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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1908)
3v ' . ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU J j GET IN THE HABIT j fl 01 mlvcrtl'InK In The Review Jf and you'll never regret lu 11c- V A gin at once and keep right at It j 2. To nbtcrib (or Tha rh RerUw. I. i It U nw li In ana1 enroll 1 All tb nil whlk I oar RMtto. Call la and enroll i Devoted (o the Interests of (he Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 4 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUI,Y 17. 1908. NO. 36 OUR NEWJTPE-SETTER Will be a Great Aid in Helping us to Get Out a Larger and Better Paper When We Get Onto It Wo havo decided to call It "sho" 1 Portland Monday morning, sho bad bocnuso It Is so much llko n woman. 1 turned us down cold. You know when you got right well nc-j Sho Is Just as Innocent as a girl rjuatntcd with a girl and you can call until sho boob you aro not thinking hor Hannah and sho calls you Jim , 1 and then sho will say "l'vo got my you begin to think you aro pretty sol, ringers crossod," and play us a Id, but about tuo next tlmo you call you will think you havo struck ono of Peary's lco-borgs,aud It Is nil off. It l that way with the- now mnclilno. Wo stayod up and sparked It all ilny Sunday nnd wo thought wo had notion Into Its good graces and all would bo inorry as a marrlngo boll, hut on Monday morning sho would l.ardly spook to us and by tho tlmo Mr. Collins, tho gontlomau who In troduced us, had conio ovor from 11, can trick. Mr. Collins assures us we will soon got iisod to hor play, ful ways and that wo will got along Ilka a pair of twins. ,Wo will havo to ask our renders to boar with us If our nows columns aro not very fat nnd Just romombcr that wo had to do 1 a good dual of sparking In order ' to koop "her" In a good humor and It did not loavo us much tlmo to got r.uws. S 1 1 10 Is just llko a girl. A nlco girl. DOINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL An Interesting Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Small Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of Tho city fathers mot as usual Tues day evening nnd ground out tho us ual grist. Attorney Perkins appeared for Mr. Jackson and- Inquired as to tho n tu tus of tho Philadelphia street ninttur. Ho was informed that tho regular slops wcro being tnkon to establish tho grndo on that portion of tho street ha was Interested In. Mr. Hendricks then nppenred In behalf of tho flro depnrtmont nnd ro portcd tho breaking of tho soda-wntor wngon. Ho stated that It was a man killer nnd that thoro was not ft mnn la tho city who could run ft half dozen blocks and hold tho tonguo up at tho smiio tlmo. Ho suggested 1'iat It would bo economy to trndo tho wagon for a four-wheeled vehi cle If n reasonable oxchnngo could bo mndo.for tho reason that It was Im possible to get this mnchtuo to a flro with any degreo of celerity. Ho slated Hint thin mnchlno was allrlght for a floor where all was smootho mid no groat speed was desired, but uhoro much depended upon tho quick transit of tho mnchlno from tho on- r.lno housu to tho flro as always ob tains In tho city, tho present mnch lno was an aggravation. Ha nald thibroakago was not duo to any care lessness on tho part of tho flroboys, but to tho fact that It It was Impos sible to hold nnd control tho mach ine when making a run to n flro. to also stated to show tho economy of tho exchange ho suggested, that If tho chemical had not broken down they could hnvo put out tho flro with a-loss of but about $80, while an It was tho loss was about $C0O or fSOO, And that this kind of accidents may be oxpoctod so long as this machlno Is rotalnod hero. Aftor somo dls- ciisslo Mr. Hondrlcks was Instruct ed to nscortnln what sort of an ex chnngo could bo effected. Petition of Sam Downey nnd others to hnvo grado established on Hayes street from tho south side of Call In street to tho Woyorhnuscr tract wits road and on motion potltlon wns granted. I'M Stockton In bohnlf of tho Ker ry people asked permission for Hint company to opcrnto their lnunch