Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1904 REASONS Why our Vinol is the Greatest , Health Restorer and Strength ' Creator Known to Medicine. Because Vinol contains in a concen trated form ALL of the medicinal cur ative elements found in cod liver oil, but without a drop of oil to nauseate and upset the stomach; therefore, wherever old-fashioned cod liver oil or emulsions will do good, Vinol will do far more good, Because we have never sold anything in our store equal to Vinol to restore health and create strength for old peo ple, weak, sickly women and children, nursing mothers, and after a severe sickness. Vinol cures hacking coughs, chronic colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. V A prominent physician writes: "Vinol is the most palatable and valuable preparation of cod liver oil ever compounded. I now use itentirely In all cases where I formerly depended upon old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions." Try Vinol on our guarantee to return your money if you are not satisfied. HUNTLEY BROS., Druggists. Oregon City, Ore. ten Teet of Snow Barred tbe Way Without Tood or Drink Pope Welsh Spend the night in the mountains. and Red Wen and Sacajawea taken Back to Old Missouri tracked three thousand Wiles Jlcrcss the Continent and then Was Jl nested After being tracked 3,000 miles acmes thecontineuc by ollioere of the law, Elijah Pyles is oil his way back to the state of Misouri ti "be shown" why and how it is thaf'the way of the trans gressor is hard." Six months aao youni? Pyles, who has just obtained his majority, committed an assault upon a young lady nearKmin. ence in Shannon county of that state. Realizing the enromityof hia crime, he lost no time in "hiking out" for past ures new. After days of traveling and devious wandeiings he fo nd himself in the state of Oregon, and in order to se curely hide himself from (lit) eyes of men and prying officials, he secured employ ment as a wood chopper in a wood camp near the Clackamas station on the South ern Pactiic r..ilroad in this county. There he worked diligently and bravely for months, but all of this true the sleuths of law were "baying his trail." At last they located their game through the efficiency of the local police officers of this city, andyouiiK Pylea vas ar. rested bv Sheriff Ed L. Shaw of mis city. He was held in the county jail until the sin riff of Shannon county coulJ be sent for and secure the necess ary requisition papers. On Tuesday Sheriff Hays of Shannon couUy arrived in the state with his papers all in order and presented them to Governor Uhotn berlain, who issued his requisition for the arrest of Pylea upon the Missouri writ and his return to that that state to stand trial for his crime. Yesterday the sheiriff departed with his prisoner for Eminence. Mo. Jit the Jlrmorp on Ttbruary Sth, at Whjlch time the Hedltlen Will Give Crand Spctacular Scene. It is Eaid tl'Rt more than fifty enter tainments are in progress or preparation iu diiferent parts of the northwest for the benefit of tactjawea, the beautiful Indian giil who guided Lewis and Clark through tie Montana mountains on their way to the Columbia. On Mon day evening, Feb. Si the Ked Men of Ore2on City propose to give a grand spectacular display of their order in cos tume ia a scene f vm FeBiiiuore Coop er's "Last of the Mohican's," including the capture, trial by council, sentence to death and final rescue of two cap tives from a hostile tribe. Old Uncas, Tamenund, chief of the Leni Len pes, Magua, chie' of the Hurons, and other noted chiefs and warriors will be pres ent arrayed in all the costumes and par aphernalia of the war path. In addi tion to the regular cast of characters ad ditional numbers will consist of songs by the Ladies' Quartet and Maccabee Quar tet and Maccabee Quartet in costume, Indian club swinging, recitation by Ber sie Evans Pittinger in costume, and ad dresses and solos. The statue of Sacajawea that is to adorn the grounds of the Lewis and Clark Fair is well under way, a Chicago sculptor having practically complete i her model. The Woman's Club of Port land has lately contributed several hun dred dollars to the fund, and a copper king of Montana has agreed to furnish the copper. Interest in Sacajawea has become general throughout the United States and women in Minnesota.Tennes see, Alabama, Mississippi and many other states north and south are aiding and raising the necessary funds for this ! memorial. ! Tim Red Men of Oregon hope to ,. ;v,f i,r.rn