Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1??? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1898)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS J) It. J. U, MILLER, DENTIST. flu DtmUl Work. Article Oolil Croivnt and IMilgit Voik. OttUa a Mtrtnth Ht., near K. r, Drpol. HUOIVNELL .( CA.MI'IIELL, LA HIE US. . Will atactica I nil tho count nl turn alula VantWM Jllork. E. MARKS, ATTOIIXEY-A T-LA W. Xotury Public. Ottlca In CautlfM Work. E. L. DAVJDSOX, lwp. COLVMItlA STUDIO, The Up-To-lhUe Onlhiy. Tavtralta In Crayon, Oil and l'aatol. Main St., Oregon City, 'jpj op TioryT2 T 3 tin fT .5 6 7 8" 9 dpi (t 12 3 U y 16 Tt $ j a 19 '2CI 2f 22 23m i fc'J 2621 '2'ff'29'(y BAM of OREGON CITY Uldctt Bank In the City. rmld np Caak Capital mrplai , . . $110 OOO $9t OOO is lo rpsak llicir language. We liaro not even cared lo sand consular regresonta liven who could fponk tlio luiinnd of 1 liu countries lo b liicli they vrero cred ited. TliU is n RltoT l-fililod poliry. There indications Unit cir "commer cial b nkfiiirm" will son result in re forms so far us ns the government ia onenicd, I ti I even Fpuiibh-'pi liking mi mils will not Im able lo control lliia trade n;i.insl loinpiitih r who ran ion wise fre ly villi mer hauls, Irnd. iv and n:iii ri? in '.l.rir i n'ivo tongue, , Tlic Iiepnblic ' f Mexico evinces more lush. ess -ngacity i'i tliis iwpj't. lie Lev ina '' the Kn.'lii'i-Hjieiikin nrs SANDY. Threshing is nonrly flnishod, and the farmers have pence one mora. Mr. Zogg llirenhod lhogtento-t number of bushels; 2200 altogether ofT his Urge farm. T. II. Fisher ia hauling material, mul is building ii cclliir. The company, uhich ia going lo build A 'rawniill in this ncighliorhood, U i blasting out rocks in the Sandy river, ! in which lo lloil down railroad lie. I Sunday nfiernoon, while Mrs. I.ninnn 1 iul lier fuinilv wore, absent (run heme, I .1 ...... : l . .... . . .1.. I I I inrir iiiiu resilience wn1 iM'Mroyt'u I'' firo. Mr. Mi:('nb ', who lives nciil , raw llui fl.uii", nnd ha, wiih liis hoy, AfVltfLK K. liMS, - - J'l'III.IHIir.lC. Knli'iod lit the poetollieo in Orenon City, Or., lift neeoiiil-eliiflu .TERMS. Oun vonr (in ml vti ni') tl DO Six indiiil.B " " no Thri.o inoiilliH ' " 23 If not pa iit In ndvnnce riOeoiilHiiddiliotml will he cliHWd for i'omI of keeping the nceoiint and lo iniilco good tho onm- lhar. are eure to oenr wilh defurrud pitrmenlH. . . II . 1 A.I-.. . .1, me -lestiiiH I lo .doluiixHo the conuneree ! " ll" ro " ,avc"""1 ",0-T "m only Kiiveil Iht! i ninn aim a luw other HiiiiKH. Thu renid.-nee win valued at (IOOJhii I hud insured for t:'i!0 How oi the or I I, t lie Mexicin tjoverniiiuiit mal l'.'; the teat'liin; Ivvl'h la i t;mio eoinp ilwry in Hie p ililii! kc'iodIs Tho Muxieam and Suiilh Atncrirnix i rj i ! tlit) lire oiiinalo I in ii'iknown, i eauer lo trade wiih ih.. i-rea el a'r Yunk.r H me Inippieel ami jKHHihle co:ninerciiil devolopment lies ill ia Koiillii'rn Ian i ie ol our own lieni hiceit man in Handy overihe arrival of anolher waitivim for liii hotel. It is a rjMIE COMMKUCIAL BANK, OF ORKUON CITY. Capital, .... 1100.000 fRANBACTfl A aiONEIUI, NANKING IITHINKSH Loans ninde. IlilN diMeonnied. Makes collertinnfl. liiivxaiid fpIIh exidinnie mi II pnlniH in the United Statca, Kurope rid iionu Koiix. j)niosilg received ml)' to cheek Uunli open from f) A. M. lo r h. D. C. Latoi iiktte rrosident t.J .Mkvuk :ashier New Aurora Hotel H. WILL, Manager. Dlnlnff room rocoives personal aupervlHion Tnblos well sup plied witliBoasonablo delicaclos. Ilooms ro nil nowly furn!nbed iiid fli'ut-cluHS. A wr'l-Hlockod bar Is conductod for theaccoininodution of tho I public. I tlVE THE NIW MANAGEMENT A TRIAL Aurora Hotel and Restaurant. Jacob Giksy, l'liormitroii Kalee U Per Day and Upwardo. Livery nnd IVt-d Hiahle In Oonimelion With i he House. Horses and Itn'ics lo ai ueasonaiilu Kat-s. Bar supplied with the lliient wines. Ii uora and clgaia. Weinliardt lleor on (Iriiuiiht, AURORA, OREGON. OKKGON CITV, SICl'TKM IJKIt 7, 1808. pl.'re. We should nol wait il all iho ""'"'" """y B'' i "ul1' inuine'' naiives of the I aliii-AineriiMii comitiiu ! l.'arii the Mniilish T.;o mol I I'' re I Z lias koiib le Damascus lo of Ihein will never lu.i'rn it. ! to wi rk on Will. J'uiby's -.. . 