Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1902)
Oregon city courier-herald, Friday, june 6, 1902. Unofficial Returns from Private Sources, of Election, June 2d, 1902 Gray Hair l. 3 !i OREGON SllOTJLlftE aw Union Pacific ? EAST Ihe 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice oi THREE TRAINS TWO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 ft. m. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT 1 1IfE. DEN OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:00 p.m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan, For full information call on or address nearest O. R. & N. Ticket Ageut, or address A.L.CKAIG, , P. A., Portland. Oretron ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD CO. LEAVES DEruT KjLAff 1 I ARR"8 For Maygers, Rainier, latsknuie, Westport, Clifton, Astoria, War- 8 00 A. M. ronton, Flavel, Ham mond. Fort Stevens, 11:10 A.M. Ueiirliurt Hark, Seaside,; Astoria and Seashore1 Express, Dally. ! 7 00 P.M. A.-tnriii Kxpress, ; 9:40 P. M, Dully. Ticket Office, ;.VS Morrison St. and Union Depot. J. C. May... iin. Pass. Agt., Astoria, Ore. PORTLAND-AST03IA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GAT7ERT Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leva 'Portland Leave Astoria 1 7 A. M .7 P. M TE OULES-POaTUCSD ROUTE SIRS. T AH 031 A. and METL1KO Dally Trips Except Bun lay STR. TAHONA Leave Portland. Hon., Wed. and Iri.. 7 -f Leave The Dalles, Tuns., Thurs. and feat,. 7 A. M. STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tues., lliurs. and 8aU T A. M Leave Dalles, Hon., Wed. and Fri T A. It Lanllnft, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHONES, MAIN 351 PORTLAND, OKXCX K AGENTS John M. Filloon The Dalles, Ore. A.J.Taylor Astoria, Ore. J. J. Luckey Hood River, Ore, Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. J O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash. R. B. Gilbrnth Lyle, Wash. John M. Totton Stevenson, Wash. Henry Olmateal Carson, Wash. Wm. Butler Butler, Wash. E. W.CRICUTON, PORTLAND, ORE. rtie Dallas, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Tonching at wv points on both sides of tha Columbia river, nf ihu hnv RtnRmera have been re nl and are In excellent shnpe for tbe season oil: 00 The Regulator x.iu viutuutuvui ivb.ycw natrons the best serviee possible. For Comfort, Kconomy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of Tbe Kegulator Line. The above steamers lisve Portlnnd 7 a. Dalles at 8 a, m.,ana arrive a uwuiuuuum j n tn mittrnintr trains. vZaiWi ottlce. oai Oak 8t. Dock. Courtbtreet. A. C. A1XAWAI General Ar GO EAST VIA 1.1 14 L ' . Only transcontinen'al line passinR directly through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Three splendidly epuipped trains daily to all points hast. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and Free" Reclining Chair Cars. The most magnificent ecenery in America bv daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of t ickets. For cheapen rates and dewrlptlv llteratnr address J. D. flANSFIELD, General Agent, 124 Third 8treet, Portnd, Oregon " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It has kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn ing gray." Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing about Ayer's Hair Vigor it is a hair food, S not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, look, dead and lifeless. But gradually the old color comes back, all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, too. $1.00 a bottle. All drurlil. If your dnipgist cannot aupply you, Bend us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and plve tbe name of your nearest express office. Address, i. