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About Oregon mirror. (Portland, Oregon) 19??-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1962)
f REFLECTING ACHIEVEMENTS, V O L . 11 No. 2 What Is Solution? Why do we the citizens of Oregon have Representative Leadership of so little faith in themselves and less faith in the people whom they represent. The Daisy Williams Housing Project, has become the major center of discussion in and out of the Albina Area. It appears that the interested people in favor of building The Daisy Williams Housing Project in the Albina Area, are in revolt against the organizations and other interested parties opposing the site location. Actually the citizens have awakened t® the realization, that his rights are being chal lenged and its high time he speaks for himself. Many people presume to speak for him, but now he feels his voice is as important as theirs, because it envolves him economically as well as socially. The negro is blamed for many of the social ills that exist today in the Albina Community or in fact any community where there is a concentration of Negroes. They say we create slums, but who owned these slums before they were rented to Negroes? Who charges exor bitant rent for these squalit quarters? Who has cut up these quarters to double and triple the number of units for rent? The Negro is charged with being disportionate on the r e lief rolls. Who investigates the reasons for this inequity? What permits these unhealthy conditions to arise? Many families are economically depressed, because of the high cost of living and their job earnings being extrem ely limited, because of common labor becoming obsolete and by being of a non-skilled status, through lack of educa tion. Conditions prevailing such as these perpetuates closeness of a community not because of inward desires, but because of economic stability. Why deprive these people the chance of uplifting the spirits of the Albina Community by removing themselves from these unsavory conditions and into clean and decent housing as to where they can be as proud of their community as any disinterested person not living there. There are many things to be considered in relocation of fam ilies outside of the Albina Area. From old friend, neighbors, relatives and a common knowledge of the economic plights which they and their neighbors have endured over a period of years. It’ s difficult to force people out of areas where they desire to live, but it’ s not very difficult to upgrade their standards of living comfortably, and realizing part of their income for things they so drastically need. We a ie not presuming that the Negro Is without fault; nor that he should be held totaly blameless for these social ills. Certainly there are areas where he can help and can make a major contribution. The Negro wants to be a more effective and responsible part of Albina or any other community, but he also wants the unfair burden he has been forced to carry off his back. You cannot face reality by running away from it. THE -NEGRO WANTS TO BE AMONG MEN BUT AS A MAN. THE NEGRO CAN WALK BUT HE W IL L WALK O NLY AS A MAN. “ TO THYNE OWNSELF BE TRUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS NIGHT THE DAY, THOU CANNOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY M A N ’ ’ . LAUDED Dr. Booker T. Lewis, member of the Association stated that never in life has he seen a man so honest, sincere and dedicated to the organizations and people he serves. Mr. Williams and his deceased wife Mrs. Daisy Williams of whom the project is being named were among the founders of the Urban League of Portland and The National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People. Photo by BalUegar Sun. March 25th at the meeting of the Albina Tax payers and Civic Associa tion, a standing ovation and words of praise were given to Edgar Williams, Portland Housing Authority Commis sioner. Mr. Williams spoke to the group on the progress of the Daisy Williams P ro ject. AND PROGRESS PORTLAND, OREGON Daisy Williams Project Big ? What k Argument? INTERESTS Photo« b\ B A l T Z I (.AM Sig L'nander candidate for the Sen ate, w u h e d Dr. booker T Lewis, North C ity Representative candidate the best of luck in his forthcoming campaign 4 F ive Cents March 28, 1962 B IL L Y WEBB LO D G E FAVORS HOUSING At a regular meeting of The Billy Webb Lodge members, a resolution was passed favoring The Daisy Williams Hous ing Project being built in the area so designated by the Housing Authority. Mr. U. H. Leverett, Grand Exalted Ruler of Billy Webb Lodge, stated, “ We feel because of the geographical loca tion of the Knott Street Center which is adjacent to the tent ative project, and Elliot School being able to capacitate a large number of student enrollments, and the shopping centers being conveniently located, it makes it the most available spot for The Albina Community.’ ’ Photo by Ualtzeg&r Judge Burke Seeks Re-Election Viviane L Barnett Joins M irror Staff Photc by Baltzeg&r Mrs. Viviane L. Barnett of 1810 N.E. 1st joined the O re gon M irro r Staff this week as Society Editor. Mrs. Barnett is a native of Iowa, attended the State University of Iowa and is presently a student at Port land State college, majoring in General Business. She has been a licensed beautician in Oregon for 19 years, and owner of La Viv- ianne Beautv Shop at 1810 N.E. 1st. Mrs. Barnett is Pres, of Zeta Iota Sorority Inc., me mber of Alpha Chi Pi Ome- ga Sorority, Sec. of the No minating Committee of the Y WC A. Portland’ s first and only negro Red Cross volunteer F irst-Aid and Water Safety Instructor, member of the First Aid Instructors Club, member of the Oregon T ra il Chapter Water Safety Com mittee and a graduate of The aerican National Rev Cross Aquatic School. She was Water Front Director for the YWCA at Camp West- wind last year. At the present time she is conducting a Junior First Aid class at Hmaculate Heart School. She is also a member of Club Hathor (Protem -A u xil- liary of the Ancient Egyp- t i a n Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jur isdictions, Inc.) Mrs. Barnett is a l s o Chairman of the Albina Tax payers and C i v i c Associa tion, which is Striving for Community Betterment and Equal Opportunities for all citizens. She will be writing the Wo men’ s Corner of this paper and requests that you please convey all pictures, social and club news to her, by Sun- Born in Montana in 1912, I have been a resident of Port land for the past 34 years. Admitted to the bar in 1939. Following three years’ service with the 91st Infantry Combat Division, I resumed the prac tice of law until appointed to this bench in 1951, I st vmgly feel that the wide variety of civil and criminal cases tried in the district court affords a judge an excellent and important background and training for the circuit court. Therefore, in seeking this new position, I am sub mitting to the voters for their approval my record and more than ten years’ experience on this bench, plus additional ex perience acquired the past year while sitting ns a pro-tem circuit court judge pursuant to assignment by the Supreme Court. day 6:00 P.M. 1810 N.E. 1st. AT 8-4671.