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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 2000)
52 Jus* out ' October 6. 2000 Classiíied ( 503 l>M£ú-¿%á iM F TR V BMMM l i t t .-.- sm Dt Eric R. Brown m U AUC C C D V IP I T C « M ' * ' I mm HandyWorks Richard K nittle Free E stim ates PHYSIQUE PHOTOGRAPHER p ro motes male model talent 18+ to gay magazines and videos. Serves Eugene, Corvallis, Albany and Lebanon areas. Also does private work. 541-367-1169. Damon. (10/6) E 7 < ^ I¿ N H I5 T ? R K flL l> J W ireat wedding...Who was your photographer? I S3 R ^5 T °K flT I°N £3 MT^H^N5 Photography with a bias csxiinr ägüj ® ( s x w I 8 BATH5 PRO * D U C T IO N S 8 7 0 y -\ á ¿ 7 CCB4131520 Licenced. Bonded. & Insured —■» m ............ R ^N ?\JflT I9N *L _ iH E Â Î INSTRUCTION______ H artford Photography and Video Marc Baker • Mary Miller Downtown Portland (503) 227-1771 _____ Linda K liew er - I Wä ; ||.!.'|l.l IIIIX *! UjlffW 1 »!*!!)!* <J Saxophone and darbtet Wtsem musical en/oyment far m iiM L FOR IM M ACULATE H O U SEC LEA N IN G call Mike or EJ at 503-236-4335. (10/20) H O N E S T , D E P E N D A B L E , detail-oriented! Special projects, deep cleaning, repeat cleaning, move in/out. For a real cleaning experience, call Krista and A lexandra at 503-788-1619. (10/6) —' IF YOU D O N ’T KNO W YO U D O N ’T HAVE A N Y RIG HTS!! N e v e r .. • make a financial decision to talk to an attorney again. * 27 yr old, Wall St Company provides local services for just $ I6N month. Endorsed by the American Bar Association. Law firm is locally owned. (Not a paralegal) Ask about your free will. Peary clean' cP ♦ < • • • • • > ♦ — t I i E xciting N ew L istings 1 A ★ Wow! 1904 Charming 3 bd w/ sunporch, great remodeled kitch e n ^-va kin g tub in bathroom. Y>gs, period details, _^)% copper plumL\ ^ V ^ ^ f g a s furnace & h.w., c e n ^ .^ riT b u n n y corner lot w/ fully fenced backyard & full bsmnt w/ bonus rm. 6243 NE 1 lth/Ainsworth. $159,900. G a il D 4> R Diane Beals Photography E A a v is , g r i L T O R a »rues & Portraits • Commitment Ceremonies Special Events Do you hate to clean? Wanna come home to a clean house? 4133 SE Division Call Pamper Yourself—Call Now! 5 0 3 * 5 8 1 -0 7 4 7 David Roberts_________ (503) 649-5004 Bealsphoto@ Gail Davis: Located Inside the Reed Opera House at Suite 207 • 189 Liberty St SE • Salem. OR 97301 (503) In The Buff 2 0 3 -2 2 1 4 . v 2 4 -H r. Voice M o il More specific info? Ask for my Ray Bidegain Studio Q u a lity H o u s e c le a n in g W ith A S m ile free b ro ch u re M y satisfied clients teH th e real sto ry1 PHOTOGRAPHY Ray i ♦ For further information on these properties or any listed property, please call: V ? Too much to do— too little time? Visit just out advertisers online at NYSE.PPD ►------ ★ Great investment! Mt. Tabor Triplex! Larger units have views, hardwood floors and bonus rooms. Solid, attractive, well-maintained building with fresh exterior paint. Suitable for owner-occupancy. Call for details. 22 NE Gilham (between 66th & 68th off Burnside. $265,000.) 