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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1909)
TALK OF THE TOWN Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. : - 5-17-tf. Cedar bee hives. Largest stock and test prices at 0. J. Blackledge's. 6-24-tf . Cabbage and Kale plants. Potatoes, $1.60 a bushel at L.' L. Brooks. 6-21-6t Call up the Palace of Sweets for your ice cream and sherbets. Free delivery. 5-6-tf Mr. Carroll Wright, of Klamath Falls "was a visitor at the Beals home yesterday. iting her sister, Mrs. D. G. Mackenzie, I SPecial Prices Aot stainPed for a few days. pillow cords and tops. The t,, .. . r,. .... Tuesday from 9 to 10,a. m. j-vcguiai mecuug vj. ws eastern OLur Wood for sale. ; Leave orders at Rob-inson-Cate Co. ; 6-24-tf Closing out sale. All trimmed hats go regardless of cost, at Mrs. Mason's. 6 28 6t . Golden Rod Oats are the best. A Willamette Valley product" At Kline's 6-28-6t Take a Kodak with you on your vaca tion, $1 to $65.. Instructions free. 6 26 6t Graham & Wells. The city council will meet tonight in adjourned session for the transaction of inTportant business. i The Corvallis Marine Band gave a ( splendid open air concert on Second ; street Saturday evening. T A LI BROUGHT SUIT ABOUT. linens, Bazaar, at Masonic Temple Tuesday night. All members should attend. Mrs. Walter Taylor, who has been se riously ill with pneumonia since last Thursday, is now improving. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. N. Bell will leave today for an outing at Newport. Dr. Bell will return Thursday or Friday. Mrs. Bert Gcr 'on, nee Whitney and & former OAC student, now living at Amity, is visiting friends in the city. Rev. C. T. Hurd has been elected a state delegate to the National Christian Endeavor Convention, to be held at St. secretary of the Presidential Postmas- i Word was received here yesterday that a Mrs. Hash had died at Alsea ana that the funeral will be held today. Shough & Sons, the woodsawyers. will make special price of 40 and 50 cents per cord on woodsawing. Call 3rd & Polk. Phone 489- 6-28-tf Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. ' 6-12-tf ! Postmaster B. W. Johnson, who i Paul during the month of July. Rev, Hurd has devoted much time and atten tion to Christian Endeavor work and is deservedly popular with the young , people. The union church service last evening "was especially good, a large crowd be ing in attendance, and the music for the occasion was well rendered. There is a spirit of unity at both the young people's meeting and the evening wor ship that is good 'to see, and everyone is enjoying the services to the utmost. The Corvallis & Eastern railroad has wisely concluded to protect Sunday ex cursionists and the glitter of a star on a U. S. Marshal had a salutary effect on the rough-neck element. One gen tleman who failed to raise the window ters'association of Oregon, has received a letter from Postmaster General Hitch cock that he will endeavor to be pres ent at the coming state convention which will meet in Portland, Septem ber 10, 11. Lebanon Will Celebrate Arrangements are about completed for the best celebration of the National holiday ever held in Linn 'County. The Lebanon Business Men's League is heading the undertaking of giving the celebration. As every, business man in that town is a member of the when disposing of his beer bottle kindly league and all are working in harmony, contributed to the expense fund of the the celebration promises to surpass anything of the kind ever attempted there. ' Arrangements have been completed with outside attractions for an all-dav TirncrrflmTYio nf snnrfja nmnsfiniAnfja and forget that-civilization makes some Btt-inm.t. fn th al, tn classes of humanity ; and v rp.- wi ,, doing bring disgrace upon , narf, ,lf thtt tat it ... at.trarir wide attention and promises ' to bring a C. & E. and repeated the dose on the liomeward trip. The excursion yester day was a very decided improvement. It is a sad sight to see young women claim on all in so themselves, friends, the faces their families and their The throwing of cherry pits inl large crowd of people to Lebanon. oi me passemy ana strewing iQu,Q; n t,v ia the sidewalk on Saturday would make j Saturday July 3 'th lhe first events auy ruue, tuuugnuess Doy asnamea oi himself and scarcely to' be thought of ss comingfrom women. Chief Wells is i to be commejaded fox-making them-clean - the walk. Yesterday was a very unusual day at the seaside. It rained to beat the band and instead of promenading the beach the visitors were huddled togeth er like a band of sheep in any place where they could find shelter. Maidens wearing little gauze hats and white stockings were a sight which would cer tainly touch the stony heart. Thor oughly chilled it was impossible to chew gum and indulge in other innocent amusement. Thirty-two young people, properly mated, and hailing from Co burg, were sorely disappointed and anx iously awaited the returning train. to begin Friday night, will close Sunday with