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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1909)
VOL. 1. NO. 17 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1909 PRICE FIVE CENTS DUM O REFEgEN AGITATOR KAISER UNABLE TO GET ENOUGH SIGNATURES Petition Will Not be Filed Because the People of Oregon Have Shown Them selves Unalterably Opposed to any Project That Would Interfere With the Great 'Institution That is Doing so Much to Advance Practical Education. The best news that has come to Corvallis in a long time is that from Ashland today, which authoritatively states that the petitions asking for a referendum vote on the special appropriation bill of the recent Legislature granting the Oregon Agricultural College $210,000 for the construction of new buildings, equipment and purchase of lands will not be filed. E. J. Kaiser, editor of the Valley Record, placed the petitions in circulation throughout the state immediately 3rd of June and hardly a spare room in town. Our hotels are so crowded that they can help but little. "What are we to do? We must take i care of the old veterans. "It would be a burning disgrace after inviting them here not to make all pos sible exertion to lodge them comfort ably. "They will not be exacting, these old heroes of ours. They did not complain in youth when our. country called for the sacrifice of the best part of their lives and for years of toil, privation and danger. ' , ' " 1 "These few aged survivors of a mil lion sturdy youth have not been used to the luxuries of life; they will be content with what we can give. But for the honor of manhood and of our country let us give the best we have." FIELD AND TRACK 4 - 1 MEET AT OG TWENTY FIVE HIGH SCHOOLS EN S TERED IN EVENTS MEDALS FOR THE WINNERS , GRAND LODGE ENDS SESSION j Odd Fellows Convention at Albany Con cluded Last Night Great Third Annual Interscholastic -. Contests Tomorrow Between Trained ' ' Athletes From all Over State Under Peddicord; Assistant, Blanchard; field judges, jumps, Chapman, Farnsworth, Hamilton; weights, Hail, Smith, En berg; scorer, J. Dobbin; assistants, Price, Startzoff ; judges of turn, Haw ley, H. M. Cross, Brown, Shadduck, G. A. Cross; field marshall, Duckworth; assistants, Finlay, McLain, Smith, T5il lings, Bruce, Leavitt, Eddington, . Gold medals will be awarded to win ners of the 1st places. Silver medals will be awarded winners of the 2nd places. Bronze medals will be awarded winners of the 3rd places. A beautiful oak and gold shield trophy will "be awarded to the school winning the meet. A similar trophy will be awarded the school winning the one-half mile relay race. A handsome gold medal will be awarded to the individual point winner. OCCIDENTAL MILL IS BIG INDUSTRY Capital Increased To A Half Million Dollars VOTE FOR THE BONOS Direction of the College Here. The grand lodge of Oregon I. 0. 0. after the adjournment of the Legislature, and was active at F- concluded its 54th annual session at ' Albany last night and adjourned to the same time in agitating an initiative measure to be voted meet next year in Eugene. The Lane i. on by the people placing the University of Oregon, the Agricultural College and the state normals under one board of control. Mr. Kaiser gave out the following statement last night: "The petitions do not contain the number of names required." . This means that nearly half a million dollars will now be available for expenditure here at once and that the big improvements at OAC will now be commenced at once and that Corvallis will enjoy the busiest history. , " All honor and gratitude are due to the intelligent and loyal people of Oregon for their support of the Oregon Agricultural College. ' All Corvallis and every professor and student of OAC should now arrange for a monster jollification to celebrate this joyful news. ENTERTAIN THE VETERANS Corvallis People Are Asked to Provide for G. A. F, Visitors. 