ti.ou f m,i nt tha have the honor of starting the movev dean snow and reached the outskirts of ', ment among Ked Men everywhere, leu civilization and arrived in Oregon City On last Friday morning C. H.Welsh and Charles Pope etarteu from Oregon City to the mines of the Molalla Central Mining Co., on Ogle Creek, a distance of 60 miles. They were advised that the snow was deep in the Cascade range an I that the latter end of the journey -vould be difficult; atui they went prepared with skees to make the last ten miles of the journey in truly Alatkan fashion. They were driven out from Oregon City 30 miles by a team and there tuey te cured hordes and road up into the hills eighteen miles further uutil the snow be came so deep that progress borse-back could no longer be made. Turning their horses back they adjusted their snow shoes and prepared for the last tan miles over the snow. Much to their surprise they found the snow fiom sev n to tm feet diep and very soft. With every step the skees would sink deep into the snow, making traveling even in this manner extremely difficult and labor ious. They proceeded in this manner however for four or five miles and were within that distance of the mining camp when Mr, Welsh broke one of his skees and further progress in that direction became impossible. By this ime night was falling and they were compelled to remain in the mountains all night, ihey found an old cabin on the trail and iutj it they went and built a fire and all night long they set by their fire keeping it reptenuisnej. iney naa neitner iooq or drink an no place to sleep. At sun rise they begun the laborious trip out of the mountains, wading in snow breast deep. They took time about breaking the trait. Thev lost tneir way aau ior a time almost despared of ever getting out of the mountains alive Along to Rescued from Suffering and Death by PAINE'S Celery Compound THE GREAT HEDICINE. jimmion on Monday morning utterly worn out with their attempt to reach the mines at this season of the jetr. No further attempt will le made to go into the mines until the snow nas meiteu out oi the hills. It is deeper than for years. The little party of miners who are work ing the claims on Ogle Creek are as ef fectively cut off from the world as though they were buried in the bowlea of the earth. dleton is already preparing a Bed Men's entertainment with genuine Indians to take the scenic dances. A Prisoner in Her Own House. Mrs. W. II. Layba, of 1001 Agnes Ave.. Kansas Citv. Mo., has for several years been troubled with severe hoarse ness and at times a hard cough, which he says, "Would keep me in doors for days. I was prescribed for by physi cians with no noticeablo ruaults. A friend gave me part of a bottle of Cham bertain's Cough Remedy with instruc Hons to closely follow the directions and I wish to state that after the first aay I could not ce a decided change for the better, and at this time after using it for two weeks, have no hesitation in saying I realize that I am entirely cured. This remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding. Rel'cs Not Awarded to Two of the Samson Family. In reply to an issue in last week's Courier written by W. W. it. Samson, son of Henry Samson, ex-sheriff of Clackamas county, we wish to inform the people l hat no keepsakes were given to two daughters, Mrs C. Spangler. and Mrs. J. B. Jackson. The way he received a faw of the i e ics he spoke of, we will es plain ; whilo his father lay a corpse in the house he was searching for the Masonic apron, which ho found in an eld lashioneu tea ddx, and the gold pin was alv ayi worn by father on lib vest, and should have been buried with him, but was taken instead. In regard to the other articles men tioned, either of us could have gone in to the house and taken things and boasted of receiving relics. We had too much liorur but w aited for an equal division. But as usual we were ruled oat. Mrs. C. Sr-ANGLER, Mrs. J. B. Jackson. MR. ALFRED BROWN, A Prominent and Papular Citizen, Says: 'After the Use of Paine's Celery Compound, I Am Now ia the Best of Health." The greatest of modern physicians, Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. L., LL. D., after years of long practice and close scientific study, gave to suffering and diseased men and women his marvelous, life giving prescription, with the conviction and positive knowledge that it had peculiar virtues and ample powers to cure. Thousands of the strongest testimonials from the best known and most reliable men and