Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1894)
THE WEST SIDE. U. M rHTLANl,OMlttr. tWCKD BY Cist a Pdis!:::z C::pj SUBSCRIPTION RATES. r AT ASH Ut ADVAHC. On Year , . Bit Mouih. Thr Moatns , ; . H00 1.00 Aa rorrlirnJ death twite not cwxl. In fiv itQM Ut be taeertwl Ires, AH over St line will b cherrl flv emits lor tin Society obllunury KoluUi wtU be chrgl r at the rat of flv wou jxt line. Kitr4 at the rtwUofflo la lodepeo Senoe, Oregon, m xu1-c1m mslter. Friday, December 21, m. DWCOXTINCANCIS .Remember ttrnt M tutlher of tl'l IMLwr mual M nolinrd 6 tetter when tubeertber wtetie hie paper 4topd. AU amJr4s ml b paid. ALWAYS OIVB THE KAMK ot ths pott. offl to which your pp to sen. Your seme mi ml b found oa our book unle UktiH doo. At.r. L.KTTKRS should b sddreeeed to A word to our business men: Enter prises ofall klud should b euTOnraged. For year this town has own but "laudlug" oo th WlHauwtte river. When the Attona made Independent it "head of navigation" it did not aeern of much Importance, but when hut vear that steamboat paid out nearly 84,000 to our ruervnauts, end Ammn for sunntlea the beneM wm felt. Tlien we had no warehouse, now we are to have, three. A through rate of freight has been made from Dallas (by (Mm) to Independence, thence to Port laud. It the people of Independence give the Alton a liberal support, they should, the boat will outiune to make ita headquarters here, If they falter lu their allegiance the result will be the boat will seek new patronage, and tempting ufftsrs are being made to get the boat away from us. If thU year Is passed successfully and the people of Independence stay by the boat we are auiborUed to announce that a yearly service for freight and passengers will be Inaugurated ueit year. CapU Oraham has explained the plan and It will be one of great advantage to us, In having a boat land here every other day the yearrouud. Denperate efloru are being made to direct trade from the Altoua and drive herofl this route. The rich corpora tions back of the other boats may even carry frieght for nothing in order to drive this neat and dainty boat off the river. Can our merchants afford to allow It? We have now a better service than we ever hud, and are promised a much better one In the future. The Wist Bma from time to time has published a great rnauy luteawtiug letters regarding Central America and particularly Guatemala. In all of thobe letters the country was 1 dlscribed fruitful, the climate delightful and money easily made, but still the country was not filling up as it should. Why? We irive the answer In this week's paper, in the rt lutlou of an incident lu Guatemala, where foreigners are im prisoned and maltreated. A country may have fine advantages naturally, but it must have a good government to make It a desirable place of residence. A few years ago these United States attracted millions of people to its shores, who were pleased with its natural advantages (which are here still) and its good government. But ' lately tbe tide has turned. La, week at the one port of New York, there were about twelve thousand arrivals from Europe and twenty-four thous and departures. Why? Because our present governing power Is an Inconi petentone. When we give our people . ii i a better government, men lureiguur will again come to our shores. When the Central American states show Justice to foreigners, then we as Arneri cans will find a way to get there. It would be of great advantage to Iht commercial interests of the Unite Htaiesif there were more American in Central America, because it would enlarge our trade and lucreas our markets. President John M. Bloss, of the Oregon Agricultural College, on paw ing though this city last week, rairl that he