Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1902)
OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1902. Jg Crescent Bicycle and H The Repair Man t4$i f lave no use for each other. Ten years of hard use on Clackamas county roads has given the Crescent the name of "The Wheel That Stands Up." Many ;(5p5 new features on 1902 models. Columbia Bicycles la Standard of the World For 23 years. Always first in improvements always the leader. "Good as the Columbia" is the best that can be ssic! of anv wheel. a Tribune Bicycles Fastest in the World The fastest mile ever 9 a Tribune. It's light, "I lurry-up" riders pick Select your mount from get the most and best that money can buy in a bicycle. Prices $25 to $50 Easy installments. ' 99 good tire. Old wheels $5 up. Get our "I Bells, Lamps and all Bicycle Sundries. HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE, Oregon City, Ore. g dd3 -Vacob Rnuch and J. V. Taylor, Old Residents, Both Dead. Vaeob Rauch, a prominent pioneer rvesident of Clackamas county, died at I ilia home at Gladstone luBt Friday, The cinterment took place at Canby Sunday, r:.',tio services being conducted by Rev. 'Ill E. Djnlap. The funeral services .ere largely a tended.' The deceased was born at Darmstadt, Germany, Sep t iember 10th, 1807, and emigrated to the I "Jnited States with his parents, when 14 yyears old, ami s-ttled in St. Clair coiintv, 111. In 1839 he was married to ?E!izabeth Carien. Tuey crossed the f plains with ox-teatns in 1853, and set "tlud on a donation land claim in Claek---aratis county, lie bad been a resident ei Oregon City and vicinity i'or several years past. W. J. Ranch, of Gladstone, itid Mrs. E. C. Maddock, of Oregon Ctty, were son and daughter of the de tceaBed. 'J. 0. Taylor, aged 88, a resident of cOlackamas county since 1864, died at rhia home on upper Seveuth street Wed nesday morning. The funeral was held tiroiu th family residence yesterday af t tor noon. The deceased was a native of .Kentucky, and crossed the plains to Or egon in 1804. Mr. Ty lor left a widow .and six daughters: Mrs. Ed Harring ton, of Highland; Mrs Hattie A. Story, "rMrB. Nettie Welch, M,rg. Helen Story, of Oregon City ; Mrs. Amy Martin, of vtLos Angeles, Calif., and Miss Myrtle tfE. Tnyl r. a teacher in the Oregon City schools. CITY COUNCIL. Selection of Water Commissioner Postponed .One Week. At the regular monthly meeting of ".the city council held Wednesday night, tribe election of water commissioner to c succeed U. D. Wilson, was postponed i until an adjourned meeting to be held raext Wednesday night. Mr. Wilson and II. U. Stevens are the two rival s'. jandidates for the place. The propoied No 3 sewer district was -generally discuBsed. A new structure was ordeied for the i.3eventh etreet stairway. It waa voted that the pay of Street COommiBsioner be advanced from $2 to z.2 25 per day, as common street U t borers were now receiving $2 per day. 1 W. L. Block flit d a verbal petition for iaimtges on account of his daughter sua clainiug a broken arm by falling from a lefectlve Bidewalk on upper Sixth street. No specified ainouut of dam ages waB named, but the matter was re- li veried to the finance committee. All the smallpox billa of sustenance . and medictil attendance were ordered paid. The engine houses below the hill were ordered paid. Important matters will be considered .5. t the aiij turned meeting to be held KAVeUnesd.'.y night. WEDDISGS. It is rumored that two prominent are to be yonng uregon uity people iruiarried during the coming week. The following marriage li enses were wis-ned durina the week : Mav 31, Mary L. Eaden and F. W. fcittebhotf. June 3rd, Addie Morgan and Fred Mincknirtii. June 4i h, Lucinda Marrs and W. T. 'Smith. Probate Court Onlers. In the matter of the estate of D. W. r .Minthurn, deceased, T. J. Moilitt, ex- ecutor, filed his final account. In the matter of the estate of Jons ;f ristunsen. deceased, T. J. Jonsrud. ex- ' ocutor, tiled his final account, and July - 7th set for bearing objections. The final account of Ella Williams administrator of the estate of Martha Partlow, deceastd, was approved. A R Linn, administrator of the es cam of James A. Barbur, deceased, tiled .1'iis final account, and July 7th was the -rdate set for hearing objections. Herbert I). Newell, a graduate of the " Massachusetts Institute of ltchnoiogy, fi at present located at Ft. Stevens aud .. employed on the gjvernmont