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About Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1909)
TALK OF THE TOWN "Wanted A light job by a willing man. Phone 129. 5-ll-3t Miss Jean Kent has gone to Wiscon sin to remain indefinitely. Miss Mary Leder has gone to Portland to visit friends for a couple of weeks. Cash paid for wool by Wm. Crees. 220 Third street. Independent phone 234. ' . 3-7-3tw Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Locke, of Portland were in the city Wednesday, called by the sickness of the Dr's. mother. The Special Silk and Lace Curtain Sale at J. M. Nolan & Son is being continued to the end of the week. General repair shop. All work first class, promptly done. Back of Beal Bros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros. 5-7-tf Extra Special Sale 5,000 yards Black 'Taffeta Ribbons at J. M. Nolan & Son Saturday morning. A quiet wedding was celebrated yes terday at the Presbyterian . manse by Rev. J. R. N. Bell, the groom being James Reab and the bride Miss Rose Kemp. Mrs. F. L. Miller and son Max re turned from a visit of several days at Portland. Mr. Miller was exceeding hap py over the family reunion and is wear ing a new hat as an expression of his supreme delight. EXTRA SPECIAL 50 Dozen Ladies Pure Lin en Handkerchiefs, 50c Doz. 50 Dozen Ladies Pure Lin en Handkerchiefs, $1.00 Dozen 50 Dozen Men's Pure Lin en Handkerchief s $1.00 Dozen 25 Dozen Men's Pure Lin en Handkerchiefs. $2.0 0 Dozen These values must be seen to be appreciated ' J. M. NOLAN & SON R. W. Skellerud and Charles Baker returned from .their fishing expedition in the Big Elk country on Tuesday night. They caught copious doses of rain, were chilled by ocean breezes and were glad to see the happy home once more Sale was ' made yesterday by A. L. C i c on - i i j.t ' owveusoii, ux ov acres ox muu souwiwesi of Philomath. It belonged to Mr.' Da vidson and was sold to Mr. Hurd, of Denevr, Colorado. The property is well improved and the' consideration was $4,UU0. The familiar face of Emanuel Knight will perhaps never be seen on the streets of Corvallis again.; Being over 80 years of age and quite feeble he seems unable to withstand his recent se rious injury and is slowly but surely fading away. On account of the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. and the Rebekah Assembly being in session at Albany, the initiation. of candidates has been postponed by Eastern Star Lodge until some later date of which due no tice 'will be given. '. Highest cash prices paid for wool at i Kline's. - ; 5-14-3t-wl Buy your wool sacks and fleece twine, i at Kline's. 5-14-3t-wl For SALE-Piano. 418 N 17th St. Phone 2278. 5-13-3t-w The Seniors carried away their caps and gowns yesterday and some of the boys appeared on the streets in their. natty white trousers. - ' ! The union picnic, excursion and all around big time at Monroe, Saturday, May 22, will be the greatest event of j the season. Everybody should arrange j to go. Go to Dr. Howard for the best and most artistic dental work. Twenty-two karat gold crowns reinforced with 18 karat goldsolder made and put on in one hour. 8tf Convocation at OAC yesterday was unusually interesting. Rev. J. R. N. Bell spoka to the student body and the esteem which all have for him made his l-emarks most impressive. Dr. Mentor Howard, ' the dentist in the First National Bank building, wants all his patrons and the public to know that he is not going to quit but is here to stay, being quite well satisfied with the bright outlook which Corvallis pre sents. . ' . A growing attendance marked the second day of the Oregon State Grange session at McMinnville, many visitors arriving on every train. Much Grange legislation is being introduced and sev eral important matters of public inter est are coming up.. Charles Baker and Russell Skallerud went over to Big Elk Sunday on a fish ing trip. They returned Tuesday eve ning with 400 trout, less what they had eaten while away. . It rained about all the time and they had to camp under the trees, much to their discomfort. F. G.; Davis returned last night from a visit to his. hop ranch at Silverton. He was accompanied home by his niece, Miss Lora Ames, of Silverton, who will make an extended visit here. Mr. Davis reports the rain of the past week as having been of inestimable value to the growing crops, especially grain and hops, and that these two crops were looking exceptionally