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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
I b | Huron verr to go to Hornvllle In a hired motor that afteruoon. secure the Judgment, pay the costs, »nd attend to the removal of the personal belong ings of the stranded quartette from the hotel to Hart’s Tavern. The younger actor» stoutly refused to ac cept Barnes’ offer to pay their board while at the Tavern. That, they de clared. would be charity, and they ¡»re ferred hl» friendship and Ills respect to anything of that uort. Ml»» Thack eray, however, waa to be Immediately relieved of her position a» chninber- maid. 8lie was to become a paying guest. Itushcroft took the whole affnlr with the moat noteworthy complacency. He »ecmed to regard it a» hla due, or SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I -Thoms» X. HatuM, wralthv Nr* Yorker, on n walking trip Ihrotish New Kti|l»o<1 1« caught In a Morin mile* from hl* i1«*<ln*tion At a rr<»*r<i«'B poini >■« itiral* a *irl In Hi* Baine llartit. While they diet UM th* alt- uathin an automobile. *ent tn maat th* rprl. nrrlvee ami Borne* I* glvan a lift to lari’* tavern while the alrl la* taken on to In i ili Mlnutlon. which aha t> II* Hui nr* I* a placa • ailed <Iraan Fancy CHAPTER I! At th* tavern llarne* fall* In with a atranrlert troupe of •’barn storming” actor*. hea<1e<l by l.yndon Itualnrofl, amt barutnee Inleraated In them. CHAPTER HI-A* the storm «row*. Harn** Hint« hlnisi-lf worrying over th* •afnt y of the *lrl. traveling over the mountain road* at what he conaldera dan- g*rou* *|>ee<t lie learn* tnat tlreen Fancy I* anmethlna of a hnuee of mya- tery Two mounted ....... leave the i In a manner which urouae* Harm»*' curi osity, CII AITKIt IV-lie meet* Ml** Thack- •ray," l*adln» lady of the itramled theat rical trout»', who la aetinir aa chamber maid. That nlaht he la aroused by the brlnicln* of • dylnu man to the tavern, one of the two who It nd ridden awny a abort time Iwfor*. They tell ot moling the deatl body of the other man lloth had been abot. CHAPTER V--Tho wounded man. recta- t*red at th* tavern aa Andrew I’aul. die*, and Harn** la Informed he muni nd leave until after Ilia Imiueat. O’Dowd and He Ho to. KUe*t* nt Ureen Fancy, vlalt the tavern, apparently inui h mystified over the affair. “She? A woman, was It?" demand- ed <1'1 low’d. "Bviliid. If she snlil ahn wa* coming to Green Fancy »he waa •(tooting you. Art* you rar« It waa old Peter who gave you that Jolly rid»?” “No, 1 am not rar»," said Horn«'» uncnally. "She waa aftati. having walked from the »tatIon below. I met her at the corner» and »he nuked me If 1 knew how far It wa» to Green Fancy, or aomethlng like that. Maid »he wit* going there. Then along came the automobile, rattling down thia very road an ancient I’anhard driven by an old codger. She seemed to think it wa» all right to hop In nnd trust henu'lf to him, although »he’d never seen him before." “The antique Panhnrd fit» In all right,” mild O'Dowd. "but I’m hanged If the woman til» at all. No such ¡»er- aim arrived nt Green Fancy Inal night." “Did you get a square look at the driver’» face?" demanded De Soto. "It waa nlmoat too durk to nee, but he wna old, hatchet-faced, nnd »poke with an accent." "Then It couldn't have been Peter," »aid De Soto positively. "He'a old. right enough, but he 1» n» big aa the aide of a house. with a face like a full moon, and lie In Yankee to hl» toes. By gad. Bamea. the plot thicken»! A woman lin» been ndd<*d to the mystery. Now, who the devil la »he mid wliat haa become of her?” CHAPTER VI. Charity Begin» Far From Home, and a Stroll In the Wildwood Follow». Mr. Runhcroft wan furious when he arose at eleven o'clock on the morning after the double murder. Iinvlng slept like a top through nil of the commo tion. He boomed nil over the place, vocal castigation» fulling right nnd left on the guilty nml the Innocent without distinction. "I