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About Oregon mirror. (Portland, Oregon) 19??-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1962)
fi I H 9 ' OREGON MIRROR VOL. 11 NO. 1 PORTLAND, OREGON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, 1962 GOV. FA VOSS ALBINA HOUSING Daisy Williams Project Big ? What Is Argument? What Is Solution? F o r quite some tim e now the Daisy W illiam s Housing project to be built in the Albina community, has been top news in our daily publications and a center of needless controversy between opposing organizations, versus the Portland Housing Authority, and many interested people, organizations, and businesses, because of the geographical location of the project in the Albina community. We have heard the arguments on radio, television, and read the a rticles in the newspapers voicing opposition to the site so designated by the Portland Housing Authority (of which the OREGON MIRROR is very much in fa vor) and thus fa r no one has presented a solution to the problem, they so bitterly oppose. There is no significant value in any topic of discussion unless both debating sides are properly p re pared as to where their discussions would be of pertinent interest, and conclude with a solvent solution to the sub ject in question. In this article are some of the captions of statements made by organizations relating to the pro posed site which the OREGON MIRROR believes are very weak and offers answers to their statements: Statement: “ Perpetuation of Segregation’ ’ Reply: The Albina area as a whole is populated predominantly by non-white fam ilies so where in the area could the Housing Authority build this project where there would not be a heavy concentration of N egro applicants for unit Pictured here with Governor and M rs. Mark Hatfield in discussion, is Dr. Booker T. Lewis, accommodations by their own choice. Remember, the Candidate fo r Legislature in N orth-D istrict and Mr. Arthur A. Cox, Sr. Governor Hatfield Albina area is the only area of discussion. expressed his desires towards Dr. L ew is’ success in the forth coming campaign. Statement: “ C lose to C om m ercial Developments’ ’ Reply: Pray tell us of any g rea ter asset fo r a housing unit fo r 58 low-incom e fam ilies than to be bordering on convenient shopping, blocks distance from bus transportation, close to churches of their choice, and adjacent to Knott Street Community Center (newly redeveloped) where they and their children can participate in clean wholesome r e c r e ation. (Rem em ber, you organizations put up a good fight to have Knott Street Center redeveloped.) Statement: CHURCH DEDICATION SET Dedication date has been set for the new building of the Albina Church of Christ. The date is Sunday, March 25th at 2 P.M. The new address is 3908 N. E. M allory. Dedication address will be made by Evangelist Rev. J. S. Winston of Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. T. D. Jackson, Pastor of the new Albina Church of Christ, stated that Evangelist Winston will speak nightly at 7:30 P. M. through March 30th. “ Segregated School’ ’ Reply: It is very true that E lliot School, the only school men tioned, is 99% Negro, so let us take a look at the other schools in the Albina area, and the non-white percentage ratio. Boise School on N. Fremont is 95% Negro, Hum boldt School on N. Gantenbein is 80% Negro, and Highland School on N.E. 7th is 79% Negro, so where in the Albina area could the Daisy W illiam s project be built to avoid a heavy concentration of N egro students. ' If there ever has been a need fo r the people of the Albina area to revive the sense of community, it is now. We are led to wonder whether the true reason fo r the opposi tion to this project is not based on the fact that some of these individuals feel that they are spokesmen fo r the N egroes, and should be consulted firs t before any decision is made. THOMPSON SEEKS ELECTION I S WINSTON LEADERSHIP COMES t ROM LONG SERVICE, DEDICA TION AND HONESTY TO THE PE O PLE YOU REPRESENT. A WHEEL IS O NLY AS STRONG AS THE SPOKES TH AT TURN IT. "Wonder" Bakers Hire Negro Continental Baking Company (bakers of Wonder Bread) recently contacted the Urban League to secure its aid in recruiting and selecting a driver-salesm an. Several very w ell qualified applicants were referred . James Thompson, form erly associated with the D.C. W illiam s Real Estate Company, was chosen and began his duties on February 26. Jim ’ s route w ill include the north and northeast areas of Portland. Our congratulations to both Jim and Continental and to Jerry Fu ller who suggested to Continental Bakers to avail them selves of the em ploy ment services rendered by the Urban League. Gov. Mark Hatfield stated that he was very much in fa v or of I'he Daisy W illiams Housing Project being built in the Albina A rea. The Gov. said that some of the issues being discussed, such as the perpetuation o f segregation are not complete facts, in as much as we have laws passed by the Legislature protecting the rights of M inority Groups. Also, Housing Laws assuring these citizens the right to pur chase property in areas of their choice. In closing, the Governor mentioned the great need for housing of low in come fam ilies. I 1) JACKSON M rs. Gussie Thompson is the mother of three children and has a three month old grandson. Her husband Bill is an electrica l engineer with Bonneville Power Adminis tration. Mrs. Thompson, a fo rm er elementary school teacher and newspaper c o l umnist, has been active in PTA and civic as well as church affairs for many years. Mov ing to Portland from Chicago in 1952, she continued her in terest in politics and is cur rently serving her second term as altern ate-vice ch air man of the Multnomah County Dem ocratic Central Com m it tee. She was recently elected to her second term as p res ident of the F.ast Central Dem ocratic Women. She was ap pointed to the Multnomah County W elfare Commission by form er Governor Holmes. M rs. Thom pson's interest ed in the acute need to pro vide additional accredited fa c ilities at the college and voc ational levels for today’ s high school graduate. She believes that our highly industrialized society increasingly d is o r ganizes the lives of our sen ior citizens and that our state legislature is the best place to combat the very difficult problems of both age groups.