Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1914)
JACKSONVILLE POST-: NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S 8 \LE By virtue of an execution and < rder of sale h ed out and under the seal of the Circuit • Court of the Slate of Oresron for the Ccunty of , Jackson, dated the 18th day of December. 1913, a certain cause therein pending wherein M. A weekly newspaper published every Saturday at the county seat of Jackson . in L Hall as plaintiff recovered judgment against County, Oregon. D. W. BAGSHAW, Editor. O. C. Purkeypile for the sum of Seventj-tw» ($72.(10) Dollurs with interest thereon from sail Entered as second-class matter June 22, 1907, at the post office at Jacksonville, 1 ¡th day of January. 1913, at the rate of 6 per 'cent per annum and Fifty (¿50.00) Dollais at- Oregon, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. t<#nev’s fee together with Six (f&CO) Dol’ars exi'ended in verifying and filing liens and the further sum of Eight ($8.<’O) Dollars costs and accruing costs, which judgrrent was enrolled SUBSCRIPTION: One year by mail $1.50. Advertising rates furnished on and docketed in the Clerk’s office of said Court application. in said County on the 15’h day of December, 1913. And was directed and deliverei to me as Sheriff of Jackson County State of Otegon, cam- Aian.ling me to sell the r« al property belonging to said defendant and to satisfy the raid judg ments and costs, and accruing costs. I have le. ie I upon the following described real property to-wit; Be 'inning at corner No, 1, a post from which I South corner of Red Oak Lode Claim bears south j 70 degrees east 5C0 feet an J a pine tree 12 inches in diameter bears north 67 degrees east 20 feet, thence south 70 degrees East along the south i line of the Red Oak and IowaLode Claim 1500ft to I corner No. 2.a laurel post from’which a black oak four inches in diameter bears south 38 degrees west 12.5 feet: thence south 20 degrees west (300 feet post for east center en i) 6DO feet to oor- i ner No. 3, a post from which a black oak 8 inches I in diameter bears north 22 degrees east 17 feet; ; thence north 70 degrees west 1500 feet to corner No. 1, a post from which a black oak 12 inches in j diameter be-ir3 south 45 degrees west 4 feet, and the comer se tion corner on the boundary of , | Section 5, Township 37 South. Range 3 West, W. I M. bears n -rih 30 cegrecs ea. t (300 f« et west cen- ' ter end i>ost)6‘)0 feet to corner No. 7 which is the I place of beginning, containing 20.66 acres more or leas, the above described mining claim situa ted in Jackson County. Oregon. Public nutice is hereby given tnat I will on MONDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1914 , at lhe frontdoor of the Court House in Jackson ville, Jackson County, Oregon, at the hour of 9:30 o’clock A. M. sell at public auction, subject to redemption, as by law provided, to the high est bidder for cash, all the right, title and in tere.A of the above named defendant in and to the above described premises, to satisfy the judg ment arui costs and accruing costs above men tioned. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this l$th day of December, 1913. W. H. SINGLKR, Sheriff of Jacksoh County» Otegon. By E. W. WILBON» Deputy. Hello Central : Officia^ Paper of the Cil-i of Jackaonville, Oregon -O' 9 SATURDAY. ! ANU ARY 3, 19 ¡4 THE OLD AND THE NEW With the present issue of this paper we cross an im aginary line-last week was 1913, this is 1914. Behind most of us lie disappointments, mistakes, and perhaps failures; before us lie we know not what, time alone will reveal. Let us rather look upon the line dividing the old from the new, as real, letting “by-gones be by-gones” and en ter into the New Year with the determination and will to do our best in the present—the only time that is ours, re membering the mistakes and errors of the past only that we may avoid similar ones in the present and borrowing no trouble as to the future. The words of the old song, “For all that’s past is gone you know and the future’s but a dream,” is partly true—the present only is real and the one who puts into each day’s work during the year the best effort of which he is capable will have fulfilled his destiny as nearly as mortal man can. Give Me 142 Where íí if •Ar -7k (5*1 < The World is Growing- Better” 4 They have just finished inventory and are putting on a LITTLE SALE of BIG BAR CA INS, begin n ing M ON DA Y, JAN. 5th. Won’t last long, there is only v few items they offer A splendid line of Men’s Wom Men’s $1.50 and $3.00‘ Hats i i en’s and Children’s John Stroot- going at $1.00. man Shoes at 50c. to per pair Boys’ and