503 • 287 • 3256 i*W G râ c e N o te s M usic S tu d io 4 Cronin A Capian Retky Group. Inc APPROPRIATE R^N2MñTI2N Karen Lane ( 5 0 3 ) 4 9 7 -5 1 6 0 Windermere Windermere PHOTOGRAPHY______ J ........ .............................. ........................................ - Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. ^ R ñ F T ^ ñ N 3030 NE Wsidlsr (imrii Frad M*yw) An incredible home for the money! 3BR.1.5 BA, totally updated with charm intact, fir floors, high ceilings, 1390 square feet! AND, only $264/yr for taxes in 99-00!!! Hurry, it won't last long... 0 E P B & (5 0 3 ) 235-1037 or (5 0 3 ) 449-6207 Bonded, licensed & insured ( 503 ) 284-1077 “Your Independent Insurance Agency” Kitchens • Bathrooms • Older Homes Expert *106085 $1 24,900 • C o m pre h e n sive Eye Eaams °® D • Spectacle* and C ontact Lanses • M in o r O c u la r Em oryancies Auto, Home, Life & Business in te rio r & exterior— all size job s L o v ely O ld P o rtlan d 4839 NE Grand (not a busy section) Optometric Physician I N S U R A N C E .... 111 ■ ■ ■■un i '■»■'i i .>i!!.'.me.i.»i'ri’i|''J ............... . real estate ..."« GailDavis. E'mail - ♦ < • • • • • > - 503-341-9743 t i u s c le B o u n d Call NOW 503-649-9431 R ealty T rust IZ u cu tU ty (Z le c ittiH ÿ S e ta c e e . GROUP, INC. Residential & Commercial (503) 629-0683 ß *U for Appointment dsleen@ tiom A M E R IC A N F A M IL Y I N S U R A N C PORTRAITS AUTO HOME BUSINESS HEALTH LIFE A company th at supports our community with rates th at respect your relationships Call y o u r Family A gent E ddy K. H a u ff office 503-281-5880 5 0 3 - 2 8 9 - 5 9 9 8 MAID BRIGADE www. rbst udi o. com 1909 Craftsman AP Reliable, superior service...Period SP Regular or on-call visits SP Immediate scheduling SP Serving East Metro Area page ( 5 0 3 1 . 4 9 2 - 0 1 9 7 ¿ANDSCAPINQ » ..... i.iiiiii 503-281-9899 4 Seasons Landscape Maintenance Fall Clean Up! A A 3531 N E 15th Avenue, Suite A Portland OR 97212 w w w .a m f a m .c o m 'V Leaf Removal Pruning ■ Weeding ■ etc. Competitive Pricing! FREE estimate! (503) 810-0589 heather4>4seasonsland com 44 Darling English ; fax FilTUH ill I w NIGHTSPOTS BECAUSE YOU H A V E N E TH E R THINGS TO DO ............ - ... ..... Psychic V isions P a lm & T arot C ard R ea d er O n e V isit w ill C o n v in c e y o u r • Tells P ast P re s e n t 8t F u tu r e • H elp s in all P ro b lem s • R e a d in g By C h e rie V a n c o u v e r , W A * Y our D estiny A w aits You • D o n ’t H e sita te C all T oday C ~ $250,000 Cool craftsman has hrdwd, open stres, frch drs, frplc, bit-ins, 3 bed, 2 ba, fam rm, frml liv & din rms, big front porch, updated kitchen and mech anics, deck. Near Mt. Tabor Park. 3 6 0 -6 9 4 -1 1 7 3 4 i $149,950 English cottage has orignial character and has been well maintained. 3 bed, 1 ba. mahogany, fireplc w/ tile, hrdwd, blt-in, attch gar, fenced yard, great fir plan. Located in neat & tidy South Tabor neighborhood. Hawthorne Bungalow $169,950 Great home with hardwood floors, built-ins, deck, big porch, 3+bed, 2 ba, 1468sf. Possible apartment in basement w/ sep entrance and kit chen. On a quiet street in great neighborhood. Jan Caplener ““ 232 - 4763 “ ' 5015 SE H a w th o rn e __