Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1916)
Oregon Historical Society City He” » VOL. IX JACKSONVILLE. JACKSON (OINK MARION DEMOCRATS I NEW SECRETARY OUR OWN STATI. INDUSTRIAL REV iE.V i WAR IS SELECTED ON TRAIL OF SEN ___ Some Recent Happenings Manufactures, Enierpri ATORS. Match Ignites Fumes From N. D. Baker, Who Refused in Various Parts of Improvements, Providing Disinfectants in Which Demand That Republicans Place in Cabinet at Payrolls and Promot Oregon. They Were Bath Still in Office Be Oust- First, To Succeed ing Develop nenl Yamliili Sawmill Resumes Wirk ed at Once ing. Garrison. of Oregon. 18 PRISONERS ARE BURNED TO DEATH H »! is Ende J. The exports of war material from o ir country to Eiropr the past ye ir Yamhill, Or., March 6 — 1 lie Reliance I hnvo no par Hel in all put ages. TI kv Limber company has again re opened I are sufficient to b.iihr.iy' the o itsi !•• El Paso, Tex., March 7—Nine more Salem, Or., March 6—Condemnation Washington. March 6 —Newton 0. i > mill and resumed op-ration in full Astoria 11 >ur mills to iuerea-e ei;a world, mi l '•■• m .'tc of us a nation of victims of the disinfection bath explo of Senators Chamberlain and Lane f< r Baker, former mayor of Cleveland, force The firm his jut completed ity of plant. gamblers. They are enouyh l<: ma e sion which yesterday burned 44 prison permitting Republicans to continue in Ohio, has been selected bv Presidili m wing a d inkey engine to the mill R noris s iy Pirli ml will have?1 c > fusion eve'where, Wh it fl a’lei-r ers in the city jail, died early today. federal offices is contained in a resolu Wilson for secretary of war. an I this will require mo e 1 .’>cr. 5)0,093 shipyard employing 15’) I mer. is shrewd enough to I > >k iorward and These additional deaths brought the tion passe I by the Democratic central Mr. Baker has accaptrd the position C. A. Smith L imber Co. at Marsh- f >r. Hve.what the final balances «re t> list of fatalities to 18, and a number of committee of this county. The resolu and is now arranging his affairs in fi dd raises wages 10%, '10!) m n elfer- b> or how they are to be adjusted? the more seriously injured were expec tion reads: Cleveland preparatory to coming to Postmaster at Creswell Nam 'd ted. ted to die. H w. wh.n p-'iice comes, are 11 e coming to Washington to take uo his “Whereas, the present administra Washington, March 6—The presi lent Monroe wants an electric light and i b mines« men beyond the an i to pick up The coroner’s inquest and an investi I tion has been in office over three years duties. todav nominated Chest<r Noland, of I the «hreds of their shattered busln s power plant. The nomination will be sent to the gation by city officials, ordered for tc- and that m iny federal offices not cov Creswell, to be postmaster of that ' and weave them into form again, ard Senate by President Wil on tomorrow. dav, had to do principally with state ered by civil service regulations are Prairie City Power Co. building pow town. ! how are the men on side who have ments by guards and survivors, who still filled by Republicans, and the Mr. Baker will come to Washington on er line to John Day and Canyon City. 1 been plrrinr the wonderful winn'ig Thursday for a conference with the declared that the explosion was caused keeping of said Republicans in office Ontario —Steps taken to form Mai- cards to c- ni i back to tho-e fine caleu- by the lighting of a match by one of it not promoting Democratic harmo president. Prompt action on the nomi- Eugene Schools isolat'd heur irrigation district to water 33,020 j lotions which finally nrilte fortunes out tion is expecteil in the Senate. the prisoners. ny. Eugene, Or., March 6—All schools in acres. ’ ; | of business when the profits mast Cvine ...vpiO ------ Mr. Baker ’ s name had been mention “ Therefore, be it re olved, that the The Hare of the match ignited the I the city are closed t >day as a result of : fiom infinitesimal gams? ed in coimectiou with the position sev St. Johns Lumber Co. closed for 18 volatile vapors arising from the