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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 2000)
• «prM7.2ûüû 52 REAL JANITORIAL U In The Buff Housecleaning Ray 503-248-0768 M A ID BRIGADE <§> BECAUSE YOU H A V E ^D T H E R THINGS TO DO Reliable, superior service...Period BP Regular or on-call visits BP Immediate scheduling bp 1503) 492-0197 uscle Bound i A S u c U ittf tâecLHCKÿ S e rvic e Residential & Commercial (503) 629-0683 &aM for Appointment t __ PHOTOGRAPHY -0- Make Your Move with Miliynn * Marcee this Millennium i REAL ESTATE I BEACH HOUSES FOR SALE Oceanfront, bayffont, waterfront—no house is more than 3 miles to the beach! Visit our website at or call 1-800-349-5446. Pacific Realty, in affordable Long Beach, Washington. (4/7) V C Io s e in NE S tarter w/Charm .1919bungalow shows pride of ownership. Tastefully remodeled 2 bd w/great master. Spacious, mechanical up dates incl gas furnace, new bath, roof, fence. W on’t last at $107,000! P ow erline #201 OPEN HOUSE April 8-9, 10 am-4 pm. 3838 NE 80th, PDX. 1926 3BR charmer in great neighborhood. (4/7) ¥ C lassic Charm : C lose-in NE 1925 Tudor on fabulously-landscaped oversized fenced lot! Gardener’s delight, ong charm & bit-ins, fireplc, Ig deck w/hot tub, remod kitchen, dbl garage O nly $159,500 Pow erline #207 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Sophisticated contem porary, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, great room, central fireplace, hardwoods, European appliances, hot tub, professionally landscaped. $309,000. The Realty NetWork, Anne (503) 248-4663 x8. (4/7) ¥ W OW I Close-in SE Charmer that’s main floor accessible for all: 3« bdrms, 1.5 bth 1922 bungalow has hardwood firs, so much otential, 1790 sq ft! Buy right now as-is for c 120,000. Price goes up soon as seller proceeds with fix-up! P ow erline #206 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Rustic 3-plex, 15 minutes walk to PSU, in woods. On Broadway Drive. $245,000. No realtors, list with friend. Call (503) 557-0444 or 330-3888. (3/17) K * * • • • > ♦ » S ¥ Fabulous O verlook, only 184,900 1 1902 Victorian restored to perfection! Huge all new kitchen w/ butlers pantry, new gas furnace & central A-C, 3 bdrm, 1.5 new baths,gas fireplc. Formal dining, stunning fir firs, full width front porch, brick patio & M O R E!!Pow erline #205. ♦ | «EXCITING NEW LISTINGS« | * 1 9 0 7 Fabulous Sellwood home full I of light. Private, quiet setting. New k - roof, plumbing, electric, windows, m refinished h/w firs. Gas furn, gas fire- # place & appliances. 2 bd & bonus rm. $147,000. 1415 SE Linn. i * 1 9 2 7 Unique artsy 2 bd cottage with huge shop (900 SF with 11' ceil ings) - perfect for carpentry, mechan ics, art or music studio. $ 119,900. 6216 NE Alberta * 1 9 2 8 Corner 3BD Cape Cod charmer. Large light-filled rooms, H/W on main. Private fenced yard with detached garage. New tear down roof & gutters. New exterior paint coming. $ 159,900. 4039 NE 75th Av / Mason G ail D avis , r e a L T FOR RENT: Immaculate! Close-in SE: Duplex! $875-$925 Southern exposure, 2+ bd/2bth, 1475 sq ft., garage w/opener, hdwd floors, frpl, fenced yd, pets n e g ., W/D hookups, gas heat. Drive by 4138 SE 30th Ave., or call Powerline #212. ¥ For 24 hour fax or recorded ‘no hassle' info, just call Millvnn's Powerline: 1 - 8 0 0 -8 2 5 -9 9 4 8 & enter listing num ber! iGFRLABR. ...P a r 'p o s e -in 'C ity Specialist Associate broker OutonBroaduiay! the equity group inc, realtors 330-HOME(4663) cell/pager 5 0 3 - 4 9 5 -5 7 4 8 D ire c t line O fc/V o icem ail M illynn’s w ebsites: (view digital photos!) w w w /m illynn W w w /portland/m illynn ¥ £ e e our display ad earlier in this issue i gri O . M M iy n n J a m e s For further inform ation or to view these hom es or any property listed by any ag e n t — please call: R 0 4133 SE Division P H O T O G R A P H Y Call G a il Davis: I (503) v CELEBRATE See m y DISPLAY A D this Issue f o r m ore g rea t listings. \ S outheast C lassic I Old Portland 4x4, 4 large bedrms, 3rd floor studio! | or 5th bedrm, 1 1/2 baths, tiled kitchen floor, I hardwoods throughout. Tall ceilings, crown mold-1 ing, pocket doors, built-ins, large front porch, bigl yard, full basement. New price $249,000.