nftoi tho regular closing , hours and to chnrgo ton conts for ench passenger on these occasions. , So far ns tho council was concerned there seemed to bo no objection. Tho report of tho rntninltteo nnd thief of pollco on tho cow bnrn of. .1 Mortonson was to tho effect thnti It wns about an stated In tho com-j plr.lnt and tho chief of police wns In, snucted to notify Mr. Murtcnsen to tlihcr remove tho born to tho rear of tho lot away from the wooden wu tor plpo or to not keep his cows lu tho bnrn any mora. Tho resolution authorizing tho es tablishment of tho grailo on Huyes street wns then offered nnd passed the council. Nineteen blllo to tho amount of 1310.00 was ullowod nnd ordered pnld. Tho ordlnanco asking for tho cor-' rcctlon of tho records lu regard to) tin' vacation of Charleston street passed tho second reading. There' was a tlo In tho vote of tho coun- til nnd tho unyor voted in fnvor of, tliu ordinance thus passing Its hoc-, ono reading When .'It enmu to thu third rending, however, thoro was no! second to tho motion whlch tabled1 I no ordlnnnco for " another week. Tho roport of tho viewers on thoj I M,posod oxtenslon of Willis bouluvnrC I GOOD TIME AT NEWPORT G. A. R. Encampment and the W. R. C. Convention Held at the Same Time and Place wib rend. They estimated tho dam age to Mr. Maples ns $600 nnd to Mr. 1'onny tin $173, and nsscsscd tho ben efits to tho abutting property to cov er tho dntnngos. On motion of Doblu ordinances on Hi tot Improvements wns referred to the committee on streets to report r.t tliv next meeting. These nro tho or dinances which wo thought should, b) j nil menus bo published, that tilt thoj citizens might know what they wore i up ngnlnst when it enmu to improv ing their respective streets, nnd al though wu offered to publish them at. half rato lu order to get them be fore tho pcoplo tho council Ignored the proposition. There Is too much of It nnd It costs too much for ma chinery nnd labor for us to print them free. Ilesldcs, wo do about tin oo times .is much freo work for the city us Is usually done. On motion of lluuterthu matter of a license for hucksters lu tho city was referred to tho license commit tee. Tho mayor vetoed tho weed ordl mincu nnd on tho vote to test the wio It wns sustained by thu coun cil with tho understanding that there would bo forthcoming nil ordinance having In It tho desirable points cov ered and thu objectionable' ones elim inated from It. Hero Alderman Hunter brought up tho dolliKiuciu'lcsof tho Pacific Htatcs telephone company and after rending 501110 section!! cf the frnuchlso under, which they nro pretending too op urate, It was derided to hnvo tho recorder call their attention to their snort comings nnd to ask that n rjincdy bo applied. This wns es pecially nppiickuio to iiioir cunrgiug iv higher rato than their franchlso is wnrrnutlng. IOOOOOOOCOCM THE TROLLEY WAY Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates. Therefore ring up the PORTLAND & SUBURBAN EXPRESS GO. Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct to destination, Turn your truuk checks and shipping receipts over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and Portland. Get our rates before shipping, Special rates on car load lots. Experienced and courteous employes. Phone Main 358, Portland office. Phone Main A 3358. First and Flanders Streets. C. W. STEARNS Phone Woodlawu 818. Agent at St. Johns. Office 105 E. Burlington street. ooo , Washed Gravel O S- A m A - 111 a dosi Tor woncrei worn g West Side Washed Gravel Co. J Leave orders with 9 RKNAKfi SHEPAID or WAYNE L MILLS J IioK. Jersey Street 510 N. Jersey Street COMMUNICATED. qneUlon to touch upon If you do not wish to bo cnlled nu "undesirable," St. Johns, Ore. Juno 30, 1Q0S. and therefore must bo sidetracked. To tho editor I prcsuino that you II11I just tho saino It was tho study will allow a worklngmun space lu of that problem that led to a scion- your paper to reply to an editorial in tlflu knowlodgo of tho workings of your Issuo of Juno 20th, capitalist society. It may bo amusement for some "Cut out knocking tho government, pooplo