Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1891)
Interesting TI.I-bIN (luthcred By Act It Carp of Kegulnr Con. trlhutor. Mil Vitamin. School has started again, after being closed tor a wk on account of In grippe, 0. T. T.hiko is making vreiaratioiis for tlu erection of his new bum, which, ii is re ported, will 1 His flnes( in the neighbor hood. The late appearance of hop winds ami Hi appearance of the hop louse in few locall lies has caused some uneasiness among hop men, yet there are good prospects of a large yield. If we are to judge by the blossoms on the irees, the fruit en.,, will be unusually large J lwnkill! ,irlll ,,, ,ros f(,r $w ilent and get Mink if possible, On Inst Saturday night a dime was given at Taylor's hull, Kverylvody, hoth ohl and young participated in "tripping Ih light fantastic toe. ' Occvkionai,, Kiv entile. Ueauliful wenther again, Th tanners are all busy sow ing oats nml planting their potatoes. Vehae had several light frosts within the past week, hut no serious damage done to frnu us yet. Riverside was well represented at the Ivoard of trade meeting, hehl in I'atihy Frl ilny evening. We are glml to see a Iniard organised, as it will advance the interests of the eomiuunity to no tittle extent. The Willamette taint Company's agent, Mr. Chase, this wek sold to a Portland Soiockvllle. Sam VVestfall's little hoy fell into the mill pond at the Knterprise Milling Company's mill one day last week, ami earn near drowning. The Smoekville dramatic cluh gave an entertainment si Smock's hall Inst Saturday 1 evening to a very fair sired audience. I The Enterprise Milling Company closed ! Miss Winnie and Master Carroll KautV man, of Newherg, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Julia Frost. Several of the Riverside young people at tended ihesurprise parly given Miss Fannie Hoatman Kriday evening. Midnight put an end to the soeinl whirl, and all seemed delighted wilh the manner in which they had Uvn entertained. Will call again. Miss Fannie. Charles Armstrong has made numerous their mill last Saturday to give their hands a chance to attend Hie horse races at New berg, j improvements on his farm in the few weeks where they were relieved of various sums j,,st passed in th way of grnhhing, fencing of money, according to their "luck," I ""d slashing. The contract for the new Congregational! W. Howard has just finished setting church will he Id next Saturday lo the low-' 01,t 8 ''"een acre field in strawberries. He esl n-ssnsili!e bidder. The lowest hid so j !,', expects to hint twenty or twenty-live far is about one thousand dollars. The : acres lo melon. Mr. Howard has ipiite a trustees have nearlvtwo acres ol land for i reputation as a melon raiser. Thel'anbv issued one day last week, mid lumber la ar riving lor iu const ruction, Soon the county clerk will issue another permit, and we'll hear the wedding bellii. Just ask Chris, aboul it, Vncle Jacob Hunch, of New, was vis itlng In our tow n a few days last week. 0, mil T. C. Andrutt did not move from Mountain View lo Uarlows, ns lately re nt a itinerant turn, Mr, Summers, who has the old Xtini- walt place rallied, Inn! the misfortune In lose one of his work horses which fell Ilia ditch and died front the ellects, Mrs, llriihnnt, formerly of these purls, starts on the l.'lli "I this inoulli lo look at a llniher claim some leu or twenty miles hack of Vancouver, accompanied by her William, ol liiahnm s Kerry, and a ported through Tiik Kj i'khiki!ik, but from i sou Maple l.ane. On the other hand a large family from Salem moved right through llailows to Mountain View, ami lauiglit, ! volver on the bar-keeper trlend, Mrs. ('Hiland, of Portland. Mr. l,nroi,ue, ol Uullevlllc, drew a re- Mr, Waller l ewis, of Mr, (Iriiiicsn mlnon, and Mis, tlilnies had Hie pleasure of putting him In the street. , I'll orchards of this corner are looking splendid, as we have a man who under stand pruning them, and who has been kepi pretty busy this winter. Mr. J, W. tlrahani, of (Iridium Kerry! la spending the week in Hallas ami Salem, Mrs, Sain Wesifnll and child had a very narrow escape last week. Tlia little child ana playing near the mill oud and fell In. The mother saw It and ran to save It, and had to jump In as the water w as ipiite deep - and she knew nothing about swimming; liamaseiM, ' i and had not the mill men ran there, both Severn! tvxrsoii. IY.,1.1 (Ills l.blc. .