game. , The . festivities a big baseball Could Not Be Better. No one has ever made a salve; oint ment, lotion or balm to. compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands it's supreme. Infallible for Piles. " Only 25c at all druggists. - All the News All the Time in the Corvallis Gazette Eases' WatcDes need Constant Repairing Their method of carrying them is responsible for the fact. Pinned to the waist or hanging on a chain the delicate mechanism is easily disar ranged. We pay special attention to ladies' watches, and when re paired by us you will find that they keep in order longer. E W. S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician STRIGTI SWINISH Ready-toWear SUITS? SKIRTS, and, WAISTS - These Garments for Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak v for themselves' and the prices' are really less than the -cost of -material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW I By M. QUAD. Copyright. 1909. by T. C. MoClure. Farmer Jepson, widower, lived four miles from Akron on the country road, and Jane Schofleld. widow and farmer. lived three miles west of him on the Red Bridge road. They had lived thus for five years and only knew each other by name. The five years might have become twenty had not an old lop horned cow stepped In to give the parties an introduction. The cow was owned by the widow.' Besides being lop horned she was bob tailed, wild eyed and had various bad habits, one of which was jumping six rail fences and wandering about nights. These promenades sometimes led her miles away and into strange pastures. The first time Farmer Jep son saw her she was in the midst of his cornfield and had cleared about half an acre of the juicy stalks. He was a good man. but he swore at her and called her names. .He also tried his best to kill her on the spot. A week later the cow called again to see how the corn was coming on, and after half killing her the farmer sent word that if she was not kept at home he would sue her owner for damages. "And who is Farmer Jepson that talks so big, I'd like to know!" ex claimed the widow as she got the mes sage by a hired man. "If he thinks he's the biggest toad in the puddle let him go right ahead and sue. Two can play at that game. I'm not allowing my live stock to bother my neighbors. but I'm not going to sit up every night in the week to see that that old cow don't get out. You go back and tell him that I'm not afraid of any ten men like him." "Oh, she ain't, -hey!" exclaimed, the farmer when the hired man had re turned with the word. ' "Waal, we'll see about that. I'm no hand to cpm plain of my neighbors, but I'm not going to have their cows in my corn and then take Sass to boot. If that old critter of a cow steps hoof on my land again there'll be a lawsuit to make things rumble." The cow didn't hurry matters any. She waited until Mr. Jepson had trans planted, his- cabbage plants and they had got fairly growing, and then she called one night and helped herself to 250 of them, and two days later the widow learned that suit had been com menced by Farmer Jepson to recover $250 damages. "So he's sued me, has he?" observed the widow, as she doubled up her fists and fire came to her eyes. "We'll, we'll see who comes out ahead!" , Plaintiff and defendant each secured a la wyer, and of course each attorney assured his client that he. bad the.besfc kind of a ' case . and was sure to win. AftertwQ ;Ai:ox.14.thre.adjounvM-- ments the case came to trial, and f was in the courtroom that plaintiff and- defendant 1 first saw' each other. Both were surprised, and both said something to themselves.; What the farmer said was: "Waal, by thunder! I expected to see a fat and homely old two fisted wld- der. and 1 find her a good looking lit tle bit of a female who ought to be sitting on a hushand's knee. Wish I'd seen her before I begun this suit." "Lands o' massy, but he hain't no mean looking man!" exclaimed the widow after a look at the farmer. "Why, they said he was a big boss and bluffer and wanted to bulldoze me 'cause I'm all alone in the world. Say. now, but they are all wrong. He hain't the kind to bluff and pitch in. Wish he'd have come to see me about the old cow. If he had I'd have chained her up. Wonder how hard he'll swear agin me!" . She was soon v to know. The plain tiff's lawyer in opening the case said it was an aggravated case of trespass and damage and that the sum men tioned wasn't really half what they should have sued for. Then he went -on to tell of what a defiant woman the :defendant was and wound up by stat ing his hopes that the jury would ren der a verdict without leaving the box. .Then the plaintiff was called to the 'witness chair, and, to the surprise of the widow and the disgust of his law yer, he said he had forgotten the mes sage the woman returned to him. He jfollowed that up by declaring that his feelings had simply been shocked and that he had fully recovered from the shock in a minute, and a. half. As to the j, corn and cabbage, perhaps $10 would pay the bill. " "You jackass, but you have lost your 'Case!" hissed his lawyer as the witness stepped down with a smile in the di- j jecuon-. or tne wiaow, woose lawyer was whispering to her: 1 "Now. you get up there and give us isome hot talk and your case is won. There was no hot talk from the wid ow. On the contrary,, she ooed like a dove." She dmtttted o th4 ownership of the' umping;"prefiatory cow, but was quite "'"willing to" payreasonable damages. She didn't doubt the plaln- AitifFs hoeked: feellnps-rand- was-rsorry for them and wished be had hit the old cow with the ax.