to listen to a description or to oboy tho laws that aro mndo and mud of tho povorty, misery and do- woik for more cuultablo laws." gradation oxlsttng In our twentieth When you sny; "Work for 1110 ro century civilization. Of course tho do- orjultnblo laws," you admit that tho grco of culturo wo possess can, to a present laws aro not oqultablo laws, ceilnln extent, bo dotormlnod by tho Certainly not socialistic. Woro they cbarnctor of our amusoments; but to mudo Inoqultnblo becauso of incom tho working class that suffers from potcuco on tho part of tho law-mak thesu condltlons.tho student of socl-jorsT If this Is tho case, then tho legislators that are incapablo of for mulating oqultablo laws, havo no right to annex tho tltlo of "states men," but, perhaps It Is bocauBo tho laws aro drawn up in tho Intorost of somo special class, that thoy con flict with tho interests of tho ma jority of tho pooplo. In either case, It seems to 1110 that they aro dosorvlng of criticism, and at- officials, from tho president down, should bo considered as servants of the pooplo, and not as tin gods, or oracles, that wo must bow down to, Then why should wu hesttato to crltl cisu them? It Is, to ray mind, our duty. Mr, Editor, wo are working for equitable laws, and an oqultablo sys tem of production, from a working class point of view and tho way wu propose to get 11 Is, not by vlolunco but by eloctlng legislators from our own class, men who aro clnsscon scious enough to stand for our inter, citt, and, 41s tho working-class con stitute nlnoty per cent of tho popu lation, that will bo majority rulo, In Ltead of minority rulo, as at present. Respectfully, P. J. McCAIlTY. ology, or anyono who can sco farther than tho ond of his noso, It Is no Joke. On tho contrary, it la a sorlous question, a question which tho whole futuio progross of tho human raco Is wrapped up In. And furthermore a question that will havo to bo settlod and sottled right In tho noar futuro. This cannot be accomplished by rlduculo, nolthor will It do to ignoro th facts, or, ostrich fashion, try to niako ourselves believe that wo aro Immune fiom tho effects of theso conditions, tno facts oxlst and existence Is truth. Tho well Informed socialist baa seme knowledge of tho laws and forces governing capitalistic society, and bases bis arguments upon given material; in fact, ho operatos aftor the manner of science, Aa an agtt material; In oporatos aftor tb'c manner of science. Aa an agltatoi In his efforts to call tho atttontion of his fellowmon to existing condi tions, bo may somotlmea merit tho term "leather-lunged", but It doea not necessarily follow that he Is a leath er head, or an ignoramus. In speaking of the New York tone tenement dwellers you say; "95 per cent of tho blamo for their condition resta with themselves.' Will you I Our socialist ft lend oveldontly mis ploaae quoto your authority for that understands tho source of amusement statement and also what is the he furnishes us In bis Ciceronian blame for the other flvo per cent? j display of talont. It Is not tho des "If they would stop spending their crlptlon of tho misery of tho tone money for whiskey." According to mem dwellers which brings the smllo tho United States statistics,, what God knows we havo seon too much per cent of poverty Is caused by of tnat already; but It is his distort diluk? led views as to cause and remedy, It You aay that you are a temperance reminds us of tho efforts of an ant are probably aware that trying to draw a grasshopper up his tho lata Frances E. "Wlllard, at tbo hill. He will get it up a' Uttlo way convention of the world's W. C. T. U.' and then the grasshopper will roll held in London In 1895, said: "Twon- over a time or two and land at tho' ty-one years of study and observation bottom, carrying tho ant with it, hare convinced mo that poverty is a' Wo fully agroo with him, and havo prime cause of Intemperance." I think so expressed ourtelf, that tho Amor, you will admit that Miss Wlllard lean people aro confronted by one ktew what she was talking about, of tho hardest probloms of thoir bis- But then, If