-.,. I,, ' 0llld lllUC perished. Until Were doing rorlhuid yesterday to see President Harri son. Oiu Hag lloals proudly over the school house in honor ol the president- Sunday school at the Christian chapel e ami is now building, Sir. liill'onl, of Iowa, Is stopping at Moun tain View with his family, while looking lor a location' suitable for bis business. He Anita this the cheapest town to live In in the valley. Oh, I tell you, w are gelling to be ipiile a place. If our motor line had leen a little Inrther along w have no doubt the presi dent would have taken our tow n iu on bis trip. Then our committee would have met him at the corporate limits, ami our mayor would have given liliu an address of wel come. l! So Hoo, the church and grounds, and they are clear ing it oil" and leu ling (he ground prepara- tory to commencing work on the (omnia iion which w ill be let in a separate contract. William Scott, our enterprising read su pervisor, has lieen clearing and levolingthc rund between here and Smoekville, so that it is now in very good condition. Horn to the wife of Mai Fitch a son. Miss tana Zayinsn, of Uayton, has been visiting Miss Kmma Keisner during the past week. Orrin Stanwood, of Soholl's Ferry, has been visiting his sister, Mrs, Smock the past week. The Pressed Brick Company shipjied aeyen or eight car loads of brick to Cort land last week. The little childrei prairie melon market. is second to none in the of the Canhyitcs u engineer get tor stop The leading topic " how much Jul the pivs the presidcnlial train at I'-arlows?" Some say fsi, s,onc fl"0, J, A Cos is busy planting spuds. Hccx pects to plant one hundred acres. Mrs. Ii. W. Shank has been one of the victims of la grippe, hut is recovering slow lv. Mr. Isaac Frost has been unite unwell for sometime past. He also is slowly improv ing. Can't we have a ferry? We need one across the river at Ilucknian s landing. Ity having a ferry at this point it would put Molalla, (iribble, Marks, Uarlows and Can- of Siiuu-l-vi-ii-mv. ... ! h-v l'rairis in ,ireol communication with ery Sunday. It is progressing nii-ely under the uianageinenl of J. M Johnson. All we need is tine weather and a lew more hralthv i persons, Th-TC seems to be a general discontent j aiuonu the mail carriers on this rout. We i have bad a gteat nuuy ditleivnt carriers, landof all descriptions. We know of sonic I cases last w inter w here the mad tailed to in : rive on account of the d . iiiikciiness nl earner, Monday the mail came 111 here in la very wet condition. Some of the letii-s I were very nun h daniaued by water. New well ill last accounts; We are glad to welcome Mr. Arthur lilgg home once more, but sorry that we imiv lose bun soon, ns he contemplates going lo the Sound. ' A great many of our hop growers aie pretty badly scared out the appearance ot the bop lice wliti h Ihcv claim tire woi king .it this eaijy stage. Mr, and Mrs. Ihirher hold Sunday school' at Id 'Ii' A. M. and chinch services nl 1 1 'M . V at I'b asm t Hill each f.iW..illi, and at I I', M. at Wtl onv I Now M, .rs. "li,.rtv" and ' II. II." I ,:l klr.liy bid e sick bsi this mi ail rev i I'd,. as I in had entertainment last Friday evening which was decidedly sccoessful. Mrs. Elitabeth Martin, wife of Peter G. Martin, died at Smoekville April 2ti. Fu neral services were help at William Keller's in Portland. The deceased wa buried in East Portland. Chispa. May 4, 1891.. Portland, and shorten the distance from four to twelve miles on the public travel from those places. There is a good wagon road on either side to the river tank. All that is lacking is a ferry. The people of Canby and this place have ottered quite a liberal sum to any person that will put a ferry across the river at this place. Who will be the erscn to start the ball rolling? It will surely pay. Alpha. May 11, ISSH. Meadow Brook- Miss Delia Hubbard is now at home on a brief sojourn. We were sorry to learn that ihe will soon return to Krench prairie, as young ladies are very scarce here when none are absent. We acknowledge a pleasant call from our old chum, Willie Baker, on Kriday. Will is still in the horse trading line. Rev. J. B. Jones, of