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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1890)
WEST SHORE. 95 BOUND TO GET BACK HOME. " Jaysmith, of Utica, is in town (or a big spree," said New York Central official. " How do 70a know ? Did he tell yoa so?" " No; but the first thing he did on getting off the train was to bny a return ticket to Utica." Judge. Summer Season. New Dramatic Com pany uid Musee-Theater Dramatio Com pany. Week oommenoing Monday, Bept. 22, A great educational festival, Pro). ti en try's Fqulne aud Canine Paradox. The Mosee-Bongs Dances and Refined Specialties. K?ery Hatnrday Children's Day. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday, 1:10 p. m. Ad mission Moses, lOo. Seats in Theatre, 10, 20 and W ota., according to location. Box Seat-Matinee 25o; Kyenirjg 4()o. Seats re erred lix dayi in advance without extra charge at box offloe and W. B. Ailen'e Musio Store, 214 First street, telephone 600. Doon open daily 7 j.m. Museeperform anoe begins at 7:10. Theatre begins at 8 JO. London & San Francisco Bank, Limtd. Capital and Beierye, $2,415,000. Hud Ofllo, 71 Lombard tu, London. Thi. buik traneaota a General Banking and Kxohanga Buaineea, makee loane, die. oounta bill, and i..uea oommaroial and travelera' eredit. available in any city in the world. Portland Branoh, No. 48 Firet etreet. W. MACKINTOSH, Manager. Ladd & Tilton. Bankers, PORTLAND, OREGON. Transact a Geaeral Banking Business. Intereet allowed on tim. depneita. Colleotiona mad. at all poiuta, un fa ton abl. term. Latum of oradit Ueu'd. available in En ron, and the etatee. Bight Eiohiuig. and Telegraphic Trana ten .old on New York, Waehington.Chi Oftffn, 8U Looie, Denver, Omaha, Dan Fran oiaoo and varione pointa in Oregon, Wiwh ingbra, Idaho, Montana and Uritith Col umbia. Hichange aold on London, Paria, Berlin, Frankfort and Hon( Kong, Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Horrinn 8U Portland, Obioon. ADVANCE THRESHERS AND ENGINES, farm, Ohuroh and School Bella, Inipiratora, Injector, and laid Purape. Goal Oil Knainaa, Pnmpa, Sriabal Engine. Boiler, and Bwem Ueneretore, Laundry Machinery, Manna Machinery. CHEMICAL FIRE ENOINR8, Blaokimith Torre, and Drill, Beat Ail Orou. and Compound in the world, Pow U'a Brae Ooodi and Iron Pipe. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. DIDN'T PROFOSE. Ton So you did not propose to that dear girl last night, as you in tended to. Ah, my friend, I am afraid yoa were not fired by the di vine spark of love. Dick No, I was fired by her fath-er.-JVfic York Weekly. BITTERS WITH THE SWEET. Old Mr. Grump You teem to be fond of sweet things, Bobby. Bobby Yes, pa; but I suppose I'll be fond of my bitters when I am as old as you. Term Siflingt. gr"Ti Vl ftSbLOCTHT. . Hal V I I ELECTRIC GOODS NT lMrrMtBL. Ponlied. v a nrurit nntait. Liberal Man Paid, Alufl 1 .1 ti hnma or to travel. Teem laruiehadfr. P.O VICKKHV, Aufna- U, Maine. First Small Boy Say, Johnny, don't sling all them old chicken heads over in our front yard. Second Small Boy Why nott " First Small Boy (in a sepulchral whisper) 'Cause the Methodist minister is in the house; an' if he should see 'em; he'd stay to dinner, an' there's only one pie! Light, Judo 1 Prisoner, have you any visible means of support? Prisoner Yis, sor, you honor (to his wife) Bridget, stand up, so that the coort kin see yes. il unary'i. AS IT MA Y BE. Waiter By the way, yon haven't shown me your union card. Diner Union card? I don't be long to any union. Waiter (removing the meal) Sorry; we only serve union men here. Pud. ConwiGctuR I noticed you reading a book in the street this afternoon. You must have run across something very funny. Brown I should say I did. Kan across a woman and a baby carriage. Muntty'i. Northwest Loan and Trust Co. B0 Firit St,, POETLAflD, Oeeoom. Capttal,IBO,000 1 Dollar Savings lank Barings deposits reoei?ed in sums of tl and upwards, and interest allowed thereon. Accounts kept subject to oheok. Drafts drawn on New York, San ftanoitooand Ku ropean points. Loans made on Beal or Per sonal Security, This oompany is also au thorised by its charter to execute trusts of every description ; aot as Asiignee, HeoeiTer, Guardian, Executor and Administrator, or in any other fiduciary oapaoity, astame the oare of real estate, oolleot rents, interests, dividends, etc.; reoeipt for wills and keep them safely without oharge. Ornoi Hours 10 a. m. to I p. m. T to 8 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays, O. a Mark), Pres. J. L. Uartman, Trees. V. O. Dillingham. Seoy. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Dttignated Depoeitory and Financial Agent of the United BUtM. Pnaident, HKNBY FAILING. Vioa Pnudant, H. W. (XMlUbTr. Caehiar, . O.K.WITH1NHTON. Am let. Ceihier, H. i. COIIBKTT. Letter, of Credit lamed avallabl. In Ka ron, and the Eaatarn lUtee. Bight Kiohang and Telegraphic Trane. tara aold on New York, Boatnn, Chicago, BL Louie. BL Paul, Omaha, Ban Pranoiaoo and the prinoipalpointa in the northweet. Bight and Tim Bilia draws in aura to rait on London, Paria, Berlin, Frankfort-on-tha-Hain, Hong Kong. Collection made on favorabl tarmi at all aooaaeible point. THE OREGON NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. CAPITAL PAID IN, .300,000. TRANSACTS A QKNKRAL BANKING BVSINKSS. Eiohang. and Telegraphio Tranifar aold oa Ban Franolaoo, Nn York, Chicago and th prlnolpal points In the BortkwMt. Draft drawn on China, Japaa and Kara p tbkai oolltotloo on faTonbl tarma, Prwldeut, yANB. DiUBHMUTT. VtM Pnaident, QKO. B. MAHKUt. Caahiar, . - D. I. BUEHHAN. VBANK DEKDH, D. P. THOMPSON, Vio Praaidant H. 0, BTBATTON, Caahiar. -THE- PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND, ORECON. S. W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS, Loans Made on Real and Personal Security. fatTActs as Trustee for individuals, corporations or estates pending litigation or settlement, Commercial : National : Bank, O' PORTLAND. S.W. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. President, Vice President, Cashier, Assistant Cashier, D. P. THOMPSON. FRANK DEKUM. R. L. DURHAM. II. C. WORTMAN. rjSrsight Exchange and Telegraphio Transfer sold on i..w York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, St. Paul. Ban Francisco and all principal places throughout the North .t. Eichanire sold on principal cities in Europe and on Hong Kong. THE QUEEN'i ENGLISH. EiiauiiMAH-I say, ye knaw .what's the bookage to Boston? Railroad Ticket Clerk The whatage? Englishman The bookage, ye knaw-the tariff. What's th' tariff ? Ticket Clkrk-1 haven't time to Ulk politlcE. AVu York WttUy. f'!.r,ruTiiiiM( I And KngraTing inch a. ahown in thia pa per oan be dona for the rmuUnt of th. northt by A. An ilereon A Ch, I to 8 Alder Hi.. P. rtland, Or. Wl'rinling de partment oompleta. EDWARD DEKUM & CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, e and 51 WMhlnaloa PORTLAND, OR. Cerman and French Publications always In Stock. WM. KAPIS, Baoralary. BAM LOWENBTE1N, PraeidnL OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING COMF1 OHM and Saleroom, SOS and 110 Flnt ltnt, , PORTLAND, OR. Factory ! V) and US Front Stmt, Wriu for information. New Btale and Town. jAn,i..r,. - bos aoa. ill I IWBlIP lILlliinui BMttla, Wathington. BORTHWICK, BATTY eV CO., I Washington BL Portlaul, Or, INVERTMENT AGENTS AND DEAL. KSIN REAL EMTATE. Ag.nU for Woodlawn, HUhlud Park and PorUmoulh Villa. Bend for our InTeetment Conlraot, yield Ing Wo per oent.neU Mentioo Wul Short. PORTLAND i WIL. VALLEY Hy. TIME TAIILE AI'Oh POHTLAND. SMa.m t MS p.m. 7am 8 40 " MIS " AI " III4U " I 41 " It III " 11 U Jem " laaipin. 140 p.m. t il ' S'D " SIS " Thmngh Mail Oregon l.n H. H. point. Bnburlian Trina-t Oawego 1 1 Hitaraida. Heturday night laara II tl for Oevrgo. Fwriea nmnaot with all train, for Bell wood and Mllw.nke.. Kionmon parua. for Fpnng Brook or Camp Waabingloa at ndnoed raun. B.KOEI1IJCII, K. A. BOAHDMAN, Manager. A.U.P.A. Herbert Bradley &W!!ZP