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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1909)
New Code of Laws Fcr the State of Indiana. RIGID RULE AGAINST REBATING Some of the Laws Said to Be Far In Advanoo of Anything of the Kind In United States Severe Penalties For Kideacing Advertisements Special Contracts Prohibited. Copies of Indiana's new code of life Insurance law:? arc being scut to tuc lusuri'.m-e companies by the auditor of state, Mr. Biilhcimer, " witb an inclo sure explaining them and the steps the insurance department will take5 to brius about their enforcement The auditor says that some of the laws are a distinct innovation and far in ad vance of anything of the Uiud in the United Slates. The state has a stringent anti-rebate ' law for the first time, and it is expect ed to put a stop to the practices under which a number of young companies have flourished. It provides that a com pany or its agents may be lined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for giving a rebate. An agent may be im prisoned for thirty days for rebating, and a person accepting a favor from the "agent or the company may be fined from $100 to 500 and imprisoned for thirty days. The agent giving or of fering the rebate shall, have his license canceled, and be may be disbarred from doing business in Indiana for one year. The state auditor may re voke, the license oft the company ex tending a rebate.- ' ' " ' An act known as the Stahl law pro vides severe penalties for an agentror company that misrepresents policies. It is provided that no cpmpany shall send out "fake advertisements or mis leading circulars" on penalty of hav ing Its state license revoked. An agent who misleads any one regarding the policy he is selling shall .be prohibited from selling insurance In Indiana for one year. For the protection of the insurance nmnnrtioa nflinst rmQcmnnlnns flfrpnts the McCarthy act was adopted. ' It pro vides that. an agent who fails or re fuses to meet his obligations with his company shall have his license re voked and shall not be permitted to do business in the state. The auditor of the state says that he will keep a blacklist of the "dead- beat" agents at his office so that the companies can avoid them. What is regarded by Mr. Billheimei and the insurance men In Indianapolis as the most important feature of the new .code Is an act introduced by Sena tor Will R. ' Wood. It defines what shall go into a policy and provides tor state supervision of the state compa. Dies by the auditor. The companies shall deposit with the auditor at the end of the first year mortgages or se curities amounting to the full cash value of the policy at that time. The companies will have sixty days in which to make the deposits. For the purpose of, ascertaining the solvency of any company dping busi ness in Indiana the auditor is author ized to make an investigation at any r time and to compel any company to put up funds he may regard as neces sary to estahiish a proper reserve. Under the Wood law special con tracts are prohibited. Several Indiana '-companies that 'are now establishing themselves have "made good" -by writ ing' special contracts. The special con tract feature applies to foreign as well as to state companies. The law pro hibits the predating of policies so that policy holders can get the lower rate. This provision is expected to put an end to tbe practice of some of the companies of getting business by giv ing their customers a lower age rating. Mr. Billheimer says the Wood law is far in advance of any similar measure in the United States. Wrhile it was drawn so that the state shall super vise the companies and protect the policy holders, the auditor insists that the law will not work a hardship on any company that is doing a legitimate business. ' . ' ' A new reserve loan law was enacted. It provides that the companies shall deposit with the auditor securities amounting to the full cash surrender value of the policies it has written, the amount of the deposit to be Increased as the cash value of the policies In creases. . i A new law was enacted for the in corporation ' and operatipn of casualty companies, providing explicitly what kind of business they shall write. A casualty company must have a paid itp capitalization of $100,000. It Is provided that Indiana life, com . fanies may issue policies against cath by accident Indianapolis Cor. -New York Tost , New Question For Aliens. All the fifty candidates for "naturali zation who appeared at the Bureau In the federal building at New York the other day had to answer whether they belonged to any organization which forbade membership in the militia or army of the United. States. No one an swered in the affirmative. .Judge T,a- conibe declined to tell the reason for Uav'n'T the question asked." but tt is assumed that it had reference . to the existence abroad of certain labor or ganizctluns of anarchistic tendencies. - Prize For New Auto Fuel. Nine thousand dollars is offered by tbe Automobile Club, of France for a new fuel cheaper than and as effec tive as gasoline. . lips, . . - -M m sfw ft 1 1 f4 A STJNXY DAY ON YUKON AVENUE,- A.