Brooks, Marion county, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wright on the 9th and loth instant. Mr. Jones lived amongst us until two years go, and we have listened to nianv an elo-1 iuent discourse from him in our rustic ilhoit to Oregon City are asked to subscribe school house. It may be of interest to the ! or take stock to the amount of KYvTM) and hostof friends of his eldest daughter Grace ! give right-of-way. And Oregon City will be to learn that she is attending the Monmouth j called upon to take $.V),0H) of stock and give normal school, and from our acquaintance ; terminal grounds. The company only asks we are sure we may safely add, at the head ! for an assurance to take Ihe required slock of her class. and pay 20 per cent, as each five miles is in We learn that George Robeson wil start Molalla. The railroad committee on stock sub scription, Messrs. R. T. Dibble, John Ever hurt and Oliver Robins are training an in strument of writing between the Wooden railroad corporation and the people of Wil hoit and Wright Bridge on the Molalla riv er. Owing to the delay in getting their seal, the corporation has taken no definite action until recently. Everything is busi ness now, and we shall see what we shall see. As previously stated, the oeonle from for Castle Rock, Washington, to-daY, to work at rail road construction. Your correspondent has just received a copy, fresh from the press, of the first edi tion of "Gaskell's Atlas of the World," con taining a wealth of statistics compiled from the last census. No newspaper reader can afford to be without this work. We had rather dispense with"WiBSTEs ' than "Gab kill" F. R. Wright, accompanied by his moth er, made a trip to the metroolis on Mon day. Miss Jessie Robeson was the guest of Mrs. Rial Garrett last week. We understand there will be a concert at the Meadow Brook school house on Satur day. One of the principal features of the entertainment will consist in auctioneering off lunch baskets prepared by our girls, w ith ; the privilege of the purchaser having the ! cook (or the lady "preparing the lunch) for a ! partner pro tern. How many of our nailers have read the complete works of Charles llickcns? We! have just finished a perusal of his writings. However biased one may be against fiction, and after reading Dickens did not admit his merits would certainly be difficult to con vince. Every shade of human character is o grandly portrayed that we can fill nearly every character of his from among our ac quaintances. Competition among publish ers has reduced the cost of these unexcelled works so low that no reader can aflojd to fee without them, Here is a query for the question box: Why don't our freeholders subscribe for The Evtebpbisk instead of borrowing their neighbor's paper? A friend laughingly in formed us, not long since, that three of his neighbors, non-patrons of the paper, came together to borrow his copy. Phoikix. I May 11, 1191. successful operation. Farmers, are you ready to quit hauling through the mud? Russel A Stewart are building a CD-horse power steam saw mill at Wright's bridge in behalf of the silver railroad. Wales Russel is engaged getting out Are proof rock on A. J. Sawtell's farm for the furnace in the new sawmill. George Grahill and family are moving on Asa Sander's farm. Newton Lovendge Is moving into one of Mrs. stubb's houses. Homer Dungan has recently fitted up a barber, watch and notary public office. Call at the stone front and get your pajiers shaved out on time. Molalla school had a splendid time at its Hag raising. Mr. Joseph Summer's family are reported in a destitute condition, the husband and father being unable to work. Mr. Palmer's son, who recently exploded a shotgun cartridge in his face, is recovering slowly. e think "Anon" w ill suci gatherer, seeing he lias taken high pinnacle, from which place he can ob serve the forces of the MUsouriana, retain ing his equilibrium above the firing angle of big guns. Mr. W. H. Engle erected a monument at his wife's grave in the Clackamas county cemetery last week. Prof. J. K. Buff closed a successful term of school at Glad Tiding's last Friday. Teachers' of Clackamas county! By all means organize a teachers' association The president did not call on us, and we held on to our first