don't see how you mnnnged to sleep through It," Barnes broke In. "You must hnve tin unusually clear conscience, Mr. Runhcroft." "I haven't any conscience nt nil. air," roared the »tnr. "I had tin unusually full ntomach, that’» wliat wan the mat ter with me. I take oath now, air, never to cut again an long an I live. A man who cannot govern hl» beastly appetite ought to defy It, If nothlug elae." “I gather from that remark that you omitted breakfast thia morning." "Breakfnnt, air? In God'n name, I Implore you not to refer Io anything ho disgusting an »tewed prunes and bacon at a time like t’dls. My uilnd I»—" "How nbout luncheon? Will you Join me nt twelve-thirty?" "Thnt'a quite another mutter," mild Mr. Runhcroft readily. "Luncheon In an esthetic tribute to the physical In telligence of mnn. If you know whnt I mean. I shnll be delighted to Join you. "Twelve-thirty, did you any?" "It would give mo grent pleasure If your daughter would nlso grace the festal bon rd. I think ft Is too bad that she hns to go nbout In the gown she wenrs. Mr. Runhcroft," mild Bnrnea. "She’s much to« splendid for that. I hnve a proposition I’d like to make to you later on. I ennnot make It. how ever, without consulting Miss Thack eray's feelings." "My dear fellow I" henmed Rush croft. seizing the other's hand. "One frequently rends In books about it coming like this, nt first sight, hut. damme, I never dreamed thnt It ever really happened. Count on me I She ought to lenve the stage, the dear child. No more fitted to It than an Knstcr Illy. Her plnce Is In the home, th»—” "Good Lord, I am not thinking of—” And Barnes, aghast, stopped before blurting out the worn» ui*i *» ' hl* lips. "I mean to say thia 1» a prop osition that may also affect your ex eellent companions, Bacon and Hilling ford, a* well as yourself." At twelve-thirty »harp Barnes came down from hl» room freshly shaved and brushed, to find not only Mr. Rush- | craft and Ml»» Thackeray awaiting I him In the office, but the Messrs. Dll- 11 rigford and Bacon as well. “I took the liberty, old fellow," said Rushcroft, addressing Barnes, "of ask ing my excellent co-workers to Join us In our repast." "Delighted to have you with us. gen tlemen.” »aid Barnes affably. The sole topic of conversation for the first half hour wa» the mystertons slaying of their fellow lodger» Mr. Rushcroft complained bitterly of the outrageous, high-handed action of the coroner and sheriff In imposing upon him and bls company the same re- »frictions that had b«en applied to Barnes. They were not to leave th« I county until the authorities gave the word. Ono would have thought, to hear the star's Indignant lameiftatlona. that he and his party were In a posi Rushcroft Took th» Whol» Affair With tion to depart when they pleased. It th» Mo»t Noteworthy Complacency. would have been difficult to Imagine I that he was not actually rolling In more properly »¡leaking ns If he were money Instead of being absolutely doing Barnes a great favor in allowing peunlieaa. him to lend money to a person of his Barnes had been Immersed In his importance. own thoughts for some time. A alight "A thought has Just come to me, frown, »» of reflection, darkened hl» my dear fellow,” he remarked a» they eyes. Suddenly—perhaps Impolitely— arose from table. "With the proper he Interrupted Mr. Rushcroft's flow of kind of backing I could put over one eloquence. of the most HtupendouH things the the "Have you any objection, Mr. Ruah- ater has known In fifty years. I don't croft, to a more or less personal ques mind Haying to you—although It’s tion concerning your own private—er— rather sub rosa—that I huve written a misfortunes?" be asked, leaning for play—a four-act drnmu that will pack the blggeHt house on Broadway to the ward. For a moment one could have heard roof for an many months uh we'd care ■ pin drop. Mr. Ruahcroft evidently to stay. I’erhnpH you will allow me held