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About Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1??? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1898)
0 CCurif Aug 10 08 OREGON CITY PRE The News Leading 0fthe Paper., county While It Is News VOL. III. OREGON CITY, OREGON, SEPTEMUEIl 14, 1898. NO. 4. DOINGS OF THE WEEK What Has Happened in the CJyilized World. GIVEN IN THE PEERS DISPATCHES A fumi'let Itovlew of the Nitwa of the runt Seven Daye In Tlil and All Foreign Land. M'llions of foot of fine timbor liavo uuuii dt'Htroy oj by forest firos along the lowor Columbia. Thomas II. Whooler, son of General Tosoph Wlieolor, ami Socond Limitcn- . Newton D. Kirkpatrick, First cav , wore drowned wliilo bathing nour ip at Jlontnuk Point. Hawaiian advices niiiiounce tlio death of Sorgoont Ormond Flotchor, o( the Pcoond Oregon voluntoer engineer corps. He was formerly county sur veyor of Multnomah county, Oregon. A cablo from Hong Kong announces that a coiniuitteo of tlireo Filippinos, appointed by Agulnaldo, has left Hong Kong to confer with President MoKIn- ley upon tlio futuro of the Philippines. Several sultnon, avcruglng 28 pounds In woight, have recently boon caught in the Sucrumonto liver. From the fact that "the adiposo fin hnd been re moved from each they wore identified bs marked fish liberated from the butch eiies on the Cluckatuus river, in Ore gon, In 1807. The president of the Cretan executive committee lias notified tho foreign ad mlriils that in view of tlio massacre at Candia it is impossible to continue tho effort to organize tho administration until tho Turkish functionaries and troops are withdrawn. Ho demands tho convocation of the Cretan assembly, and proposes to place a force of Crotuns at the disposal of tho international ad ministration. Joseph Chamborlain says nn Anglo Gormun understanding has been per fected, and a treaty has been signed. England is to support the Kaiser's pro tonsious in Egypt. Chamboilnln also gave it out officially that England favors Amerloan retention of the Phil ippines. Ono thing tho Continental powers most fear is that tlio Unitod Statos and Great Britain may enter into an International understanding. ' A roport is published In London of a daring plot to assassinato the czar at Moscow last week. Tho plan of tho conspirators was to allow gas to esuape Into a house on tho routo of the czar's procession until tho atmosphere In every room was saturated. Ono of their number was to remain In tho bouse and striko a light when tho czar was passing in tho expectation that the Iiouso would bo blown to pieces and the ozar killed. The conspirator would porlsh hlmsolf as a eacritlco to tho cause. The explosion was mis timed and a stuff ofllcor and his vi!o wore killed, togothor with tho conspif Btor. Thirty people wero injured. In a large flro at Madulonl, near Casera, Italy, sovon men, two women and two ohildren wero killed. The international onoampment of tho Grand Army met In Cincinnati, O. Every section of the Union was repre lented. It baa boon doclded that tho govern ment ressols which won fumo in tho war will not be sold. Tho Gloucester, formerly Morgan's yaohj; Corsair, ono of tho Auxiliaries, will bo retained, because of her prominent part In the destruction of Cervera's floot. Tho official rooord of tho war depart ment, as completod, shows that there were 83 officers anL231 enlisted mon of tho army, 204 in all, killed in battlo during the war with Spain. Those casualties includo all the lives lost by the array in tho battles in the Philip pines, as well as those in Cuba and Porto Rico. General Miles and part of bis com mand have reached homo. Tho general confirms sensational roports regarding hlmsolf and Alger, and rotors to two pointed snubs. The war department refused the roquosts of Miles that his for oo be allowed to parado In Now York, and that the Wisconsin roglmont be allowed afow doys in Now York before return Ing to its home stato. A riot oocurred in" tho Colorudo Springs opera-house between 23 men representing State Chairman Blood and the Tellor faotion of tho Silver Repub lican party, and Shoriff Boynton and Chief of Police Gustright, with about 75 men representing the 'Wolcott-Ste-venB faction. Charles nairis, of Den ver, was killed, and an unkuown man wos seriously injured. The opera house was then takon possession of by the police, deputy sheriffs and support ers oi ex-unairnian uroao. At Cincinnati, O., the middle-of-the-road Populists reorganized the People's party, renewed its former declaration of prinaiples, and nominated its nation al ticket two years and two months in advance of the date of election. The object of this early action was to head off any such fusion as that of 1800. The Western and Southern delegates nominated Wharton Barker and Igna tius Donnelly for president and vice- president, and declared the principles of the re-organized party. The EuBtern states were not represented. Minor Sewn Item.. . When tho trans-Siberian railroad Is oompleted it will be easy for a per son to go from London to Japan in 13 days. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of Tammany Hull it was de cided not to recognize the new state election law. : The amount of gold coin in actual circulation in the world is estimated by the Bank of England officials to b about 865 tons. LATER NEWS. Fearing a yellow fever epidemic half the population of Jackson, Miss, liuvo fled from the town. The bitter passenger rute war is tor minuted. All western roads liavo agreed to a restoration of passenger rattw, to be effective September 21. Captain James O. Blaine, assistant adiutunt-genoral. U. fl. V., has been discharged from tho army for his rocen flagrant osoapades at San Francisco and Honolulu. Spain has lost another Pacific posses, slon. Native forces captured tho gar rison of Ponape and took full posses sion of the Carolines, which this conn try hail contemplated seizing had tho wur been prolonged. Governor Lord, of Oregon, has com pletod his investigation of tho condition of the 830 recruits of the Second Ore eon volunteers enoumpod at San Finn Cisco, and has tolegraphed to tho eccro, tary of war that ho bus found every thing satisfactory. Gonoral Kios, governor of tho Vi- sayas islands, and ud intorlm governor genorul of the Spanish territory In the Philippines, lias wired the Madrid gov eminent that he has arrived at 'nn understanding with tho American authorities respecting tho island of Luron." Thore Is reason to believe that tho navy department bus selected the Texus na the future flagship of tho Asiatic elation. Tlio understanding Is that Bhu will replace tho protected cruisor Olympia, which is to be ordeied to the United States as soon as her relict ar lives on the Asiatic station. A Madrid dispatch says Spain Is ready to concedo our every demand and the impossibility of resuming the struggle is fully recognized. Tho gov' ernmont iB evidently of theoplnlon that with a strong navy there might have beon a different story to toll of tho out come of tho wur with tho United States, nnd deplores tho fact thut she has but few ships left. A Cu':an patriot writes that ralsory among the Cubans is on the increase, nnd that conditions in Havana City and province uro worso now than dur ing tho war, with no relief in Bight The Spaniards, he says, nro roveng ing themselves for the loss of Cuba by robbing, maltreating and oppressing in every possible way tho unfortunato peoplo of the island.. Chaos reigns and the public seivico has beon com pletely abandoned In all departments. Undor peremptory orders from Gon oral Miles, preparations are being made to broak up Cump ikoll at once, by sending home all the soldiers. The now onlor conflicts with one Irom the war department. Preparations are be ing made, bowover, to abandon the camp in accord with the commanding general's order and in direot disregard of that of the socretsry. Alger, when questioned, passed tho matter over by Baying Milos' order was issued in fur thcranco of tho department's plans. The naval station at Nowport, R. 1., is to bo discontinued. Fifty Spanish prisoners oapturod at the naval buttle July 8, off Santiago, have sailed from Jorsoy City on tho steamer City of Rome for home. The men had been held prisoners at Nor folk, Vo. Illinois has secured the commnndor in-chief of the G. A. R., in Colonel James A. Sexton, of Chicago; and Pennsylvania has secured the location of !!!)'