wo admit that In- tory or for that matter of tho present temperance among the working class ago; but wo contend that tbls prob is caused by poverty, tbo question lem cannot bo solved by tearing dowr. till remains, what Is the cause of. what Uttlo good we have In our sys- poverty? And It la a dangerous tern of government, but in reforming and services nearly ovory evening, thu snuio by eliminating from It tho evils which exist. Our estlmnto of tho delinquency of tho touemont dwellers was pos sibly too high, and yet If anyono should conio Into close personal con tact day after day with theso unfor tunate pcoplo, and they nro unfortu nate, ono would como to tho samo conclusion, namely, that they spend (0 much of their substance for li quor, and that If they would but cut that thoro would bo not a tltho of tho sufforlng nnd povorty that now exists among them. Wo havo soon thrm como from thoir work day after day by tho hundreds and outer tho liquor dona and ovory day somo of thim would bo drunken before thoy camo away. It was not tho cost of tho liquor ulono that contributed to thoir poverty; but tho dubllltatlng effects of tho liquor which Incapaci tated them for work and at tho ond of tho mouth that tho paycheck would not 11101-0 than settle tho whis key bill. Wo really bellevo Hint more real good has boon dono by a fow earnost workora among theso tcu oinont dwollors than has been dono by all tho socialistic oratory of tho unlvcrso, Thoso workora teach tho pooplo tho folly of wasting their sub stance for that which debllltatos and renders thorn unfit for tho duties of life, and that cleanliness Is next to godliness,, a thing which Is far from the approhonslou of a largo class of theso pcoplo and Is a fruitful source of much of thoir misery. Thoro aro many things which tho socialists advocate that wo so fully endorse that wcro to glvo expres sion to our views at this tlmo thoy would declare wo woro a socialist In deed; but thoro are so many other things to which wo tako objections that woro wo to as freely oxpross cur vlows, wo would again havo our socialist frlond on our back. Wo do not wish to detract from tho good that thti socialists aro do- Ing.for wo bellovo thu prossuro thoy urn bringing to bear upon tho old parties will result In a reform that exist and at tho samo tlmo qroventt 'tho wrongs tho socialists would fix 'upon us. Wo do not bellevo that any good cun como of tho efforts of somo public speakors who havo nothing but voids of defamation for tho offl j clals and their work, when If tbo Breakers thomselvcs wero placed in tho offices under discussion would perhaps not havo dono so well. Mr. Editor: rcrhnpo through tho bort In giving thu Grand Army and columns of. tho Itovlow somo of Its . Its nuxllllnry tho host time on record, renders would llko to know somothtn Much mora could bo said and not of tho good tlmo at Newport tho O. A wear tho subject out, but uioru In tho It had at thoir encampment with tho futuro. Hansen V It. C. at tho samo place- at thoir convention. I do not know so well how QDD FELLOWS INSTALL, tho 0. A. lis. got on, but n moroi penccful and harmonious gathering it1 Tho Odd fellows Installed thoir wn- novor my lot to attend before nowy electod offlcors last Tuosdny Delegates from all ovor tho stnto nglt nn,i lmBBOli n most onjoyablo from tho dlfforont corps woro pros-1 ovenlng. There was not tho full nt nut nnd tho work of business t hough .tondnnco Hint characterises tho moot often Interrupted, by delegations fron 1 iK8 ,,f iMlr(! 