fine throughout the valley. " , The Endeavorers of the United Evan gelical church held a social on Thurs day evening at the beautiful home of C. L. Heckart, where a most enjoyable time was had under the direction of the social committee, who had everything well planned. The refreshments were delicious and bountiful. , There were about 60 present, who voted hearty thanks tot the social committee and Mr. and Mrs. Heckart for the pleasant time. . . " ... An interesting feature of the surprise party at the J. F. Yates' home on Sat urday evening was the presentation by' tha co-laborers in the Benton county abstract office, of a new baby buggy which was deemed essentially necessary for the care and keeping of the first young hopeful at the Roy Yates' home. It is very neat and tasty, strong and durable and will last for many years. It was certainly an act of great kind ness and consideration and was received by Roy .with that sense of joy and pride known only to the parent wtio is called upon to meet the cares and responsibil ities of married life for the first time. Trunks and suit cases at O. J. Blackledge's. . ; 4-2-tf LIGHT WITHOUT HEAT The Puzzle of the Tiny Firefly ; ; and the Mighty Comet. Eafiies Klatcbes Heed Constant Repairing Their method of carrying them is responsible for the fact. Pinned to the waist or hanging on a chain the delicate mechanism is easily disar ranged. We pay special attention to ladies' watches, and when re paired by us you will find that they keep in order longer. EACH HOLDS THE SECRET. It Is a Mystery to Science, and the Man Who Is Able to Penetrate That Mys tery Will Be In a Position to Revo lutionize' This .Planet of Ours. This is not an Aesop fable, although It has a moral. ; There are two things in whose pres ence science stands wondering' and abashed the little glowworm (or the yet tinier firefly and the mighty comet i arching the sky with its glimmering train.. Each of them holds the same secret how to make light without heat. The man who gets that secret will revolutionize the planet. The late president of the Royal As tronomical Society of Great Britain referred to the value of the comet's secret in his retiring address. He thought that we do not sufficiently ap preciate the wondrous spectacle of a comet's tail. It. shows us hundreds of billions of cubic miles of space simul taneously glowing "with luminosity whose origin is a mystery. . It is a gigantic experiment in a branch of physics of which we as yet know very .-little. The conjet is Im mersed in what we may well regard as a vacuum; at least it is a far more perfect vacuum than we can produce. Yet the persistent glow of the comet's tail shows that there no real vacuum there, but a vast quantity of extreme ly attenuated matter which no doubt Is the cause of the luminosity. We ought, Professor Newall thinks, to awake to the importance of this hint. "Who knows," he says, "whethr er, if we could discover -a method of disrupting gases and vapors in ultra vacuous spaces artificially maintained on earth, we should not have a meth od of artificial illumination as econom ical as that of the glowworm and as brilliant as is needed for our nocturnal life?" This thing may really be within our reach, . although at the present , time we cannot even suggest to ourselves exactly how it. Is to be attained, put the tendency of recent investigation is in that direction. As Sir John Her schel said of another discovery which was just at the door. "We can feel it trembling along the farreaching line of our analysis." , t There, are not a few men, who are regarded by their harder headed scien tific brethren as "dreamers," who pic ture to themselves a fast coming time when we shall not only obtain light at as cheap a rate as the firefly has it, but when we shall have tapped the ex haustless stores of energy that sleep all around us in nature. " We are like one in a dream sus pended in the midst of a vast work shop .crowded with- multitudinous ma chines, all whirling and fluttering in a storm of energies, but which, he can neither control nor understand. Xf we could see these things they might terrify us, as the dreamer is terrified by the whirring belts and spinning wheels of his. vision, seeming to grasp at his life. , If the scientific Investigator needs to estahlish a raison d'etre in the eyes of the public, which cannot follow either his processes or his results, he has only to point -to