-- One of the re sults of the suit was a verdict for 6 cents'" damages, sand another' was 'that Farmer Jepson said he would call at f her home for the money. He-kept his word. A week later he drove up to the door and after an hour's interview -was asked fo call iigalni Three months later his disgusted lawyer was heard kto explaitn: ,; t-.- t - .-----'5 Prettiest case I ever had. and dead fsure'of'ia verdict, and" Jepson- knocks it air in "the heacfby"aTalIlng In love with the defendant Ye, they were roamed yesterday." , E321 YOU ; CANNOT AFFORD TO GO ON YOUR VACATION Free instructions in developing and printing. V ' Dark room free to public' One dollar up to '' sixty-five dollars. GRAHAM & WELLS Occidental Lumber Go. ! .;l-,vr V- '. Successors to v Corvallis Lumber Co. fi 31 We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please can on j. a ikviblt ror lniormauon ana prices, sna taice notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will , f " get it for you. G. 0. BASSET I", Local Mer. f ; There is no better paint made for appearance and J ' - durability than Acme Qualify Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" 3- it J5l. 3j Reiner WA'l PAPER AND: PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of . Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes - Dealers in . .... .-... . . Doors, Windows, Lime, Brtcst ; Cement Shingles, etc Contractors and Builders J: Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COOPER 8 HARDWAR E CO. Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon a Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa t. rators, Graniteware Tinware and Builders' Hardware.1 .. , Sole Agents for Conga BQofing an& WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone, Your Orders To No. 7, j THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY . Where They Will be Promptly Filled. 'IT .no 'JFirie s Line, of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. '7 V n .. . u .t ?. . ; i i - t g:" ? J i j A : ' ..-,,1 .. I .. ; : oundation work, sidewalk and curbing' a specialty Manufacturers of cement blocks, plain and fancy cement brick, porch columns, cement flues, jardi nieres, tc. Dealers in cement, plaster and lime. i Irst and Adams Sts. Phone 2318 Corvallis, - Oregon Cbe: City; Stables Everything new and up to . date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call' and give us a trial. " Cor. Madison and 3d L. F.GRAY, - Manager Whitney's & Colbert We Make Concrete blocks ot all kinds. Concrete bricks, fancy and plain, Concrete tile and steps, Concrete window sills and caps. We Sell High grade Cement and time in anjf quantity. x Phone Ind. 3181 413 Second Street South CORVALLIS - - OREGON 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT In order to clean up our SPRING SUSTS We will give -2(J' per cent' discount until all are sold - A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS, - - OREGON Blackledjre & Everett - Successors to Uenkle & Blaokledge FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EM6ALMERS ' Carry a complete line of coffins and caskets in all colors and sizes; also ladies' men's and children's burial robes. Calls attended to dav and night. Lady assistant. EMBALMING FOB SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's furniture store Both phones. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only set- of abstracts in Bentoti County PHYSICIANS G. E. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND ' Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block, ; over Harris' Store. Residence corner ' Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J, B. MORRIS, M. D., PHYSICIAN ! and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon ; roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p. m ; 7 to : 8 p, m. Phone in both office and rest ': dence. W. T. ROWLEY, M. D., , PHYSICIAN ' and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throau Office , in Jobnson Blag. .' Ind. 'phone at of-' flee and lesidence. . UNDERTAKERS M. B. BOVEE, FDNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Sue cesser to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis, -Oregon. Iud. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241 Lady attendant when desired. PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEL'S STUDIO, 430 SECOND Street. Phone 4209. 2ND-HAND GOODS GOCfDMAN'S SECOND-HAND STORE Cash paid for household goods. 424 -v Second Street. Phone 4325.