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About Portland inquirer. (Portland, Or.) 1944-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1944)
Pag« 2 PORTLAND INQUIRER Lucky Lays ’E CLARK CO U N TY N EW S Meetings for new Bagley Downs residents are continuing, the per sonal services department of the Vancouver Housing authority re ports. Practical demonstrations on household equipment are given. Thursday a meeting was held in the model apartment directly op posite the community center from 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. On Friday from' 1:30 to 2:30 p. m. a similar meeting will be held at 122-C Wintler Drive. An organization meeting for a new mixed adult chorus was held in In the Aisles By M. B. Dunn the Bagley “Downs social rooms troops in action will be shewn. The great Lucky Millinder has under the direction of the new The show is open to all residents leader, Eddie Kraus, at 1 p. m. of the Vancouver area; it is not re been here, played to a packed Tuesday, November 21. stricted to Burton Homes tenants. house, laid ’em in the aisles and shook the dust of the city from his heels. In other words, to an audi BAGLEY DOWNS The chorus is open to all resi ence of approximately 1200, Lucky A newly formed Craft Club for dents of the Vancouver area, and was “ The Guy” ' on Monday even will appear before the public early girls between the ages of 12 to ing at McElroy’s Ballroom. It was 17 years inclusive meets every Fri in January. day at 6 p. m. at the Bagley Downs the occasion of the latest presenta tion of our own Stanton Duke, you COLORED TROOPS PICTURES community center. know— “ not' better, but the best.” There is no charge and the club In addition to the regular motion The “ gaters” were out in full re picture show which begins at 7:30 is open to all girls of the Vancou galia and the hep-cats too. Bugs p. m., the Burton Homes communi ver area. Instruction is given by were everywhere. Staid society ty center Saturday, November 25, members of the recreation associa matrons of the Upper Crust rub- a special picture showing colored tion art department. . A D D S TOP FLIGH T SINGER The Voters Benefit Association under the capable direction of “ Charlie” Garrett still continues to pack them in. A. shrewd move that will possibly get him in the King Row of West Coast Night Clubs was the addition of Susan Ander son. “ Sue,” as everyone cails this charming bit of feminity,_ is the grandest little singer of “ Sweet Songs” to hit these parts. Beauty and talent combine here to remind one of that famous song of a few seasons ago,— “ lovely to look at, delightful to know and heaven to. . .” , well, you know the song too. Miss Anderson sings request numbers between the regularly scheduled floor shows and is ac companied by her own pianist, Mr. Gerald Holt, formerly of Portland. She comes here direct from a long engagement at the North Pole Club in Los Angeles. sion’s waste paper campaigns, but this intensive drive, designed to boost late summer collections of vitally needed waste paper, was organized jointly by the national Mrs. Idly M. Beavers announces Boy Scout headquarters and the Salvage Division of WPB at the the opening of a new service for The Boy Scouts of America have request of Donald M. Nelson, for- the beautification of Portland wo exceeded their goal of collecting mer WPB Chairman. The Folding men. A preview will be offered to 100,000 tons of waste paper during Paper Box Association of America “ Sue” is the wife of a well-known the general public on Sunday, No the two-month waste paper collec- sponsored the drive, former Portlander (Donald Ander vember 26th, at 2733 N. E. Rodney tion drive concluded September 30, | Mr. Krug said in his letter to Dr. son, himself one of the best known Ave. A kind of “ Open House” so the War Production Board reported Fretwell: pianists on the Pacific coast. “ Donald M. Nelson, former chuir- that the ladies and even some of today. “ Charlie” Garrett announces that Although final returns are not man of the War Production Board, the stronger ( ?) sex may see that this top-flight entertainer will be this is a reai Beauty Shop, fully yet available, the campaign was in his letter to you on June 30, urg Exclusive IPS Phote with the V. B. A. for an unlimited ing this special campaign for waste appointed with all the modem con pronounced a success by J. Krug, engagement. v paper, wrote, “ The Boy Scouts of veniences and duly licensed opera Chairman of WPB, in a recent let bed shoulders and twisted ankles ter to Dr. Elbert K. Fretwell, Chief America can strike a real blow for tors. with the best Williams Avenue had victory.” The salon can be conveniently Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts to offer and generally distorted “ The Boy Scouts of America cer reached by residents of Vanport by of America, in New York City. themselves with such glee