Image provided by: Deschutes County Historical Society; Bend, OR
About La Pine inter-mountain. (La Pine, Or.) 1911-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1921)
The Forest Service All rargers and supervisors in ]S je W S Qf R o s la n tl L o C a l S c h o o l N o te S thi Met i presenting nearbv districts o f the national forest, The County Nurse and the F.F. Sellman. who w ill be one are in conference this week at Krnest Bees ley has gone to Dentist, visited the local schools o f the local Forest fire men this the Bend Forest office. «*> Bend toserve as juror during the list T h u r s d a A , on their officail lummer, is expects! to arrive remainder o f the court term. r unds o f the schools in Deschu- and take up his duties .Via'. 1. A new ranger station is to be W irt Whited is taking care of the t -s county. I-aPine has been selected as the built this summer at LaPine.the stock during his absence. Dorothy Barron, who has been platting station for the Big R iv site has not «et been selected. From the number o f cars that ¡seriously ill with pneumonia, is er. Crescent and Ft. R ic k 'D is Burton ()^e\ received a pro pacsed this way the past week we recovering \er\ rapidly. She tricts. motion and raise tn - u'ar last are reminded that the fishing will -uon be able to start back to season has opened. Good catches Roads to Twin Lakes were week, dating back to April l. j ) school. reported from Twin Lakes. Burton is an efficien t forest scr-| opened by the Forest servicemen l/>re' a Masten. who had to last week, fishing is reported vicy man and deserves the ad- i Mr. and Mrs Ike Z ierolf mad. tfi\e up her studies Uvause of ill vaneement. good up there. a trip to Plainview last Saturda . ¡health, visited school Monday. returning Suniinx. to look for a ! possible location Mr. and Mrs The Sixth Grade hail a test in SprinTitQbe looked a fter the | Physiology last Monday. stock and dairy while th.?y were away. Mrs. Morse Templeton retrun id from Prineville Satrudav and is visiting relatives at Kosland for a few da ys. .lav Z ierolf o f Shnniko, s ; » ■ t Sunday visiting his brother Ike and wife. Casey Jones has lea ed the Gene Rspcr place and has Seeded the land to rye for hav. t«t -i Y ° l nUl H1'! »t< irrigated farm in the Walker Hasin lor S«»() dollars an acre. The Irrigation ( om| any will prepare 25' o of your acreage ready for the plow free of charge. You can get terms of Sl.'i an acre down and balance in 20years. There is a saw mill close by from which lumber can be obtain' d at reasonable prices. This is an excellent dain country and there is always a ready market for dairy pr< duets. Water costsyou fifty cents per acre pi r year. Plenty of fuel, and good well water elo c to the surface. Of the ten thousand acres in the tract for which water is now available, there are but sixteen hundred acres left to sell. Just forty forty-acre tracts. There are also a few GOOD 160 -ACRE HOMESTEADS W H E N Y O U r<> fiort • " after y » i r .U v «w ork whom- hoi wo ito you go into. Your own, or alnrtillor.l». rr i . . h o m e s t e a d s are all level, no 'nek good well water, lota of trees 1 fo r f u r l a lu l h-tieing I lie Irrigation < 'o m p a n y a g re e * to fumiah w u t e r fo r i r r ig a t io n on the homesteads at a very reasonable rate when t h e s e t t lo r o h In ilia t i t l e to the ¡amt. providing the homoatoad in trib u t a r y t o l l . . >- m n l n v * te in The Walker Itanin K ealtv Co tn poni- t i v e l y th e o n ly ho m e « t.-sd locator aiithorireil to make thin offer. bt*i f u r lb * i D M you over figure out how manv to uses roultl have been huilt with the ront money you 've aprnt. W ALKER BASIN REALTY CO. WM I Come to I.aPiiie anil put that money into a homo nt your own mwi LA P IN E . O REG O N \ K S (d |) *•* • •t ' th a t «I! R o t ! O ’ ftfe R n k m H A R R Y f. RI.Y t o l i m > . f d M i l U 'f t i t o l with the '•«■%»• for ih t faithful ji#finvmawo* r»< ail contraria an i agrarm»t>U M fo» y m * /tnNnfiiNt Ina tat imi taaung H * n a l natala S ta a t lieanas Tlua m . «lien « a n o . «mi i « i l » « > 'l r o t o lili.