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About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1916)
V OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1916 7 Over-work, worry and the constant strain of a business life are often a cause of much trouble. Dr. Miles' Nervine is highly recommended for all Nervous disor ders. It is particularly invaluable to business women. Regulate your bowels by using DR. MILES' LIVER PILLS IP FIR8T BOTTLE, OR BOX, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. R. H. Thornton, Plaintiff, vs. Archie Howard and Bessie Howard, his wife, Defendants. To Archie Howard and Bessie How ard, Defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the eighth day of January, 1917, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want there of plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: For a decree that he have and re cover of and from the defendants a judgment for the sum of $1000.00, with interest thereon from the 19th day of March, 1916, at the rate of eight per cent per annum; also for the further sum of $100.00 as attor ney's fees, and for his casts and dis bursements of this suit, and for in terest on the amounts due on the note from the date hereof; also for a de cree that the mortgage described in said complaint be declared to be a first lien upon the real property de scribed therein, situated in the Coun ty of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit : Southeast quarter of the North east quarter and Northeast quar ter of the Southeast, quarter of Section Thirty-three (33) Town ship two (2) South, RangeSeven (7) East of W. M., excluding the Southeast four and one-half (4 Vi ) acre tract lying South of the Sandy River conveyed to Clara E. James by deed recorded October 1, 1908, ' in Book 106, Page 43, Record of Deeds of said County: and that the right title, interest, liens or claims of the defendants, or any of them, are subsequent in point of time and merit to plaintiff's said mortgage, and that plaintiff's said mortgage and the right, title,' inter est,, liens and claims of the defend ants and each of them be foreclosed, and that said real property be sold as upon execution, and that the de fendants and each of them be for ever barred and foreclosed of all right, title or interest which they, or any of them, had on the 19th day of September, 1914, the date of plain tiff's said mortgage, or have since had in or to said real property, or any part thereof, and that plaintiff be giv en such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equita bleble. This summons is published by or der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above ' entitled court, duly made and entered on the 17th day of November, 1916, and said order directed publication of this summons not less than once a week for six successive weeks, and that you shall appear and answer on or before January 8, 1917. Date of first publication of this sum mons, November 23, 1916. Date of last publication, January 4, 1917. CHAMBERLAIN, THOMAS, ' KRAEMER & HUMPHREYS, -Attorneys for Plaintiff. OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASS.N Strongest Mutual in the West M. R. COOPER, Agent Enterprise Bldg Oregon City. Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City Phones Pacific, 1221. Home, A-19. Geo. C. Brownell LAWYER Caufield Bldg. Ore eon City Oregon MONEY TO LOAN We have several sums of money to loan on good real estate, from $100.00 to $1,000.00. HAMMOND & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS Beaver Bids;, Oregon City Ore. ifi? NERV0U8 ATTACK8. "I suffered with nervoua at tacks and headaches. Then my liver got out of order and it seemed as though my whole system was upset. I com menced using Dr. Miles' Nerv ine and also took Dr. Miles' Liver Fills and now I feel per fectly well In every way. My bowels also are In food shape now." MRS. AUGUSTA KEISER, . 