women of our country fully sustain the claims made by Dr. Phelps regarding his incompar able raine's Celery Compound. One of the most convincing proofs furnished, comes recently from a gentleman widely known in the capital city of the Dominion of Canada. We refer to Mr. Alfred Brown, 91 O'Connor St., Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Brown's letter fully demonstrates the fact that the greatest sufferer may cast off his or her burden of disease and become well, strong, and happy. It proves, too, that the great medicine main tains more fully than ever before its unrivaled place in the estimation of people of wealth and social standing as well as with the masses. Jr. Brown says: " I acknowledge with thankfulness and pleasure the fact that I have been cured of a very painful illness of eight years' standing by use of Paine's Celery Compound. I had, during the years of my illness, tried almost all the advertised medicines without deriving any good results. I was also treated by several of the best doctors of this city, hoping to find that one of them, at least, would understand my case. " I was getting worse, and was told I was incurable. I was indeed in a critical condi tion. I could not go from the house alone, as I was liable' to sudden collapse. I tried hospital treatment, but no relief or good results came to me. I could not sleep; anything that I ate increased my agonies; I was extremely weak, restless, tired, and despondent; was obliged to walk about with my hands pressed firmly into my left side to ease my pains; my feet and hands were cold continually; had inclination to vomit, had profuse, cold sweats, quick breathing, and would be racked with pain for hours at a time. "After the regular use of Paine's Celery Compound for a time, I am now in the best of health, have good appetite, and can use any kind of food. Thank God I am my old self once more, alL. through the use of Paine's Celery Compound." The only First-Class Sec- ond-hand dealer in I Furniture S0VES and UTE.i mam sir It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. j You will find a full line of new and Second-Hand Furniture V Stoves, Crockery, Hardware, Etc. v X Highest Cash Price Paid for Second Hand Goods. J 1 . mini nTnr r--T- ivimi t o incur, door north Commercial Bank a 1. T0LP0LAK, . The Best Laundry is the Cheapest The Troy Steam Laundry is the Best Does not wear out or destroy your linen. Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac tion assured. E. L. JOHN SON, The Barber, Agent. TOR TWENTY YEARS DIAMOND DYES hay been the etandard home dye. Every discov ery In dying has been utilized to improve them. Today they are the simplest, strongent, and most reliable of all dye for home use. .Direction book and 4 dyed aamplee free. We have a special department of advice, and will answer free any questions about dyeing. Bend aaaaple of goods when possible. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, V. & & g) g 9 IS 45 Jin You Going to Build? We have a complete stock of doors and windows on hand. You can see them. We do not have to get them made for you. We are cash buyers. Cash is the slogan of our business. Your cash will do wonders for you. Give us a list of doors and win dows you want to use and you Avill be surprised WHAT YOUR CASH WILL DO, a p ii i lim Mortise Locks 50c Rim Locks ..25c MIWIiMM MH8IIIM WBIIWpigBf L3 4 J RADIUM RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS Inside paint per gal, $ 1 .35 1 SRaVgriiaOs.Ja. m" . ; V 'J $5.25 Will buy you a splendid Mattress if Y:.Pf ve V7 ' M M Stoves There are extravigant and economical stoves, just as there are economical and extravigant cooks. Some cooks do more with a little than other cooks do with all you could give them. 'Our stove does more work with a little wood than most stoves do with double the wood. Hence it is not only a cheap stove in price, but a cheap stove to use. Trice, $20.00 If you want Furniture give us a call. $3.85 will buy six nicely ornamented high back dining room chairs. FRANK BUSCH, The Housefurnisher Stupendous Offer Made By a Well Known Philadelphia Firm IlF.iR PlUESDS: Don t ml lliis advrttUemcnt if yon expect to git somuthiiifr for nothittg, bt-cause yon woVt. Ve luivo a giiott arik'le imd wo wnut nnuiL'y for if. Ho senMlilo. If von had somvthlnir thnt was worth a dollar wotifd you ive it free'.' YVhi'tt you read au ud veriisruieut wheriyou Kt sojncthlng for noth iiiK. that sora thing'is cither no iroo'i or else thry arc up to some "Mini Uam" game