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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 2001)
January 5.2001 » w >B m NF m ................... ▼.................... Gay Man'« D iscussion Group meets Mondays from 7:30 to 9 pm at the Komonia Center, 1414 Kincaid, Eugene, (Hank 541-484-6259. Trent tseager@hivalliance org .7 (6/01) 9 and 11 am. Sunday school for children is held during the 11 am worship service (2400 NE Broadway 503-281 8868 ( 6/01) Lana C ounty M an's Health N etw ork offers Evangelical and chansmatic Christian. (3830 SE 62nd Ave. 503-775-5024.) (6/01) social events, retreats, workshops and training for bi. gay and trans men. Community calendars and mailings. Training and networking men to build community from a grassroots perspective. (1966 Garden Ave.. Eugene 541-342-5088. ext 23. ( 6 / 01 ) M arionberry Salon, form erly the Coalition to End Bigotry Book Group, meets monthly in Salem for potlucks and discussions of books touching on lesbian, gay or bisexual experience. (Cary 5 03-363-6036. (6/01) The Lesbian C onnection (TLC ) Lunch Bunch m eets at 11 am every Sunday at the French Horn and on the second Fnday of the m onth from 5 to 8 pm at the Fifth S treet M arket food court in Eugene. All women welcome. (Bonnie 5 4 1-683-2793.) ( 6 /0 1 ) SPIRITUALITY Metro: Spirituality A insw orth U nited Church o f C h rist is a multira cial, multicultural, open and affirming church. Sunday worship is at 10 am, and church school for children runs concurrently. (2941 NE Ainsworth St. 503-284-8767. P otter's House M inistries Life Center. S iste rS p irit offers women's spirituality celebrations, discussion groups, a drumming circle, workshops and classes. Schedule of events available. All women are welcome. (3-6 pm Tuesday-Friday. Suite 102. 3430 SE Belmont St. Mailing address: PO Box 9246, Portland. OR 97207 503-736-3297 sistersp@ Mornings Ids United Methodist Church is a recon ciling congregation where everyone is welcome to partici pate in the full life of the congregation (8 30 and I I am Sundays. 3674 12th St. SE. Salem. 503-364-5013.) (6/01) Sweat S p irit M etropolitan Com m unity Church (MCC) holds worship at 11 am Sundays followed by coffee and fellowship as well as potluck lunches every second Sunday. (Amencan Legion Hall. 4774 Lilac Lane NE. Salem. Mailing address Pastor Ken Kerr. PO Box 12753. Salem. OR 97309. 503-315-7923 ) (6/01) ( 6 / 01 ) S outhm inster Presbyterian Church is a chal lenging, supportive community that welcomes all peo ple. It is the first More Ught Presbyterian Church in Oregon. (10 am Sunday summer. 9.30 and 11 am Sunday winter. 12250 SW Denney Road. Beaverton. 503-644-2073.) (6/01) St. P hilip N eri gay and lesbian outreach. A gay/les- bian-positive community for Catholics and their fnends. Mass at 7.30 pm on Fndays followed by a social. (Paulist Center. 2408 SE 16th Ave. 503-231 4955.) 6 01 ) ( / St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, the new home of the Portland Gay Men's Chorus, has been welcom ing all people since 1863. (12:10 pm Wednesday and 7:45 and 10 am Sunday. Sunday school and child care at 10 am. Southwest 13th Avenue at Clay Street. 503-223-6424.) (6/01) U niversity Park U nited M ethodist Church is a member of the network of Reconciling Congregations The Anawim Com m unity of gay men meets weekly for Christian meditation and prayer. (7:30 pm Thursday. 503-281-0722.) ( 6/01) B ridgeport Com m unity Church (UCC) is a growing community of progressive, political people explonng and celebrating the Christian faith. We are multicultural, lesbian, gay, bi and straight, and our chil dren are valued members (10:30 am Sunday 621 NE 76th Ave. 503-258-0992.) (6/01) Metro: Youth Expression is a free ad/expression support group for GLBT youth 13-18 who live in the Gresham area. Learn, grow and have fun! Sponsored by Roots and Branches. Meets Fridays from 5-7 pm in Gresham. (Call Jonathan to reserve your spot. 503-238-0780 ext. 244.) ( 6/01) Outside In operates a clinic for anyone who can't qualify for the Oregon Health Plan as well as a needle exchange service. It also has some transitional housing for youth 20 and younger as well as for youth who are HIV-positive and younger than 23. It also plays host to VOICES (Voices of Individual and Community Empowerment from the Streets), a self-support group for queer youth. (10 am-6 pm Monday-Fnday. 