1 ; J liincliiiiii. Red Ta;)6 III tho Army Dopnrtmen!. Nearly everyone Iihs gone Imp-pick w.f. There, may have been many causes lor Miss Socio went lo Oregon Cily to at miauiJiiuueini'ii' ol Ibe iiiruir. of the, war tend the teachers' inslimte. department, hut loo much red lane in' U Kiimlei land, of Portland, is vls- Iheiiietliod of dotiij! things is rep nihle King her cousin, Mia Mav l'ost-r. K!'0 V H to Win I) WvWi,c!i "I i"!-4 sec 8, 4, iiw-4 of bw! eeo 9, Ip3s, r7e rt S Welch to Win E Welch, r.v)i of no 4, njj of nw,'4 and se4 ofnw.'ijsecO lp 3 a, r7c ... 100 K Chai-e to J Cri de,aw of mI of ijKsec 13, lp 2 a, r4 e.... 250 00 .1 Cri"h),lo K Jon-trud, B i-4 of B.'i of nw.lj' sec 13, lp 2 a r 4 e ; 100 00 W il D.iviilMiu to J K I i v ill -on , n '4' of s 1 14 aoc 10, l p 0 s, r 2 "... 200 00 1 M K illoiiiihl.y I lols.r), ll, hlk 132, Aiivon City 1085 00 G (i Kinn- t) V B Kru-e, 32 us in l! I'rown elm, tp 2 a r 1 . . . . 1 00 F K Kiuse lo (MV Krose, 50 as Fee (I, lp 2 8, r I 0 1 00 F E Kruee to C W Kniso 13 to I id- hc'O ip 2 a rle ' S5 00 PA 1) S Moore lo M L & A O Haywood. 00 as of I Farr ckn CO1) 00 Summer Floor Dressing. Made of finest Chim and Japanese mailings, dean, cool, comforlnblo, smooth and easily . kept clean. We have them in laro variety of Japmese weaves nnd colorinpa. Bummer all over the house witli Ihcpe iilcnl floor dresaings. We have n few remnants of lifvh grade matlinus that we will sell at reduced prices. BELLOMY & BUSCH The House Fiirulahcrs, OITOSITF COUUT IIUU8F, t MAIL SKItriCK. Schedule for Arrival ami Dcpnrture uf mans. By Southern Pacillo arrive from Hie south at 8 :40 a. m. and S.iifl p. m. ; from the north at 0:24 a. 111, nnd 0:52 p. m Depart for south 8:50 n. 111. and (1:20 p, ., for the north 8.-10a, 111. and 3:0(1 p ni. By likiclrio car from Sellwood and Mil- waukie 8:15 a in.; from Poitland 1:30 p. m Uepiut for Sellwood mid Mil- 8:15 a. 111. ; for Poriland at 12:20 p. m. deceived from Wilsonvillo, (iiahatn Cli..nv...l ... .1 mm Diwiioiu nun iiiiiiiineito ai jo ::io a 111., lepitrl for W iIhoiiviIIp, (Iraham, Kinfl'ord ml Willmnelle ut 11 :30 a. in. Keecivrtd fiom lMulnlhi, Liberal, Mu lino.Cariig mul Fly it I 11 ;3o . m.,.lepmt lor Molalla, Liberal, Muliiio, Carus and Ely at 12 in. I ' T'II-WltKKI,V SKKVU'K. Uecoived from Viola, Loan and lied land at 12 111. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, leave fur Viola, l.ouan ml ltedland at 1 p, 111. Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Iteeeived from Slonn at 3 p. m Alou day, edni'Hilay nud Friday, depart for Ktono at 10 a. in, Monday, WedncMiav and Friday. Heccived from Mulino, Union Mills, Meadowbrook, (Marks, Mink, Ileavei t'ltrek, and I lv at 4:30 p. 111. Monday, Wednesilny nnd I'riihiy, depart for Mil lino, Union Mills, Meadow brook, (Maiks, Mink, iVuvcr Cieek nud Klv at 8 a. m. en Monday Wcducsdav and Ftiduy. ThoniasF. llnymd: Peacemaker. Tli serious illnchs ol former Ambaspn dor Tbonins F. Bayard will recall to the minds of many his (liHiintiuislied gur-vlcj-at tlio Biilihh court It will a'so cause a mure peneial apprcciu'ion of the fact t tai h did mora than any ambas sador or inniiBier to (treat Ilntain to crca'e and los'er the fraternal seiitimout for Americans displayed son linirably by Iho British peoile iluiinu the late war. J ho Hi Ht diplomat. c representative from this country at the British court lu biaiiuraiu nil era of kindly feeling Hinonif Hie Ihiltsh public Mas James Uussi'll Lowell, who wug a'Ciiiiiilisbcd in diplomacy as in scholarship and lot-lor.