would be much pleased to assist in conducting a farmers' instituU in Independence if the farmers wished and would use their influence in help ing to making it a success. A vast amount of valuable knowledge Is to be gained by having such a meeting, and our farmers of this vicinity and Polk county should make arrangements foi such an institute to be held in tbb couuty. We learn from the HillHboro Independent that the farmers of that county found the institute held then sometime ago very useful to them and are agating the prospect of having another iu a short time. Our furmerr should make preparations for having such a meeting. The evidence as shown by the list o assessmens of the counties of Oregon, is that Polk is either paying too blgt an assessment on her lands, or el other counties are paying too little. According to the list we publish in tbh issue Polk county stands ninth in tin list of 32 counties in Oregon in reguard to wealth. When w take the poimla- tlon of 1SW) and divide the taxable property aa returned this year we stand second, Multnomah county with her city of Porttsnd etc., only be- lug ahead of her. When the cn of agricultural lands are divided Into the total assessment of lauds, Polk couuty stands third $10. 88 an acre) belug ex ceeded only by Multnomah (ltS.Be) and Yamhill 1 1.1S. Our people should ex amine this matter and If Polk Is pay ing more lhau her share of state taxes auk for a reduction. Independence people are bow realli- lug that they live In a favored part of the state, that they live lu a very fertile wvtion of country and that merclal prosperity of tlis town Is attracting attention. This la very pleasant to eoutemplate. Now how ever Is a time when the energy of a few men can work wonders in our midst. We refer to soma systematle effort for directing th most desirable Immigration her. This is a subject that should be carefully considered and acted udou and now is th time to organise, A meeting of our business men might result in some plan ol action tending in the right direction. People are coming to Oregou, and we want them to come to Independence. 81 nee November 24, last, the day ou which the bids for the last bonds were opeued, the treasurer of the United States has paid out 125,500,000 in gold and it is going out at the rate of 1V 000,000 a week and, very suou another Issue ot bonds will be neccessary. It must be humllatlng to our democratic brethren to reallx that this nation is oorrowlng tuouey now to help pay running expenses, and yet that is what these bond Issues amount to. If the revenues of our government were 1100,000,000 a year more than the ex penses, eustead of less, you would see nu flurry over the gold leaving tne treasury. People do not cash their clieck on a bank when It has plenty of money, but only when It Is short of cash, like our government la now. The number of cases of accidental shooting Is becoming very numerous. The "Nlmrods'' of the country, who mistake men for deer, should exercise more care wheu they are buutlng. CORRESPONDENCE. FAIKTIEW. There will be a school entertainment at Elklus st;hoohbouw rrlday December 21st. They have a we selected program, and a cordial In vltatlon Is extended to all. Rev, Ingals, of Albany, filled the appointment left by Rev. Wooley at Elklus and Fa!rvtew Huudsy. James Hiltlbrand has been putting new foundation under his reeldeuce. King Tetherow, of I udewndeoce, Is speuding a few days with bis parents, Rev. Yort and tklman, are holding protracted meeting at Elklus. Mrs. Llllie has been visiting friends at Dallas the past week. AIRLIE, The wind stirm of last week did great deal of damage by blowing down considerable fenclug. The One" Adams wiudmill" on the farm of W. K. Williams, was completely