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About Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
GARY MOTOR TROCKS WIN IN ROAD WORK COMPETITION VARY 31-2 ION TRUCKS Three Gary 3*/o-Ton Trucks, purchased by Kay County, Oklahoma, for public road work—after a competitive test with five other leading makes of trucks. We now have twenty trucks on the way like those show n above, all equipped with 3* ¿-yard ateel lined liodies, w ith Hydraulic Hoist, that we are bringing in for road construction work. These will be sold under the factory's absolute guarantee for the full period of one year. GARY steel products lead the world. GARY Trucks are in the same class. Don’t chance an unknown quantity. SABBATH OF LIGHT Holy Saturday a Great Day for the Pilgrims Gathered in Jerusalem. THE SEPULCHRE REPORT OF W. C. NORRIS CO. By Annie Johnson Flint *' Tka fkirW day ha aka ll nw »rate... Sa thay... ’aatla tha aapalchn rar«. wa/iwg tka I ...Ha ia nat han ; far A« «« viaan. aa ha aa\2. ** ' -Mathaw 20; 19; 27a 69; 22; 2. The Man had died on the cross, And they laid him in the tomb; The Living Stone in the stone. The Rock in the rock-hewn room; They left him alone with Death, And sealed the stone at the doot; They made the sepulchre sure, And set their watch before. URING holy week the Chris- tian and Moslem pilgrims in Jerusalem visit the sacred river Jordan. On Holy “Lest his friends should steal him Thursday the Greek patriarch washes away, the feet of 12 pilgrims. This service And say that he rose,” they said. and ceremony is performed in the open But Life escaped from Death, court in front of the cathedral, on a And the God-man rose from the dead. temporary platform decorate«! with olive boughs. The patriarchs of the The skeptical minds of men Still think the sepulchre sure. Catholic and Armenian communities But Christ had said, “I will arise," perform a similar service inside the And the counsels of God endure. cathedral, to which the general public is not admitted. On Good Friday all Still his disciples go day services are in order, and special To carry the wondrous word: services with ceremonies commemo “The Lord is risen indeed! We know, we have seen and heard.” rating the crucifixion take place from six in the evening until midnight. On And the tomb men think so sure. With the seal of their scorn on the Holy Saturday, also known as the door,— “Sabbath of Light,” all lights in the The place where the Lord once lay,— cathedral are extinguished. The Greek Is empty forevermore. and Armenian sects relight their i —Sunday School Timex. lamps, candles and fires from a flame which is believed by them to appear on the holy sepulcher on that day. IS GREAT ESTABLISHED FACT This is the crowning event of Lent to the Greek, Armenian, Syriac and Cop Skeptics Have at All Times Failed to tic creeds. Millions of wax tapers and Disprove the Resurrection of candles are lighted at this flame, burn Easter Morning. ed a few minutes, then carefully The. lesson of Easter involves the question of the divinity of Christ. There are two great miracles upon which Christianity rests. The miracu lous birth and the resurrection go to gether. If we believe one we can be lleve the other. The former Is not subject to historical proof. The lat ter has been proved and Is one of tile best-established facts in history. Those who imagine themselves to be too “modern" to accept the resur rection as a literal fact, are deluding no one but themselves. There is noth ing new in the effort to explain away the great event.. Men have been try ing out explanations ever since the guards who went to sleep on duty around the tomb excused themselves by saying the disciples stole his liody Explainers away while they slept. have risen and fallen as Uie ages have come and gone and the deeper the explainers have gone into the matter, the more apparent has become the fact. The simple Gospel narratives The Winding Jordan. gave enough of the physical details packed and treasured us sacred relics of the event to make ft convincing; which are carried and distributed over the fact that the disciples themselves did not expect the resurrection and the whole civilized world. At midnight the service ot the resur were slow to believe it until they rection is performed, after which muny were forced to believe it by his pres of the pilgrims start on their home ence among them; by exhibition of his sacred wounds and the fa«t that it ward journey. Mere tourists are of course welcome, became the burden of their preaching because they rotitribute somewhat to In the future all go to make up the the trade of the season, but they stay Indisputable collateral evidence of the one or several days at the longest, and literal fact. Every one of the disciples do not enter into nor unde rstand the is said to have died a martyr and his real religious or social life of the peo resurrection was th< lr “testimony to ple of the land, and consequently are martyrdom."—H. Lee Milla in Houston Post. regarded as outsiders. D The Hare and Easter. The origin of the Easter rabbit is unknown. There Is a German legend to the effect that the hare was origi nally a bird and was changed into a quadruped by the Goddess Owtara. and In gratitude to Ostara. or Eastre the hare exercises Its original bird func tion to lay egg» for the godd'-“ - « n l.