mix Marion county Democratic central com the snow and rain Tile Anriz >n slo igh 1 A rain, when the unp irelle) maid ture of gasoline, kerosene and vinegar mittee does hereby protest against Re eral times. He was offered a plae- where the flood is the greatest of the months will resume operations with 2-0 when the cabinet was men. suddenly ceases, how .vili our cu nliy formed but de- ! publicans holding offices that should be in which the prisoners, mostly Mexi , L wi lt; r, isolates the new high school i Lumbermen demand Yaqilina Bay be in llxid? cans, were being bathed in conformity in Democratic hinds, and calls upon clined Baker _______ is under-' buil ;b* fronl the Krffater portion of improved . The selection of Mr. ____ Senators Chamberlain and Lancto pli y In a day ihou-ands so thev can market product. with sanitary measures devised by city stood to have b^en discussed by Presi- tbe 1 ’,J . ' The other school buildings health authorities to prevent the the game fair and see that < nly the d I Reports say that Black Butte quick of men w hl are now dent Wilson with Colonel E. M. House1 i are without electric power usk faithful are on guard. ” spread of disease from Mexican arriv and ventil- 1 ■‘*ver minees near London, Or. will soon erous wages, will be thrown out of em in connection with heating i..._ als. ployment . Where will they go? Speeches were also made at the soon after the latter’s arrival here tins 1 ating appliances, all wires being resume activity meeting at which the resolution was morning. Sheets of flame flashed through the Ashland Manufacturing Co. plans to will they do? d >wn. ---------------------- ■ ■ ■ When a train running at sixty miles entire east wing of the prison and al adopted, denouncing the twosenato's The Willamette river is at a stage Open their sawmill this spring. an hour is hurled from the tiacks. a for their failure to oust the Republi- most immediately the street fronting Moclips Beach Hotel Des 9.6 above normal. Roseburg will spend $75, 0ll0 replac wreck follows. the jail was filled with naked, shriek cans and make room for the Demo- ing school destroyed by fire. Worse wrecks follow when business, crats ing men, enveloped in fire. troyed During Night. Wallowa—Nibley-Mi tn naugh mill roaring with abnormal impetus is in a •♦w file. Candidates for Judges ■ ' • »CBS starts operations. mono nt stranded. College Boy Arraigned For Moclips, Wash., March 6—The Sea- Salem, Or., March 6—Frank M. Boardman, the new town on the Co- It looks to us as though a trial was Euy Site for Big Warehouse view hotel here owned by G. H. Smi h Calkins, of Medford, and W. N. Gt- lumbia starts building houses March 1. soon to come to cur country that will Murder of Girl. Bend, Or., March 6—The entrance of was destroyed by fire early Sunday tens, of Portland, today filed their dec All Hooei River sawmills expect to test ell the sagacity, all the energy, Lang & Co., of Portland, wholesale morning, believed to have been of in larations of candidacy for circuit judge operate by May 1, with 600 mm. all the wisdom and ability of all our grocars, into Central Oregon is an cendiary origin. The house had 40 The former is a Republican and tie 1! Springfield will vote on $30,0)0 high ablest men to successfully' meet.— Waukegan, III., March 8-William H. nounced here by Isador Lang, presi Goodwin’s Weekly. rooms, and there were 12 guests, who latter a Democrat. Five filed for dis dent of the company, when he comple Orpet, indicted for the murder of Mar escaped without difficulty; The $50l)(' trict attorney. They were: Phil Ash school. ■ ■ ♦40»----------------- ion Lambert, the high school girl whose ted negotiations with F. W. Sullivan Cheese making will be started again body was found in the woods near her insurance does not near cover the loss’. ford, Canyon City, A. D. Leedy, Can for the purchase of a tract of land ONE DOLL AR A MURDER This is the sixth beach resort fire in yon City; Charles H. Glos, Corvallis; by Monmouth creamery. near the center of Bend. Mr. Lang home at Lake Forest after