-i, but it was not 11 11 1 i I the incnin buni'y ol Thomas F. Bajaid that English itood-wlll beeanie inanifesieil so i-lioiuly that Iho Ameiieaii ambasi-udvr vied with leading British statesmen for popu larity Ht public K'llhcriutts. The entire term of o I lire of Iho dis tinguished IMnwuro eiiUeMiiiiii nl Hih BritiBli court was nut inarrud by a biii.l unplcdsaiit episode, nor was there any sucn lire ol American ii:itionil dignity pride or int. r. Hi dur 11 Unit lime. The public fpeecheg and uticranccg ol Mr. Bayard brn.ithet Aimlo-American fuiti rnily ; llioy HBi rtcd the imlop -n denic and iirowini; Hlivnulh of Aincriea bile reci'iiiiizin iho urealnc and grandeur of Iho Brilii-h heart mid con ieuce anil gave the British mind clearer coucepi ion nnd higher atprecia tion of our national character. But (buy bad a far diUVivnt cfluct in th'lB country, where Anglophobia hid been cnllivated to such a decree that it waB rcKar led as about Ihe only unfailing sign of piitriolii-in. Mr. Barard was du nounced even by a large clement in his ou 11 party and almost unanimously by tho opiio'iliou. J hero wero at limes loud deuiauds fur his recall, nud Iho sub Hituliou of someone w ho would display iho "true American nirlt." When a change of adinini' t ration ended Ids sorviceg the British p -nple 11 1 lernak'd their joy over Win. McKinley's election wilh manifestations of deep ro grot in p irliiiii from Thomas F. Bnyard, The Bred sown bv AmbaMPador Ilnvard has yielded a bountiful harvest. P in 111 Iho inceition of 1 lie llispauo- American war tho British nation lias been an American ally in spirit, and her fraternal attitude has bad a waild-wide. iufluetite. Anglophobia is 110 louver rcunrded nsn symptom of American patriotism, hut ia combated ns an odious malady whenever an isolated case is discovered. Tho bono llciont region of Victoria is 110 longer held accountable for the oppressions visited upon English colonics in the reign ol senile Uoorge, III. The lion and thu lions whelp no longer growl a menace across the dividing waters of their liabit its, but roar a ! friendly greeting instead. Blessed, indeed, ato Ihe pence makers, for much' of it. Una is clearly ghown by the letters from different correspon dents at Monlnuk Point, When Secre tary Alger got to that place ho was able to do much to improve conditions, and to do it expeditiously ; but bo was vio lating army r.'gulaii"iis every minute in Ihe methods he took to got quick ro- Silts. Tim fecretary of war, when on Ihe ground hiniHcli',rocld disregard regu lations that were made by his depart ment for the guidance of others. There seems lo hi need for complex overhauling of the war department an I i'B system, in the interest of elliciency and direclneHS of uiulhoila of accomplish ing results. Thii is a work lo which tho attention of b ith congress and the mili tary nmliorities should bu di reeled in the near fill 11 ro. is accompanied by a young lady friend. Health of Hie Navy. The good healih of the ( IllcerH of the olliccrs and seamen on board the Ameri- ran war vca-els thai were Motioned in tropical waters ig n tribute to the excel lent manaizemeiit of the navy depirl inent. Pisenie anil ( xlnuntion would er:ainly have been common had not. lixcipline nnd pr.'i au'iinary provisions for the well-being ol the seamen been of the best. Tho navy hns b en much more free from control by puliiieiaus then othor branches of the government, and llui ef fect is oberv,iblo ill the good result shown in every re-poet. WILSONVILLE. Born, lo Mr. and Mm Alii on Baker, n dauliier, Friday, August 2Uth; Akin Mi ley rpent Sunday with his parents and friends. Miss Aniwire'a Sharp ami Conrad Prienler wero married in Oregon City last Thursday. They intend to make Oregon City their future home. Tho picnic at Wils m vil'e last Satur day Has quite, a succers and largely al ien led. lion. Ceo. C. Broviiiell nud W. H, U'Keii delivered eoum very inter an I patriotic speeches. The base ball game between Ihe Candy's and Bultuville's was very inler.isling, and was decided in favor of the Butteville's. Hop-picking is in full blast. Hops are beginning lo mould very fast Smno hop groera have been contracting their hops for 8,'g cents 11 pound, Aug. 31. Jckua. BORINCS. Threshing, the lianle-t nnd iiiomI dis auiveiildi) j tb of Ihe seu-011, is oerwith The woik has been dune in 11 fir.