-r festal day. The children among «’ Pennsylvania Germans nre told ter morning that this “O f f«-r laid the colored eggs tt nt i to them, or which nre t > t at some convenient ; dren to find them. The Paris Matin estimates France’s bill of damages against Germany at M8.000,000.000. The claims of Rua- sla, Italy, Great Rrftaln, Belgium, Ja pan and the United States based upon similar estimates would make the total claim against Germany 11,000,000.000,- 000. Albert of Belgium entering bls cap ital, with bla people half mad with Joy to welcome him back, la an Illus tration that the king business can be made an entirely respectable one de aplte some damaging evidence to tte contrary. READ WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORS SAY Can Yim Heat It? Here is the report ot the W. C. Norris Motor Sales Company, of Tulsn. .Mansfield. Wash., January 19, 1919 Oklahoma, on the three trucks shown above, and covering their experience Gentlemen; with motor trucks in general and GARY Trucks in particular. You want to know how we like the IS-toii Gary Truck wo bought In "We have just closed the deal with the County Cominliwloners of Kay Spokane last July. We are more than pli-aia-d with It. Wo thought nt the County for three GARY SS-ton trucks We competed wUh lit. otivi makes, time we hud bought the best, but we really got more that! we expected. We have done lots of hauling and the truck 1» In just na good shape as and outpulled them all. The performance of the trucks we frankly state 1» ever. Wo have done more hauling than trucks lots larger, and with lews marvelous. The "H" ami "Hl'.” I and IW-ton models with four Wpeed trans expense. Yours truly, tSlgne.l) W I PENNINGTON. mission outpull, overpower and outda.-w everything in their rated capacity; Mansfield, Wash. while the S's-ton is even greater in pulling power and loud currying capacity. We consider your worm drive, semi-floating Sheblen Axle as the only safe ItltlWslllt-illtllM.I I’oltl t.ROWI.IUs. I VC. and sure form of construction for hard usage and to withstand the strain I'lXMluccrw, Packer-« and Milppcr» of I inc %|>|il<-» and abuse to which a truck is subjected in the oil fields and kindred lines of Brewster, Wash., August 1, 191». aork. Our observation, experience and knowledge of actual results In meet Gentlemen: ing oil field requirements, with heavy loads and no roads, convinces us that The 3-ton Gary Truck that w< purchased front you in June, 1917. hits GARY TRUCKS can be relied upon In every instance ami will deliver a loug been in service continuously since that nine, and during the busy months of the fruit season we have operated tile truck St hours a <lay. We have had life of service at a nominal upkeep and low cost of operation. We an- for no trouble, requiring no repairing or duplicate parts and did not have the the CARY TRUCKS strong and shall concentrate our future efforts on the truck In the shop until we sent It in to have Use new tlr«s put on. We consider this a wonderful recot«! and evidence of tin- highest stand GARY line. ard of design, material ami workmanship, to outwear a set of sollil tires over W. C. NORRIS MOTOR SALES CO., rough rouiis, without having any repairing to the mechanical parts of the (Signed) N. I>. Southerland, Gen. Mgr. truck. The truck has been handlod by uf our former («'.«lusters, without truck experience, and he worked the truck over the rough roads that one mil find mostly in our section The GARY has the power »ml never fulls Note: The W. C. Norris Motor Sal-s Company are a million dollar con to deliver the load. We think It Is tin best truck built, und give It our un it nullfied endorsement. cern. and one of the largest in Oklahoma. After several years' experience Yours very truly. with other lines of trucks, they have dropped them all and rely < x< lusively BREWSTER -BRIDGEPORT GROWERS, INC. (Hlgn«<l) Sum Berry, Hoc.. Ilrewstcr. Wash. on GARY Trucks for heavy duty oil field work and for all purpose usage. There is a Gary Truck for every purpose, one to five-ton sizes. All of the highest quality of design anti construction. Cer tainty of Service is our slogan, and as WEST COAST FACTORY AGENCY we shall always lie piepared to supply any duplicate part that may lie required, anti do any repair or service work necessary. GARY COAST AGENCY INC. 71 Broadway ■JO V ar»- Experience Phone Brdwy 2162 PORTLAND, OREGON (HVB MX * Tm*L NOTICE ! I. F. PERRY, THE EXPERT Wil« tiepair your Sewing Machine at • Reasonable Price. All Work Guaranteed. Shear» Shar»eae4 Salderl»« Doo« Rn. Tabor 771» Sa» illlat Sh-b Tabor «515 Lawa Newer. \bar»ror4 The Qualitt] Goes Clear Through PRACTICAL HAIRCUTS VELVET SHAVES . CHILDREN BARBERING A SPECIALTY See C iikstkk A G soiuik __ Still Moving ... ROSE CITY VAN1 The One-Way-Charge Company. See Us For. . . • WOOD AND COAL Tab. 1424 Dill 8222 Foster Rd The Famous Dort Automobile is now in Lents. Come in and see this Wonderful Little Cai. Price $1095. We will dem onstrate it any time. LENTS GARAGE Local Agents LENTS MERCANTILE COMPANY everything for THE TABLE .... English Walnuts Cranberries Celery Sweet Potatoes Grapes Oranges Lemons Apples Dried Fruit Pickles Vegetables Canned Goods WEf DON’T KEEP GROCERIES, WE SELL THEM Phone: Tabor 1141. 5805 92nd Street, S. E. Eggi man’s Meat Market BEEF PORK MUTTON VEAL SMOKED and SALT MEATS FISH an POULTRY HIGHEST QUALITY—M)W EOT PRICES 5919 Ninety-second Street Tabor 2573