1236 SW Salmon St. 503-223-4121.) (6/01) P rids P roject brings together Washington County lesbian, gay. bi. trans and questioning youth to plan and attend monthly social events. Also information, referral, support and advocacy ser vices for Washington County. (M olly 503-260-5792.) ( 6/01) Rainbow is a multicultural peer support and activity group for gay. lesbian, bisex ual. trans and questioning youth. (4 30 pm Monday. M etropolitan Community Church o f Portland. 2400 NE Broadway. 503-281-8868) Com m unity o f St. Andrew invites all to join a diverse Catholic faith community for prayer and fellow ship. (9:30 am Sunday. 806 NE Alberta St. 503-281-4429.) (6/01) ( 6 / 01 ) D ignity P ortland meets for Mass Sundays at 4 pm Sexual M inority Youth Recreation Center (SMYRC) offers drop-in at St. Stephens Episcopal Church followed by a social. (Southwest 13th Avenue at Clay Street. (6/01) D ire ction * NorthW est (ECWR) helps gay and les bian Chnstians integrate faith and sexuality through Bible study and fellowship. (PO Box 86383. Portland. O R 97286-0383. 503-727-3387.)( 6/01) Eastrose Fellow ship U nitarian U niversalist. a welcoming congregation, offers Sunday service at 10:30 am. (1133 NE 181st Ave.. Gresham 503-665-2628 eastrose@ (6/01) Estacada U nited M ethodist Church Reconciling C ongregation, where we really mean everyone is welcome. Sunday worship at 10:30 am. (204 SE Mam St.. Estacada.) (6/01) F irst C ongregational U nited C hurch o f C hrist So you want to bo in pictures? Strut your stuff during an audition for Murder in Portland Jan. 6 at the Z Club and meets for worship each Sunday at 10 am. (4775 N Lombard St. 503-289 7843.) (6/01) Full C ircle Temple is a place o f worship for Zion U nited Church o f C hrist, an open and affirming congregation, is open to gay. lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual people who wish to worship in a Chnst-centered. warm, caring, m ultiage/race/cultural faith community. ( I I am Sunday. 2025 NE 23rd Ave.. Gresham. 503-665-8741.)( 6/01) women of all ages offering workshops, song and drum circles, meditation rooms and altars o f celebration, incorporating what you bring to share (10 am-10 pm Tuesday-Sunday. 3125 E Burnside St. 503-238-0675.) Washington; Spirituality ( 6 / 01 ) East Vancouver United M ethodist Church. The God Connection C enter fo r W orship, G row th and Leadership invites you to celebrate Reconciling, welcoming. (W arn Sunday. 5701 M acArthur B bd . Vancouver. 360-693-4761. ourclarkcounty.columbian com /273/.) (6/01) is an open and affirming congregation in the liberal Christian tradition. Sunday worship is at 10:25 am. and church school for children runs concurrently. (1126 SW Park Ave. 503-228-7219.) your spirituality with the Revs. Berdell M offett and Casey Chaney. Liberal, practical: all are welcome. (10am Sunday. 4828 N E 33rdA ve 503-481-7591.) ( 6 / 01 ) G race Space, a newly form ed m ultidenom inational spiritual center led by the Rev. Stephanie Torres, holds Sunday evening celebrations. (5 pm. U nity Church. 4525 SE S tark St. 503-287-3216 .) ( 6 /0 1 ) F irs t C ongregational C hurch, U nited Church o f C h rist. Two Sunday services, traditional and "less traditional" in an open and affirm ing congrega tion. (1220 NE 68th St.. Vancouver 360 693-1476 .7 ( 6 / 01 ) M etropolitan Com m unity Church o f the Gentle Shepherd. (10 am Sunday 913 W. 13th St., Integrity, the gay and lesbian ministry of the Vancouver 3,50-695-1480) (6/01) Episcopal Church, meets on the second Friday of each month in the Morrison Room at Trinity Cathedral. Eucharist is celebrated at 6 45 pm followed by a potluck and fellowship. (147 NW 19th Ave. 503 289-1687) M ichael Servetus U nitarian U niversalist Fellow ship. (W arn Sunday 4505 E 18th St.. In te rfa ith S p iritu a l C enter. Gay men's spmtuali- Willamette Valley: Spirituality ty groups form every other month Spiritual directors from vanous w orld religious traditions are available for guidance, classes and retreats. (Second Floor. 