hla breath. There could be no to talk it over with you a little later oh. You will t>e Interested. I’m sure, mistake about that. "It's rather delicate, but would you Egad, sir. I'll read the play to you. mind telling me Just bow much you I’ll—What ho, landlord. Have your were »tuck up for by the e r—was It beat automobile »ent »round to the door as quickly »» possible. A couple ii writ of attachment?" “It was," said the star. "A writ of my men are going to tlorovllle to of Inquisition, you might a» well sub fetch hither my—” stitute. The act of a polluted. Impe “Just a minute,” Interrupted Put cunious, parsimonious—what »hall I nam Jones, wholly unimpressed. “A suy? Well, I will be as simple as pos man Just called you up on the phone. sible—hotel keeper. Ninety-seven dol Mr. Barnett. I told him you was en lars and forty cents. For that pitiful tertaining royalty at lunch and amount he subjected me to—” couldn't be disturbed. So he asked “Well, that Isn't so bad.” said me to have you call him up aH noon Barnes, vastly relieved. He was cov as you revived. His words, not mln«-, ertly watching Miss Thackeray's half- Call up Mr. O’Dowd at Green Fancy. averted face a» he ventured upon the Here's the number.” proposition he had decided to put be The mellow voice of the Irishman fore them. “I am prepared and wil soon responded to Barnes' call. ling to advance this amount. Mr. Rush "I called you up to relieve your croft, and to take your personal note mind regarding the young woman who as security." came last night,” he said. "You ob Runhcroft leaned back In hla chair serve that I »ay ’came.’ She’s quite nnd »tuck hla thumbs In the armholes of his vest. He displayed no undue all right, safe and sound, and no cause elation. Instead he affected profound for uneasiness. I thought you meant calculations. Hla daughter shot a that she was coming here as a gueat. swift, searching look at the would-be and so I made the very natural mis Samaritan. There was a heightened take of raying she hadn't come nt all^ at all. The young woman In question color In her cheek». Is Mrs. Van Dyke’s maid. But. bless "Moreover, I »hall be happy to In crease the amount of the loan suffi me soul, how was I to know- she was ciently to cover your return at once even In existence, much less expected to New York, If yon so desire—by by train or motor or Shanks’ mare? train.” Barnes amlled aa he added the Well, ahe’e here, so there's the end of our mystery." laatftwo words. Barnes was slow In replying. He "Extremely kind of you, my dear Barnes," said the actor, running hla was doubting hla own ears. It was not fingers through hla hair. "Tour faith I conceivable that an ordinary—or even In me 1» moat gratifying. I—I really an extraordinary—lady's maid could don’t know what to aay to you. sir." have ¡inssesaed the exquisite voice and "May I Inquire Just how you ex manner of his chance acquaintance of pect to profit by this tranaaction, Mr. the day before, or the temerity to Barnes F Miss Thackerify asked order that sourfaced Yhauffeur about as If— The chauffeur I steadily. “But I thought you said that Mr. He started, catching her meaning. "My dear Miss Thackemy,” he ex Curtis’ chauffeur was moonfaced claimed. “this transaction la solely be and—” tween your father and me. I shall “He Is, bedad,” broke hnve no other claim to press.” O’Dowd, chuckling, “That’s what de- "I w1»h I could believe that,” she reived me entirely, and no wonder. It said. wasn’t Peter at all, but the rapscallion “You may believe It,” he assured washer who went after her. He was her. Instructed to tell Peter to meet the "It Isn't the usual course,” she said four o’clock train, and the blockhead quietly, and her face brightened. “You forgot to give the order. Bedad, whnt arc not like moat men, Mr. Barnes." does he do but sneak out after her "My dear child," said Rushcroft, himself, scared out of hla boots for "you must leave this