole to finally agreed on at 5 per day for short-organise the Best stuate, a.tbouib ihtg hand, and M lor common clerks. Cieermay be compellinl ! make wem eoa of Clackamas county moved to pay the hinations with some or all the popolieu. calender clerk of the house 18 per day, j Dove Hill says there w ill be but sevea which after discussion was earned, on j detms-ia'ic voles in the Nw York the ground that be should be corresponding salary with tiose who paid a IcirisUture sgiiiift Murphy. sat beside him and did the same work. HeprpesenUtive Harmann called np resolution permitting onlv union i . . , . .." . , , Iue Mountain irrigation company the to u 1 1 rli'.nl In h. arvl.1 in I Mal.,,uI , i .. . ,,.,. , . . nght of wav for a brunch through the amended to read "While laW ciwars ' ' . ,. , . . , , . , . Umatilla ludtnn reservation. sjiu original oin reierreu lo comnnuee. Senator Squiie has returned from bis trip lo Cut), and says there is coueider able danger of cholera coming in by waj of Havana, on account of the poor sanitation provided by the Spanish government. Ttie house has passed the hill allowing the Great Kortoern to build a bridge across the Columbia river, for the line on the Pacific coast. A n: "moral to congress providing for election of senators by popular vote was made "Special order" for Monday 2 p. m. Geer of Clackamas introduced a resolu tion requesting congress to provide for owning of World's Fair on Sunday, ex cept that machinery should not be running carried . When the order of business providing for the introduction of bills was reached, there was a veritable snow storm of paper piling on the clerk's desk by the! nimble pages and the nir was filled with shouts of "Mr. speaker, I wish to Intro duce a bill." The Clackamas county dt legation have not as yet brought forward any bills, but are working on some important measures, to be introduced later. The committees in the senate will probably bo named on Thursday, Jand in the house next Monday. The republican members in the house will not be prominently identified with the important committees, since they worked for T. J. Goer, (a relative, by the way ot Joel P. Ueer), for speaker Bea BitlerDiad. Washington, Jan. II. General Ben jamin F. Butler, lawyer, statesman and millionaire manufacturer died in this , city this morning. At one o'clock his valet who slept in an adjoining room was atvuxed by the general's coughing and went to him. He found that bis exi-ectoration was colored but nothing serious was apprehended. Soon after his heavy breathing again aroused the man and he summoned aid but before a pl.y-i-ian arrived General Butler was passing away. Benjumin Franklin Butler was born in Peerfield, K. II. November 5, 1818. He was graduated at Waterville college (now Colby univer sity), Maine, in 18;i8, and wss admitted liieiaiter part ouneuay was uevoteu ,j)e )sr iu im u besaH the to the first reading of bills wheu the K.cii.e of la at Lowell, Mass., in 1S41, house adjourned. allli U, to t!ie ,ime 0j ,,; Jt.a,h iul ft The pay of clerks of committees will j hyh .,ttati0n as a lawyer, especially be materially reduced, yet the corridors ! in v,num t.asM. He early Uwk are full of upplieauts, young ladies pre- j pronii,,ent part in politics on the demo dominating. j cratU. si ,,. More than lilty bills were introduced i in the bouse ihe first day of tmsincss. Ttie courtesies of the senate were ex tended to Presidential-elector Pierce. Congressman Ellis, of the second dis trict, ex-Governors Chadntck and Moody, and the justices of the supreme court of Oregon were invited to seats on the speaker's platform, during tho read ing of the governor's message. l)r. W. E. Carll, accompanied by J. P, Lovett, both of Clsckamas county were in town today, the doctor being on the committee to examine the condition of the insane asylum. C. U. Barlow, of Clackamas county candidate for railroad commissioner here and if energy and capacity are indica tions, will succeed. , Among the visitors from Oregon City Continued on third page. Brio Qpposed to Cleveland. Kkw Yokk, Jan. 6 Among tbe men in the United States senate w ho can be relied upon by Dave Hill to assist hhn in thwarting the plans of Cleveland, is Cttlv ii S. Biice, of Ohio, sometimes designated as the third senator froni New York Rrice was never much of a Cleveland man, and at the Chicago convention he was the only one of the seiis.itoria! crowd who stood out to the last in opposition to the Cleveland idea, and whs the only man who was not taken into camp completely by Whitney and the Cleveland leaders.. Minister to England. Chicaoo, Jan. 6. It is understoodl that the resignation of Ministor to Eng land Robert T. Lincoln will be one ol the first to tie placed at the disposal ot Pres ident Cleveland after his inauguration. V. to J 10 at m U a i 3- m d a. o- 4 i. 9- ld ) b 31 to - r o r a r o '? I I a r ! s 1 ..