Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1925)
PAGE TWO COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, MONDAY, MARCII 23. 1925 of freshmen and sophomores ami Onondaga» and I Chattaraugus an NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE i their teacher, , Mrs. C. E. Uinphrey, now engaged in litigation of a MENT. Mondays and Thursdays Friday evening at an 4 ‘ inappropn- similar nature, They are brir^ing Notice is hereby given that Earl Publishers ate ’ ’ party at the church. The suit to obtain restitution for 16,- Hill, Administrator of the estate Bede & Smith. ....... Editor hostesses and guests dressed in- 090,000 acres of valuable land of Lucy J. Holland, deceased, has Elbert Bede— appropriately.' Music aml games ceded to the Six Nations by George filed his Final Account in the A first-class publication entered at were the diversion» of the evening Washington in 1774 in the Treaty matter of said estate io the County Cottage Grove as second-class matter hours. Inappropriate refreshments of Fort Stanwix, and since tran* Court of the State of Oregon, for Business Offic-e......... 55 North Sixth of weiniea and sauerkraut buns, ferrod illegally to private owner Lanj County; and that Tuesday, chocolate and doughnuts were ship. tn "th day of April, 1925, at the served, Anemonies were the at- The attempts of the Six Nation-« h of 10 o’clock in the forenoon SUBSCRIPTION RATES to obtain restitution for their lan i of said day in the County Court tractive centerpiece of the table By 'mail (Cash in advance) <$> <$> is a striking parallel to the situ: Room in One year....$2.75 | Three months .80 County Court House Six mouths.. 1.50 j One mouth.... month.... .50 Miss Esther SiJsby, assisted by tion in “Tongues of Flame." When at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, the the proposition of journeying to has been fixed as the time ami BY CARRIER M im Myrtle Kem. i. entertained ......................... One month................. -.............. $ .30 Joker club Friday evening at the New York City to appear in a place by the said Court for the Four month», in advance. Red tulips were motion picture was first broached hearing of objections to said Final Silsby home. Six months, in advance... the artistic decorations of the to the Indian tribes, they were Account and Final Settlement of One year, in advance___ rooms. Five hundred, the usual not (‘nthpsiastic about it. But said estate. Any ami all objec diversion, was en joyed until 11 when the story of “Tongues of tions to said Final Account and Member of o’clock, when the guests were Flame" was read to them, a meet- Final Settlement of said estate National Editorial Association Oregon State Editorial Association taken to the Gray Goose tea room, ing was held, and their attitude must be filed with the Clerk of where a delicious two course Jun changed as if by magic. More said Court on or before the said Oregon Newspaper Conference cheon was served. Pink sweetpeas than three hundred volunteered. date of hearing. were the centerpiece of the tabi«. “I never saw such willing ex- Dated and first published thh Mrs. H. A. M. tras, ” Meighan remarked, after a 2ml day of March, 1925. of the particularly trying scene on loca Kern were EARL HILL, Administrator club. tion. of tho estate of Lucy J. Holland, □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ •S> •& ❖ “And another thing, none of deceased. Mrs. H. . B. Grigg», Mr», A. W. them s<‘eme<l to be trying to get Herbert W. Lombard, attorney for Mrs. D. 0. Bosley entertained % estate. m2-30c(M) Thursday at a I o’clock luncheon Swanson I and Mr.«. 8. V. Allison my job!’’ “Tongues of Flame,’’ with B oh - in honor of Mrs. John Knox, who were hostessoH Thursday afternoon will leave as soon as school is to the Constellation dub at its sie Love nnd Eileen Percy play SUMMONS. closed for Lafayette to join Mr. regular meeting. Daffodils were ing in support of the star, will Knox. A potted plant was the the attractive decorations of the be the feature at the Arcade In the Circuit Court of the State centerpiece of the table, shamrocks rooms and table. The afternoon Theatre on Sunday ami Monday, of Oregon for Lane County. were scattered about the table was pleasantly spent socially and March 29 und 30. Robert E. Lacky and Lydia R. and attractive Ht. Patrick ’» place a delightful two-course luncheon Lacky, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs cards and napkins were used, The was served, Guests of the club Phillip 8. Murphy and Jane afternoon hours were pleasantly were Mrs. A. Ralph Spearow, Mrs. Doe Murphy, hiB wife, Alice Taylor •pent in social conversation and E. W. Armes, Mrs. Joe McKibben and John Doe Taylor, her husband, Cottage Grove Folks Should Find at fancy work. The guest list nnd Mrs. R. R. Richmond. James Murphy and Jane Doc Mur the Cause and Correct It. <S> 3> included Mrs. J. II. Chambers, Mrs. phy, his wife, Kate 8park» and Mrs. 8. 8. Lasswell was a guest F. E. Mendenhall, Mrs. William Are you all worn out! Feel tired, John Doe Spark«, her husband, Baker, Mrs. E. W. Armes and Friday at a luncheon given at the nervous, half sick? Do you have a Ella Austin and John Doe Austin, Mrs. F. L. Grannis. The hostess Osburn hotel; Eugene, by Mrs. constant backache; sharp twinges her husband, Nancy Murphy Taylor presented the honor guest with a L. M. Travis, of Eugene, for Miss of pain, too, with dizzy spells and and John Doe Taylor, her husband, Charlotte Banfield, 11 sister of Mrs. annoying urinary disorders? Then Harriet Murphy Mitchell and John gift. ’s cause for worry and more LasSwell. Miss Benfield has an there ♦ ♦ ♦ caus<* to give your weakened kid j Doo Mitchell, her husband, and Ida Tho Methodist Sunday school nounced May 19 as the date of her neys prompt help. Use Doan’s Pills Murphy Buchanan and John Doe class of freshman and sophomore wedding and has givon up her —a stimulant diuretic to the kid Buchanan, her husband, and the girls, with their teacher, Mrs. Omer school work at the University of neys. unknown heirs of A. H. Spare, Cottage Grove folks recommend deceased; and Walter F. Huff and Moore, entertained the boys class Oregon, where she taught for a Doan ’ s for just such troubles. number of years, and has returned I Mrs. W. 8. McCaleb, 747 8. Bee- Alice J. Huff, his wife, James C. to her home, in Portland. ond St., Cottage Grove, says: “1 Huff and Winnie Huff, his wife, «<»•«> had weak kidneys and I was also Gracie A. Conner and Charles Con ti □ r.i Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Helliwell nervous and became run down. I ner, hor husband, Newton J. Huff li u ii h entertained tho H. D. 8. club had no energy and often neglected and Sophia Huff, his wife; and □ Friday at its regular evening of my housework. My kidneys acted also all other persoas or parties □ five hundred, Mr. and Mrs. Helli- too frequently. 1 used Doan’s Pills unknown claiming any right, title, g well won high honors, . Red car- nnd they soon helped nje and I felt estate, lien or interest iu the real □ stronger und better in every way. a nations and white narcissi ua reissi in My energy was restored nnd I was estate described in the Complaint □ artistic arrangement were about free from thnt tired feeling.” herein. th«* rooms. A delicious two course Price fiOe, at nil deniers. Don’t ’Bo: Phillip ii. Murphy and Jane We want your produce and gunr- simply ask for a kidney remedy— Doo Murphy, his wife, Alice Taylor luncheon was served. □ nntce you top market price*. Our get Doan's Pills-—the same that and John Doe Taylor, her husband, □ business established 44 years ago. *$> ® <$> a Reference: Bank of California About 50 were present Friday eve Mrs. McCaleb had. Foster Milburn James Murphy and Jane Doe Mur Co., Mfrs., Buffnlo, N. Y »18-25 ning at a covered dish dinner h<*l<l phy, his wife, Kate Sparks and PAGE & SON by four senior classes of the Pres John Doe Spark«, her husband, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PORTLAND, OREGON byterian Sunday school in the Ella Austin and John Doe Austin, Bnaananaananaaanaaanaanu basement of the church. Georg«* Estate of Millard Lamiuon, de her husband, Nancy Murphy Taylor (). Knowles acted as toastmaster ceased. nnd John Doe Taylor, her husband, r nnd a number responded to toasts. II Notice is herby given that Emily Harriet Murphy Mitchell and John ♦ ♦ ♦ Jane Lune has been by the County Doo Mitchell, her husband, and Ida M th . 