Men’s Heavy Out- Men’s Corliss Coon Collars ing Night Shirts 33 1-3 per 50c. per dozen. cent off. Ladies’ Fine Gingham and Fleeced Children’s Heivv Flannelette House Dresses $1.50 Sleeping Garments 25 per cent values now $1.00 off. Ladies’ Muslin and Fleeced Nightgowns $1.50 values at 98c. Ladies’ Silk Waists 50 per cent off. All Kimonas one-half price. ■ UM 1 Yes, Hurry, There are better bargains and lower prices than ever before. Don’t forget it. Don’t m’s? it. The deeper you go the sweeter it gets. The number is 112. Taylor - Williams Co Col. Williams says that “The world is growing bet ter” and he keeps at it so persistently that others are get ting to be of the same opinion. The idea is good and it The People’s Store & is contagious. Apply it in a material as well as in moral sense. Look on the bright side of things, many of us NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE virtue of an execu.ion and order are prone to conjure up phantoms of trouble in the dis of By sale issued out and under the seal oi the ircuit Court jf the State of tance which disappear when approached with confidence. Oregon ( for the County of Linn, in a fi ltd for settlement in the ab^ve en BUSINESS CARIS cause therein pending wherein titled Court and matter his final ac- U. K. HANNA The year just closed has been on the whole a prosperous certain First National Bank of Albany, Ore count of his administration of the said ' as plaintiff recovered ju lgment estate and that Monday, the 5 h day j one for American people. Lately there has been some gon, against W. K. Price, as defendant, for of January, A.D. 1914, at the hour of I GUS NEWBURY Lawyer sum of On ; Hundred Fifty and no- ID o'clock A. M. of said day at th? ! tightness in the money market owing to the change of ad tbe 100 Dollars wilh interest thereon from court room of the above entitled court, | May 28, 1! 12, at the rt te of 8 per cent' at the court house tn Jacksonville, 1 Attorney-at-Law ministration and the adoption of new policies in several per I annum, and the further sum oil Wil1 Pra<,t ‘se in All Courts in the State Office in Bank of Jacksonville Luilding 1'wenty-five Dollars attorney's fe. s j been duly Hppointed and fixed by order ! departments of the government. But we have had no and Six aim 35-100 D .liars cu.-ts ai.d of the Judge of the above entitled i MEDFORD. OREGON. accruing costs, w hich said judgment court as the time and place for hear i____________ i JACKSONVILLE, OREGON panic nor is there one in sight, confidence is being restor i Was enrolled and docketed in lhe office! ing of objections to said account and DR. T. TJiSHAW or the County Clerk of Linn County, j and for the settlement thereof ed and the indications point to a busy and prosperous Oregon, on the Sth d y November, report and of said estate. Dentist. 1913. Which execution was directed and All persons interested in said estate year. delivered to nte as Sheriff of Jackson are Hereby Notified that all objections Office in Hyan Building. California St. We with our readeis one and ail, a prosperous Happy New Year. Rats as Food. lints form n favorite dish In Chinn. Split open. <l;ied. pressed and powder ed with a finely ground white balk, they look somewlrit like haddocks as they hang In long strings over butch era’ stalls. Dr. Arthur Siradling once declared that “lots woidd be not only I v holesoine. but very tiliv. If properly ! prepared not common sewer rats, blit such ns I ate. barn fed animals snared In a hop garden. The flesh, though perfectly white, was dry and tasteless But then they wore only skinned, cleaned and submitted to the lire with out any of the et eeterns which make other ments savory. Admiral Beau fort amt other nrctlc explorers speak highly of rats ns a wlmsesome midi tlon to their supply of feed In those dreary latitudes" Chicago News. County, Otegon, commanding me to sell the personal or real property of and said defendant and to satisfy said judg ment andcosts. 1 have levi d upon rhe following described real proper ty, to- wit: 'lhe undivided one-half interest in the following described iand and prem ises. to-wit:—Beginning at the South east corner of the John Rankin Dona tion Land Claim No. 46 in Township 36 South, Range 2 west, W. M., anu running thence North on the East j boundary 39 chains and 38 Unks to a WilS point, South 86 digiees West 54 chains and 70 links to a point, thence but mil 81 L West 28 -bains and mid 15 links to a point on lhe West bound ary of the Vi dii.