torn to pieces. One of I. M. Hlmuson's barns had good portion of the roof torn off. There has been a delating society orgauized at this place to meet every Friday night. Questlou for discussion at ucxt meeting "Resolved that Foreign Immigration should be prohibited." J. M. Btaat bad a fine mare get her leg broken while running lu the pas ture last week. This makes two horses that he has Inst within tbe lost month both from the same cause. The old housB lately vacated by W. fi. Williams, caught fire and burned to the ground last Sunday morning. Mrs. W. E. Daltori and family, oi Monmouth, are spending a few days with her mother of this place. Borne of our citizens are taking in the sights at Portland this week. Hon. Isaac Hlmpson C, 8. Btaats with their wives has taken a trip to 'or; laud. If their Is as lurge a country outh of Independence as there is' lie tweeti, Mere and Jfortlund It is a wbopjer. v Mr. T. P. Beveus has moved on his mountain ranch and will butch no more. His friends are watching how much fut he will take on subsisting on mountain scenery and rabbit tracks. Dr. T. B. Williams has gone out of the doK buisness; he don't buy any more dogs. Mr. Z. H. Htlne runs that lepartment. Too much competition for the M D. you see. ine uoys at tne Airue school piay a game called shinney; a beautiful game for only half play at a time as the other half are putting arnica on their shins, DALLAS. Last Friday J. N. Smith was in Dallas in the Interest of the steamer Altoua. His plan is to lay freight iowu so it is about ten cents cheaper per one hundred than by the 8. P. R. R. Several of our business men readily iccepted the proposition and business will begin at once. ' There has been an addition of three io the population of Dallas the last week, sons have arrived at the homes if A. Dray on December the 12th; at T. f. Morrison's on December 15tn, and at H. Ellis' on December 17th. Jas. Coulee and Gus. Butcher, of the Mill Creek section, were arrested last Friday on the charge of stealing oats and cheat seed from a Mr. Andrews- rhey bad a jury trial Monday after noon and were acquitted. At the council meeting Monday evening ths council aoospMI tht donation of 1100 from the Knetu (Xnnpany for the purchase of a new $100 hose cart. Grand Master L. C Parker returned hmiie from his trip throuhout several portlous of Oregon, last Hunday. The Kp worth League of the M. . church gave a very pleasant entertain meut Hunday eveuiug. On Friday veiling the academy society will give a literary entertain meut at the vlty halL On Wednesday last tba Rebekah fair began. ltcontluueaoverHaturday J. F. Clark, of Oregon City, was In Pallas a few days during the past week It la said then will be a masquerade nail glveu In this city anon. (Jnodl lion. Ira H Hiulth, of Moutuouth whs lu Dallas last Wednesday. Sl'VKR. Our Sunday school elected the follow lngoffl!en for th next year last Bun dsy. Buperlntendeut Mrs. H. , 8. Ilowers, AsMlstsnt Mr. F, Cauthora, Secretary Miss, Ida Harer, Chorister Miss llelcu Klitln, Assistant Miss May Harper. C. Yater, of Lcwlsvllle, was vlslllna bis sister Mrs, Kd Mo Lane last week There will be a shooting and rafttlng match here on Christinas day. Chss. Elgin, of Albany, was visiting bis uncle F. Klglu last week. Home suow fell her last week but did not lay on. The Chrlntuian Ire will be In th ball this year. MOXMOITH. A rather lively election wat held In this city last Monday. Th principal Issue was whether cows should run at large or not. Must of th anti-cow ticket were elected. The successful ones are aa follows: President of council J. II. llawley, Recorder Ground, Marshal 8. I. Coata, Treasurer I. a Powell; council, L. Rcntley, O. T. Uontbhy, F. a Powell, and