-t class maiiui'i' by Doiighia & Shumwa ' stcain liiresher. The larg.'st yielils ivporiid are thiity bushels of wheat to the acre, mid sixty-two Iuihi els of oats. While Hie yield is In-low the average, it is hi ill better than lliatoftho neighboring districts.- Hop-picking is Ihe lending topic just mi , ... nun , niiu rtri null; inni r iiu u-iitu ll'illir J he wnr rovenue tax on a to onhono 1 . . . . ... ... . 1 is siailing lor tlie hop varls ; home going meaiage is to cents. Not w ishing to , .. ' 1 J IUI JIIUIII', 11 IIIIU 1UUSI Ul llll' yUOII IOIKN line uning lo linvc a good lime, nnd muki A woman's idea of a good man Is one who sen ib his Blep children .1w.1v to school KXECUTOBS .NOTICE. Nulice is herohy given Hint the under- signed, lias been duly iij poiiiled exeiti tor of Ihe est ate of Margnvt Will, dn ceased, and all I'l-rsonH havinir claims against said dercaed, lo pret-enl them to me with pnpr vuiichcia at my place ol rest deuce, near Barlow, Clackamas county, Oregon, within six mouths from I he dalo of Ibis notice, DAVID WILL, Execulor of the estate of Margai-ril Will, deceased. G. B. Dimu'k, Attorney for Executor. 'Dated Ibis 3d, day of August, 1808. - - - 1 . 1 : -ti; NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Land Omen at Okkoon City, OiifonN, August. Dili, 1SII8 Notice is hereby given that 'the following-named settler has liled no1 ice of his intention to make Itnal proof 111 Hiippnit of bis claim, and llit.t said proof will he made before the lfugislcr nnd Iicceiver at Oregon City. Ogn., on September 23 I, 1808. viz: (li'or.'e E. DibMe, 11. E. 8770. fur Ihe e'a of ne.'4' and e., of se ol sec 20, Ip 4 s, r4e. He names the following wit- misses lo prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz Eugene Woodward. ol Oregon Cbv.Ogn.. M... fc- :l 1 . . - . . F i-iiiiii-i iMiieeKer 01 rpnngwnier, iign Lawrence Baker, of Eluoul, Ogn am Jack UriiiHt.air, of Elwi od, Ogn. Cii.iB. B. MomiKS, Register. Old Ulhcat flour Made 1y the Patent process, is a perfect flour. Wheat is not thoroughly matured until it has gone through a " sweat " in tho bin. It docs not make a strong flour, is, in fact, immature. TJie wheat from which " PATENT " flour is made is all old stock. Ask your grocer for PATENT brand, made by the Portland Flouring Mills. I ise this enormous sum, tho ti lep'ioue company has raised Ihe pricu for 011c miniilo use of the line from here to Poitland from 25 to 60 cents, thereby making an a Idilion il prollt uf 23 cenlH. Our business men are highly and juslly incensed at Ibis mo nopoly ra'e and talk of not only boycot ting the line, hut combining with mer- hunts of other towns and having a line of their own. The telephone company is not in Ihe position to make excessive barges and thrive. Woodburn Inde pendent. Assignee'! Sale of Houses and Lots. The following properly is od'ered for nud mi' t in: MH. 11 so as to close up the estate of E. E. Williams, insolvent I deolor. Any reasonable olTer will be occepled for tho whole of said propel I y or any part of same : House and lot 7, Idcck 1 19 of Oregon Lot 0 of block 81 of Oregon Cily. Lot 1 of block I), Falls View Addition to Oregon City. House and lot 11 of block 8 ol Willam ette Falls. Lot 11 of block "H," Clackamas Heights. For terms, piices nnd particulars cull on or address, J 110s. F. Uyan, As.