1149 Portland Ave., Rochester, N. T. Sheriff's Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. The Oregon Mortgage Company, Lim ited, Plaintiff, vs. I. A. Webb, Kittie L. Webb, J. M. Turner, Carrie S. Turner and George Turner, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly derected and dated the 26th day of October, 1916, in favor of The Oregon Mortgage Com pany, Limited, Plaintiff, and against I. A. Webb, Kittie L. Webb, J. M. Turner, Carrie S. Turner and George Turner, Defendants, for the sum of $2267.00, and the further sum of $100.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $23.85 costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the South half of the Southeast quarter (S. E. of Section fifteen (15), Township two (2) South Range three (3) east of the W. M., excepting the east twenty-seven (27) acres of said South one half of the South east quarter of Section fifteen (15),' Township two' (2) S. Range three (3) East of the W. M., and excepting also the land bounded by a line beginning on the West line of the South one half () of the Southeast quarter () of Section fifteen (15), Township two (2) South Range three (3) east of the ' W. M., 747 feet north of the South west corner of said land, thence north 34 degrees 'and. 30 minutes east 100 feet, thence north 17 de grees and 45 minutes east 100 feet, thence north 4 dgerees and 30 minutes east to the north line of said land, thence west on the north line to the northwest corner, hence south on the west line to the place of beginning, conaining one and one half (1) acres, more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 23rd day of December, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said Coun ty and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real prop erty or ' any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, de cree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Novem ber 23, 1916. There is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was supposed to be incurable. Doc tors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to' cure with local treatment,, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney and Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hun. dred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars and test imonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by druggists, 75c, Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Exchange 40 aero California Alfalfa Farm, cutting 12 to 15 tons of alfalfa per acre each year. Well equipped for dairying; abundance of water for ir. rigation. Hot and cold water in house. Want Oregon farm. Value $26,000. DILLMAN & HOWLAND, 28 8th & Main St, Oregon City, Ore, Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Rebecca Turney, Administratrix with the Will Annexed of the Estate of David Turney, deceased, Plaintiff, . vs. Roseoe C. Frost and Gail Frost, his wife, Defendants. To Roseoe C. Frost and Gail Frost, his wife, Defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby notified and re quired to appear and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff in the above en titled court and cause on or before Tuesday, the 13th day of February, 1917, and if you do not so appear and answer the complaint, to-wit: For a decree reforming note and mortgage by substituting "Rebecca Turney, Administratrix with the Will Annexed of the Estate of David Turn ey, deceased" for the words "Rebecca Turney, Executrix." For judgment against defendant Roseoe C. Frost for $3000.00 with interest at 6 per cent per annum from May 8th, 1914; for $250.00 attorneys' fees, and the costs and