3, 4. There seems to be some difficulty county, capitol won the 1910 convention by a vote of 207 against iOl for Port land, the other candidates withdrawing before the ballot was taken. . The con vention was a most successful one in every respect and was potable in that more delegates attended it than any previous session of the grand lodge. '- " H. E. COolidge, of La' Grande was elected grand master of the grand lodge of Oregon 1. O. O. F.; in the annual election yesterday. ' .Ti F. Ryan, of Oregon City, was chosen deputy grand master and A. W. Bowersox, of Albany, summer in its i grand warden. E. E. . Sharon, of Port land, was elected grand secretary for a ' 16th consecutive term and O. D. Doane, of The Dalles, was re-elected grand treasurer. Ed Hostetler, of The Dalles, the retiring grand master, was elected grand representative for the full term of two years, and S.VW. Stryker, of Portland, was chosen grand representa tive for one year to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Richard Scott, of Milwaukie. Robert Andrews, of Portland, and J. F. Risely, of Oswego, were chosen trustees of the Odd Fellows Home. The following officers were appointed Special Election Will Be Held Tomor row May 22 The reputation which Corvallis , has always enjoyed for true hospitality should be fully sustained when the G. A. R. Encampment meets here June 2, in securing accomoantion lor the veter- yesterday afternoon to serve for the an and the following letter to the Ga- ' ensuing year: Grand marshal, R. H. ZETTE from one who is deeply interest- j Rohrig, of Union; grand conductor, ed in the success oi the Encampment, . Wayne Grider, of Condon; grand guard- should awaken the people to the neces- ; a. Wheeler, of Portland; grand sity of proving themselves to be'gener- : herald, O." B, Dews, of Ashland; grand ous hosts: ',. J chaplain, Jtev, C. P. Gates, of.St. John. "Much difficulty is being -encountered i The; itebekah Assembly also complet by the committee in its efforts to find i ed its session and adjourned last night, lodgings for the old 'soldiers who are to ' The session is pronounced the most visit us soon. I pleasant in the .history ol the .assemoiy. ' The interscholastic field and track meet at OAC tomorrow will be the greatest gathering of High School ath letes ever seen in Oregon. Twentv-five schools have entered accredited con testants and there will be every known sport on the list of events. Hundreds of visitors are now here and more com ing by very train. The order of the day will be as fol lows:.. , i 5;30 to 9:00 a. m., automobile parade of high school students through town anc around the college campus. , i' l-OO to 9:30 Review of OAC cadets, by.high school visitors. 10:00 Meet begins for the trial heats in the 100 yard dash, 220 yard hurdles, 440 yard dash, 120 yard hurdles, 220 yard dashj Jhigh jump, pole vault, run ning broad jump. . " 'All men jumping over 4 feet 19 inches ittSl-'gh jimpvajiltims -Oyer, nine feet, lumpiner over lsleet 'will qualify , Tor afternoon. '..f ' " j . The final heats will begin at 2:30 p. m. and last - until 5 p. in. and will be called in the following order: 100 yard dash, 220 yard hurdles, 440 yard dash, 120 yard hurdles, 880 yard run, 220 yard dash, one mile run, high jump, discus throw, running broad jump hammer throw, pole vault, shot put, relay race. 6:30 to 8:30 Banquet at Waldo Hall and presentation of medals and trophies. 8:30 to 11:59 Dance given by the OAC student body in honor of the High' School visitors. , The officials of the day will be: Referee, E. D. Angell; starter, C V. Swann; announcer, Neal; judges of finish. Prof. Fulton, Prof. Johnson, THREE PLANTS IN OPERATION Millions of Feet of Timber Bought and Mills Equipped With Modern Ma chinery to Turn Out Every Kind of Building and Structural Lumber. The one important duty ot every qualified voter in Corvallis tomorrow afternoon should be to go to the court house and deposit a ballot in favor of the bond issue for the new High School huilding. This special election is for all the voters in School District No. 9 and the result should show the sentiment to be unanimous for the proposed improve ment. - There is a necessity for construct ing such a building and of having it completed and equipped before the opening of the fall term of school. Every room in the present buildings is so overcrowded that the scholars are not receiving the attention that the teachers are all anxious to give them and this state of affairs should not be permitted to continue any longer. , The additional High School building wiU'reniedy4he:difiicu3tyheJbi)nds. to build it should be voted for without any opposition. But for technical error the last elec tion for this purpose which met with such DODular favor, would have been suffici ent. This error will be done away with in the election tomorrow and work can then be commenced. Corvallis is going to have one of the largest industrial enterprises of its kind in all this section of Oregon, the Occi dental Mill Company