jetty, was ;n thH'citv 011 Saturday. He asked for ., a board of trade publication describing v. :ii8 city and county. ft ridden on a bicycle was on stauch and the Tribune. easy running either of the three and you will Choice of any prices on Tires, Miss Case Will Give A Concert On the 10th inBtant Miss Mary Cee will give a .concert at Parson's hall, Portland, In order that the musical portion of our people may have the op portunity to listen once more to the ren ditions of this gifted songster, the mo tor line will make round trip fares on this occasion of 25 cents Miss Cape will be assisted by some of the best talent of our metropolis, viz: W. H. B ver, Harry Hogue, Dora and W. A. Mont gomery ; accompanist, E E. Coarsen. The patronesses of the performance, which promises to be a brilliant success, are: Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. Sol Hirsch, Mrs. P. F. Morey, Miss Mav Failing, Mrs. T. B. VVi.cox and other women of prominence. Miss Case will shortly leave for Europe to pursue her musical studies. Weather Report. Following is the voluntary observer's meteorological record for month of .May, 1902, at Miramonte Farm, Clackamas county, Oregon : Mean temperature, 55.8. Maximum temperature, 87. Date, 26th. Minimum temperature, 35. Date, 4th. Total precip. 2. 98 inches. No. davs' clear, 5. Partlv cloudy, 22. Cloudv, 4. Dates of hail, 16th. Cites of Th. storms, 29th. Prevailing wind direction, south- westerly. ,G. Mueckb, Volun ary Observer Aurora, Oregon. ' ' REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. D S Dufer to V J Zimmerman, 154 as in Campbell elm, 1, 2 e $2500 J A Barbur to B F Linn, Be of se of sec 2, 3, 2 e 60 P Yager to G W Kinney, se of ew and 3 as in se of sec 29. 1, 4 e . . 1 J Vermulyea to W E Carll. of ne of Bee 5, 5. 1 b 1000 D N Bridenstein to D F Warner, 7 as in see 28, 3, 4 e 150 F B.ichman to P Stoller, lot 8, Pleasant Hill Park 40 C D Latourette et al to D A Heff- ner, 150 as in sec 15, 5, 1 e 1500 Same to D C Yoder, 90 as in sec 15 in 5, 1 e 900 R E Irwin to E Lindholm, 3.78 as in blk 10, JBarlows 750 J Swartzenruber to J D Lantz, 50 as in sec 15, f, 1 p 1550 D II CloBe to M Oleen, lots 6, 7. 8. blk 4, Edgeweod 1 M II Riehhoff to B A Brown, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 2, W Gladstone 300 M Drufchell to O O Holsa, wj.j of ne of sec 2, 4, 1 e 4000 E G Ctttilleld to Wm Eiler, 45 as in Fishei claim, 2, 2 e 450 W W May to D G White, 50 as in elms 62 and 48, 3, 2 a 3100 D Dennison to J DenniBon, int in w.'jj of Be part of bw of ne of sec 30, 4,2 e 1500 II J Miller to B II White, in Lee elm, 4, 1 e E Birchett to I N Welch, n of ne of sec 0, 2, 4 e F F Zinn to I N Wtlch, same land J S Welch to I N Welch, same land J Grader to J Schindler, 25 as in 10 100 200 100 sec 26, 3,1 2500 O Cutting to A M Kirchem, pi lots 3 and 4, sec 16. 2, 3 e J A Thayer to M Hartman, 14 as iu Walker elm, 3, 3 e 40 607 How'iThis! We offer One Hundred Dollars lit ward tor any case ot (Jatarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciienkv & Co., Props., Ttledo, O. We the undersigned, .have known F. J. Cheney or the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. W kst A Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDtxa, Ivinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hah's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price, 75 per bottle. Sold by all dtuirirists. Tes- tinionials free, Hall's Family Pills are the bebt. Fred Ritpwis'ock h is rented the Depot 1 and re-tannuit of Mr. Seol. ! L. Woodcock, of Needy, waa an Ore gon City visitor Wednesday i The regular price will be paid at the C 'urier-He-ald office for unBoiled copies of the New Yetir Number. The Federal Labor Union will meet j hereafter on Monday evenings instead I of Tuesday evanings at Red Men's hall. I J. W, Dowty, of Currinsville, whs in O.'tgon C.ty Thursday. His son, Frank Dowty, has just returned Irom sheep sheering iu Eastern Oregon. John Dowty diil not return but left for Idaho and Montana. Christian Science services are held in Red Men's hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, June 8th, "Sacrament." Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Wednesday evening meet ing at 8 o'clock. To these, services all are welcome Letter Lis:,. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postotFce at Oregon City, May 20. 