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About Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 2019)
22 Black Angus Bulls: Ready to work. Long yearlings and two year old bulls, calving ease, forage developed, Mary’s River Angus, Monmouth, OR. 503-606-0253 March 08, 2019 758 Cattle Beef 801 Timber/Lumber 802 Fencing Quality Purebred Black 10’ stump splitter. JH Angus Bull. 2 years. Brales Co. $500. Burling- Gentle. Ready to work. ton, WA. 360-661-3058 Delivery Available. Eu- gene, OR. 541-484-9054 Angus Bulls: Registered yearlings, 2YRS & 3YRS, Polled Hereford Bulls: Low Birth Weight, EPD’s TOEPFER LOGGING, INC. Top Quality. Yearling Oregon City, OR. 503- Timber Harvesting, bulls ready to work. (1) 388-3702 Slash Piling, Reforesta- coming 2 year old. Can tion: high quality forest deliver. Vollstedt Farms, CERTIFIED ORGANIC and land management CALVES, weaned. Oth- Albany, OR. 541-926- ello, WA. Call for details services. Certified pro- 5640, 541-990-8038 509-989-2141, 509-592- fessional logger. Over 50 years in the timber 3499 RETIRING industry Stayton, OR. Purebred Black Angus Call Jake 503-769-5505, Cows. All ages. Most 503-991-6845 pregnant with regis- tered Black Angus Bull. Healthy and Calm. Eu- gene, OR. 541-484-9054 Looking for Go to Class. 561 WE BUY LOGS • Standing Timber • Land and Timber Call for quotes. We can answer your questions. ROSBORO , LLC Brian, 503-569-8740 Springfield, OR 9-5-2/100 758-1-48-2/HOU BREEDING BULL SALE Saturday, April 6th @ 1:00 pm All breeds Accepted. Please call if you have bulls to consign or email: Expecting 25 Quality Pedigreed Bulls 328 Hamilton Rd. N., Chehalis • 360-748-3191 DOUG FIR WHITEWOOD STANDING TIMBER TIMBER DEEDS LAND & TIMBER Freres Lumber Co., Inc. Lyons, OR 10-2-1/103 CHEHALIS LIVESTOCK MARKET Buying Logs & Timber PACIFIC CATTLE PRIVATE TREATY FALL BULL SALES Angus, Simmental & Sim-Angus SELLING SONS OF • Cowboy Cut • Upgrade •Traction 9-7-3/101 Carl Wisse • 509-539-6850 • Eltopia, Wa View our selection at TODD PARKER 503-859-2111 LYONS, OREGON You can benefit today from the strength of our newspaper and multimedia products and services. Get the latest agricultural news. 9-3-3/109 Advertise to our large northwest subscriber base. 9-5-2/106 We are REDUCING our herd. Offering some ex- cellent Registered Red Angus heifers, bred cows and cow calf pairs, $1,500- $3,000. You can find all the pictures and information at: HUNTINGTON REDANGUS.COM Molalla, OR, 503-833-2980 CATTLE RANCHES? 804 Building Materials Used Treated and Un- treated Glulam Beams: many sizes up to 65’ Structural pipe, great long. Portland, OR. 503- for fencing, piling, hay 936-9414 sheds and other uses. Tennet Floor Scrubber: Have sizes ranging Model 15850, propane, from 2-3/8 to 24”. Over commercial size. Tennet stocked on 2-7/8 tubing, Floor Sweeper, Model 100,000’ available. Deliv- 3640, battery powered, ery available. Call Mike walk behind. Radiant 602-758-4447 Propane Heaters, Mod- Dog Kennels: heavy el TR100, 40’ long, com- gauge panels with hard- plete, like new. Sublimity, ware, makes (2) 6x10x6 OR. 503-769-7127 (each) side by side units, Red Cedar Shingles: $500 all. Redmond, OR. 400 bundles available, 541-527-5045 $16/ bundle. Consider all trades, except horses. CG Fence LLC Upright Quality Fences & Possible delivery. Van- Gates. Farm, Commercial, couver, WA. 360-609- Industrial, Residential. 