! annual onoampment at Phila delphia noxt year. A dispatch from Manila says: The attitude of the Philippine insurgent leaders is daily bocoming more danger ous. So open is their opposition to tno American authorities that tho situation is strained and reconciliation may be difficult. Toxarkana, Ark., Is ovorrrun with idlo negroes, who are said to have oome from the Northern distnots of Texus, whencoythey were driven by white- cups, who are allogod to have made several murderous attackB on the negroos. At the Washington stato convention held at Ellonsburg, Wash., tho Demo crats renominated James Hamilton Lewis for congress by acclamation, and tho silver Republican convention renominated Congressman W. G. Jones by acclamation. It Is officially announced that Senator George Gray, of Delaware, has been selocted as tho fifth member of the Pans peace commission. This com pletes the personnel of the commission, which Btands coniposod as follows: Ex Sooretary of State Day, Sonators Frye and Gray and W'hitelaw Roid. Two million dollars, for the purchase of the Centoi Star mine, in Rousland, B. 0.,- has been depositod with the oashior of the Stato Savings bank, In Butte, Mont. The purchasers are an English syndioate, of which Sir Charles Ross, now in Now York, is the head. The stockholders who sell out are prin cipally Butte peoplo. A dispatch to the New York Herald from Ponce, Porto Rioo. says that ill ness among the United States troops is increasing. Thore are now more than 25 per cent of the men unfit for duty within a radius of a few miles of Ponce. Thore are 1,000 soldiers in the hos pitals. In some commands there are j 80 per con t of the men down with fever,' principally typhoid. The Manitou & Pike's Peak cog rail way signed a contract for a largo ob servatory to be built at the top of Pike's Peak, with a tower which can be geen forty miles. Mrs. Nancy Wellman, wbo died at hei homo near Louisa, Ky., at tho ago of 05 years, was the mother of 10 chil dren, 11 of whom were married. She had 88 grandchi'dren, 102 great grand children and 81 great-great-grandchildren. She also raised nine orphan children. ' lA DAY OF BAD FIRES The Business Portion of New Westminster Destroyed. THE LOSS OVER TWO MILLIONS Several rernone rerlnhed Mining Town Horned, With Lou or 1. 1 re-T I re st lied 11 lu IT. Tancouver, B. O., 6ept. 13. Th business portion of Now Westminster was totally destroyed by fire tins morn ing. The property loss will exceed 13,000.000. Despair and suffering are the lot of hundreds of homoloss peoplo. Food clothing and aid of all kinds Is boing hurriedly dspatclied from Vancouver to the ill-fated "Royal" city. It is not known how many people lost tholr lives, but it is fearod several have been burnod to death. Campbell a fireman, fell off the rooi of a burning building and was killod. A woman dropped dead from fright. One woman who bad been confined two weeks ago, died wliilo they wore moving her from a burning house, while another, sutler ing from typhoid fevor, who had beon twioo removed from residences which were in the burning zone, did iiot sur vive the shock. So extremely florco wero the flames that apples on the trees on sides of the street opposite the burning houses were roastod. Throe river steamers wore destroyed, the Edgar, Gladys and Bonaccord. Every industry savo the big Royal City planing mills and the Cleve Can' nine Company has been wiped out. The Canadian Pacific ruilway station and bridge across Fraser rivor wore also burned. The fire started about midnight on the river front, and was caused by spark from a stoamor. Fanned by a florco galo, tho flames leaped with such rapidity that within throe hours 10 streets were abalazo. The fire was first noticed at Brackman & Kerr's wharf, on Front street. From thore it spread down to the Canadian Pualflo railway depot and crossed the streeet at that point. From thore it went up the streot, taking in tho other side of Front street, and Columlm street, the ohief business thorough hire of the city. Blook aftor block caught fire, and in a fow hours there was nothing left of what had beon the business portion of Row WostmlnBter. The wind was blowing luriously down Eraser rivor towards the mouth. If it bad been blowing tlio other way the whole of the Catholio church buildings, convent and hospital and other struo' tures, would have been burned. This morning there was no wator sup ply for the uso of the burnod-out citi cons. There was not a single butcher, baker or provision shop that was not destroyed, and there was only ono small hotel snved. Some of the burnori-out people re tired in the early hours this morning In the open air in front of the school house. They covered thomselvos with blaukots nnd luy down to sloop undor the sky. The loss is roughly estimated at 13,500,000, and tho insurunoo at f 1, 500,000. Bunk vaults withstood the fire. One Insurance company's vault was blown up by gunpowder. A citizen s commlttoe has been formed in Vancouver to give relief to the sufferers. Mining- Camp Wiped Out. Proscott, Ariz., Sept. 18. The town of Jeromo, near