disbursements herein. For a decree of sale of the prem ises described in complaint accord ing to law and the practice of the court. That proceeds of sale be applied to payment of amount due plaintiff, and that defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them subsequent to the execution of mort gage, be barred and foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption in premises. That plaintiff or other party to suit may become purchaser at sale. That sheriff execute deed to purchas er. That purchaser be let into pos session of premises on delivery of sheriff's certificate of sale; and that she may have such other and further relief as to the court shall seem equi table in the premises. This summons is published by or der of Honorable J. U. Sampbell, Judge of the Circuit Court for the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Oregon, which order was made on the 19th day of December, 1916, direct ing that the same be published in Oregon City Courier once a week for six consecutive weeks, and the date of first publication is December 21st, 1916, and the last publication febru- ary 1st; 1917. JOS. E. HEDGES, Oregon City, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of F. S. Baker, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon; any and all persons having claims against the said estate must present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied as by law required, at the office of Hammond and Hammond, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. JULIA E. BAKER, Administratrix of the Estate of F. S. Baker, deceased. First Publication, December 14," 1916. Last Publication, January 11,1917. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Joseph J. Spiess, Plaintiff, vs. Marie Spiess, Defendant. To Marie Spiess, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 28th day of De cember, 1916, said date being the date fixed by the court, and being six weeks from the publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to this court may seem equitable and just. This summons is published by or der of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and the order was made and entered so directing on the 11th day of November, 1916, as the time prescribed for publica tion of this summons for six weeks beginning with the issue dated the 16th day of November, 1916, and con tinuing every week thereafter for six consecutive weeks, and continuing in the issue of December 28, 1916. Dated this 11th day of November, 1916. WM. P. LORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate of Sa- verio Sacchetti, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Executor of the Estate of Saverio Sacchetti, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same duly ver ified and with proper vouchers to me for payment at the office of Albert B. Ferrera, atorney, 403 Stock Ex change Bldg., Portland, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated the 15th day of December, 1916. LUIGI RIZZI, Administrator of the Estate of Sa verio Sacchetti, deceased. Notice Bids will be received by the under signed to operate the Beaver Creek Telephone Exchange for one year. -E. H. SMITH, Sec'y, Oregon City, Route 3. In the" County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. . In the matter of the guardianship of the person and estate of Jas. O. Linn, an incompetent person, B. F. Linn, the guardian of the per son and estate of Jas. 0. Linn, an in competent person, having presented td this Court and filed herein his pe tition duly verified praying for an order of sale of certain real property belonging to the said Jas. O. Linn, an incompetent person, for the rea sons therein set forth, and it appear ing to the court from the said peti tion that it would be to the best