3 9 1 0 SE 11th Ave. 503-233-2026. ext 3 www hometown /djrho5/w ebpage htm l .7 ( 6 / 01 ) Lesbian and gay m editation group 'Compassionate Heart Sangha." meets for meditation in the Buddhist Vipasana tradition (7 30-9 pm Wednesday Flanders House. 2926 NE Flanders St. Jon 503-239-5539 ) (6/01) Metanoia Peace Com m unity (United M ethodist) is a 'house church,' bringing gay and straight together (Daily prayer 72 0 am. Sunday gathenng 6 pm. 2116 NE 18th Ave 503 281 3697.7(6/01) M etropolitan Com m unity Church o f Portland holds ecumenical Sunday morning worship services at computer access, pool tables and an informal place to hang out. Also plays host to weekly youth support groups including Windfire, Trans Youth Group and Personal Deity Proxy (a cre ative group). (4-8 pm Wednesday. 4 pm-midnight Friday and Saturday. 424 E Burnside St. 503-872-9664 www smyre org.) (6/01) S.M .I.L.E. is a free education/support group for GLBT youth 13-18. Learn, grow and have fun1 Meets from 5 to 6:30 pm Thursday beginning Jan. 11. Sponsored by Roots and Branches. (Jonathan 503-238-0780. ext. 244 7(6/01) Youth HIV/STD Prevention P roject provides fun and educational programs along with counseling and testing to queer youth in a friendly, relaxed environ ment. (503-872-9664) (6/01) YouthNet. a program of Love Makes a Family, offers tutonng and mentonng for lesbian, gay. bi and trans youth as well as for children of LGBT parents (503-227-1981 7(6/01) Southern Oregon: Youth The Sexual M inority Youth Recreation Group o f Klamath Falls provides support for gay. lesbian, bi, trans and questioning youth and their allies, (boy- toy22@hotmail. com 7(6/01) Southern Oregon Youth Outreach (SOYO). a group for gay. lesbian, and bi youth aged 14-20 meets on the first and Thursdays of the month in Ashland (541 -488 6990 7(6/01) Vancouver 360-695-1891) (6/01) Washington- Youth F irst C ongregational Church. United Church of Christ, is an open and affirming congregation offenng worship and church school Child care provided Wheelchair accessible. (10 am Sunday 700 Marion St. NE. Salem 503-363-3660) ( 6/01) The G ay-Straight A lliance o f the U nitarian U niversalist Congregation of Salem meets on the third Sunday of each month for a potluck (6 pm 5090 Center S t NE 503 363-8716.) ( 6/01) In te rfa ith S p iritu al Com m unity meets every Sunday at the Heart Center for inspirational messages, children's celebrations and |Oy We honor and celebrate all sacred paths, recognizing each person's divine gifts and supporting spintual growth, healing and enlighten ment (6 7 3 0 pm 1578 Commercial St SE. Salem 503 7636030 7(6/01) Triple Point Youth Program is a social/support group for gays, lesbian, bi and trans youth between 13 and 22 in Vancouver, Wash. Meets 6-8 pm Tuesdays and 3 30-5 30 pm Thursdays at 1104 Main St. Suite M 100 (Amanda 360-693-1188) (6/01) Willamette Valley: Youth Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Youth Group fo r ages 13-18 offers support, information and fun. Free, confidential, drop-m (4-6 pm Fnday Amazon Community Center 2700 Hilyard S t. Eugene 541 684 34 66 ) (6/01) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender youth group fo r ages 25 and younger meets every Monday (5 pm Monday Komoma Center. 1414 Kincaid S t . Eugene 541 346-1134 7 (6/01) Rebound and gagged Desperate dyke deserves devotion D ear M s . B ehavior : I am a 31- year-old lesbian. During the past two months, I pursued someone in whom 1 was interested only to discover she seri ously is rebound ing from a past relationship. 