hero, was completely wiped out this morning by fire, entail- ng a loss of over 1, 000,000 in prop erty. Eleven bodies have so far been recovered, while a soore or more are said to be in the ruins or missing. The fire originated from a gasoline Btove in a cabin, and spread so rapidly and fiercely that It was impossible to save even clothing. '' Fire at Red muff. Red Bluff, Cal., Sept. 18. Fire broke out early this morning on Main street, and beforo it was extinguished destroyed an entire block of tho finest buildings in the town. The loss to property-owners will bo more than 100,000, on whioh the Insurance is probably half that sum. The origin of the fire Is unknown. Tho prinolpal Sufferers from the conflagration are Darrough & Fickert, Bank of Tehama, A. L. Hoffman, P. R. Kettner, and D. 8. Prince. Gatollne Explosion. Philadelphia, Sopt, 18. By tho ex plosion of 60'gallons of gasoline In tho cellar of a grocery store at 1444 South street, tonight four and possibly a dozen lives were lost. As an immed iate consequence of the explosion, the building where it occurred and those djoining it on eithor side collupsod, and up to 10 o'clock, four hours after the occurrence, four bodies have boen recovered from the ruins, and three of these identified as follows: Samuel Schattonstein, keoper of the grocery store; lils 10-year-old son, Abraham; A 10-months-old child, named Max Goldberg. The fouith body was that of a girl about 10 years of age. 'i A Kentucky Fire. Princeton, Ky., Sept. 18. The block of buildings on Main street, here, nown as Bank hotel, were destroyed by fire today. Total loss, about f 50,- 000. Newport. R. I., Sept. 13. The Ocean house, one of tho largest and most popular hotels on the Atlantio coast, was destroyed by fire this after noon. The building was valued at 100,000. Many of the guests lost heavily. KNIFE OF AN ASSASSIN. Entpreu of Anatrla the Victim of an Italian Anarchlit. Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 18. Th empress of Austria was assassinated near tho Hotel Buaurivnge this after noon by an anarchist, who was arrostod It appears that her mnlesty was walking from her hotel to the landin place of the steamer at about 1 o'clock, when an Italian anarchist suddenly ap nenred and stabbed her to the heart, The empress fell, and was carried tho Ilotol Bcaurivago, where she ox plred. The stretcher upon which tho em press was carried to tlio hotel was bast ily improvised with oars and sail cloth Doctors and priests wero Immediately summoned, and a telegram was sent to Emperor Francis Joseph. All efforts to revive her majesty wore unavailing, and she expired at 8 o'clock. The medical examination shows that tho assassin must have used a small triangular file. After striking the blow he ran along the line Det Alpes, with the evident Intention entering the squaro Los Alpes, but be' fore reaching it ho was seized by two cabmon, who hail witnessed the crime, They banded him over to a boatman and a gondarmo, who conveyed bim to the polico station. The prisoner mudo no resistance, Ho even sang as he walked along, say ing "I did it," and "She must be dead." At the police station he declared that he was a "starving anarchist, with nc hatred for the poor, but only for the rich." Later, wlion takon to the oourtliouso and interrogated by a magistrate in the presonco of three mom hers of the local government and the police officials, he protended not to know Fronch and re' fused to answer questions. The police, on searching him, found a document showing liia name to bo Luigi Loa chini, born in Paris in 1874, and an Italian soldier. A groat' crowd quickly assombled around the Ilotol Bounrivago, where the officials proceedad aftor interrogat ing the prisoner. Tho police searchod the Rcono of the crime for the weapon, and the accomplices of tho assassin. It appears that a boatman notlcxl three persons closely following the em press, who was making purchases In the shops. The local government. Immediately on receiving the news of hor majesty's death, hulf-muBted tho flag on tho hotel devilln (the municipal office), and pro, ceeded in a body to the Ilotol BeauriV' age, as a token of roepect. The excitement incrensod, and many of the shops on the Kursanl weie closed. The empress wound was just over the left breast. There was hardly any bleeding. A priest Was secured in time to administer the extreme unction. METHODS OF ALGER. Cninnilialon Selected to Investigate War department. Washington, Sept. 18. The pnsl dent has nrgod the