A, HhlplVy. The Uui number of votes were 1.19. The student of the Normal ar uiak log arrangements to leav for ihelr ditlVrent home Hat unlay to spend their holiday. Vacation will last about two weeks and during that time It Is hoped that those, who remain here will by some means contrive to have a good time so th time will not grow monotonous. Tlue who did not attend Hi lecture given Tuesday evening by Hon. IL B. wilier, or uranli l'a, missed a rare treat. It was among the best of the sers. of lectures given In th Normal chapel. Ii addrewted Wednesday moruiug to the student In chapel. The E. E. appointed tbe following delegate to attvud the convention in Dallas: Lin ul Murphy, Ora Morehead, Alice Hmith, Edith Perolval, Carrie Haley, Cyrus ltrlggs, H. H. Curtis and J.O.Wright. A cougar Is reported to hav been seen near Heudersou Murphy's place betweeu here and Buena Vista rteveial of our sportsmen are thinking of trying to catch It. It McMurphy, of Eugene, Mrs I'oppletou, of Portlaud, and Mis Blcy Hheitou, of Haiuin, relatives of Gtaud ma Hhelton, were here last week to attend her funeral. , Tbatwas rather a comical Incident which happened to the young gentle men, wno is instructing a company of youtig Indies In military tactic last Wednesday. The special exercise for last Friday morning was eways by Mr. HUals and Mlssni Chltders . and Prescott. Mis Parish sang a solo. Walter Hembree, who Is running his father's farm in Yamhill county Is visiting his parents in this city. The ladle of ib Christian church will give a fair in the building west of W heeler's confectionary store Mrs. G. O. Nolan, of Tillamook couuty, spent several days with her mother Mrs. Mumper last week. Heveral young people of Independence attended sarvlces at the Christian church Huudsy evening. The 8. 8. of the Christian church arrlngtng to have a Christmas tree Christmas eve. Mrs. Htella Davis, of Toledo, is visit Ing her mother Mrs. Cressey, of this city. Miss Effle Powell, of Portlaud, visiting her uncle Mr. Frauk Powell. w. u. cressey, wno nas for some . time been quite sick, is Improving. Ill'EXA VISTA. Mr. C. Hughes, wife and daughter will soon be resident of Hllverton, they expect to leave this week, we are sorry to hear of them leaving. There was a singing given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson's In honor of Misses Mora and Addle Prather. Mrs. J. Sullms and family, J. L. Canter and wife after a weeks sojourn at French Prairie returned home last week. . Clios, Docksteader and family, of In dependence, moved to this vicinity lust week, Pearl Hall left here Friday for Oregon City, where ho will remain for some time. Misses Laura Whitman and Dorclle Bhlves went to Hulem Wednesday. A. J. Richardson tood the Hoag for Hulein Tuesduy. Gene Hlmpson, of Corvallls, visited here lust week. Ches Hall, of Wells, Is visiting in this burg. BORN. BUTLER.- About Decembor 10, 1894, Mr. and Mrs. Word Butler, of Ward ner, Idaho, were made the parents of an eleven pound boy. BCOTT.-In this city on December 16, 1804, to the wife of M. D. Scott, an eight pound girl. . LANE. On - December 16, 1894, in North Independence, an eleven pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Lan. OUTRAGE ON AMERW THBEE LIHK-BURSEEM AKXL?7' IX GUATKXAU AND UCTAISW IK PEIHOU FOR TWELTK DATS. Blows Vita tae Lash Malatea 0b. HO CMARUKM Mf Pl.AfXB AAA WIT TIKI IT THKT WKBK KIKD A BraIIM AtNtM'R TO tllTIMKBS. Hao Francisco JCramtoer, Dec. It. With tit arrival of th staamer Colou from Pauama and Central Amer ican ports yesterday, comes th story of another outrage, th victims of which art two American and a Belgian, Th story wm brought here by Eugene llaliu, a wtll known local newspaper man, who returned on the Cokiu from a