1002 Reasonable Prices. 28’x50’ beautiful building Willamette Valley, OR. with cedar siding. You tear down and move, 541-357-7791 $75,000. Winlock, WA. OR CCB #221539 360-262-9118 Highway guard rail for Good Straight Dry Fir fencing. Roseburg, OR. Poles. 6” to 8” diameter 541-944-3878 on the butt. 16’ to 30’ Continuous Fencing, long. Good for lean-to, not painted. Used oil wood shed. Brush Prai- field pipe. In stock. rie, WA. 360-892-8619 Great prices! NW Farm Supply, Hermiston, OR. METAL 800-801-5650 or Mike ROOFING 541-561-6047 AND SIDING Horse, Cattle, Goat, Deer Fence Install 9109 N. Wilbur Ave., Portland, OR Professional, Licensed, (503) 285-1907 Insured 6-8-3/103 15 years experience. 509-387-1482 Don’t Replace Continuous panels, guard rail, used pipe, portable panels and more. Corn- ing, CA. 530-200-2725 Your Metal Roof. Repair it! Rust control, stops leaks. White reflective or colored top coats. • BOARDING FACILITIES • STALL BARNS • WAREHOUSES HAY STORAGE • CUSTOM BUILDINGS • PERSONAL RIDING ARENAS • SHOPS & GARAGES • CLEARSPANS UP TO 100’ The scope of service we offer ranges from building only the shell to completing a turnkey project. If you don’t already have a design or plan, we’re happy to create a design that fits your needs & specifications. 17825 Painter Loop NE, Hubbard, OR 97032 Oregon ccb# 205558 • WA License #MINERPB841BO 10-1/106 758 Cattle Beef 888.453.5964 • WWW.MINERPOLEBUILDINGS.COM Are you tired of: • Uncovering and recovering stacks to load trucks? • Bales lost due to leaking covers? Superior Building Manufacturing Inc. can help ease your mind by: • Providing a quick payback of 5 to 7 years compared to tarping • Reducing the loss of bottom and top bales due to water damage • Reduction of labor by not having to uncover and recover stacks • Knowing your bales will be in the same condition you originally stored them Superior Building Manufacturing Inc. offers Engineered buildings in many different sizes. Engineered sizes available are: • 41’,51’,63’,72’,80’ wide buildings by length of your choice. • Full professional construction or easy to construct yourself • All buildings are designed and engineered to meet your local wind and snow loading in your area 9-5-2/104 2284 Rd. 3 NE Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phone: 509.764.8543 Fax: 509.764.8545 503-881-1946 360-727-3500 9-5-3/106 Fence Installation: Fence installed with hydraulic post driver. New Zealand, nonclimb, sheep & goat, woven wire, barbed wire, deer, and rail fencing. Serv- ing Oregon since 1993. Licensed, Bonded & In- sured CCB#93256. Sa- lem, OR. 503-859-2804 29 Ga. 3’ MagnaRib $ • Economy Panel 2.10/ LF $ • Galvalume Panel 1.65 /LF STANDARD PANEL PROFILES 12” or 16” Coverage 36” Coverage 9” Fence Posts: Douglas Fir, Penta Power Pole Treated, round rail fenc- ing. Tinker Toy Fence. Junction City, OR. For hours, 541-689-3726 1” 3/4” Loc Seam 3” Magna Rib 36” Coverage 12” 24” Coverage 1/2” Corrugated Oilfield Pipe For Fencing/ Corrals Idaho Pipe & Steel Ask for Mike: 208-720-4083 1 1 / 4 ” 3” PBR See our website for additional profiles & products! www. metallionindustries .com 503-630-7740 