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About The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1877)
212 THE WEST SHORE. THE MISSISSIPPI JETTIES, Chief Engineer James fi. Fads ha juBt made a report to the South PiM Company, from which we take a concise Htatement of what ha thai far been done with the jetties: Our works were begun two years ago in ail unused outlet of the Mississippi river and have necessarily disturbed the regimen governing the rmtBow to the m of an enormous volume of water; hut the theories upon which they were based have been fnllv vindicated by the results produced; and itn CARE OK THE EYES. Do not read or write before sun-up or after sun-down. Iet the light fall upon the page from behind. Never read while lying down. Those whose eyeB are weak should never read or sew by candle or gas light, nor by twilight. Sutter uotliing to be applied to them unless by the BpeobU advice of an exjicrieneed physician. If the lids stick together in the morning on waking up, moisten them with the saliva, it softens and n. -snivel me manor sooner man anv limun now manifest that entire and complete success j known. The best and safest treatment for most will reward our labors. Among the prominent ulleetions of the eyes is rest, especially if weak results developed by our operations are the fob 0T Inflamed, rest from reading, writing or sew owing! I ing, from every use of them which require! I. I lie .'nil. ' :i! IMtl'-Pi i. t!,- loiter llnWIIIL' across mo saiiu-uar at the mouth 01 the pass by the jetties created a clianiiclover '-'III) feet wide, in no place less than 20 feet deep, where only bout eight feet previously existed. '2. Tfie concentration of the water (lowing over me suoai m Uie river at the or the use observation, spending a larire portion of the time out of doors, as then, large objects are mostly viewed. Persevere in this for weeks and mouths if necessary, and if not then rc lioved, i onsult a physician. Avoid reading on horseback or in rail cars or any wheeled vehicle while in motion. Many pass created a channel over -1 H feet wide, in or. persons will find tt"it in readina before break part of it lens than iJuioct deep, with the central met an effort is required to keep the sight clear, part 30 feet, where but 14 feet previously ex- but after breakfast no such ditticiilty is cxpe- nenieo; loe reason m, me eye miner sin-li eir eumstanucH is more or less intlained, that is, has too much blood about it, but nature calls that eXOeei of blood away tt the stomach after eat ing, to enable it to perform its work more tho roughly. Therefore, persona with weak eyes should not read or writu or do line sewing on an pty Htoin.n ii. unr preceptor, rrotcssor Dim- i among the very first of living sur 1 hi ten say, "Young gentleman, never isted. .'1. During the time in which a portion of the tlow into the piws was interrupted by the worki at tu bead, and the current ooneequently slackened, a tcniorary dejHmit took place in the MM and between the jetties. 4. Tim gradual respiration of U normal llnw into the pass throiieh the new channel at Held tiaa .ilrea.y begun to enlarge the pass ley. wl: again, aiei na, much tins restored now Ml, removed from between the jetties I'd imvth tig toiirh the eye or ear strom-cr than within the put three months over half a million hike-warm water." We have but one sight to cubic yards of depusit, and given through more loae, its preservation merits all our care, and it than hall the length of the jetties a much larger unwise to tamper w ith, or experiment upon and deeper channel than ever previously existed, an organ so indispensable to our comfort, happi- thu sie of which is already throughout more uess and usefulness.- -Hull'" Journal than 'J.OlHi feet, VW feet by WMI feet, or that re- quired to entitle ua to the fifth payment from Combwihthi Spexrr mwcopi, The spectra the United StafaH. while mentf I Imil t,...t. of of the three oometi of the vear. savs the Imh. it exeeetla SO by 800 feet pwmVirf, have been examined by number of 0, The gulf current athwart the jettied obaervora. Those of the tirst and third present moutll of the pass effectually prevents tin re- 1 DO l W peculiarity. They ihow the same formation of the bar in advance of the jettiea by three bands winch have been found in the1 deepening ll liter slope of the bar, and sweep's Mpcctra of nearly all the comets hitherto ob- away auv auoh porti f tlm dlaehatged eedi-1 hl'rvi'''- Theae bands, it will be remembered, tneilt as the river current fails to cany to un- ! ,m' "handy defined at the less refrangible edge, 1 known distances seaward. j but hade out toward the blue end of the spec- j l. The Mississippi river at the head of the ' tnim. and seem to coincide exactly with three passes, where it has a width of over 0,000 feet, : bandl which are seen whenever a