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. Now ii the time to paint and renovate your houses. Chaiman & Co. are mak ing special prices on Pui nts, Oils aud Kalsomine, in bed. When it becomes necessary to sit up in bed to get your breath; when the least exertion such as walking, sweeping, singing, talking or going up and down stairs, causes shortness of breath, fluttering or palpitation; then it is time to do something to brace up and strengthen your failing heart. Take Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It is best of all. "I could not rest at night and often had to sit up in bed to breathe. Tho least exertion would make my heart palpitate dread fully. Our doctor prescribed Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and it com pletely restored me to health." Mks. E. C. McKelvey, Palin, Tenn. B. Miles' stimulates the digestion, in creases the circulation and makes weak hearts strong. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Mv little son had an attack of whooping: cough and was threatened with pneu monia; but (or Chamberlain's Cough Remedy we Mould have had a eeriousi time of it. It also saved htm from sev eral severe attacks of croup. H. J" Strickfadden, editor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wash, tor sale by G. A. liaid- ng. Snodgrass, Fotografer Gives a Large PORTRAIT FREE With all Cabinet Photos, good unt l July 1st only, strictly up-to-date. This offer is All rork is How to Save Yoar Hair Thoae who ace losing their bair or have parted with their locks ot have it restored by a remedy that is within reach of everyone. All sjrts of theories have been ad vanced to accant for falling hair, but after all, it is the remedy we are after and not the theory. Peo ple wtio need more hair, or anxious to save what tUev .have, or from sickness, dandruff or other causes have lost their hair should not de lay but use PRIER'S HAIR FOD at once. I I For (ale by all druggist HEADACHE H aB a atm. 3& Doai Ua, CANDIDATES Fob Govkhnob George K. chamberlain, t'em William J. Kurnluli, Hep,. A. J, Uunsaker, Pro B. K Ryan, 8oc For supreme Judge Roberts. Bean, It. ..... .. h. F. Buiiham, u C. J. Bright, P. . . For Becretauy op State O.W. Barzee, S N. A. Mavis, P Frank I Dunbar, It D. W. Sears, D Fob State Treasoreb Henry Blackmail. D. T. 8. McDanlel. P Charles S. Moore. R W.W. Myers, S Supt. or Pcblib Instruction J. P. Ackerman, K K. W. Kolsey, P W.A. Wann, D ; Attorney General A. M. Uiawfurd, K T. H.Goync, P James H. Haley, D State Primer W. W Brooks, P..... .Tames B. Godfrey, D; ,. ,,. J. E, Hosruer, S , J, R. W hitney, K EEPRESEtrrATtVE TO CONGREBS Hiram Gould, V B. F. Ramp, 8 Thomas H. Tongue, R j k. weatnerrord, D TJmted States Senator T. T Grer, R C. K. 8. Wood, D Joint Hfnatob, Claikamas and Multiiomah Hertiert Holman, R W. W. Marw, P Richard Scott, Citizens Joint Bepbesentativb, Clackamas & Mult.. D. M. CaiheysP Charles W. Nottingham, R W.F. Young.C Eekatob George 0. Brownell, K G. W. Grnee, C CaiuB V. Herman, P Fred J. Meindl, 8- Ebpbebentativeb R A. Black, P W. H MnndeYille, P C. A. Willey, P C. F. Clark, C O. W. Kaslham, C. Gilbert L. Fedircs,' C KobrH Gimhen 8 a. j. maviiie, s Walter F. Aruflpn. 8 i CO. Huntley, R Hall Pflnlsrn, R H. A Webster, H Ootnty Judge Klmer hixon, C A. Manin, P F. Rypn, H i bines E. Kpence, 8 Commis ION EE Willinm lir,sit, R F. Bukemeier, P George Lnzeile, fl ..., Charles W Stisley Shkriff Theodore Hfgenburger, P J. K. Jack, I). M. Klwmsen, S iohn ItUhaver, R . , Cj. rk Onper, C A. N. IRfcnkliauser, P.... I 'lliert H. Kiibbiue,S F. A -'Mailt, R . ... . EECOKIfBB OF C'OKVIYJUBCBS I. . 