followlng-nainod, among others, to accept places on the committee to investigate tho conduct of the war department: Lieutenant Genoral John M. Sclio field, Genorul John B. Gordon, General Granville M. Dodge, Presldont D. 0. Gillman, Gonorui Charles F. Mandor eon, Robert T. Lincoln, Dunlol S. La mont, Dr. W. W. Keone and Colonol Jumcs A. Sexton. The message wbloh President Mo- Kinley addressod to each follows: "Will you ronder to the country a great service by accepting my appoint ment as a member of the committee to examine into the conduct of the com missary, quartermaster and medical bureaus of tho war department during tho war, nnd to tho cxtontof the causes and treatment of sickness In field and camps? It is my dosiro thut the full and exaor. truth shall be ascertained and mudo known. I cannot too strongly impress upon you myearnost wish that this commission shall be of such high oliaracter as will command the confi dence of the oountry, and 1 trust yon will consent to serve." IN SPITE OF PEACE. ie FUlpplnni Still Waging War agiilnat the Rpanlnrd. London, Sopt. 13. The Manila cor respondent of the Times, telegraphing September 9, Bays: The insurgent oon quest of the island of Luzon is rapidly approaching completion. Recent au thentic roports announce the captnre oi successive Spanish positions, and at present the rebols control every foot oi the island except Manila, Cavite, and a small portion of the provlnoe of Albnin. They hold over 9,000 Spanish prisoners, and have recently captured several thousand rifles, some Cannon, a large quantity of ammunition, and several armed stands. The Spaniards held out vulorously, but were fighting against the Inevitable. It is undeniable that the action of the insurgents in pursuing the cam- aign after an armistice was doclarcd us caused much useless suffering and i destruction of property, and has anni hilated their every claim to bo consid ered in any respect as the allies of the Americans. Typhoon In Japan. Yokohama, Sept. 13. The "central provinces of Japan have been swept by terrible typhoon, which has caused leavy floods, doing much damage and destroying 800 lives. Race War In Georgia. Borok Station, Ga., Sept. 18. The body of George Burton, a negro, who assaulted Mrs. CogginB, was found this morning in the Flint rivor abont thtee miles below Digby, riddled with bul lets. A rock weighing several hun dred pounds was tied to It. The news as reached here that 200 or 800 ne groes are murclilng to uiguy, armed ith guns and rides, swearing ven geance. Every white man in town H doing armed. TERRITORY OF IIAWA1 Official Designation of New Possession. Our TO BE SUBMITTED TO CONORE8S Form of Government Decided Upon by the Congreinlonnl Committee the Pacific Cable. San Francisco, Sopt. 12. The stoam er Coptio arrived from Yokohama and Hong Kong, vln Honolulu, bringing the following advices from tho latter city under dato of Soptombcr 6: The territory of "Hawaii" is the name whioh the annexation commission has deolded to recommend to congress Thus will bo preserved In the president nomenclature from the United States the distinctive origin of this part of the United States. The history and tradi tion of the islands and the associations that now residents hero want forgotten will go on in unbroken union with the name. The form of government will bo modeled on that of existing torrl tories. Thore will be no further de parture from this foim than locul con ditions and national political consider ations make necessary. It is possible that in working out the details the form of government will not approximate bo closely to that of stato govorument as the ordinary form oi territorial govern meut does. But the cl'imete possibil ity of statehood will not be barred. Still, there will bo no District of Columbia or Alaska form of government proposed. Local solf-govornmcnt will be given through tho extension of the municipal Idea. The islands will be divided into municipal districts, having control, under restrictions, of purely local affairs. Honolulu, for instance, will be a municipal district, embracing the whole of the island of Oalio. Ha wall may bo divided into two districts, and Molokul, Maul and Nithau may bo attachod to some other municipal dis trict. The question of a torritorlnl loglsla ture has not boen fully Bottled. There will probably bo ono, but with limited powers. All tho attributes of sover olgnty, however, will bo exorcised by the national government ol the United States. The peoplo of Hawaii will