she had died in this section within a month, all be T. S. M’-Kinney, Silver Lake, Republi 1 Section of Nehalem highway near of poison, was arraigned in the circuit IS PRICE OF GUNMEN will at once semi his building superin lieved to have been of incendiary ori cans, and George S. Sizemore, Burns, town of Jewel to be built at once. tendent into Bend to make plans for court today. His attorney entered a gin. The preceding five destroyed Democrat. $15.000 school to be erected at Knap- motion that the indictment be quashed the construction of a warehouse. pa. and Judge Edwards set the arguments were the Pacific Beuch, Cohasset Indicted Slayers Admit There is much enthusiasm among Bend Reach and Westport hotels, and two Water furnished by Oregon Power business men. us they consider that on the motion for next Monday. hotels and the business district of Mo Boy3 Start to Join Villa Forces Co. to Independence tested and ton'd They Were Hired to Kill Bend will become a distributing cen clips. Bandon, Or., March 6—In search of I to be pure. ter for Lang & Co. in Central Ore Hi. Gill Elected Mayor ............... ■ WW» Guards in Labor a ¡venture Melvin Baker and Paul Fish gon. Walker will e ect new high school. er, school boys of this city, aged 13 Judge Mason hwin is Dead Trouble Tillamook cheese factories prosper, Seattle, March 8—The unofficial ma years, left their homes here recently total output $620,503.23, in 1915. andstaited south along the coast on Ask Bond Election in Lane jority of Mayor Hiram C. Gill over Rainier mill reopened with full crew. Aberdeen, Wash., March 6—Follow foot, telling their friends they were New York, March 8—After indict Engena, Or., March 7—Petitions for Austin E. Griffiths in yesterday’s elec Marshfield —Kruse & Banks shipyard ments charging attempted tn order had tion is 5673. The vote cast was 5000 bound for Mexico to join the Villa forc ing a severe attack of rheumatism a special election in Lane county for • larger than in the primary. which has kept him tc his room for es. They carried provisions for a long now employing 1C0 men. been returned against four men alleg the purpose of bonding the Bounty for The charter amendment for prefer some time, complicated recently with tramp, but homesickness got the bet Residents of Malin 35 miles south of ed to have been implicated in the shoot the sum of $700,000 to build a hard surface road from Cottage Grove to ential voting appear to have been beat the grip, Judge Mason Irwin, of the ter of their ambitions and tlioy turned Klamath Fads working for electric ing of a guard employed bv a plant af „ superior court, died today, aged 65. back without getting further th m Ne-.v road »rom Mal.n to Klamath Falls via fected by the shirtmakers* s'rik •>, As the northern boundary, between Junc- en, while the amendments eliminating I Pue Valley and Olene. sistant Di; trie Attorney Dool n ' de t on City and Monroe, are in circula ward boundaries and placing certain ¡Judge Irwin was one of the ablest law Lake, 16 miles south of Bandon. city employes under the industrial in- ' yers in the state, His wife died a year tion. Pendleton —Blewett Harvester Co. of clared the prisoners had informed him surance act, were ratified. they had been hire I for I I'M 1 y the I Spokane plane factory here. Follows Pastor Out of Church shirlmaki rs’ unii n “to beat up and Passenger service over the Willam- Bandon, Or., March 6-Rev. C. Mayni ette Pacific from Portland to Coos Bay kill strikebreakers.” Richard Harri son, one of the quartet, admitted, ac Knight, who recently withdraw from opens April 15. cording to Mr. Dooling, tl at he had the Methodist Episcopal church here, Per.dleton subscribing balance of of which he was pastor, and joined the $100,000 stock to secure harvester fac- “agreed to shoot any one desired for a dollar.” M. E. church, South, has been appoint ' tory. ed pastor of the latter church to suc Substantial business men seem to be ceed Rev. C. U. Cross, who will go to Electric Sparks esming out as legislative candidates. another charge