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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1913)
ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon The Produce from 15,000,000 acres ia marketed from On tario each year The Ontario Argus lead in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1913. NO. 34 VOLUME XVI h BRINGS $1 PERACRE W. U. Sanderson Sells Prune Orchard Former Van Gilse Orchard Is Bought by Miles Can non Who Pays $50,000 For Remaining 50 Acres. Ona of the largest nod most Im porttnt deala ever transacted to thii section was closed hare Tuesday by Mllea Canaou taking over the 50 arre prune orchard of W. II. Hatider on at the price of 11.' 00 an acre. Including tlim year's crop. Tbla or bard was planted by Robert Vim (lllae ae?eral years ago. when he was Hit Hk'""t for some Hollander. IIiihiii'm condition! IhitliMied out ionic iiiui they iut isted do the aale or tbe place, J. J. Jenkins hemic the fortunate purchaser. Jenkins did not know anything about priiiiM. Rot no prollt from the treea and waa ready to pull Mii'in up nod Ro to raising alfalfa. Mra. Jcnklna aucceeded In unloading the orchard on a liolae man lu a trade for Boiae pioperty. yaliu lug the orchard at 148,000. after baring tried toeell It at a macb lower figure, i'l e new owner eooo turned It over to Henderson, who waa the llrat man torealixelta value aod know how to iet the t milts out of It. The orchard wea thoroughly pruned. plaee.l In first las shape aud tbe Hret rop abowed an astonishing Inoreaaa In gmle and quantity of fruit, netting tbe new owners bandeouic pro at. About three months ago Miles Can Him purubaaed 70 acres of tbe orchard, paying I45.UOO for It, tbis weak be purchased tbe balance, paying I1.00J an acre. Tbe main diiferetioe iu prioe being due to tbe advanced ttuge of the crop aud tbe market for tbe fruit Mr. Cannon baa sold the run of tbe orchard for "J oenta a box wbiob im. ma 1050 a oar aud bu eatl metes tbe crop arniind HO cars. We underataud that Mr Catinno will build blm a home in Outarlo ana wore bla family here this fall. There bas been a treud back to tbe lowly prune for tbe past lew years and sales like the above will place tbem in tbe lead among tbe fruits. MEDfORD DISPOSES OF PEAR CROP AT EXCELLENT PRICE The entire pear crop of tbe Medford eci inn baa been eold f. . b. at prlcee ranging from 11 75 to 1:2.00 per box. Nut it single grower shipped on coo igumeut. It ia eucouraging to Hud our part of tbe state baa at laat dis uovered tbe ouly reliable way to sell fruit. RECALL COUNTY OFFICIALS County Judge and Commissioner Re placed by New Men. Oregon City, Or Clackamas coun ty voted to recall the old county court and seat a new judge ami commission r. Returns ahow that II 8. Anderson defeated It B. Beatle, incumbent, for county Judge by 331 votes, ami J W Ha beat N Blair, Incumbent, by 44 ots for county commissioner. The recall was the result of dissat isfaction over the way in which tbe county court let contracts. It waa charged in the petitions that Judge Beetle aud Commissioner Hlair did not advertise for bids on county work and that their procedure under tbe old system was a waste of the taxpayers' money. Onl about MM votes out of a total registration oi lO.oou were cast. . Showers Relieve Kansas. Kansas CUj Heavy showers over most of the eastern half of Kansas added to the relief that came with the rains of Sunday nil it If believed tbe drought Is now aflaataall" broken 000 MACHINERY EXHIBIT FOR MALHEUR CO. FAIR i Effort to Have Extensive Showing of Machinery And Inventions Tbe fair managegment ia making great efforts to secure an elaborate exhibit of machinery at tbe coming fair. They are offering specie. In ducements to those wbo In. re ma chinery to exhibit. New inveutiona are receiving special attention. Home of tbe machinery will be shown lu operation. Tbey are plaonlna to get eoough to cover rive acres. Among the exhibits promised are gasoline engines of several different makes, road machinery of all blods, a full line of John Ueere farm ma chlnery. Studebuker and Oliver Implements and aume practicsl labor ssvlng tools suoh as hay loaders rskes etc. The automobile and motor cycle 1 1- i ! arc muklng arrangements to exhibit as well as some of the wagon Mini huggv concerns. The directors want, every farmer, or, In fact anyone who has a labor savlug