[ 4525 SE Gladstone. ▼ TV P ractical Ranch, 3 bedrm, 1 bath, fenced yard, newer int.l paint, updated bath, carport. $99,500.| 19114 SE Steele. ▼ ▼ ▼ I N ortheast C ontemporary 3 bedrms, 2 baths, newer, great floor plan, diningl rm off kitchen, eating bar, mud rm, fenced cutel I yard off street entry. Double car garage. $165,000.1 I 618 NE 81st. ▼ ▼ ▼ C ottage \ Grandma's house, 2 bedrms, 1 bath, lg kitchen w /| eating area, wood floors, tile counters in kitchenl & on floor, garage, private yard. $103,000.[ | 4544 NE 95th Avenue. ▼ TV [ S outhwest V iew to D ie F or I Craftsman style, open floor plan, fireplace, hard-L woods, remodeled kitchen, 2 porches/ decks, 3 Igl bedrms, 3 baths plus 1/2 on main. Great for enter-l taining, big yard, full basement. $350,000.[ [ 4408 SW Hamilton Terr. v ▼ ▼ R ooms with a V iew I Two master suites, 1 separate rental, 2 bonus rms/l office/ den. Tiled kitchen, floor to ceiling win-1 dows, great yd w/ writing shed w/ electricity 8c| heat. Lg garage - big enough to build a sailboat[ in... near Willamette Park & boat dock. $299,000 [ 0302 SW Nebraska - Johns Landing/Fulton Park. — C E L I A J. L Y O N — Sales Associate, Member Million Dollar Club Office 503-287-8989, ext. 5774 2100 NE Broadway, Suite IB Portland, OR 97232 Residence: 503-786-4959 Fax: 503-284-1618 C eliaL yon@ A s s is ta n t B ill D o u g las EXT 5773 or pager 497-3686 R ealty T rust ----------- G RO UP, INC. ----------- and at the right price! It doesn’t have to be just a pipe dream. Hard work and research can make dreams come true. Let an experienced buyer’s agent help you discover the value in Portland’s great neighborhoods. ¡si George Marvin More specific mfij? Ask hr my I free brochure. My satisfied ! dents teU the real story! I Sales Associate S s ] P rom ote your business here! 5 0 3 - 2 8 9 - 5 9 9 8 PUBLIC ANNOUCEMENTS •1960s BARBIES WANTED. Top dollar paid. (503) 460-9321 * (6/16) Metropolitan Home Magazine Worthy $425,000 To advertise, call 236-1253. 4175 SW Dogwood Lane. Unique property with culinary dream kitchen, hand painted concrete floors and guest house. Completely remodeled in 1999. Beautiful and private .9 acre parklike setting. Suzann Baricevic W nd erm ere 503 789 1033 eraran * Optan Rmhy Or«?. Inc Office 297 10 33 B RÄ m C all 2 3 6 1 2 5 3 . PORTRAI TS Pager: 503-920-8403 Mobile: 503-260-6231 The Perfect House... 2 24-Hr 03-2 214 j f Voice Mail C LO SE IN S O U T H W E S T DIVERSITY Money is power. Support queer business. rues $ Ray B i d e g a i n S t u d i o ESTATE South Tabor Cape Cod $152,900 Well maintained home has hardwood floors, fireplace w/insert, 3 bedrooms + 1 in basement, 1 bath, family room in basement, single attached garage, fenced yard and new carpet upstairs. Vintage Ranch $162,500 South Tabor home has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, hardwood floors, lots of mahogany woodwork, fireplace, attached garage, RV parking, & full, unfinished basement w/roughea in bath. One O w ner Ventura Park $148,500 New paint inside and out in this split- entry 1957, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1450sf home. Features include 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, great terraced and fenced yard with stone retaining wall and fireplace. Jan Caplener 232-4763 5015 S E Hawthorne If UWN V l( I VI I \ m ___ Office: 503-287-9370 Cell: 503-810-6476 Wlii S.CERWES$1W4 ?H« K T 8T HELEMS * " " Build your dream home on this beautiful acreage w/unobstructed view, privacy & your own spring-fed creek. Easy 25 min commute to downtown Portland. PERFECT HOME FOR BUSINESS SI 82,900 3BD/2.5BA, family rm, gas fireplace in living rm, hardwood floors. Keep beauty shop or return to 3 car garage or easily convert to in-law setup. Storage shed. 2 decks, patio, nicely landscaped 1/3 acre, Tigard. 503-320-1271 Marvin Salles John L .Sosff • lit l i m i