1C i.n'Zer. O FraiaJKiaxberger, H J. V Mi t, P Hy E SteTtns,E., Amwts WiUu m Board, 8 ,,,... W14i la Johnson, U. Jiaws V. jXelson, X .. .... iluf C. lull, R Alfred l.u. llmg, C, - Isb 'c I rii.dlL',C ... 8'HKHM'OR A 'il KirchBm. C J(nn V, MellmilL,.K ... OOKOKIK R. 1 11. Imaa, E. ..' Millfi', t . "W. V I'ruden.S. . lowii.c IMTiAI 1VB AS IHlHraNDl'M AH ENDUENT Tes... Mo - 1H 103 It 97 6 31 90 3 82 SI 103 108 3 19 91 41 24 154 31 S3 m m JIM 86 12d A Card. To My Friends in Clackamas County: il cleeire at issns lime aim mi hub utua ti,rnd way t expreBS 4a you all my thanks to each and every oue .f yon for tlie u.pprt that you pave me in mv desire to "be 'returned to tbe senate. ; Ian a'fiire 'or. all tuid the public ,' generally. tht I aiivema4;&, very mack ' indeed, tli great cumuliineat implied in my election ivnlnr present couditkms , that exiet in t&ismiHDty to the aetiate for tiie tliinl tune, and .1 wieh intiiis; piUic wav to i-ui tlie peop!e gner- Blly4rrei-piCTAve oi vpoiinoei jaiui, iiiui, i willL to the beet ot roy ahiiity, end5a5lr to represent aU of tUe people in a oian- nero earu tlteir conunence tna reepeci. fiineerely A cars, (iBO O. Bkowskcx. '(jtf'whatdoesa badtasteinyour mouth ietuitid yiT it indicates that your stomach is in bad eodition,end wilt re mind vou that there is nothing so good for such a disorder as Chamberlain's Ktoreach and liver Tablets after having once U6ed tbetu. They .cleanse and in vigorate the Btomch and regulate ttie bowels. For sale at5 cents.per box by j. A. Harding. Gke them oil oil. It's curious to Dec i.c vzs2.t. Give it to peevish, iret ul child, and i.c l-ahs. Civ-: it to tlie pale, z::2tsAc child, and his face bccouies rosy and full of health. Tahc aflat chestcd child, or a child thai has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been done for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is tbe one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. SCOTT 4 BOWNE. Chemist!, v Pearl St. X. V. 91 1 3t 8 59 ; 39 25 12 85 43 72 72 17 15 13 40 72 95 72 90 15 43 61 68 22 46 9 41 66 77 57 38 42 34 39 22 54 37 49 31 36 24 46 33 35 24 37 23 ' 43 41 62 41 36 23 58 34 39 21 24 40 1 60 11 64 12 43 62 12 43 15 S9 8 53 12 S 70 36 75 47 31 U 10 52 68 SB 4 78 31 6 40 101 M6 OS 4 ili 2 40 34 ' Virulent Cancer Cured. .Startling proof of a wonde'fiil advance in uiedicine i" mven hy RniL'gist ii. W. Eoherts of EluMbeth, W, Va An old mmi there h ad lomt uuffered with what liod doctors prommuced incurable oan- 'eer. Ihev nehev-d hia cae lonel8s. tilt he used Ektrc filters ami applied prorlv treated does, not result asse t Mr.,i,ii. c.j.. ,i...i. .1... ,1'nelvastn the tropics. Terry Davis iBBklln s Aic.i MMve. which treai ment, complexly mired him. When Elwtric ilivern Hte Ufed to expel bilious, KiQney a n I inwrutie msons at the flame 'time this mlveexerfi its matchless heal ing power, blood 'liseases, skin erup tions, ulcers aud B"res vanish. RiMer 5tc, Salve 25c at George A Harding'. Montgomery, the hntelkeeper, re ceived a diepaich at 7 o'clock ou Mon tliiy evening iima Dufur that hie fattier wtis at the t9int of death. ll- to k .he '.first car for Portland in order to cutcb lite 8:60 Uaiufor The dalles Saved friui m Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had cons.imptii," writes Mrs. A. l. Shields, of Chambers buig, Pa. " 1 was so low after six months of bevore sickness, causer) by htrj- fever and astihma,that few thought I could net well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of r.tKing's New liis- eowrv tor tjonsumplion, used it, and wa completely cured:" For desperate Tlifuat and Lune diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible tor Uoiif lis, Loins and iBroncliial Affections. Guaranteed bottles 60c and $1. Trial bottles free, at Geo. A Harding's. An Ejtitmne. CX nwlicy on lifeof the late Edwin R. KimUie, of Portland, Oreuon, bookkeep er tor btudebaker Bros.: l'olicy, Ko. 7(1282, issued Jane 2, Twenty navmetit I lie. Died Dec. 8. 