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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1909)
CORVALLIS DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third, street, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONE - - 210 ' ' Portland Commercial Club,' and the same message has been sent to 1,000,000, more through other publications. Reasons why Ore gon is the state of opportunity have been presented, 1 The 92 commercial bodies of the state 1 having membership in the Ore- j of the wine. When the vintage came, the king, with a cup of the wine in his hand, asked his men ial what had become of his I prophecy. The other replied: I think there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip." . At that moment word was much of "culture and influence, and so many of the highest hopes and noblest possibilities of the American people as the General Federation of Women's Clubs." Address all communications, and make all remittances payable to the Corvai, ias Gazette. gon Development League have brought that a wild boar had Tn rtrrlprinor MiancrfMs of Address. Sub- - . i ... seribers should always give old as well as . been given an opportunity With- new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week $ 15 Delivered by carrier, per month. ..- .50 By mail, one year, in advance .. 5.00 By mail, six months, in advance...- 2 50 By mail, one month, in advance.. .50 CORVALLIS WEEKLY GAZETTE Published Every Friday Entered at the postoffiee at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. uut usii iiu uicm iu im mediately, thousands of new in quiries about Oregon, Never before has Oregon been so well known and interest in the state so generally aroused. All that is needed to get the best results is for the commercial bodies to take advantage of the opportun ity and make these home-seekers familiar with their sections by sending them literature and an swering inquiries. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance 2.00 Six moths, in advance..,. 1.00 CHAS. I. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher. OREGON IS THE PLACE. "Oregon is the place for you," has been the slogan brought to the attention of 5,000,000 people of the country through a big ad vertisement in the Saturdav HOW PHRASES ORIGINATE. Some of the phrases in com mon use today are hundreds of years old. Take, for instance, "There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.." This dates back to an ancient king of the island of Samos, in the Grecian Archipelago. The king had planted a vine yard, but one of his slaves, whom he had ill-treated, predicted that broken into the vineyard and was doing great damage, says a Pittsburg dispe.tch. The king hastily put down his untouched cup, siezed his weap ons and went out. But in the chase he was killed, so the proph ecy of the slave was fulfilled. "Done to a turn" is said to have originated from the mar tyrdom of St. Lawrence. He was sentenced to be roasted alive on a gridiron. The story goes that during his torture he calm ly requested his attendants to turn him over as he was thor oughly roasted on one side.'' Hence the phrase, "Done to a turn WORK OF WOMEN'S CLUBS.. Similar testimony comes from Ben B. Lindsev, the Colorado man, who has made such a splen- .- - - -v t thnilcnnH nnrtn I r- ' . 4. - L i n , t-. - ..-m- .1 v"""-3u.jj4 ucuuio visib it every nile Court in Denver. "For the , , ... . e c , weeK aurmg tne winter months pas b lew yvuia, uo sup, 1 uavc Miss Jane Addains? It is al most 20 years since Miss Addams first took up her residence in Hull House, and began her set tlement work among the toilers of Chicago. Under her able direction Hull House has devel oped into a center of the high est civic and social life. Nine sfactory, as they fail to attain the" de sired end a fair and just valuation. In Eusope, it is pointed out, there is a fixed standard, which is not enly reliable, but satisfactory to hopgrowers as well as to hopbuyers. The whole question is dis cussed at some length in this pamphlet, which has been prepared by W..W. Stoekberger, one of the hop experts of the department. ; ' to attend lectnres, debates and theatrical entertainments; to gain instructions in industrial arts; to take part in its club life; and to study literature, science, history, civics, the languages and the fine arts. Originally it comprised only four rooms on me second noor or an old resi dence; today it has spread out until it might figurativelv be called a city within a city. Its fame has gone forth over the world, and the name of Miss Ad dams is an inspiration to thous ands who have never seen her. j "Except in the United States Congress," emphatically asserts Josiah Strong, president of the American Institute for Social Service," I know of no body of men or woman representing so been actively engaged in the in terest of better laws for the pro tection of the home and children. In this behalf. I have visited some 20 states. I have found wonderful progress, and scarcely without exception ' it h';s been the members of the women's clubs who have champoined ev ery good law and secured the passage of nearly all the advan ced legislation upon the statute books for the protection of the home and the children." Just how many woman all told are thus enlisted under the