be called on to consider thcniRolvea Amor leans, looking to the uutionul govern ment as a source of nationnl power.' In internal affairs they will . have the op portunity of exorcising tho high attrib ute of Amerloan oitlzensbip, local self government. , The form of government tho commie slon will rocommend will bo one calcu lated to do away with tho associations of national independence and to create associations arid a feeling of union with the Unitod States. It is pretty clour, from what has been said by members of tho commission from time to tiino, that in framing a form of government for these islands they have also been charged by the administration at Wash- ngton with forming a model which can be adapted to Porto Kiooand other now possessions the war has brought the United States. The Pad do cablo may go around Honolulu. A shorter routo by way of Alaska has been figured on. Gonornl A. 8. Hurtwell said this morning: By the last mail I received some communications irom tli company concerning the cable. General Schrym sor writes me that his company Is An noyed at the delay required by the clause in the Hawaiian contract which gives tho secrotniy of state six months In which to signify his approval or dis approval of the contract. Ho states that ho has had sotno correspondence with Socrotary Dny on tho mattor, and has askod him to come to a final con clusion at as early a date as convenient. 'If the company shall not avail itself of tbo Hawaiian contiact, it con torn plates adopting tlio ehortor Alaska routo. Goneral Sclnymscr writes me that a cable, with a landing in Alaska, thence to Japan, connecting with the establishod lines to Cliina, Manila and Australia could be built for less than 15,000,000, as against 112,000,000 via the Hawaiian islands." It is the present calculation to sond the United Statos ship Philadelphia baok to San Francisco very soon, as Admiral Millor, having oomplotod the mission on which he was sont by the Unitod States government, is author ized to return. The transport Sc.mdia arrived from San Francisco this morn ing. Largest In History. New York, Sept. 12. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weokly review of trade says: Tne volume of businoss is larger 'than it ever has been. Investors across tlio water have caught the cue, and their purchases of American bonds and stockB have been heavy for soveru! weeks. Whoat has been about 1 cent higher for spot, with Western receipts only about as large as those of last year for the week. Failure) for the first week in Sep tember have been, in amount of lia bilities, 1,111,593; manufacturing failures aggregated 224,002, and trad ing $703,991. Failures for the week have been 164 in the United States, against 210 last year and 10 in Canada, against 85 last year. No Friction, Bays Shatter. Mlddletown, Pa., Sopt. 12. Socro tary Alger and General Shatter were at Camp Meade today, and witnessed a review of troops and Inspected the camp. Alger left at noon for Detroit, and Shatter departed for Washington. Speaking of his controversy with Miles, Shatter said: "It is all poppycock. There is no friction between Milos and mysolf, at least there was not when he left San tiago. ' 7 A FULL TICKET NAMED. Complete Fuelon IFu Effected at Kllenibarg, IVaeb. Ellonsburg, Wash., Sept 12. The Populist, Democratioand Silver Repub lican stato conventions, representing Kio silvot forces of the state of Washing ton, formod a fusion today, and nomi nated the following tickett Representatives James Hamilton Lewis, Democrat, of Seattle, and W. O. Jones, Silver Republican, of Spokane. Supreme judges B. F. Houston, Pop nllst, of Taoouia, and M. M. Godman, Democrat, of Dayton. Fusion was accomplished by tho Pop ulists conceding to tlie Democrats ono of the nominees for supreme judge. Joint Platform. The joint platform committee report ed the following union platform, which was adopted by the Populists, Demo crats and Silvor Republicans: "We demand the re-establlshmont of blmotalism by a return to the fiee and unlimited oolnngo of both gold and silvor Into money at the prosont legal ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the aotion of any other nation. "We demand that our money shall be Issued by the government only, without the intervontlon of banks of issuo, as full legal-tender for all dobts, publlo and private; that the volume of tho circulating medium shall be e effi cient to meet the requirements of the business of tbo country, for the purpose of restoring and