1902: Women's List Miss Edith Freeman, Mios Mary Gibson, Mrs John Johnson, Mrs Abbie Johnson, MisB S II Johnson, Mrs Lurtie Kremif, Mrs Clara Lenarty. Mrs Spencer Locke, Mrs Grace Miller, Mrs Hannah Shinier, Mrs Tillie Sing, Mrs Jane Thomas, Nora Wood. Men's List Wm Boatman, Wm Bol ley, A E Brown, Lewis Buell.R A Camp bell, Geo E Dye, J B Embrie, Wm For bean, H T Gibson, M T Grant, H Har rek, A W Hawley, Fred Hodge, Anders Ivenssen package, O A Lilley, W S Locke, O O Maynard. F Moore, H M Nickerson.OA Nelson, F W Pirkl, James Ros, Jaque Williams, John Strokes, O E Suart, Rev T H Symms, Wm Vaughn, Chas U Ross. 1 . GEORGE F. HORTON, P. M In Justice to Mrs. M'dstead. Editor Courier-Herald: I write this tn justice to Mrs. Jane Milstead, as there has been a great deal of talk and false rep Tts about her smallpox case. She wasatmy house while some of my fam ily was broken out with something, we knew not what. We never thought at that time of smallpox, as there were but a few pimples on each one. MrB Bagby had thiee pimples on her face, but they left no scars, and the children hardly stopped playing, yet, it may have been smallpox. Mrs. Milstead did not know that she was exposed to the smallpox nor did any of us know it. Neither did I ask her to stay until site was well of it. Now, I don't see how any one can blame her because she took sick, and her neighbors came in to see her, as is usually the case, and it turned out to be Borne contagious disease. I suppose I should have fired any one out of my bouse because they were so unfortunate as to be sick. We are all liable to come in contact with disease at any time and be exposed and not know it, more es pecially, when it is so light that we do not know that we have it. C. W. Bagby. Oregon City, June 5, 1902. Restaurant Privilege. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned up to and including Satur day Jane 7th, for the exclusive restaur ant privilege at the coming session of the Chautauqua Assembly at Gladstone T".i r . t r- n i 1 . ram, juiy o to la mciusne. suuuing, with range installedfurnished . H. E. Cross, Sec. LOCAL SUMMARY Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.. A few watches for sale cheap at Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1 Drs. R. B and A. L. Beatie, dentists, Weinhard building. The Weekly bregonian nives all th national news and the Courier-Herali gives all local and county news. Both one year for Two Dollars. When you visit Portland don't fail t uet your meaU at the Royal Restaurant. birst and Madison. Thev serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good square meal, 15c. XOTICE TO WA TER SVMERS. COX- All persons intending to use water hrough hose for sprinkling lawns, ear- dens, sidewalks and streets, must file written application with the secretary of the city water works, before using the water. f The u e of water for all such purposes will be permitted only between the hours of 6 to 8 a. m. tnd 6 to 8 p. m. RATICS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 1 for the season, for lawn or warden sprinkling; where the monthly ratels $1 and the nse is confined to the prem ises of tl e consume!. $1 tor the season for street and side walk sprinkling, for each 25 feet frontage of stores; where the regular store rate is paid and the sprinkling confined to the frontage paid for. Sprinkling not to ex tend beyond the center of the street. , $3 per month for truck ad dition to other use. $2.60 pea month .where water it used only during sprinkling season. Each consumer will be allowed the use of but one stream of water at a time, through a nozzle not exceeding inch For a violation of these rules and regu lations and an excessive use of water the service will be .hut off without fur ther notice. By order of the Board or Water Commissioners, T. L. Charman, Secretarv. Oregon City, Or., May 5, 1902 Filthy Temples in India. Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples, out worse yet is a body that's pol luted by constipation, lion't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King' New Lite Pills and avoid untold misery. Thev give lively livers, active bowel good digestion, fine appetite. Oulv 25c at Geo. A. Harding s drug store. PUTNAM FADELESS DYE are fast to sun light, - 1 , . , . o , Wasning and fUUDing. OOia DV ! G G. HuntlCV CLASSIFIED ACYERTISMENTS. ANTED To increase my list of farms and lands for sale, in all parts of the county. Lands owned by non residents represented and Bold. ' H. E. Cross, At torney at Law. J"OR SALE 500 tracts of laud. In quire ol O. A. Cheney, Oregon City. pOR SALE Thoroughbred. Holstein Freisian bull, 10 montos old, sire and dam Registered, or will exchange for No. 1 milch cow. Address Chas. N. Wait, Uan by, Oregon. POU SALE A N-). 