Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
Oregon City Hnterprise. HIII'AY. Al Ull, I. I Hiil Another I'liiiiriT (J iinn. Mm. Itcliiwn Mui k nr died nl linr mn 'a liimin In lllulilund, Miirrli I'tllli, IW.', iikimI Hovt'iily-two yiMirii hii1 two liiofillm. Klin wait horn In Ti-iiiiihi, Jamiaiy JMtli, 1H20 and wa married to Coliniin Hm kniir, January 1 7, 1MJ17. Him tirvlvnd her liunliuiiil two ynuri and anVI'll llllllllll. Him waa tlid iiiuIIht of fimrtt't'ii children, live of u lioin mirvivn her Mrn, JiihiiIi Walton of Oregon City, Mm. 1,ihi I'uiiit't of Portland, Mm, Win. Wallace of M u 1 i no, Mr. Itiiry and Win. Iliirknnr ol Mink and I'luilum pout rltli,(,1 rrerllvidy. Mm, Itnckncr milled with tlm ehrlnlln church In iHiiH. Mr, mnl Mrn. Hui'kncr raniu from MImnoiiiI In trtKin in IM.'i'J mnl (( I on ii dona tion claim tin' follow i 1 1 n 1'i'ln imry iihiii tlui rriHk which Iivhm tliiir name in thin county. Mm, Itticknor xun mnl wove hII lint flitiiui'lit lln f.iimly worn for many year. The Hik Jubilee Muttera. Tli celebrated "Kick Jubilee. Hinnera" graduate of the. Kink milvumity, Tenno hit, will ulvu inn' of llirlr unrivaled con cert at Hliivnly'i Imll, Tluirmluy, April 7tli, IHIC, Till roneert In under the miBiin'H of tlm Ladica' Alii H'lty ol tlm t'uiiKrriiliiiiml I'hnri li ol thi rily. The Juliilcn Hintii'M have been Mtntnutliened I iy aoino new voii'i-i niucc thi'ir lal viait to tin coant two year ano, uml tlm inurtiu loviiiK rcnidenu of ll. ii city are luinrvil of a rare treat, Hhively'a Imll la niur'i improved by having the acuta rained, urn view ol the Mage i an Ix hud from nil purla of the hall. Poor ofi. at 7 :30, concert to cominenca at H p. in. Ailini(uion Ml rtmta ; reaerved acati al the put ofllce. Attention. Comrade, of Meade l'oal, No. 2 wilt aa emlile promptly at 7 :'M p. in. next Monday night at tludr rmiular plaen of meeting to tnuter a mitnltr of recruit alter which will marrti to l'ow'i Imll to hear a mch from Coii'iade (ioo. W. line of l'ortland. The Woman'a ltelit'f mri and the Hona of Yntorane are rnpioatixl to l present In force. Alitoall citixiMm tlial are friend to tlie old aoldier and are wlrlutii ally di jkxmsI. Tlie old army annua will lie ling and we ixxm ( a royal time. Kn trnnce free. till. man I'ahukk, 8. U. C'Aiirr, Coninmnder. Adjutant. Hull of Honor. COUNTY TEACHERS. MONTHLY MKKTINfJ OK THIS AfMOCl .kllO.N AT osi;t,t. A Large Atlniihince at the Meeting Mud hii liileriixlliiu I'muiHiii Nuc-ci'M-fiilly Curried (hit. Quito a ii unit.rr of teacher from Ore gon City and oilier (Hiinta took tlie It: IK) boat Haturday, Murch 51(1, for Oswego. An tlm Allium did not liiml tlieio aim tranaferred the ti'iu hera to the Itiimoim whli'li liimliid them. A liuinlierol teai-li-era Imvinu arrived from the northern portion n( Hut comity, Hiiairiiitenleiit culleil the a'aorintion to order ut 10::i0, ahotit thirty teiu'her being prewnt. Ainoliu thuin were noted the followlnu: Mi"fl II M. Wetlierell, Mina llitner, Miaa I' nil ii iu l'orter, Miaa llicln hotlmni, Miaa Hoaa, Miaa Ina Thoinaa, Miaa Auuie Heultie, Miaa Norma Vox, Miaa Mullen, Mm Anna Young, Mr. Thoinaon, MeaHM. KvaiiH, (!. Y. Draper, I'. M. Weddell, i. II. Dunn, K. M Kumla, l'n.l. W. II. Duhyn of Albina, KiiHriiileinlent Thompaon and ninny whowf name were unknown to your eorreaoiiil'iit. The name of Mia M A. Ilarriaonof Weat Ori'uon t'ily, Mia Mary liiekner of tiawiun. Mr Walt and Mr. T. An deraon wer proKwpi and received into liiemla-rahip by tinaiiimoil vole, The Oawego rndiixd tlieiiauuua Im-ru-tiful onientilUMl "The Aah (iroye.'' t K. 1'eaim