maintaining a just lovel of pricos for labor and commodi ties, to a realization of all of which we pledge our representatives in congress. "We demand that tliero shall be no further issue of United States interest bearing bonds. "We denonnce government by in junction. "Wo demand the election of Unitod States senators by a direct voto of the peoplo, and pledgo oar members of con gross to use evory means in tholi power to secure the submission of a constitu tional amendment providing thorefor. "We take pride io commending tho admirable record of 8onator George Turner and W. O. Joooa and James Hamilton Lewis, our loprosontativcs in congross, and congratulate members of our party on the high station at tained by them in tire councils of the nation. "We bollove that the majority should rule, and upon all grave puollo questions the voice of the people should be heard diroctly; and for' the purpose of securing this most essential reform, we pledge the legislature of the stato of Washington to beeleotod at the com ing election to the submission of suoli constitutional amendments as shall effoctunlly secure to tho people the power to Initiate, enaot and repeal laws, "We domand adequate protection for the people of this state against railroad monopoly by the passngo of just laws governing freight ami passenger rates; and wo specifically domand a 8-oont per-mllo passenger rate and a material reduction from prosont frolght rates. We domand that no public fran chise be granted without adoqnato com pensation to the people, and favor the adoption of such legislation as shall se- ouro that rosulL "We are in favor of liberal exemp tions from taxation and declare our- solves in favor of a constitutional amendment to secure that end. "We demand that tho rato of intorost on state warrants be reduoed from 8 to 6 per cent." HIGH-HANDED PROCEEDINGS. Itecrultlng Agentt Impreulng Employee of Foreign Keildenti. Manila, Sept. 12. Recruiting agents of the Insurgonts are causing further trouble. They have been impressing omployes of foreign residents, includ ing thoso of tho British consul, and sovoral foreigners have complained that native grooms are taking their employ ers' horses and joining tho insurgents. Amcilcnn army chaplains huvo insti tuted ProtoBtant sorvices in prlvuto buildings. Suoh Borvices were nevor previously held in the history of the Philippines. In conformity with the new regula tions, most of tho Spanish steamers are taking Amerioaii registry. The native orows refuse to sorve undor Spanisn officers, and the insurgonts demand that tno American authorities employ no Spaniards In any capacity whatever. Tho insurgonts continue divided bo- tweon thoso who advoonte absolnto in dopondenco and those who favor an American protectorate. Tho British cruiser Powerful arrivod today and saluted Admiral Dewey. Gonoral Otis responded from the Utah battery in the oltadol. It was the first salute since the surrender. Hoard of Inquiry. Wushlngton, Sept. 12. President McKlnley has tendered places on tho proposed commission to invostlgato the war department in relation to the con duct of the Hispuno-Americun war to Major-General Schofield, ex-command- ng general of the army, and to ex-Sen ator John B. Gordon, of Georgia. Hurled br a C'aTe-Io. Butto, Mont., Sept 12. A cave-in of ground in the Ruby mine, just out side of the city, this morning, burled Joseph Kufma and Harry Andrews. Tho men were working in the stope on the 160-foot level. Men have been working on the (all ever since, but up to midnight had not recovered the bodies. Both men were nnnwrled. A l)nr Tragedy. Donver, Colo., Sept. 12. W. II. Lawrence, of Cleveland, O., was shot and probably mortally wounded in a room at the Oxford hotel this afternoon by a woman who Is known here only as Florence Richardson. The woman then shot herself in the heart, dying almost instantly. Mr. Lawronce was taken to St. Luke's hospital. The doc tors in attendance glvo no hope of his recovering. The bull entered bis back and passed clear through th body, coming out at the left nipple. TO GET AT THE FACTS Investigation May Be Ordered by the President. 