thoughts and remained in the saw mill office all day thinking of the honest farmers and the president's charge. My 8- Tzu. Mink W elsh mid M:irtiu were compi lie. I In their mill last wick, as all the hands Hie grippe. , f Itresuii and Son are running their mill by water power until they inn get their en gine repaired. Mrs. Kd wards lost a cow last week. She is luiv leg a run of bad luck. Arthur Jones, a son of Itev, Jones, got a clerkship in the First National Hank of Portland. II I may be so Isild 1 would lik to an sivrr that question for you, Mr. Editor, which th Highland correspondent asked. I would say, to protect your stock on the public common is lo keep them on your own farm. By the "public common" I inppose he means the county road. We have a class of man her who are land and stock poor; at least the stock are poor, They have plenty of land, hut they turn their stock out on the common to worry their neighbor. I say " dog 'em !" I am glad some one started the road question, as we are all more or less Inter ested. My plan Is to get the road as straight as possible, and then open it the forty or sixty feet as the case may be, taking out every slump that wilt give us a chance to dodge one mud hole and straddle another. At present there are miles of road where ,,. , ... . ' mere is nanny room Tor two teams to pass We are pleased to seethe face of our old .,,,.,., , v . right through the mud holes some of which seem almost Imttomlcss. Miss Gertrude Forbes is teaching the this should not he. We Hunk the fault lies with the contractors. In th first place they do not pay enough to secure good tii -,1-class carriers, and iu the second plate the carriers not sure of any pnv at all. Now these conditions are not at nil conducive to the happiness, Ihe careful ness, and the contcutcdnes of the much abused carriers. The singe has he,in taken otf this route, and Monday the one man had lo make thejound trip to t'urrinsv ill with one horse. We bos- these things may he remedied. The system of letting and sub-letting these contracts to companies is wrong. They should be let directly to a rrsonsihle car rier, and not have two other parties reoeiv ing all the profit and the carrier nothing, Paotia. May fi, 1H. Died, at his home, on the first of May, William Sharick, aged 2 years. Mr. Shar ick had long been a sufferer with consump tion, but was not confined to his bed until four weeks before his death. He mov ed to Oregon from Iowa in 174, and has resided here ever since. He will lie greatly missed among his friends. More rain, which means good crops. Full grain looks well, and a good proscct for fruit this year. ineiio, .nr. vt imam iintinie, wtio lin.s been residing iu Maine lor two vears. school at Eagle Creek. Ctarki. Mr. Ringo, of this place, met with an ac cident Monday which nearly caused him to lose his life. While In Oregon City after a load of goods for(i. W. Grace, his team be came frightened and ran away. Meeting an obstruction they turned squarely around, breaking the wagon tongue and landing In the wagon, demolishing it. It was only by a miracle Mr. Ringo escad with his life. He sustained some pretty severe bruises. We had quite a little blaze Friday even ing, the 1st, in which Mr. Frank Miller lost his barn and wood shed, along with a year's supply of wood, considerable bacon, a quantity of hay, some farming tools, a lot ol poultry ami onecalf. The fire originated by his little four-year-old boy playing with matches and lighting a small bunch of hay to see it bum. The loss is quite heavy. Hon. T. I.. Clark and w ife went to Oregon City Monday, the 4th, and from there to Portland to represent this section at the president's reception at the latter place Tuesday. Hoknutth. We will back Jake Myers as the Ust whistler in Clackamas county. Henry Hughes and M.Hchwirtz are hav ing some slashing done. Most. "ed as a news a stand on a Mark's Prairie Items. Owing to the recent rains the sowing of oats has been postponed for a time indefi nite. Mumps and la grippe still prevail in this vicinity. Tom Marks, son of Samuel Marks, who has been very sick with the mumps for the last three weeks is now convalescent. The hop louse is said to be at work in some of the hop yards, much to the dissat isfation of some of our hop growers. Our