liydm-carhon ta brought under complete oontrol by our worka, ,!t burning with oxygen. Tin- fiame of a which are eo desig 1 as to enable us to in- Bnnaen burner or the blue part of a common creaae nr limit the discharge into our pass, I Coal oil lamp flame shows them beautifully, i if hereafter Ueceaury, with but little additional From this coincidence the presence of some form outlay. j of hydro carbon has been inferred in comets, 7. Finally, I may add with absolute cer- Hitherto only a single comet that of Hrorsen, j tainty, that this entire system of works is now ! obeerved by Muggins, in IfMIS has shown anv- so tar oompieieu that no financial rtlmoultiea wung uinereoei ami, as nmt oomei was very an Intervene to arrest tjie proceeeee of nature umt obeerved with apparatus inferior which are stantly operating to enlarge and . 1,1 wJHlt l ,l"w ,lt Command, it was generally (HTfeet the desired channel through them. i considered probable that the reported difference might Imi a mistake. The second coiuet of this RRQI8TKRING THE QAUOR OP liAII Xw a. DrtBntf"t of the three ahowa, how WAYS ' ever, according to the oonourrent testimony of nearly all the observers, the same ipeetrain as It is of OOUrae very necessary that the gauge ftiHfi U'!",, Mht W HP M ... ii t ii I . , , both engeai the middle one nearly in the aame 01 WW r,u-,Hl Il1 bo true and uniform midei- noeition as the middle hand nl t imilar litiona To determine this the track comet spec! rum, but the other two both less re- master's gauge is slow of application, and can 'nUTfliWe than the extreme bauds of the ordi- 1 mlw Im tvtillai1 i.. i k ..;.. f II. nary speetrum. 'I he spectrum of tl iclciis , ' , , . waa nearly oontinuoua, indicating considerable Hdarable intervals. We read that for control dentlty. ling and graphically registering the width lie- What is EkvkuT Dr. H. F. A, OotMlridgo, tweim the rails, Mr. .1. llochgrassl, assisUnt in a Veey interesting sketch In the Hritith Mm- engineer ot tlie iMiinpcan lut kisli railways, of "" 'onrim, oi lever patnoingy, sums up our ECONOMIZING STEPS. A large part of the weariness of housework, says a lady writing for the N. Y. Tribune, cornea from the number of steps required of the housekeeper while performing it. The going up and down stairs, the vibration between the kitchen, dining-room, cellar, and other parts of 'he house, wear out the strength quite as much as all other tasks combined. Hence such con centration of resources as will give the house keeper the advantage of position, and the easy command of every point to be covered, is of the utmost importance. If she can tiud in her laundry everything necessary for washing and ironing, the work is comparatively easy. If she can find in her pantry every requisite for com pounding bread, pastry, cake, and have no oc casion to run here ami there to get things to gether and put them away again, her tusk will seem light. If in her aewingroom si an pot Iili iiund on everything required by the seam stress, without the perplexity and trouble of limiting up linings, thread, buttons, braid, that taak will be robbed of half its weariness. But comparatively few houses have Ihcu planned with reference to this saving of steps. The ma jority of families have no special room fitted up as a laundry, no pantry spacious enough to contain everything a pantry should contnin, no sewing-room set apart for that sole purpoce, and articles needed in these various industries are necessarily scattered and kept w here it is most convenient to keep them. Tlie washing utensils are usually kept in thu cellar and must Im; brought to the kitchen and carried hack again. The sewing machine stands not far from the cook stove, bo the woman who does her own work can have an oversight of the cooking while busy at the machine, tint heriuaterialsfor sewing cannot all be within reach. Vet by us ing her brains as much as she docs her feet she may save the latter many an unnecessary trip. If she must go down cellar for anything, let her p. Hi a moment before starting and see if there is not something to be carried down, or if there is any errand there that may Iks attended to other than the special one she goes on. If she has occasion to go up stairs, let her consider how much that is to lie done she can accomplish with once going there, and so of everything else. A great deal can lie done by planning work to make it easy. She w ho has arranged in bar mud a little programme of her w ork ami goes at it systematically will accomplish with half the fatigue what taken at random might be entirely beyond her strength. Children fan be trained so as to save their mother's steps, and by setting and clearing away tables, putting their own toys and belongings in place, do very innch to lighten the toils of their mothers. I'sun kopn. near Constantinople, propOBM an positive knowledge as