1001. Amount of policy $5tX)0.00 UivictertC accuinulatiua 018.55 Total paid $5618.55 A return in dividends ot 33K Per cent of premiuans paid, besides the 15000 in surance. Thin company settles with its policy holders each year and issues the most liberal policies. Mora: : Get the best from the Massa- .cliUKetts Mutual Life Insurance Corn- iiany. Hl'bgjt G. Colion. Pacific Coast Manager, Chamber ol Commerce building, Portland, Or. ArniuB W, Clothikr, Special Agent. Self Protection demands that you be on the alert to see you get Painkiller (Perry Davis ) when yon ask lor it ; some dealers will try and persuade you to take something else, claimed to be just as good ; insist upon getting Painkiller, the remedy which has been the world's family doctor for 60 years; it never fails to stop diarrhoea, griping pains in the stomach or bowels, dysentery, etc. Large bottles 23 and 50 ceDts. . . .. i rices to euit you all Jlillinery at tted riuuu 111 : 44 5r' I 3i 2 11 70 38 94 I 35 91 8U 18 10 31 : 30 30 ; 04 1 1 14 j 7 24 126 48 '71 194 84 0 30 18 174 73 48 22 12 24 6 12 15 4 60 115 30 80; 24 45 I 40 1 26 1111 18 124 20 44 107 25 54 27 24 24 77 11 18,29 3 8 44 26 24 I 68 02 60 37 159 11 bO 13 73 27 153 5 81 176 35 40 30 10. 2 81 169 86 171 26 .22 48 93 12 175 60 90 190 88 2 18 55 2 18 34 2 52 89 65 9 90 76 97 9 6 I 14 27 54 22 50 83! 24 9 14 148 14 66 19 38 28 52 1 45 62 118 16 43 40 ,20 44 53 92 From Hot to Cold. Dysentery is prevalent everywheie in sunmrer and is due to miasmatic poisons, and bfisins abruptly with inflammation of the mucous lining of the larjje bowel. In America the dii-ease is common, hut Painkiller is the best known rnmedy fend the most efficacious in the. treatment of dysentery. Free Embroidery. Learn to embroider correctly hy the Japanese method, A class of six will be iitven 13 lessons tree. Leave name and address at Adams Bros, Golden Kale Bazzar. OP8 THE COUtiH AND WORKS OFF TUB VOLU. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets a -cold in oiie day. No Cure no cure pay Price 25 cents. Special sale Millinery at Red Front. 'he lieet Preaoriptiuu fur Malaria Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No outre no pay. Price 60c. 'Call and inspect the Millinery at the Rod Front. OASTOnXA. Ban th f Ito KM Yon Haw Alwayg fioujM ttgnrtora All kinds of bicycle repairing, lock work and saw tiling at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, opposite Barlow's gro cery. Give thetu a trial and be satin fled. Mb afgnatture Is on every box ot the fenulnt Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet. 'he remedy that cures a cold In ant da The steamer Leona, which has been overhauled and repainted by the Oreiron City Transportation Company, beuan making regular trips between ureuon Citv and Portland. It is a delmhtful ride on the river at any season of the year, and more especially during the sprina and summer months. The only way landings are Mairone's patk. Mel drum's. Moreys, Risleys and Uwego, enabling the boat to make rapid time up and down tbe river. The titn table Is as follows: Leave Oregon City at 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a. m. and 1 :3) and i.a T r...tlnJ D .QO . I t ,Qj V. Ul. Lioavo H'luauu nt. .v ftDj n ;30 g m an(j 3 :00 and 6tl5 p. m. 89 ! 