inter ess of the said Jas. O. Linn, an in competent person, that the real prop erty described in said petition be sold: It is therefore ordered that the said Jas. O.'Linn and the next of kin of said Jas. O. Linn and all persons in terested in said estate, appear before this Court in the Court room thereof in the Couny of Clackamas, State of Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of said real prop erty as prayed for in said petition, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for three successive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper published in Ore gon City, Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Dated, this 25th day of November, 1916. H. S. ANDERSON. Judge. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Lulu P. Nolen, Plaintiff, vs. Charles E. Nolen, Defendant. To Charles E. Nolen, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of the Honorable H. S. Ander son, Judge of the County Court, which order was made on the 27th day of November, 1916, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof is 6 weeks, beginning with the issue of November 30, 1916, ahd ending with the issue of January 11, 1917. J. J. FITZGERALD, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Leah Henson Schelberg, Plaintiff, vs. George Schelberg, Defendant. To George Schelberg, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint: For a decree annulling the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for a de cree of annullation and cancellation thereof. This summons is published by order of the Honorable H. S. Ander son, Judge of the County Court, which order was made on the 27th day of November, 1916, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is 6 weeks, beginning with the issue of November 30, 1916, and ending with the issue of January 11, 19J.7. PAUL C. DORMITZER, Attorney for Plaintiff. 401 Dekum Bldg, Portland, Ore. Notice to Sell Stock in The Damascus Telephone Company For Delin quent Assessment. Notice is hereby given that the Da mascus Telephone- Company will on the 27th day of December, A. D. 1916, at 2 ocloek p. m., at its principal of fice in Damascus, Clackamas county, Oregon, sell t public auction, for the highest and best price obtainable therefor, the stock of the said tele phone company, hereinafter de scribed, for delinquent assessments levied against said stock, to-wit: Ellis, S. A. (Henriksen, A.): Cer tificate No, 1, Amount $4.50. Nothnagel, Wm.: Certificate No. 15, Amount $4.50, Credit $.75. . Schmidt, Theodore: Certificate No. 102, Amount $4.50. Sodeberg, Swan: Certificate No. 22, Amount $4.50. This notice, is published under and by virtue of Section 6686 of Lord's Oregon Laws, Subdivision 6 thereof. DAMASCUS TELEPHONE CO., By A. H. Ritzau, President. DAMASCUS TELEPHONE CO., By M. R. White, Secretary. No Higher Price for This While food and clothing have ad vanced in cost, it is well for the sick that the prices of such reliable family remedies as Foley Kidney Pills are not increased. Persons in moderate circumstances find doctors' bills hard to pay in the easiest of times. Don't neglect weak, tired or disordered kid neys. Foley Kidney Pills cost little and relieve backache, pains in sides and loins, sore muscles, stiff joints, rheumatic" pains and annoying blad der trouble. Jones Drug Co. R. L. Holman, Leading Undertaker, Fifth and Main St.; Telephones: Pa cific 415-J; Home B-18. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of Wil . liam Chynoweth, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Jane Blair Withycombe and James Chyno-' w'eth, executors of the will of Will am Chynoweth, deceased, have filed in the County Court for the State of Oregon for Clackamas County their final account and report as executors of the Last Will and Testament of William Chynoweth, deceased, and that Monday, the 22nd day of Janu ary, 1917, at nine thirty o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the Court room of said County Court in thei County Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, has been fixed and ap pointed by the said Court as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and report, if any there be, and for the settlement of the same. All persons interested are hereby notified to file their objections to said account and report and pre sent the same at said hearing, if any such they have. JANE BLAIR WITHYCOMBE, JAMES CHYNOWETH, Executors of the Last Will and Testament of William Chyno Jt weth, deceased. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by order of the Honorable County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon, duly appointed administrator of the Estate of George Keller, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present them to me, duly veryfied, at the office of my attorney, H. E. Cross, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. . GOTTLIEB KELLER, Administrator. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for Estate. Notice Annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Ogle Mountain Mining 'Co. will be held at their office, 10th and Main street, Oregon City, Oregon, January 1st, 1917, 1:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the coming year and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. OGLE MOUNTAIN MINING CO., By J. B. Fairiclough, President. COUNTY COURT (Continued from page 6) $6.00; Mary C. Smith, $6.00; I. O. O. F., $6.00; F. B. Tomlin, $6.00; August Kempin, $7.20; Joe Mclntyre, $6.15; Mary L. Davidson, $6.00; Jesse Coch ran, $6.00; Arch Lewis, $6.00; Ella Johnson, $5.00; W. B. Cook, $10.00; Jim Skinner, $9.00; Ed Wanker $9.00; WUbur Wilmot, $9.00; Claudie L. Watts, $9.00; Laura E. Shepard, $9.00; A. B. Carter, $6.00; Wm.' H. Smith, $6.00; ' F. E. Lucas, $6.00; W. W. Smith, $6.00; H. Peckover, $6.00; John F. McCormack, $6.40; W. W. Davis, $6.00; Abernethy Grange Hall, $5.00; E. L. Baker, $9.00; W. F. Young, $6.00; A. R. Tooze, $6.00; I. R. Wood, $6.00; J. C. Her, $6.00; Jessie M. Say, $6.00; Chas. Sharnke, $11.60; , C. H. Edwards, $6.00; Thos. Kubitza, $6.00; Otto H. Meinig, $6.00; John H. Mitchell, $6.00; C. L. Fisk, $6.00; City of Sandy, $3.00; John H. Wewer, $11.- 60; P. B. Gray, $6.00; M. A. Deaton, $6.00; F. E. Beckwith, $6.00; Fred L. Proctor, $6.00; James Bell, $6.00; Percy T. Shelley, $3.00; Frank Gray, $6.00; Scott Carter, $11.00; J. F. Sherman, $6.00; A. B. .Hibbard, $6.00; Guy Dibble, $6.00; R. S. McLeran, $6.00; F. W. McLeran, $3.50; C. M. Folsom, $6.00; J. W. Marrs, $10.00; Wm. Tucker, $11.00; J. E. Shibley, $6.00; S. N. Kilgore, $6.00; E. E. Lewellen, $6.00; F. M. Townsend, $3.00; Frank Ott, $4.60; H. W. Kanne, $3.00; Sam Staaldine, $3.00; William James Jage, $6.00; A. H. Schmidt, $3.00; Frank Donley, $3.00; Sam Schlegal, $3.00; W. A. Ulrich, $3.00; W. A. Piper, $3.00; H. G. Hinsen, $3.00; Chas. Thompson, $3.00; Zack Elligsen, $3.00; B. F. Weddle, $3.00; E. L. Sharp, $3.00; E. S. Kruse, $6.00; Richard Wilde, $3.00; August Delker, $3.00; Richard Oldenstadt, $3.00; John Hellberg, $4.20; Harry G. Ellig sen, $3.00; E. L. Toadtemeier, $3.00; School District No. 41, $3.00; W. L. White, $6.00; W. F. Prahl, $9.60; Edgar M. White, $6.00; Sidney Gra ham, $6.00; J. H. Miley, $6.00; C. S. Arnold, $6.00; School District No. 60; $4.00; James Fullam, $8.40; Harry Hubert, $6.00; Raymond Mil ler, $6.00; A. M. Kirchem, $6.00; J. E, Lacroy; $6.00; John Hamilton, Jr., $6.00; F. S. Tenny, $2.50; L. L. Port er, $3.00; M. E. Clancey, $3.00; G. F. Horton, $3.20; J. R. Shaw, $3.00; P. J. Winkle, $6.00; J. W. Draper, $3.00; Moreita