follows: The charactcris- apnaratua which is by preference fastened to a ti,; ,',,'VR,i,,H oftraperature of the body in lever trolley, and works automatically during the .nurse nl' the same with great aicuracy. The apparatus has two wheels of cast iron provided with Qailgee. These Wheela move with their axles each in two sockets riveted mi an I. iron, which is fastened OH the said trolley by means of a pole. One wheal la by a projecting piece of (he axle and by n pin w ith a lelaimn plate held in its place, whilst another wheel by means of the spiral spring slides to and fn according to me uiuiii neaween wa raiu. to tuemtuuli of the horizontal 1. iron is mounted a T l support on winch rests ttie reisU ring apparatus mill w ruing nisi runn ni. i lie whole tr-iiuc by means q small chains susiicndcd on two llat nprings, which project from ll"1 trolley whereon tL.e :.r.. Ut 1 I'll... .i. Iff. 1 ... such a manner that the stationary wheel is '''"'iug Imk betw always prcsscil against tlie rail, while the other wheel mows mi the rail Almost without any friction. The sliding of the movable wheel corresponds to the actual width Mweeu the rails, and is communicated to the writing pen by means ,.f a lever turning round its point. Tins lever is forked, and is placed with its forked end in a groove of the movable shaft. I lei ween the writing pen and a metal plate movee a paper strap or baud. This strap is moved forward by iiaasing ln'twtwn ilrillui, one of which is turned by mean id small wheels and an eccentric. The rolling of tint panel strap on the cylinder is affected by means ot another w heel , the axle of one wheal has a OOnloal end. On this axle is a cylinder which by mean of a rcrvw or screw is preeaad m such manner that the said eyUn dor can elide on the axle according t the in- creasing illaaaaaac of the papa roll. A drum provided with rOWl of small pill draws on the paper strap by two parallel dotted lino the nor buu width between the rails, whUat the davfav MOM from the width are drawn by a single line Tim Wginiiingi of curves nu.l the like .an easily U marked on the paHT band by the attendant on the Irvdley. The aforesaid itroMur M rew have for their perpaec to rag late the rotation of the said cylinder and drum is mainly due to increased production of heat. lie. side the increased production of beat there is a disorder of nutrition, an abi or nal disinte gration of the body, and partnul .rly of the muscular tissue, evinced, on the una hand, by increased excretion of urea and potaeh sabs, .if carbonic acid; ami perhaps also by w ater; ami on the other by progrooafvc looaof body weight The increased production of heat occurring at a time when a pi i mi j ml source of normal beat production. Via.1 the fond iuircsted. ,1 is all but completely cut oil", must have itaoiigtn ir,.i,.a 1 the abnormal disintegration of tissue. The converse may also buhl g.tnd to a greater or less extent, there being thus action and re-aetion. However probable may be the hvpotheaia of the niion ot the nervi.iis svstein, the cou- u the entrance into the or. ganiatn of the fever excitant, the pyrogctlio matter (be this BaaftlgUfM ItHiNM. or w hat it may be, and the onset of the characteristic phenom ena, have not yet Wen demonstrated. A Si mmi rxm Mm i.kkk. At a ' eon rention of tan United oaaaea IdUUrV Associa tion, Mr. r'rank CtiauiWrhuu, of Albany, N. V , offWed tlie toltow llig resolution "AVohv,i, That a i-oiuuuttoe ol three U apsmtisl by the I'n'aidcut to take into consideration the sutjivt of eaUldi thing, under the (tatrvinage and gald linn of the Millers' National .Wviation, a PJinOQl or e.'Uege for mttii. -ting and islucating millers, and, u pra-tunable, to IfMH a plan thendor at the next annual meeting of this Indj I'htf rossdutioii tu adopted MOTBiaa, BrUDV IIvhiksb.- Writes Mrs. Diaa In ber charming little volnma of UA Do meetk Prnblemt' "Will not you who know the inevitable influence of the mother iioti her children w ill you we to it that some jHirtion of the tune devoted to her education is aieut in prewiring for her life -work? Suppose the young women of ;t ynan ago had bean thoroughly in structed iii hygienic laws, wonld not the enact! of such instruction bi peroepiible Ul onr pn-sent health rates ami death rates' U t us iK'gtli now to affect the health rates and death rate of ;;o years hence, and it will do no harm to instruct young nun in these matter. Even now there comes to me a report from the State Hoard of Health, in which it is shown, bv facta and tig urea, how our death rates are affected bv igno rance ignorance a exhibited in the hvating, building and ventilating of duelling houses, drainage, situation of wrlla, planting of tree, oheioc of food and cooking of the same, as well as the management of children. Can any nb. icvt compare in hnpeftaMI with theae? r'or liumanity ake, let