Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1913)
Orecron Historical Society (’ity fTall JACKSONVILLE, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 27, 1913 Vv 1 ‘ # y J • j hl '■< ! r'l i 1 ■ I i :;s> E£<3 • > 17 A i ■■ y - "Ilk * ''"■ot K/ j 1 rrw * li Ö I! it it u. take this opportunity to thank you and express our hearty appreciation for the loyal support ac corded us during the year which is drawing to a close and sincerely trust you will find the New Year over-flowing with hcippi ness and prosperity. r ULRICH’S The Pioneer Store Jacksonville, Ore JI ÍÍ PORTLAND LETTER ary is worth 25 cents and is bound in a i pretty stiff red -over, contains note ’ spaces for each of the 365 days of 1914 After Big Institution Closes Dis- a calendar for 1914 and 1915, states the popular vote given by each state for Dale Set l'or Irrigation C Ti Wilson, Roosevelt and Taft: aiso the tatcr Prohibits Further Pay gress. InPtiX of Europe political division of each state in the ments This Year. U. S. Senate and House of Represen- an Immigrants is Look i tatives the population of «ach state in 1900 and 1910, the population of about ed Far. Mexico City, Dec. 22-The Bank of six hundred of the largest cities of the London and Mexico closed its doors to- Unitec Sta*es, a syn< psis of business T- day. This bank is the second largest I laws Patent Laws, and much other in Mexico. It has a capital of $20.000, useful information. Portlard, Ore. Dec. 23, 1913(Speci"l)- 000. Deposits are $30,000,000 and sur I February 12-14 is the date set for the • That Chicago woman who purposes plus and undevided profits are $16,000, 1914 meeting of the Oregon Irrigation to adopt fifteen babies, representingas UM Congress, wh'ch will be held in Port many different nationalities, doubtless By a Presidential decree issued this land at the Imperial Hotel. The exec i found her example in the successful afternoon, every day, including today, utive committee is busy Dr eparing { a ; work of the city in the same line. until the end of the present year is tentative program that will be announc After sentencing a few more gun- ed shortly. made a legal holiday in order to check the run on the banks here, particularly 5 men to terms in the penitentiary New It is planned to give a banquet on that on the Bank of London and Mexi I York city may divorce some of its resi- the night of February 12 for the dele I dents from the idea that it is the pro- co. gate to the Congress in celebration ef., On the promulgation of this decree 1 per place for carrying on wild west the effective work done at the last the Bank of London and Mexico opened customs. Congress. This banquet will he given The Colonel is still carrying every under the auspices of the Central On- its doors but refrained from paying de I thing before him in South America, gon Delegation. posits. The hank was unable to get currency even a riot having been held in his hon About 40 organizations of water-us with which to pay depositots. Bonk or in Columbia. ers, ditchowners and commercial bod ers here generally agree with the man If rhe egg crop stavs in cold storage ies are associated with the congress agement of the Bank of London and much longer, the Boycott will become) and each will send five delegates. It Mexi-o in tne opinion that the institu unanimous. is expected that 250 delegates will be tion is solvent. The ability of those Mexicans to j present. The London and Mexico Bank has "shoot as they run” somewhat decreas That the Pacific Coast has ample b:en embarrassed more than have oth es the unique renown of the late Dan time to prepare for an ultimate influx er concerns because it has for a long iel Boone. of European immigrants, is apparent time been accepting deposits, while When Turkey has to apologize to any from reports received by the Oregon the others have been refusing them. State Immigration Commission. This The depositing public, made nervous body, it’s a strong intimation that hei conc'usion has been reached by that enemies are on good teims with each by the general banking outlook began office after making an extensive inves other. last Wednesday to wiUidraw money. tigation in cooperation with the Ore Of, course if Giff Pinchot should ob gon Development League, of repot*.ed ject to its plans the National Rivers sales of thousands of steamship tick «.nd Harbors Committee is at perfect ets on the installment plan to prospec LIVFSJOCK liberty to file a minority report. tive immigrants via Hie Pauamu Canal If Huerta ia the Yuan Shib Kai of is without foundation. Mexico, Dr. Sun Yat Sen^nust be the Rumors that a great flood of Euro Accurate Judging Done by Stu Felix Diaz of China. pean immigrants was to p ,ur upl>n the dents cf Stock. A Congressman has introduced a bill 1 Pacific Coast as soon as the Panama to protect calves, But it is veal he i Canal was open,has created great anx- has in mind, not slit skirts. j ietv amongst civic organizations. J'he That College students of anima! hns-; A New York theater advertises "a 'Oregon State Immigration Commission bandry are learring to judge and place j clean play for clean people.” And we I felt that it such a throng was actually livestock with great accuracy is shewn look for that theater to have u new ad ' in prospect, it was incumbent upon the by the closeness of the scores made by Commission lo ascertain what provis vertising manager soon. four Agricultural College teams at the ions could be made lor d stiibution ot Now that more light has been thrown , Portland Livestock Show. The Idt.ho atriving aliens away from the congest on the Mexican situation, it appears j team won first place with a total of ed centers. 