54 40 I 21 1 2 I 3 n Ii 105 153 8 6 194 63 7 16 70 88 4 15:31 19 1 04!1.08'. 2M Mi 1 'J,();i2 1 ' 71 3 9 1 117 31 60 : ?,47Z 14 10 ' 19 ! 6 11 : 1 307 If 28 49 j 13 43 i U ' 100 ! 33 2 7 33 104 60 11 37 7 97 46 38 7 7 3 9 1S5 00 54 7 177 27 29; 37 16 '; X 96 47 93 II 54 170 8 03 177 8 63 14 66 15 154 95 12 48 H 40 30 87 8 SI 25 19 102 49 99 62 97 17 6 13 187 102 66 52 154 66 104 57 I,9 165 17 80 11 92 26 61 13 61 13 94 65 1,778 179 90 67 199! 22 2,130 1.63Q 103 64 8 26 T 7 10 62 1 8 4 '4 7 77 5 6 6 1 1 1 6 19 21 10 41 2 81 97 112 21 82 19 171 142 130 72 4 1,402 1,605 1,517 86 100 0' 61 26 j 41 54 I 64 34 45 10 19 8 108 131 127 82 8 190 81 40 16 3 1 4 4 2,014 ; an 21 19 24 l,s'i' 1,097 1,509 85 4 87 2 43 212 15 1 2,246 7 20 ; 60 23 3 20 156 4 40 93 151 8 20 77 1,94 1,485 1,597 58 ! 02 14 63 3 2 7 2 30 j 30 3 1 43 1 40 I', . 6 17 30 2 4 22 28 4 62 18 91 37 162 118 5 87 18 148 52 21 99 j 7 15 80 35 15 10 1,917 101 4 10 142 26 9 6 I i 34 i 48 24 23 145 48 24 2 3 1,830 m 18 31 27 10 114 41 66 84 85 7 3 1 9 110 209 SO 99 154 174 104 8 78 198 465 6 17 103 210 13 78 169 161 82 2,409 32 17 57 91 90 64 16 40 116 101 9 13 6 18 1,509 1,919 1,932 1,624 22 78 12 25 17 7 54 186 65 104 172 4 11 72 209 12 92 8 26 66 inn 7 1,017 62 132 1,38 8 r. v tC o. Ri, Co. 25o is the reuulir' fiurtdav round trip rate between Oregot City and Portland, (ret your tickets at Harding's drug store." You Know VVIiut Vim Are laklng When you take Gtuve's Tasteless Chill ' Tonic because the formula is plainly print.d on every bottle e h w 1 n n that it is simply Iron and Quinine i' a tnstelens fi rm. No Cure, No pay. 50c. Wednesday, June 4 The dispatches indicate republican victories fur the candidates throughout the state. Indications are for Uiam berlalu's election for governor. -Thursday, June 5', The latest returns indicate" that Furnish may be elected governor, as the later returns from country ruecincts appear to be in his favor. It elected, it win uniy ue uy a smiui majority, ine other republicans on the state aud con gressional tickets are elected by largB" majurtiies. All the republicans on tire' Multnomah county and city ticket r4 elected, except the citizen "candidate's, O'Donnell for assessor, and Werlein for. city treasurer. The sheriff is m drmht. The latest ennnt indicates that Cham berlain is still'341 ahead. Linn county went democratic, and several democrats were elected in othei counties. Oilier Local St utter. The official canvs of the Clacka mas county vote will be completed to day. In another column was given an ac count of tbe death of Oliver Lypes. Tim funeral took place yesterday after noon under the auspices of Company A, (). N. G. Chaplain Gilbert, of Port land, delivered the funeral oration. The funeral was largely attended, mid some elaborate iloral emblems were in evidence. Memorial day exercise were carried out according to the program prin'ed iu this oaper. The exercises were unusu ally impressive. The local lodge of Workmen will give an excursion to Portland on tho evening June 14h, to witness the su preme ludire parade. The steamer Al bany has t een secure I. A Rebekah Decree Assembly was or ganized at C.intiy last night. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 81nature ot c& ! ,i I j 58 I '' 24 I 39 : ' 18 40 21 s 0 2 29 8 61 40 51 18 7 8 41 26 40 41 64 23 42 25 50 17 23143 62 38 45 5 2 18 28 "j 46 26 40 4 64 . 27 37 3 15 7 32 60 55 79 6 7