<■«» I l « n » iK -ig llin ilv * a ii ln I»,- u m ) I I. e rti n a ln».»iil n ll'l m l in « e il k im « i i in Kuri>|n* Carl Peterjon and wife, for merly o f these parts and now joacted at Bend, where Mr. «Verson is employed with the Miller Lumber Co., motored up last Sunday t<> renew old a<iuaint- tine < an ! to note the changes that to o k place during the year The Rose school.of which M rs.: B. < . Scott is teacher, was duels ' closed with proper and fitting ceremonv last Friday and this week Mrs. Scott and two small sons left to join Mr. S c o t t at Sea side. Mrs. Scott was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Eaton, since the close o f school. Word was received bv George | Eaton that his landlord. Wm. Williams, now located near Eu- gene. in rounding up «ome cattle had the misfortune to fall fr >m his hor e and break his leg. The injured member is fully incased j in a plaster cast fp>m the thigh dow n , as s the report, ard th« patient is doing as well as can be e x i t ctrd. Mi-s Alice EaL n. to c h e r of the ( re cent school, spent the, week end with her parents in the Harrington Butte section. : Miss Alice was accompanied b' j two o f her small pUDils. Francis Heinick and Donald Brock. The, hool has had a sue cessful ear and w ill close for the summer vacation in a few weeks. James' Miltenberger last week received a shipment o f prue-bred j Single Comb Minorcha hens se lected from the pensof theprize- winniri-- took o f Wm. Tupper. Hillsboro, and will engage in the ■ breeding o f this variety o f fowl. 1 A fte r a careful stud, o f the d i f ferent breeds Mr. Miltenberger is convinced that this particular fowl is the proper one for thi- part o f the state. The Whi fe ; Minorchas are a r.onsettjrg, large bird; are excellent layers! o f large white eggs; gcod rust lers and good winter lexers. Mr. Miltenl»erger max later be ab le1 to supply the demand for eggs , for hatching and baby chicks and is already looking forordirs. I O m a a e a i« T n fn S n lo n e « have X m llii(lia iiin h lr « «i ir,- m ul P a v in g . S eer w a p tn io it tV r t im h lr * . iM im -n n h ir«. R n gta m L '•r |.|ir|.«i«e» n f | ia «liig . a n «t a m ile v e n r a ;n I S e ir tlia S lia n ln n f i h « V i l a n f lle t- • I ru m , il a « e h e r n e n ! | i n i l e « l a g a i n « ! • h «tune» S e in g u«e«1 na a p n i h « a j •ling In 'h e |<arlnh e h u r e h T b a ln ■ I » iiIm r ille n . h n « e v a r e m g h l In I n * I « i l i - iti,‘H « n rr mi Ih a g rn u m l » h al i - r e n a i e p ii-n ly of nid g r a « M i n i m h S in d « S ii- h If u n n i a ilg h l r v t u l l n a « a vin g nf t a i r a . Things about Southern Central Oregon in gen- e al, especially that section embraced in the terri oty lying between Bend and Silver Lake, Cast ade and Baulina Mountain Ranges. An area o f over 1,000 square miles. r* , A 'ii.m ier rf .nrt in mile« #• i»l of J I-u I "llu a le it i - a i v t r . ,n thp ,.,uu.r of nn ntinil volrano. S.ono font above j« •» larnl. The lake I* fetl from the depth* of ihn old volcano by hot n|<ring». while around It* ttlinre« are nuineron» *t>rlnK* of nxcepttnnal r u e d l c l u a l value Open from June to October «.ai h year No post- office, limit goes to LalMno One of A x I& IiC ti • t Prairie ; the i-nlc " «orli! A vent prairie hundred« of acre« In Client, attuateli In the Ca*- cade mountain«, 5.000 feet above sea level, is mlteM went of L a l ’ltie. Headquar ter» for entile men during the grazing »canon Sur rounded by p i c t u r e s q u e mountain* flood hunting and flailing. Mall goon to LaPine. Fremont ,K'”lh,0o"l LaPine on the Stiver latkc| road, n e s t l i n g a l o n g t ho I edge o f the Fort R ock v a l ley. Han one or tw o »to re «, a blacknmith s h o p , n t a g e atatlon, etc! Nam ed In honor of lleneral Fremont, who in u*:.umed to have been the flr t while man to vi«lt tho valley. A very a t t r a c t i v e little place, and one to he l o n g r e m e m b e r e d by the tourist. Mull from LaPine. P ' i * orl Rock A proHpHrouH lit - the hurt Itoch valley, ao named hecauae of a munalve circular forl llke volcanic c r a t e r protruding a I) r u p 11 y f r o m t he I «• v e I plain, illatory attrlliutei the I« IJ n m la FACTS AND FIGURES Little River Items The Bn! Men can hank on one John Sutlief has been doing couple who will alwavs be pres considerable slashing and other ent at any ball given in LaPine, wise improving his homestead. and no one will annear to have J. E. Beckley, prominent cattle a better time than Mr. and Mrs man o f Fort Klamath, passed R. E. Eaton. Snow nor ice was through Rosland last week on his no barrier in the winter, some way to Powell Butte where he times it may be late when they has been wintering two hundred get here, but, theyr’e there. head o f steers, which he wiil This section was visited with drive down to Klamath Falls an unsual lot o f rain the past this week. While here he was a week which is a big help to caller at the Frank Bogue ranch. grain and pasture and assuring Mr. and Mrs. A Springstube plenty o f water for the summer made a trip to their ranch at season. Redmond last week. Jess Eaton finally reached I .a Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Eng have Pine Saturday evening in time moved to their ditch land and are for the dance but not without I having to get out and kick his putting in the spring crops. car in the rear divers