Hickman, $3.00; J. A. Muench, $3.00; J. F. Clark, $3.00; W. A. Rakel, $3.00; E. R. Green, $3.00; City of West Linn, $5.00; D. O, Day, $3.00; Bertha Davenport, $3.00; Mathias Klinger, $3.20; Henry Elli ott, $3.00; Frank P. Petit, $11.00; Pearle A. Elliott, $3.00; Darthula McFarland, $3.00; J. Brown, $3.00; Geo. J. Hall, $3.00; A. M. Shepherd, $3.00; Chas. Shields, $3.00; W. L. Sni dow, $9.00; J. C. Edmonds, $9.00; J. E. Downey, $9.00; R. A. Junkin, $9.00; W. H. Criteser, $9.00; Frank E Sh.ipley, $9.00; Batdorf Bros. $5.00; Thomas Johnson, $6.60; S. C Ress, $6.00; Geo. DeBok, $11.00; Geo, F. Thompson, $6.00; F. L. Bacon, $6.00; H. L. Morrell, $6.00; Chas. F. Wagner, $3.00; M. C. Young, $3.00; Jake Peters, $3.00; G. G. Peters, Home Phone A-23 Paclllc Phone Res. S6-F-11 Olllce 2S3 DR. WM. C SCHULTZE DR. F. P. SCHULTZE Physicians and Surgeons Rooms 217-218 Masonic Bldg. Oregon Citv, Oreg on $3.00; W. C. Murray, $6.00; H. D. Aden, $3.00; E. Hasselbrink, $3.00; Frank Brobst, $3.00; J. Bartles, $3.00; G. E. Tauchmann, $3.00; Wal ter T. Brown, $5.60; E. A. Hackett, $7.50; Oregon City Enterprise, $9.75. SHERIFF H. H. Hughes, $16.50; Hogg Bros., $1.65; Alvin E. Joyner, $56.75; M. A. Deaton, $2.20; A. G. Ames, $1.20; D. E. Frost, $31.60; Wm. J. Wilson, $7.20; The Western Union Telegraph Co., $2.67. COUNTY COURT W. H. Mat- toon, $36.00; A. H. Knight, $53.60; Philo Holbrook, $10.00. COURT HOUSE Frank Busch, $2.75; Hogg Bros., $.45; Board of Water Commissioners, $21.00; Home Telephone Co., $15.35; Straight & Salisbury, $1.90; Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., $34.50; G. Roberts, 77.00; Huntley Drug Co., $.40. CIRCUIT COURT Fred Murray, $2.20; G. W. Harrington, $2.20; John Ream, $2.60; Albert McConnell, $2.20; E. A. Mallatt, $6.00; D. E. Frost, $2. 20; Leslie Kellogg, $2.20; O. P. Kel logg, $2.20; A. L. Dunn, $2.20; Blake Bowland, $2.20; J. Gorbett, $2.20; H. A. Heater, $2.80; O. A. Kruse, $2.40; G. G. McClure, $2.60; Geo. A. Brown, $2.60; Nan D. Robbins, $2.60; W. N. Horton, $2.60; E. W. Smith, $2.70; Chris Muralt, $2.80; Mrs. Aug ust Splinter, $2.60; Fletcher Mighells, $2.60; W. J. Wilson, $2.20; Mrs. R. G. Flagler, $2.20; Mrs. S. A. Lacy, $2.20; Mrs. N. L. McKune, $2.20; Gertie Willson, $2.20; Clarar Mitchell, $2.- 20; D. E. Frost, $2.20; Lulu Hondnck, $7.50; Samuel Hondrick, $7.60; Ame lia Nofziger, $7.00; J. Sander, $5.40; Will Roth, $5.00; Harvey Hilton, $5.- 60; Henry Hondrick, $5.00; Robert France, $5.00; August Willbroad, $5. 20; August Rothenberg, $2.00; Sadie Hondrick, $5.20; J. Swaner, $4.80; C. Christner, $6.00; Ezra Yoder, $5.60; F. P. Nelson, $30.40; H. H. Hughes, $9.20; Harry W. Myers, $6.00; John J. Hattan,' $28.40; Wm. N. Price, $12.00; W. H. Grasle, $31.40; John Wise, $31.00; A. J. Surger, $12.00; Nixon Blair, $31.20; E. Harrington, $36.40; Wm. Daniels, $37.40; W. J. Hester, $25.80; G. N. Barker, $38.00; Carl Stromgreen, $40.00; C. G. Mil lard, $37.40; W. R. Telford, $39.00; Alex Baker, $41.00; Chas. H. Rider, $37.00; J. D. Chitwood, $38.40; Geo. Kohl, $35.20; C. C. Saling, $41.00; Elmer Coleman, $37.00; M. G. Smith, $39.60; Joseph Lyuch, $36.20; J. W. Gray, $36.50; J. C. Bradley, $6.00; Nat Scribner, $11.20; H. E. Straight, $6.40; 0. L. Hammond, $14.00; H. G. Ziegler, $11.20; J. W. Bennett, $8.00; C. G. Stone, $11.40; A. J. Johnston, $10.80,' Anton Zaletel, $2.20; L. E. Blanchard, $2.20; D. E. Frost, $2.20; Helen Zaletel, $2.20; R. E. Esson, $7. 60; M. A. Deaton, $7.60; R. P. Cau field, $2.20; W. B. Eddy, $2.20; L. E. Blanchard, $2.20; D. E. Frost, $2.20; Mrs. Pearl Cousins, $2.00; Wm. Fischer, $7.60; John N. Sievers, $7. 75; T. M. Miller, $63.00; Home Rest aurant, $9.50; Huntley Drug Co., $3.- 60. JUSTICE PEACE D. E. Frost, $9.80; John N. Sievers, $16.85; J. E. Pomeroy, $5.40; M. A. Deaton, $9.50; S. S. Boutz, $1.90; W. B. Cook, $1.90; D. E. Long, $1.90; A. E. Joyner, $7. 50; W. E. Hempstead, $30.25; John N. Sievers, $11.00; Ruth Embree, $11.75; C. O. Duke, $1.20; R. E. Esson, $1.20; M. A. Deaton, $1.20; Hans Kock, $1.20; Russell Sullivan, $1.20; Walter Jones, $1.20; Evange line Balard, $1.50; Howard Pearsons, $150; Scott Ballard, $1.50; Roy Par sons, $1.60; om Colasuonno, $1.50. SURVEYOR D. Thompson Mel- drum, 582.40; Paul Dunn, $9.60; Bud Thompson, $9.60; J. C. Sullivan, $15.00. INSANE Alvin E. Joyner, $3.50; D. O. Anderson, $3.00; Dr. J. W. Nor ris, $5.00. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS U. K.. Frost, $4.28; Williams Bros. Transfer & Storage, $4.25; Brenton Vedder, $140.00; J. E. Calavan, $7.62; J. E. Calavan, $10.05; Aver B. Calavan, $12.00; Red Front Barn, $3.00; Ore gon City Garage, $21.50. BOARD OF HEALTH Jones Drug Co., $28.20; Sam Grooms, $2.00; Dr. B. B. Bachelder, $40.00. FRUIT INSPECTOR O. E. Frey- tag, $19.60. STOCK INSPECTOR Frank Hab- erlach. $12.50; Paul Boss, $50.00. INDIGENT SOLD1EK Mead Post No. 2, G. A. R., $35.00. COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Boys & Girls Aid Society, $10.00; Oregon Commission Co. (Tom Jones), $14.00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. Mc Namara), $10.00; Mrs. Mary Buck ner (W. T. Tinsley), $20.00; Sam Booher, $16.00; Dock Mosier, $10.00; Mary Buol, $5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; Henry Spiess (Chalk), $16.00; W. J. Mold enhauer, $10.00; Louise Ballou, $15.00; Mrs. Galbraith, $15.00; Harry Cooper, $20.00; Mrs. G. W. Thomson, $10.00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada LeBaw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8.00; Ella Track (Eunica Horner), $10.00; Ben Landes, $12.00; S. E. Card (Michael Boyl), $8.00; F. Frederic! (Joe Fox), $8.00; Mrs. Lee Brown, $20.00; A. W. Camehl (Chas. Holmes), $7.00; Cora Josselyn, $20.00; C. II. Dybdohl, $15.00; Gus tav. Greble, $10.00; Mrs. N. E. Tay lor (Booher), $14.00; Maud Williams, $10.00; Mrs. S. Johnson, $10.00; Wm. Dickelman, $7.00; John and Wm, Beers, $20.00; Katie Youdeska, $5.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders, $5.00; Geo. Avery (Lamp), $17.50'; Mary Lock, $10.00: Geo. Crites (Sharp , $18.50; H. W. Prickett (unknown man)' $36.00; B. B. Bachelder (Miller), $3.00; GeorgeA. Harding (Fisher), $1.00: Robbins Bros. (J. Russell) $10.00; Geo. Reddaway, (Mrs. Kim- ford). $15.00; W. F. Schooley (W Dickelman', $5.00; Joseph Wilson (Beers). $5.25; Jilhelm Olson E. 01- und). $10.00; L. P. Horton 'Uaynard) $34.60; Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trullm- ger), $18.00; F. T. Barlow (Brand aire). $10.00; F. T. Barlow (W. Dick elman), $10.00; F. T. BarloW (X Beers). $10.00; Parkplace Store (E E. Baker). $5.00; Sagert & Blank (M, Lock), $10.00; Robbins Bros. (Her bautrht), $4.55; Dunmire Grocery (Mrs. Mobra), $5.65; E. A. Hackett (Beers), $4.00; F. M. Robertson J, Beers), $4.50; F. M. Robertson (K, Pluard), $4.50; George Reddaway (Mrs. Kimford), $15.00; Estacada Pharmacy (Horner, Smith), $3.60; Schoenborn's Grocery (Rhodes), $30.00; Wm. E. Estes (Mrs. Pezro', $10.00; L. Adams, $5.25; St. Vincent's , Hospital, $137.00; Good Samaritan Hospital, $35.45; Mrs. F. Fraser (Marx), $5.00; John Berg (Gran quist), $2.00; Huntley Bros. (Rosen thal), $1.40; F. H. Cross, $5.00; Otto E. Meindl (C. J. Seahorn), $5.00; Worrell's (Matheson), $.50; Mrs. Fred Himled (Matheson), $20.00; Dennis Donovan (J. Hamilton), $114.00; The C. C. Store, $5.25; M. Stewart (F. Bahner), $2.75; Board of Water Commissioners A. Perizi), $1.40; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKin nis), $12.00; F. E. Hume (H. Sharp), $14.20; Moore's Drug Store (Scott), $1.10; Sadler & Kraus, $35.66; G. F. Anderson (Crites), $7.00; Francis Welsh, $5.00; .Huntley Drug Co. (Peasley, Rosenthal, Pluard, Taylor), $7.55; A. E. Joyner (Foster), $6.75; E. P. Elliott (Tinsely), $1.75; Wil liams Bros. Trans. Co. (Dickelman), $6.50; Mary 1. Wilson (E. Miller), $30.00; E. A. Hackett (Mrs. Piezo), $4.50 1 E. A. Hackett (M. Dickelman), $9.00; E. A. Hackett (Wm. Reiser), $3.00; Dr. J. W. Norris (Wright), $.35; Jones Drug Company, $9.75; Gibbs & Son (Wright), $1.00; Hunt ley Bros. Co. (Kurowick), $3.10; Ore gon City Hospital ,Co. (G. Pinulti Klock, J. Peasley, Wm. Cassiday), $152.05; Joseph Wilson (Beers), $1. 75; Batdorf Bros. (Granquist), $20.00; Mrs. Clara Murphy (E. Marco), $7.00; J. D. Crawford (Wet terlin), $4.00; Falls Transfer Co. (Beers), $1.75; O. M. Smith (E. Daley), $20.00; Mrs. Straight (Mrs. Langford), $3.10; Frank Ott (M. Fos ter), $27.85; Hub Grovery (Star), $5.00; Henry Sevet (Balmer), $4.76"; Katherihe Westburg (A. Wetterlin), $48.00; C. Branland and P. Johnson (Mrs. Wetterlin), $20.00; C. A. Bran land (Mrs. Wetterlin), $9.43; W. E. Harris (A. Wetterlin), $34.00; W. S. Jack (H. Sharp), $13.50; Mrs. Lee Brown, $10.00; F. Frederici (J. Fox), $4.00; Electric Hotel (D. Meyers), $20.00; Larsen & Co. (Pegurin), $5.00; Larsen & Co. (Marco), $16.00. JAIL-T. W. Wilson, $35.71; Ore gon City Laundry, $1.60; E. T. Mass, $.75. JUVENILE COURT H. H. Hughes, $10.50; A. E. Joyner, $3.25; D. E. Frost, $26.30; Miller-Parker Co., $2.50; Minda E. Church, $30.80. TAX REBATE T. L. Charman, $11.05. PRINTING, ADVERTISING AND SUPPLIES M. E. Dunn, $5.00; W. Wilson, $20.00; M. F. McManus, $5.75; Burroughs Adding Machine Company, $10.00; J. E. Jack, $2.00; Ed S. Rohr, $.45; H. S. Anderson, $3. 50; Iva M. Harrington, $10.00; P. D. Cunningham Co., $.80; Underwood Typewriter Co., $.60; L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., $.75; Huntley Drug Co., $18.71; Oregon City Cour ier, $79.60; Jones Drug Co., $2.85; Oregon City Enterprise, $190.30; 0. Welsh, $57.45. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES J. F. Jones, $36.87. TAX DEPARTMENT Ona Ren- ner, $35.00; Edith Alldredge, $41.40. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. E. O. Hughes, Route 3. Phone Bea ver Creek. 2t FOR SALE Small pigs 6 weeks old Dec. 4. Brood sow 7c per lb. W. W. Harris, Rt 3. tf WANTED Dining room girl; also lady dishwasher. Apply Home Restaurant, Oregon City. FOR SALE Gasoline drag saw out fit grinder, tank, good condition. Elmer Kleinsmith, Mulino, Rt. 1. , tf LOST Ladies' purse, Saturday. Finder will be rewarded for return to Mrs. A. L. Amrine, Division St. Phone C247. It FOR SALE Phone your orders for hay and cordwood to A. L. Am rine. Plowing, excavating, etc., done. Phone C247. . tf FOR SALE OR TRADE One fresh cow; one 2-year-old bull. Wanted, a Holstein bull. Carl Barney, Rt. 3, Oregon City. Phone 4F3. ti FOR SALE CHEAP An Evhret shingle machine cut of saw and Pack Press. Also oats and vetch. Address John Schreiber, Mulino, Ore. 14 FOUND' Two months ago, six months old Jersey calf, cropped right ear. Owner can have same by paying costs. Charles Weis mandel, Route 3, City. Phone Beaver Creek. 14 WANTED Cattle, sheep, hogs or goats. Will give in exchange 314 inch wagon woodrack, hack, dou ble harness or office safe. Phone Oregon City 306R or see Charles T. Tooze, 108 14th St., Oregon City, Ore. tf WANTED FRESH HEALTHY HOLSTEIN COW, THREE TO FIVE YEARS OLD. MUST PASS INSPECTION OF THE VETER INARY. ADVISE PRICE AND WHERE CAN BE SEEN, CARE COURIER, OREGON CITY. FOR SALE 2000 apple trees, good variety to chose from. $4.50 per 100. Also all kinds of fruit trees, shade trees and rose bushes at low prices. Also cut flowers and pot ted plants. Funeral designs at low prices. Oregon City Green House, Third and Center Sta. tf