mntter to our fear of what he waa to get from Peter. friend and me. I fancy I know an I had the whole atofj’ from Mrs. Van honest man when I see him. My dear Dyke.” fellow, fortune Is but temporarily “Well, I’m tremendously relieved,’ frowning upon me. In a few weeks said Barnes slowly. I shnll be on my feet again, sipping "And so nm T," said O’Dowd with along on the crest of the wave. I dare conviction. "I have seen the heroine say Lean return the money to you In of our busted romance. She's n gisul a month or alx weeks. If—" looking girl. I'm not surprised that "Oh. father!” cried MI hs Thackeray., she kept her veil down. If you were “We’ll make It six months, und I’ll to leave it to me, though. I’d say pay any rate of Interest you desire. thnt It’s a sin to carry discretion so Six |H>r cent, eight per cent, ten per—” far ns all that. You see »• t I mean? "Six per cent, sir, and we will make don't you?" His rich li>U; ' nine over It a year from date." the wire. "Agreed. Oet up und dauce for uh . “Perfectly. Thnnl • ■ letiinit Dllly I We ahull be In New York to me know. My mind Is nt rest. Good- morrow !" by." A» he hung up the receiver he "You forget the dictatorial sheriff. said to himself, “You are a most af fable, convincing chap, Mr. O'Jtowd, Mr. RuahcToft," said Barnas. "The varlet I” barked Mr. Rushcroft. but I don't believe a word you say. It waa nrrnnged that Dilllngford and That woman Is no .lady's maid, and you've known all (he time that she was there.” At four o'clock he set out alone for a tramp up the mountain road In which the two men had been shot down. ills mind was quite clear. It<s>n and Paul were not ordinary rob ber». They were, no doubt, honest ■MR, He would have »aid that they were thieves bent on burglarizing Green Fancy were It not for the dla- closures of Miss Thackeray und the very convincing proof that they were not shot by the same man. It was not beyond reason—Indeed. It was quite probable— that they were trying to cross the border; in that event their real operations would be confined to the Canadian »Ide of the line. He could not free himself of the ausplclon that Green Fancy possessed Plain Snails . . 15c per doz. the key to the eltuatlon. Boon and his Custard Snails . 20c “ companion could not have had the slightest Interest In bls movements up Buns or Rolls . . . 15c “ to the Instant he encountered the Raised Doughnuts . . 15c “ young woman at the crossroads. HI» busy brain suddenly suffered the shoek Filled Doughnuts . . 20c “ of a distinct conclusion. Wna she a Pies . . . 15c and np fellow conspirator? Was »he the In side worker at Green Fancy In u well- Cakes of all kinds . . 10c and np laid plan to rlMv the place? Could It be possible that she was the confederate of these painstaking agents who lurked with sinister pa tience outside the very gates of the ¡»lace called Green Fancy* Hla ramble carried him far beyond the »pot where Koon's body was found and where young Conley had come Upon the tethered hono-s. Hla eager, curious gaze swept the forest to the 9131 Foster .Coad J. ROSENAU, Proprietor left of the road In search of Green Fancy. Overcome by a rash, daring Impulse, hr climbed over the stake c I and rider fence and sauntered among the big trees which tut far had ob- i »cured the house from view. The trees grew very thickly on the slope, and , they were unusually large. He pro FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Spring goods are now gressed deeper Into the wood. At the end of what must have been a mile in beautiful, serviceable fabrics to choose from. Come in he halted. There was no sign of habi and select your spring suit now while the lines are com tation, no Indication that man bud ever penetrated so far Into the forest plete. Moderate prices, workmanship guaranteed. As he was on the point of retracing i hl» steps toward the road his gaze fell upon a huge moss-covered rock less than a hundred