1 wanted to continue a friend ship if at all possi ble, and it seemed this was happen ing. However, dur ing the past few weeks, she sud denly stopped returning my phone calls and contacting me. I feel rejected and don’t really know how to deal with it. Am I just sabotaging myself by hanging on to hope she’ll come around? Hint: It seems this situation is becoming a pattern in my life.... — Hanging On D ear H a n g in g O n : Envision Ms. Behavior yawning. Not in a rude way. Just in a “Gome on, now. You know better, don’t you?” way. If you continually find yourself pursuing women who aren’t over their previous relationships, then you don’t really want what you think you want. Let’s go over this. Your prospective love is 1) On the rebound and 2) Not returning your calls. If you had any perspective on this, you’d feel sad, but you’d let go. You wouldn’t worry that she wasn’t calling; you’d worry that your desire to have her call was pathetic. You’d recognize that hanging around to be “friends” with someone in whom you’re interested usu ally leads to heartbreak. It’s true that it can be hard to tolerate love, but you won’t really be happy until you learn to endure basking in the glow of another lesbian s adoration. You need an assignment. Stand in front of your mirror (fully dressed, please) and say this: “I am not the balm for everyone’s wounds. I want and need love.” Once you can do it without gag ging, perhaps you will he able to toler ate love. Also, you can make thou sands of dollars offering weekend work shops to similarly desperate lesbians. want to help with my situation. I am at my wit’s end with this. I also have found only one place nearby to perform the medical portion of this, and to that end there is a $20,000 cost. Is this nor mal? Are there other doctors who can do this? At worst I am OK with the cost, but the person who will carry the child is now my hardest task. I really do need advice. — Male in Need D ear M ale in N eed : Ms. Behavior feels compelled to say the obvious: Adoption is easier and cheaper. That having been said, if you’re looking to buy the services of a woman who’s willing to get stretch marks without keeping a baby, you need to look her up under “surrogate.” Using the search engine Google and the phrases “surrogacy” and “gay surrogacy,” Ms. Behavior found 2,180 matching sites. (The psychologically minded or those who suffered lousy childhoods might guess that half of the entries would be aHiut monkeys and wire mothers, but 36 pages into the search, the links were still rele vant to human babies.) Surrogacy agencies prescreen women who want to rent their wombs. In addition to the medical services you mention, they pro vide legal representa tion for both parties. Ms. Behavior’s quick browse of the material suggests you’d spend between $30,000 and $70,000 using an agency. This includes the wom an’s fee, medical care, transportation expenses and maternity clothes. Using the surrogate’s own egg probably would cost less than bringing your own. You also can try placing your own ads to find a surrogate, but you clearly would need help with a lot of issues. (Ms. Behavior’s haircutter hired a sur rogate through a friend of a friend; once the baby was bom, the surro gate, who’d been paid $20,000, ran off with him. That represented a lot of tip money for the hairdresser, who ended up adopting a year later.) If you choose to do it on your own, seek advice from others who are expe rienced. Either way, make sure you have a gcxxl lawyer so you don’t end up in the headlines as “Nellie Beth Whitehead.” | [ 7 ] Stand in front of your mirror...and say this: "I am not the balm for everyone's wounds. I want and need love." D ear M s . B ehavior : 1 am a 30-year-old man who badly wants to have a baby. I have spoken with many people about the idea. I have someone who has agreed to be the egg donor, but I’m having trouble finding a person to carry the child. I know this is big step for anyone to take, Hit I am running out of ideas. I am Imking for a woman who might Write your confused and conflicted heart out to M s. B ehavior at MsBehavioiQaol. com.