MtyneuU people take time eeMMagh bam their Intta dieUonarfea to learn how to keep Uietnaelvei alive." China Sov. Mr, K. It, Thurlwr, a member of a well-known wholesale grocery firm in New York, has been enlightening the trade, through tlie medium of one of its journals, as to the na ture and production of certain Ohineae sweet meats and condiments. ( 'onceniing soy he writes: "It has always been a mystery to me, as fancy it has been to most other people who have dealt ill or Used it. Ileing at Canton 1 was increiore uunOM to see a soy tactory, and takitUta boat one day We nro'eeeded tvnnr three miles up the river to where one was in iqieration. l louml that the principal ingre dient or base is a white bean known as 'pak toh,' which, so far as I could judge, is very like any oilier small bean. These are boiled, heavily salted, and put into big earthen jars, holding, perhape half a barrel each, where they are al lowed to remain lor about ten days, during " " ii pe eiiiieiiuuiou lakes place. I llev ore then m .-hill Up with a species of olive, w hich is picked and boUed, and this mixture ii placed in neat cloth bags, into w hich water U jioured, and allowed to filter through. The liquid is then taken out, placed in clean jars, and thickened with a heavy-hodied Chinese - lasses, and this is aoy, Thinned down with water, the Chinese use it as a sauce, and at though when thick it is rather disagreeable than otherwise, when thin it has certainly a toothsome fiavor, and gives a est ami relish to meat, fish. etc. Most of the soy manufactured iaahipped to Bnglattd, where it" is used in large ijimhiu" ;w oast- lor uie mnniitactun- ot sauces." riKt-rn M ftna ftia j ".in. v young man named t.eorge Kelley died yesterday under pe culiar ci nil instances. On Sunday last hedrove a (uirty out to Alum Rook, ami w hile there it is said drank two nr three glasses of beef and wan dered around for 00030 time at the Rook. The next day he complained of soreness of the face, and Mrs. Sikes, the wife of the hackinan, in whose family be was employ nl as hostler gave hun some ammonia to apply uihn it. Becom Ing worse physician were called, though he S.HHI became insensible and continued to fail un til yesterday, when death ensued. Urease.! was about eighteen year old. and bOTC a g.iod reputation, The funeral Will take place from the residence of his father, .lames Kelley, on the Alameda, at l xi. to-day. The case is spoken of by physician a an extraordinary one, poison ak s. tdom causing more than "a few days inconvenience. However, some are mora susceptible to its intluchcc than other. It is thought Kelley system was out of order else the poison would not have resulted fatally, Vim iw Mfrfurp. Ur.illTr.R.--A good laugh iH-eaimnally i attar than a whole inothaoary'i shop of aaed Wto h I an act oi wisdom'; it shakes the cohweW out of a man', brain and hypOnbondHa fr-im in ribe far aaari enaeeaally "than either a sxiokkhs' Dnnuaa, M Maariaa, Surgxsm of the Hospital du Mob, baa )oat added another to the snvial disease ol tnokem. He ha des BjikaeL under the title of : i , nrntur. a morbid change of mucous ineinbrane of the eangne and mouth, a kptvial vaortasia. This le sion may degenerate into epttieboina: ami ac epfdiag U M. Maunae, canwr of the bpa and tongue haa often no other origin than this. BsU are common amoiii; men, and very rare, as might be supposed, among women. DEATH TO GRASSHOPPERS. Mr. J. He Barth Shorb writes to the Lo Angeles Herald an account of his observations of the effect of the leaves of the castor lan plant upon the grasshopper. He promises to follow the subject farther, with careful experi ments and the subject will be worth watching: He writes: "My attention was called by Mr. Townaond, (one of the recent settlers on the San I'asipial tract), to the effects of placing a few leaves of the castor nil plant under some trees that were being destroyed by the grasshoppers. So remarkable was the result, that I requested him to count the number killed under one tree, and this count showed 408 dead ones, and alwut 20 more in a dying condition. Only a very small portion of the leaves was eaten; and, judging from the effects of the small portion consumed, I believe there was sufficient mate rial left to have killed ten times as many. The poison work very rapidly. As soon as the grasshopper eats the leaf he becomes tttpeqed, and w hen he attempts to fly, falls on his head or back and remains prostrate until he dies. I propose to experiment further with the leaf of the castor bean, and obtain reliable data as to its destructive powers and cost of distribut ing the leal over an area, say ot 00 acres, and publish the results of my investigations from time to tini". Prom the results already ob tained, 1 Mieve a very small load of leaves will destroy all the grasshoppers on a SO-ncre tract. If such is