device or farm iniplemeut of i .Tii own inrentiou to bring It to the fair and put It on exhibition. They want to make this exhibit of especial Interest to the fsrmor and helpful to all who attend tbe fair. WILLIAM SULZER FtlOlo b, American 1'rrM Association William Suiter, governor of New York, against whom Impeachment pro ceedlnga have been Inetltuted. WOULD HAVE GOVERNMENT BUILD ALASKA ROADS Seattle, Wash - In hU address at tin- commercial club here Secretary Lane declared It was one of the first duties of the government to devalop Alaska. "If the government were Justlfleil tn spending f4no.uuti.00u to join tbe At lantic and i'aciflc coasts with a canal, why waa It not aa much obligated to link to Itself with an outlying portion of i he United States by an expendi ture of f40,0UU,UUU? The Tinted States built a dirt road across Teuusylvanla a century ago, and dug a canal from Lake Krie to the Hudson river." The secretary declared himself not only In favor of government construc tion of an Alaskan railroad system, but Its operation, so that products might be transported at reasonable cost. lie wished to see the coal lands developed so that they would benefit all the people aud not fall luto the bands of a monopoly. Editor Kills Former California Official Qulncy, Cal. Aa tbe result of a feeu growing out of the rival claims of the towns of Qulncy and Greenville for a $40,000 high school now under construction, i. A Boyle las former city attorney, waa ahot aud killed b O H:il. veteran editor of the Plu mas National Bulletin, of Qaincy. - TP LaV aV 9H gjw WORK BEGINS ON LIBRARY BUILDING FIRS WEEK N. P. Minster Secures Contract On The Second Low Bid. Tbe 1 ll.rer- liard baa Anally got all the red tape unwound and the new in 1 1 ll i ' l be commenced the first o' tbe v k on tbe lots near the Presbyterian cliiucb. N. 1'. Minster haa tbe oootraot. Mr. MoOee asking to he released and the board considered the delay en titled blm to some consideration. The llnea for tbe foundation have l. ii placed and the digging of the tenement will be done by (leorge Kootti, wbo will start soon as be can get teams. The liuilding will be Mulshed tbis fall and ready for occupancy, marking another slrp furwnrd lu the permanent Improvements of the ysar. With a creamery, an ice anil cold storage plant, new rlty hall, new sewer and drainage system aud a new Horary building, all rioneHbia year. Ontario bas set a pace . - ltl b few cities of ber size. JANITOR AT SCHOOL BREAKS ARM IN FALL FROM LADDER Mr Moore, tho Janitor at the cbool. fell from a step ladder Mon day morniug and broke his left arm at tbe wrist. He waa up on the ladder cleaning windows, when the ladder spread out throwing him to tbe floor with great force, ti Ikiog on the band, whlob was bent back aud tbe cords all torn loose. Floyd Christ innaou, tbe ilyear old oo of S. Cbrlstlaoson, tbe barber, fell from a slide be waa playing ou Tuesday aud broke bla arm at the elbow. MAY TAKE OVER IDAHO NORTHERN ll 1$ Rumored ThdtOretjon Short UneiPowerfu, Autos Ad Empe of Is lo Take Over the Above Named Road in Near future Many ruiuora have bean ouirent tbis week to the etfeot that tbe Oregon Short Line la preparing to take over tbe Idaho Northern railroad. D. W. Laodis, representative of tbe Hlmmona Hardware company, who Is also vice president and one of the principal stockholders of tbe Outarlo Hardware oompany, waa up tbe Pin road laat week and beard tin-in rumors, but could not oontlrui them. Mr. Lsudis. wbo has Leeii In the hardware business for twenty tears, baa recently moved his tauillj aud headquarters to Outarlo from Uolse lu order to be iu closer touch with bis business here and give It mora of bla time. He ia very much of a booster for tbis place and the people here and says he duds tbe outsiders, generally speaking, buve alwaya got a good word to aay for Outarlo aud it la resulting io mauy men making iu text man ta bere. MRS. j. f . BENNETT DIES SUDDENLY OF HEART FAILURE Mrs. J. V. tifunett died at her boms on the BoueUard Weduesdav muring ai,l will h.