-YP. EXPOSITION, SEATTLE. Yukon Avenue is one of the many ways leading to the Court p Honor of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. It leads from the Cascades down to one of the many entrances to the Pay Streak and directly to the ""cafe' center" of the Fair Grounds. " . : On the left of the picture a facade of the European Exhibits Building: shows. On the right is a corner of the Palace of ; Agriculture. In the, distance, and -across the Cascades, is to be seen the Oriental Building. All of these structures were completed before December 1, 1908. They are of the conventional exposition type of construction plaster staff over heavy wooden framework. ... Hoft attft dim (Elitb Will (Site a (pm in tip? Uorlo iEittnjbfliiij Stunted FRIDAY, JUNE 12 9:00 A. M. First Event 10 Targets First. Prize Hunting Coat, by J' M. Nolan & Son, Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. Second Prize $5.00 Razor, by Hotel Corvallis Pharmacy. Third Prize Macy's Box of Candy. f Second Event 10 Targets First Prize Steel Fishing Rod complete, by Heater & Harrington, Sporting Goods. , Second Prize 3 old Stick Pin, by A. J. Metzger, Watch maker. Third Prize Duck Call. ' ' Third Event 10 Targets First Prize Pair of Walk Over Shoes, by Kline'a, Estab lished 1964. Second Prize Box Cigrrs, by Andrews & Kerr. Third Prize Cleaning Rod. . .-. SATURDAY, JUNE 13 9:00 A. M. First Event 10 Targets First Prize Hawes $3.00 Hat, .by Johnson & Johnson, ".. (No relation). Second Prize Box of A. H. Savon Soap, by A. Hodes, Grocer. ' '- Third Prize Watch Fob. . . . . , Second Event 10 Targets A First Prize Fine Bridle, by Smith Brothers, Harness . makers. ...., , . " , : Second Prize Fox Cigars, by Jack Milne. - Third Prize Box of Stationery, by Postonice Store. 1 .Third Event 10r Targets 1 ' First Prize Side of Bacon, by Corvallis Meat Co. Second PRizE-Fancy Ice Cream Brick, ,by . Palace ' of : : Sweets. - ; Third Prize Cleaning Rod. , .. ' - WHSSE SHELMAN STANDS. Approves Legislation to Improve th - - Conditions of Labor. : -fFrom Sherman's Speech of Accept ance.) " The Republican party believes in the equality of all men before the 'law; believes in granting labor's every re quest that does not seek to accord rights to one man. denied to another Fair-minded labor asks no more, no less, and approves the record of the Republican party because of that par ty's acts. - I have helped to make my party's record in the enactment of the Eight Hour . law, the Employers' Liability act, the statutes to minimize, the haz ard of railroad employes, the .Child Labor law for the District of Columbia and other .enactments designed especial ly to improve the conditions of labor. I cannot hope, to better state my posi tion on injunctions than by a specific endorsement of Mr. Taft's Cincinnati declaration on that subject. That en dorsement I make. , Giant Cranes' Minuet. Australia, the- land of oddities, animal, vegetable and mineral, has few more curious creatures than the giant cranes often five and six feet in height, with beautiful blue gray plumage, which are called native companions. These huge birds mate for life and as mates are singular ly and touchingly devoted to one another. Among their practices that of dancing together is the most remarkable; To and fro and up and down, beneath a scraggy tree near a creek or water hole, a pair of these curious birds may be seen in the hour of dawn footing it gravely in a sort of grotesque minuet. There is a strange sort of angularity about all their movements, but withal a certaiiT grace, bizarre and notable. Curious stor:e pre told of the won derful human-like devotion' one to another which is sometimes shown by these great cranes. Si, ' The Best Pamt There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than n:.Aeme Quality Paiat H ; : Specially prepared for exterior. and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" AAfAl I DADCD A M H DAI Kit- c?xr o C" Second Street, Near Palace Theater WOODS BROTHERS GENERAL REPAIR SHOP Prompt attention given to repairing all kinds of gasoline en . gines, autos. bicycles. Plows and axes sharDened. Saws filed. All work guaranteed satisfactory and done on short notice Give us a-call. We can please you. Located back of -Beal Bros-' blacksmith shop- on Second street. Phone No. 3145 Ind. : CORVALLIS, OREGON Occidental Lumber: 'Co. Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. , G. O. BASSET T, Local Mer. PswerM sqd rspid well mz- chins run by gascfins engi.i?. 1 Wind mill pump repairing, and drove wells a specialty.' Place your orders now before the season's rushwork is on. A. N. HARLAN Box. 526 ' Corvallis, Oregon Benton County Lumber Go, . Manufacturers of all kinds of fir Lumber,-': Mouldings, Cedar Posts; Sawed ! and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doers, indows, Lime, Stick Cement S ; SSiircgfes, etc rr- YOUR ; VACATION a our expense A CHOICE OF FOUR IS OFFERED YOU i ' CITATTI 17 DURING ALASKA DHi i 1 Ltli YUKON EXPOSITION . YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE VALLEY LAKE TAHOE ALL YOUR EXPENSES PAID IFjYOU HAVE FRIENDS IN THE EAST WHO WANT TO VjalT THE PACIFIC COAST WE CAN ARRANGE IT ; , This is yoiir Opportunity For complete , information address Sunse! Travel vluh Room 16, Flood Bld'g San Francisco THE DAILY GAZETTE ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME