Image provided by: Friends of Jacksonville's Historic Cemetery; Jacksonville, OR
About Jacksonville post. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1906-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1909)
Wlyn in Med f.avi ¿Lap ¡li Lhp ILuu-tdi The Boss has reduced the price uu THz LAST ALT IN T^E ROGUE the time was camped at a rancheria The reason for Colonel Ross feeling sa SOMETHING ABOUT where the finest of meals arc served his fancy Chinaware. at the foot of and to the southwest of kindly toward George was that in lhe RiVER INDI AN WAR Roxyann butte, made no reply to the Rogue River Indian wars, in which le TYPEWRITERS and the most c■ rteuus attc ition given. Try us and see. 11-tf notice sent him by Colonel Drew, but took part, Geoage had acted as guide < WHILE IN MEDFORD George, who was stopping with his and servant for him. George was then Why do so many people pay $100.00 mother who was residing with some a bright boy above tho average in in Call and sec Mack in front of In April, 1855, cceured the Ledford Rogue River Indims at their rancheria telligence of the Indians and being for a typewriter when they can get j 'Aeerie’s for Chili Concame massacre, the last of the tragedies of located on the hill just back of where true to the whites Colonel Roes had bc- one just as good for about $50.00? and hot and cold lunch. Em- the Indian wars of the Rogue River ■ come much attached to him and tried There is no better limo to now stands the Sisters Academy al We are agents for the GRADY RE ploy inent office in connection Valley. It occurcd at Rancheria Prarie paint your building than at Jacksonville, send word for Colonel to make a civilized man of him and a BUILT TYPEWRITERS and can fur-1 the present time and you A!ACK WILL CET YOU WORK at the head of Big Iiutte creek and , good citizen, but the efforts of the Drew to go to hell. This insulting an nish our customers with almost any cannot st better paint consisted in the murder of five white swer and the fact that more proof had | kindly old colonel were of no avail. machine they waut. These are not than we nse. men by some Indians of the Klamath been recently secured that George had As to who was George's father the i second-hand machines but re-built. DR. T. T. SHAW tribe, who were camping at that place v.ZJATO/MTJAG.. taken part in the Ledford massacre whites never knew but his mother was Webster defines the word “rebuilt” — at the time. Tl.e party consisted of Dentist. made Colonel Drew resolve to hang Known as Indian Mary. Marv came “to build again”—and “repaired” as There is nothing tint will Eli Ledford and J. Brawn of Jackson this worthless Indian. The :iew proof among the whites when the I ist settle “mended”. add more to the Offici in P.yan Building, California St., ville, and S. F. Conger, W. S. Protrai anca of a house or it:,co found again.,t George was that he had ment was made at Jacksonville an.'; ' 'these machines are sent to the Upftairs and James Crow of Butte creek, and than n new cont c-f at Yreka traded to a white man a ring lived, the e until her death about twen Grady factory and every movable part [ JACKSONVILLE OREGON It is the foundation of all they set out t. cross the ! Cascade ty years ago. During al) the Indian ee decorations. mountains eastward to the Klamath that was recognised ar. be.vngiug to wars and even after her son Lad been is taken off and sold as junk, including one of the Ledford party. the type bars. All bearings are re Lace country. They were rnountei hung she remained a true friend of tho On the evening of Ncvembe placed with new, the machine is re and provided with arm ; and proceeded proceedei v.bites. While she mourned deeply enameled and re-nickied and few of up Big Butte on a trail that hud not one] Drew sent a detachment Paint will r.ot only’ add to the death of her son yet she said he the most expert can detect the differ- ‘ the uj pear;.ace of a i-jiic- been traversed thus far during the s i- ers t.i George’s camp. He w '.nd Latest Stylos of Wall had killed white mtn and deserved to ing but will pres»r-> ll;e ence. Many of the rebuilt machines son. 'I hey were not subsequently seen by surprise and made no 11 1: Paper, Call on er Address be ; unished. She did washing and wood: 1 prevent »1 ease. was taken down and guan are equipped with the latest improve alive by any white man and their fat..- house cleaning for the white women, was only discovered through the mer night ati I early next m li ning honest and industrious, she was much ments and arc guaranteed to do first- | taken to Camp Baker, n large class work. est chance. respected by all who knew her. She of mon of Jacksonville wont Jacksonville, Oregon Co over these prices and see whether On the 4th of May, following, Indian said bad Indiana were the causo of the party to Camp Baker. I was you can do better. Remington, models Agent Abbott with a small p .. ty .. t downfall of her boy. After George ing on my farm a ralio and a : ice $48 to $60. No. 2 Bon out from Jacksonville for I...: ; had left Colonel I'.oss ho got to roving 61 ington, $30. Each No. 2 Remington is ! among the Klamaths ;a. .1 folluwv I t):- from Jueltsonvilla on tho .st about tl.e country with a band of Ku- ZUt trail of the Bedford j. ;rty up to a point that lead by Camp Baker. G docs and soon fell into their thieving, equ.j ped with two coLr ribbon per-! DelÌCÌ»»3 mi ting you to write in two colors. | in the mountains where the sno.v pre the soldiers pass with their p marauding ways. Ilf reeling and vented further progrès.;. It was seen saddled my horse A number of Indians had come to Smith Premier, No. 1, $35; No. 2, $45 i A A Lish to 860. Oliver No. 3, $50. Underwood that the Ledford party had also been panied the party to the camp, Carnp Baker to see what was to be rived there about 10 o ’ clock that fore ¿ay dinner? st >pped by the snow and had turned done with George and as Liy saw the No. 1 and 2, $55 to $75. We have the ' back. Abbott and his party turned noon and George was placed in tho rope placed about his neck they gave a Monarch, Fox, Fox Visible, Densmore, back and followed the trail of the lad- center of the camp with a strong dreadful hov.l and lied from camp. Fay Sholes, New Century, Blickens- ford Party until it ended at the Indi i 1 guard around him. George was a big His mother was there and with some derfer. The machines range in price rancheria or camp. Abbott found its athletic Indian fully six feet in height of her Indian friends reinaired near from $20 to $75, just as good as new deserted bal k cabins burned. The in and about 30 years old. He acted like the camp over night. 'J he next morn with a better guarantee. dication ■ showed, th it the five men had a wild lion just caged that day for ho ing George's body was given to her Take one on three months trial and i been murdered. Four of theii- hor.-as was not still a moment from the lime and about 8 o'clock they passed my 1 if not satisfactory all we ask is a | he was brought to camp until he W33 were found dead having been taken to house on their way to their camp at small monthly rental for the use of the [ a thicket, tied to a tree and then shot. taken to the place for execution, He Jacksonville, having the body of' ma hire which will be applied on r.ny . uy a .. ccond-Hand Machine? constantly walked about watching cv- Abbott and his men returned to Jack George lashed on a pack horse. Ar- ; othc- machine you may select. sonville and reported the probable mur ery move of the soldiers and of tho riving at their destination they built a Bring out the dignity of y..ur bjsi-1 Or a machine sold crowd of angry settlers that hud gath der of the I.edford party. big log' b.eap and on it placed the body nes. by using .-. typewriter, it 1. ti e ■ by a peddlar, that ered at the camp, and tile desperate ,s a rule has out- A company of thirty men with John look on his face showed that at the of George and then set lire u> it. Ji.rt mo ', -a way. H-.w many letters do Nr Risk. ived its useful- Hillman and Henry Kllppel as leudei;. least chance ho would make a break i why they burned George’s body I nev you receive from a business house1 r.ot iess, or it would set out for the . -.ccm of the mas.-iacre for liberie, but the soldiers hud their er learned, for the usual custom of tiie wr.i'en on a typewriter? If you re ' not be offered for and after a considerable search found loaded rilles ready for instant use and Rogue River India..;, was to bury their ceive a letter from your wholesaler sale. The ordin ary second hand I Uuud. the bodies of Ledfprd’s four compan George had to await hi: fate. written in long hand the thought i I ty; ewr ter is only our c ; a : v ions hidden in a thicket and covered strikes you that he is not progressive ' t- rnpor inly re •te « • At the time that Colonel Drew sent with brush and trash. Their throats and unsafe to deal with. That his • I. KÌ»c '• <■ ito. paired and is only had been cut and by the character of the detachment to Jacksonville to ar i)E (‘ARTMENT MAKES short 1 ved, while goods are of an inferior grade and his one year i/. uhi dale » i rest Tyee George he sent another de \. e .-.ble to o:'er you machine., .ntuely rebuilt, as i I the wounds and bruises upon them it cï i price may be too high. If he does » APPOINTMENTS I-.» th¿m «or n .. i.: i v. rv respect. A product of the largest was plain that they had been killed as tachment to capture Captain Jack, for not use a typewriter he is not modern s'RPij against ck-tt ifr.ontnl ■ .. r, icl tl , ... of th; ki:a'. in lhe world, employing only skilled ' j hia ia heiter than they slept. Ledford’s body was after it had been determined to hang both of and his goods must evidently be out of wear, hJ-iiiS. All our machines have all the wearing you get with a new machine u; them for taking part in the Ledford for wards found at some distance away. The forest Service has ju3t announ date. parts move.I and new parts substituted. The bases and fr nes havo bMn re-enameled and re-nickeled. The Indian murderers had fled and left massacre and for the depredations that ced lhe following appointments on Na '1 r.y appe:'-.- to be new and are as good as new. Apply at no trace as to their whereabouts. they had committed since the massacre tional Forests in Washington and Ore They were sought for far an ! wide but upon the settlers of Rogue River Val gon districts: The holiday season is over and the without success. It is thought that ley. They had been repeatedly warn Guy P. Smith, Assistant Forest Ran Boss has a few things left over which they had gone into hiding in the prai ed to leave the valley but refused to ger on the Washington National For must go. A fresh supply of candy has I do so. Jack was known to be at an ries above Flounce Roe', until the snow est; Sherman A. Browr, Earl Abbott, been received. had melted allowing ef their e cape Indian rancheria located near a big Carl M. Ewing, and Gaines II. Looney, RR; r U3E» , ■’ across the mountains to their own spring or Clark Taylor’s donation claim Assistant Forest Rangers on the Fre FOR SALE Two and one-half acres in city limits, two story house, out country. The search had lasted a just south of Roxyann butte, then mont National Forest; Martin J. Grib buildings, water tank and gasoline month when the searchers disbanded known as Skinner’s butte. Either by ble, Clarence L. Henson, F. W. Stahl- pumping plant, good family or spies or by signals to him by smoke by and left for their homes. man, Marion Burlingame, O. S. Cal ; the other Indians Jack learned of the lison, George Ledford and G. M. Tal chard and garden spot. Most de A close watch was kept of the In sirable location in the city, for sale I soldiers and fled, and got himself on mage, Assistant Forest Rangers on dians and in after yearn suspicion fast the other side of the mountains never cheap. Enquire of Jacksonville Real the Oregon National Forest. ened upon several prominent Klamaths, Estate Company. ' to return to Rogue River Vailey again Theodore F. Cadle has been restored among them a war chief, Skookum for if lie had he would have been shot to duty on the Fremont National For John, who was killed at Fort Klamath I or hung. Had Jack been captured at in November, 18(i3, by Captain Kelly this time it is probable that the Modoc est; Deputy Forest Ranger John B. Express, Freight, General Delivery. Teaming to Senical and Assistant Forest Ranger and Sergeant Underwood while they Indian war fought in 1872 imd of which Roy E. Thomas who have been on fur were trying to arrest him. Two othi : s all Parts of the Country. Nothing tco Heavy or 1 Captain Jack was the leader and chief lough have been restored to duty on who were supposed to have had some too Light. Agents for Cölestin Mineral Water. instigator, would have never occurcd. the Oregon National Forest; James thing to do with the massacre, met For his part in this war Jack was hung OREGON I Allen, Assistant Forest Ranger, who with violent deaths and finally, the JACKSONVILLE at Fort Klamath, so his escaping the , has been attending the ranter’s course last, ns supposed, of the suspected hanging bee at Camp Baker only post at the University of Washington, has braves was wiped out of existance at poned for a time his stretching hemp. been restored to duty on the Washing Camp Baker near Phoenix, at about The soldiers who had gone to round ton National Forest. the same time that Chief John was The resignation of Maurice Hamil shot at Fort Klamath. The hanging up Jack, finding that he had fled, re of the Indian, Tyee George, on the 19, turned to camp about 2 o’clock, that ton, Assistant Forest Ranger on the of November, 18(53, is well rcmember- afternoon and at once preparations Washington National Forest has been ed in Jackson County and with its at were made for the hanging of George, accepted. The -------------- *.-------------- tendant circumstances become one of which took place at 3 o'clock. No the principal romances of pioneer trial was given George and he was hung on a military order issued by Col GRANT SALOONS REOPEN; days. onel Drew. Among the fine old oaks OWNERS MORE CHARY During 1863 some Klamaths sought that were on the camp grounds was and obtained from their agent, Rogers, For Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. nick-named Sugar Foot, permis ion to one with a large horizontal limb about SUMPTER, Or., April 13.-Since fifteen feet from the ground. Over reside on the west side of the Cascad the late decision of the Supreme Court j DUNNINGTON & DENEFF, PROPRIETORS es. They came in numbers to the Ro this a rope was passed, one end made of Oregon, declaring the election bv fast to the tree and the other end was gue River Valley, their chief men be j which Grant County went dry illegal, Jacksonville, Oregon ing Tyee George and Capain Jack, and left hanging down with the noose i liquor men in that'county have again! ready for George ’ s neck. A box was they made themselves at home, roam started up in business. One of their ing nt will over the valley and serious placed in a wagon and upon it George first acts was to organize to uphold the was made to stand. The wagon was ly disturbing the settlers. They were law in regard to »oiling liquor Io min said to have threatened the lives of in then by a team hauled under the limb ors and habitual drunkards, and there- , of the oak, the noose adjusted about dividuals, shot cattle, and to have by to lessen the opposition that has thrown down fences and committed George’s neck, and then driven on leav prevailed against them during past ing the Indian hanging in the air. His TP) ° Yes, I have it in any color and other depredations. years. One young man Lawrence The settlers were so annoyed by hands had been tied behind his body, Ford, has already been caught in this I 1 TH T quantity you want at prices as low these Indians that a clash with them but his feet were not tied nor was he dragnet, it is stated. He was arrested i as the same grade can be had in was imminent and it was determined blindfolded. As he swung off the box on complaint of a liquor man for sup 4 4- Our Our P paint com- " Portland. Nowis'O ® a’nt com to force them back to their home in the rebound of his holy brought him plying minors with liquor that h? had I" pares favorably near th» tree and he threw his legs the time of year the Klamath country, This was un- secured by purchase, being of age him- □ with other brands. to paint the house. dertaken by Colonel Drew, then in around it. He held this way but a mo j self. ment when the strangulation on his “ L SYSTEM ” Clothes command of the Oregon volunteers -------------- •-------------- We assure courteous treatmennt stationed at Camp Baker, This camp ncex caused his muscles to relax and “One Touch of Nature Makes the vouches for the most advanced and prompt attention to every was located in a tine oak grove and his body swung by the rope, and after order and guarantee satisfaction. J fashion and superlative tailoring. Whole World Kin." a few struggles he was dead. prairie on Coleman creek a mile west Indians eondemmed to die usually of the present town of l’hocnix. Tyee T hey’re easy and dashing in Fred J. Fick, Contractor and Builder. When a rooster finds a big fat worm s George and Captain Jack were the maintain a stolid disdain and make no cat and virile and vigorous in leaders of these marauding bands ef plea to be spared, but George begged . he calls all the hens in the farm yards Indians and they were ordered to leave fi antically for his life as he was being 1 to come and share it. A similar trait style, as befits this touch-and-go Rogue River Valiev. who at placed upon the wagon and saw no j of human nature is to be observed age» chance of escape, From the defiant, i when a man discovers something ex desperate attitude that he had main- ceptionally good he wants all his Every “ L SYSTEM ” gar tained up to the hour of bis execution friends and neighbors to share the ment for Spring is marked by an he broke down entirely and promised 1 benefits of his discovery. This is the t > be a good Indian, but Colonel Drew I touch of nature that makes the whole emphatic distinction "and a subtle and all the other whites felt that the world kin. This explains why people good form that irresistibly capti on y good Indian was a dead Indian so who have been cured by Chamberlain's vates the young man of the period no heed was paid to George's promises. Cough Remedy write letter.-, to the As George mounted the box upon the manufactures for publication, that Look for the "L SYSTEM” wagon he saw in the crowd of settlers others similarly ailing may also use it label. It's your warrant of worth and Colonel John E. Ross and with tears and obtain relief. Behind every one our pledge of perfection. filling his eyes he piteously implored of these letters is a warm hearted wish the colonel to save his life. Colonel i of the writer to be of use to someone Sold Only by the Ross stepped forward and took George else. This remedy is for sale by City- by the hand and bid him goodby, say-; Drug Store. ing with tears in his eyes, “George. I LEVI STRAUSS & CO. can’t save you for Colonel Drew knows The Boss for candies, nuts, fruit SAN FRANCISCO tint you helped kill tho Ledford party vegetables, in fact everything that is I and he is mad and you must hang. nice. i i (By Merritt Bel inrer, Pioneer 1853.) Panting Season Ft , Paper Hanging Ch -.‘H & Fick Pa C. F. BOWMAN ' / a Typewriter? DRA Y AGE ill "O* Ttìe e‘L” Behind J Paint OVERALLS