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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 2000)
2Û.2ÛÛÛ 32 and 11 at Keller Auditonum (7 30 pm. 222 SW Clay St Tickets start at $25 from the box office or Ticketmaster. 503241-1802.) Ju st out is published on the first and third Friday of every month. The deadline Theatre1 (8 pm Thursday-Saturday. 2 pm Sunday. 3430 SE Belmont St $12-$20 503-242-0080 ) Tor submissions is 15 days prior to publication. O U t& a b o u t is a free community service of ju st out. Listing for events and announcements that are specifically relevant to sexual minorities in Oregon and southwest Washington is provided free of charge. The calendar features events up to three weeks beyond the date of publication. Bulletin Board listings run for up to two months from submission date. ) Profile Theatre Project presents Arthur Miller's The Price Oct. 20 through Nov. 19 at Theater! triangle productions! presents two simultaneous shows: Brad Fraser s Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love, about a outreach listings of up to 25 words (not including contact information) are pro vided free of charge to organizations and groups specifically serving the sexual minorities community. All listings are subject to editing, and inclusion is subject to space limitations, relevance and receipt by deadline. gay man, his female roommate and their travails in the single scene, through Nov. 11. Also playing is / Love You, You're Perfect a musical revue that follows the ups and downs of romance from youth through old age, through Nov. 10. (Call for times Unidentified plays at 3430 SE Belmont St.; I Love You plays at 121 SW Salmon St Tickets from Fastixx or the box office. 503-239-5919.) Listings expire twice a year (in May and November), and submissions run from the date received until the next scheduled expiration date. Listings are automati cally deleted upon expiration. To ensure uninterrupted listing, please submit updat ed information at least a month prior to the expiration date. Send listings to: BULLETIN BOARD | Washington State Breast and Cervical Health Program sponsors a free health screening for uninsured, low-income women who are Clark County residents older than 40 from 8 am to 4 pm Oct. 28. Services include exam, pap smear and mammogram There are several locations, and advance registration is required. Call 800 992 1817 (10/20) To isgister your domestic partnership, bnng $60 cash to the Multnomah County offices at 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd. between 8 am and 4 45 pm weekdays. The Lesbian Community Project is forming a new group, the Lesbian Singles Boomers Fun Club, for those bom before 1959. Activities under consideration are: barbecues, star gazing, camping, dining out, rafting, day tnps and more. Call 503-281-0296 or 503-282-8475 or e-mail (11/17) Help form a GALA mixed chorus Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and allies are invited to sing from 3 to 5 pm Sundays at the Umtanan Umversalist Congregation of Salem, 5090 Center St. NE. Call 541-754-4144 or e-mail (11/17) Dale Rhodes facilitates A Sou! Salon for Gay and Lesbian Community, a work shop that helps you identify what you want in your spiritual group, from 9 am to 4 pm Oct. 21 at the Interfaith Sprntual Center, 3910 SE 11th Ave. Call 503-233-2026. ( 10 / 20 ) P.O. Box 14400 Portland, OR 97293-0400 Gay Men's Figure Drawing Group meets the fourth Saturday of each month; sketchers and models welcome. Call Philip 503 493 3761 (11/17) Submissions cannot be accepted over the phone. Free ongoing support group for men with H IV/A ID S meets from 12:30 to 2 pm Please type your announcements and include full contact information. ON VIEW__________ I Art on Alberta holds a last Thursday gallery walk every month from 6 to 9 pm, so mark Oct. 26 on your calendar and stroll along Northeast Alberta Street between 14th and 30th avenues, where you'll find 21 galleries full of art. Maps are available at the gallenes. Be sure to check out the lesbian-owned gallery Plain Jane at 2936 NE Alberta St., which is featuring paint ings by D Y. Wilson through Oct. 22. Two other gay- owned gallenes are Matrix Gallery at 2315 NE Alberta St., showing new paintings by Anthony Jeffery and Travis Bonneau through Oct. 25, and Our Dream Gallery at 2209 NE Alberta St., presenting photogra phy by Stephen Marc through Oct. 25. And finally, yet another spot ONDA Studio and Gallery at 2215 NE Alberta St., is also now wholly gay-owned. From Oct. 26 through Nov. 28 they're showing sculp ture and mixed-media preces by Nancy Pobanz. She works mainly with materials she gleans from the earth, including natural bark papers and inks Maryhill Museum of Art presents its collection of Auguste Rodin bronzes through Nov. 15. At the same time, the museum also will feature Queen Mane and the Romanovs This fascinating museum has beautiful grounds and makes a great day trip up the Columbia River Gorge (35 Maryhill Museum Dnve. Goldendale. Wash 509-773-3733.) Portland Art Museum presents two new shows— Oregon's 20th Century in Photography and In Search of the Promised Land: Paintings by Frederic Edwin Church— through Jan. 3. (1219 SW Park Ave 503-226-2811. www.portlandart- Portland Institute for Contemporary Art pre sents the group show Counter Canvas through Nov 26 (Noon-6 pm Wednesday-Sunday. 