-ignee of estate of E. E. Williams. a few cents on the a.du if possible. The old proverb "look before you leap" was fully explained here last Sun day, when Iwo 11:611 hiid to work Ihe roadi hehro a medium size threshing machine could move into our urighb n' hood. We don't want any of those very large machines uniil our roads have been eiilhcieuily widened that Ihey can bu m ,ve I about without having lo do extra work. County judge Ryan made a visit in our burg Friday. Prof. U. II. Pierce, our. plensint faced teacher, ndended the teachers' in stitute Mon lay and Tuesday, nnd ro polls a good attendance. Sept. 4. EW TSET SftTEC TEES BOEE. Tliey started their new happy life of love lied h"pe '.uK'.-'V.-r it' a tiim bright timed little that stood back upon a terraced lawn. A sfiooth path Kd to the broad " stoop " and hospitable piazza. T:e lotiu sweep of roof, the wide curving; "bavs" and the litll; western turret with oriel e.dndon s bespoke ample room and light and cir nnd gorjruiis sunsets. O how Hi. :y loved Hint littl- home ! ITi Was industrious, frusral, ambitious ; she a t. 'tiller wife with a heart full of devotion ; I nd both of them determined at any cost if struggle or sacrifice to earn r.ud pay fur TO TELL THE BEST GUITARS You enn tell the best Guitar, even if you can't play a note. Simply look in the sou nil hole of the instru ment and if you see there the name George Washburn burned upon the wood, you nmy feel confident that the Guitar is the best made. We are always glad to show Washburn Guitars and Mandolins. They are so wonderfully reasonable in price besides being beyond question the best instrument made, that they practieully sell themselves. For sale by Burmeister & Andresen, - JeWelers RELIABILITY ( wi for not t of whom is Thomas F, Dauud. Stes'iier AKona Schedule. On and after Sunday. June 12, the steamer A itonn wiif.inaki) three trips laily brlwi' ii Oregon Cily nnd Poriland, Kuuiid ii y tickets by electric enrs nud boat, 43 1 ut" ; singto liolct, 23 cents. Tho sclii d ile ill bo ns fullo s : Leav lng por bin 1 Bt7.C0, 11:00 a. in., nnd . v.i ; Oregon City at 0:00a in., "r).'30 p. m. On Sunday, leny- Leurn the Spanish Tonguo. The Importance of acquiring a knowl edge uf the Spanish language, now that we 1110 about lo acquire lerritoiy that is populute I by Sp mish-speiiking peopls, ins bei n empliasiied by Dr. Andrews in reeciil published illtervitW. Ifwenrulo become dominant in Ihe commerce of Mexico, 111 the Central Ainoiicau and South American republics as we. I ns in the islands, which we are aboul to acquire, as a result of the war with Spain, it becomes cur manifest duly lo oiler tho American youth nn o porlunity lo acquire a knowledge ol the luuguiigo that is 1 poke 11 in all these countries. The leason Great Britain hns controlled the cnnuiierce uf Mexico and too South Aimuienn nations is because her consu lar rcpreseutjlivos in those countries speak the Spanish languagc,and because no British iner. h ait or manufacturer would th 11k of sending a representative to Ihcm nbo mis nut familiar with the Spanish tongue. The trade of Mexico nnd lh entire houth A'lmi nn continent is ours by riBfOu tf cogniphy mul by reason of our incenipniiible furiiiiiis for supplying the nitn les they need or went for less money than they can le lirchuscd In NOTICE. Notico is hereby given Hint the nn 'isigned will apply lo Ihe city council a license lo se I spirituous nnd mult I liquors in quantities less than one I quart at the saloon ut the northwest cor ner 01 Seventh Mteet and liailroad Avenue, Oregon City, said license to dale from September 0, 1808 P.m i. IIkmmki.uaiin, Oregon City, Ore., August 24, 1808. NOTICE. Nulice is hereby given Mm' Iho under signed wilt apply lo the cily council fur a license to sell spirituous nnd malt liquors in quantities less than one quart at the saloon on the noithwi t corner of Main nud Seventh streets, Oregon City, said license lo date from September 1, 1808. Wau.aci: Coi.k. Oregon City, Ore., August 24, 181)8. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Iho under signed will apply to thu cily council for a license to sell spirituous and malt li quoM in quantities less than one quart ut the s.ilo.'ii known as the-Huh on the ninth side of Main street bel wi en Fifth ami Sixth envois Oregon Ci'v. said conse to date from September 1, 1808. Jons 11 ILL, Oregon Cily, Ore., August 17, ISM. DAMASCUS. Many of the people are nwav nt the const, nioiiiilmiis and hop-picking, which makes our bustling, little town very quiet, Boone Johnson has men working nud preparing to move bis sawmill from Sycamore to Uock Creek on his place. Tho ladies, of the Bock Crock Sunday school, gave an ico cr am i-otval al the school house Inst Thursday evening for the purpose of raising funds to repair Ihe house nnd fence Ihe grounds. Ihe event wag a decided success, loth so cially and financially. A. 0. Newell is in Oregon City this; week canvassing for a war book, which, when completed will bj thu cnliio bis- I tory 1 f t e late war. I Dr. Hempstead made a flying trip to Oregon City and Portland Monday. Johnson Bros, are rapidly oomploliiii! Mr Sncidei's new house, which will bt an improvement lo our burg. A, C. Cook came out from Poi'ilmn1 Sunnily on his wheel, and t-p'iit tli.i day wilh A. W. Cook and family. J W. Hilleary has nicely fixed up Ihe new post ollici boxes, which our mail w ill occupy, as soon as an order comes to make the change. Sept. (i. OllSKRVKIt this cherished dwell inv place, and Possess It as their very own ; n eosey nest in days of sunshine, a refuge ia time of trouble, a fireside, a home. Is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of "yellow" journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. Th2 success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news -all the news and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best Says the Urbana (III.) Daily Courier: "We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true." i, ,M'd by nTdealers everywhere and subscriptions received vi t k-i u 11 u 111 y-ai ,111.1 1 .. . S: ' i-iiiopu. ju:i k cannot get lids im.te tin- itnon City at l):i'0a. ni. h-es we set In lotich ith the people, and '7v:00p. m. ' the only way to not in touch with thtmi Are yuu interested in t pjvu iters? We have thu Bliekens lerfer, acknowledged Ihe handiest and host mado. The price is J 35, the writing vMble, 110 lihbon is used, printing direct Irom tho type, milk ing a clean print. The weight h but mx pounds, making it handy to carry around willi you. Call at the Press ollice nnd examine it, Ileal Estate Transfers. The Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co. which furnishes Ibis report, is Ihe oh ner of the copyright to the Thome system of abstract indexes for Clackamas county, and bus the only complete set.of abstracts in the eounly; cm furnish information as to fiUtf to land at once on application. Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Ollice over Bank of Dregful City. J B Beck loE I. Mdhr.sw.if of liw'j and hh of sw.'d', sec 3, Ip 5 s, r le $ Gladstone K E Assn lo II L Ward,l.lkl04, Gladstone J II Groshongto A M Groshong, n's of w.'j of 8el4 too 17, tp G s r 2 c C Live-uy t iT Kne.-?0 acres in Abernethy claim S W Hardest? to V E Cook, 1 acre sec 2, tp 5 f, r 1 e 0 D Niswau ler by slier to Wm Scott, SO as sec 4. 5, 8, 9, tp 4 s, r 1 w 1 CO 1 CO 400 00 2i0 00 1 00 IlOVf YROUIM.E CAME. At first it seemed smooth sailing;. He was glad to work over-time, and she being 0111 wuu neeiiie nnu scissors helped the neighbors witli their gnwns. In such ways n few dollars veto added to the small, home-making fund. Day after day, early and late, they earnestly planned mid toiled, never realizing lhnt they were going beyond their strength, until the little break downs began to come. Many a morning he would rise with his head feeling ns he expressed it, "like a lump of lead," and 110 stomach for the dainty breakfast she bad prepared. "O, you must eat I " she would exclaim anxi ously, "You can never work without it." And all the time tryiiiR to smile, she would pass her hand lightly across her own fore head as if to brush away the pain that snapped and darted underneath. Then came davs when he could neither eat nor work at all ; when his sight was blurred and dizzy, his limbs weighted down ns if with shackles ; his whole body full of sickness nnd nausea and distastr. ol Itvimr, and his luiud dark with dismal forebodings. Describing this terrible time afterward he said to a friend : " What troubled me most was that I could not understand what was the matter with me. The doctors said il was eon. sumption ; they did me no good. 1 knew Something1 was killing me by inches. Finally I had to give up and go to bed. 1 nild hardly lift my head oft" the pillow. My brother wanted Ut write to Dr. Picrc of llutl'alu, and brotiRut me three bottles ot lus 'l.oklcn Medical Discovery' and Deggect me to take it. I dulti t have much laitn nut said to mv wife : "What's the use? The doctors don't help me n bit and nothing else will. At tins rate 1 II die nnywav. Tins ' Discovery ' can't hurt me; it mav belli me: I'll trv these three bottles just to please inn. lie was rigiu too. rue first bottle t straight to my aigestiou and g:vf me a.i appetite so I relished my fond. 1 felt as il every mouth ful was doing me good and making good blood in my veins. I began to feel better aim pica up my ttesli ; niy bowels eiiine aiouuii rignt and I guess my liver sort of '"'"" "I', my eongn stopped. 1 got c.od and sf ong and in four weeks I was back at worn .111 like a man." HOW TROl ULi: WENT AWAY. "My wife never let ou how miserable she was feeling all the while ; when I touuo n out 1 made her take the Discov ery ' too and Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescrip tion for her nerves, and she says she's just made over new again. I sent for his great ' Medical Adviser. ' It's the grandest hook you ever saw. If we'd had it before, we would have saved hundreds of dollars." Then came new hopes, new plans, new power nnd fnMi achievements. The little home in time became their verv own earned and paid for by the erstwhile nerveless hands and brain now restored to vigor and activity by the most remarkable life-renewing "Discovery" that medical science has ever revealed to man. And when nt length a sweet, fresh pule life came to bless their lives, they felt that happiness was complete. This is a true story and it cannot be told too often or too strongly. What this great "Disvoveiy " did for this man, il has done for thousands of men and women in everv corner of this Union, and in everv civilized country 011 the globe. The "Golden Medical Discovery " is sold by all good dealers in tuediciues even-where. RELIABLE - FIRE INSURANCE. BEST COMPANIES-LOWEST BATES F. E. Donaldson, Agt 'My Trpnsiirnr'a Nolle. Notice is hereby given Hint there are fltillicient funds en baud in the general fund of Oregon City to pay all outstand ing wnirants euduised prior lo March 1, 181H3. Interest cease wiih the date of this notico, H. E. Straiuht, City Treasurer. Oregon City, Oregon, August 25, 1898. S3p5S 1 Keep It Before I The People, n S7 ' 1 If you can get your name so thoroughly and prominently associated with the business in which you are engaged that jg people -will instinctively think of the name whenever the busi ness is suggested, you will have achieved the acme of advertis ing. If you will put your -. and your business toget ; g THE OREGON CITT PRESS twice-a-week, you will soon reach that point. ti 1 MM.-