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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 2000)
October 6 . 2000 • C l a — issified FOR HEALTH CARE HELP WANTED r.DNFIPENTIAL S T O /W V TESTING & TREATMENT • HEPATITIS A/B VACCINATION FOR GAY AND Bl MEN Sign Maker • CONVENIENT AM & PM APPOINTMENTS OR WALK-INS Are you reliable? Do you like working with your • GAY & G A Y -F R IE N D L Y STAFF AND C LIN IC IA N S hands? Then join the fast-paced sign industry as STD CLINIC Æ . 426 a sign maker. If you are quality conscious & work quickly under deadlines, call Tigard Fast Signs SW STARK D O W N T O W N (503) 244-8813 Arts & Crafts experience requiring measuring a plus. PO R TLA N D Multnomah County health Department g (503) 248-3700 MUSICIAN: Open and affirming church seeks organist/pianist for worship service and choir rehearsal. Information and application: 503-635-4348. (10/6) AIDS tree care % Jim Meyers ime yors (‘»lele Q u a l it y P runing • T ruk P l a n tin g • T rkk R k m o v a i . Environmentally Conscious Tree Care _____________ Licensed »Bonded »Insured ivh#l27 IH9 IN-HOME CARE EDUCATOR Description: Cascade AIDS Project (CAP), the leading HIV prevention, housing, advoca cy and services organization in Oregon and Southwest Washington, seeks an organized, career-minded, caring individual to assist in the continued development and provision of training services in its In-Home Care Program. The Educator will be responsible for assisting in the ongoing development and implementation of the program’s goals of recruiting, training and retaining caregivers to work with people living with HIV/AiDS. W O R K H O M E KITCHENS • BATHS • ADDITIONS • REMODEL DESIGN/BUILD HISTORICAL RESTORATION UNIVERSAL DESIGN TOM FITZPATRICK n m m r n 503 282-4829 fax / phone 2629 NE 23 rd A ve „ P ortland , OR 97212 m WA • 00 r c M 9 ?inn CONSTRUCTI ON TO ADVERTISE CALL ( 503 ) 236 1253 W O O D ST O C K A R E A , lesbian household. Room plus bonus space. Great kitchen, deck, hot tub, no pets. $375/month + 1/3 utilities. 503- 788-8190. (10/6) TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE, sliders, deck, fenced yard, washer, dryer, garage. Lease for $800/month. N o smokers; pet deposit. Safe, friendly SE neighborhood. C all from 9-9, 503-239-9483.(10/6) GAY HOUSEHOLD SEEKING fourth responsible male to share spacious, southeast home. Two private rooms for you with shared kitchen, bath and utilities. Huge yard, herb friendly, tobacco use okay outdoors. $385/month + 1/4 utilities. Details negotiable. No more pets please. Call 503-775-7231 or 503-358-6619. 0 0 / 6 ) ROOMS FOR RENT IN GORGEOUS HAWTHORNE VICTORIAN The place is gorgeous. All-new appliances, completely remodeled. Three rooms for rent. Huge upstairs master bedroom, great closets: $475/m onth. Large bedroom with balcony: $425/m onth. Dining room conversion: $350/month. Six-month lease required. E-mail for more details, set appointment. Available soon. (10/20) HOUSE IN VANCOUVER, WASH. Two bedrooms, one bath; close to 1-5 and 1-205. $650/month + all utilities. Large yard. Call 503-231-8464. (10/20) HOUSING WANTE ROOM NEEDED TO RENT. Hopefully living with rainbow members. Me? Don’t smoke and no drugs. Neat and helpful person. Range: $350/month + utilities. Please page: 503-220-6634. Evelyn. (10/20) TO S H A R E QUIET, CLEAN, TIDY, vegetarian lesbian seeks same to share bilevel apartment. Your space is a large daylight basement with fireplace and private entrance. Share kitchen and hath upstairs. M ontavilla neighborhood, close to O C O M , naturopathic and chiropractic colleges. $325/m onth + 1/2 utilities. Available now. 503-255-6390. (10/6) HOUSEMATE WANTED to share North Portland gay male household. Bedroom, cable, washer/dryer and hot tub! $300/month. Includes utilities. N o pets. 503-289-5758. (10/6) TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH loft apart ment 4 miles from airport/Clark/WSU. Gated complex, includes onsite club/gym/membership (pool, Jacuzzi). Modern kitchen, washer/dryer, bigscreen/home theater, cable modem network. Includes all utilities (U S West long distance free via cable modem). $400/month negotiable. Me: relaxed professional male. Great guy from Alaska, even speak Japanese. After/hefore 7:30. Joe, 369-891-9666, ( 10 / 6 ) QUIET SOUTHEAST NEIGHBOR HOOD. $400/month. Includes utilities, cable, washer/dryer, dishwasher. Pets negotiable. No drugs please. 