219 NW 12th Ave. $3 nonmembers, members free. 503-242-1419.) 3 Friends Coffeehouse is showing colorful pastels by Portland artist Samuel Paden through Oct 30 at 201 SE 12th Ave. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the No on 9 Campaign. Wednesdays in Northeast Portland. Sponsored by OHSU and facilitated by Mynam Coppens. LMFT, CNP. Call 503 494 7031 (11/17) ONSTAGE Artists Repertory Theatre presents Ain't Misbehavin', the musical revue based on the work of ■Fats" Waller, Nov. 5 through Dec. 17. (Reiersgaard Theatre, 1516 SW Alder St. $15-$26 Call for times. 503-241-1278.) Brody Theater presents Middlemove through Oct. 21. (8pm. 1904 N W 27th Ave $8. 503-224-0688.) Defunkt Theatre presents David Mamet's The Woods a frank examination of sex, violence and gen der communication, through Oct. 21 at the Back Door Theater. (Call for times and prices 4319 SE Hawthorne Blvd. 503-235-8779.) Do Jump! Extremely Physical Theatre presents the repertory show they’ll be taking on the road this year. Up in the A ir through Nov 12. Then once they return from playing the Kennedy Center and beyond, they'll settle in for another run from Dec. 8 to 28 at their home base, the Echo Theatre. (Call for times. 1515 SE 37th Ave. $13-18 from Fastixx. 503-224 84 99 ) Out ’N About, a group for queer youth ages 13-20 in the Corvallis area, meets 7-9 pm Thursdays at First United Methodist Church, 1165 NW Monroe Ave. Call 541-752-2491 ore-mail (11/17) Late Nite Catechism continues its one-woman, every-nun show in which students are questioned and chastised in the best Catholic tradition, through Nov. 26. (8 pm Thursday-Saturday. 2 pm Sunday at Mam Street Theater. 904 SW Mam St. $24.50-$29.50 from Ticketmaster) Miracle Theatre/Teatro Milagro presents Dia de los Muertos Festival, featunng the Milagro Women's spirituality self-designed study group forming. Basic structure, Bailadores dancing and singing in celebration of the Day of the Dead. Oct. 27 through Nov. 11. (Call for times. 525 SE Stark St. $ I0 -$ I2 503-236-7253.) adviser, some group contact. Celia program through the reformed Covenant of Goddess Church. Call Alaina 503-288-3860 or e-mail alainared@yahoo com. (10/20) Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland presents the lesbian-themed play Stop Kiss through Oct. 29 at The Bi-MEN Groups and Clubs have the Black Swan. (Box office 541-482-4331.) Portland Center Stage presents The Devils through Oct. 22 in the Newmark Theatre of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts. (Call for times and tick ets 1111 SW Broadway 503-274-6588 ) * ' --------------------------------- i------------------------ 1 /« i __________________________ ______v i SCHOOL VEA» HAS BUG ON. about it, and now it s time to do it. Men, experience your sexual energy in a different way. Through ntual. breath and massage, wake up your body, mind and spmt to ecstatic states of being. Nov. 4-5. Call 503-790-2141 or visit (11/3) Fro« HIV testing in Vancouver Gay and bi men are welcome at an off-site testing clinic for needle-free testing from 5 to 6:30 pm every first and third Tuesday of the month at Metropolitan Community Church, 913 W 13th St. Call 360-397-8215. ext. 3 1 4 1 .0 0 /2 0 ) D vkeS TVWâfcIl O u i ïoF by Alison BechcW C /'W the R Famed lesbian author Leslea Newman is seeking stones for Fallow Talk III. an anthol ogy of lesbian erotica to be published by Alyson Publications. She is looking for sub missions from women who identify as lesbian or bisexual. Obtain guidelines first from PO Box 815, Northampton, MA 01061. or (11/17) Body Electric is Celebrating the Body Erotic— you've heard about it and talked Portland Opera presents Verdi's Otello Nov. 4, 6. 8 w eather No on 91 It's dangerous for our kids, and it's danger ous for our schools. Help stop the Oregon Citizens Alliance's latest initiative. Call Chad at 503-232-7176 or wnte to PO Box 40625, Portland, OR 97240. (11/3) Oct. 24 at Keller Auditonum (7 30 pm. 222 SW Clay St. $18-$39 from Fastixx. 503-245-1600 ) Just out (attn: Calendar) Fax submissions to (503) 236-1257 or e-mail to — Call 503 248-3027 for details (11/17) White Bird presents Australia's Sydney Dance Company in its Portland debut performing Salome ________________ grown from just 100 tx guys in 1999 to more than 18.000 today and still are growing quick- * !y. Find Bi-MEN groups at and Find Bi MEN clubs at (10/20)