the fact that the greatest practical discoveries of mod ern times have come out of the labora tories from things as incomprehensible to the unitiated as, so much magic. It Is a well known fact that the growing might ,of, Germany springs from her devotion to "pure research." : Referring again to the pregnant hint of the comet, Professor Newall -is clearly right in saying, "Here is theme that should stir up the most commercial mind in the support of as tronomy." Garrett P. Serviss in New York" American; " BE READY TO i'AY W Notice to Subscribers, to the Adverstisinj Fund You are each and all -hereby notified of the organization of an executive committee to have charge of the advertising of our City and Countv and the hand ling, of the funds subscribed monthly lor , such ourpose, through the -election of the fol lowing nine men to-wit: M.S. Woodcock, B. W. Johnson, J M. Nolan, Virgil E. Watters, John F. Allen, N. R. Moore, G. A. Robinson, F. L. Miller and A. J. Johnson, the former haviner been elected as Chairman and the latter as Secretary and Treasurer. G. A. Waggoner has been elected bv this executive committee as Advertising Mana ger, and, with instructions to' collections on monthlv subscriptions, beginning on May -ill i . ist, an subscriptions are. payable in advance. We trust all will be prompt with their monthly payments and thus greatly aid the Committee in their work. By order of. the Committee, . A. J. Johnson,' 4-27-4t Secretary. NOTICE. OF GUARDIAN'S SALE. In the County Court of the- State of Oregon tor Linn County. In Probate In the matter of the Guardianship of Veltna J. Lawrenson, Alice V. Lawrenspn and Mary E. Lawren son, Minors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Myrtle M. Way, guardian of Vel ma J Lawrenson, Alice , V. Lawrenson and Mary E. Lawrenson, minor heirs of Samuel Lawrenson, deceased, . will in pursuance of an order oi the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County under date of May 8, 1909, from and after June 12,1909. and at private sale in Albany, at her residence at No 620 West Fourth Street, Albany, Oregon, sell for cash for 'he highest and best offer the following described real estate to wit: Beginning at a point which is 22.18 chains north of the southwest come-of the southeast quarter of Section -34 in Township 10, South of Range 4 West of tne Willamette Meridian in Kenton Coun ty, Oregon, and running thence north 12 50 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south 12.50 chains; thence west 20 chain to the place of beginning, and containing 25 acres, in Benton County, Oregon; also tne roartway appurtenant, to said 1 na, and purchased of P. F . Karstens by H. J Ruse and being the passway to the main road leading from Wells Sta ion to Al bany, Oregon Persons interest ed in the sale of said tract of land may appl , for Information at tne residence of Mrs. Myrtle Way, 620 West Fourth Street, or to her attorney,- L. H. Montanye, at his office 329 West Second Street, Albany, Oregon - Dated May 8, 1909. - -: .. Myrtle M. Wav, , . Guardian. L H. Montanye, . 1 . Att'y for Guardian. " : . 4 , First Publication May 14, 1909. Last Publication June II, 1909. E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician B&S5E! 55E29 Our Shirt Waist Sale Is a Success , If you want the newest and best in all the popu- lar models in shirt waists, you wflKhnd our. stock complete. . Ladles' Skirts We are groins- to let these SDeak for themselves. ...... o a x. . ' j. They are so pretty and the prices af e so reason- able that we don't have to puff them up. We would like you to call and see them though, be . , fore you buy then you'll buy here. t On the Cars of New York. . The surface cars of New York carry on each line as different a nationality as if each belonged to a different coun try. ; On the Eighth avenue line there are mostly colored people; on the Sixth avenue, they are largely Americans, if there are any Americans in New York;, on the Broadway cars there are styl ishly dressed New Yorkers; on the Third avenue Irish and Jewish people predominate, on the Second avenue Jewish, Italian, Hungarian, Swedish and German, while on the surface cars that run along Avenue A you see every foreign nationality under the sun, all bareheaded. New York Press. . "V . Vain Regrets. ; , "That man Biffin lacks courage and energy." - - , "Yes, confound him!" "Why do you say that?" -J "Because he-was courting my wife, long before I met her. If he had had a little more courage and energy But what's the iise of talking j.,aboiit it now?"