bust nes trip lo th tropic. In ten eated lo tit story aa h first heard Mr. Hahu Investigated th matter and the result w best told lu his own words: "Tit greatest sensation which hat stirred up tht peopl of Uuatemala of late," said Mr. Habn," data back a far as August 25th. Tba oecumuo of which I waut to speak is of a startling nature, and la bow tuo subject of cor respondence between th Hut Depart meut at Washington and tht author ities of Guatemala. About two miles north of the city of Guatemala then la located a 11m kllu, owned by Robert Van ds Putte, a Belgian, H waa doing a lucrative business. William Usury ArgaU of I HI aula was his superintendent. H called hfc kiln La Pedrtdo. Argall : engaged two American tiegroaa, familiar with th w.M-k, named Robert Pardee and Henry Thomas, and they were supplying Hue euough fur all the Guatemalan who wanted It. KNVIOl'IOr 111 PHOMHKH1TY. "This prosperity aud apparent source of future wealth, according to the usual practice of the Guatemalan Government official, aroused the Jealousy of the Jeft Politico or chief magistrate, of tbe town, Kleajare Asturlat by name, aud the fact that be did not receive any dividend from the lime kiln excited his euvy. One day Henor Asturlas ordered that a crew men be at once dispatched to La Ped rtdo, and that a cabin be erected on tit grounds, whose constructor should claim the property as their own, By this means N expected to drive out the fnrelgtier aud acquire the property himself. But no sooner bad that cabin been erected than Argall called on his two colored men, and the three, under order from tbe owner, tore the shanty down and drov Um intmdera off the ground. This was la tbe morning, and later on, aoout S p. m., Cummandante Gob Kales, accompanied by six policemen, arrived on the scene and arrested Ar gall. They found him oo home-back but mad him dismount and walked him two miles to the city and through the principal streets n the prison, where be wa fcsjked up. "Argsll. when be realised his pred Icament, asked of a trusty to be allowed to see Betior Loprt, th cummandante of the penitentiary, with whom be bad a personal acquaiulalnoe, CLl'HltKD WHM.R A PRISON XB. Instead of complying with the request, the trusty eel ted a heavy flexlbl club, b swung it around bis bead and then let the lash fall oo the prisoner, bitting him s cross the back, Three time did be repeat this, aud then, bis victim having swooned, he desisted aud bad him thrown into mil. In tbe mean time Pardee and Thomas, the two negroes who worked for Argall, had also been arrested, and wheu Van de Putte, the owner of Kilo, arrived to remonstrate be was also thrown Into Jail. ' - ''vand Putte at once eooimunl cated with tbe Belgian Minister, and it was not long before the Minister suc ceeded in securing Mr. Van de Putte's liberty. "Mlulster Young, who represent tbe United States In Guatemala, wa no less active than the Belgian Mlulster to aid his Gouutryruen. Time and agaiu be saw President Barrios, but Barrios would always tell him that h DON'T WAIT For a Cold to Bun into Bron chitis or Pneumonia. Check It at Onco ' WITH AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. "Earlv in th Winter. I took a severe cold which developed Into an obstinate, hacking cough, o very painful to endure aud g troubling me day and night, for J nine weeks, in spite of numerous 0 remedies. Ayer'i Cherry Pec toral being recommended me, l w began to take ic, and inside of 24 J hours, I waa relieved of the o tickling In my throat, Before I finished the bottle, my cough was nearly gone. I cannot speak o too highly of its excellence." o Mrs. . Bosch, Eaton, Ohio. Ayer'8 Chsrry Pectoral . Received Highest Awards AT THI WORLD'S PAIR OOO0000P0000O0pe.' voc!4 