road overseer is doing some good work filling up mud holes, repairing : bridges, etc. j Did you get a "shake', with President I Harrison? Quite a number ol our prairie j farmers went to Portland to sec the presi-1 Mountain View. The Congregational Sunday sch ool of this place have bought a Mason fc Hamlin organ of the very best make. It is a fine toned instrumant, and adds largely to the interest of the school and church services. Most everybody and their children went to Oregon City Tuesday to see the president. Mr. Frederick, of Salem, is now building a large blacksmith shop at this place. Hackart and Harington are digging a well for Mr. Frederick. Another house is in processor construc tion, ami not a vacant house among us. The whistle of our new steam wood working factory was first lizard Monday morning, the 1th. Success to Mr, F. M. Darling, the enterprising proprietor. A permit for still another new house was Sandy. Neighbor McGiigan notified us that he could spare some more "garden chilly" spuds. We held a little wondering meeting over the matter and concluded he must he incurring a fresh attack of la grippe. Any way he ordered the lumber to tie sawed two years ago for a new mansion, und as the present dwelling has not yet tumbled down he is now ready for the "plans and specifi cations." The site is conspicuous, and the building will add much to the beauty of the landscape as seen from the south side of the river. While enjoying the hospitality of Mr. James Maybee recently, we had the pleas ure of seeing his nice new oblong fishing pond, thirty feet length by we forget how wide. Said pond Is like Dr. Ingraham's park, which, being the "new addition" to the city of Cherry vllle, Is "extensively laid out but thinly settled." The pond contains three cats and a minnow. The cats spend their time chasing the minnow like a pack of republicans after a farmers' alliance man. One of the recent events of our burg is the creating of a farmers' alliance; about half from each of the political parties. "Create," says Ingersol;, " means to make something out of nothing." But that is not the case with this lodge, as you will soon discern. Woobuat. Marmot. Itoad making Is the prevailing occupation just now. Messrs. Wasco and Hand are preparing to build a good strong cedar bridge across th Little Sandy. It will lie at least two hundred fet In length; We extend a hearty welcome to our energetic new neighbors, and hope their future among us will lie proieroiu. Mr. H. MoGugan Is using his heavy wagon In consequence of a run away occur ring recently, which left his spring wagon in a rather bad condition. Two coyotes made their appearance before Mr. Ten Eyck last Friday morning, one or which he peppered well with bird shot at a distance of ten feet. Load with larger shot, Dick; don't lie tantalized that way. lis nt every one who can le bis own I iieuiisi. vt e envy ,iir, iiotinuin s nerve, ri... . r : i ,. i ... I pie social r ri.iay night was n success. Klfeoursj every one got jut the pie he wanted. Our school is indebted to Mr. I!. Alexan der I'ur a new Webster's Dictionary. A dic tionary has long been needed, und Mr. Alex ander's gift will he appreciated The l'eake brothers packed some butter nearly two 'years ago, which tastes better now than many a Kund that comes fresh Irom tho weary housewife's mold. Tell me not in mournful nunilicrs Bachelors live on empty dreams; While they feast on milk ami honey Married men eat iork and beans. FOR- Pleasant Hill. "Pleasant indeed is the homeward track, If we are hut sure we are welcome buck." Now since "Shorty" and "II. M. Ii" have so kindly missed my trial sprays of this re mote corner of the county, I will flatter myself with the thought that 1 may be wel comed hack, although there isn't much of interest going on in these parfs, as we are a mild sort. Still, some of our neighbors are ABSOLUTELY PURE DFvJJGS 00 TO n A. HARDING. NONE BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perrnmerles and Toilet Articles. Also a full stock ol FAIlTTfcS; OILS, ktc. .1. TIIKMIIATH. Jl. THKMHATlf. TREMBATH BROS. FISH MARKET. All kinds of Kriwh and Salt Wider FiHU OyHturs, Cialii! und (!lams. Poultry an 1 guino of all kinds, in their season. Oniers lillei and du liveretl to imv part of the city.