--Cleveland Plain Dealer. What Rules the World. When Napoleon caused the names of his dead -soldiers to be inscribed on the face of Pompey's pillar, some one crit icised, the act as "a mere bit of .imagi nation,!. "That-la .true.?' .replied Na poleon, "but imagination rules the worm." Atlantic. : 5 , Compensation. y A young cadet-was, complaining of the tight fit of his uniform. "Why, father." he declared, "the col lar presses my -Adam's ;apple so hard I can taste elder!" Harper's Weekly, Your little child. Is your only true O! IR POFFFF are fresh Roas J U I r JLE4O eVery Week by Wad- ham and Co. of Portland Oregon, Ensuring Freshness and Cleanliness. DIAMOND W.COFFEE MAGNOLIA COFFEE 40c per pound 25c per pound Please give these Brands your attention when ordering coffee.' HODES GROCERY NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, ; - U. S. Land Offiee at Roseburg. Oregon, ' 1 ... .t May 11, 1909 Notice is hereby given that Albert F. Oakes, of Monroe, Oregon, who, on Au gust 2, 1902, made Homestead Entry No. 11891 S. R 03357, tor EJ4 ot .SWX. Sec tion 4, Township 14 South, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before the Coun'y Clerk.ofBen ton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, 6n the 25th day ot June, 1909. . - - Claimant names as witnesses: Walter J Sisson, of Monroe. Oregon, R. R. No 1; Jabba Wilson, ot Monroe, Oregon, K. R. No 1;' Ransom Oakes, of Monroe, Ore gon, R. R. No. 1; James Oakes, of Mon roe, Oregon, R. R. No. I. - ' BENJAMIN h. liDDY, 5- Register. First Publication May 14, 1909. Last Publication June ir, 1909. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estate of Precious Shedd, deceased. Notice is hereby eiven that the under signed as executor of the last will and testament of Precious Shedd, deceased, has filed his final account as such execu tor with the clerk of the county court' of the state of Oregon for Benton County, and the said court has fixed Monday, the 17th day of May. 1900, at . the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon as the lime, and the county court room, an the courthouse in Corvallis, Oregon, as the place, for hearing any and all objectionsto the said account, and-for settlement tnereot. - Dated tnis April ibtn, 1909. : - ' - t - i , Jessb L. CaTon,- " Executor of the last will and testament of Precious Shedd, deceased ' First Publication April 16 '09. Last Publication May 14, '09. ' For ...Sale or. Trade A- good Studebaker. cart and single har ness. Apply 360 Jackson street; : 4-9-tf BEG Usitil Fur X 17 I will place on sale PATTERN HATS, STREET HATS, GAUZE SAILORS, FLOWERS AND RIBBONS. I will hereafter carry, a line of hair goods, HAIR ORNAMENTS, ROLLS, SWITCHES, PUFFS AND, NETS, FANCY HAIR PINS, COMBS ETC., I am in receipt of a fine line of stamping patters for lingerie dresses, shirt waists, etc I have a nice line of CHILDREN'S SUNBONNETS, BABY CAPS and BABY BONNETS. SHIRT WAIST SUITS, SHIRT WAISTS, CHILDREN'S iDRESSES, INFANTS LAYETTS. Made by hand if desired by a competent dressmaker. MRS:. H. E. WETHERLA La Mode Millinery Parlors 151 Madison Street rsr ad V. E. WATTERS The Benton County Heal Estate Agent Corvallis, Oregon If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange, see us. No padded prices. As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer ...... you to the business men of Corvallis. If Some splendid bargains send for o, list. . NEW WALL PAPER STOCK JUST ARRIVED This includes all the beautiful patterns in crown effects, cut-outs, ingrains, etc. If you contemplate using paper in your house this Spring, come to our store, see our poods and we will show you how many dollars we can save YOU WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING ' GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Daily Gazette 50 cents a month, Subscribe for the Gazette All the News All Ihe Time in the Corvallis Gazette ; Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, -LAMPS ETC. , J IWIUJHJ COOPER 8 HARDWAB Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Seqoa&Slrset, - Gogvallis,, Oregon U - ; , Dealers in V, v . ; vv Hardware Implements, JBuggies, Wagons,? Creain Sepa- . rators, Graniteware Tinware and Builders' rnr Hardware. - , 'jy' (.Sole Agents for Cdhno nooiinn add 'Quick' l.lo'al RanoGD democrat. Stowe. . . 1 '