We are not rumJnK '. patt-nt inedieine bu.'i ness, so rest easy iu that subject. We do not Know the word lailure never have and nev. r will. The educated ami higher classes ones we w.ut to reach. We reach men and women, wtio utdiiy are before the public as national characters have hd our coulldence ami the benefit of our experience. It is a lAlth century protluct, ene that will be more apprecia ted the more it is tried Fresh from the batlt and as Rood as she looks " This old savins describes our clients to a T. We have a VIT'aI.IZKK uot a patent medicine. It tones tlte jyslrm, centralists weaknesses of all descriptions makes an even temperature all iver the body and in fact it makes a new man and won a;i. luulios will wilhm a few years be a part of every hospital and sursicul institution ot cur laud. No perm can sfanJ the foioe of con tact with (his new discovery. Rheumatism and debility ilee before It. The mighty force of the tnibulent waters of Niagara are iu comparison with tliis new product as au old fashioned CAN DlK is to KAUl I'M. One person writts, ''Why did not some one dis cover it before?" mother eays. "So simple, It Is hardly credit able." 'rom the far West comes the unsolicited re spouse. "A tiod-send to humanity Wallcott Uhrislie, ol New York, ihe well known author, says, success in a great measure is due to ha'dioa," Weakness of certain organs if responslb! for all diseases. We uuild up your system so that a disease Is an iinuossibilltj. It Tour diesstive or gans are out of order, if your blood is impure, if you can't sleep, eat or aliend to busluess, I Till cute vou and uuaiantee to do so. J will Hive vou a written guarantee. Ouuld you' ask anything aiure; RADIUM RADIUM RADIUM Pelight your friends; astonish relatives, and make woude'ful experiment with this new metal RAUU'8 SULPHIDE of since aothuty 500.- 000. iniy. o, 800,500, We give you this as a present when you order "RADIOS. This alone is umrth several dollars of any man or womaa' money. Acts the eume as X-rays, Simply wou- . ..... i, LUL'UUkUn'lIIUlUA PDI-k' Vl OFFER OFFER OFFER RADIOS CO. 812 Drexel Bulldiug Philadelphia, Fa, sib: Enclosed lind one dollas for which send me ft treatment of "RADlyS," In a plain seal ed wrapper, and also on Jtaiiio sulphide oj Zinr nridiii! .... If I an uot entirely satisfied and If I am not cured you agree to rkFunp the money Mid ONB DOHA KXTRA FOR MY TROl'BLI. You are to seal! me a writieu contract to that effect. Name . . Address.. City...... Oregon City Planing frills All kinds of Building Matsrial, Sash, Doors ana Moulding. F. S. BAKER Proprietor, Orcgn City, Oregon Brunswick House and Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms, Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night Prices Reasonable. ..Only FirstClass Restaurant in'the'fGty.... Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore. Elk Horn Livery Feed ; Sale Stable HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices D. .R DIMICK, Manager, Svf OEG-OIsr CITY, OEEGOH" FRESH MEATs Tbe Citij Meat Market at Canby, Oregon, Pays the hinhest price for all kinds of cattle. The best of fresh meats are handled at most reasonable prices. 1 have been in buisness in Canby a number of years, and have tried to treat everybody right. I solicit your patronage for the future and Intend to deserve It. S. J. Schmitt, Canby, Oregon New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Oppotit Ctnfleld Block OREGON C'T 1 Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Familv Pill. Small doses cure All drncgistl. Want yuur mmulurhe or brarda beauuiui lm.wn or rii-h blai'k f Then us. BUCKINGHAM'S DYEIilfiU si mi i THE MORN1NQ J,TUB cannot be enjoyed in a baBin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature ia uncertain by reason of dee i eplumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put n thorough working order will not prove expeneive if the work is done bv " C.CADKE Smm m. EXPERIENCE1 wT 1 iS' "radc Marks . Anyona aendlng a sketch and deacrlptlon mar qnlcklT ascertain our opinion free whether aa Invention la probably patentable. Commnnlca. tlon. strlrtlr confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent ent free. Oldest aiiency for socunug patenta. Patent taken through Muun A Co. racalr IptcuU not ics, without chare. In the Scientific American. A bandaomely Illustrated weekly. lamest ctf. cnlatlon of any eclentlflo lournal. Tanni, $3 a J'ar.;.Ir onth, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.36,B.New1fork la an a ft