- buried from tbe ; Methodi-t uluirc'i here Friday at 1 1 I o'clock Mrs. Bsi iett waa ill about l' mluuti r Leiag atnckeu with heart failure Sue was born in Amelia, Ohio, in Jauosir fS nd united to the weat shout M yewrs sgj. coming to Ontario from 'etul'idgc Idaho, laat fawf, She laaart iel by her nuetaod aod I one son, .1. Dennett, res id lug here. ii iu lata (-'lty aud a daughter at Iaiw Jen, Wash. I LIST OF 1 EACHERS IN ONTARIO SCHOOLS FOR COMINC TERM Tbe Ontario schools will open Mon day. September 1 and Principal Hailer looka for tbe largest enrollment they have ever had here. Mauy new books bare been ordered by the legislature, which requires a change every al.x years, believing that better succesa will be gained tn tbla way. Following is the list of teachera selected for tbe term : K. (J. Bailey, Prlncliiel; Ray L. waits assistant principal, pedagogy; Oavid C. Petrle, science; Alice Kind dsril, nisi hematics; din Martinson, commercial and licrniaii ; Malicl tirav. domestic science and Latin; Anna stoeti'l and Helta Payne, tlrst pri niHiv. Betay Taylor, and Lsurosc Bal ley coin! primary; Kutb Puicell, third grade; Wilmoth Curry, fourth grade; Nona Austin aud HualcNtoetel Hi grade:Mae Piatt ami .Mae Hutton. sixth grade: Kveyliu Peok. seventh grade; Edna OrittJu and Nellie Piatt, eighth grude. VALE BOY IS ACCIDENTALLY KILLED AT HARPER RANCH LI. vd Simpson, aoa of L. A. Simp son, foreman of Harper's ranch, met a bun idle deatb Saturday evenlug. lit- waa standing near a mowing machine wbioh knooked him down outtiog tbe tnp of Ida skull off. He lived about four buurs after tbe acci dent. Tbe fuorral waa held Sunday all. in. on at 2:30 at Vale. HARRY THAW MAKES DASH FOR LIBERTY Stanford White's Slayer From Matteawan. Matteawan. N. Y Harry K. Thaw, the alayer of Htanford White, escaped from the hospital for the criminal In aane at 7 4:. Sunday morning. A dart for liberty through an open gate, a dash Into tbe open door of a power ful automobile that atood quivering outalde, and a flight like a rocket for for tbe Connecticut state line, SO milea away, accomplished his escape, and the hoapltal authorities are certain he la outalde the state. Once beyond its boundaries, 1 haw Is free. Only long, perhups years, of litigation can bring linn back, and then ouly tn one event that he be adjudged Insane In the atate to which he has fled. Five confederates manned the car In which Thaw escaped and a big black limousine which trailed It past the asylum gale The shades were drawn In the dor mltorlea and the inmates were getting their second sleep when Thaw left his room. The milkman's cart was rum bllng oo the road outalde aa he walked through the storeroom and Into the oiiti-i court or yard of the asylum grouuda. A all cylinder touring car, black, and 60 horsepower, followed by a limousine, also black, loafed lazily along the road as ! milkman drew near the gale Thaw, siaudiug a few feet away, apparently unconcerned, waited until liarnum, attendant at law gate, unlocked the gate and swung It wide to let the milkman enter As Hanium steppe 1 aside '"r the milkman lo drive Inside Thaw fla-hed pan him MraitUii for one of the waiting Willi a shout li.i.-iium htarteil in pur suit, hut a Bjiaf leap liuul'-'l aafely wllh.ii I l W 'I I W were alow- I bad fairly i H roadway Tl were ihrowina up a i loml of dust he fore he had goue N feet. ONTARIO 1$ TO HAVE A FINE POLO FARM W. U. Sanderson and H. A. Chapman to Raise And Train Thoroughbreds Malheur couoty la to have an op to ilsl e polo farm in the near future where polo horses will he bred and trained for tbe market. W. U. Sanderson and II. A. Chap man are the promoters aud are going to makaaucb a plaoe of the Van (iilse ranch, located seven miles aoutb of Ontario. Both of these men are well .p ml Mod to suceasfully carry out this under tsklng. Mr. Hnnderson Is from South Africa aud has a wide acquaintance In Knglaud and the United States among the sporting fraternity. He la a royal entertainer and has the financial ability to carry out his pro ject. Mr. Chapman bas an extensive ec iiualntani'c among polo playeis. hav ing made a very creditable showing In several of the noted tournaments that have taken place In this country. He also, like Mr. Sanderson, lias a wide acquaintance, lieiug well known In I .iik laml and Australia, where there la li good demand for hlgn class polo horses. Work has already been started toward Improving (he farm and Mr. Chapman will leave in a few days for Wyoming to where he will purchase on i' load of thoroughbreds wbioh they will put lu training. HARRY THAW iu. by Asso. Ullun Harry K. Thaw, who eecaped from the hospital for criminal