la.'inu ubaeiit Mr. Wed dell began the diaeiiaaion on uM'tiing ei erciaea in our rwhool and he wa fol lowed by Miaa lUmttie, l'rof. Dohyne, Mia Koae, ('. Y. Draper and otheia, after which the Oawego achiail reitdereil the old annu "Jubn Drown" with much effect. Mia Donaldon being abaent ) II. Dunn oiiened the dirweaaion on methods of teaching ueouraidiy, favoring outdoor inoiildinu in fine weather. Mia Mullen and l'rof. Kvan ue tl",'r niethtHl E M. Hand thought ladiea excelled in teachinu geography and C Y. Draiier believed we ahould draw largely upon the miiiil' liimginnlion. The aubject of discipline wa Ka oin'l till tlie arrival of l'rof. Straniro and the next place of meeting ' cotiHiilentl and Oregon City selected. A committee on program wa then apKiinUd conaiating of C Y. Drain-r, K M Kami and Mia Hoc. After recea Miaa 1'erry entertained the aaaociatiuu with niilaic and 1. M. Wed Kxen-lwaln primary arlth...MI May Kelly Diaeiiaaion of aaine A.J. Yodor MlmlO. Value of phonic and method of treating tlm tamo Mia A. ltoa DImuiwIoii... l'rof. W. 11. Dobyn RATIIHKAir AltdUNiHI". M t HI I . Literary exercise K. M. Hand Dlaclixaloii Miaa Mella Drown MapitraaiiiKllliiNlrated, MiaaKanny 1'orU'r Helected readlliR T. J. iiTJ bi-lecleil exerclaea H. Dunn (Jlll'Jllioll liftx. i;ouimitUio on ontertulnment and arraiigement, Diol. Htrango and Mie May Kelly and Kuiinie l'orter. Com mittee on mimic Miaae tirace lluird and Molta Itrown and 1'. M. Weddell. 1 tie thank of the aociatlou were then ten dered by a unanimous vole to the ner oii people of Dawego lor their kind and hoapitnlilo entertulriiiieiit, to the Oawego NchiKil for it excellent miiaic and to the Oawego teacher for their untiring effort in inukinu the meeting o grand aucec. Afte- a delightful song by Mia Jonea, the aociution adjourned. About two liiindied of the Oawego people were preaeut, which Indicato the great iiiten-Ht taken by them in educa tional matter. The day will long be remembered and much good we hope will uriau therefrom IIoknkttk. IT EOT mye leen neither aluenl nor tardy dunng the winter term of achool : Archie Kpely, I.iiilia Itaaaelhrink, Khei limn K-ely, Walter Seely, Amelia llaaael brink, l.illin llelhrink, l'rimilla Miley, Maud Seely, Mablo Seely, Kniliia Schlickeiaer, l'ridn Srhlickeiaer and l.illie Sehlickeir. Mismk Jaoukh, Teacher. OikhIh you Jo not necJ Bitnply b Cdtirio they Hiidiii ('heap. That Bort of economy in thu wort kind of ex traviigunci. A Coffin Will be of Hcrviite, Home Jay, but you would be Hilly to buy one jitHt for that rcaHoti. So in all lim.-H of biiFincHM, even our own. our advice in don't buy anything t 10 nuns the hungry ? Jennings, tk Grocer, At his new utore, corner of Seventh and Jackson Streetn. -THE FINEHT LINE OF- 1 innli Hut we have to eat, and WE have the txittom priecH. Call and be convinced, a (jalH. loal Utl, ntc.: alw Flour and Feed at way down figurer). W. T. Spooncer & Co., No. 3, Corn. Dank lilock, Oregon City. Nrin for Sale Denver ('reck, Oregon, HO acrea, roml on two aidea, about L'fl ncre in cultiva tion, ginal wilier, ii vanetv of fruit tree The w hole or half for aale to unit pur clmacM. Uy .1. W. May, owner, or L. K. Jannky witli W. t'arev Johnaon tf J. W. DraiH-r CHiiaed it little Hurry hiat week by the announcement that he had obtained title to the hliuill rocky inland In the Willamette river juat aliove Abei nelhy ialiind on whic'i the electric light HUtion I located. The cluiin to the iahuid 1 baaed on the alleged di'covery that apart of the apot aurveyeil a an iHland had never been filed on, it being mippoHcil that