and THE “ About 85,000 Scouts and cuBs tainly did—nearly 300,000 of them. abandon that not only the floor! changing from the Vanport bus to And what was accomplished stands the Thirty Ninth bus at Shaver will qualify for the individual WPB took a beating, so did the band- j as a glowing record of achieve Street. Getting o ff at Russell St., award; a truly astounding fact stand. Yep, right in the middle. Oh, j a short two block walk will bring when we consider that it required ; ment. yeah, I know you didn’t do it, i t 1 “ That’s real fighting on the you to the shop located next door a certified thousand pounds of * was two others guys. Regardless home front—the kind of able sup to the Elliot School at the comer waste paper collected and moved i who did it, there it was early port that will keep our supply lines 2272 N. Interstate Are. of Knott and Rodney streets, one to the waste paper dealers in order Tuesday morning, or rather there moving with needed food, medi to earn this individual award,” Mr. block from Williams Avepue. it wasn’t. That’s our idea of reck cines, clothing, ammunition and all Mrs. Beavers was formerly asso Krug said. less abandon. The Boy Scouts have been active kinds of equipment and machinery ciated with the LaVivianne Beauty Portland’s Leading But everybody had a grand time throughout the WPB Salvage Divi- necessary for a complete and rapid Shop s on North Broadway. Colored Hotel prosecution o f -,the war against. and there was some talk of a close redating of this popular band. We Germany and Japan. “ Such activity by the Boy Scouts hope it is true. There are a lot of MUrJock 9533 of America must hearten our mili people who do not seem to care ary and naval leaders and their much about that number three Air fighting forces, just as it heartens plane stamp. Happy Landings. us in the knowledge that there is TERRACE GROCERY an army on the home front, an ar FOR my of growing youngsters who will AN D M ARKET some day be guiding the destinies Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables of the nation.” 25 S. W . THIRD A V E N U E (Corner Ankeny Street) VISIT Choice Meats ft MRS. BEAVER’S W. C. Rieder, R. T. Borcherding Thurman and 28th Ave. Br. 5513 Portland, Oregon 2733 N. E. Rodney Ave. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS (Near Knott St.) We deliver Tuesdays and Home seekers should beware of For Saturdays nearest in Appointments Phone GA 1783 Kindly send in your subscription payments. We do advertised rentals requiring pur your needs CROQUINOLE OUR not have Agents to send to your homes. A Check or chase of furniture and equipment, SPECIALTY Money Order will do. But, send your money in to our Daniel D. Gage, Office of Price office, please. Administration rent executive for the Portland district, advised today. PORTLAND INQUIRER, ! An epidemic of these conditional 2736 N. E. Rodney Ave. Portland’s Most Modern Restaurant j rentals spreading across the coun Portland 12. Oregon. try and already *appearing in Ore gon communities is likely to be ; dangerous to the victims of the ! agreement, Gage said. 337 N. W. Third Ave. at Flanders Particular danger lies in pur chase of furniture from a former HOME COOKING A SPECIALTY tenant who promises to deliver the OF A L L K I N D S premises over to the buyer, since, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smith, Owners and Proprietors generally speaking, a tenant has * no right to sublet without the per PARTIES — INDIVIDUAL — PRESS mission of the landlord, the rent executive added. In your home or Our Studio “ In such a case the victim may find himself with a load of fur Call WEbster 7220 niture and no place to put it,” he commented. Hospitality : Distinctive Atmosphere “ Unless the landlord has agreed We specialize in Home-Cooked Meals that the tenant may turn the prem ises over to another tenant or to a SOFT DRINKS — MUSIC subtenant, the landlord may evict N. Williams Ave. at Weidler Mrs. M. S. Williams OREGON FR ATER NAL ASSOCIATION the subtenant at any time, and no agreement between the original 1412 N. Williams Avenue tenant and the subtenant is neces sarily binding upon the landlord. W H E R E THE YO U N G ER SET GATHERS “ A landlord still has the right to select him own tenants,” Gage concluded. New Beauty Shop Opens Here BO Y SCOUTS GO O VER TOP IN D R IVE Medley Hotel t Portland’s Only Store Selling M EN’S FU LL D R APE SUITS United Exchange Store Smart Coiffeurs Gage Warns on Furniture Purchase Beauty Salon ROYAL PALM CAFE PHOTOGRAPHS Williams Avenue Grille H O W A R D ’S FU EL AN D ICE SERVICE Hauling of AH Kinds NOW AT NEW LOCATION 2707 N. Williams Ave., Above Knott Phone: GArfield 4456 For your convenience we are open FRIDAY and SATURDAY Evenings Until 8 P. M. WILLIAMS AVENUE VARIETY STORE 2652 N. Williams, Comer Knott BIRD’S Soft Drinks — Ice Cream — Sandwiches — Music 2013 NORTH W ILLIAM S A V E N U E