the banner of social progress it is impossible to say: although the number must run far into The Department of Agriculture issued .. .,, T. . .... I recently a pamphlet addressed to the tut imiiuu. x is stxii u.uie "u"! hopgrowers of the United States of the question to attempt to es timate the influence which they exercise collectively and as in dividuals. Who can measure. Highest Cash Price Paid for Second Hand Goods C. W. McKee 312 Second St Phone 1323 Uniform Hop Standard. Taunton & Bitmap Cement Contractors Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town All work guaranteed first class. Corvallis, Ore HYDRAULIC WELL DRILLING Powerful and rapid well ma chine run by gasoline engine. urg ing upon them the advisabiiity of adopt- Wind mill pump repairing, ing a definite standard for judging the and drove weUs a specialty, quality of hops. At present hops are r J graded variously, some according to points of origin, others according to j T7!.r0T,;rr Pot k 4i,Jv. u .i i. j l- e :4.ii4. j v- .1- i u:.. rr.i ... m instances otner standards are relied jjrv,mu6 i uoi, jjiaicu. uy me i lie wuuiu uui live iu uiiiib. any mueii ui intellect aiiu., su eiseu uy ivuss vjrouia, or Up0n Place your orders now before the season's rushTwork is on. I for instance,. the influence exer-1 pneral appearance, others by odor and j . N HARLAN All these, it is said, are unsat- DOX OO , Corvallis, Uregon Mm Outstrips all Bargain Records of the Past AND MEETS WITH INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS Values tell and here are telling values the kind that bring crowds and that re pay the crowds for coming- And how the people thronged every department during the opening hours of this sale ! , How eagerly they bought, and with what enthusiasm they praised the big values so plentifully provided ! This sale is creating more talk and greater buying enthusiasm than any sale held in this city in months. It is a sale with a reason and a purpose. A carefully planned and prepared for under selling event far greater and better than possible elsewhere. It is a surren der of all profits, and more, to close out stocks in all departments. Our present stocks must be radically reduced and good merchandising demands a clearance of the goods whilst the season for their use is still on. SO DAYS' SALE v Apron Ginghams, 4c 1150 yards Standard Red Crown and Gilt Edge, blue and white check Apron Gingham Limit to each customer 10 yards for 40 cents These Items TelLof Savings You Surely Will Not Want to Miss SO DAYS' SALE Scotch Lawns at '4c 60 pieces fast color, light and dark Scotch Lawns in dainty figures, stripes and checks. " 25 yards, $1.00 I CLEARANCE STYLISH SUITS A final surrender of profits on present style suits, and suitable for wear into the last of Fall. Never so little to pay as at this sale. , CHARMING WAISTS SACRIFICED And a very great variety to choose from. So great, in fact, that price reductions are extra deep on these lines. You'll buy several at these small sale prices. . CLEARANCE UNDERMUSLINS Summery undergarments made of fine" sheer materials and charmingly trimmed are yours at less to pay than ma terials usually cost. . 1 BIG SAVINGS ON HOSIERY The same good grades we always sell.f "All sizes, all colors, all styles. Values are unprecedented- t 36-inch Bleached Muslin at 5 cents yard i Finished soft for the needle and under wholesale cost. 9-4 wide unbleached sheeting at 21 cents 9-4 wide bleached sheeting at 24 cents Te above are of sterling quality and fully 81 inches wide and sell usu ally at 27 a;, d 30 cents per yard ' i FANCY GOODS AT LESS 20c white belts, 9c ioc torchon lace.i 4c " 40c embroideries, 19c ioc child's supporters, 8c 20c hair combs, ioc 1 . . 15c hair brushes, ioc ' 20c hand mirrors, ioc ioc value linen handkerchiefs, 4c 15c " " " 8c 25c lisle gloves, 15c f I 00 silk gloves, 78c 35c elastic belts, 19c .:.: 50c embroidery insertion, 33c Finishing braid, 4c Cabinet hairpins. 4c FAMILY SHOES One Lot Ladies' white canvass - shoes, 78c pair. . One lot Boys' shoes that sell regular at J1.75, nowfl 30 pair.' All men's Douglas and . Florshelm shoos gneat lyreduoodm : All ladies'-and misses' shoes are marked at the greatest reduction of the year. BIGGEST SALE CLOTHING, BOTH MENS AND BOYS 3.50 Suits Now 2.68 4.50 " " 338 5.00 " " 3.75 5.50 " " 4.13 6.00 " " 4.50 6.50 " " 4.88 7.50 " " 5.63 8.50 " " 6.38 10.00 " " 7.48 12.00 " " 8.96 15.00 " 115 Broken lines mens and boys' suits at one-half price. ONE LOT MENS HATS, all sizes, all shapes and all colors, values to $3.00, YOUR CHOICE AT $1.00. " " 50 Cent New Novelty Dress Goods now 24 Cents. 350 yards Novelty Dress Goods which should have been delivered two months ago but delayed in transportation, have just been opened up. The concessions made us, combined with our loss of profit, enables : you to purchase these desirable goods at less than manu facturers cost;. ' . . - . Another lot 44 inches wide, regular 75 cent, now at 38 cents. Wonderful Wash Goods Bargains, Our stocks are noted for. their diversity, quality, newness and durability. Clearance causes these fine Summer Fabrics to drop in price below cost deeply sensational. 7 ; . . , 15 and 20 cent Wash Fabrics now 9 Ce fits'. 25 ... " 14 Cents.: 5-4 TABLE OIL CLOTH 15 CENTS PER YARD. BOYS KNEE PANTS 1-2 PRICE;