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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 2000)
46 ju s t out - September IS. 2000 mea LCiO lU lNlSlElÜ IlTÑTGl mam 1 —— CREATING THE BEST Deborah Samuels %> ■'Sv'.äSä FITNESS MS, RN, LPC Individual Therapy for: Sexual minorities, Abuse, depression, anxiety C M Uj NÍSlEjLSlíNíGl Gay Men’s Counseling Services Colleen Moloney, lcsw STRESS — 2 3 5 -3 4 3 3 • 12 S .E . 1 4 t h A v e . PARENTING • Self-Esteem and Assertiveness • Relationship Counseling • Therapy and Support Groups • HIV and Health • Anger Management /Dometic Abuse — DEPRESSION ( 5 0 3 ) 221-9998 1942 NW Kearney #22 Portland, OR 97209 • Private Fitness Studio • Certified Personal Fitness Trainers HEALTH • Successful Fitness Programs COUNSELING FOR INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES AND CHILDREN I SSUES — • Affordable rates and packages TRANSITIONS IN EVERYBODY M an ali I re el, MA 502 281 0243 v i s i t US @ w w w .fitn e s s c re a to rs .c o m Psychotherapy for couples and individuals "Integrating mind, body a n d sp irit' S E X U A LIT Y Free initial consultation Sliding fee scale IS S U E S ? • Alternative Lifestyles • Fetish • Kink • Gender Acceptance - Guidance - Resources Individuals & Couples - Ultra Confidential & Private 503-972-2250 K aren M . C resw ell, P sy. D . Licensed P sychologist in a comfortable setting 503-283-0380 F it n e s s C rea to rs Julie O'Donnell, LCSW 24 Hour Info Line * Group for Lesbian and Bi-women in break-ups running for H sessions. September 19th through November 7th. Clinical Psychologist Individual and Couples Counseling 1133 NW 21st Portland, OR 97209 (303) 222-3010 M is s io n * ¡ $ 5 O f f Any H aircut \ , for Any New C u sto m er i Tam ara Marshall THERAPY Individuals & Couples I I 503-232-2404 GROUPS Considering Parenthood W e O O O O O 'B c to lin , C O U N S E L O R Offering Safe Si Caring Guidance for Individuals Si Couples P ersonal G rowth St R ela tio n sh ip s D epression St A n x ie ty C ounseling G rief a n d M ourning C ounseling A rt T h era p y 81 D ream A n a ly sis S p iritu a l G row th a n d D irection H onors D iversity o f f e r c o m p l e t e d e n t a l s e r v ic e s - F illings , C rown & B ridge - R oot C anals , O ral S urgery - D entures and P artials - B leaching , V en eers - S edation o gm jSeai R a n d a ll H enderson, MA * i z i 2 3 9 -3 9 1 5 2 4 8 -0 0 1 8 Talk with someone dds pc • CO N FID EN TIAL ST D / h IV T ES T IN G & TREA TM EN T • HEPATITIS A/B VACCINATION FOR GAY AND Bl MEN • CONVENIENT AM & PM APPOINTMENTS OR WALK-INS •Depression •Addictions •Couples general and esthetic dentistry • G AY & G A Y -F R IE N D L Y S T A F F AND C LIN IC IA N S STD D e a n S id w e ll, M S W ( 5 0 3 ) 7 8 8 .9 4 4 0 R e v e n a H a v te n Licensed P ro fesio n a l Counselor Individuals and Couples "Art of Life" Groups 22 Years Experience (503) 226-7803 w w w .iiK itn re riii.c o n i / —st;rc<k)l Carol A. Carver Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Specializing in Lesbian/Gay Clients since 1984 Pioneer Plaza Building 305 SW C, Suite 4 Corvallis, OR 97333 Medical Insurance Accepted (541) 757-2066 i CLINIC 426 SW ST A R K Free Consultation PASSION, PARTNERING A PARENTING K now Y o u r self & Y o u r L o v er O verco m e L o n elin ess & B oredom C ommunicate E ffectiv ely E nliven I ntimacy & S exuality ^ l l °° f f — s,* 503/972 3333 Specializing in: Individual Couples & Group Thérapy Kao Rhiannon, Ph.D. Nelly Käufer, MA Cheryl Wilton. MS BODYWORK FOR MEN: single or duo, incall or outcall. (503) 705-7614, Jim; or (503) 805-6141, Chris. All hours. Couples welcome. (9/15) um nv.G e d u a r d o m u le r o LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP THERAPY * EROTIC EMPOWERMENT RITUALS. Downtown office and outcalls. (503) 237-3732. (9/15) - C leanings 3 5 8 -0 0 9 2 sliding scale available evening appointments C a i h j 3621 21 SE Hawtn« orne Blve at the Todd L. Beck, D.M.D. 728 S E 60th Ave Portland, OR 97215 503-236-1449 E-M ail: drbeckoffice@ m 2311 E. Burnside *204. 97214 • Individual and Couples Counseling • Improving Self-Esteem • Life Changes and Transitions • Substance Abuse m Mt. Tabor Dental (503) 299-4948 . . • . * 12-15-00 m sw Together, we can create a nurturing, therapeutic environment where you can safely push your growing edge. P R O F E S S I O N A L r y S usan A . R osenthall Licensed C linical Social W orker TZ cycc /4 . f l S T Y L I S T S • open 6 day s • 1429 SE Hawthorne Blvd • 231-6694 (503) 241-7002 3101 5VV First Ave.. Portland, OR 97201 LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER ( 503 ) 223-1313 Patty Newland, 503-241-2844 S t u d io counseling for individuals, couples and families C H U C K L D E IS S E R PH .D 1104 Main St., Suite 550 Vancouver, WA 98660 (360) 993-2939 t § 1314 NW Irving St., Loft 201 In the Pearl District (503) 727-3563 G a te w a y C o u s u e ltix fr Roberto Olivero, Ph.D. Professional help D O W N TO W N PO R TLA N D • • • • Convenient West Sid? Loration Bleaching & Porcelain Veneers Cleanings, fillings, Gowns Stria Infection Control Multnomah County le alth Department ÍT (503) 248-3700 W eig h t L o ss 1585 SW Marlow Ave, #204 6 0 ) 1 2 0 1 -6 9 1 » . SEAN? HURRIES CERTIFIED FITNESS TRAINER 503.774.0244 Programs designed to achieve • Safe, Effective & Affordable • Medically Supervised • Medications Available ( 503 ) 251-9976 We specialize in Wellness not just Weight Loss” I HANG AROUND PLEASANT HOME, watch wild birds, pamper large dogs, earn money. Need ultra-reliable person for stay-over, no- walkie dog sitting. Please send letter with intro, pay needs and references to FY) Box 230685, Portland, OR 97281. (9/15) your personal fitness goals. ■ Strength training ■ Cardiovascular exercise ■ Nutritional analysis ■ Specific medical conditions Place your JUST FRIENDS Voice Personal Ad online at '