4LGEB HAS REQUESTED IT Aad Ie Joined by Adjiitant-Oeneral Corliln The Treildent llai Hot Yet Made a Deeiilon. Washington, 6ept. 10. Socrotary Algor has requested the presldont to order a thorough and searching investi gation of tho war department. In this request, the seorotary hud beon joined by Adjutunt-Gcuoral Corbin. No do clBion has beon roached yet by the pros Idont as to what course he will pursno. He has the request of Secretary Algor nndcr consideration, but has not yet de termined whether ho will grant It or not. Socretary Alger had a long con ference with the uresldont tonight, be fore he left the city, and impressed upon him his earnest doslre that an in vestigation, suoh as ho had requested, be orderod. It now seems not unlikely that the Investigation will bo orderod, but it is tho wish of the presldont further to consider the matter before announolng a definite polioy. The question probably will receive consideration at the cabinet meeting to day. THE RIOT AT CANDIA. Eduein Paeha Believed to He the luttlgator. London, Sept. 10. The correspond ent of the London Standaid, telegraph ing Thursday from the British battle ship Ournpordown, off Cuudln, says: Tho refugees tell ghastly stories of massacres. Thoy report that no fowor than TOO Christians aro missing. Sov oral attompts wore made lat night to sot on fire the offices of tho Eastern Tolograph Componv. It hos beon as certained that all tho houses overlook ing tho British camp were loop-holod for rifle fire and barricaded. This shows eloarly that tho outbreak was preconcooted. The behavior and attltudo of the Turkish troops have beon and still are inexplicable. Without going so far as to asseit that they took part in the at tack on our troops though many peo plo are ready to affirm that thoy actual ly saw tho sultan's soldiers firing on our toldiors It Is impossible to con tradict the positive faot that thoy made no attempt to ronder assistance. Every Christian survivor of the mas laore swears that the butchery was mostly the work of Turkiah soldiers, who first robbed and then slow their vlotims. Edhom Pasha hi tiro man who ongn to be hold primarily responsible. Had he wished to provent bloodshod li would moat certainly hove done so. Not till tho British troops undor OM onol Roid had beon fighting hard fov four honrs did Edhom, with bis Turk, lsli soldiors, arrive upon the aoene. H then had the effroutry to say that h had only just hoard that the British) troops wore being attickml by thou sands of bnshl-bazouks. It Is needless to eommont on tholr brazon-fuood ex cuse. It is onough to say that Edhom Pasha muBt have known what was hup enlng from the moment the first shot was fired, if, indeed, he did not ar range the plot himself. To Further Our Trade. Chicago, Sept. 10. At a mooting of the directors of the Illinois Manufactur ing Association, the plans for tho in formal conference rogardlng the treaty of penoe with Spain at the Union Loaguo Club, Thursday ovonlng, Sep tember 20, wore practioully comploted. The pur who of tlio conforonce is to as certain the fueling among representa tive manufacturers and business mon of Illinois on the question as to what position this govornmont ought to take for tho furtherance and dovolopmont ol its trade nnd commorce in the forma tion of the treaty of poace about to be taken up by the peace commission. It is said similar mootlngs Will follow in other stutcs. German Army Hoandal. 1 Berlin, Sopt. 10. A painful scandal has Arisen In ono of tho regiments of the dragoon guards, where the officers liavo boon playing baccarat for high stakos of late. Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg lost 3,000 and Lieutenant Goeta his entire fortnno at one sitting. A quarrel arose between tlio latter and anothor offlcor whioh led to a chal lenge. The colonol of the roglmont re ported the mattor to tho emperor. An gered by the disregard of his prohibi tion of gambling, Emperor William summoned Prlnoe Albert to his pres ence and ordored him to take leave of absonce until September 80. The other two officers wero oashlered. Murdored by Thieve. Cambrldgo, O., Sept. 10. John Boyd, his daughter and son-in-law, liv in a foor miles east of hero, wore mur dered last night. Boyd's little grand daughtor told the fact to neighbors to duy. The houso was ransackod. Boyd was wealthy. A drug was used by the murderers. Police have goue to the scone. Fanneri rraylbg for Kaln. Astoria, Sopt. 10. There Is one vory romarkablo situation In Clatsop county at the presont time. Tho farmers are actually praying for rain. Usually the prayors are for sunshine, but tne not weather of the past week has dried np the ground and Interfered sorlously with tmsturasro. Forest fires bavo caused much dnmnge, and unless thore Is ruin within the next few days, they may spread to dangerous proportions. Indications tonight promise rain tax to. morrow. ' y- O