yards away. He stared, and gradually it began to take ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ on angles and planes and recesses of - f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — the most astounding symmetry. Un der his widening gaze It was trans formed Into a substantia) object of cuties and gables and—yes. windows. He was looking upon the strange home of the even stranger Mr. Cur tis—Green Fancy. Now he understood why It was culled Green Fancy. Its surroundings were no greener than Itself; It seemed One 3-Speed Harley for sale. One 3-Speed Indian, light weight $90 to melt Into the folinge, to t»ecome a One Single Pope $25 A few Second-hand Indian parts. part of the naturul hindscape. Moun tain Ivy literally enveloped It Ex Baby Buggy Tires Put On. posed sections of the bouse were paint ed green; the doors were green; the leafy porches and their columns, the chimney pots, the window hangings- all were the color of the unchanging forest. And It was a place of huge dimensions, low and long and ram- bling. •4 ’(Jad,” he »aid to himself, “what manner of crank la he who would bury himself like this? Of all the SEVENTY-SECOND AND MILLARD AVENUE crazy Ideas I ever—” Ills reflections ended there. A wom an crossed his vision; a woman stroll ing slowly toward him through the in- trlcate avenues of the wildwood. Sweet Doughnuts Saturday only 20c doz WE TRY TO Pt.EASE YOU MT. SCOTT BAKERY CORRECT TAILORING {JOHN MANZ -» , Lents Bicycle and Motorcycle Repair Shop general repairing SUNDRIES 9124 Foster Road Two boors West of Lents rostofflee r Burke's First-Class Garage General Auto Repairing, Supplies, Oils, Greases and Storage — CHAPTER VII, USED - CARS - FOR - SALE Spun-Gold Hair, Blue Eye» and Vari ous Encounter». She was quite unaware of his pres ence, and yet he was directly In her path, though some distance away. Her head was bent; her mien was thought ful, her stride slow and* aimless. x She was slender, graceful and evi- I dently quite tali, although she seemed a pigmy among the towering giants Have one Truck and one Oakland Touring Car 5-passenger If you have a Car for sale bring in and I will seil it for you. Phone Tabor 7468 B. D. Kenworthy $ Company < > < > Funeral Directors TWO ESTABLISHMENTS MAIN Of I MT: BRANCH Off Mt: 5802-4 92nd Sheet S. E. 4615 66th St., Cor. Foster Rd. LERIS STATION ARLETA STATIOn Phone Tabor 5267 Phoee Tabor 5895 < • « > < > < » First-C’ass Service given Day or Night. Ciose Proximity to Cemeteries Enables us to hold Funerals at a Minimum Expense CARDS PROFESSIONAL Tabor 4754 59;»S Wad Str- vt DR. C. S. OGSBURY Suddenly She Stopped and Looked Up. that attended her stroll. Her hands were thrust deep Into the pocket of a w'uiie duck skirt A glance revealed white shoes and trim ankles In blue. She wore no hat. Her hair was like spun gold, thick, wavy and shimmer ing In the subdued light Suddenly she stopped and looked up. lie had a full view of her face as she gazed about ns If startled by some un expected. even alarming sound. For a second or two he held his breath, stunned by the nmazlng loveliness that was revealed to him. Then she dis covered hint standing there. (To be continued next week) DENTISTRY DR. A. G. ATWOOD DENTIST SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PI-ATBS chons : tabor 6421 Office: Resilience: 5922 92 I Street, 8.E. 6314 S2.I St., 8. E. Portland Ore. LRNTS, ORBGOX --------------------------- r()ffier: Tabor 3214 DK. KATHERINE S. MYERS Res. Tabor : 5224 DR. P. J. O’DONNELL I DENTIST Cor. 92d and Foater R< wm 1. i lænta, Ore. C. E. Kennedy has moved from his present quarters Ito old location just east of Donaldson's grocery on Woodstock Avenue. OSTEOPATNIC PHYSICIAN Phones • Office’ 127s rnones. Kesjllence> E„t H744 Sai.tjvo BvttMIKl Portland. Oregon ’ " 1 "N A. W. BREWER PAINTING, PAPER HANGING and TINTING Residence 9935 Fifty-ninth Ave. X. ___________________________________ —>