1 Durham fresh dairy cow, five years old; five gallons or more daily. Inquire at this office. yOrt SALE Finishing Lumber by J. A. Jones at his mill on the Abernethy, 2 miles eaBt of Or gun Chy. The mill and machinery is also for sale, including 40-horses ingine and boiler. Address J. A. Jones, On gon City. J?OR SALE On the installment plan, if so desired, good 5 room house, cor ner 3rd and Jefferson streets ; sewer con nections and healthv location. Apply to R. Koernr, corner 4th and Jeffereon sts. For Sale A first-class bneav. Ad- ply at thia office. . lm DUMBER FOR SALE by E. E. Rich, 3 miles east of Soda Springs. Flooring and rustic a specialty. All kinds of lumber always on hand. JjUMBER Leave orders at this office for first-class lumber of all kinds, or address W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek, Oregon. jSjTRAYED About May 1st, a small bay horBe, weight about 600 or 800, rather thin, little white in forehead. For information or return to Persell. the cow-hearder, on Abernethy, a liberal re ward wilt De paid. pRESri COW fur sale by H. H. Perry, Mulino. Youne and auntie. Will have two more fresh this month. RANTED A lady or. gentleman to spend vacation mont s working for a salary of $4: i ner mouth. Please ad dress Box 425, Oregon City, Oregon. pOUNDrA United Artisan pin with initials W. 8. A. enarHved on bar. Owner can have same by paying for this aa. JOST An opal stick pin at graduating exeicises Tues lay night. Finder leave at Enterprise office and receive re ward. rJHE T S. Townsend Creamery Oo. of 44 Second St, Portland, will sell you a cream seperator and take cream in exchange. JJOB, the 3-4 Percheron, iwill stand at van urove biock iarm tins seaBon. Six dollars to insure with fold. Will show his colts with any horse in state. J. W. Dowty, Currinsville, Or. Individuals' Money to Loan at 6 pei cent and 7 per cent. Call on or write, John W. Lodkr, Attorney at Law, Stevens Bl'd'g. Oregon City, Oreg LECAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Tn ttlft Awi ntu nf tli. atufa aFAmim. tnm .1. . ' In the matter ot the estate ot James N. Miller, neoeaHea. Under and by virtue of an order of sale granted by the ahove etitltKdoourt on the 5th clay of May, 1902, 1 will sell at private sale the following; de scribed teal property belonging to said estate: All of Lots three (3) and six (B) of Blook ninety- three (93) of Oregon City, Clackamas County, Orep on. The said sole will be hold on and after Satur day, June 7. 1902, at the Office of Bruce C. Curry in Oregon Cltv. Oregon. Terms of sale: Cash upon cottrmailon by the court. aOPHTA MILLER, Admln'stratrix of the Kstte of Jamos N. Miller, Deoeased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby Klven that I have Bled with the County Court of Clackamas County aud Stale of Oregon my final renorr as admiuistrator of the estate of James A. Barbur, deceased and that said court has set Monday, the 7th day of July, I9(u, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m., of Baid day as the lime for hearing said report and objections there to 11 any tnere be. . A.B.LINN. Administrator of of the Estate of James A. Barbur, Deceased SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. George E. Smith , 1 I'lMinutl, i vs. V Catherine A. Smith, Defendant, j To Catherine A. Smith, the above named de fendant. In the name of the state of Oiegon ynu are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Sled against you Iu the above entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap pear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the cemplalnt to-wli: that the marriage contract existing be tween you and the plaintiff be dissolved. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Thomas s Kyan, county judge of C.'ackamas county, state of Oregon, made and entered the 24th day of Mt,1WI2. and the date of the first publica tion hereof is May 30, 1902, and of the last publi cation July 11, 1902. ; JOHN DITCHBURN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Da'ed. May 29th, 1902. Read It In his Newspaper. Geo'ge Sclmub, a well know Get man of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton VolkfZeituntf. He knows that this paper aims to advertise only he best in its c iliirans, and when ! he saw Chamberlain's Puin B .lm adver- i tised tl erein for lame back, he did not' tesitate in buyit g a bottle of it for his wife, who for eim.t weeks had suffered ; with the most terrible pains in her buck and could get no relief. He sa b: "After using the rein Balm for a few days my w ife said to me, 'I feel as though 'I whs born anew,' and before using the en tire contents of the bottle the unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she could agiiti take up her household du ties." He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of 1 her wonderful tecovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by G. A. Harding. Eargain In the Latest Huts at Red Front SjHcial Millinery S.ile, Brunswick House and Restaurant NEWLY FURNISHED RQOMS meals at AU Honrs , Open Day and Night Prices Reasonable Only First Class Restaurant In the City CHAS. CATTA, Prop, Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON' CITY, ORE. MIlUlllHMlllllllliMlllJl: b9 0fta SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers 1 Phones 411 and 304. Lower roilSJIIHHIIiJIIII'IIISJIII ""IBM YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT But the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY t t r x . Moue Keepers JllllJ I putting anything below our high Bakers Dim ff i I CANNED J ! III GOODS; Manufacturing AND.. WATCH REPAIRING .A SPECIALTY. Fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examination Free, l)y PHILLIPS, The Optician A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th Yokohama $2 50 Latest Style Men's Hats $2 00 2 00 " 1 50 1 50 " ' " 1 00 1 00 " " 75 3 00 Men's Latest Style Shoes $2 50 2 50 " " " " 2 00 2 00 ' 1 65 1 50 ' 1 25 Next door to Postoffice armor ... srT7D B" ue norrorsoi impoienc? i riiPt;.ii.cieauseaiueiiver, lb IDLtUKL MO SfUII ki,ln,-,,ri I he lirlnnrv nnriint nf ull imnnrillM. ' n'PtllffVF tinflrtHengi a.i.J rpfire The reason sufferers are not cured by tit la. rfPIDKNE Is the only known ' als. A written grunrantee irlven and money 1.00a box, six for s.vuti.Dy mail. eenaiorrBKKCircuiarana tesumonuus. AddrvvDaVet. VDirtN t'O P. a P" W78. Bn Frandaco, Cal. Ibr tout G. A. HARDING, Drogglst, Oregon City Oregoa iiiifainihmiiifaiiHiflkiiiiiai iiiniin.iinih iiih,i,,iiiiiil,,,iiiiiii,,l;il,liii!niliriiiiiii,iiiitoi We rsny thp nlyct nij-lfrteline L of Cefketf. Ctfiiri-, frcies and .1 ii ii'gs in uackBiraF t'tunty. W e lav the fniy Firt Class Paife in ihe C unty, which we will luinit-l. fos lis ibtn n be hfd f'ffwleie. ImHlnirjt e fjtcifiliv, Our j rius always resectable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 7th St., Bet. Bridge and Depot. r llliu'iifiiiiiipii'iifwiiltli'iiiiliimmiiM Using the PATENT FLOUR speak of it in a ringing chorus ol praise. The bread consequences that follow its us are fine enough to please the most fastidious. We can- nor nermit nnr rpiilitafinn tn isnffpr hr standard 011 the market. What the Patent brand is at its best it is all the times. Made by Portland Flouring Mill Co. and sold by all grocer. CANNED GOODS m Oh, yes; oh, yes; come this way for the fullest and freshest stock of canned goods in town. We are just receiving a large lot of the very best fruits and vegetables in cans. Try our sliced peaches, our fancy corn, or out tender melunx pessl Go away, you make my mouth water. Oh, no; come round and buy. Prices very low. A. ROBERTSON. 7TH ST. GROCER. Brown & Welch Proprietors of thb Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON Clothing Co. Ladies' UnderveBts 4c up Ladies' Hose 5c up 50c Ladies' Silk Waists 39c 2 50 Ladies' Shoes $2 00 2 00 " " 165 1 50 ' ' 1 29 1 25 " -99c G. N. JOE, Manager. MANHOOD RESTORED "OUPIOENB This rrpAt Vp?.thl " Vltalizi.r.thpnrMrHn. tlon ot a famous French vuysirlau, will quickly cure vou of all ner vous or disuses of the generative organs, such as lost Manhood, j:;suiiin,, . .iiio.m w-xj.h otuiiiw .ujiicus, nervous .ueDultv, Pimples, Unfitness to Mai.r, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele aiij Constipation. It stops all lose by day or night. Prevents qnlea. nfss of discharge, wiiicbif nui checked leads to Spermatorrhoea and Rmatl wenb nianh. Doctors Is because ninety per pent are tmnbled with re-nerty to core vltbout an operation, dtiuiestlmnnl returned if six boxea does not eiiecl a ernuuieoseur