times. Mr. and Mrs.N.A.Jensen bought It would not l>e amiss if while some baby chick and hens from the road grader is in working Mrs. Isaac Z ierolf iast week. order to have it come out the L it Wm. Brown and w ife were tle River road at this time for it shoppers at LaPine Wednesday. sure would work wonders while Mrs. Isaac Zierolf has added the ground is moist. County o f a choice Barred Rock cockerel ficials are reminded that there to her pen of thorobred poultry. are many families out this wav He is from the 0. A. C. strain. who use this road and would feel grateful for a little attenion. Dr. John Bessen and famih who have a summer camp at A son recently arrived at the Pringle Falls, left for Bend last home o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank week on professional business. Hammon o f Central Point. Mr. Mrs. Bessen and little daughter Mammon, who will be remem- continuing on to Portland. be red as “ Happy” drove a truck -between Rend and Silver I.ake Mrs. C. E. Street returned week to her home after spending last year until a Brooks-Scanlon several d «vs w ith her mother in log train put him out o f business ana I wards was engaged Bend. as teamster at the Masten mill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shelb\ of Since this makes the only boy Pringle Falls, left for Bend F r i in the family, “ happy” is right. day where thev joined a partv ot A rthur Waters has finished , friends for Metolius fo ra fishing seeding at the C. E. Wise an<D trip and general outing. To nes places and will now devote j Mrs. Frank Bogue has ordered time to doing likewise for) some choice White I<eghom pul him<elf. Mr. Waters is located: lets from Mr Butler o f Jennings' o p t i c Schultz place on Little Lodge. The birds ocme from hi - River. choicest stock. AN IRRIGATED FARM M a n n s G lu « . % M a r in e g lu e « |irc|i*re « t hy «p*-«*l* lu g o i,r (m ri *>f In itia rü lih i*f ni • m u '« •u sin a a m i iiitv in g « l i t i I n a |.» ,i» • h r lls e . h ) 1 1»*- a lii o f t ie n i T V - w» r r i i r m i f i H W ' i "et n f Iht» m n il i X M ilie rtinn « i l . Ita « I h i I I i * tti* \ llillll n » k en II a u - e f t il m li- '» '» . v ii im i I h I |i|illl h I Im m lo Im e n e i-tM*«lr*ti'li.l«l Min h fu r u im r e T h l» ( l u e la «i l uae of the natural fort to the Oral w h i t e «ettlera In wlthatandlng the attack of Indiana llaa aeveral thriv ing hu«tneaa o«tabll»hmenta, a poatnffice and dally «tage «arvlca f r l ^ C s S r L p C r l i l t l G w#l1 ** d t A a h lUhe town on the Klamath Falla a t a g e r out e , headquarter« for Koreat Ranger« for that dlxtrlct. A favorite «top for tourlata. 17 mile* «outhweat of LaPine Haa good ac commodation« for- tutumu- hlll.i» On the right-of-way of two railroad« which are «non to he built A vary promlalng little city. Ha« numerous b u i l n a n estab lishment*. a posteffice, tri weekly stage service from LaPine. Rosland LVAZ tlenient on the Little Oea- chutea river a mile north of LaPine W as established by f tho late J S. Hogue over twenty five year« ago. W it formerly the site of several business establishment« that are now located at I^PIne. la situated at the Junction of the road to Pringle Fall«. Fall River and Hlg River Ranger Stations. Mall to LaPine. O ' „1 * T i n g lC On the Rig Deschutes river 9 mile« northwest of LaPine Site of n proposed power plant; 1« being con sidered as a power station for electrifying one of O re gon’s railway systems. Has u s m a l l s a w m i l l , several g o o d b u i l d i n g s , and good ramping grounds No post- office; mall to l.aPlue I A live-wire town in the Walker L a r in c Basin, the distributing point for an art a <>f over 1,000 square miles. On main a 'in t n>:ul from The Dalles to California. Daily i; ;»• »rvite to and from Silver Lake, I ’ort Ko k, i-runont, Bend. Tri-weekly stage so: vice to and from Crescent, Fort Klamath and Klamath halls. Headquarters for tourists. An cnterpri.'ing town, surrounded by large irri gation pro^ivt. Good dairy country. Some go d horn*' toad land still available. All level land, no rock, soil is a mellow disintegrated volcanic ash. Good water. Plenty o f wood for fth !. LaPine lias general stores, garages, l a uie, hotel, restaurant, bakery, bank, For. : m \ o building, good school, churches, Ci Club, sawmill, and the u ::al nvmber o f small businesses found in a small town. It is on the right-of-way o f two railroads, which are soon to he built, good auto- n: »bile road - and adjoins vast forest o f yellow pine timber which is now receiving the atten tion of several hu ge milling interests that con- temp: . • the erection and operation of a very large mill close to the town. For Further in form a tio n Address La Pine Commercial Club La Pine, O regon