somewhere in Eastern Hood River — Beginning May 1, 600 Oregon. Rev. Knight’s withdrawol from the local Methodist Episcopal rnen will be employed by Ore. Lumber (From Off Our Wireless) church was the result of an old intern- Co. Oregon to get new people and keep al factional war which was brought to Many a courtship is torpedoed on the a climax wheu Mr. Knight, it was al those we have must make it possible leged, was assaulted by a member of to start enterprises with private capi sea of matrimony. the opposing faction, Seventeen of tal not rely only on those possible with When a man is going down hill he his adherents left the church with their public aid. meets a lot of his neighbors going up. pastor. Pendleton Umatilla County farmers True religion makes a man feel that planning to build elevator. it is just as cold for his wife to get up Baker—Boston capitalists lease and and light the fire as it is for himself. Road Work Near Clackamas will operate Virtue Mine. To the charge that thev are not fit Clackamas, Or., March7—About two State saves $2500 a year by uniting for self-government the Filipinos may miles of the road between Clackamas two offices under one title of Fish and retort that neither is the rest of the so and Baker’s bridge has been resurfac Game Warden. called "civilized” world. ed with gravel and will soon be in good Ore-gou Industrial welfare commis America’s dispute with Germany condition for travel. This adds anoth sion wants higher wage and sb rter will probably be settled with diction er link in the roads radiating out of 9 hours for women when too many have aries at a range of 3,000 miles. this place. no wage at all. Col. H ruse has left Paris for London Newport has let contract for improv carrying his zone of silence with him. Paper Mill’s Product to be Ship ing three streets. John D. Rockefeller’s expression of Springfield becomes headquarter of admiration for Billy Sunday is the tri ped Next Week. Oregon Power Co. bute of one very successful man to an Marshfield, Or., March 7—One thoua- other. Phoenix stone quarrv. two miles an 1 tons of pulp, the last that remains If the enemy shall come disguised as south of Sutherlin, is again to be oper of the output of the Coos Bay pulp and clay pigeons, our embattled trap shoot •• • ated with a large force of men. paper mill, will be shipped to San Fran er will repel them without lifting an cisco next week on thesteamships Ade Stayton Sjrveyors running line from eyebrow. line Smith and Nunn Smith. The de ialem to Mill City—extension Oregon Why should one study the occultation mand for pu'p is on the increase and Electric. of Jupiter by Venus when one can get there is a possibility now that the big Hillsboro and St. Johns sawmills have the same effect by seeing almost any 11,000,000 plant here will be put into started up at full capacity. man obscured by almost any woman. operation again. It has been closed Manufacture of elementary textbooks Perhaps the Rocky Mountain states for more than a year. in Oregon would establish a new indus- will wioh to contribute airships rather try and relieve taxpayers. than ocean going vessels to the United 7 he Pioneer Store Jacksonville, Ore States navy. Captain Dan McKinnon in Dead In the convention of June 7 In Chi- Wife Henry, you really must have Marshfield, Or., March 7—Captain cago thi re will be a notable assemblage Dsn McKinnon, aged 74, and for 25 the landlord -ome and see for himself years a resident of Ceos bay, was found the damage the rain did to our ceil- of dark horses, dark moose and dark steam rollers. dead this morning in an attic room in ing. However, when Venus passe« Jupi Husband —1 can’t without letting him i North Bend lodging house. He was i native of Nova Scotia and at one see the damage the childien have done ter one of these fine evening she will imewasa wellknown ship builder of to the rest of th? house. —Boston Tran neither nnille nor wag a flirtatious eye lid. Coos Bay. He had do close relatives. script. I»' » DANGER SIGNALS Emmy Lou Pumps Let us show you Lewis Ulrich DI /