-iu Hughes Donation 1 Land Claim No 48, thence South on sai.l West boundary 32 chains to the 4 Jacksonville, Ore to said final account or any item there Upstairs) of must be filed or made on or before the date and time appointed for su?h JACKSONVILLE uREGON nearing as set forth herein above. Date of the first publication hereof D. W. BAGSHAW is December Gib, A. D. 1913. M. C. MAHONEY, Attorney at Law Administrator. II. K. HANNA, NOTARY PUBLIC *AND CONVEYANCE« Residing at Jacksonville, Oregon, attorney for the estate. Office Hours: I l’°Fenoon « ( Afternoon 1:30 to 5 Bank of Jacksonville Building. Notice cf Appointment of Administratrix. Notice is hereby given the undersign ed has been appointed by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, as administratrix of the estate of August Liwremz, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said i st. te are hereby nuifiel to present 'he s, in ■ wilh proper vouchers and du ly verifi.d to the un< ersigned or M. Puiffie, attorney for estate, at Med ford, Otigon, within six months from the date of this notice. • D ited and first published De v mber 13, 1913. ELIZABETH LAWRENTZ, Administratrix of the estate if August Lawrentz, deceased. w RaiiKin Donation Land Claims 82 chains and 15 links to the place of I k '- 1 ginning, containing 300 acres of land.' C< tnmeneing at the Southwest corner I of t o Wmiam Hughes Donation Land I Claim number loriy-eiglti (48) Sec ion ' I winty (-.0) Township Th riv-six (36) South of Range Two (2) West of the Wiiamette Meridian and running thence South Two Hundred Ninety Easy Economy. four (294) Feet, thjtice East One Hun Fpetiklng of economy in tbo home, a dred Srv. nty-three and one-half (17 !1.,) J- • , • • - j * Dn.v.'j.i, nlo, pur l’eet, thence North Two Hundred prominent charitt worker said: Thirty-four (234) Fest, thence Eist hasvc t i :t"‘ of Chamber!«in’s Cough “There win* a lot of truth in the re two Hu.idled Eighteen and one-iuilf ’lented»* - i ¡< '•<<%• v, ,-p , had a cold, and be mark of tin* poor. hnritMHed east side (’ISC) Feet, thence North Sixty (60) fore the buttle • ‘- ed the boy’s cold honsev. Ite whose hu d».ind complained: better than to pay a fe t, thence West Three Hundred WFJgone. Is that “ ‘I w Isli you would be mon» rconoin- Ninety-two (392) Feet to place of be five dollar doctor’s bi’’? Sol1 bv all dealers. leal. Mar.v. Look nt tin» boHH* wife. ginning. how economical she Is’’ Interst ilkir Space. Also beginnii g at the Northeast cur " 'Yes,' Mary replied. it’« easy That interstellar spile» Is not nbso- ler of the John Pen "ger Donation enough for the boss’ wife to be oco lllte lul l, but Is partly tilled with par Land Claim number Seventy (70) lr nil leu 1, She's jrot plenty te be eco- ticles ot matter, how,’er small or In- Towtwhip I \ mx (36) s. utn.'Range Inimical with'" El. hange. » Ible, is the theory lint an Amerl- I wo (•_') West of Wiliam tte Mcndiaii running thence Sou h on the East i in nd ionomer has evolved through , and i oundary oi s nd claim twelve (12) FARMERS' WEEK the study of comets E nough. ¡■'liaitis, thence West Ore and 28-100 lnillig the Ills theory Is based ii|>ou tile filet Cha>n>, t I :i. e North Nine and 60100 December 8 to 13, 1913 that all liodle- l iti nt the same rate 'Chains, thence Eist Eight Links, This will be a notable event in tt e III a v.ietiuiti. but In the open air light I hence North Two and 40-100 ( luiins, er h<»<lh»s mv retarded by friction and thence East One and 20-100 ehams to educational history of Oregon. Farmers’ Co-operation will be the place ot beginning, containing Ore fall at a slower rate. If intei'stelliir the an : or. h If (i ) acres ot land All leading topic of a stimulatieg series ot .space were a vacuum all stars, com- ot s till above described property lying ets and planets would keep the same and being situated in Jackson County, lectures. The week will be crowded with discussions, and demonstrations in relative position and speed. But if it Oregon. Public Notice is Hereby Given that everything that makes for the welfare a vat uuiii the lighter celestial l lMll 'S, .Li " • would tend to I will n of the farmer and home maker. be Ietnr li-l liy i Ion and fall bo MONDAY. JANUARY 26th 1914. WINTER SHORT COURSE Imid l e i... .• • il denser bodies, at the trout door of the Court IL use January 5 to 30, 19 I T''is letuldllia would be most no in J .'ksonville, Oregon, at th.- hour \O|| III the WeM klh>< k tieeible ut thè part of the comet’s ot 9:33 o clock A. M. of said day, sell The College has spared no effort t. in (he oust lie’ll bet yon ori it wlileli Is fartliest frolli tlie siiti, at public auctii n, all the right,’ title, mi ke this the most complete short «•an i prove It.’’