the I'.leclric company owned the whole property. So Mr. Draper took advantage of hi dicovrv to acquire title to the land from the stale. The upper end ol the island hav ing un area of 7. Ull acre ia what ho bought from Hie Mate. He paid (10 mid eHtiumteti the value of the properly ut $!H),000 or f 100, 000. Not many people Vadieve that Mr. Draper can mibatan tiatu hi claim. There will ben dramatic, entertainment at the ichiHil hoiiHH at Milwaukee next Saturday evening. The drama "Ilroad on the Water" will be preaented and a mimlier of recitation, tableaux nnd song will Ull out a good program. The proceed will go to the school library. The police report with some satisfac tion that the notorious Bob tlarilner and llert Karon have left for pnrts unknown. They left Oregon City Sunday night but were seen in Portland on a glorious drunk the next day. A number of peoplo here are preparing to give them a proper reception on their return to the city. To the people of Oregon l!ily: I will say that I am now ready to do all kinds of house and sign pninting, paper hang ing, Kalsoming graining and hardwood finishing;. Persons wishing good work and willing lo pay fair prices can have the same by calling at my shop opposite Pope's hall. P. B. Any " person wishing good work cheap, will save time by not calling. W. J. Davis, Last VedneHdny was Miss Mollie Wilkinson's birthday anniversary and a company of he friends surprised her in the evening and had a joyous time play ing games nnd boing happy. At the Turk Place store yon will find a line assortment of gontB' and hoyB1 felt wool and straw hats. Latest stylos. Just in from the lCnst. i1i.ll rend an able naoer on the relation ineioiiowu.g pupim o, uiainc. u. 'iof parents U the echoo! after which the ai4H'itlcn adjourned to dinner. The teacher were conducted into an adjoin ing room where a grand collation awalled them, which had la-en prepared by the hospitable people of Oawego, and it wan indeed a aiimptuou repast, the table being loaded with all thu delicacies. In the center of the table waa a I urge cako on which the word '"school cake" ap peared in large letter. This cake was a product n( Mr Webb' skill. During the dinner hour the Oawego school sung several sang which lent additional en cliiin'inetit to the banquet. The aasoci alion then re-assembled and were enter tained by a musical progrmn from the Oawego school ending with "Juat before the llattle, Mother." The name of Miss Norma Fox and Mr. Mcllcart were then proposed for membership and duly elected. l'rof. Strange, having arrived, gave an able discourse on discipline, em phasising the fact that children love and respect power in a teacher. Superin tendent Thompson then gave an ad dress and it being necessary for him to retire in order to reach home, Yice- Pres'dent Strange took the cluiir. Prof. Steele, Into school siierintondent from North Dakota, was introduced and he made an address, dwelling particu larly upon teachers' saluries. He be lieved llmt f.M) per mouth should be the minimum price. A teacher who was not capable of earning that was r.ot capable of teaching. E. M. KandH read an interesting paper on physiology and the subject was discussed by Messrs. Draper, Kvans, Pease, Dobyns and Dunn, the general opinion being that physiology was be coming one of the most interesting branchs In tho common school course Mr. Winches being absent and Mr. Pease having arrived the latter opened the discussion on the subject of indiffer ent pupils, followed by Mr. Steele. The chair then called for the best method ot dealing with indifferent pupils, to