503-772-3001. (10/6) GWF PROFESSIONAL, 30s, seeks same to share cute house in great, quiet neighborhood in uptown Vancouver. $400 + 1/2 utilities begin ning Nov. 1 or before. N o smokers, small pet negotiable. References please. Carrie, 360-604-9168. (10/6) home management services rp.everything, ine. (503) 516.6598 s e rv ic e @ rp e v e ry th in q .c o m Urban K. Hutchins Compensation: Mid 20s-Low 30s, depend ing on experience and skills; employer-paid health, dental, long-term disability and life insurance; 403(b) tax-deferred annuity; option of flex time schedule. An Affirmative Action Employer FRIENDLY, WELCOME 1 and 2 bedroom - large, clean in Grant Park area. $550/$575. 2205 N E 46th. M ount View Property Management Inc., 503-232-7655. (10/6) SEEKING LESBIAN HOUSEMATES for LA RG E FO UR+ BEDRO O M at Woodstock/69th. Pet lovers wanted. N o smok- ing/drugs or more cats. $325 + 1/3 utilities. Two rooms available now. 503-772-5174. (11/17) Requirements: Bachelor's degree in relat ed field and two or more years leadership experience working in a related health care, social service or teaching/education posi tion. Strong skills in program and curricu lum development, database entry and word-processing. Must be a self-starter with excellent interpersonal skills, with knowl edge and ability to work effectively with community partners, families and individu als from diverse populations. Cascade AIDS Project Attn: Support Services Team Leader 620 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97204 Fax: (503) 223-7087 comfy, SE home. Own hath. Have 2 old dogs. No more pets please. $285/month + 1/3 utilities. Alcohol, drug and tobacco free home. Tulips in spring! 503-775-0504. (10/6) WANT The Educator will work closely with the CAP’S Support Services Team, with area In-Home Care provider agencies, institutions of higher learning, networks of respite care providers and others in the successful implementation of this program. The Educator will conduct outreach throughout the service area; will develop recruitment and retention strategies and training curriculum; will train both area social service agency client personnel in the nature, goals and organization of this pro gram; and train in-home caregivers. Mail or fax resume, cover letter and salary history to: . TO S H A R E THREE BEDROOM, 2 BATH, light-filled, vintage duplex on cul-de-sac where children play. Just remodeled, hardwood floors, fireplace, W/D, garage. Behind M JC C . $1200/m onth. Creek! 503-235-7781. (10/6) FOR RENT: 2-bedroom in classic, uuiet, brick courtyard building. $695/month. Includes heat, hot water, water/sewer and parking. Close to all at 1910 NE Davis. N o smoking. N o pets. Call 503-238-6408. (10/6) (5 0 3 )2 3 9 -1 0 7 4 V i H* WANT RENT/OPTION. Tudor-style house. Hardwood floors, vaulted living room, mahogany dining room, French doors, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, secluded patio, complete apartment and base ment, detached garage, carport, easy-care yard, 3 huge trees, quiet neighborhood near Reed. 6236 SE 39th. 503-775-3029. (10/6) S te a d y FULLTIME E m p lo y m e n t M e n 's B ath ft S ex C lub N e a t—D rug F re e —R e lia b le A p p ly In P e rs o n 7 a m -3 p m CLUB PORTLAND 3 0 3 SW 1 2 th Awe JOB OPENING AT GAI-PIED. Part-time Sunday and evenings, 10-25 hours/week. Mail resume to 2544 N E Broadway, 97232. (10/6) Cascade RENT Just out. 5 General Contractor Dana 503-522-7772 (503)232-2295 Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CCB #141020 Ucmad Bondsd Intirsd CCB# 114183 U ltra E lectrical C onstruction Corp. • • • • • • Residential/Commercial Troubleshooting Service changes and upgrades Remodel/Additions Heating and A/C hookups Spa /Hot Tub Hookups 503 - 622-6649 CCB# 140692 Licensed • Bonded • Insured Roofing • Painting • Decks Remodel • Flnieh Work • Custom Mssonry TRADESM AN PAIN TIN G • Beauty • Quality • Affordable •Bonded • Insured Tim Berreth CCB# 143101 Í503J 740-1482 email: • Service Upgrades » New and remodel __________ C.C B. 108091 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Hauling Junk Removal Clean-Ups Licensed and Insured ( 5 0 3 ) 231-2444 RG Home Renovations & Repairs Reeni Goldin (503) 774-5048 “No Job Too Small” -f- coring -W indows -Electrical -Plumbing -Sheet RocK -Ceramic Tile Free Estimates Licensed • Bonded • Insu re d • CCB # 1 2 6 8 6 9