—Augus- nini thè loinet wottld teud to ch.inge luierest and estate of the above named I course in its history. A very w id< d. fendant in said premises, subject to i Its movensiit ut tliis |«>lnt and os redemption as by law provided, to the range of courses will be offered in anni» mi individuili dlivetlon. Thls highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy the General Agriculture. Horticulture. Ani Clever Chap. liypothesis sveno, to tx> tattile out by judgment and costs and accruing 1 mal Husbandry. Paining, Poultry Mmnriiti Wlilh*. didn't I tell you not bis obaervutluiis Deputar Meeliauiea. costs. fated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this Keeping. Mechanic Aris, Demisto to eilt iiny inoro c.iinh tuiiiirlit? Small 12th day of Dec. mber, 1913 Science and Art, Commerce. Fores'rv Hi» Chief Objection. \VI .!■» lin not entlng Ü. niainiUH: I’m W. H. blNGLER, and Music. Numirom lectui s ¡ >, Turning to tin- news|>«|H>r reporter, just m»< king tho Juico out of it Chi Sheriff of Jackson Count», Oregon discussions on FARMERS’ CO OPFR wlto was Ids pussetiger, the aviator iti a > N cwm Bj L 'A. WILSON. Dep tty. exclaimed ATION. at I) me an. I ..b oad, will b "It's ad otT; the propeller Is broken, leading feature. Make this a j ei s. i think« mid «e are doomed to fall tl.ixht feet and pr fltnble winter outing. No tuition. N ice cf Final Se tlUmeat "Great nuns!" cried the reporter, I Acc.ur.n.c'lat ors re. «enable. Reiiueei ho-e we don't fall Into the water, IN I 'H IXH'NTV <1 URTOF TIR: - TATE Ot Is ns o ‘ G?»N IN AND FOR J AUKS. N COUNTY. rate« on all railroads, For fur In r i can ’ t .witii a stroke!" — IJppiueott'a. Free Ir n th»L MatUr if the b-tute o' formation silcre-s H. X. II N> ANT. R< c str. r. itili'. ^»»hoiiuV. H I tTSOtl. Sleep, rtclies and health to he truly Public Notice is Herrin Given that Corvallis», Oregui I I.If» enjoyed must ht» Interrupted.-Rich* M. C. Mahonev, the administrator of Farmers’ Musin< »« Cburses by Cor-I not h> the estate of Jennie Mahoney, de tor. ceased, has rendered, presented and reepondencc without tuition. OREGON AGR1CILHJ1/L COLLEGE JACKSONVILLE. • - OREGON State of Ohio, city of Toledo, l„ Lucas County, > “• Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of tbo firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONU HUNDRED DOLLAR3 for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ly the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my p;< cc, tliis Cth day of December, A. IX ISSflL (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Not try Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the biood and mu cous surfaces rf the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO. Toledo. O. Sold by nil Druggie's, 75c. Take H oll 's Family Pilis for constipation. - A LEGAL BLANKS ’ ■ .»rompt', y <»btr.ine<l i : .-iitn -s en r c rcE. TRAJE-«.. R I to, yiiu< i irvgis- ist’re.!. Nmd , . ihip I or Fi.oio, fur F.ÎEE REPORT Ot: • 1 • uv. 1‘: tuntpracl- l»ü exclusively. L L-.LRÛNCL3. 2 < ' i.» In f ■n; i f >r invahnble bock < i 3W \ J ' Z J : • I - C_LL • • ------------ PATENTS, ¡Sii li OD' 3 V 1 pi“. 1 to get. h partner. l> itent law n:.d o... r x........ ...... ... ..uai ’n* ....... infor.tiat.on. We have on hand for sale the following F b 11. SDk?ï Ü CÖ PATE ¡T LAWYERS, 303 Scv".r‘.h Ci., Washington, 0. C BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed, because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 1475, Chicago, III., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distrssing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c. package securely wrapped and pre- pai I Absolutely Free to any reader of The Jacksonville Post. This re medy also ?ures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old o • young. The (' H P->van Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. blanks viz: Lease, Mortgages, Bill of Sale, Agreements. Warranty Deeds, Qud Claim Deeds, I hattel Mortgage, Acknov ledgements. Real Estate ontract, Location Notice—Placer, Location Notice Quartz, Satisfaction of Mortgage, Reil Sittti kjiits Cucraet, Notice Application for Liquor License At reasonable prices. Weintend adding other blanks as fast as possible until the line is complete. Blanks of special form printed to order at short notice JACKSONVILLE POST Big Surprise to Many in i Jacksonville Local people are surprised at the QUICK results received from simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, the German rem edy which be-.nme famous by curing r ppendicitis. The City Drug Store states that this simple remedy draws <ff such a surprising amount of old f< ul matter from the body that A SINGLE DOSE relieve., sour stomach, pas on the stomach and constipation INSTANTLY. ADS. bring