2451,% points out of a possible 8000, the I that the real bone of contention is the So far as a thorough investigation Oregon team was second with 2346 | “oil fields.” could disclose, no steamship company points, Wasnington State was thiid j 1 he Soc.ety of the prevent ion of Uae- has yet quoted passenger rules for im with 2331 points, and Utah fourth wiih jless Giving is a fine thing of course, migrants via the caua>, and no such 2287% points. There was a difference j but many of us will not have the moral tickets are being sold t imer for cash of five and a half points between the j courage to join it. | or on the insta lment plum Persistence Oregon and the Idaho teams, and of Perhaps Mr. Rubin made a fortune | of the old rumors caused this office to sixtA-five between the highest and the ; while in j<.ii by saving on office rent. j make such investigations and the re- lowest. Why '.he Kaiser should be so hard up ' ports now in hand from me American Points are made by first placing four I is not apparent, ns none of his family Consuls stationed at the important animals of one class in order of their has married into the French de Castel- ports of Europe, utterly discredit the excellence and then giving orally to the lanes. tumors of a direct Pacific Coast immi committee on contests the reasons for New York critics find in the "Mis gration. so placing them. In order to make 100 The state of Oregon is especially leading Lady" the worst play of the points the student must be correct in af- well equipped through its commercial season; something in a name then, delivering hts .teasons, which must be organizations banded together lo han done without notes. Should every man ter all. ole any possible inflow of agricultural to Still if China would only live up in a team do this without an error in immigration. The Atlantic Coast states any one class of livestock, the team I the teachings of old Confucius, the mis have not and never Imd such an orga sionaries would be butler off than they theie would receive 50u soints. As nization as exists in thia state for the were were six classes of slock to be are at present. distribution of agriculturists upon the made judged, each team would have A self sacrificing wife has divorced soils of Oregon. 3000 on a perfect. her husband in order that he may mar Ultimately positive that the favora ry one he loves; but isn’t that a bit ble climate and inviting opportunities hard on the otner girl? of the Pacific Coast will attract a large Educating the Jackie A craze for yellow is said to have de immigration from Europe through the veloped suddenly in London, from canal, still the Immigration Commission Secretary Daniels would have every which it may be dedcced that Emmy feels no alarm over any immediate ov erwhelming influx. warship that flies the American flag a Pankhurst is getting busy. well equipped school for the men on Switzerland wiil doubtless continue board. The Secretary does not mean . t peace with al nations, it having that this education should be altogeth been stated there is but little chance Work Orderedby Lane er of the technique of war, or of sail of ever finding oil on her soil. ing vessels 01 <r. It would pertain What greater p oof of his undimir- to those things in the main, but it Washington. Dec. 22 Following the would include instruction in practical ished popularit. could the Colonel ask recommendation of Judge Will R. King callings, m which the Jackie could en »han a warm reception in Chile? of the Reclamation Board, Secretary gage, if he carod to, when he retired Lane has today ordered the construc from the service. tion work to commence immediately on Forest Noles In working »ut of this scheme the the West Umai ilia Reclamation pro young officers are to be the teachers ject, for which $1,|WO,(X)J is now avail of the men, and on every ship will be The forest priductB laboratory at able. Secretary Lane has waived the established a complete course of prac Madison, Wisconsin, has made 4,000 technicalities standing in the way of tical industrial education. Th« plan is tests on the strength of American immediate consruction, and bills wi.l rather an emphatic presentation of be called for so that the work may woods. what the Navy has purported to do for commence this season. The gathering and selling of acorns its men during many years, hut never lias done in any effective and satisfac is a new induslsy, in Arkansas, to sup ply eastern nur-ery firms with materi tory manner. Few Eximiialioi s. To enhance the value of the Navy as al for forest pla Hing. Thirty different wood preservutiv s I a trainer of men, and a very 'practical Dallas, Or., Dec. 22 —The smallest matter of fact trainer of them at that, are in commercial use in the United , strikes us as one of the best uses to States; many of them utilize creosote number applying for certificates in this which a Navy can he put. It may be of one sort or another; others require county in the past 10 years took lhe teachers’ examination here last week. looked upon by hard-headed men as a chemical salts. mighty expensive system of education Last year the forest service distribu It is feared that teachers in the schools so far as the cost to the country >■ con ted 116,000 basket willow culling«: 13, of the county will be scarce the coming cerned, but so long as we must buiid, uOO to forest school«, 20,000 to agricui I , year as a result of this al'eged apathy. man and sail the -hips, why not make lural experiment stations, and 81,uull ------------------ «Wr ' the best use of them?—Telegram to individuals. The American Bonding Co. of Balti More than 800,000 horsepower ha« more wiil go i n your bond and write been developed from streams on na burglary insurance. Electric Sparks tional forests under government regu 1) W. B ausidw 'gent. lation. This r. presents the output un Good printing costs no more than tne der conditions of lowest streamflow. FREE POCKET DIARY I poor kind. Leave your orders at ll. s Florida buttonwood, a tree confined We ta1 e pleasure in announcing that j | office. We d good work at reasonable any of our readers ran secure a fine 96 largely to the keys along the south j prices. coast, is very highly puled lor use I., page pocket diary free of charge by ' sending a two cent stamp, the acti a cooking on ship’s galleys. It burnt , Don’t pos unsightly, scrawled notic postage, to D. Swift & Co., Patent j slowly with an even heat and niAu| es when von can have them neat.y | printed at tt.ia office fora small charge. i Lawyers, Washington, D. C. ' The D.- | but little smoke or a*» HUERTA ORDERS HOLIDAY Fake