Insane at Matteawan, N. V. GLYNN REFUSES TO DEAL WITH SULZER Albany, N. Y Martin H (ilynu i-hi'ik mated a movement of William Bulser to Invoke the arbitrament of the iinir'h on the question w lilt It of the two Is the lawful present aJaV f eiei-utive of Hie state of New I ork IteplyliiK to a formal propisal by the Impeached executive lo auhmii the Issue to adjudication on an agreed Btuieinent of i.n is Mr tilyiin duclan-il I It waa beyond his power to "lmit-i 'away any of the functions attaintns. to the office In which 1 am BjgdJgeJ aj your lupearhmellt." "Any attempt on my part to do so," he said, "or to stipulate a met hod l which It might be done, would proper ly place lue In the position you now oi'iup) thai of being I m eai toil for malfeasance lu of: Mr Otjrai derlarei) tniiher that he proposed to p rform every function of the office of governor, "em ept Insofar as I am restrained by our Illegal action or by physical force " Dakota Farmers Harvest at Night. t.iaml Forks, N I' ly Iransf. the headlights from their automobile to their binders, tinners uf the Ida River valley are onilm ting harvest ing operations througk the night ami lying 14k '1'iiiiiK 'he fjaj Talg if owing lo in'- more than im i iai 'iieii traai .n during (he past week, accord log lo reports that have reached hers pr""5L -i J sadJgai LV ''Sm' awaw Amsrk-ua frssa JUNTURA GOING AHEADFAST Interior Town Goes On the Map. Now Haa a Newspaper Railroad Delivering: The Freight Within Six Milea of Station. Tlie promoters of the new town of Jaolura determined to get themselvaa lieforo the public nnd have In duced some young men to start a paper there. The first Issue nrrlved a few day ago and Is full or news re garding that section. The railroad ia uow delivering freight at a point six miles from .1 ii ii t ii in and lias three bridges to build before reaching thn town, whlob ordinarily takes fwo weeks each. This will bring the railroad to the town ill. not the llrst of Octoher. but much freight Is being unlomle.1 at the end of the track for the Harney valley section. Tbe new buildings are mostly of atone, line iiiarrles helug found near by. There Is a brick yard ready with sonic .'in, mil i brink. The lum ber used waa mostly hauled about sixty miles. Iiis Hint bank of.luutura will have a new building completed In few daya. with David Orabam In charge. Tbe Townalte compauy haa graded and leveled tbe sfreeta and furnished water fur all the lota. They have also ael aside a block for a park and public play ground. Tbey are working for tbe eonstinc linn of new roada lo Oreweey, cutting olf the 1 1 in ti over tbe kill and another tu Crestun to tap the Uurrau valley aectlon. They have a good road kg Heulsb at present. WILL EXHIBIT HAY RAKE AND LOADER AT THE FAIR Hamsun KeawMrd lute come to the couclusiou that man's strength Is too ooetly for handling alfalfa hay aud baa purchased a able delivering rake and hay loader, which glvea g I satisfaction as wltb these tools be cau put bis buy In the stack for about one half tbe cost of the old way aud he aaya that wllb tbis equipment he cao oure his hay aud get It into the slack with leas waate than by the old arm stroug method of doing the work with a band fork. Mr Heaweard baa promised to place his hay loader and delivering lake on exhibition at the fair. SELLS ENTIRE PRUNE CROP FOR SEASON AT GOOD FIGURE liltM '.oiiiuii, was lu tbe city Mon day luoklng after some hoiiimas mat ters lu connection wllb bis atatM ci op. He ba, some scv nty seres ol prunes to liaivest and will haw in lbs nelKhb'i bond of llfly ear hauls He baa sold the entire crop tluough the association for seventy cents a Inn, wbli'h Is considered a very good price fur tbe run ol the oi hard. He alio lepnitn s.. .Il.i nf If, SQ a bOl for Ills Winter Baasl s apples. IRUIIIANU ORCHARD HAN A VISITOR IN ONTARIO (' II Ssrgent passed th uugh Inwu M .: day fi him bis I i oltl ,' d S le I si lu i . , . ii . . ii . . . . . . i . l-IIIOIJie in IJUIse. lie i.tli'H lllll III clop tills ftai will uut im nil his fatt" aCle trait as last Mil but the ludlcal inns ai llmt tin prices will b. i.m.i II. ..Id his lii. i i to a b 1 leaf yt i im I I f o. b liuitl.iud, w L i,-ii wu al. nt th an y nl them did lie b.i ii' t ii . . i . ,- l any oaTaW so far. but the tone ot the Inqulrloa Inillatti taal laa "tap ll uol nearly as heavy as last yar.