which has already been a great factor in the progress of the city, having just been reorganized on a firm business basis and increased its capital to half a million dollars to provide for enlarged equipment of the tree plants and the purchase of immense bodies of standing timber. Dr. T. W. Harris has been elected president 01 the reorganized corporation; G. O. Bassett, vice president and gen eral manager and C. A. Dobell, secre- Johnson, John F. Allen and dther prom inent local men closely identified with the organization. The company is now making exten sive improvements in the three mills at Corvallis, Beaver Creek and Oak Creek and with the new and modern machinery which is-being -iiistalleAtheombinedj capacity will run up to about 70,000 feet of finished lumber per day. To keep the mills in constant opera tion the company has just bought out right 68 million feet of standing timber and options are held on 90 to 100 million tlle t feet more which is now, being cruised :-rjreraratorv to its purchase. This tim- "Fifteen hundred are expected on the SATURDAY, M AY 22 Corvallis is growing rapidly and its ' v, w;ii he brought to the mills by the school facilities should be kept fully j c. & A. R. river railroad and by rrit adequate to the increasing requirements, i dowrl the Willamette an(j every der Vote for the bonds tomorrow and scription of lumber for general building make this satisfactory improvement possible. Vibration. Natures own remedy. The demand is still great. It has absolutely cured a bad case of appendicitis without an Prof. Cordley, Cooke, Harding, Brodie, operation. Also many other ills, bee Wolff; timers, Heater, Bergman, j demonstrator, 220 Third street, phone Crowe, Scott, Howard; clerk of course, 234. 5-20-lt-D-W. . . -i ' -t i . 1 ! J-l purposes, . wul De cut n Demg t:ie intention of the company to supply every demand from this home and ad ' joining market so that no builder need send away for material. The Occidental Mill Company is a Corvallis industry and its institution here should be followed by many other j-T J. 1 r. A r-.Of1ir enterprises so mat a isigc uj pay roll may become an assured fact. Will be a big clean up day for in Men's Suits STILL SELLING AT US 'Anything in opr shop at' this price. Suits all made in New York and by the best tailors the country affords. i ,! .. TCORVALUS., ORE' and nothing occurred to cause a single jar. . The assembly by resolution gave a hundred votes of thanks to Mrs. J. K. Weatherford, Mrs. C. W. Sears and Mrs. J. J. Collins, the committee of Albany women who handled arrange ments for the gathering. The Rebekah .assembly elected officers as follows: President, Corrie JSubbard, of Independence vice president, Addie Grout, of La Grande; warden, Belle Belcher, of Lafayette;' secretary, Ora: Cosper, of Dallas, (re-elected);' treas urer, H.da j aeons, ot Corvallis, (re elected); trustee of Odd FeHows Home in Portland, Emma Galloway, of Mc Minnville; trustees of Rebekah assem bly Minnie Baird, of Union; Anna Templeton, of Forest Grove, and Jessie White, of Sellwood. The following appointive officers were named: Grand marshal, Jessie White, of Sell wood; grand conductor, Mary D. Moro, of Lakeview; grand chaplain, May Don nelly, of Condon; . grand inside guard, Rebecca Martin, of Oswego; grand out side guard, Zilla Fletcher, of Salem; executive committee of Eugene women to arrange for the session of the assem bly in that city next year,-Ella Fraser, Jaca Wil'.oughby and Jennie Peters. The election of Mrs. Ora Cosper the j popular grand secretary, reversed the fates, for this is her 13th year as secre tary and the 23r'd annual session of the assembly. . . The members , of the Congregational i church spent a most delightful time fait i evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whitehead , on College Hill, an enjoyable feature of the evening bei- g 1 a picnic luncheon spread on long tabks in the orchard. There was a large at tendance and the menu included all the i delicious viands ihat could be secured. Sf 'mm. mm im m mama uma mn wm rm xSBd. wiX W.i!55 ifSffv KSiiH t ' iOMa 4E F$ R P4 I! jfS&i H 'HA nee Sale ends more for you to Our 45th Annual CI May 29th. Just one week secure unequaled bargains EVERY ARTICLE THE STORE DEDUCED U PRICE Contract Goods Excepted ' Extra Special prices this .week on Men's ' Clothing and Women's Suits and Skirt e 13 53 - Is A I . QATTF I a w A a i:J T3l .. IS;.' ty-J fz js&rv&A v i7-V 1 " i ' - 1 AGENTS SHOES