be expressed in one sentence, and various responses were given bucIi as "shake them," "praise them," "interest, them," ''uho tho haiel," "ridicule them," etc, but all concluded Miss Fanny Porter struck tho nail squarely on the head when Bhe uttered the one word 'taffy.', The Misses Molen favored the associa tion wilh a duet after which tho com mittee roported the following program for the next meeting : - KHlllAY KVKNINO, MISIC. Address of welcome K. M. ltands Kespnnso T. J. (ieary Recitation Miss Urace Hand Lecture If. S. Btrnugo MI'SIC. Important! As the word at the head of the column would convey it Is moi iutiiortunt infor mation we wish lo give our readers, esiiecially to those wishing anything In the lineol fine taple and fancy groceries. Our reiiorter while travelling around town, hi attention was called to the New (irocery of Marr A Hobertson whose neatly and attractively fitted up eatah li'hmment ia hauled in the Sl.ivelv bnildinu. corner 7lh and Madison St. 'the store is 2.rx.V) feet in dimension, ia well stocked with the choicest of staple article, fine Tea, Coffee, Hpicea, Cut ter etc. A Specialty being made of California fruit and vegetable in season. Italivery wagon are run in connection with the business, and order are called fo and delivered. . A trial at the above place will con vince you that your trade will be ap preciated and that your orders will re ceive prompt and careful attention. ltiilullng r'nr Sale. Notice in hereby given that the old achool building of school district No. 43 Clackamas county will lie sold at public outcry to the highest bidder on Saturday Apiil 2nd lHir2 at 10 o'clock a. m. at the school house door. Purchaser to move building bom the ground withiu thirty days from date of Bale. Term exsh in Imud. J. L. Swahkobd, Clerk of Dint o y 8. IICHHT, UKAL kstatk a insckanck AdKNT. NOTAKY PUIJLIC A COLLECTOR. AfKOKA, OREGON. Moiict Loaned on Approved Security. Family Groceries IN OREGON CIT1T. All Goods Fresh. Pure and Full Weight. Orders taken at your house, and free delivery to all parts of the city. DAVID MAY in charge of sales department. E, M. KANIlS, NOTAKY PUIiLIC, KKAL ESTATE A INSURANCE. Offloe In the Pen Ortice HtilUiiig, O'fjfoo Clly, Oregon. SATUIIUAY MOKNINll, MUSIC. Hull call Hesponse with sentiment 43. For Sale. A good farm near Cam known as the Karrblace; contains 1 64 acres, 2fl of good tillage land, 25 inclosed and seeded pasture, well watered. Fine orchard, and garden of small fruits. New barn, root house and well. Price reasonable, one-third cash balance on long time. Apply to owner, A. O. HAYWAitn. Stockholder- Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annnnl meeting of the stockholder of the Mt. Hood and Harlow Hoad company, will lie held on Monday April 4th W2 at 10 o'clock a. m. at the office of 11 E. Cross in Oregon Citv for the purpose of electing three directors to serve for tlie ensuing vear and for the transaction of such other business as may proiierly coins before the meeting. H E. Ckohs, S. M. MiCown, Secretary. President. 3-L'f):4-l Slockluihler'a Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the (llad stone Heal Estate association will bs held on Monday April 4th, 1802 at the office of H. E. Cross in Oregon City, Ore gon, at 1 o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of electing threo directors to serve for tho ensuing year and for the transaction of bucIi oilier business as may come properlv before the meeting, h. M. McCown, 11. E. Cnoss, Secretary. President. 