Image provided by: Charlotte Berkham; Portland, OR
About The Grantonian (Portland, Ore.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1966)
October 21, 1966_________ THE GRANTONIAN________ ä American youth join forces -L . - '■ LFTL ; Sing Out group presents musical ... to express thoughts in song rfgÄ; , Mi by Cecile O’Rourke Bearded, shabbily-dressed in dividuals stage a sit-down strike protesting the war in Viet Nam and foreign nations exclaim, “Ah, so this is an example of the ■■■ .■ unity and patriotic spirit they call democracy.” Civil rights demonstrators kill -innocent people in an jtíá effort to secure their peace and freedom and distant lands cry, “Oh, so this is what makes America great, with equal opportunity for everyone.” Protest after protest deposits only ill favor in the minds of foreign peoples. Now there is a new way for the youth of America to speak SENIORS HELPED to attain this year’s donation goal by mak out and demonstrate their ideas. It’s called Sing Out and grew out ing $42.00 at their car wash. of the Moral Re-Armament As sociation. Sing Out ’66 presented a School interest dubs elect officers! preview of its musical, “Up With People,” in the audito rium Sunday. Plans are be length of terms varies with groups ing made to present the show to the public at a later New officers have been elect president Diane Coddington.- The date. ed to the chartered school clubs. advisors are John Seymour and The students now participat The length of their terms will Julian Amaya. ing in Sing Out ’66 gave up uni vary with the different clubs. Bill Wyatt and Edith Bennet versity scholarships, sold valu The Biology club will be will lead the G-Not’es through able possessions and postponed headed by Lucy Chattin and another year with the assistance plans for a college education to Nancy Marqueling will be of Eugene Kaza, their advisor. present in song their ideas of vice-president. George Zahn Future Nurses of America what it build a nation. is the advisor. have selected Marian Brander- They receive no salary and no Clefs’ president is Rick Fran horst as their head nurse with government aid. What they make cis and his vice-president is Judi Delores Jobe working with her. on tours barely covers produc Donald. The advisor is Wilbur Their advisors are Mrs. Nora tion and travel expenses. Funk. Young and Mrs. Esther Austin. Sing Out groups were Sarah Leong will lead the Gendrills will dance under the started in the summer of »65 French club with Jill Berg leadership of Jennie Walters and at Mackinac Island, Mich man, Michelle Rex and Mrs. Cynthia Froom, and the supervi igan, where 7,000 youths Anna Tempest assisting her. sion of Mrs. Mary Bray, Miss gathered from, every state Starting another year is the Mary Rask and Miss Naomi Eng in America and from around Wordlers club with Debbie Prou-, land. the globe “to remake the ty in charge. Secretary is Kathy Pep club will cheer from the world.” Bissett and the advisor is Miss stands trader the direction of Jo These youths together with Sarah Smithson. anna Pulakis and Jan Olson. The British producer Henry Cass and Helen Wall and- Alice advisors are Miss Jean Blakely, the Colwell brothers formed a Rooney will head up the Miss Helen Cherry and Mrs. movement called Sing Out ’65. Russian club under the su Nancy Moore. The show was launched and pervision of their advisor, seen by 20,000 in one day at the Mrs. Anita Logan; and the Academic deficiency New York World’s Fair. It Keglers will “roll” through another year with Larry program scheduled; mov6d on to Washington, D.C., where the cast was greeted by Sturm and Ron Pettit as the 96 members of the U.S. Con head “pins.” John Monahan will aid all classes As one of the first four high gress. is their advisor. The troupe of 300 sang at The Spanish National Honor schools in the Portland area hav the Washington Hilton ho Society will start the year with ing a special program we are tel in front of 4,000 Wash President Andy Gill and Vice- now able to help students with ington leaders and received academic deficiencies. a 15 minute standing ova “The pilot program begun last tion. They sang for a group year at the ninth grade level will of 15,000 at the Hollywood be extended to students who Bowl and made two half need special attention in Eng hour television shows. lish and social studies at the Sing Out ’65 flew to Japan ninth and tenth grade levels,” A choir concert will be pre stated Gust Kanas, vice-princi and Korea. They performed in sented to the public by the music pal of curriculum. department on November 2 at These special classes differ Paul's 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium. A from the regular ones in that the few highlights of the show will number of students is limited to Model Barber Shop be ^presented to the students in' twenty per class and they re PHYSIOGNOMICAL BARBERS ■an assembly the following day. ceive more individual attention “We’re presenting a good cross from specially qualified teach 2520 N.E. Broadway 284-2715 section of literature, everything- ers. More audio-visual materials from- sacred to modern,” com- are also used. mented Wilbur Funk, choir di- “The purpose of the special C^atk erine 3 rector. classes are to help teenagers Participating in the program avoid dropping out of school due will be the senior, junior and to academic deficiencies and to DRESSMAKING - ALTERATIONS freshman choirs, the Choralettes, help them acquire some basic 1724 N.E. 40th Ave. the Royal Blues and the Boys’ skills necessary for success,” of AT 2-1587 Octet. fered Mr. Kanas. —Lg'i ■ ^3 ••• W W ■yB. ■ ' ■ ■■ .. ■■ ■ - Japan’s traditional Kabuki thea tre and received standing ova tions from confirmed anti-Amer ican students in Tokyo. In Korea they presented their show to. Prime Minister Chung II Kwon. They staged their shows be fore military troops who begged for encores. Soldiers of the U.S. eighth army watched Sing Out’ ’65 only a few miles from Com munist lines. Sing Out ’66 is even greater. Since it was launched, it’s been seen by over 1.6 million people and traveled more than 35,000 miles. The Sing Out movement is in full swing and Sing Outs are popping up all over America. invades Portland Fred Meyer For Thriftv Buyers OF LONDON , . invite you to a FUN PARTY for GOOD GROOMING ORIENTAL THEATRE Sat. Oct. 29 « 10 a.m GIRLS ONLY All Stones - Wide Selection of Styles from 9.95 s * 7-UP WLL FURNISH FREE REFRESHMENTS Peaafy Sa£,n Sized to fit you at no charge * Dutch Village Complete Beauty Service ^■ewelerô 282-2501 4021 N.E. Sandy Blvd, 2432 N.E. Broadway FREE ADMISSION This is your invitation to attend an exciting "FUN PARTY GOOD GROOMING,” where Miss Pat Lewis, fashion and beauty di- rector for Yardley of London, Inc will con- duct a program including the topics "How to Conduct Yourself on Dates," ''What Your At- titude on Beauty Should Be." "Care of Your Skin" and "How Important Cleanliness Is to You." "London Look" transformations will be conducted on stage by Miss Lewis theatre guests will receive a handsome "Good Grooming" booklet and A YARDLEY BONUS COUPON GOOD FOR 1 FREE "SLICKER" LIPSTICK with purchase of any $3.00 Yard- ley "London Look" products in FRED MEYER DRUG STORES. OVER 100 NEWLY ARRIVED ! K YARDLEY Music department to present concert BIRTHSTONE RINGS Their songs are rapidly chang ing the prejudice and hate many nations have felt for America. They are showing America as a nation of clean-cut youth with solid ideas of freedom and de mocracy. This impression is a far cry from their previous pictures of American youth as dirty picket- ers fighting against their na tion’s actions. The Hungarian uprising was led by teenagers. China’s youth played an important role in the revolutionizing of their country. Now American youth is taking steps to. secure our rights and freedoms in a worthwhile, pene trating way.. 282-6549 * LIVE MUSIC by "The FUGITIVES