look Into the matter without vr taking any action, v "The three wan wie kept hi prison for ' twslv day. There wer no ehacea preferred against them, but the were treated like dogs. On the twelfth day au order ead for their releaa aud they wart turned loose. Argall waa a cripple then, and when I left Guate mala be was still suffering from the ffeotaof the blows he ha received. AN ArPBAL TO OBBSUAX. "After Argall and the two meroei bad beea released ihey went before Coneul Pnngl of the United Btatee and filed a oorumuulcatioD addressed lo Beoretary of HtsU Gresham, rehears ing tbe fat t of their arrest aud Im prisonment aud of tbe cruel treatment accorded them while Imprisoned and asking th Secretary to take step toward securing damages from the OuaUmalan Government. Argall also Bled an additional Individual petition resting the Datura of hi Injuries and how he received him. The Belgian Minister also presented a statement of the case of Van de Putte io his Government asking that r jme action be taken. In oouree of time, and Just belbre tbe Consul left Guatemala, reply was received by Minister Young from HcrtaryGrsham, In which th latter asked that President Barrios be at ono requested to tusks an explana tion, and that la all. "Huch Is the life of an American In that country." Mr. Habn said In eoooiualia, "that bmb of high stand ing in toe ABienoao oniony do nut dsre to go upon lb street at night without a passport. V. K, Kelly, Castle Brothers' representative; George uawiey, air. ncott orcMott to, auu many other well-knowu Han Francis cans are In constant fear of the auto, cratlc polio officers of that little out. of-th-way village, ind their life dowu were is auyuiing out agreeable." Chronic Nervousness CczU Not Sleep, Nemss Oootlemen: I have beea taking yov RsstoratlTs Kervlne for tbe pail throe months and 1 c snoot say SBovfB la its praise. It has Saved fly Life, , for 1 had almost given np hops of ever being wsll again. I was s chroniosuserer from nerrousnes and could not sleep, 1 was also troubled with nervous headache, and had tried doctors la tain, antll 1 used jour HcrrwB. Yours traly, MM. M. WOOD, Blaiweed. UL Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. MlW Mania 'sill S2uls"ltl CmmS ItalBL S bolUM for Sk r fwaraatoa that tbs Bids For County Printing. Bids ar. eslM jt lorurnlsh lo Ms eminty, Orsrw, for Uis 7 mt MB, th Mlowl.t blanks, and doing th. ftilkiwlog prlDUug tU.r heads, per Utonssnd, Ucal Blsnks-MII slss, pr liundrsd. tCl blanks-hslf slss, pr hundrsd. I All blanks and ImIst bradt lo b prlnled nn fourtMn nonnd plr, good qssJIty, sampl of snob pPr lo b. sabmltutd to Ui. county drk Sir lasptoUott beftir. tb. work is psr- Strmwll ? PTlnUitflsslBoUw,arcoantr ert, sod moaUll siaumsnt or bill tllowsd. ptt stiusra, psr Issus, nonpartsl rownur. Printing twenty oopiss eirosii court aockV oiual iIm. AsMMinsot blank. prr thoatsnd. Bids will M opvntd M Ut sount mart bouMset Palls, Tnundsy, Jsnusry 10, 1MB. Don bx order of tbs county court, this II dsy ofOsMinbsrlsM. B. r, Mclcsv, IVrtinljr Clerk, ( C""5 i ml $ Don't Feel Downhearted, When you hear your in timate friends tell of the bargains they get in some other town, You Can Recover From the shock and turn the tables on them bytell , ing them of the greater bargains right in Indepen dence. You can insure Good Spirits and good savings if you deal exclusively ot J. M. VANDUYN'S. tliClllilil!. lsMdtf 4 "-'V.f SteMlSlSttvMS. Irfi "" ,b liwM ihaa U i sadjej SST WWW wwrww w . . - im awers. Tit mm s"e rsst I li4iUs.J4llws.i fr wkl MUll IM,, rti" tSf WlUas U sfi rwrf illuiMlMw4 . ... SWf. M SMSSllsIl M 4 f -S ara KH-tXalrTaS... wwmm mmw wmmrw WITT SfBCtnc OS., Atfests, Gilbert Pond, of Mllfbrd, Mas., who played with tbe