3-25:41 P J. WESTON, AM-IUTECT. SCPKHINTKNtlENT OKAt'OHI'WMAN, AND Thirty Yean Kiperienre on Pacific Cout, Auitrau ana r.urope 'rerwrea PUiu. Elevailoni. Sertloni, Per- iieiivei, Workiue; PrawliiK, Iieialti and Spect- rii-ai mi. or a i ui ni rutiuc ana i-nvaie BiilMmgi, accompanied by reliable eatimatet or cimii. Surveyor! and Entlneera PW1 note ana Krai e.tat aieata. Plain al Siibalvlnton. Hlai- with accuracy and DMineaa, to any teal or site oi orawiug. Office In llektow'i 8nh 4 Donr Factory, oppo lle Connreiiailonal Church, Malu atreet, Ore o ( Hy. Oregon I0S8 HILL, Fist Bin I it ii urf HIGH AND LEVEL Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by person or letr. Horses Bought and Sold. IF. H. ZELAlrT, Practical Horstshoer, Shop on Main St, opp Woolen Milli. Speclel Attention Given to Contracted or Ban Feel 8HOWNG SPKKD HORSES A SPECIALTY. Ten yean experience In eastern cities. CLIFF HOUSE, J. BITTNER, Propr. The OU1YM Firot Oils Hotel In Oregon Ily. Clean rooms wilh comfortable beds. Tables supplied with the best the mar ket allbrds. 50-foot Streets and an Alley in Every Block. Within Twenty Minutes Walk of the Business Portion of Oregon City. Lots 50x100 feet for gate cheap on easy terms. H. Z. BURKHART. Agent for Owners. Corner Main and 6th Streets ( Office formerly occupied by F. D. Bruce. A. H. 8CHRAM. J. A. MOORE. SCHRAM & MOORE, Mnuuttcturert and Dealers in Notice to Stockholders. The reuular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon City Fruit Evaporating company will be held at the office of (i. II. Bestow in Oregon City, Oregon, on April 24th, 1892 at 1 p. m. Ivy order of H. B. May, G. II. Hkstow, President Secretary. FOR" G ABSOLUTELY PORE DFIJGS GO TO A. HARDING. NONK BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, Alao full mock of IPjIHsTTS- oils, ETC. Filial Net! lenient. 1 hereby give notice llmt 1 have filed In the county court of ('lsfkitmttB coiiutv, Creiron, my Accounts ami vouchers for final settlement, HKHrimtutKlrfttrlx of the eMtHleof Christian Wjr ley, liecessed, null the court hits appointed Tuesday, May 3, IsS'J, as the day for examlua tlou aud 101110016111 or the same. IICIHA WARI.KY, Adlnistrfltrtx of the estate of Chnsttau Wagley, deceased. 1,. I. 1'ohtkk, Atty. Dated March lit, Wi 4-1:4-29 Great Reduction Cabinet Photographs ONLY S2.50 PER TJOZEIsI" AT Thwaite's 9 167 First Street, Bet. Morrison and Yamhill rOKTLAND, OREGON a ir. FEiDEicn, OKNERAL Blacksmithing and Ke pairing. Wagon, Buggy Work and Horse Saoeing. All work tirst-class and promptly done. Shop at Elyville. Cooke's Stables, W. H.COOKE, Manager, Successor to CD T ILCo. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEAPING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Kijis of any description furnitdied on ehort notice. All kinds of Truck and delivery Busi nesa promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. Bchool deportment cards one cent each, good for term, at the Enterprise office. HarnessSaddles The only complete line in Oregon City, embracing everything the trade demands. Honest work and reasonable prices is our aim. ortland Seed Company Seeds, Trees, Fertilizers, Poultry and Bee Supplies, ' Spraying Materials, Etc., Etc. No. 171 Second Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kinds Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Main and Uth Sts., Oregon City. LEWIS ROGERS, Candies, Nuts, Notions', Etc. Fine Tobaccos and Cigars. C. I.. STORY. STORY BROS., Blacksmiths and Wagon Makers. Fine Wagoa ail Carriage Wori a specialty. Complete line ot Holiday Goods at Port-1 ZllXVZul 4 H"m 8her land prices . Shop on Main Street, near Suspension Bridge,