8. V. Allison entertained Court of the State of Oregon, in Murphy Buchanan and John Doe the Frank McFarland family yes Lane Ci unty, appointed executrix Buchanan, her husband, and the terday nt dinner. of the estate of Millard Lammon, unknown heirs of A. H. Spare, deceased, and that all persons hav deceased; and Walter F. Huff and Day and Night Calls □□□□□□□□□□□□annona ing claims against the estate of Alice J. Huff, his wife, James C. □ Al* PROACHING □ said deceased are hereby notified Huff and Winnie Huff, his wife, □ to present the same duly verified, Gracie A. Conner and Charles Con- a Prompt, Headquarters at □ to the said executrix at Cottage ner, her husband, Newton J. Huff a Efficient EVENTS Beaulieu & Hanoi iiiiil annaaanaaaanananan Courteous Grove, Oregon, within six months and Sophia Huff, his wife; and Oarage .Service Tho Methodist ladies’ aid society from the 26th day of February, also all other persons or partiel unknown claiming any right, title, will hold its regular meeting Wed 1925. estate, lien or interest in the real EMILY JANE LANE, nesday afternoon. »>!>( M) Executrix of the estate of Millard estate described in the Complaint ♦ !J herein. Lammon, deceased. The Past Noble (J rand’s club In tho name of tho State of Ore- will meet Thursday afternoon with IL J. Shinn, Attorney for the gon: You and each of you are Mrs. Junes Hart. estate. f23m23p(M) hereby required to appear and ♦ ♦ ♦ answer the Complaint filed against The Utopia dub will meet Thur» NOTICE TO CREDITORS. J. A RHOADS you in the above entitled Court «lay afternoon at the home of Mrs. Proprietor Elbert Bede.* Notice is hureby given that the and cause on or before six weeks ♦ ♦ ♦ undersigned has been appointed by from the date of the first publi The women’s relief corpi will order of the County Court of Lane cation of this Summon«, and if FURNITURE MOVING hold its regular meeting Saturday County, Oregon, Administrator of you fail so to appear and answer said Complaint, for want thereof AND STORAGE afternoon. ; the estate of Ruben Rissue, de- tho Plaintiffs will apply to tho | eensed, which order bears date Court for tho relief demanded in Lions to Help Install. the 19th day of February, ^925. said Complaint, to-wit: for a De Piano Moving a Specialty. Members of the Lions club nini All persons having claims against Phono 99; Rea., 189-J their wives will go to Corvallis tho estate of Ruben Rissue, de cree of the said Court adjudging Wmhiesday evening to attend a ceased, are hereby notified and and decreeing that the Plaintiffs meeting of the same organization required to present the same, duly are tho owners in foe simple of the 1 there and assist in the program of verified, ut tho law office ot following described premises: Beginning at a point 35.48 chains presenting the charter to the Cor Herbert W. Lombard, First Nation North of the Southwest Corner of vallis club. al Bank Building. Cottage Grove, the Henry Small D. L. C. No. 57, Oregon, on or before six months said corner being the angle corner INDIANS WILLING ACTORS from date of tho first publication j on tho West boundary of «aid IN TOM MEIGHAN 8 LATEST I of this notice. Henry Small D. L. C. No. 57, run- 1 Dated and f i niug thence \\ . 4t t> ?2 chains. Seventy-five full blood Indian« 1 23rd daw of 1925. thence north 4.81 chains, thence Buy Your Gat and Oil of the Onondaga ami Chattaraugu« RISSUE, East to the Northwest corner of nt the tribe» journeyed from their re Administrator < estate of ja certain tract of land deeded by I PASS CREEK SERVICE mote reservation homes in north Ruben Rissue, era New York State to Astoria, Herbert W. Lombard, Attorney for said A. H. Spare to W. P. Huff STATION on the 27th day of June. 1910, by L. I., to help Thomas Meighan OPEN Al.I. NIGHT estate, f23mS3c ( M ) Warranty Deed and recorded in make “ Tongues of Flame ” for Carl Burkett, Prop. f26ni26p2 Book No. 91, Page 75, Deed Paramount. NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS. Records Lano County. Oregon, on For most of them it was a long the 12th day of November, 1910, nnd anions journey. Unused to In the matter of the estates of travel, they were compelled to ride Harriet C. Pitcher and Milos thence South 8.07 chains, thence West to the placo of beginning, all all night