0liK0, but thoro woro (1. A. Its., wns quickly nnd thoroughly enough of tho boyu out to innko It In dono. Many of tho bcssIoiis woro vory J torestlng nnd to glvo Deputy Noblo Interesting and Instructive It being (irnil(i ii,irrv cirtlo nil tho nBsInluneo tho pleasure of your humblu correH ! uu required. pondent to bo ono of tho delegates, 1 Tho following officers woro in onjoyed ovory hour of tho dny, ns It tnllod: Chester I'nul dates, N. 0.; wns tho first tlmo I ovor nttonded 1 vvusloy ovorstrcet, V. 0.; li. 11, Hoi one of tho encampments. Many ..,,,,,1,, secretary; Dr. Itntnbo, Irons c!tiiigos ns to now officers wero mndo ulor, nnd among tho numhorwns MrH.Snrnhj Aflor n,0 coromony of Installation Kemp, St. Johns, who held the rf Ico ol , uK tnbloH wero placed and tho Ico depnrtmont cunplnln Inst year was ro crPnm( COokls nnd ornngo sherbet elected. Her report wob tho best over' uni bountifully provided nnd nil wo Khun In this department ns to her ,.ckud wns our goo.l sister lUbulo wk' 1 Hint to maUo the ovonlng perfect nnd Another feature of tho convention wo thought of thorn Just tho samo. wn that tho 1101110 of our Past Do- tIi0 Hoboknhs instnlluil their offl pi.rtment Commander Mrs. Corn M. vora Wodnosdiiy ovonlng of Inst week Davis, was sent to tho 0. A. Its. for ann wo would hnvo been vory happy Hidcrsoinent for national president1 t wo coul(, linvo witnessed tho com endorsement was unanimously given. 'iiiy,for wo hnvo boon told that tho Wo all hope that sho will receive tho v,orc wul, bountifully ,0no, but wo nomination, for It any ono deserves ut0 n,,out 0ovt,n BeVonlhH under tho an honored place,, It is Mrs. Davis. I WCBthor nnd nfter wu had nsslslod Her personality Is so pissing nnd carrying tho Ico croam up tho during nil tho trials nnd grievances j,, BtnlrH wo woro "nil In" and took which more or loss nro to bo homo u ,lko for homo. Wo would llko to lu such a Inrgo conconrso of pooplo t,j, , nbut It, but bloss you not un til gathered before her, sho was til- of t,o Ilobokohs would offer to glvo waye roady with n smllo to listen to lloor lloV uny Information nbout nnd do what shu could for tho best thu uvonlH of tho evening. Wo saw of nil concerned. ,,, wo woro carrying tho croniu Into It Is hoped that tho yoar now nt III uK, hull that thoro wim 11 flno nt-U-glnnliig with tho nuw regents, t-ndnnco nnd that Deputy Noble Hmnd will closo ns happily mid bnrmonl. Mia, Qoorgo Hall was putting on tho ouMy ns has tho past ono, nnd that ,nrk, nnd wo hnvo lonrnod slneo uihomtuiMiiia uni, i.ium.ur mat tiioro wore 13S iirosont by nu grow nnd work together for tho host good of nil Its members Newport Is n lovely i-nmp ground fo.- uny kind of nu outing. Tho poo plo were kind and very obliging, and truly did their best to have tho struu gcrs "within their gntos" feel at homo. 1 cnu speak for more limn 0110 on this point, that thu W. It. ('. had tho best there wns (o be hnd nnd may grand old Nowporthuvo nil the honor duo her for her hospitality ai.d good cheer which sho dispensed with oponhuud to nil, especially thoso of Abo Lincoln corps, who worked 8' 1 faithfully and uarnestlylo do their oxr.ct count, and that thoro wns novor n better tlmo onjoyod lu the hall. Wo hnvo boon told (00 Hist the fol lowing officers wuru elected: Mrs. JfHthHwny, N. (l.;Mrs. ltoblson, V. 0. Mlfs Clmse B4HTtry; Mr. ItamUo, financial HocroUiry, nnd Mm. Manila Moiiahnu, treasurer Now, we do not wish to crttlelw our sUterti, but think sown of thsti nt loflfcl could have (old uh Him fuetH, . for wo nro n fullflmlgwt ho-slster nnd lutorostttd In tint nitKitlii un much us thu rest of tho buiieh. Watch tho label tin your pspor. M. L. IIOI.WiOOK C. n. HA I I.I: V Tho Adventist brethren aro hold' int a vory Interesting series of meet ings In thoir tent noar tho post or f.'cc between Jorsoy and Ivunhoo stieots, Thoro is good attendance St. Johns Land Co, The Largest and Oldest Real I:stale Firm in St. Johns. East St. Johns t l 1 ) - I 1 L ( t t The center of the great duvclopmcnt now taking place on the Peninsula. We have only a few business lots left on Columbia Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at present prices. Some fine residence lots still on sale. Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O, R. & N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms. Holbrook's Addition We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install ments. Call at our office for prices and terms for either of these desirable tracts. St Johns Phone Jersey 931 Oregon it f t v to I I I St. Johns Lumber Co. I Ins nil kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timbers of nil sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.