Medlbrd brass band t the dedication of tbs Bunker Hill monument, has Just celebrated hi Mtb birthday, and la one of the oldest musicians of the country. Oreyonioa Or. Prics'sCrwtm Baklnf PvwC svsraa 0M Msl Mktwlsiw Im rmsst Asslgaee'i Settee. Notlo. Is bcrvbyglv. Ibst os tb tblrd Say ot NuvaralMf. IBM, , r. O'Doandl, of I pMdMes, Polk wwnty.Orsgna, sm4 aa a. lBBisat for tb. SMsAt o bis etwdllors, and Jsmss S. Osopsr. ot IsdstHMidMes, Orsvoa, has bta duly appoiaWd asslgass of salS law, Mow, UMrsfors, all pwMtas boldlsg or bsvlag slalms against said J. r.O'Doonsll, will prvawil them prupwiy twiasd to said Jam M,OMpr, at IsdvptodaAe, OMgoa, wltbls tar. Moatbs rroat la daw btrmX. MdaBismMis Indvbtad to said t, t, 0Doa. as'l by fsMoa of sasb ssslgsmwit, will pay Utt mum si oatm lo Jam a, Coopw at lad. pMdns, Oregon. PsMd ibb) slsIB day of iMMMte, IBM. J A M KH B, OUOPKK, Asslgnes. Proposal Par Weed. il U brty flvo tblal4 bids will bs rwwlTsd by t, I, lrln, seboot sistfe of duuiet riu. as. at Ldpo, asr Um niratoblng of on bnndrsd snrds ot good rod fir wood, four ajsi kwg, dstlvwsd and rtckwl on lb seboot boas iraaads not lata tbaa Haphrtnbsr I, ISM. 1)1(1 will bs oososd Friday, Pojmbf 21, ISM. Tbs rlgbt I rirvd lo W oar ead all bids. AddrsasJ. D.ISVIP. HJtt lrpBdsBes,Or, RoUm ef HtockkoUsr Meetlag. NoUot t brby glvsa tbat to. aaaeal niMHlns of tbs ttoekboldsis ot IndspsndsaM snd Nunimmlb Hall Oompany will b bi d t iBdvprndnno. Ortgon, oa fctunday, )Mmbrll, ISM, Itar In purpas of slsetlng board of dlreetur and to. Iraasaeuoa sny otbw butlaaas tbat my ewu bSr U mMllng. .Iodpnda, Oregon), DMsnbsr t, USi. w. F. CossAwav, 7JS Bsewiary, . 8teckael4er' Xeetlsf. Tbftll b. a nilng of tbssloeb bolsters' of Ut. ft ml National Bank of !ndspSas, folk aounty. Orvgoa. on Tnstday, January Stb, IBM, at tn bank tatwwa lb. boars of IS a. m. snd p. m. of said day, tor lb purpos. of Meeting dlreetor lor lb Mntng ysar and tnsUwnaaotlua of say otbsv butioea atay sum. bsf. inmi. Pslsd tht Atb day of Dtcnnbtr, ISM, W,B.HAWLBr,Ossbter. Ray lor Hale. Baled t'hat. Bad Oat be. Rul aaad iS CiMStMwd. rot sal. by W. M. Molsom RlekriNUl, Oregoa, xiim car. JOHN MULLER, Prop CHOICE MEATS. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAUSAGE. Markst Is on C tvroot, near tbs posiofflos. 11 mhUftmm iiisipM'e'sY,''Mi r I h02K HERE ! We art rljht nftor you. KmsxI this Bod smile while we weep. We) have Bbontalily Ltdiiw snd (TiildrHi's Jackets, which we are folhg to m il, REGARBLiESSIlCOST. Ebb these priev snd Cora Bnnnlng for Ihey will oof last tons;. MEN'S Long Rubber Boots . - 03.75. MEN;S'Short . . 2.50. CHILDREN'S A 1 School Shoes 1.00. Clothing and Dress Goods, (Any way to assist yon for CASH.) HbtlbC:!. STOCKTON & MEN RLE. ALBUMS PLUSH GOODS CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. Alexander-Cooper Drug Co, STOP! INVESTIGATE!! Then pnrchB boom of our BARGAIN f n STAPLE 5w FANCY GrROCERIES. Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables- We btb agents for GOLD DUST FLOUR of Salem. lie You k Ming Have a fine stock of and follow Keep 5 This is the way for Bargains. BargBiniMB what we ar all looking for these Hard Times.. ' YOU ALL EAT and you will have plenty at every meal, if yon trade with They give more for the money, carry the largest stock and delive 6 RQGER1ES FREE AND H i Fresh Salem Bread every day. Produce bought aud sold. are looking for Bargains now and Presents for the friends. We undoubtedly have one of the finest lines 01 CELLULOID XL DSfEBEHTS. . Also a fine BOOKS, XMAS CARDS, NOVELTIES, GAMES, TOY8, Kte. . We cordially invite you to inspect our Holiday Display CLODFELTER Bros. Indopondonco. TMags Prepared PAINTS. the crowd. pROMpr. GOODS ever brought to Independ'ce, line of Op