in Now York Central Pitcher, deceased. in Section 32, Township 20, South chair cars, eat strange food and Notice is hereby given that Ren live in strange surroundings. Yet F. Pitcher has been by the county Rangt' 3, West Willamette Meri dian, Lano County, State the went through it all cheerfully, court of the State of Oregon, in Oregon. with an enthusiasm rarely displayed and for Lane county,, appointed ad and quieting the ti’le to by their stoic race. ministrator of the estate of Har An>l tho reason was this: In riett C. Pitcher and Miles Pitcher, premises as against the Defendant, | “Tongues of Flame” they helped deceased, and that all persons hav above named and each and all of , portray a situation pamileling a ing claims again«! the said estates them and forever tarring the said I dramatic situation in thier own are hereby notified to present the Defendants and all persons claim SCAUD I tribal history. They were not act same, duly verified, to the said ing by, through or under them or UGHI ing merely as extras under Ji oneph Ben F. Pitcher, administrator, at either of them, or any of them Ki PT RIGHT Henabery’s direction, they were Dorena, Oregon, within six months from claiming any right, title or [giving voice and feeling to a i xitua- from the 12th dav of March, 1925. intenrst in said premises; and for «neh other and further relief as I tion elose to their own hearts. Pnsn it _______ MM r i PITCHER, a roti tul •o th j Court may s.-em equitable. “Tongues of Flame,” the last Administrator of the ■ Estate of after every meal. This summons is published onee novel written by Peter Clark Mae Give the family Harriett C. Pitcher and Miles >n«ti »wok for six sucecssive and ' tarlane, deals with a falsi' survey the benefit of Its Pitcher. doctMiaed. consecutive weeks in the Cottage of land whereby a tribe of Indians H. J. Shinn, Attorney for aid to digestion. Grove Sentinel by order of the i Clean» teeth too. I. swindled out of a big tract of estate. t»9aHp( M) H 'iioeable J. F Skipworth. Judge Keep It nlwnyn land by a grasping capitalist. of ih'eCircuit Court, which Order; in tnr ,o. , Through further trickery, the capi thr house I uhiic heirs date March 5. 1925. ta'iist is -nlwiut to take possession \j Costs little - helps much ' Dated and first published this of their remaining reservation a :»th day ef Marrh. 1925. a young lawyer, port rave.I by HERBERT W. LOMBARD. Thomas Meighan. comes to their it — rid your rystern cl Catarth or Deaf Attorney for Plaintiff« ' aid, expose« the plot and thwarts ness c»u»ed by Cacarra. Kesi ’oncc and Post Office Ad- j the money mad capitalist. Sairf a. 40 imh drew. First National Rank Building. By a strange coincidence, the F. J. CHENEY e» CU„lokde, Ohio Qnttagr Grove, Orv, m9a20(M){ ifottaoc (Grove Sentinel I so ci err ! Nerves All Unstrung? VEAL POULTRY EGGS CAPONS HOGS Jitney Service JOE T. SHORT City Transfer Co. When you visit the country, why not patronize the coun try? MWiiœ Hall's Catarrh Medicine Every kind of loose leaf ledger sheets. The Sentinel. The 1925 Star is the Only Car in its Price Class to Deliver I / < i ' Í À VALUE’— Facts Prove It Competitors may adopt these high- class features in the future—the 1925 Star Car has them now— that’s why we say— "Tomorrow's Car Today." Full Force Feed Lubrication 4-Wheel Brakes Tubular Backbone Vallie-Tbe Miffion Ddhr Motor cost a million to build. Fust yt—wy, powerful pick-up—5 to 25 miles tai 41 seconds—power, powe r ■ -for any need. **iomonou6 Car ‘¡adqy. > A > Value —Four-Wheel Brakes dm bring your car to an instant stop inany emergency. Safety on slippery streets —no skidding. Star is the only car in its class equipped with 4-whed hrafcrs Disc Clutch Hollow Cam Shaft Value-Force Feed Lubricadan to all bearings—never a bomed out beac on the New Star Car. Full Face Feed is only one item of protection and long life built into the Million Doihr kA-««*«- of the 1925 Scar Car. 4 I > Vllue— ThetNew low price. t>on\ think of buying a car until you have seen this 1925 Star. It is the aupreme value in comfort, power, safety, eco> The Car for the Millions with the Million Dollar Motor omyand appearance in a car priced so lew Tomorrow's Car Todayf LANE AUTO CO. - WITH THE MILLION DOLLAR M»T»o .