the ease, then the cost, on a large scale, Would he trilling; and I believe applica tions ol leaves would soon exterminate this peet from any one section, In the Northwest, where the castor bean tlourishes well they could plant hedges or rowsof the plant, which' would servo either an a barrier against the further march ot the grasshopper, or to turiush leaves for general distribution, as already suggested. Although 1 may be over sanguine, I believe we have in the castor bean the means of extermi nating this grasshopper plague in a very limited time, and thus restoring the product iveness of a very large area id' our common country, and relieving the distresses of many thousands of our fellow belngB, 1 1 Rural I'rfJtM, As ExeiTiNi: Incident. A very excitinc in cident occurred not long since at tlie village of Soudan, in Kranee. In consequence of the. weathercock at the top of the church steeple getting rusty and no longer turning as it ihonld do, it was determined to take it down. A man climbed up the steeple, but just before he reached the weathercock he lost his balance and slid down seventy feet, then rebounded on the roof of the church, anil rolling thence was precipitated to the ground. He was not much hurt, but being much shaken by the fall, he was replaced by a man named Chevalier. In about half an hour Chevalier made the most gallant effort to haul himself up by means of a roiie, but at last his band slipped, and he fell backward. His foot caught in the rope, as luck would have it, and there he remained, one bundled ami twenty feet from the ground, with his head down, beat itig the air with his bauds, struggling to recover himself. A spectator went to his rescue, Blipped a rope anumd his body, and cutting that which held his foot, freed him from the fearful posi tion in which he had remained for three hours. BUKXIHa KlTCHBM Rkkcsk. In the city where the dweller is dependent upon the dila tory swill carrier to come for the refuse, it li U'tter to burn the refuse in the kitchen stove or range than to allow it to lie around the area a source of in-sts and pestilence. We have for some time practiced burning, and find much truth in the following from the Sanitarian: "Among the internal rules and regulations of our kitchen, one of the most peremptory is the abaolute prohibition of netfj foot ana nwUflanV MVrV, and instead thereof, daily burning all pea shucks, corn-cobs, potato-peelings, fmit-paruig and the like, together with all greasy talile and kitchen scraps, which render the mixture read ily combustible. The odors are all carried off with the imoke up the chimney, and with or dinary care for a pood fire in tlie range, and MHH combustion so as never to have lame. ae. uiiiiilatioiis- .- - - .-i.L .ii,. ilo. ...nv.,..iunt suit. A Family ,! Rmu ...i.i: were quartered m a country village, when they ........ v .um-mu, t-ie wing one anniner what kind of .piarters they had got; one of them said he Ii... v.-rv- .......i i..... il. . , 'l"""-c'n. OUV Mir strangest landlady ever lie saw-she always ...... ..... Minim, aU1 llt. would go along w ith him, and would take her off. He went, and offered to shake hands with her aav- ing, "How are you, Klspa?" "Indeed, sir" said Iha. "ye hae the better o' me; 1 dimia ken i-yiu me, r.ispa. replied tlie soldier, "d ve no ken tm I'm tl... .l..,-;i'. i ti "Dear save Bat" quoth the old wife, looking mm broadly m the face; "od, man, but ye're like your uncle!" Dean propose.!, consisting of peat dust. 198 nenai slime .i. , ..f ; f ,.. 7. .. v ... r , ,,(S(V iiano- an thracite dust, l.tKMI ,rts; schist oil waste 100 li.irtH- mi,l .In- .....I -I-.. I. Lbi . . .. , ,vfc, ,viiarui. Another .... , .... . .j. v ,ir BuyiM oon j ll"lveriAsl onanoal waste, SO i)art. i-.u.-iuru cnarcoat. W0J0H are luixeil :.!', i- ., 1,., .1 ..i l . , mtrica,mt. two iarts of nitrate of jmuuh, and .... r ...,1 u,,,,,,!-, i,, im)lnct 18 sidered to be iw..inll,- i - r , ,,,r COIIKn sto es. as it causes neither smoke nor smell. It ii.uie.i wnn a match like touchwood, Ud covered with the other portmns of the fuel the combustion continues. Ttlf. bridge now building over the river Tav in Scotland, will it is said, the longwt bndgi- ji-t built over a running stream. In form it is not unlike the letter S. It tl to l I0,:fcil l,et in length; .ud the estimated cost is Co ,,,, Tur fanner should s.iw his Pa, keen his V warm, hive his ICs, kill ort the J i. ninemWr wnai tie t . lake can- ..t BM s, pay what he O's, teat h his wife not to T's, and tale his I a. A v.U Njiwoman from the rural district en tered a dry lOoda the other day, and ked for a pA -of,. The clerkVdito h asked her what numWrshe wore "Whv two, yen fooll Do you think I am a enattpt or that I have a wooden h-gr" 1 'Kati- I understand you have accepteiLait uati.n as governess. lather than that. I would marry a .idower with chilW