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. Fax 503-630-7770 8:00 - 5:30 850 NW Park Avenue • Estacada, OR Capital Press CLASSIFIEDS 1-800-882-6789 9-5-3/103 QUALITY SINCE 1982 NOTICE: Oregon Construction Contractors Law MARKET SCHEDULE SUBSCRIBE TODAY! • Mar 09: Regular Livestock Auction • Mar 10: Monthly Horse Auction • Mar 16: Regular Livestock Auction and FEEDER SALE. Call office to consign Don’t miss another issue. Market Report for 03/02/2019 Total Receipts: 180 Very good market for small animals with continued strong demand. Excited for warmer spring weather and upcoming Feeder Sale, Mar 16 TOP COWS: High Dressers: $49.00-$54.00; Top 10: $49.95; Low Dressers: $38.00-$42.00 TOP BULLS: High Dressers: $80.00-$88.00 Due to weather there was light test on most Feeder Cattle classes. BRED COWS: $610.00-$800.00/HEAD Pairs: $925.00 HEAD CALVES: BEEF: $180.00/HD FEEDER LAMBS: (by the lb.) 60-90# $1.90-$2.38 PER POUND 90-130# $1.55-$2.12 PER POUND FEEDER GOATS: (by the lb.) 60-90# $1.80-$2.06 PER POUND 90-130# $1.40-$1.91 PER POUND 1-800-781-3214 (ORS 701) requires that all businesses that advertise remodeling, repair, home improvement or new construction be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify a contractor’s license and complaint history at www.hirealicensed PARKERBUILDINGS.COM Building Materials Supplier ENCLOSED PERMITTED BUILDING 10’ Eave 12’ Eave 14’ Eave 16’ Eave 503-378-4621 802 Fencing 1-800-331-0155 503-981-0890 802-1-48-2/HOU New Management! Livestock Auction and Restaurant - Leon & Chloe Birky 24 x 36 $5,715 $6,250 $6,723 $7,248 30 x 36 $6,534 $7,092 $7,602 $8,164 30 x 48 $7,824 $8,392 $9,016 $9,896 36 x 36 $7,441 $8,006 $8,580 $9,345 36 x 48 $8,937 $9,574 $10,214 $11,288 40 x 48 $9,864 $10,533 $11,255 $12,306 40 x 60 $11,416 $12,152 $12,986 $13,945 92380 Hwy 99 So. • Junction City, OR 97448 KIT CONTAINS: (1) 3’x6’-8” Entry Door, (1) 11’ wide Slider Door, Galvanized Roof, Painted Walls & Trim. These buildings have Engineered Plans & price is based on 25# Snow load, “B” Exposure. 541-998-3353 Leon Birky, Owner Check our our new (and under construction) website: 10-3/100 EUGENE LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. REGULAR AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY AT 11:30 AM HORSE SALE 2 ND SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 12 NOON • • • 10-2/106 10-2/108 BUYING Sawlogs Alder, Maple, Ash & Oak BUYING Land and Timber, Timber Deeds & Providing Cash Advances *Prices subject to change. WAREHOUSES BARNS • ARENAS & STALL BARNS COMMERCIAL • SHOPS & GARAGES • RESIDENTIAL 50 Years of Manufacturing Excellence. Buy Factory Direct! Call Us For Your WELL STEM PIPE NEEDS We Deliver Straight To You! 9-22-1/103 Chehalis, WA STEEL Also Maple and Ash: Saw Logs Pulp Logs and Timber Deeds Contact our Resource Group at these locations: Coos Bay, OR: Ed G. (541) 404-3701 Eugene, OR: Dick W. (541) 206-4105 Tim T. (541) 231-4758 Garibaldi, OR: Lee A. (541) 290-9892 Salem, OR: Tim T. (541) 231-4758 Longview, WA: Steve A. (360) 430-0885 John A. (360) 807-7726 Centralia, WA: Jeremy M. (360) 807-7711 John A. (360) 807-7726 9-5-2/100 • USED CABLE • ALL FENCING HARDWARE AVAILABLE • CABLE CLAMPS Direct Ship & Cutting Available 800-851-8612 208-466-0036 208-454-1800 10-1/108 10-1/108 ALDER WANTED